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Rap1p binds to sites embedded within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeric TG1-3 tract. Previous studies have led to the hypothesis that Rap1p may recruit Sir3p and Sir3p-associating factors to the telomere. To test this, we tethered Sir3p adjacent to the telomere via LexA binding sites in the rap1-17 mutant that truncates the Rap1p C-terminal 165 amino acids thought to contain sites for Sir3p association. Tethering of LexA-Sir3p adjacent to the telomere is sufficient to restore telomeric silencing, indicating that Sir3p can nucleate silencing at the telomere. Tethering of LexA-Sir3p or the LexA-Sir3p(N2O5) gain-of-function protein to a telomeric LexA site hyperrepresses an adjacent ADE2 gene in wild-type cells. Hence, Sir3p recruitment to the telomere is limiting in telomeric silencing. In addition, LexA-Sir3p(N2O5) hyperrepresses telomeric silencing when tethered to a subtelomeric site 3.6 kb from the telomeric tract. This hyperrepression is dependent on the C terminus of Rap1p, suggesting that subtelomeric LexA-Sir3p(N205) can interact with Rap1p-associated factors at the telomere. We also demonstrate that LexA-Sir3p or LexA-Sir3p(N205) tethered in cis with a short tract of telomeric TG1-3 sequences is sufficient to confer silencing at an internal chromosomal position. Internal silencing is enhanced in rap1-17 strains. We propose that sequestration of silencing factors at the telomere limits the efficiency of internal silencing.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the ATM and ATR family proteins play a critical role in the DNA damage and replication checkpoint controls. These proteins are characterized by a kinase domain related to the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, but they have the ability to phosphorylate proteins. In budding yeast, the ATR family protein Mec1/Esr1 is essential for checkpoint responses and cell growth. We have isolated the PIE1 gene in a two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with Mec1, and we show that Pie1 interacts physically with Mec1 in vivo. Like MEC1, PIE1 is essential for cell growth, and deletion of the PIE1 gene causes defects in the DNA damage and replication block checkpoints similar to those observed in mec1Delta mutants. Rad53 hyperphosphorylation following DNA damage and replication block is also decreased in pie1Delta cells, as in mec1Delta cells. Pie1 has a limited homology to fission yeast Rad26, which forms a complex with the ATR family protein Rad3. Mutation of the region in Pie1 homologous to Rad26 results in a phenotype similar to that of the pie1Delta mutation. Mec1 protein kinase activity appears to be essential for checkpoint responses and cell growth. However, Mec1 kinase activity is unaffected by the pie1Delta mutation, suggesting that Pie1 regulates some essential function other than Mec1 kinase activity. Thus, Pie1 is structurally and functionally related to Rad26 and interacts with Mec1 to control checkpoints and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Jia X  Weinert T  Lydall D 《Genetics》2004,166(2):753-764
Here we examine the roles of budding-yeast checkpoint proteins in regulating degradation of dsDNA to ssDNA at unprotected telomeres (in Cdc13 telomere-binding protein defective strains). We find that Rad17, Mec3, as well as Rad24, members of the putative checkpoint clamp loader (Rad24) and sliding clamp (Rad17, Mec3) complexes, are important for promoting degradation of dsDNA in and near telomere repeats. We find that Mec1, Rad53, as well as Rad9, have the opposite role: they inhibit degradation. Downstream checkpoint kinases Chk1 and Dun1 play no detectable role in either promoting degradation or inhibiting it. These data suggest, first, that the checkpoint sliding clamp regulates and/or recruits some nucleases for degradation, and, second, that Mec1 activates Rad9 to activate Rad53 to inhibit degradation. Further analysis shows that Rad9 inhibits ssDNA generation by both Mec1/Rad53-dependent and -independent pathways. Exo1 appears to be targeted by the Mec1/Rad53-dependent pathway. Finally, analysis of double mutants suggests a minor role for Mec1 in promoting Rad24-dependent degradation of dsDNA. Thus, checkpoint proteins orchestrate carefully ssDNA production at unprotected telomeres.  相似文献   

In many organisms, telomere DNA consists of simple sequence repeat tracts that are required to protect the chromosome end. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, tract maintenance requires two checkpoint kinases of the ATM family, Tel1p and Mec1p. Previous work has shown that Tel1p is recruited to functional telomeres with shorter repeat tracts to promote telomerase-mediated repeat addition, but the role of Mec1p is unknown. We found that Mec1p telomere association was detected as cells senesced when telomere function was compromised by extreme shortening due to either the loss of telomerase or the double-strand break binding protein Ku. Exonuclease I effects the removal of the 5' telomeric strand, and eliminating it prevented both senescence and Mec1p telomere association. Thus, in contrast to Tel1p, Mec1p associates with short, functionally compromised telomeres.  相似文献   

Normal cell multiplication requires that the events of mitosis occur in a carefully ordered fashion. Cells employ checkpoints to prevent cycle progression until some prerequisite step has been completed. To explore the mechanisms of checkpoint enforcement, we previously screened for mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which are unable to recover from a transient treatment with a benzimidazole-related microtubule inhibitor because they fail to inhibit subsequent cell cycle steps. Two of the identified genes, BUB2 and BUB3, have been cloned and described (M. A. Hoyt, L. Totis, and B. T. Roberts, Cell 66:507-517, 1991). Here we present the characterization of the BUB1 gene and its product. Genetic evidence was obtained suggesting that Bub1 and Bub3 are mutually dependent for function, and immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated a physical association between the two. Sequence analysis of BUB1 revealed a domain with similarity to protein kinases. In vitro experiments confirmed that Bub1 possesses kinase activity; Bub1 was able to autophosphorylate and to catalyze phosphorylation of Bub3. In addition, overproduced Bub1 was found to localize to the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Checkpoints prevent DNA replication or nuclear division when chromosomes are damaged. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DDC1 gene belongs to the RAD17, MEC3 and RAD24 epistasis group which, together with RAD9, is proposed to act at the beginning of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Ddc1p is periodically phosphorylated during unperturbed cell cycle and hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage. We demonstrate that Ddc1p interacts physically in vivo with Mec3p, and this interaction requires Rad17p. We also show that phosphorylation of Ddc1p depends on the key checkpoint protein Mec1p and also on Rad24p, Rad17p and Mec3p. This suggests that Mec1p might act together with the Rad24 group of proteins at an early step of the DNA damage checkpoint response. On the other hand, Ddc1p phosphorylation is independent of Rad53p and Rad9p. Moreover, while Ddc1p is required for Rad53p phosphorylation, it does not play any major role in the phosphorylation of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p, which requires RAD9 and MEC1. We suggest that Rad9p and Ddc1p might function in separated branches of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway, playing different roles in determining Mec1p activity and/or substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Here, we report the functional characterization of the newly identified lipid droplet hydrolase Ldh1p. Recombinant Ldh1p exhibits esterase and triacylglycerol lipase activities. Mutation of the serine in the hydrolase/lipase motif GXSXG completely abolished esterase activity. Ldh1p is required for the maintenance of a steady-state level of the nonpolar and polar lipids of lipid droplets. A characteristic feature of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Δldh1 strain is the appearance of giant lipid droplets and an excessive accumulation of nonpolar lipids and phospholipids upon growth on medium containing oleic acid as a sole carbon source. Ldh1p is thought to play a role in maintaining the lipid homeostasis in yeast by regulating both phospholipid and nonpolar lipid levels.  相似文献   

How mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number is determined and modulated according to cellular demands is largely unknown. Our previous investigations of the related DNA helicases Pif1p and Rrm3p uncovered a role for these factors and the conserved Mec1/Rad53 nuclear checkpoint pathway in mtDNA mutagenesis and stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we demonstrate another novel function of this pathway in the regulation of mtDNA copy number. Deletion of RRM3 or SML1, or overexpression of RNR1, which recapitulates Mec1/Rad53 pathway activation, resulted in an approximately twofold increase in mtDNA content relative to the corresponding wild-type yeast strains. In addition, deletion of RRM3 or SML1 fully rescued the approximately 50% depletion of mtDNA observed in a pif1 null strain. Furthermore, deletion of SML1 was shown to be epistatic to both a rad53 and an rrm3 null mutation, placing these three genes in the same genetic pathway of mtDNA copy number regulation. Finally, increased mtDNA copy number via the Mec1/Rad53 pathway could occur independently of Abf2p, an mtDNA-binding protein that, like its metazoan homologues, is implicated in mtDNA copy number control. Together, these results indicate that signaling through the Mec1/Rad53 pathway increases mtDNA copy number by altering deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools through the activity of ribonucleotide reductase. This comprises the first linkage of a conserved signaling pathway to the regulation of mitochondrial genome copy number and suggests that homologous pathways in humans may likewise regulate mtDNA content under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Marsolier MC  Roussel P  Leroy C  Mann C 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1523-1532
RAD53 encodes a conserved protein kinase that acts as a central transducer in the DNA damage and the DNA replication checkpoint pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To identify new elements of these pathways acting with or downstream of RAD53, we searched for genes whose overexpression suppressed the toxicity of a dominant-lethal form of RAD53 and identified PTC2, which encodes a protein phosphatase of the PP2C family. PTC2 overexpression induces hypersensitivity to genotoxic agents in wild-type cells and is lethal to rad53, mec1, and dun1 mutants with low ribonucleotide reductase activity. Deleting PTC2 specifically suppresses the hydroxyurea hypersensitivity of mec1 mutants and the lethality of mec1Delta. PTC2 is thus implicated in one or several functions related to RAD53, MEC1, and the DNA checkpoint pathways.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad17p is necessary for cell cycle checkpoint arrests in response to DNA damage. Its known interactions with the checkpoint proteins Mec3p and Ddc1p in a PCNA-like complex indicate a sensor role in damage recognition. In a novel application of the yeast two-hybrid system and by immunoprecipitation, we show here that Rad17p is capable of increased self-interaction following DNA damage introduced by 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, camptothecin or partial inactivation of DNA ligase I. Despite overlap of regions required for Rad17p interactions with Rad17p or Mec3p, single amino acid substitutions revealed that Rad17p x Rad17p complex formation is independent of Mec3p. E128K (rad17-1) was found to inhibit Rad17p interaction with Mec3p but not with Rad17p. On the other hand, Phe-121 is essential for Rad17p self-interaction, and its function in checkpoint arrest but not for Mec3p interaction. These differential effects indicate that Rad17p-Rad17p interaction plays a role that is independent of the Rad17p x Mec3p x Ddc1p complex, although our results are also compatible with Rad17p-mediated supercomplex formation of the Rad17p x Mec3p x Ddc1p heterotrimer in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Telomere length is negatively regulated by proteins of the telomeric DNA-protein complex. Rap1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae binds the telomeric TG(1-3) repeat DNA, and the Rap1p C terminus interacts with Rif1p and Rif2p. We investigated how these three proteins negatively regulate telomere length. We show that direct tethering of each Rif protein to a telomere shortens that telomere proportionally to the number of tethered molecules, similar to previously reported counting of Rap1p. Surprisingly, Rif proteins could also regulate telomere length even when the Rap1p C terminus was absent, and tethered Rap1p counting was completely dependent on the Rif proteins. Thus, Rap1p counting is in fact Rif protein counting. In genetic settings that cause telomeres to be abnormally long, tethering even a single Rif2p molecule was sufficient for maximal effectiveness in preventing the telomere overelongation. We show that a heterologous protein oligomerization domain, the mammalian PDZ domain, when fused to Rap1p can confer telomere length control. We propose that a nucleation and spreading mechanism is involved in forming the higher-order telomere structure that regulates telomere length.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RPA) is the major single-stranded DNA-binding protein in eukaryotes, essential for DNA replication, repair, and recombination. During mitosis and meiosis in budding yeast, RPA becomes phosphorylated in reactions that require the Mec1 protein kinase, a central checkpoint regulator and homolog of human ATR. Through mass spectrometry and site-directed mutagenesis, we have now identified a single serine residue in the middle subunit of the RPA heterotrimer that is targeted for phosphorylation by Mec1 both in vivo and in vitro. Cells containing a phosphomimetic version of RPA generated by mutation of this serine to aspartate exhibit a significant alteration in the pattern of meiotic crossovers for specific genetic intervals. These results suggest a new function of Mec1 that operates through RPA to locally control reciprocal recombination.  相似文献   

Silencing in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known in three classes of loci: in the silent mating-type loci HML and HMR, in subtelomeric regions, and in the highly repetitive rDNA locus, which resides in the nucleolus. rDNA silencing differs markedly from the other two classes of silencing in that it requires a DNA-associated protein complex termed RENT. The Net1 protein, a central component of RENT, is required for nucleolar integrity and the control of exit from mitosis. Another RENT component is the NAD(+)-dependent histone deacetylase Sir2, which is the only silencing factor known to be shared among the three classes of silencing. Here, we investigated the role of Net1 in HMR silencing. The mutation net1-1, as well as NET1 expression from a 2micro-plasmid, restored repression at silencing-defective HMR loci. Both effects were strictly dependent on the Sir proteins. We found overexpressed Net1 protein to be directly associated with the HMR-E silencer, suggesting that Net1 could interact with silencer binding proteins and recruit other silencing factors to the silencer. In agreement with this, Net1 provided ORC-dependent, Sir1-independent silencing when artificially tethered to the silencer. In contrast, our data suggested that net1-1 acted indirectly in HMR silencing by releasing Sir2 from the nucleolus, thus shifting the internal competition for Sir2 from the silenced loci toward HMR.  相似文献   

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