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For the large-scale operation of microcarrier culture to be successful, a technically feasible method for sequential inoculation is essential. Using human foreskin fibroblasts, FS-4, we have achieved this by detaching cells viably from microcarriers employing a selection pH trypsinization technique. Cells thus detached are able to reattach to microcarriers and grow normally after subsequent reinoculation into new cultures. However, after reinoculation cells attach to new microcarriers at a higher rate than to used microcarriers on which cells have previously grown. The effect of this differential cell attachment was analyzed and overcome by employing a low inoculum concentration. FS-4 cells could thus be serially propagated on microcarriers and subsequently used for beta-interferon production. This technique has also been applied to the cultivation of a monkey kidney cell line, Vero. We have also shown that Vero cells directly inoculated from a seed microcarrier culture could be used for virus production.  相似文献   

Human embryonic fibroblastic cells, FS-4, attach to Cytodex 1 and Cytodex 3 microcarriers at different rates. The first order rate constant for attachment to Cytodex 1 is two-fold higher than that to Cytodex 3. After attachment no difference in growth kinetics on the two types of microcarriers was observed.  相似文献   

Adherent cells can be cultivated in a stirred-tank bioreactor by attaching to microcarriers. Macroporous microcarriers, with their intraparticle space and surface area for cell growth, can potentially support a higher cell concentration than conventional microcarriers, which support cell growth only on the external surface. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and green monkey kidney (Vero) cells were cultivated on macroporous microcarriers, Cultispher-G. Cells attached to the microcarriers at a slow rate and grew to a high density. Thin sections of the microcarriers demonstrate that cells were initially on the exterior of the microcarriers and migrated into the interior as cell concentration increased. Vero cells cultivated on these microcarriers were successfully used for the production of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV).  相似文献   

Many microcarriers used for the cultivation of animal cells do not allow for convenient microscopic observation of cell morphology and viability due to their optical properties. Using fluorescent viable stain combining fluorescein diacetate and ethidium bromide, we observed the distribution, morphology and viability of cells on various microcarriers.  相似文献   

The kinetics of mammalian cell growth in a microcarrier culture are affected by the distribution of cells on microcarriers. It has been shown previously that a critical cell number per microcarrier is required for the growth of FS-4 cells on microcarriers. It is advantageous to alter the cell distribution on microcarriers to allow for a larger fraction of microcarriers to acquire enough cells to initiate normal growth. This can be achieved by selecting the diameter of the microcarriers employed. It has also been shown previously that the critical cell number could be reduced by choosing a better culture medium to support low density growth. However, even if all cells inoculated into a culture are capable of growing to confluence, it is still necessary to select the microcarrier diameter ration ally to improve the growth kinetics. The method of selecting the microcarrier diameter is discussed. By employing a improved medium as well as using microcarriers of selected diameter, the multiplication ratio was in creased to 15- to 16-fold for FS-4 cells, as opposed to 3- to 4-fold typically obtained in a batch culture.  相似文献   

Recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cells were cultivated on microcarriers for the production of human immune (Gamma) interferon. The effect of basal medium, serum, and microcarrier concentration on interferon production was investigated. The specific interferon productivity in the post-confluent stage was similar to that in the growth stage. Control of the pH results in a significant improvement in the volumetric interferon production. The volumetric production rate of interferon by these rCHO cells did not decrease after one month of cultivation on microcarriers.  相似文献   

In the design of microcarriers for animal cell growth, the exchange capacity has been considered a critical factor. However, charge densities of microcarriers under culture conditions are not the same as the exchange capacities. Furthermore, the charge density requirement for optimum attachment is not necessarily the same as that required for optimum growth. We demonstrate that charge is not the sole factor affecting the attachment and growth of animal cells on microcarriers. We also show that supplemental serum in the growth medium has a negative effect on cell attachment to microcarriers.  相似文献   

Microcarrier cell culture technology has been extended by the finding that two mammalian epithelial cell lines can be continuously subcultured by simple bead-to-bead transfer in normal medium in which calcium concentrations have been reduced. Data are reported which show that the hamster ovary line CHO-Kl and the monkey kidney line LLC-MK2 can be subcultured simply by adding fresh microcarriers to the stirred suspension culture. Thirteen generations of continuous exponential growth are demonstrated with two such subcultures for the CHO-Kl cells and with four such subcultures for the LLC-MK2 cells. Cell generation times were unchanged by this subculturing approach compared to standard subculturing procedure using trypsin to remove cells from surfaces. We have applied this technique to the production of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) from CHO-Kl cells. Viral yields were comparable (less than twofold difference) in microcarrier cultures which were subcultured via bead-to-bead transfer or by the standard means of removing cells from microcarriers with trypsin.  相似文献   

Vero and HepG2 cells were cultivated on macroporous gelatin microcarriers prepared by the calcium carbonate inclusion method. Cell attachment to these microcarriers was slow. For HepG2 cells the subsequent growth was poor. Modification of the microcarriers by incorporation of (diethylamino)ethyl-HCl improved HepG2 attachment and subsequent growth. Optical sectioning with confocal microscopy allowed visualization of the distribution of cells within microcarriers. In most microcarriers, cells were found to preferentially populate regions close to the external surface and some cavities in the interior. Despite the incomplete occupancy of the interior of the microcarriers, high cell concentrations were achieved.  相似文献   

Serial propagation of human endothelial cells in vitro   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Human umbilical vein (HUV) endothelial cells were grown for 15 to 21 passages at a split ratio of 1:5 (at least 27 population doublings) on a human fibronectin (HFN) matrix in Medium 199 supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS) and endothelial-cell growth factor (ECGF). This system also permitted the growth of HUV endothelial cells at cell densities as low as 1.25 cells/cm2. In addition to delaying the premature senescence of HUV endothelial cells, ECGF also reduced the serum requirement for low-density HUV endothelial-cell growth; 2.5% serum and ECGF yields half-maximum growth as compared to high serum controls. Significant HUV endothelial-cell growth was also observed in medium supplemented with either ovine hypophysectomized (HYPOX) serum, plasma-derived serum (PDS), or HYPOX-PDS in the presence of ECGF, suggesting that neither the pituitary nor the platelet contributes to HUV endothelial-cell growth.  相似文献   

For the cultivation of mammalian cells on microcarriers a minimum inoculum concentration is required to initiate cell attachment and subsequent cell growth. A critical cell number model has been proposed to elucidate the mechanism of the inoculum requirement. In this model it was hypothesized that after inoculation a critical number of cells per microcarrier is required for normal growth to occur; failure to acquire enough cells will impede cell growth. This critical cell number model was expressed mathematically and used to simulate cell distribution and growth on microcarriers under different cultivation conditions. By comparing the simulated growth kinetics with the experimental results, the actual critical cell number per microcarrier was identified. The critical number could be reduced by employing an improved medium for the cultivation.  相似文献   

A novel method of preparing collagen microcarriers was developed and used to entrap adherent cells for cell culturing. This new technique involved seeding of cells in micro gel beads comprised of collagen fibrils dispersed in alginate. The gel beads were washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) to remove alginate and the resulting microspheres, about 300-500 microm in diameter, contained evenly distributed collagen fibrils which provided a 3D biomimetic environment for cell growth. The applicability of this microencapsulating system was demonstrated by its ability to support the growth of C2C12 myoblast cells. When seeded and cultured within the 3D collagen microcarriers, the population of C2C12 cells entrapped within the microcarriers increased by 1.5 folds in 7 days after inoculation. This encapsulation technique is potentially useful for culturing cells and especially useful for adherent cells that require a 3D fibrillar collagen environment.  相似文献   

Background: Sertoli cells (SCs) have been described as the ‘nurse cells’ of the testis whose primary function is to provide essential growth factors and create an appropriate environment for development of other cells [for example, germinal and nerve stem cells (NSCs), used here]. However, the greatest challenge at present is that it is difficult to obtain sufficient SCs of normal physiological function for cell transplantation and biological medicine, largely due to traditional static culture parameter difficult to be monitored and scaled up. Objective: Operational stirred culture conditions for in vitro expansion and differentiation of SCs need to be optimized for large‐scale culture. Materials and methods: In this study, the culturing process for primary SC expansion and maintaining lack of differentiation was optimized for the first time, by using microcarrier bead technology in spinner flask culture. Effects of various feeding/refreshing regimes, stirring speeds, seed inoculum levels of SCs, and concentrations of microcarrier used for expansion of mouse SCs were also explored. In addition, pH, osmotic pressure and metabolic variables including consumption rates of glucose, glutamine, amino acids, and formation rates of lactic acid and ammonia, were investigated in culture. Results: After 6 days, maximal cell densities achieved were 4.6 × 106 cells/ml for Cytodex‐1 in DMEM/FBS compared to 4.8 × 105 cells/ml in static culture. Improved expansion was achieved using an inoculum of 1 × 105 cells/ml and microcarrier concentration of 3 mg/ml at stirring speed of 30 rpm. Results indicated that medium replacement (50% changed everyday) resulted in supply of nutrients and removal of waste products inhibiting cell growth, that lead to maintenance of cultures in steady state for several days. These conditions favoured preservation of SCs in the undifferentiated state and significantly increased their physiological activity and trophic function, which were assessed by co‐culturing with NSCs and immunostaining. Conclusion: Data obtained in this study demonstrate the vast potential of this stirred culture system for efficient, reproducible and cost‐effective expansion of SCs in vitro. The system has advantages over static culture, which has major obstacles such as lower cell density, is time‐consuming and susceptible to contamination.  相似文献   

The research of human pluripotent stem cells is important for providing the molecular basis for their future application to regenerative medicine. To date, they are usually cultured on feeder cells and passaged by partial dissociation with either enzymatic or mechanical methods, which are problematic for the research using them in the convenience and reproducibility. Here we established a new culture system that allows handling as easily as culturing feeder-free mouse ES cells. This newly developed culture system is based on the combinatorial use of ROCK inhibitor and soluble fibronectin, which enables us to expand human pluripotent stem cells from single cell dissociation on gelatin-coated surface without any feeder cells. In this new culture system, these human pluripotent stem cells can stably grow, even if in clonal density with keeping expression of stem cell markers. These cells also have abilities to differentiate into three germ layers in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, no chromosomal abnormalities are found even after sequential passage. Therefore this system will dramatically simplify genetic engineering of these human pluripotent stem cells or defining process of their signal pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Reproducible subculture of adult human prostatic epithelial cells from normal, benign hyperplastic and malignant tissue has been achieved. Cholera toxin is the key component in the culture system, but use of an optimal basal medium (PFMR-4) supplemented with a high level of serum in collagen-coated dishes also improves growth and serial propagation. Editor’s statement The critical first step in the development of an optimized culture system for any cell type is to obtain enough growth to perform detailed growth-response studies. Multiplication of human prostatic epithelial cells in primary culture has been possible for several years, but scarcity of tissue specimens and inability to subculture have severely limited the usefulness of such cultures. The procedures described by Peehl and Stamey in this communication make it possible to expand the original inoculum substantially and to use subcultures to perform precisely controlled replicate experiments. This will open the way for rapid progress in the development of practical cell culture model systems for research on normal, hypertrophic, and malignant human prostatic cells. Richard G. Ham  相似文献   

Microcarriers provide large adhesion area allowing high cell densities in bioreactor systems. This study focused on the investigation of cell adhesion and cell growth characteristics of both anchorage-dependent CHO-K1 and anchorage-independent Ag8 myeloma cell lines cultivated on four different microcarriers (Biosilon®, Microhex®, Cytodex 3®, Cytoline 2®) by considering the cell kinetics and physiological data. Experiments were performed in both static and agitated cell culture systems by using 24-well tissue culture plates and then 50-ml spinner flasks. In agitated cultures, the highest specific growth rates (0.026 h for CHO-K1 and 0.061 h for Ag8 cell line) were obtained with Cytodex 3® and Cytoline 2® microcarriers for CHO-K1 and Ag8 cell line, respectively. Metabolic characteristics showed some variation among the cultures with the four microcarriers. The most significant being the higher production of lactate with microcarriers with CHO-K1 cells relative to the Ag8 cells. SEM analyses revealed the differences in the morphology of the cells along with microcarriers. On Cytodex 3® and Cytoline 2®, CHO-K1 cells attached to the substratum through long, slender filopodia, whereas the cells showed a flat morphology by covering the substratum on the Biosilon® and Microhex®. Ag8 cells maintained their spherical shapes throughout the culture for all types of microcarriers. In an attempt to scale-up, productions were carried out in 50-ml spinner flasks. Cytodex 3® (for CHO-K1 cells) and Cytoline 2® (for Ag8 cells) were evaluated. The results demonstrate that high yield of biomass could be achieved through the immobilization of the cells in each culture system. And cell cultures on microcarriers, especially on Cytodex 3® and Cytoline 2®, represented a good potential as microcarriers for larger scale cultures of CHO-K1 and Ag8, respectively. Moreover, owing to the fact that the cell lines and culture media are specific, outcomes will be applicable for other clones derived from the same host cell lines.  相似文献   

Expansion of mouse embryonic stem cells on microcarriers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embryonic stem (ES) cells have been shown to differentiate in vitro into a wide variety of cell types having significant potential for tissue regeneration. Therefore, the operational conditions for the ex vivo expansion and differentiation should be optimized for large-scale cultures. The expansion of mouse ES cells has been evaluated in static culture. However, in this system, culture parameters are difficult to monitor and scaling-up becomes time consuming. The use of stirred bioreactors facilitates the expansion of cells under controlled conditions but, for anchorage-dependent cells, a proper support is necessary. Cytodex-3, a microporous microcarrier made up of a dextran matrix with a collagen layer at the surface, was tested for its ability to support the expansion of the mouse S25 ES cell line in spinner flasks. The effect of inocula and microcarrier concentration on cell growth and metabolism were analyzed. Typically, after seeding, the cells exhibited a growth curve consisting of a short death or lag phase followed by an exponential phase leading to the maximum cell density of 2.5-3.9 x 10(6) cells/mL. Improved expansion was achieved using an inoculum of 5 x 10(4) cells/mL and a microcarrier concentration of 0.5 mg/mL. Medium replacement allowed the supply of the nutrients and the removal of waste products inhibiting cell growth, leading to the maintenance of the cultures in steady state for several days. These conditions favored the preservation of the S25 cells pluripotent state, as assessed by quantitative real-time PCR and immunostaining analysis.  相似文献   

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