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Kenneth M. Brown 《Oecologia》1981,50(3):380-385
Summary Foraging patterns were determined for three orbweaving spiders in several geographical locations varying in percent cover by herbaceous vegetation. Argiope trifasciata was the most common species in early successional habitats, while both Argiope aurantia and Araneus trifolium were more common in wetter, more herbaceous sites. Discriminant analysis revealed that web height selected for webs and body size were the variables that explained most of the variation among populations in foraging patterns. Argiope aurantia forages lowest in vegetation, A. trifasciata at intermediate heights, and A. trifolium near the top of the vegetation. The body size sequence is reversed.Web radius, spider size, and web height appear to explain much of the variation in abundance and size of prey in webs. Species foraging higher in the vegetation take more winged prey, while larger species foraging lower in the vegetation tend to take larger, jumping prey like acridids. Comparison of prey in webs with field estimates of potential prey suggests that orbweavers select large insect prey. Inferential evidence indicates that interspecific competition may be responsible for the divergence in foraging patterns among species reported here. However, field manipulative experiments have not yet indicated that competition among orb-weavers is severe.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal niche partitioning in grassland ants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined whether the species composition of a community influences the persistence of larval Ambystoma maculatum in assemblages composed of two larger intraguild predators (A. opacum and A. jeffersonianum) and an alternative prey species (tadpoles of Rana sylvatica). We predicted a priori that A. maculatum would have higher survival in more diverse communities containing alternative species of prey and top predators (A. opacum), the latter of which may lower the abundance of intermediate predators (A. jeffersonianum) via intraguild predation. In a factorial experiment, we manipulated the presence of larval A. opacum, A. jeffersonianum, and R. sylvatica in replicated artificial ponds containing larval A. maculatum. The presence of all three species significantly depressed biomass production in A. maculatum: biomass was highest in ponds lacking the other species and was zero in ponds initially containing all four species. Tadpoles severely reduced the growth of filamentous algae in the ponds. This, in turn, may have affected the abundance of some herbivorous prey of larval salamanders, although this possibility was not tested. The presence of congeneric predators severely restricted the presence in the water column of larval A. maculatum, which otherwise exhibited significant diel patterns of activity in the absence of predators. Together, the presence of tadpoles and a predator-mediated reduction in activity patterns may have limited foraging opportunities for A. maculatum, thus exacerbating the direct impact of predation on survival in this species. These results suggest that diverse assemblages consisting of these particular species may actually inhibit, rather than promote, inclusion of A. maculatum in some communities of pond-breeding amphibians.  相似文献   

Syntopic species often exhibit evolutionary mechanisms that reduce competition. A common mechanism facilitating coexistence is niche separation, which may manifest through spatial, temporal or trophic dimensions. Species that are morphologically similar, such as congeners, are likely to compete directly and thus separate their niche spatially. The microhabitat selection and partitioning of two endemic geckos of the Soutpansberg Mountains, Lygodactylus incognitus (Jacobsen, 1992; Squamata: Gekkonidae) and L. soutpansbergensis (Jacobsen, 1994; Squamata: Gekkonidae), was investigated by recording fine‐ and broad‐scale habitat variables. Results reveal that L. incognitus is restricted to high elevations above 1100 m a.s.l. and is associated with moist microclimates. Although primarily saxicolous, they also utilise tree trunks, branches and stems. Lygodactylus soutpansbergensis occurs above 800 m a.s.l and is restricted to rocky outcrops, open woodlands and rocky grasslands, often found on loose rocks. Perch height for L. soutpansbergensis is close to ground level, and they are limited to drier microclimates. Microhabitat partitioning does not appear to be due to interspecific exclusion as the smaller L. soutpansbergensis occupies the same niche dimensions in areas where L. incognitus is not present. Sites where L. incognitus occurs in the absence of L. soutpansbergensis are forested with high canopy cover, likely preventing the colonisation of L. soutpansbergensis. This suggests that morphological and physiological constraints define microhabitat limits, although this still requires testing. Anthropogenic activities are likely to threaten the persistence of L. incognitus and L. soutpansbergensis on the Soutpansberg in the future. The results from this study may aid the interpretation and understanding on the syntopy of morphologically similar species that inhabit the same macrohabitats in other areas.  相似文献   

1. The parasitic chalcidoid wasps associated with the species-specific and obligatory pollination mutualisms between Ficus spp. and their agaonid wasp pollinators provide a good model to study the functional organization of communities. 2. However, communities of non-pollinating fig wasps (NPFWs) remain little characterized, and their functioning and evolutionary dynamics are still poorly understood. 3. We studied the communities of NPFWs associated with the monoecious F. racemosa and the dioecious F. hispida. Associated with these two fig species are a total of seven wasp species belonging to three genera. These species present contrasts in life history traits and in timing of oviposition. The species studied are thus broadly representative of the communities of NPFWs associated specifically with fig-pollinator mutualisms. 4. In our study systems, there is temporal segregation of oviposition time among members of NPFW communities. 5. We tested the role of volatile chemicals in the attraction of NPFWs associated with these two fig species, and tried to determine if chemical mediation can explain the organization of the communities. 6. We conducted odour choice tests using a Y-tube olfactometer. All the NPFWs studied were shown to use volatile chemicals produced by the fig to locate their host. Furthermore, the signals used by each species depended on the phenological stage of the fig they exploit. 7. Results demonstrated that the pattern of oviposition results from the utilization of volatile signals produced by figs that vary in their composition at different stages of fig development. Thus, chemical mediation allows resource partitioning in the NPFW communities associated with fig-pollinator mutualisms, and suggests hypotheses to explain coexistence in other parasite communities.  相似文献   

Microbes catalyze all major geochemical cycles on earth. However, the role of microbial traits and community composition in biogeochemical cycles is still poorly understood mainly due to the inability to assess the community members that are actually performing biogeochemical conversions in complex environmental samples. Here we applied a polyphasic approach to assess the role of microbial community composition in modulating methane emission from a riparian floodplain. We show that the dynamics and intensity of methane consumption in riparian wetlands coincide with relative abundance and activity of specific subgroups of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB), which can be considered as a minor component of the microbial community in this ecosystem. Microarray-based community composition analyses demonstrated linear relationships of MOB diversity parameters and in vitro methane consumption. Incubations using intact cores in combination with stable isotope labeling of lipids and proteins corroborated the correlative evidence from in vitro incubations demonstrating γ-proteobacterial MOB subgroups to be responsible for methane oxidation. The results obtained within the riparian flooding gradient collectively demonstrate that niche partitioning of MOB within a community comprised of a very limited amount of active species modulates methane consumption and emission from this wetland. The implications of the results obtained for biodiversity–ecosystem functioning are discussed with special reference to the role of spatial and temporal heterogeneity and functional redundancy.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are often thought to have been a decisive factor in the diversification of flowering plants, but to be of little or no importance for the maintenance of existing plant diversity. In a recent opinion paper, Pauw (2013 Trends Ecol. Evol. 28, 30–37. (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2012.07.019)) challenged this view by proposing a mechanism of diversity maintenance based on pollination niche partitioning. In this article, I investigate under which conditions the mechanism suggested by Pauw can promote plant coexistence, using a mathematical model of plant and pollinator population dynamics. Numerical simulations show that this mechanism is most effective when the costs of searching for flowers are low, pollinator populations are strongly limited by resources other than pollen and nectar, and plant–pollinator interactions are sufficiently specialized. I review the empirical literature on these three requirements, discuss additional factors that may be important for diversity maintenance through pollination niche partitioning, and provide recommendations on how to detect this coexistence mechanism in natural plant communities.  相似文献   

同地共栖三种鼠耳蝠食性差异及其生态位分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hu KL  Yang J  Tan LJ  Zhang LB 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):177-181
2005年9—11月在贵州省安龙县笃山乡暗河村,分析了共栖同一山洞3种鼠耳蝠的形态特征和食性。在体型上,华南水鼠耳蝠体重为(4.46±0.53)g,前臂长为(34.63±1.45)mm;毛腿鼠耳蝠体重为(5.15±1.76)g,前臂长为(35.20±1.07)mm;西南鼠耳蝠体重为(10.94±0.87)g,前臂长为(45.21±1.15)mm。3种鼠耳蝠的体重两两之间差异显著,西南鼠耳蝠与另外2种鼠耳蝠的前臂长相比两两之间差异显著。在食物组成上,华南水鼠耳蝠主要捕食近水面活动的双翅目及其幼虫,体积百分比和频次百分比分别为79.7%和100%;毛腿鼠耳蝠主要捕食双翅目和小型鞘翅目,体积百分比分别占59.6%和28.8%,频次百分比分别为91.3%和80.1%;西南鼠耳蝠的食物组成主要为近地面或在地表活动的鞘翅目步甲科和埋葬虫科昆虫,体积百分比和频次百分比分别为80.8%和100%;3种鼠耳蝠食物组成存在显著差异。结果表明,同地共栖3种鼠耳蝠除了形态结构上出现差异,食物组成也存在明显的差异。据此,推测3种鼠耳蝠可能采取不同的捕食生境和捕食策略,从而导致捕食生态位分离,避免出现激烈竞争,使得3种近缘鼠耳蝠能够同地共栖。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances can constrain the realized niche space of wildlife by inducing avoidance behaviors and altering community dynamics. Human activity might contribute to reduced partitioning of niche space by carnivores that consume similar resources, both by promoting tolerant species while also altering behavior of species (e.g. activity patterns). We investigated the influence of anthropogenic disturbance on habitat and dietary niche breadth and overlap among competing carnivores, and explored if altered resource partitioning could be explained by human‐induced activity shifts. To describe the diets of coyotes, bobcat, and gray foxes, we designed a citizen science program to collect carnivore scat samples in low‐ (‘wildland’) and high‐ (‘interface’) human‐use open space preserves, and obtained diet estimates using a DNA metabarcoding approach. Habitat use was determined at scat locations. We found that coyotes expanded habitat and dietary niche breadth in interface preserves, whereas bobcats and foxes narrowed both niche breadth measures. High human use was related to increased dietary niche overlap among all mesocarnivore pairs, increased coyote habitat overlap with bobcats and foxes, and a small reduction in habitat overlap between bobcats and foxes. The strongest increase in diet overlap was among coyotes and foxes, which was smaller in magnitude than their habitat overlap increase. Finally, coyote scats were more likely to contain nocturnal prey in interface preserves, whereas foxes appeared to reduce consumption of nocturnal prey. Our results suggest that dominant and generalist mesocarnivores may encroach on the niche space of subordinate mesocarnivores in areas with high human activity, and that patterns in resource use may be related to human‐induced activity shifts.  相似文献   

  1. Deep roots have long been thought to allow trees to coexist with shallow‐rooted grasses. However, data demonstrating how root distributions affect water uptake and niche partitioning are uncommon.
  2. We describe tree and grass root distributions using a depth‐specific tracer experiment six times over two years in a subtropical savanna, Kruger National Park, South Africa. These point‐in‐time measurements were then used in a soil water flow model to simulate continuous water uptake by depth and plant growth form (trees and grasses) across two growing seasons. This allowed estimates of the total amount of water a root distribution could absorb as well as the amount of water a root distribution could absorb in excess of the other rooting distribution (i.e., unique hydrological niche).
  3. Most active tree and grass roots were in shallow soils: The mean depth of water uptake was 22 cm for trees and 17 cm for grasses. Slightly deeper rooting distributions provided trees with 5% more soil water than the grasses in a drier season, but 13% less water in a wetter season. Small differences also provided each rooting distribution (tree or grass) with unique hydrological niches of 4 to 13 mm water.
  4. The effect of rooting distributions has long been inferred. By quantifying the depth and timing of water uptake, we demonstrated how even small differences in rooting distributions can provide plants with resource niches that can contribute to species coexistence. Differences in total water uptake and unique hydrological niche sizes were small in this system, but they indicated that tradeoffs in rooting strategies can be expected to contribute to tree and grass coexistence because 1) competitive advantages change over time and 2) plant growth forms always have access to a soil resource pool that is not available to the other plant growth form.

Coral Reefs - Ecological niches hold critical information concerning the eco-evolutionary dynamics that govern biodiversity and abundance patterns. Cryptobenthic reef fishes account for...  相似文献   

Niche conservatism (NC) describes the scenario in which species retain similar characteristics or traits over time and space, and thus has potentially important implications for understanding their biogeographic distributions. Evidence consistent with NC includes similar niche properties across geographically distant regions. We investigated whether NC was evident in stream diatom morphospecies by modeling species responses to environmental and climatic variables in a set of calibration sites (from the US) and then evaluated the models with test sets (from France, Finland, New Zealand, Antilles and La Réunion). We also examined whether diatom species showed congruency in environmental niche optima and niche breadths between the study regions, and whether species occupancy and functional traits influenced the observed patterns. We used boosted regression tree models with local environmental variables and climatic variables as predictors. We detected low NC in both environmental and climate models and a lack of consistent differences in NC between widely distributed and regionally rare species and among functional groups. For all species, diatom environmental and climatic optima varied clearly between the regions but showed some positive relationships especially for pH and total phosphorus. Diatom niche breadths were only weakly correlated between the US and the other regions. We demonstrated that diatoms showed overall relatively little NC globally, and NC was especially low for climatic variables. Collectively, these findings suggest that there may exist locally adapted lineages within the diatom morphospecies or diatoms possess some adaptation potential for differences in temperature. We argue that in diatoms, environmental and especially climate models may not be transferrable in space globally but need regional diatom data for calibration because species niches seem to differ among geographical regions.  相似文献   

咬合力与动物咀嚼系统的形态特征以及食物硬度有关,是评价动物取食行为的重要指标之一。本文于2012年4月在云南西双版纳对食果、食蜜和食虫3种食性的12种蝙蝠咬合力进行研究,使用咬合力探测仪测量蝙蝠手持状态下的咬合力,分析不同食性蝙蝠咬合力的差异,并与其体型(体重、前臂长、头长)进行相关分析。结果表明,3种食性蝙蝠的咬合力存在显著差异,食果蝙蝠咬合力最大,其次为食蜜蝙蝠,食虫蝙蝠咬合力最小;但是去除体重因素的影响之后,不同食性蝙蝠的咬合力则差异不显著。蝙蝠咬合力与体重、前臂长、头长均呈显著正相关。本文研究结果表明,体重是影响蝙蝠咬合力的主要因素,食性在一定程度上也对咬合力产生影响,食蜜蝙蝠吻部延长,头长上的特化导致其咬合力的减弱。  相似文献   

Moraes  Carine G.  Hegg  Jensen  Giarrizzo  Tommaso  Andrade  Marcelo C. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(18):4167-4177

Niche partitioning occurs among coexisting populations to reduce the effects of competitive exclusion among species of similar niche. The aim of the present study is to verify the trophic niche partitioning and feeding behavior between two mustelids, the Giant otter and the Neotropical otter, through the dry and rainy season hydrologic of the Lower Xingu River. Our results suggest that the diets of both mustelids are composed primarily of fish of the family Anostomidae (Headstanders). Despite extensive niche overlap, our results indicate partitioning is facilitated by differences in niche breadth, with potential implications for conservation of both species in the case of declines in prey abundance and diversity. Both species inhabit an area recently impacted by completion of the Belo Monte Hydropower Plant, resulting in large changes to the hydrologic regime. Thus, our results provide important information for conservation efforts regarding the feeding behavior and co-occurrence of both species, as well as providing a baseline for monitoring future health of these mustelid populations. The present study is the first to test the hypothesis of niche partitioning between these two mustelids outside a protected area in the Amazon.


Elephant seals, Mirounga spp., are highly dimorphic, having different energetic requirements according to age and sex, and foraging in various ecological and oceanographic contexts. Resource partitioning has been shown for the sub-Antarctic populations of southern elephant seals, M. leonina, where colonies are surrounded by narrow shelves that deepen abruptly. In contrast, seals from Península Valdés (Argentina), in the northernmost extent of the breeding range, face an extended, shallow, temperate, and productive continental shelf. We integrated tracking data from 98 animals (juveniles and adults, males and females) gathered over more than two decades, and found that although all available habitats were used, individuals segregated by age and sex. Juvenile males favored shelf habitats, whereas subadult and adult males also used the shelf break. Juvenile females preferred the shelf and the more distant Argentine Basin used by postbreeding and postmolt adult females. Males showed the highest proportion of area-restricted search locations, suggesting more spatially concentrated feeding activity, and likely reflecting a preference for foraging habitat and prey. Our results are consistent with those from other populations, implying that elephant seals show remarkable similarities in habitat use by age and sex classes, despite broad differences in the offshore habitats between sub-Antarctic and temperate ecosystems.  相似文献   

Multidimensional approaches examining complex trait-niche relationships are crucial to understand community assembly. This is particularly important across habitat transformation gradients because specialists are progressively substituted by generalists and, despite increasing functional homogenization, in both specialist and generalist communities niche partitioning is apparent. Here, in line with the continuum hypothesis, we expected that divergent trait-niche relationships would arise in passerine assemblages across the natural-to-urban transformation gradient. More specifically, we expected that traits linking form to function would be more important in less transformed habitats, while population density and traits linked to dispersal and dominance would predominate in more transformed habitats. Accordingly, we found that beak length and its interaction with tarsus length correlated significantly with isotopic niches in natural and rural habitats, where specialists predominate. Conversely, body size and aggressiveness only showed significant relationships with isotopic niches with increasing habitat transformation, where generalists prevail. Interestingly, we recorded a mix of these processes in rural habitats, which acted as a frontier between these two domains. Our study is thus important in showing that a complex combination of morphological and behavioral traits determine niche characteristics, and that these relationships are dynamic across habitat transformation gradients.  相似文献   

We assess the potential of different forms of variation partitioning to distinguish between environmental control and dispersal limitation in communities structured by combinations of niche and neutral processes. Simulation data reveal interactions between dispersal limitation, environmental control, and the spatial structure of environmental factors in the detected levels of variance fractions. The degree of dispersal limitation contributes to both the pure environmental and pure spatial variance partitions. This undermines the common practice of interpreting these partitions as direct expressions of niche and neutral processes, respectively. Furthermore, the proportion of variation attributed to environmental variation depends not only on the strength of environmental control, but also on the specific spatial configuration of the environmental variable. This has important implications for the interpretation of empirical studies. In particular, use of these analytical techniques to compare processes governing community structure among different study systems is unwarranted, as the results will reflect not only differences in the strength of the processes of interest, but also the influence of the unique spatial arrangement of the environmental variables in each system.  相似文献   

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