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The possible pathways of origin of two recently arisen introgressant forms of Senecio vulgaris (i.e., var. hibernicus and York radiate groundsel) were investigated in experimental crosses between tetraploid S. vulgaris var. vulgaris and the normally diploid S. squalidus. Comparison of the morphology of synthesized hybrid progeny with established taxa, by discriminant function analysis, revealed that fertile hybrid offspring similar in morphology to S. vulgaris var. hibernicus and York radiate groundsel could be synthesized: (1) following formation of genomically stable diploid gametes by the triploid hybrid; (2) through the production of unreduced gametes by diploid S. squalidus; and (3) when a tetraploid form of S. squalidus acted as one of the parents. It was evident that hybrid offspring similar in morphology to the two introgressant taxa were more often produced in backcrosses to S. vulgaris than in segregating F2 or F3 generations (53% as opposed to 36%), and that fertile hybrid progeny were formed within two generations. Because hybridization between S. vulgaris and S. squalidus occurs regularly, although at very low frequency, in natural mixed populations in the British Isles, there is the potential for multiple origins to occur in the wild of both S. vulgaris var. hibernicus and York radiate groundsel.  相似文献   

Homoploid hybrid speciation occurs through stabilization of a hybrid segregate (or segregates) isolated by premating and/or postmating barriers from parent taxa. Theory predicts that ecological and spatial isolation are of critical importance during homoploid hybrid speciation, and all confirmed homoploid hybrid species are ecologically isolated from their parents. Until recently, such species have been identified long after they originated, and consequently it has not been possible to determine the relative importance of spatial and ecological isolation during their origin. Here we present evidence for the recent origin (within the past 300 years) of a new homoploid hybrid species, Senecio squalidus (Asteraceae), in the British Isles, following long-distance dispersal of hybrid material from a hybrid zone between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius on Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy. Historical records show that such hybrid material from Sicily was introduced to the Oxford Botanic Garden in Britain in the early part of the 18th century and that S. squalidus began to spread from there after approximately 90 years. A survey of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA/intersimple sequence repeats (RAPD/ISSR) marker variation demonstrated that S. squalidus is a diploid hybrid derivative of S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius that grow at high and low altitudes, respectively, on Mount Etna and that form a hybrid zone at intermediate altitudes. Senecio squalidus contained 11 of 13 RAPD/ISSR markers that were recorded at high frequency in S. chrysanthemifolius but were absent or occurred at low frequency in S. aethnensis, and 10 of 13 markers for which the reverse was true. Bayesian admixture analysis showed that all individuals of S. squalidus surveyed were of mixed ancestry with relatively high mean proportions of ancestry derived from both S. chrysanthemifolius and S. aethnensis (0.644 and 0.356, respectively). We argue that long-distance isolation of hybrid material from its parents on Mount Etna would have helped favor the origin and establishment of S. squalidus in the British Isles, regardless of whether the initial hybrid material introduced to Britain was preadapted to local conditions.  相似文献   

The strength of the self-incompatibility (SI) response in Senecio squalidus was measured across its British range. Geographic variation in SI was investigated and the extent and inheritance of pseudo-self-compatibility (PSC) and inbreeding depression were determined. Mean self-fruit-set per capitulum was calculated for individuals and sample populations. The heritability of PSC and the magnitude of inbreeding depression were assessed by comparing selfing rates and fitness trait values between SI and PSC parent-progeny lines. SI was found to be strongly expressed in S. squalidus throughout its British range, with only 3.1% of the individuals sampled showing PSC. This PSC had relatively low heritability with stronger expression of SI in selfed progeny relative to PSC parents. Inbreeding depression was shown to be great in S. squalidus, with mean life history stage values ranging from 0.18 to 0.25. The strength of SI in S. squalidus appears not to have weakened in response to its rapid colonization of Britain. The avoidance of inbreeding depression is likely to be the primary factor maintaining strong SI in this successful colonizing species.  相似文献   

A taxometric analysis of 153 colonies of the agamospermous Limonium binervosum aggregate in the British Isles has revealed an ordered hierarchy of variation. A taxonomic treatment of the group describes five new species, redefines four others and describes other infraspecific variants as subspecies or varieties. Each species is morphologically distinct and has a defined geographic range. There are four widespread and morphologically variable species and five geographically restricted species (four monotypic). Limonium recurvum , previously described as a microspecies endemic to a small area of the Dorset Coast, has been widened to include all triploid (2 n = 27) L. binervosum agg. variants found also in W and N Ireland, SW Scotland and Cumbria. All other taxa are tetraploid, usually with 2 n = 35.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae) was studied in a hybrid zone on the southern slopes of Mt Brocken (Harz Mountains, Germany). A total of 415 plants representing 10 stands along an altitudinal gradient were investigated using multivariate statistical analyses of morphological characters and molecular markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA[RAPD]). Both types of traits detected pure S. hercynicus stands on the summit plateau, pure S. ovatus stands at the lowest elevations, and hybrid swarms at intermediate elevations. While morphological and molecular patterns coincided, some individuals in hybrid stands combined morphological patterns typical of S. ovatus with RAPD patterns typical of S. hercynicus, and vice versa. In general, introgression was symmetrical within stands, though one stand combined S. ovatus characters with the glandular hair typical for S. hercynicus, and two stands combined a S. hercynicus typical RAPD genotype with morphological characters shifted towards S. ovatus. Because pure stands of S. hercynicus occurred only on the summit plateau of Mt Brocken, and markers typical for S. ovatus were detectable in stands up to 1040 m a.s.l., future fusion or assimilation of the rare form, S. hercynicus, by the more widespread S. ovatus appears possible at Mt Brocken.  相似文献   

Domestication is an excellent model to study diversification and this evolutionary process can be different in perennial plants, such as fruit trees, compared to annual crops. Here, we inferred the history of wild apricot species divergence and of apricot domestication history across Eurasia, with a special focus on Central and Eastern Asia, based on microsatellite markers and approximate Bayesian computation. We significantly extended our previous sampling of apricots in Europe and Central Asia towards Eastern Asia, resulting in a total sample of 271 cultivated samples and 306 wild apricots across Eurasia, mainly Prunus armeniaca and Prunus sibirica, with some Prunus mume and Prunus mandshurica. We recovered wild Chinese species as genetically differentiated clusters, with P. sibirica being divided into two clusters, one possibly resulting from hybridization with P. armeniaca. Central Asia also appeared as a diversification centre of wild apricots. We further revealed at least three domestication events, without bottlenecks, that gave rise to European, Southern Central Asian and Chinese cultivated apricots, with ancient gene flow among them. The domestication event in China possibly resulted from ancient hybridization between wild populations from Central and Eastern Asia. We also detected extensive footprints of recent admixture in all groups of cultivated apricots. Our results thus show that apricot is an excellent model for studying speciation and domestication in long‐lived perennial fruit trees.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary processes responsible for the long treks through morphospace associated with the origin of new higher taxa is hampered by the lack of a realistic and usable model that accounts for long-term phenotypic evolvability. The systems-related concept of correlated progression, in which all the traits are functionally linked and so constrained to evolve by small increments at a time in parallel with each other, provides the basis for such a model. Implications for the process of evolution at high taxonomic level are that: the evolving traits must be considered together as a system, and the exact sequence of incremental changes in characters is indeterminable; there are no identifiable key innovations; selection acts on the phenotype as a whole rather than on individual traits; and the selection force is therefore multidimensional. Application of the model to the pattern of evolution of traits and trait states as revealed by the fossil record of the stem groups of such taxa as mammals, turtles and tetrapods generates realistic testable hypotheses about how such groups evolved.  相似文献   

Populations of forms intermediate between Carabus (Ohomopterus) insulicola and Carabus (Ohomopterus) arrowianus occur at the boundaries between the two species in the Kiso Valley, Nagano Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Morphological and mitochondrial DNA analyses revealed that these populations are derived from a hybrid swarm established as a result of secondary contact between the two species. A similar hybrid swarm has been reported in the Ina Valley, an adjacent river basin separated by the Kiso Mountain Range, where the two species are distributed parapatrically. The hybrid swarm individuals in the two valleys show parallelism in the morphological evolution of the male genitalia upon secondary contact and subsequent formation of hybrid swarms between the two Carabus species.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis was used to study variation at 11 loci in mussels sampled mainly from British coastal sites. Two types of mussel were identified, Mytilus edulis, the common mussel and its southern relative Mytilus galloprovincialis. Several partially diagnostic loci were used to map the distribution of the two forms. Mytilus edulis was present at all sites sampled in Britain and Ireland but was at low frequency in SW England; M. galloprovincialis was detected in SW England, the south and west of Ireland. Scotland and NE England, but was absent from south Wales, the Irish sea coasts of Wales and Ireland, and SE England. Apart from the occurrence of M. galloprovincialis in NE England, this distribution conforms with the results of studies using morphological characters and parallels the distribution of many other southern species in Britain. At the microgeographical level, M. edulis was found to prefer more sheltered and estuarine conditions than M. galloprovincialis. Analysis using the best diagnostic loci showed that hybridization is occurring between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis at all localities where they occur sympatrically but that the extent of hybridization varies considerably between localities. The distribution of localities having high proportions of hybrid individuals is best interpreted by assuming that hybrids have higher fitness than parental types at these localities. A study was made of variation within and between those localities where only M. edulis individuals were observed. Little significant geographic variation in allele frequency was detected, but significant deficits of heterozygotes compared with Hardy-Weinberg expectations were seen for most loci. Analysis suggests that the Wahlund effect is not involved and that the most likely cause of the deficit is low frequencies of null alleles. In M. edulis no differences in phenotypic variance in shell height and width were observed between samples of multiply heterozygous and multiply homozygous individuals and no genetic differences were found between juveniles and adults. Overall little evidence was found that balancing selection is responsible for maintenance of the polymorphisms studied in M. edulis. The pattern of geographic variation in gene frequencies in Mytilus in the British Isles is discussed in relation to variation in the south and north of Europe and North America. It is concluded that steep clines in gene frequencies in M. edulis observed by other workers in the Baltic and in Long Island Sound cannot be attributed to the presence of M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

The ability to detect and characterize hybridization in nature has long been of interest to many fields of biology and often has direct implications for wildlife management and conservation. The capacity to identify the presence of hybridization, and quantify the numbers of individuals belonging to different hybrid classes, permits inference on the magnitude of, and timescale over which, hybridization has been or is occurring. Here, we present an r package and associated workflow developed for the detection, with estimates of efficiency and accuracy, of multigenerational hybrid individuals using genetic or genomic data in conjunction with the program newhybrids . This package includes functions for the identification and testing of diagnostic panels of markers, the simulation of multigenerational hybrids, and the quantification and visualization of the efficiency and accuracy with which hybrids can be detected. Overall, this package delivers a streamlined hybrid analysis platform, providing improvements in speed, ease of use and repeatability over current ad hoc approaches. The latest version of the package and associated documentation are available on GitHub ( https://github.com/bwringe/hybriddetective ).  相似文献   

The process of genetic assimilation of rare species by hybridizing congeners has been documented in a number of plant genera. This raises the possibility that some of the genetic diversity found in phylogeographical studies of widespread species has been acquired through hybridization with species that are now rare or extinct. In this fine-scale phylogeographical analysis, we show that a rare eucalypt species is leaving its trace in the chloroplast genome of a more abundant congener. The heart-leafed silver gum, Eucalyptus cordata, is a rare endemic of south-eastern Tasmania. Its populations are scattered amidst populations of more abundant related species, including the Tasmanian blue gum, Eucalyptus globulus. Using 339 samples from across the full range of both species, we compared chloroplast (cp) DNA haplotype phylogeography in E. globulus and E. cordata. The genealogy and distribution of chloroplast haplotypes suggest that E. globulus has acquired cpDNA from E. cordata in at least four different mixed populations. Shared haplotypes are highest in E. globulus sampled within 2 km of known E. cordata populations and drop to zero at a distance of 25 km from the nearest known E. cordata population. Localized haplotype sharing occurs in the absence of obvious hybrid zones or locally shared nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. Given that the future loss of E. cordata from some mixed populations is likely, these findings indicate that phylogeographical analyses of organellar DNA should consider the possibility of introgression, even from species that have been eliminated from the sites of interest.  相似文献   

Two new polyploid species of Senecio have originated in the British Isles in recent times following hybridization between native S. vulgaris (2 n  = 40) and introduced S. squalidus (2 n  = 20). One of these is the allohexaploid S. cambrensis (2 n  = 60), the other is the recombinant tetraploid S. eboracensis (2 n  = 40). We review what is known about when and how each species originated, and their reproductive isolation from parents due to high selfing rates. We also review evidence that suggests S. cambrensis may have undergone rapid genome evolution since its origin, and comment on the risks of extinction to each species due to chance factors operating during the early establishment phase. The discovery of both species soon after their origin provides an unparalleled opportunity to examine two different but related forms of speciation following hybridization between the same parent species. Further detailed study of the ecology and genomics of S. cambrensis and S. eboracensis will help improve our understanding of the process of polyploid speciation in plants.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 467–474.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that interspecific hybridisation promotes invasiveness has received much recent attention, but tests of the hypothesis can suffer from important limitations. Here, we provide the first systematic review of studies experimentally testing the hybridisation‐invasion (H‐I) hypothesis in plants, animals and fungi. We identified 72 hybrid systems for which hybridisation has been putatively associated with invasiveness, weediness or range expansion. Within this group, 15 systems (comprising 34 studies) experimentally tested performance of hybrids vs. their parental species and met our other criteria. Both phylogenetic and non‐phylogenetic meta‐analyses demonstrated that wild hybrids were significantly more fecund and larger than their parental taxa, but did not differ in survival. Resynthesised hybrids (which typically represent earlier generations than do wild hybrids) did not consistently differ from parental species in fecundity, survival or size. Using meta‐regression, we found that fecundity increased (but survival decreased) with generation in resynthesised hybrids, suggesting that natural selection can play an important role in shaping hybrid performance – and thus invasiveness – over time. We conclude that the available evidence supports the H‐I hypothesis, with the caveat that our results are clearly driven by tests in plants, which are more numerous than tests in animals and fungi.  相似文献   

尽管gene flow源于群体遗传学和进化生物学,但已成为环境生物安全文献中常见的科学术语。花粉介导的gene flow在自然界中广泛存在并对物种和群体的进化有着特殊重要的意义。随着转基因生物技术的快速发展和转基因作物在全球范围内的广泛种植,转基因随gene flow发生逃逸及其可能带来的潜在生态进化影响已经成为环境生物安全评价和研究的重要内容,备受全球广泛关注,gene flow这个术语在我国也被频繁引用。但是, gene flow的中文术语在我国各种文献资料中存在着十多种翻译版本,这些不同的翻译版本形式不同且内容略有差异,容易给环境生物安全问题的理解和研究造成不必要的混乱。本文对gene flow的概念及其内涵进行了回顾,并对不同形式的gene flow术语在国内外相关研究领域中使用的历史溯源进行了阐述。笔者建议使用“基因流”作为gene flow在中文应用中的统一术语,这也最接近群体遗传学和进化生物学等相关著作中gene flow的原意。基于此,对基因流在转基因逃逸及其相关的环境生物安全评价以及群体遗传学和进化生物学研究方面的理论和应用意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The dynamics and consequences of introgression can inform about numerous evolutionary processes. Biologists have therefore long been interested in hybridization. One challenge, however, lies in the identification of nonadmixed genotypes that can serve as a baseline for accurate quantification of admixture. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Cahill et al. (2015) analyse a genomic data set of 28 polar bears, eight brown bears and one American black bear. Polar bear alleles are found to be introgressed into brown bears not only near a previously identified admixture zone on the Alaskan Admiralty, Baranof and Chichagof (ABC) Islands, but also far into the North American mainland. Elegantly contrasting admixture levels at autosomal and X chromosomal markers, Cahill and colleagues infer that male‐biased dispersal has spread these introgressed alleles away from the Late Pleistocene contact zone. Compared to a previous study on the ABC Island population in which an Alaskan brown bear served as a putatively admixture‐free reference, Cahill et al. (2015) utilize a newly sequenced Swedish brown bear as admixture baseline. This approach reveals that brown bears have been impacted by introgression from polar bears to a larger extent (up to 8.8% of their genome), than previously known, including the bear that had previously served as admixture baseline. No evidence for introgression of brown bear into polar bear is found, which the authors argue could be a consequence of selection. Besides adding new exciting pieces to the puzzle of polar/brown bear evolutionary history, the study by Cahill and colleagues highlights that wildlife genomics is moving from analysing single genomes towards a landscape genomics approach.  相似文献   

Sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI) was studied in 11 British Senecio squalidus populations to quantify mating system variation and determine how its recent colonization of the United Kingdom has influenced its mating behavior. S allele number, frequency, and dominance interactions in populations were assessed using full diallels of controlled pollinations. A mean of 5.1 S alleles per population was observed, and no population contained more than six S alleles. Numbers of S alleles within populations of S. squalidus declined with increasing distance from the center of its introduction (Oxford). Cross-classification of S alleles allowed an estimate of approximately seven and no more than 11 S alleles for the entire British S. squalidus population. The low number of S alleles observed in British S. squalidus compared to other SI species is consistent with the population bottleneck associated with S. squalidus' introduction to the Oxford Botanic Garden and subsequent colonization of Britain. Extensive S allele dominance interactions were observed to be a feature of the S. squalidus SSI system and may represent an adaptive response to improve limited mate availability imposed by the presence of so few S alleles. Multilocus allozyme genotypes were also identified for individuals in all populations and geographic patterns of S locus and allozyme loci variation investigated. Less interpopulation structure was observed for the S locus than for allozyme diversity--a finding indicative of the effects of negative frequency-dependent selection at the S locus maintaining equal S phenotypes within populations and enhancing effective migration between populations.  相似文献   

The evolutionary maintenance of same-sex sexual behaviour (SSB) has received increasing attention because it is perceived to be an evolutionary paradox. The genetic basis of SSB is almost wholly unknown in non-human animals, though this is key to understanding its persistence. Recent theoretical work has yielded broadly applicable predictions centred on two genetic models for SSB: overdominance and sexual antagonism. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we assayed natural genetic variation for male SSB and empirically tested predictions about the mode of inheritance and fitness consequences of alleles influencing its expression. We screened 50 inbred lines derived from a wild population for male–male courtship and copulation behaviour, and examined crosses between the lines for evidence of overdominance and antagonistic fecundity selection. Consistent variation among lines revealed heritable genetic variation for SSB, but the nature of the genetic variation was complex. Phenotypic and fitness variation was consistent with expectations under overdominance, although predictions of the sexual antagonism model were also supported. We found an unexpected and strong paternal effect on the expression of SSB, suggesting possible Y-linkage of the trait. Our results inform evolutionary genetic mechanisms that might maintain low but persistently observed levels of male SSB in D. melanogaster, but highlight a need for broader taxonomic representation in studies of its evolutionary causes.  相似文献   

The relationship between dispersal and differentiation of the European freshwater mussel Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) was studied with molecular genetic methods. Forty‐two populations from France, Italy and central Europe were analysed. Genetic relationships were assessed from the geographical distribution of allele frequencies at 17 enzyme loci. Neighbouring groups of populations show small to moderate mean genetic distances (0.020 < Dmean < 0.263). With a few exceptions the genetic affinities of the populations are the closest within the same drainage basin. In central Europe and Northern Italy genetic differences between drainage systems are relatively large. Populations from north‐eastern Italy are genetically similar to Danubian populations. Mussels from the islands of Corsica and Sardinia are more closely related to populations from the Italian peninsula than to French populations from the Rhône drainage system. Genetic relationships within U. pictorum from central Europe reflect palaeogeographical relationships between river systems during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Literature data on two North American unionid species and one European fish species show the same relationship between genetic diversity and the history of drainage systems, although the correlations are less strong. In France and Italy this correspondence is much less evident. Population dynamic processes and human activities leading to populational bottlenecks might have obscured it.  相似文献   

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