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Smetanin  B. N.  Popov  K. E.  Kozhina  G. V. 《Neurophysiology》2004,36(1):58-64
We studied physiological mechanisms of vision-related stabilization of the vertical posture in humans using a stabilographic technique; spontaneous deviations of the projection of the center of gravity during quiet stance and magnitudes of the postural response to vibratory stimulation of proprioceptors of the lower leg muscles under varied conditions of visual control were measured. The stability of quiet stance, as estimated according to the root mean square value of the sagittal component of the stabilogram, was the best with eyes open. Vibration-induced postural responses were the smallest also under these conditions. Spontaneous postural sway and the amplitude of response to vibratory stimulation increased when only a central sector of visual field (20 ang. deg) was preserved and, especially, under conditions of closed eyes and horizontal inversion of visual perception using prismatic spectacles. Parallel changes in the quantitative stabilographic indices and amplitude of vibration-induced postural responses show that the intensity of the latter is probably determined by the background stiffness of the musculoskeletal system. We tried to estimate separately the contributions of the stiffness factor, on the one hand, and specific visual influences, on the other hand, by testing the parameters of quiet stance and postural responses under conditions of standing while lightly touching a support with the index finger. We found that the influence of the conditions of visual control on the stability of quiet stance while touching the support was eliminated. At the same time, the magnitude of postural responses to vibratory stimulation decreased but, nonetheless, changed with visual conditions in the same manner as when standing without additional support. We conclude that vision performs a dual function in the control of the vertical posture; it forms the basis for the spatial reference system and serves the source of information on the movements of one's body.  相似文献   

Proprioceptive signals coming from both arms are used to determine the perceived position of one arm in a two-arm matching task. Here, we examined whether the perceived position of one arm is affected by proprioceptive signals from the other arm in a one-arm pointing task in which participants specified the perceived position of an unseen reference arm with an indicator paddle. Both arms were hidden from the participant’s view throughout the study. In Experiment 1, with both arms placed in front of the body, the participants received 70–80 Hz vibration to the elbow flexors of the reference arm (= right arm) to induce the illusion of elbow extension. This extension illusion was compared with that when the left arm elbow flexors were vibrated or not. The degree of the vibration-induced extension illusion of the right arm was reduced in the presence of left arm vibration. In Experiment 2, we found that this kinesthetic interaction between the two arms did not occur when the left arm was vibrated in an abducted position. In Experiment 3, the vibration-induced extension illusion of one arm was fully developed when this arm was placed at an abducted position, indicating that the brain receives increased proprioceptive input from a vibrated arm even if the arm was abducted. Our results suggest that proprioceptive interaction between the two arms occurs in a one-arm pointing task when the two arms are aligned with one another. The position sense of one arm measured using a pointer appears to include the influences of incoming information from the other arm when both arms were placed in front of the body and parallel to one another.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(4):589-599.e5
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Electrical stimulation of femoral nerve modulates voluntary tonic activity o of ipsilateral soleus muscle. Stimulus time-locked inhibitory and facilitatory phases can be distinguished. EMG temporal analysis suggests that early perturbations are correlated with spinal effects of centripetal electrical activity. The inhibitory effects which momentarily abolish voluntary soleus activity are thought to result from quadriceps Ib fibres recruitment. While no heteronymous activity is induced at rest, femoral nerve Ia fibres activation can produce soleus muscle reflex when soleus motor nucleus excitability is increased by voluntary command. Recurrent discharge resulting from soleus reflex response enhances inhibition initially due to quadriceps Ib volley. Secondary effects of isometric quadriceps contraction (and soleus contraction when the femoral stimulus elicits a reflex in this muscle) have their own effects later. These findings suggest that proprioceptive relationships of the two muscular groups are efficient during tonic isometric voluntary command.  相似文献   

The brain constructs an internal estimate of the gravitational vertical by integrating multiple sensory signals. In darkness, systematic head-roll dependent errors in verticality estimates, as measured by the subjective visual vertical (SVV), occur. We hypothesized that visual feedback after each trial results in increased accuracy, as physiological adjustment errors (A−/E-effect) are likely based on central computational mechanisms and investigated whether such improvements were related to adaptational shifts of perceived vertical or to a higher cognitive strategy. We asked 12 healthy human subjects to adjust a luminous arrow to vertical in various head-roll positions (0 to 120deg right-ear down, 15deg steps). After each adjustment visual feedback was provided (lights on, display of previous adjustment and of an earth-vertical cross). Control trials consisted of SVV adjustments without feedback. At head-roll angles with the largest A-effect (90, 105, and 120deg), errors were reduced significantly (p<0.001) by visual feedback, i.e. roll under-compensation decreased, while precision of SVV was not significantly (p>0.05) influenced. In seven subjects an additional session with two consecutive blocks (first with, then without visual feedback) was completed at 90, 105 and 120deg head-roll. In these positions the error-reduction by the previous visual feedback block remained significant over the consecutive 18–24 min (post-feedback block), i.e., was still significantly (p<0.002) different from the control trials. Eleven out of 12 subjects reported having consciously added a bias to their perceived vertical based on visual feedback in order to minimize errors. We conclude that improvements of SVV accuracy by visual feedback, which remained effective after removal of feedback for ≥18 min, rather resulted from a cognitive strategy than by adapting the internal estimate of the gravitational vertical. The mechanisms behind the SVV therefore, remained stable, which is also supported by the fact that SVV precision – depending mostly on otolith input - was not affected by visual feedback.  相似文献   

We examined the visual capture of perceived hand position in forty-five 5- to 7-year-olds and in fifteen young adults, using a mirror illusion task. In this task, participants see their left hand on both the left and right (by virtue of a mirror placed at the midline facing the left arm, and obscuring the right). The accuracy of participants’ reaching was measured when proprioceptive and visual cues to the location of the right arm were put into conflict (by placing the arms at different distances from the mirror), and also when only proprioceptive information was available (i.e., when the mirror was covered). Children in all age-groups (and adults) made reaching errors in the mirror condition in accordance with the visually-specified illusory starting position of their hand indicating a visual capture of perceived hand position. Data analysis indicated that visual capture increased substantially up until 6 years of age. These findings are interpreted with respect to the development of the visual guidance of action in early childhood.  相似文献   

The subjective visual vertical (SVV) and the subjective haptic vertical (SHV) both claim to probe the underlying perception of gravity. However, when the body is roll tilted these two measures evoke different patterns of errors with SVV generally becoming biased towards the body (A-effect, named for its discoverer, Hermann Rudolph Aubert) and SHV remaining accurate or becoming biased away from the body (E-effect, short for Entgegengesetzt-effect, meaning “opposite”, i.e., opposite to the A-effect). We compared the two methods in a series of five experiments and provide evidence that the two measures access two different but related estimates of gravitational vertical. Experiment 1 compared SVV and SHV across three levels of whole-body tilt and found that SVV showed an A-effect at larger tilts while SHV was accurate. Experiment 2 found that tilting either the head or the trunk independently produced an A-effect in SVV while SHV remained accurate when the head was tilted on an upright body but showed an A-effect when the body was tilted below an upright head. Experiment 3 repeated these head/body configurations in the presence of vestibular noise induced by using disruptive galvanic vestibular stimulation (dGVS). dGVS abolished both SVV and SHV A-effects while evoking a massive E-effect in the SHV head tilt condition. Experiments 4 and 5 show that SVV and SHV do not combine in an optimally statistical fashion, but when vibration is applied to the dorsal neck muscles, integration becomes optimal. Overall our results suggest that SVV and SHV access distinct underlying gravity percepts based primarily on head and body position information respectively, consistent with a model proposed by Clemens and colleagues.  相似文献   



We compared postural stability and subjective visual vertical performance in a group of very preterm-born children aged 3-4 years and in a group of age-matched full-term children.

Materials and Methods

A platform (from TechnoConcept) was used to measure postural control in children. Perception of subjective visual vertical was also recorded with posture while the child had to adjust the vertical in the dark or with visual perturbation. Two other conditions (control conditions) were also recorded while the child was on the platform: for a fixation of the vertical bar, and in eyes closed condition.


Postural performance was poor in preterm-born children compared to that of age-matched full-term children: the surface area, the length in medio-lateral direction and the mean speed of the center of pressure (CoP) were significantly larger in the preterm-born children group (p < 0.04, p < 0.01, and p < 0.04, respectively). Dual task in both groups of children significantly affected postural control. The subjective visual vertical (SVV) values were more variable and less precise in preterm-born children.


We suggest that poor postural control as well as perception of verticality observed in preterm-born children could be due to immaturity of the cortical processes involved in the motor control and in the treatment of perception and orientation of verticality.  相似文献   

稳态视觉诱发电位(steady-state visual evoked potential,SSVEP)不同于瞬态视觉诱发电位,有其独特的产生机理。当用两种不同频率的闪光同时刺激时,每种频率闪光诱发的SSVEP之间是否会相互影响?它们与对应单一频率闪光刺激时产生的SSVEP的关系怎样?作者用!波段频率8.3Hz与"波段频率20Hz的闪光分别及同时刺激10个被试的双眼,发现在同时刺激时,每种频率闪光的SSVEP比对应单频刺激时的SSVEP略小,但位置分布无明显变化。这说明不同频率SSVEP的产生网络是彼此独立的,在被同时激活时,每个网络产生的信号并不相互影响。  相似文献   



Balance deficits are identified as important risk factors for falling in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the specific use of proprioception, which is of primary importance during balance control, has not been studied in individuals with COPD. The objective was to determine the specific proprioceptive control strategy during postural balance in individuals with COPD and healthy controls, and to assess whether this was related to inspiratory muscle weakness.


Center of pressure displacement was determined in 20 individuals with COPD and 20 age/gender-matched controls during upright stance on an unstable support surface without vision. Ankle and back muscle vibration were applied to evaluate the relative contribution of different proprioceptive signals used in postural control.


Individuals with COPD showed an increased anterior-posterior body sway during upright stance (p = 0.037). Compared to controls, individuals with COPD showed an increased posterior body sway during ankle muscle vibration (p = 0.047), decreased anterior body sway during back muscle vibration (p = 0.025), and increased posterior body sway during simultaneous ankle-muscle vibration (p = 0.002). Individuals with COPD with the weakest inspiratory muscles showed the greatest reliance on ankle muscle input when compared to the stronger individuals with COPD (p = 0.037).


Individuals with COPD, especially those with inspiratory muscle weakness, increased their reliance on ankle muscle proprioceptive signals and decreased their reliance on back muscle proprioceptive signals during balance control, resulting in a decreased postural stability compared to healthy controls. These proprioceptive changes may be due to an impaired postural contribution of the inspiratory muscles to trunk stability. Further research is required to determine whether interventions such as proprioceptive training and inspiratory muscle training improve postural balance and reduce the fall risk in individuals with COPD.  相似文献   

Visual short-term memory (VSTM) is limited in the quantity and quality of items that can be retained over time. Importantly, these two mnemonic parameters interact: increasing the number of items in VSTM reduces the quality with which they are represented. Here, we ask whether this trade-off is under top-down control. Specifically, we test whether participants can strategically optimise the trade-off between quality and quantity for VSTM according to task demands. We manipulated strategic trade-off by varying expectations about the number of to-be-remembered items (Experiments 1-2) or the precision required for the memory-based judgement (Experiment 3). In a final experiment, we manipulated both variables in a complementary way to maximise the motivation to strategically control the balance between number and the quality of items encoded into VSTM. In different blocks, performance would benefit most either by encoding a large number of items with low precision or by encoding a small number of items with high precision (Experiment 4). In all experiments, we compared VSTM performance on trials matched for mnemonic demand, but within contexts emphasising the quality or quantity of VSTM representations. Across all four experiments, we found no evidence to suggest that participants use this contextual information to bias the balance between the number and precision of items in VSTM. Rather, our data suggest that the trade-off may be determined primarily by stimulus-driven factors at encoding.  相似文献   



The objective was to investigate how postural control in knee osteoarthritis (KOA) patients, with different structural severities and pain levels, is reorganized under different sensory conditions.


Forty-two obese patients (BMI range from 30.1 to 48.7 kg*m−2, age range from 50 to 74 years) with KOA were evaluated. One minute of quiet standing was assessed on a force platform during 4 different sensory conditions, applied 3 times at random: Eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) standing on firm and soft (foam) surfaces (EO-soft and EC-soft). Centre of pressure (Cop) standard deviation, speed, range and Cop mean position in both directions (anterior-posterior and medial-lateral) were extracted from the force platform data. Structural disease severity was assessed from semiflexed standing radiographs and graded by the Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) score. Pain intensity immediately before the measurements was assessed by numeric rating scale (range: 0–10).


The patients were divided into “less severe” (KL 1 and 2, n = 24) and “severe” (KL>2, n = 18) group. The CoP range in the medial-lateral direction was larger in the severe group when compared with the less severe group during EC-soft condition (P<0.01). Positive correlation between pain intensity and postural sway (range in medial-lateral direction) was found during EC condition, indicating that the higher the pain intensity, the less effective is the postural control applied to restore an equilibrium position while standing without visual information.


The results support that: (i) the postural reorganization under manipulation of the different sensory information is worse in obese KOA patients with severe degeneration and/or high pain intensity when compared with less impaired patients, and (ii) higher pain intensity is related to worse body balance in obese KOA patients.  相似文献   

林健荣  廖富烫  严会超 《遗传》2002,24(1):27-30
S伴、K05、伴1、S1、D01 5个蚕品种,在胚胎期对高温干燥的催青条件表现敏感性,农 4、新九、限抗对高温干燥催青条件有较高的耐受能力,当用新九的雌与S伴、K05、伴1、S1、D01的雄蛾杂交时,其杂种一代的蚕卵,在高温干燥条件下催青,雌蚕因在胚胎发育过程中对环境条件表现敏感而不能孵化,雄蚕则能正常孵化,因而利用基因与环境的相互作用可以控制家蚕的性别。雌蚕高温干燥条件的敏感性,主要发生在胚胎发育至后期阶段。对S伴等5个温敏性品种的亲缘关系进行RAPD分析,经统计计算,相似率在63.04%~76.47%之间。 Abstract:The silkworm embryo of the varieties,sBan,K05,Ban1,S1 and D05 was sensitive to the high temperature and low humidity incubating condition,while that of Nong4,Xinjiu and Xiankang was more endurable.By crossing the female Xinjiu with the male of sensitive varieties,such as sBaa,K05,Ban1,S1 or D05,their female progenies were sensitive to the high temperature and low humidity during incubation and could not hatch,while the males could hatch normally.Experiment showed that silkworm sex could be controlled by the interaction between gene and environment. The sensitive period was at late stage during the embryo development.The RAPD analysis showed that the similarity index of the five temperature-sensitive varieties of sBan,K05,Ban1,S1 and D05 was 63.04-76.47%.  相似文献   

SEVERAL laboratories1–6 have recently been concerned with the mechanism of the bathochromic shift of about 120 nm which results when 11-cis retinal (λ max 380 nm) combines with the protein opsin to form rhodopsin (λmax 498 nm). A red shift of up to 186 nm is involved in the formation of iodopsin from 11-cis retinal and cone opsin7,8. The active site of bovine rhodopsin consists of the 11-cis retinylidene chromophore attached to a primary amine group of the protein forming a Schiff-base linkage of the type shown in Fig. 1, Ia. On the basis of the chemical reactions of rhodopsin and its derivatives it has been suggested that an interaction between a protonated form of the chromophore (structure of the type Ib) and a lipophilic environment contributes11 to the red shift.  相似文献   

The interaction between the cholinergic and purinergic receptors in the frog neuromuscular junction was studied using a standard microelectrode technique. The inhibitory action of an acetylcholine analog, carbachol, on transmitter release virtually disappeared when the releasing machinery was initially blocked by adenosine, indicating the existence of a functional cross-talk between the purinergic and cholinergic receptors.  相似文献   

Temporal regulation in cats was studied using operant conditioning techniques; milk was delivered according to either a two-lever response duration schedule or a two-lever DRL schedule. After an equal number of experimental sessions, the subjects on the DRL schedule reached larger delay values than the subjects on the response duration schedule. Hypotheses concerning the intervention of proprioceptive feedback in the temporal regulation of motor behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

E Park  G Schöner  JP Scholz 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41583


Studies of human upright posture typically have stressed the need to control ankle and hip joints to achieve postural stability. Recent studies, however, suggest that postural stability involves multi degree-of-freedom (DOF) coordination, especially when performing supra-postural tasks. This study investigated kinematic synergies related to control of the body’s position in space (two, four and six DOF models) and changes in the head’s orientation (six DOF model).

Methodology/Principal Findings

Subjects either tracked a vertically moving target with a head-mounted laser pointer or fixated a stationary point during 4-min trials. Uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis was performed across tracking cycles at each point in time to determine the structure of joint configuration variance related to postural stability or tracking consistency. The effect of simulated removal of covariance among joints on that structure was investigated to further determine the role of multijoint coordination. Results indicated that cervical joint motion was poorly coordinated with other joints to stabilize the position of the body center of mass (CM). However, cervical joints were coordinated in a flexible manner with more caudal joints to achieve consistent changes in head orientation.


An understanding of multijoint coordination requires reference to the stability/control of important performance variables. The nature of that coordination differs depending on the reference variable. Stability of upright posture primarily involved multijoint coordination of lower extremity and lower trunk joints. Consistent changes in the orientation of the head, however, required flexible coordination of those joints with motion of the cervical spine. A two-segment model of postural control was unable to account for the observed stability of the CM position during the tracking task, further supporting the need to consider multijoint coordination to understand postural stability.  相似文献   

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