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Status of the phylogenetic diversity census of ruminal microbiomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, the collective microbial diversity in the rumen was examined by performing a meta-analysis of all the curated 16S rRNA gene (rrn) sequences deposited in the RDP database. As of November 2010, 13,478 bacterial and 3516 archaeal rrn sequences were found. The bacterial sequences were assigned to 5271 operation taxonomic units (OTUs) at species level (0.03 phylogenetic distance) representing 19 existing phyla, of which the Firmicutes (2958 OTUs), Bacteroidetes (1610 OTUs) and Proteobacteria (226 OTUs) were the most predominant. These bacterial sequences were grouped into more than 3500 OTUs at genus level (0.05 distance), but only 180 existing genera were represented. Nearly all the archaeal sequences were assigned to 943 species-level OTUs in phylum Euryarchaeota. Although clustered into 670 genus-level OTUs, only 12 existing archaeal genera were represented. Based on rarefaction analysis, the current percent coverage at species level reached 71% for bacteria and 65% for archaea. At least 78,218 bacterial and 24,480 archaeal sequences would be needed to reach 99.9% coverage. The results of this study may serve as a framework to assess the significance of individual populations to rumen functions and to guide future studies to identify the alpha and global diversity of ruminal microbiomes.  相似文献   

Biogeography of macro- and micro-organisms in the deep sea is, in part, shaped by naturally occurring heterogeneous habitat features of geological and biological origin such as seeps, vents, seamounts, whale and wood-falls. Artificial features including shipwrecks and energy infrastructure shape the biogeographic patterns of macro-organisms; how they influence microorganisms is unclear. Shipwrecks may function as islands of biodiversity for microbiomes, creating a patchwork of habitats with influence radiating out into the seabed. Here we show microbiome richness and diversity increase as a function of proximity to the historic deep-sea shipwreck Anona in the Gulf of Mexico. Diversity and richness extinction plots provide evidence of an island effect on microbiomes. A halo of core taxa on the seabed was observed up to 200 m away from the wreck indicative of the transition zone from shipwreck habitat to the surrounding environment. Transition zones around natural habitat features are often small in area compared to what was observed at Anona indicating shipwrecks may exert a large sphere of influence on seabed microbiomes. Historic shipwrecks are abundant, isolated habitats with global distribution, providing a means to explore contemporary processes shaping biogeography on the seafloor. This work is a case study for how built environments impact microbial biodiversity and provides new information on how arrival of material to the seafloor shapes benthic microbiomes.Subject terms: Biogeography, Microbial biooceanography  相似文献   

Phototrophic biofilms are multispecies, self-sustaining and largely closed microbial ecosystems. They form macroscopic structures such as microbial mats and stromatolites. These sunlight-driven consortia consist of a number of functional groups of microorganisms that recycle the elements internally. Particularly, the sulfur cycle is discussed in more detail as this is fundamental to marine benthic microbial communities and because recently exciting new insights have been obtained. The cycling of elements demands a tight tuning of the various metabolic processes and require cooperation between the different groups of microorganisms. This is likely achieved through cell-to-cell communication and a biological clock. Biofilms may be considered as a macroscopic biological entity with its own physiology. We review the various components of some marine phototrophic biofilms and discuss their roles in the system. The importance of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) as the matrix for biofilm metabolism and as substrate for biofilm microorganisms is discussed. We particularly assess the importance of extracellular DNA, horizontal gene transfer and viruses for the generation of genetic diversity and innovation, and for rendering resilience to external forcing to these biological entities.  相似文献   

The number of bacterial species estimated to exist on Earth has increased dramatically in recent years. This newly recognized species diversity has raised the possibility that bacterial natural product biosynthetic diversity has also been significantly underestimated by previous culture-based studies. Here, we compare 454-pyrosequenced nonribosomal peptide adenylation domain, type I polyketide ketosynthase domain, and type II polyketide ketosynthase alpha gene fragments amplified from cosmid libraries constructed using DNA isolated from three different arid soils. While 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicates these cloned metagenomes contain DNA from similar distributions of major bacterial phyla, we found that they contain almost completely distinct collections of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene sequences. When grouped at 85% identity, only 1.5% of the adenylation domain, 1.2% of the ketosynthase, and 9.3% of the ketosynthase alpha sequence clusters contained sequences from all three metagenomes. Although there is unlikely to be a simple correlation between biosynthetic gene sequence diversity and the diversity of metabolites encoded by the gene clusters in which these genes reside, our analysis further suggests that sequences in one soil metagenome are so distantly related to sequences in another metagenome that they are, in many cases, likely to arise from functionally distinct gene clusters. The marked differences observed among collections of biosynthetic genes found in even ecologically similar environments suggest that prokaryotic natural product biosynthesis diversity is, like bacterial species diversity, potentially much larger than appreciated from culture-based studies.  相似文献   

Microplastic (MP) is an environmental burden and enters food webs via ingestion by macrofauna, including isopods (Porcellio scaber) in terrestrial ecosystems. Isopods represent ubiquitously abundant, ecologically important detritivores. However, MP-polymer specific effects on the host and its gut microbiota are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that biodegradable (polylactic acid [PLA]) and non-biodegradable (polyethylene terephthalate [PET]; polystyrene [PS]) MPs have contrasting effects on P. scaber mediated by changes of the gut microbiota. The isopod fitness after an 8-week MP-exposure was generally unaffected, although the isopods showed avoidance behaviour to PS-food. MP-polymer specific effects on gut microbes were detected, including a stimulation of microbial activity by PLA compared with MP-free controls. PLA stimulated hydrogen emission from isopod guts, while PET and PS were inhibitory. We roughly estimated 107 kg year−1 hydrogen emitted from the isopods globally and identified their guts as anoxic, significant mobile sources of reductant for soil microbes despite the absence of classical obligate anaerobes, likely due to Enterobacteriaceae-related fermentation activities that were stimulated by lactate generated during PLA-degradation. The findings suggest negative effects of PET and PS on gut fermentation, modulation of important isopod hydrogen emissions by MP pollution and the potential of MP to affect terrestrial food webs.  相似文献   


This article reviews the role of microbial biofilms in infection, and the antimicrobial chemical diversity of marine macroalgae and their associated microbiomes. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents one of the major health threats faced by humanity over the next few years. To prevent a global epidemic of antimicrobial-resistant infections, the discovery of new antimicrobials and antibiotics, better anti-infection strategies and diagnostics, and changes to our current use of antibiotics have all become of paramount importance. Numerous studies investigating the bioactivities of seaweed extracts as well as their secondary and primary metabolites highlight the vast biochemical diversity of seaweeds, with new modes of action making them ideal sources for the discovery of novel antimicrobial bioactive compounds of pharmaceutical interest. In recent years, researchers have focused on characterizing the endophytic and epiphytic microbiomes of various algal species in an attempt to elucidate host-microbe interactions as well as to understand the function of microbial communities. Although environmental and host-associated factors crucially shape microbial composition, microbial mutualistic and obligate symbionts are often found to play a fundamental role in regulating many aspects of host fitness involving ecophysiology and metabolism. In particular, algal ‘core’ epiphytic bacterial communities play an important role in the protection of surfaces from biofouling, pathogens and grazers through the production of bioactive metabolites. Together, marine macroalgae and their associated microbiomes represent unique biological systems offering great potential for the isolation and identification of novel compounds and strategies to counteract the rise and dissemination of AMR.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria perform oxygenic photosynthesis, which makes them unique among the prokaryotes, and this feature together with their abundance and worldwide distribution renders them a central ecological role. Cyanobacteria and chloroplasts of plants and algae are believed to share a common ancestor and the modern chloroplast would thus be the remnant of an endosymbiosis between a eukaryotic cell and an ancestral oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryote. Chloroplast metabolic processes are coordinated with those of the other cellular compartments and are strictly controlled by means of regulatory systems that commonly involve redox reactions. Disulphide/dithiol exchange catalysed by thioredoxin is a fundamental example of such regulation and represents the molecular mechanism for light-dependent redox control of an ever-increasing number of chloroplast enzymatic activities. In contrast to chloroplast thioredoxins, the functions of the cyanobacterial thioredoxins have long remained elusive, despite their common origin. The sequenced genomes of several cyanobacterial species together with novel experimental approaches involving proteomics have provided new tools for re-examining the roles of the thioredoxin systems in these organisms. Thus, each cyanobacterial genome encodes between one and eight thioredoxins and all components necessary for the reduction of thioredoxins. Screening for thioredoxin target proteins in cyanobacteria indicates that assimilation and storage of nutrients, as well as some central metabolic pathways, are regulated by mechanisms involving disulphide/dithiol exchange, which could be catalysed by thioredoxins or related thiol-containing proteins.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates are biomolecules abundantly available in nature. They are found in bewildering types ranging from simple sugars through oligo- and polysaccharides to glycoconjugates and saccharide complexes, each exhibiting characteristic bio-physiological and/or nutritional functions both in in vivo and in vitro systems. For example, their presence or inclusion in food dictates the texture (body) and gives desirable customer appeal (satisfaction), or their inclusion in the diet offers beneficial effects of great therapeutic value. Thus, carbohydrates are integrally involved in a multitude of biological functions such as regulation of the immune system, cellular signaling (communication), cell malignancy, antiinfection responses, host-pathogen interactions, etc. If starch is considered the major energy storage carbohydrate, the gums/mucilages and other non-starch carbohydrates are of structural significance. The most investigated properties of starch are its gelatinization and melting behavior, especially during food processing. This has led to the development of the food polymer science approach, which has enabled a new interpretive and experimental frame work for the study of the plasticizing influence of simple molecules such as water, sugars, etc. on food systems that are kinetically constrained. Starch, although considered fully digestible, has been challenged, and starch is found to be partly indigestible in the GI tract of humans. This fraction of starch-resisting digestion in vivo is known as resistant starch (RS). The latter, due to its excellent fermentative capacity in the gut, especially yielding butyric acid is considered a new tool for the creation of fiber-rich foods, which are of nutraceutical importance. By a careful control of the processing conditions the content of RS, a man-made fiber, can be increased to as high as 30%. Arabinoxylans are the major endospermic cell wall polysaccharides of cereals. In wheat they are found complexed with ferulic acid esters, which after oxidative coupling in vivo mediated by H2O2 and peroxidases or even by photochemical means give cross linked diferuloyl derivatives. The latter confer strength and extensibility to the cell wall and offer resistance for digestibility by ruminants. They also help blocking of the ingress of pathogens. The ester bound ferulic acid after oxidation in vivo generates reactive oxygen species that contribute to the fragmentation of non-starch polysaccharides (hemicelluloses), and thereby reduces the product viscosity, a property seen during long-term storage of rice. In plant tissues, the arabinogalactans are implicated in such diverse functions as cell-cell adhesion, nutrition of growing pollen tubes, response to microbial infections, and also as markers of identity expressed in the terminal sequences of saccharide chains.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of non-ribosomal peptide and polyketide natural products is facilitated by multimodular enzymes that contain domains responsible for the sequential condensation of amino and carboxylic subunits. These conserved domains provide molecular targets for the discovery of natural products from microbial metagenomes. This study demonstrates the application of tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing (TEFAP) targeting non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and polyketide synthase (PKS) genes as a method for determining the identity and diversity of natural product biosynthesis genes. To validate this approach, we assessed the diversity of NRPS and PKS genes within the microbiomes of six Australian marine sponge species using both TEFAP and metagenomic whole-genome shotgun sequencing approaches. The TEFAP approach identified 100 novel ketosynthase (KS) domain sequences and 400 novel condensation domain sequences within the microbiomes of the six sponges. The diversity of KS domains within the microbiome of a single sponge species Scopalina sp. exceeded that of any previously surveyed marine sponge. Furthermore, this study represented the first to target the condensation domain from NRPS biosynthesis and resulted in the identification of a novel condensation domain lineage. This study highlights the untapped potential of Australian marine sponges for the isolation of novel bioactive natural products. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that TEFAP approaches can be applied to functional genes, involved in natural product biosynthesis, as a tool to aid natural product discovery. It is envisaged that this approach will be used across multiple environments, offering an insight into the biological processes that influence the production of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry of trophic interactions has mainly been studied in simple consumer–prey systems, whereas natural systems often harbour complex food webs with abundant indirect effects. We manipulated the complexity of trophic interactions by using simple laboratory food webs and complex field food webs in enclosures in Lake Erken. In the simple food web, one producer assemblage (periphyton) and its consumers (benthic snails) were amended by perch, which was externally fed by fish food. In the complex food web, two producer assemblages (periphyton and phytoplankton), their consumers (benthic invertebrates and zooplankton) and perch feeding on zooplankton were included. In the simple food web perch affected the stoichiometry of periphyton and increased periphyton biomass and the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Grazers reduced periphyton biomass but increased its nutrient content. In the complex food web, in contrast to the simple food web, perch affected periphyton biomass negatively but increased phytoplankton abundance. Perch had no influence on benthic invertebrate density, zooplankton biomass or periphyton stoichiometry. Benthic grazers reduced periphyton biomass and nutrient content. The difference between the simple and the complex food web was presumably due to the increase of pelagic cyanobacteria ( Gloeotrichia sp.) with fish presence in the complex food web, thus fish had indirect negative effects on periphyton biomass through nutrient competition and shading by cyanobacteria. We conclude that the higher food web complexity through the presence of pelagic primary producers (in this case Gloeotrichia sp.) influences the direction and strength of trophic and stoichiometric interactions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic variation of R0 androgenic plants obtained from four seed sources and donor plants by anther culture. Several morphological traits (leaf size, petiole length, leaf division, cortex colour) and the range of diversity were evaluated. There was large variation in all traits among the donor varieties. Especially leaf division and cortex colour differed significantly among the androgenic plants that came from different seed sources. The plants regenerated from four donor plants of variety 62 were significantly different in most traits except for leaf width and cortex colour. Evaluation of R1 plants will demonstrate whether the R0 variation observed is due to genetic variation or physiological differences from tissue culture.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics in males are often associated with divergent phenotypes expressed as phenotypically plastic threshold traits. The evolution of threshold traits in these species has been modeled under the conditional evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). Both strategic and genetic models predict that perturbations to the fitness trade-off between the male morphs will lead to a shift in the ESS switch point of the threshold. So far, demographic factors that influence the competitive ability of male morphs have been investigated and related to intraspecific population variation in male dimorphic thresholds. Here we reveal evidence for the theoretical prediction that abiotic features of the environment, in particular its structural complexity, are likely to influence the ESS threshold. In the male dimorphic mite Sancassania berlesei, we monitored the survival of aggressive fighter males and their benign scrambler counterparts in populations that differed in structural complexity. We found that, consistent with our prediction, the complex habitat favored fighter males, enabling them to kill a greater number of rival scramblers. We found no effect of habitat complexity on the survival of fighter males. These results demonstrate how abiotic as well as biotic aspects of the environment can be important in determining the frequencies of males adopting alternative tactics in different species or populations.  相似文献   

The skeleton of reef-building coral harbors diverse microbial communities that could compensate for metabolic deficiencies caused by the loss of algal endosymbionts, i.e., coral bleaching. However, it is unknown to what extent endolith taxonomic diversity and functional potential might contribute to thermal resilience. Here we exposed Goniastrea edwardsi and Porites lutea, two common reef‐building corals from the central Red Sea to a 17-day long heat stress. Using hyperspectral imaging, marker gene/metagenomic sequencing, and NanoSIMS, we characterized their endolithic microbiomes together with 15N and 13C assimilation of two skeletal compartments: the endolithic band directly below the coral tissue and the deep skeleton. The bleaching-resistant G. edwardsi was associated with endolithic microbiomes of greater functional diversity and redundancy that exhibited lower N and C assimilation than endoliths in the bleaching-sensitive P. lutea. We propose that the lower endolithic primary productivity in G. edwardsi can be attributed to the dominance of chemolithotrophs. Lower primary production within the skeleton may prevent unbalanced nutrient fluxes to coral tissues under heat stress, thereby preserving nutrient-limiting conditions characteristic of a stable coral-algal symbiosis. Our findings link coral endolithic microbiome structure and function to bleaching susceptibility, providing new avenues for understanding and eventually mitigating reef loss.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

Estimating and comparing the diversity of marine actinobacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper reviews the application of species richness estimators to microbial diversity data and describes phylogenetic approaches to comparing microbial communities. The techniques are demonstrated using a community of marine actinobacteria. Results demonstrate that marine environments harbour massive actinobacterial diversity. Furthermore, these predictions are likely to be severe underestimates due to the use of arbitrary OTU definitions.  相似文献   

Mangroves and marine oligochaete diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oligochaete worms often constitute an important component of the infaunaof sediments associated with marine and brackish-water mangroves. Thispaper reviews the present taxonomic and distributional information of thiscomponent, as well as its possible ecological functions. To date, 56 speciesof marine Oligochaeta have been recorded from mangroves, but probablythis is merely a fraction of the actual number occurring in these habitatsworldwide. Most of the taxa belong to the family Tubificidae, but severalspecies of Enchytraeidae are known from near the back of mangroves.Taxonomic expertise should join forces with ecologists to establish the roleof these worms in the mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

Resolving how complexity affects stability of natural communities is of key importance for predicting the consequences of biodiversity loss. Central to previous stability analysis has been the assumption that the resources of a consumer are substitutable. However, during their development, most species change diets; for instance, adults often use different resources than larvae or juveniles. Here, we show that such ontogenetic niche shifts are common in real ecological networks and that consideration of these shifts can alter which species are predicted to be at risk of extinction. Furthermore, niche shifts reduce and can even reverse the otherwise stabilizing effect of complexity. This pattern arises because species with several specialized life stages appear to be generalists at the species level but act as sequential specialists that are hypersensitive to resource loss. These results suggest that natural communities are more vulnerable to biodiversity loss than indicated by previous analyses.  相似文献   

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