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T-DNA flanking sequences were isolated from 112 Arabidopsis thaliana single-copy T-DNA lines and sequence mapped to the chromosomes. Even though two T-DNA insertions mapped to a heterochromatic domain located in the pericentromeric region of chromosome I, expression of reporter genes was detected in these transgenic lines. T-DNA insertion did not seem to be biased toward any of Arabidopsis' five chromosomes. The observed distribution of T-DNA copies in intergenic sequence versus gene sequence (i.e. 5-upstream regions, coding sequences and 3-downstream regions) appeared randomly. An evaluation of T-DNA insertion frequencies within gene sequence revealed that integration into 5-upstream regions occurred more frequently than expected, whereas insertions in coding sequences (exons and introns) were found less frequently than expected based on random distribution predictions. In the majority of cases, single-copy T-DNA insertions were associated with small or large rearrangements such as deletions and/or duplications of target site sequences, deletions and/or duplications of T-DNA sequences, and gross chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations. The accuracy of integration was similarly high for both left- and right-border sequences. These results may be called upon when making detailed molecular analyses of transgenic plants or T-DNA induced mutants.  相似文献   

In most species, crossovers (COs) are essential for the accurate segregation of homologous chromosomes at the first meiotic division. Their number and location are tightly regulated. Here, we report a detailed, genome-wide characterization of the rate and localization of COs in Arabidopsis thaliana, in male and female meiosis. We observed dramatic differences between male and female meiosis which included: (i) genetic map length; 575 cM versus 332 cM respectively; (ii) CO distribution patterns: male CO rates were very high at both ends of each chromosome, whereas female CO rates were very low; (iii) correlations between CO rates and various chromosome features: female CO rates correlated strongly and negatively with GC content and gene density but positively with transposable elements (TEs) density, whereas male CO rates correlated positively with the CpG ratio. However, except for CpG, the correlations could be explained by the unequal repartition of these sequences along the Arabidopsis chromosome. For both male and female meiosis, the number of COs per chromosome correlates with chromosome size expressed either in base pairs or as synaptonemal complex length. Finally, we show that interference modulates the CO distribution both in male and female meiosis.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinases (LRR RLKs) represent the largest group of Arabidopsis RLKs with approximately 235 members. A minority of these LRR RLKs have been assigned to diverse roles in development, pathogen resistance and hormone perception. Using a reverse genetics approach, a collection of homozygous T-DNA insertion lines for 69 root expressed LRR RLK genes was screened for root developmental defects and altered response after exposure to environmental, hormonal/chemical and abiotic stress. The obtained data demonstrate that LRR RLKs play a role in a wide variety of signal transduction pathways related to hormone and abiotic stress responses. The described collection of T-DNA insertion mutants provides a valuable tool for future research into the function of LRR RLK genes.  相似文献   

Ordered collections of Arabidopsis thaliana lines containing mapped T-DNA insertions have become an important resource for plant scientists performing genetic studies. Previous reports have indicated that T-DNA insertion lines can have chromosomal translocations associated with the T-DNA insertion site, but the prevalence of these rearrangements has not been well documented. To determine the frequency with which translocations are present in a widely-used collection of T-DNA insertion lines, we analyzed 64 independent lines from the Salk T-DNA mutant collection. Chromosomal translocations were detected in 12 of the 64 lines surveyed (19%). Two assays were used to screen the T-DNA lines for translocations: pollen viability and genome-wide genetic mapping. Although the measurement of pollen viability is an indirect screen for the presence of a translocation, all 11 of the T-DNA lines showing an abnormal pollen phenotype were found to contain a translocation when analyzed using genetic mapping. A normal pollen phenotype does not, however, guarantee the absence of a translocation. We observed one T-DNA line with normal pollen that nevertheless had a translocation based on genetic mapping results. One additional phenomenon that we observed through our genetic mapping experiments was that the T-DNA junctions on the 5'- and 3'-sides of a targeted gene can genetically separate from each other in some cases. Two of the lines in our survey displayed this 'T-DNA borders separate' phenomenon. Experimental procedures for efficiently screening T-DNA lines for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and fifty Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion lines have been selected on a phenotypic basis. The T-DNA flanking sequences (FST) have been isolated using a PCR amplification procedure and sequenced. Seven hundred plant DNA sequences have been obtained revealing a T-DNA insertion in, or in the immediate vicinity of 482 annotated genes. Limited deletions of plant DNA have been observed at the site of insertion of T-DNA as well as in its left (LB) and right (RB) T-DNA signal sequences. The distribution of the T-DNA insertions along the chromosomes shows that they are essentially absent from the centrometric and pericentrometric regions.  相似文献   

Thirteen Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with deviating epicuticular wax layers (i.e., cer mutants) were isolated by screening 13 000 transformed lines produced by the seed transformation method. After crossing the 13 mutants to some of the previously known cer mutant lines, 12 of our mutants mapped to 6 of the 21 known complementation groups (cer1 through cer4 as well as cer6 and cer10), while the other mutant corresponded to a previously unknown locus, cer21. Mutant phenotypes of 6 of the 13 mutant lines were caused by T-DNA insertions within cer genes. We also analyzed the chemical composition of the epicuticular wax layers of the cer mutants isolated in this study relative to that of Arabidopsis wild-type plants. Our results suggest that the five genes we tagged regulate different steps in wax biosynthesis, i.e., the decarbonylation of fatty aldehydes to alkanes, the elongation of hexacosanoic acid to octacosanoic acid, the reduction of fatty aldehydes to primary alcohols and the production of free aldehydes, while an insertion in the fifth gene causes an alteration in the chain length distribution of the different classes of wax compounds.  相似文献   

A key component of a sound functional genomics infrastructure is the availability of a knockout mutant for every gene in the genome. A fruitful approach to systematically knockingout genes in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana has been the use of transferred-DNA (T-DNA) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens as an insertional mutagen. One of the assumptions underlying the use of T-DNA as a mutagen is that the insertion of these DNA elements into the Arabidopsis genome occurs at randomly selected locations. We have directly investigated the distribution of T-DNA insertions sites in populations of transformed Arabidopsis using two different approaches. To begin with, we utilized a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure to systematically catalog the precise locations of all the T-DNA elements inserted within a 65 kb segment of chromosome IV. Of the 47 T-DNA insertions identified, 30% were found within the coding regions of genes. We also documented the insertion of T-DNA elements within the centromeric region of chromosome IV. In addition to these targeted T-DNA screens, we also mapped the genomic locations of 583 randomly chosen T-DNA elements by sequencing the genomic DNA flanking the insertion sites from individual T-DNA-transformed lines. 35% of these randomly chosen T-DNA insertions were located within the coding regions of genes. For comparison, coding sequences account for 44% of the Arabidopsis genome. Our results demonstrate that there is a small bias towards recovering T-DNA insertions within intergenic regions. However, this bias does not limit the utility of T-DNA as an effective insertional mutagen for use in reverse-genetic strategies.  相似文献   

Mirza B 《Genetika》2005,41(12):1601-1607
In the experiment reported here, effect of the nature of T-DNA integration region on the activity of the transgenes was studied by using a colour marker gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. For this purpose a pale homozygous ch-42 mutant was transformed with the wild-type copy of the gene (CH-42) using kanamycin resistance gene as a selectable marker. Two independent lines were identified in which CH-42 transgene was inactive. The T-DNA flanking sequences were recovered from these inactive and two active lines. These flanking sequences were used to examine copy number and DNA methylation of the T-DNA insertion site in active and inactive lines. Southern blots produced by using MspI/HpaII digested genomic DNA showed signs of methylation in both inactive lines. Furthermore, in one of the inactive line the T-DNA flanking sequence probe hybridized to highly repetitive sequence. The results suggest some correlation between silencing of the transgene and methylation of its insertion region.  相似文献   

To assist in the analysis of plant gene functions we have generated a new Arabidopsis insertion mutant collection of 90 000 lines that carry the T-DNA of Agrobacterium gene fusion vector pPCV6NFHyg. Segregation analysis indicates that the average frequency of insertion sites is 1.29 per line, predicting about 116 100 independent tagged loci in the collection. The average T-DNA copy number estimated by Southern DNA hybridization is 2.4, as over 50% of the insertion loci contain tandem T-DNA copies. The collection is pooled in two arrays providing 40 PCR templates, each containing DNA from either 4000 or 5000 individual plants. A rapid and sensitive PCR technique using high-quality template DNA accelerates the identification of T-DNA tagged genes without DNA hybridization. The PCR screening is performed by agarose gel electrophoresis followed by isolation and direct sequencing of DNA fragments of amplified T-DNA insert junctions. To estimate the mutation recovery rate, 39 700 lines have been screened for T-DNA tags in 154 genes yielding 87 confirmed mutations in 73 target genes. Screening the whole collection with both T-DNA border primers requires 170 PCR reactions that are expected to detect a mutation in a gene with at least twofold redundancy and an estimated probability of 77%. Using this technique, an M2 family segregating a characterized gene mutation can be identified within 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Elongation of hypocotyl cells has been studied as a model for elucidating the contribution of cellular expansion to plant organ growth. ZEITLUPE (ZTL) or LOV KELCH PROTEIN1 (LKP1) is a positive regulator of warmth-induced hypocotyl elongation under white light in Arabidopsis, although the molecular mechanisms by which it promotes hypocotyl cell elongation remain unknown. Microarray analysis showed that 134 genes were upregulated and 204 genes including 15 auxin-inducible genes were downregulated in the seedlings of 2 ztl T-DNA insertion mutants grown under warm conditions with continuous white light. Application of a polar auxin transport inhibitor, an auxin antagonist or an auxin biosynthesis inhibitor inhibited hypocotyl elongation of control seedlings to the level observed with the ztl mutant. Our data suggest the involvement of auxin and auxin-inducible genes in ZTL-mediated hypocotyl elongation.  相似文献   

T-DNA insertion mutagenesis in Arabidopsis: mutational spectrum   总被引:24,自引:14,他引:10  
More than 8000 transformants of Arabidopsis have been generated by treating germinating seeds with cultures of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Genetic characterization of a subset of the transformants indicates that they contain an average of 1.4 inserts each, as assayed by kanamycin resistance. Molecular analysis shows that the inserts are predominantly concatamers of T-DNAs arranged as direct and inverted repeats. More recently these 8000 lines have been screened under a variety of growth conditions for visible alterations in phenotype. More than 1000 putative mutants were observed during the application of these screening procedures. These mutants fall into several general classes: seedling-lethals, size variants, pigment, embryo-defective, reduced-fertility, dramatic (morphological), and physiological. The majority of the mutants (88%) segregate in a Mendelian manner for the mutant phenotype. An analysis of approximately 50 mutants in this group shows that > 80% are tagged with a functional insert. The wide spectrum of mutants observed suggests that it may be feasible to develop a comprehensive collection of mutant lines in which each gene is tagged by a T-DNA insertion.  相似文献   

Metallochaperone-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A complete inventory of metallochaperone-like proteins containing a predicted HMA domain in Arabidopsis revealed a large family of 67 proteins. 45 proteins, the HIPPs, have a predicted isoprenylation site while 22 proteins, the HPPs, do not. Sequence comparisons divided the proteins into seven major clusters (I-VII). Cluster IV is notable for the presence of a conserved Asp residue before the CysXXCys, metal binding motif, analogous to the Zn binding motif in E. coli ZntA. HIPP20, HIPP21, HIPP22, HIPP26 and HIPP27 in Cluster IV were studied in more detail. All but HIPP21 could rescue the Cd-sensitive, ycf1 yeast mutant but failed to rescue the growth of zrt1zrt2, zrc1cot1 and atx1 mutants. In Arabidopsis, single and double mutants did not show a phenotype but the hipp20/21/22 triple mutant was more sensitive to Cd and accumulated less Cd than the wild-type suggesting the HIPPs can have a role in Cd-detoxification, possibly by binding Cd. Promoter-GUS reporter expression studies indicated variable expression of these HIPPs. For example, in roots, HIPP22 and HIPP26 are only expressed in lateral root tips while HIPP20 and HIPP25 show strong expression in the root vasculature.  相似文献   

K D Pruitt  R L Last 《Plant physiology》1993,102(3):1019-1026
Expression of the two Arabidopsis thaliana genes encoding tryptophan synthase beta (TSB1 and TSB2) was investigated by gene-specific RNA blot hybridization and reporter gene analysis. TSB1 mRNA abundance varies in an organ-specific manner, whereas TSB2 mRNA does not. Quantitative analysis of transgenic plants expressing TSB1 and TSB2 translational fusions to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene (gusA) indicates that TSB1-GUS activity is 15-fold higher than TSB2-GUS. Histochemical analysis of these transgenic A. thaliana plants indicates that GUS expression occurs in a developmentally regulated manner. GUS activity driven from the TSB1 promoter is predominantly associated with the stem, root tips, foliar vasculature, mesophyll cells, base of developing seed pods, and tips of anther filaments in plants 15 d and older. Sections through the vegetative stem reveal GUS staining in all cell types including the shoot apical meristem. Although TSB2-GUS expression is consistently detected in root tips and at the base of developing seed pods, it is observed later in plant development than is TSB1-GUS expression.  相似文献   

Experimental data from analysis of exogenous DNA (T-DNA) insertion sites in transgenic plants are summarized. Arguments are considered in favor and against the existence of genome DNA regions preferred for transgene integration that are determined by distinctive features characterizing the organization and nucleotide composition of the plant genome and the structure and conformational state of the chromatin. The main stages of T-DNA integration into a plant chromosome and possible molecular mechanisms of this process are discussed.  相似文献   

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