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There were no lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes demonstrable in adult and larval Rana catesbeiana by a method that adequately demonstrated the same in mammals. Although the parenchymal arrangement in the lymphomyeloid organs is not exactly the same as in mammalian hemal nodes, nonetheless the vascular patterns of the lymph glands and jugular bodies are prima facie evidence that they function as blood-filtering organs among other probable functions. The vascular pattern of the lymph gland is that of a rete mirabile, particularly a venous portal system, inasmuch as the afferent and efferent vessels are venous in character and interposed between them is a labyrinth of sinusoids. This is not the case, though, in the adult organs. The vascular pattern of the jugular bodies is very much like the spleen, viz., artery-capillary-sinusoid-vein sequence. It is doubtful, however, if the propericardial and procoracoid bodies ever filter blood, because the smallest blood vessels in them are capillary in type Because of the absence of a well-defined capsule in some parts of the propericardial body, similarly to lymphoid follicles, especially in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, it is probable that it filters tissue fluid. The last two organs are apparently mainly blood cell-forming organs. It is inferred from the vascular connections of the larval and the adult lymphomyeloid organs that they are not genetically related. This aspect was analyzed from earlier developmental data, but actual follow-up of the larval organs to the adult stage is still in progress.  相似文献   

The bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, possesses lympho-myeloid and epithelial structures that are morphologically similar in some respects to lymph nodes of mammals. These organs are present during the entire life cycle of the frog, however, the structures that are present during larval stages do not appear to be morphological precursors of adult organs. According to certain terms used previously by other investigators, two major organs are present throughout the larval stages: the lymph gland and the ventral cavity body. In the adult, the jugular body, the epithelial body, the precoracoid and propericardial bodies are found in the ventral neck region in contrast to the lateral and ventral arrangement of the lymph gland and ventral cavity body in larvae. The function of these organs is not known but it is believed that they play a role in the production of certain blood cells, particularly lymphocytes, and they may be involved in some aspects of the differentiation and maintenance of the immune response capacity.  相似文献   

The actions of alkaline earth (AE) and transition element (TE) cations on Na+ transport across skin of larval and adult Rana catesbeiana were compared. Bathed on the outside by Ca+2-free Ringer's, both larval and adult skins maintained a stable short-circuit current (3-4 mu Amps cm-2 for larval skin and 20-30 mu Amps cm-2 for adult skin). Addition of Ca+2 to the external bath reduced the SCC; maximal inhibition was about 36% for larval skin and 22% for adult skin. Other AE divalent cations were also inhibitory. The order of effectiveness was: Ba+2 = Ca+2 greater than Sr+2 greater than Mg+2 for larval skin and Ba+2 greater than Ca+2 = Mg+2 for adult skin. Sodium influx was markedly elevated when Ca+2 was removed from the external medium. Current-voltage analysis indicated that Ca+2 increases the resistance of the active pathway without affecting the shunt resistance or the electromotive force of Na+ transport (ENa) in larval and adult skins. The SCC across adult skin was stimulated by TE cations (Co+2, Cd+2, La+3). These ions were inhibitory on larval skin. The transition in the response occurred at stage XXI. The inhibitory effect of TE on larvel skin resembles that seen in response to AE cations and we postulate a common mechanism. Since larval skin lacks the selective Na+ channels found in apical membranes of adult skin, we infer that the mechanism of inhibition by AE cations is not on these channels. A more general phenomenon such as change in surface charge at the apical membrane seems more reasonable.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was measured in brain, liver, kidney and intestine of the adult bullfrog by a fluorometric method. 2. All tissues contained both type A and type B MAO, on the basis of responses to specific inhibitors, but with different ratios in each tissue. 3. MAO activity was optimum at 30 degrees C. However, MAO type B showed greater activity changes related to incubation temperature than did type A. 4. The Michaelis constant (Km) of MAO also varied with temperature, with a nadir around 20 degrees C. The functional significance of this is not clear. 5. Arrhenius plots showed that the activation energy for MAO B was higher than for MAO A.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether or not the distribution of specific glycoconjugates within the skin is related to the regulation of water balance in the aquatic larvae and semiaquatic adults of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. A lectin histochemical study was carried out on paraffin sections of dorsal and ventral skin from tadpoles in representative stages as well as from adult frogs. Sections were stained with the following horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated lectins, which bind to specific terminal sugar residues of glycoconjugates: UEA 1 for alpha-L-fucose, SBA for N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, WGA for N-acetyl-B-D-glucosamine, and PNA for beta-galactose. Results indicate that lectins serve as markers for specific skin components (e.g., a second ground substance layer within the dermis was revealed by positive UEA 1 staining). Moreover, each lectin has a specific binding pattern that is similar in dorsal and ventral skin; the larval patterns change as the skin undergoes extensive histological and physiological remodeling during metamorphic climax. These findings enhance our understanding of glycoconjugates and their relationship to skin structure and function-in particular, to the regulation of water balance in R. catesbeiana.  相似文献   

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs during normal development of anurans in organs such as gills, gut, and tail. For example, apoptotic cells have been reported in the luminal epithelium along the length of the digestive tract of both larvae and frogs; however, timing of the peak number of such cells varies in different species. The purpose of the present study was to ascertain whether apoptosis also varies by species during metamorphic restructuring of the skin (as larval epithelium is replaced by adult epidermis). To determine this, cross‐sections of dorsal skin from representative larval stages and frogs of Rana pipiens, R. catesbeiana, and Ceratophrys ornata were incubated with monoclonal antibody against active caspase‐3, one of the main enzymes in the apoptotic cascade. We observed apoptotic cells in the epidermis of the skin of the three species and found that such cells were more numerous in larval stages than in frogs and more abundant in the two ranid species than in C. ornata. These results contribute to our understanding of metamorphic changes in anuran skin. J. Morphol. 275:51–56, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The main hemoglobin (Hb) found in Shumway (embryonic) stage 25 bullfrogs is that which we have designated Td-4. The other major tadpole Hbs (Td-1, 2, and 3) predominate during Taylor and Kollros (larval) stages I-XVIII. We propose that Td-4 is an embryonic Hb, whereas Td-1, 2, and 3 are larval (fetal-like) Hbs. Embryonic Hb Td-4 continues to be synthesized during the larval stages. During the larval period, the average peripheral blood Hb profile changes very little with morphological stage or general growth. However, there is great heterogeneity in the embryonic:larval Hb ratio among individual tadpoles of a given stage or weight, apparently due to differential Hb and red cell production by the two active erythropoietic sites, mesonephric kidneys (Td-4), and liver (Td-1, 2, 3).  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) was injected intramuscularly into adults (male) and larvae of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. The chemical forms of Cd in the livers and the effect on several essential metal levels were determined by high performance liquid chromatography-atomic absorption spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometry, respectively. Metallothionein which binds cadmium, zinc and copper was induced in the liver and kidney of the adult bullfrog, and the protein was a mixture of two isoforms in both tissues. Although the two isoforms were also induced in the liver of the larva (tadpole), the relative ratio was the reverse of that in the adult.  相似文献   

Rana catesbeiana tadpoles formed high and low m.w. antibodies in response to immunization with a bacteriophage. Although the neutralizing activity associated with the low m.w. immunoglobulins was relatively weak, the existence of antibodies in this class was clearly demonstrated by radioimmunoelectrophoresis. Moreover, two antigenically distinct variants of the low m.w. antibodies were detected. These were serologically indistinguishable from the two types of low m.w. immunoglobulin previously isolated from the serum of adult frogs of this species.  相似文献   

This study provides the first data on muscle activity patterns during active feeding in a larval anuran. Data regarding muscle function during gill irrigation and hyperexpiration are also provided. Electromyographic and kinematic data were recorded from six mandibular and hyoid muscles in unanesthetized, unrestrained larvae of Rana catesbeiana. Only three (hyoangularis, orbitohyoideus, anterior interhyoideus) of the six muscles examined are active during gill irrigation. Feeding cycles are characterized by the recruitment of three additional muscles: intermandibularis, suspensorioangularis, and levator mandibulae longus superficialis. The latter two contribute, respectively, to wide opening and forceful closing of the mouth during feeding. Hyperexpiration is characterized by a reversal of water flow anteriorly out of the mouth. This hydrodynamic change occurs due to modulation of the timing of firing of the anterior interhyoideus, as well as recruitment of the posterior interhyoideus, which is only active during hyperexpiration. Both regions of the interhyoideus, which are responsible for evacuation of the buccal cavity, are active during the opening phase of hyperexpiration. Kinematically, transitioning from gill irrigation to feeding involves both an overall shortening of the gape cycle and a shift in the relative length of opening phase vs. closing phase. Our results corroborate many of the findings of Gradwell ([1972] Can J Zool 50:501-521) regarding muscle function during gill irrigation and hyperexpiration. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in larval anurans the transition from gill irrigation to feeding involves modulation of gape cycle kinematics, changes in the level of activity of muscles, and recruitment of muscles that are not active during irrigation. In light of new data presented here, a review of muscle function in tadpoles is also provided.  相似文献   

The structure of the epiphyseal cartilage of the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana and its role in the growth of long bones were examined. The epiphyseal cartilage was inserted into the end of a tubular bone shaft, defining three regions: articular cartilage, lateral articular cartilage and growth cartilage. Joining the lateral cartilage to the bone was a fibrous layer of periosteum, rich in blood vessels. Osteoblasts with alkaline phosphatase activity were found on the surface of the periosteal bone, which presented a fibrous non-mineralised tip. The growth cartilage was inside the bone. The proliferative chondrocytes presented perpendicular separation of daughter cells and there was no columnar arrangement of the cells. Furthermore, chondrocyte hypertrophy was not associated with either calcification or endochondral ossification, in apparent contrast to the avian and mammalian models. Finally, there was no reinforcement system capable of directing cell volume increase into longitudinal growth. Since bone extension depends on the intramembranous ossification of the periosteum, the growth cartilage is inside and not at the end of the bone and the cells in the growth cartilage show no columnar arrangement and separate in a direction perpendicular to the long bone axis, we conclude that the growth cartilage mainly contributes to the radial expansion of the bone.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of hemoglobin transition during bullfrog metamorphosis were investigated by labeling red blood cells from larvae (L-RBC) and from froglets (A-RBC) with a fluorescent dye, PKH26. The life span of the labeled L-RBC in systemic circulation was significantly shorter when they were injected into the animals at the metamorphic climax, compared to injection into pre- or postmetamorphic animals. The A-RBC had a long life span regardless of the metamorphic stage of the recipient animal. Therefore, L-RBC were selectively removed from the systemic circulation at the time of metamorphic climax. During climax, the labeled L-RBC were ingested by hepatic and splenic macrophages, indicating that macrophages are involved in the specific elimination of L-RBC.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the larval and adult pineal organs, which are sensitive to incident light, was carried out in the river lamprey Lampetra japonica, using intracellular recording from the pineal photoreceptors. The tissue overlying the larval pineal organ is transparent, whereas that over the adult pineal is translucent. The optical density of this oval pineal window in the adult lamprey was 1.2. In order to elucidate the early development of the larval pineal, the ratio r of the diameter (micron) of the pineal to the body-length (cm) was measured. The value of r was 62.5 in a small larva of 2.8 cm, 29.7 in a larger one of 14.3 cm, and 9.3 in an adult of 54 cm body-length. The intracellular response to light of the larval pineal was a hyperpolarization, showing fundamentally the same pattern as that of the adult pineal. It was possible to record a typical response even from the pineal of the smallest larva, 2.8 cm in body length, used in this study. The intensity-amplitude relationship was analysed after Naka-Rushton's hyperbolic equation. The value of sigma of isolated larval pineals was 0.88 log unit higher than that of adults. The value of n was larger in larvae, suggesting a sensitive reaction to changing photic stimulus. The spectral sensitivity was compared. The peak was at 505 nm in the larva, but 525 nm in the adult. A change of visual pigment in the pineal during metamorphosis is suggested.  相似文献   

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