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The warming-induced increase in nutrient mineralization and the further increase in atmospheric nitrogen depositions raise the topic of whether and how alpine plants will react to enhanced nutrient availability. Despite several studies have shown the effects of fertilization on primary production of alpine plants, only few studies have considered the influences of nutrients on reproduction. Here, we investigated the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) amendments on cover, number of ramets, flowering effort and phenological timing of Gnaphalium supinum, an arctic-alpine widespread snowbed species. We set up an experimental design with four fertilization treatments (low N, P without additional N, low N + P, and high N + P) and an unfertilized control for three years (2003–2005), within a late snowbed located in the Italian Alps (Gavia Pass, 2700 m a.s.l.). The cover of Gnaphalium supinum was recorded at the peak of the aboveground biomass development in the three years, while the temporal dynamic of ramet density and reproductive phenophases were monitored during the 2005 growing season. The clonal growth of G. supinum resulted to be co-limited by N and P, while the flowering effort was stimulated by P. Flowering date was advanced by P supply, while N alone did not show any significant effect on phenology. In a warming scenario, with a predicted increase in N and P availability by nutrient mineralization and atmospheric deposition, this species should probably experience some benefits for its growth and reproduction if not limited by other factors such as the length of the growing season or interspecific competition.  相似文献   

田昊  廖万金 《生物多样性》2018,26(5):468-185
克隆植物与其传粉者的相互作用是植物繁殖生态学的重要研究领域之一。植物克隆生长与有性繁殖通常相伴进行, 往往产生较大的花展示与复杂的克隆空间结构, 通过传粉过程对有性繁殖过程产生影响, 共同决定植物的适合度。本文回顾了克隆生长对被子植物传粉过程影响的国内外研究进展, 从植物克隆大小、花资源空间配置、克隆构型与种群遗传结构四个方面讨论了克隆生长对传粉过程的影响及其生态学与进化生物学意义。早期研究预期, 随着克隆增大, 同株异花授粉水平增加, 因而通过增大自交率或花粉阻塞效应降低植物的适合度。但是, 后来的一些模拟与野外实验研究发现, 传粉者在同一克隆内访问的花数量并不会随克隆增大而一直增加, 访花行为也主要发生在分株内; 而且分子标记的自交率组分分析也表明自交主要发生在分株内。另一方面, 人工模型模拟以及传粉者访问行为研究表明, 当花朵数量相同时, 与所有花集中生长在同一分株上相比, 将花朵分散在多个分株上的克隆生长方式不会增加, 反而降低了同株异花授粉的发生水平。如果花序内花雌雄同熟, 花朵同时提供与接收花粉, 克隆生长会使植物接收到更高比例的异交花粉, 在提高后代质量的同时不增加同株异花授粉概率。这是从传粉生物学角度对植物克隆生长习性进化的一个全新的解释。今后, 克隆植物传粉生物学研究需要针对传粉者与克隆生长之间的相互作用建立理论模型, 探究克隆大小、克隆构型、花资源空间配置模式对传粉者访问频率和行为、花粉散布、交配格局的影响。同时, 需要在自然种群中, 尤其是克隆与非克隆的近缘类群、同一物种克隆与非克隆种群开展比较研究, 利用更高效的分子标记来研究克隆生长的生态与进化意义。  相似文献   

为研究密集型克隆植物对放牧扰动和生境资源变化的生物量分配和补偿生长响应特性,验证克隆植物的觅食模型和3个有关植物个体补偿反应的假说(①放牧优化假说,grazing optimization hypothesis,GOH;②反应连续谱假说,continuum of responses hypothesis,CRH;③增长率模型,growth rate model,GRM),在具有不同放牧利用格局和土壤养分水平的高寒矮嵩草草甸(Ⅰ.畜圈草地:重度放牧、资源丰富;Ⅱ.牧道草地:中度放牧、资源贫乏;Ⅲ.封育草地:不放牧、资源贫乏)中通过设置扣笼/无扣笼样方对其建群种矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)进行了研究.结果表明不论当年解除家畜放牧与否,春季采摘率越高(畜圈草地),分株生物量向生长的投入越少,向贮藏器官的投入越多.繁殖分配在中度采摘下最高(牧道草地),扣笼内外分株各部分的生物量分配无差异.矮嵩草分株在中度采摘×资源贫乏条件下产生了超补偿响应,在重度采摘×资源丰富条件下为等量补偿,重度采摘导致分株密度显著减少.生物量分配格局与觅食模型的预测不符.补偿生长响应特性证实了GOH和GRM的预测,但与CRH的预测不符.这说明在研究地区放牧扰动格局对克隆植物矮嵩草分株的生物量分配和补偿生长具有重要影响,适度放牧利用更利于引起超补偿,而重度利用可能会对该种群的长期保持产生不利影响.  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下生物地球化学循环的响应规律和陆地植物适应对策已受到广泛关注.本文在分析气候变暖和降水变化对不同生态系统植物C∶N∶P的影响、CO2浓度升高对不同光合途径物种元素的影响,以及氮沉降对土壤 植物元素影响的短期和长期效应等基础上,从植物生理特性和土壤有效营养元素变化等方面揭示了其可能存在的内在机理,以期为研究C、N、P化学元素在土壤 植物之间传递与调节机制、陆地生态系统结构和功能,以及生物地球化学元素循环对气候变化的响应提供理论依据.最后提出了该领域研究中存在的问题及对今后研究的展望.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: The European Alps harbor a spatially heterogeneous environment. Plants can be adapted genetically to this heterogeneity but may also respond to it by phenotypic plasticity. We expected the important fodder grass Poa alpina to be adapted to elevation either genetically or plastically. • Methods: We investigated in three elevational common gardens whether growth and reproductive allocation of plants reproducing either by seeds or bulbils suggest adaptation to their elevation of origin and to what extent they can respond plastically to different elevations. Additionally, we analyzed genetic diversity using microsatellites and tested whether seeds are of sexual origin. • Key results: In the field, bulbil-producing plants occurred more often at higher elevations, whereas seed-producing plants occurred more often at lower elevations, but bulbil-producing plants were generally less vigorous in the common gardens. The response of plants to elevational transplantation was highly plastic, and vigor was always best at the highest location. The small genetic differences were not clinally related to elevation of origin, underlining the importance of phenotypic plasticity. Reproductive allocation was, however, independent of elevational treatments. Seed-producing plants had higher genetic diversity than the bulbil-producing plants even though we found that seed-producing plants were facultative apomicts mostly reproducing asexually. • Conclusions: Bulbil-producing P. alpina, showing a fitness cost at lower elevations compared with seed-producing plants, seem better adapted to higher elevations. By means of its two reproductive modes and the capacity to adjust plastically, P. alpina is able to occupy a broad ecological niche across a large elevational range.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of climate change on Poa secunda Presl. and soils in a shrub‐steppe ecosystem in south‐eastern Washington. Intact soil cores containing P. secunda were reciprocally transplanted between two elevations. Plants and soils were examined, respectively, 4.5 and 5 years later. The lower elevation (310 m) site is warmer (28.5 °C air average monthly maximum) and drier (224 mm yr?1) than the upper elevation (844 m) site (23.5 °C air average monthly maximum, 272 mm yr?1). Observations were also made on undisturbed plants at both sites. There was no effect of climate change on plant density, shoot biomass, or carbon isotope discrimination in either transplanted plant population. The cooler, wetter environment significantly reduced percent cover and leaf length, while the warmer, drier environment had no effect. Warming and drying reduced percent shoot nitrogen, while the cooler, wetter environment had no effect. Culm density was zero for the lower elevation plants transplanted to the upper site and was 10.3 culms m?2 at the lower site. There was no effect of warming and drying on the culm density of the upper elevation plants. Culm density of in situ lower elevation plants was greater than that of the in situ upper elevation plants. Warming and drying reduced total soil carbon 32% and total soil nitrogen 40%. The cooler, wetter environment had no effect on total soil C or N. Of the C and N that was lost over time, 64% of both came from the particulate organic matter fraction (POM, > 53 µ m). There was no effect of warming and drying on the upper population of P. secunda while exposing the lower population to the cooler, wetter environment reduced reproductive effort and percent cover. With the warmer and drier conditions that may develop with climate change, total C and N of semiarid soils may decrease with the active fraction of soil C also rapidly decreasing, which may alter ecosystem diversity and function.  相似文献   

大气一氧化碳浓度升高对植物生长的影响   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
大气CO2浓度同对植物生长有促进作用,对C3植物生长的促进作用最大。短期CO2浓度升高时,植物光和速率增加;在长期CO2浓度升高条件下,植物光鸽上降并发生光合适应现象。这可能是植物在长期CO2浓度升高条件下植物源库关系不平衡引起的反馈抑制作用以及营养吸收不能满足光合速率增加的需要所引起Rubiseo活必和含量下降。在CO2浓度升高条件下植物的呼吸也会发生变化,根的分枝和数量增多,根系的分泌量和吸收  相似文献   

以青藏高原高寒草甸中常见的24种菊科植物为材料,在去离子水、河沙加蒸馏水、河沙加半强度霍格兰营养液和河沙加标准霍格兰营养液四种营养基质中培养幼苗,在10d、20d和30d三个幼苗生长期研究种子重量对幼苗生长的影响,结果表明:(1)在10d、20d和30d三个不同的幼苗生长期,在不同培养基质中种子重量与幼苗重量均呈显著的正相关,但R值在去离子水中变化不大,而在其它3种培养基质中持续减少。(2)种子重量与相对生长率负相关,这种负相关性在去离子水中10d和20d生长期表现较弱,在其它3种培养基质中同一生长期的幼苗相对生长率变化不明显。(3)除在10d去离子水中种子重量与幼苗根冠比率呈显著的正相关外,其余均没有显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

低温处理种子对植物生长和开花习性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
樊江文  M.Fenner 《生态学杂志》2003,22(3):29-31,53
本试验在对15种植物进行了低温处理种于对植物生长和开花习性的观测研究后发现,Bromus sterilis,Capsella bursa-pastoris 和Myosotis arvensis 3种植物的种子经低温处理后,其开花(小穗形成)时向提前,数量增加,枝条长度增加;同时,还讨论了在全球气候变暖的条件下,植物产生的这种现象可能对该种群的繁殖和演替带来的重大影响  相似文献   

The present study shows that the relative contributions of leaf area ratio (LAR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) to variation among species in relative growth rate (RGR) depend on growth temperature. We grew three subantarctic and three alpine Poa species at daytime temperatures of 7, 12 and 17 degrees C, and analysed interspecific and temperature-related variation in RGRs by growth analysis. Variation in NAR accounted for most of the interspecific differences in RGR at low growth temperature, whereas variation in both NAR and LAR contributed strongly to interspecific differences in RGR at high growth temperature. For most species, the increase in RGR from 7 to 12 degrees C was attributable to an increase in LAR, whereas the increase in RGR from 12 to 17 degrees C was attributable to an increase in NAR. There were no differences between native subantarctic and alpine species in the plasticity of growth responses to temperature. However, Poa annua, a species introduced to the subantarctic, showed much greater growth plasticity than other species. There was little difference among species in tolerance of high-temperature extremes.  相似文献   

Ligularia virgaurea is a perennial herb that is widely distributed in the alpine meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau.We investigated the patterns of growth and reproduction of L.virgaurea under two contrasting levels of light conditions for two continuous growing seasons.Our results showed that the light affects on the maximum relative growth rate,the shoot weight ratio and the root weight ratio differed between the two growing seasons.L.virgaurea reproduced initially through rhizome in the second growing season,rather than sexual reproduction.The proportion of genets with clonal reproduction decreased under shaded conditions.A minimum genet size should be attained for clonal reproduction to begin under the shaded conditions.There was a positive linear relationship between clonal reproduction and genet size.Light level affected the allocation of total biomass to clonal structures,with less allocation under the full natural irradiance than under the shaded conditions.There seemed to be a trade-off between vegetative growth and clonal reproduction under the full natural irradiance,in terms of smaller relative growth rates of genets with clonal reproduction than those without clonal reproduction.L.virgaurea emphasized clonal reproduction under the full natural irradiance,while the plant emphasized vegetative growth under the shaded conditions.  相似文献   

Carex rugulosa Kük. develops riverside vegetation in brackish marshes along the lower parts of rivers. Because the rhizomatous ramets grow densely (590–950/m2) in its developed population, it is expected that seedlings cannot get enough light to grow if seeds germinate in crowded ramets. We studied the reproductive contribution of seed in a marshy meadow of the Ohashi River, Japan. The number of seeds produced was 6900–14 200/m2 in 2002. The number of buried seeds in the following germination season differed among sites from 1190 to 2690/m2. No seedlings were observed at plots where the ramets from rhizomes grew densely. In contrast, seedlings appeared in plots where all rhizomatous ramets were artificially cut. The number of seedlings corresponded to 17.5–39.5% of that of buried seeds. All these seedlings were submerged and died when it rained heavily. In the genotype analysis using allozyme detection, one of the phosphoglucoisomerase loci ( Pgi-2 ) indicated a pair of alleles. Among eight plots (each plot was 50 or 60-cm square), four showed an excess of heterozygotes and two showed homozygote domination in the Pgi-2 genotype. These results suggest that: (i) seed germination is suppressed in crowded ramets; (ii) seedling survival is severely reduced by inundation; and (iii) the population is usually maintained by clonal growth. As germination is induced in open areas, it is hypothesized that the main role of seed is recovery after vegetation decline caused by environmental stresses or colonization to other areas without dense vegetation.  相似文献   

为揭示高寒草地物种多样性和地上生物量以及二者之间关系对养分添加的响应模式,该研究以天山高寒草地为对象,通过两年的多重养分添加实验,研究氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)3种养分单独和组合添加对天山高寒草地群落物种多样性和地上生物量的影响。结果表明:(1)养分添加使当地植物物种多样性不同程度地减少,其中以N+P、N+K、N+P+K添加的效应最为显著,多重养分添加导致的土壤生态位维度降低是当地物种丧失的重要原因。(2)养分添加能显著提高群落地上生物量,其中N为第一限制养分,解除N限制后P和K成为限制养分, N+P+K复合添加对地上生物量的提高最为显著。(3)养分添加两年后,地上生物量与物种丰富度之间无显著回归关系且地上生物量增加主要是由于禾草类生物量增加导致,说明地上生物量主要由少数优势种决定而非群落物种数。  相似文献   

Soil health is essential and irreplaceable for plant growth and global food production, which has been threatened by climate change and soil degradation. Degraded coastal soils are urgently required to reclaim using new sustainable technologies. Interest in applying biochar to improve soil health and promote crop yield has rapidly increased because of its multiple benefits. However, effects of biochar addition on the saline–sodic coastal soil health and halophyte growth were poorly understood. Response of two halophytes, Sesbania (Sesbania cannabina) and Seashore mallow (Kosteletzkya virginica), to the individual or co‐application of biochar and inorganic fertilizer into a coastal soil was investigated using a 52 d pot experiment. The biochar alone or co‐application stimulated the plant growth (germination, root development, and biomass), primarily attributed to the enhanced nutrient availability from the biochar‐improved soil health. Additionally, the promoted microbial activities and bacterial community shift towards the beneficial taxa (e.g. Pseudomonas and Bacillus) in the rhizosphere also contributed to the enhanced plant growth and biomass. Our findings showed the promising significance because biochar added at an optimal level (≤5%) could be a feasible option to reclaim the degraded coastal soil, enhance plant growth and production, and increase soil health and food security.  相似文献   

气候变化将增加地表平均气温、改变降水格局, 会影响到种子出苗和幼苗生长, 进而影响物种的更新动态。为探讨增温和降水变化对东灵山地区建群树种辽东栎(Quercus mongolica)种子出苗和一年生幼苗生长和适应状况的影响, 该文利用环境控制生长箱开展了温度和降水量的双因素控制实验, 温度设置3个梯度: 月平均气温(对照)、增温2 ℃和增温6 ℃; 降水量设置3个梯度: 月平均降水量(对照)、减水30%和加水30%。结果表明: 1)辽东栎的种子出苗率和一年生幼苗的生长对增温和降水变化的响应不一致, 种子出苗率主要受到降水及其与温度交互作用的影响, 幼苗生长仅受到温度和降水独立作用的影响; 2)春季增温2 ℃或降水量增加均使辽东栎种子出苗期提前; 增温6 ℃与降水量减少的水热组合延迟了种子出苗期并使其存活率和出苗率显著降低, 但在此温度下增加降水量则增加了出苗速率和出苗率。3)增温2 ℃对其生长无显著影响, 增温6 ℃则在不同水分条件下显著地增加了幼苗的比叶面积、抑制了叶的伸长生长, 同时也显著降低了各器官生物量积累, 并减少了幼苗生物量向根的分配; 降水量减少降低了幼苗根生物量, 但未影响总生物量和根冠比, 降水量增加显著促进了幼苗地上部分的生长, 特别是叶的生长。因此, 适当地增温或增加降水量将增加辽东栎幼苗的更新潜力, 但增温和降水量减少导致的干旱化将显著降低幼苗的更新潜力。  相似文献   

We examined microclimatic conditions and soil nitrogen (N) dynamics of different alpine plant community types on the Bogong High Plains in Victoria, Australia. Three community types are predominant in the High Plains region, namely grassland, heathland and woodland and together they form so‐called inverted treelines, with grassland in valley floors below the treeline. Outdoor temperature loggers were deployed in the three vegetation types to establish differences among microclimatic conditions. We incubated soils to determine rates of N production and collected additional soil samples for analysis of soil properties and soluble N. Temperature data showed that only grassland communities experienced sub‐zero temperatures in winter. Temperature and soil moisture influenced indices of N mineralization and N nitrification in this alpine ecosystem. Rates of N mineralization were significantly faster than nitrification that only produced consequential amounts of nitrate in summer. This information, together with considerably lower pools of nitrate than ammonium and organic N in the soil, implies that ammonium is the dominant form of soluble N in the ecosystem whereas nitrate most likely only has minor importance for plant nutrition. The results of this study provide insight into ecological processes of this alpine ecosystem and demonstrate the vulnerability of the system to altered climatic and edaphic conditions in the course of climate change.  相似文献   

高寒草甸退化对短穗兔耳草克隆生长特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以调查统计和比较样地法研究了江河源区高寒草甸退化对典型匍匐茎植物短穗兔耳草克隆生长特征的影响。结果表明,退化草甸的植物群落结构、功能以及土壤特征发生了明显地变化,继而对短穗兔耳草无性系的克隆生长行为和形态特性产生了影响。高寒草甸退化后短穗兔耳草的匍匐茎有所增多,分支强度加大。退化草甸内短穗兔耳草的基株高度小于未退化草甸,根长大于未退化草甸,基株的叶片数目间没有明显差别。退化草甸内短穗兔耳草的分株高度显著小于未退化草甸,分株叶数明显多于未退化草甸,而根长尽管大于未退化草甸,但差异不显著。短穗兔耳草匍匐茎长度在未退化草甸内明显大于退化草甸,匍匐茎茎生叶数和匍匐茎粗度也在未退化草甸大于退化草甸。短穗兔耳草在未退化草甸用于克隆繁殖的能量投资比例高于退化草甸,其中未退化草甸内短穗兔耳草基株的干重比例略低于退化草甸,分株和匍匐茎的干重比例高于退化草甸。高寒草甸退化对短穗兔耳草克隆生长特征的这些影响,是其对高寒草甸退化导致的资源和生境差异的反应,也是对资源利用达到的最合理状态,是一种选择适应的结果。  相似文献   

Aim   Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves is an important mechanism of nutrient conservation in plants, but the patterns of nutrient resorption at the global scale are unknown. Because soil nutrients vary along climatic gradients, we hypothesize that nutrient resorption changes with latitude, temperature and precipitation.
Location   Global.
Methods   We conducted a meta-analysis on a global data set collected from published literature on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption of woody plants.
Results    For all data pooled, both N resorption efficiency (NRE) and P resorption efficiency (PRE) were significantly related to latitude, mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP): NRE increased with latitude but decreased with MAT and MAP. In contrast, PRE decreased with latitude but increased with MAT and MAP. When functional groups (shrub versus tree, coniferous versus broadleaf and evergreen versus deciduous) were examined individually, the patterns of NRE and PRE in relation to latitude, MAT and MAP were generally similar.
Main conclusions   The relationships between N and P resorption and latitude, MAT and MAP indicate the existence of geographical patterns of plant nutrient conservation strategies in relation to temperature and precipitation at the global scale, particularly for PRE, which can be an indicator for P limitation in the tropics and selective pressure shaping the evolution of plant traits. Our results suggest that, although the magnitude of plant nutrient resorption might be regulated by local factors such as substrate, spatial patterns are also controlled by temperature or precipitation.  相似文献   

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