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Among the range of determinants of post‐fledging survival in altricial birds, the energy supply to the growing juveniles is likely to play a central role. However, the exact mechanisms shaping post‐fledging survival are poorly understood. Using a food supplementation experiment, we determined the effect of variation in food supply on the survival of juvenile Little Owls Athene noctua from hatching to 2 months post‐fledging. Experimental broods were food‐supplemented for 36 days during the nestling and the early post‐fledging period. The fate of 307 juveniles (95 of them provided with extra food) was determined by nest monitoring and radiotelemetry. In unsupplemented birds, the rates of survival measured at 5‐day intervals were lowest during the nestling stage, remained low during the early post‐fledging stage and steadily increased after about 2 weeks post‐fledging. Food supplementation substantially increased nestling survival, but we detected no direct treatment effect on post‐fledging survival. Instead, we found a strong indirect effect of food supplementation, in that fledglings of good physical condition had markedly higher chances of surviving the post‐fledging period compared with those in poor condition. Experimental food supplementation increased survival over the first 3 months from 45% to 64.6%. This suggests that energy reserves built up during the nestling stage influence post‐fledging survival and ultimately parental reproductive output. The low nestling and post‐fledging survival shows that the early life‐history stages constitute a crucial bottleneck of reproductive ecology in Little Owls. The strong treatment effects on the number of independent offspring indicate that natural variation in food supply is an important determinant of spatio‐temporal patterns in Little Owl demography.  相似文献   

Food availability is an important limiting factor for avian reproduction. In altricial birds, food limitation is assumed to be more severe during the nestling stage than during laying or incubation, but this has yet to be adequately tested. Using food‐supplementation experiments over a 5‐year period, we determined the degree and timing of food limitation for burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) breeding in Canada. Burrowing owls are an endangered species and food limitation during the nestling stage could influence reproductive performance of this species at the northern extent of their range. Supplemented pairs fledged on average 47% more owlets than unfed pairs, except during a year when natural food was not limiting (i.e., a prey irruption year). The difference in fledgling production resulted from high nestling mortality in unfed broods, with 96% of all nestling deaths being attributed to food shortage. Supplemental feeding during the nestling period also increased fledgling structural size. Pairs fed from the start of laying produced the same number of hatchlings as pairs that received no supplemental food before hatch. Furthermore, pairs supplemented from egg laying to fledging and pairs supplemented during the nestling period alone had the same patterns of nestling survival, equal numbers of fledglings, and similar fledgling mass and structural size. Our results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the nestling period is the most food‐limited phase of the breeding cycle. The experimental design we introduce here could be used with other altricial species to examine how the timing of food limitation differs among birds with a variety of life‐history strategies. For burrowing owls, and other species with similar life histories, long‐term, large‐scale, and appropriately timed habitat management increasing prey abundance or availability is critical for conservation.  相似文献   

Urban environments impose novel selection pressures with varying impacts across species and life history stages. The post‐fledging stage for migratory passerines, defined as the period of time from when hatch‐year birds fledge until their first migration, is a poorly understood component of annual productivity that potentially limits population growth. We studied two migratory passerines with positive and negative population responses to urbanization, respectively: gray catbird Dumetella carolinensis and wood thrush Hylocichla mustelina. Our goals were to estimate post‐fledging survival rates for urban bird populations and determine which features of the urban landscape impact mortality risk during the post‐fledging stage. From 2012–2014, we tracked 127 fledglings (60 gray catbirds and 67 wood thrushes). Over 55 d after fledging, cumulative survival of gray catbirds (0.32 [95% CI: 0.22–0.47]) was approximately half that of wood thrushes (0.63 [95% CI: 0.52–0.75]). Thus, survival rates during the post‐fledging stage, taken in isolation, do not explain differential trajectories of gray catbird and wood thrush populations in urban environments. Most mortality (86%) for both species was due to predation. However, after reaching independence from parental care, 6 birds (9.4% of mortalities) died of anthropogenic causes (e.g. building, car strikes). Crossing roads significantly increased mortality risk, but increasing daily movement distance decreased mortality risk. Our results raise the question of whether anthropogenic sources of mortality are compensatory or additive to natural mortality; we emphasize the need to monitor fledgling survival beyond the parental‐dependence stage in order to fully understand the impacts of anthropogenic hazards on juvenile birds.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits developed in one life‐history stage can carryover and affect survival in subsequent stages. For songbirds, carryover effects from the pre‐ to post‐fledging period may be crucial for survival but are poorly understood. We assessed whether juvenile body condition and wing development at fledging influenced survival during the post‐fledging period in the dickcissel Spiza americana. We found pre‐ to post‐fledging carryover effects on fledgling survival for both traits during the ‘early part’ – first four days – of the post‐fledging period. Survival benefits of each trait depended on cause‐specific sources of mortality; individuals in better body condition were less likely to die from exposure to adverse environmental conditions, whereas those with more advanced wing development were less likely to be preyed upon. Fledglings with more advanced wing development were comparatively more active and mobile earlier in the post‐fledging period, suggesting they were better able to avoid predators. Our results provide some of the first evidence linking development of juvenile phenotypic traits to survival against specific sources of post‐fledging mortality in songbirds. Further investigation into pre‐ to post‐fledging carryover effects may yield important insights into avian life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Group living can provide individuals with several benefits, including cooperative vigilance and lower predation rates. Individuals in larger groups may be less vulnerable to predation due to dilution effects, efficient detection or greater ability to repel predators. Individuals in smaller groups may consequently employ alternative behavioural tactics to compensate for their greater vulnerability to predators. Here, we describe how pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor) fledging age varies with group size and the associated risk of nestling predation. Nestling predation is highest in smaller groups, but there is no effect of group size on fledgling predation. Consequently, small groups fledge young earlier, thereby reducing the risk of predation. However, there is a cost to this behaviour as younger fledglings are less mobile than older fledglings: they move shorter distances and are less likely to successfully reach the communal roost tree. The optimal age to fledge young appears to depend on the trade-off between reduced nestling predation and increased fledgling mobility. We suggest that such trade-offs may be common in species where group size critically affects individual survival and reproductive success.  相似文献   

The behavior of young songbirds after fledging is one of the least understood phases of the breeding cycle, although parental provisioning rates and movement of fledglings are key to understanding life history evolution. We studied Cordilleran Flycatchers (Empidonax occidentalis) at two sites in southwestern Colorado, USA, from 2012 to 2017. We banded and sexed breeding adults to determine the relative contributions of males and females to nestling and fledgling care, and attached radio‐transmitters to nestlings to facilitate observations of brood behavior after fledging. Females made 60% and 78% of total observed feedings of nestlings and fledglings, respectively. Parental provisioning rates increased with nestling age, and per‐nestling provisioning rates increased with brood size. Parental provisioning rates declined just before fledging, then increased just after fledging. Fledging times of individuals in broods were asynchronous and concentrated during the late afternoon and early evening. Males stopped caring for fledglings before females even though this species is single‐brooded, with some late‐season broods being abandoned by males. Broods spent the first three weeks after fledging within 400 m of nests, after which they began to disperse. Most aspects of the breeding biology of Cordilleran Flycatchers in our study, including the duration of nestling and fledging periods, female‐dominated provisioning, and movement patterns of fledglings, were similar to those of other Empidonax species. However, the times when young fledged were not concentrated in the morning as reported in most other songbirds, and this result warrants additional study of the timing of fledging in ecologically and taxonomically similar species. The increased per‐nestling provisioning rate with increasing brood size was unexpected, and additional study is needed to determine if this increase results from a trade‐off between adult annual survival and productivity favoring increased provisioning of young in larger broods, or from the existence of high‐quality individuals where larger clutches and higher provisioning rates are linked.  相似文献   

Investigating the potential effects of handling and marking techniques on study animals is important for correct interpretation of research results and to effect progress in data‐collection methods. Few investigators have compared the reproductive output of radio‐tagged and non‐radio‐tagged songbirds, and no one to date has examined the possible effect of radio‐tagging adult songbirds on the survival of their fledglings. In 2011 and 2012, we compared several parameters of reproductive output of two groups of female Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) breeding in Minnesota, including 45 females with radio‐transmitters and 73 females we did not capture, handle, or mark. We found no difference between groups in clutch sizes, hatching success, brood sizes, length of incubation and nestling stages, fledging success, number of fledglings, or survival of fledglings to independence. Thus, radio‐tags had no measurable impact on the productivity of female Golden‐winged Warblers. Our results build upon previous studies where investigators have reported no effects of radio‐tagging on the breeding parameters of songbirds by also demonstrating no effect of radio‐tagging through the post‐fledging period and, therefore, the entire breeding season.  相似文献   

Among stages of avian ontogeny, the act of nest departure or fledging is an abrupt transition into a new environment and a major leap toward independence for offspring. In altricial birds, the timing (i.e. time of day) of fledging is notable in that many species tend to fledge early in the morning. Past studies have proposed nest predation as a key factor driving birds to fledge earlier in the morning (the ‘survival hypothesis’), whereby offspring avoid peak times of nest predation that occur later in the day. A natural extension of this hypothesis is the predation of offspring post-fledging, whereby offspring are also timing their fledging with future survival prospects outside of the nest. However, few studies have investigated fledging behaviour in the context of both nesting and post-fledging predation. To help fill this knowledge gap, we investigated factors driving the timing and duration of fledging across six songbird species in the context of offspring predation: daily nest mortality, post-fledging mortality and diel patterns of nest predation risk. We found that > 60% of songbirds fledged early in the morning, whereas the peaks in nest predation risk occurred several hours post-fledging. Furthermore, species under greater risk of nest predation fledged earlier in the day and in closer succession to their siblings. Parameters of post-fledging mortality were poor predictors of fledging timing, but individuals from broods of species under higher risk of post-fledging mortality fledged in closer succession to their siblings. These results provide evidence in support of the survival hypothesis, and suggest that songbirds fledge in the morning to avoid peak times of nest predation risk that occur later in the day (~ 8 h after civil dawn). Such results corroborate past research highlighting predation on dependent offspring as a key factor driving variation in life histories across animal taxa; however, estimates of post-fledging mortality suggest that nest predation alone does not fully explain variation in fledging behaviour among species. Future research is therefore needed to investigate the contribution of other factors, such as energetics, parent–offspring conflict and diel patterns of post-fledging survival, which may help to mediate diel patterns of fledging within and among songbird species.  相似文献   

For avian group living to be evolutionary stable, multiple fitness benefits are expected. Yet, the difficulty of tracking fledglings, and thus estimating their survival rates, limits our knowledge on how such benefits may manifest postfledging. We radio‐tagged breeding females of the Afrotropical cooperatively breeding Placid greenbul (Phyllastrephus placidus) during nesting. Tracking these females after fledging permitted us to locate juvenile birds, their parents, and any helpers present and to build individual fledgling resighting datasets without incurring mortality costs or causing premature fledging due to handling or transmitter effects. A Bayesian framework was used to infer age‐specific mortality rates in relation to group size, fledging date, maternal condition, and nestling condition. Postfledging survival was positively related to group size, with fledglings raised in groups with four helpers showing nearly 30% higher survival until independence compared with pair‐only offspring, independent of fledging date, maternal condition or nestling condition. Our results demonstrate the importance of studying the early dependency period just after fledging when assessing presumed benefits of cooperative breeding. While studying small, mobile organisms after they leave the nest remains highly challenging, we argue that the telemetric approach proposed here may be a broadly applicable method to obtain unbiased estimates of postfledging survival.  相似文献   

Innate immune functions are proposed to develop rapidly post‐hatch in altricial nestlings, compared with adaptive immune defenses that require development of receptor specificity and memory. Studies of ontogenetic changes in altricial birds have been few until relatively recently and often do not encompass the entire developmental period. We examined the patterns of development in constitutive innate and adaptive immune indices in house sparrow nestlings (3, 6, 9 and 12 days (d) post‐hatch), hatch‐year birds and adults. Lysozyme activity significantly decreased with age, likely representing catabolism of maternal investment of lysozyme in the egg albumen. Levels of total IgY (indexing adaptive immune function), as well as agglutination and lysis (indexing innate immune function), increased throughout the nestling period, but were significantly below levels found in fully‐grown birds at the time of fledging. There were no significant differences between hatch‐year birds and adults in these measures, indicating that rapid, full maturation occurs early in the post‐fledging period. In combination with previous studies, these data highlight the importance of sampling fledglings to assess full immune ontogeny and suggest that fledgling birds may be more vulnerable to infection than adults.  相似文献   

Among most species of birds, survival from hatching throughout the first year of life is generally lower than subsequent survival rates. Survival of young birds during their first year may depend on a combination of selection, learning, unpredictable resources, and environmental events (i.e., post‐fledging factors). However, knowledge about post‐fledging development in long‐lived species is usually limited due to a lengthy immature stage when individuals are generally unobservable. Therefore, pre‐fledging characteristics are often used to predict the survival of young birds. We assessed effects of nestling growth rates, hatching date, hatching asynchrony, brood size and rank order after brood reduction, and sex on first‐year survival of 137 fledglings using a mark‐resighting analysis. We found that the survival probability (Φ1yr = 0.39) of first‐year Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) in our study colony located at the outer port of Zeebrugge (Belgium) was lower than that of older individuals (Φ>1yr = 0.75). All 10 models best supported by our data included nestling growth rate, suggesting that variability in first‐year survival may be linked primarily to individual variation in growth. First‐year survival was negatively correlated with hatching date and rank order after brood reduction. Hence, carry‐over effects of breeding season events such as timing of breeding, early development, and social status had an influence on survival of Herring Gulls after fledging. Furthermore, we found sex‐biased mortality in first‐year Herring Gulls, with females (Φ1yr = 0.45) surviving better than males (Φ1yr = 0.38). Although adult survival is generally regarded as the key parameter driving population trajectories in long‐lived species, juvenile survival has recently been acknowledged as an important source of variability in population growth rates. Thus, increasing our knowledge of factors affecting age‐specific survival rates is necessary to improve our understanding of population dynamics and ultimately life‐history variation.  相似文献   

Species differ strongly in their life histories, including the probability of survival. Annual adult survival was investigated extensively in the past, whereas juvenile survival, and especially survival to independence, received much less attention. Yet, they are critical for our understanding of population demography and life‐history evolution. We investigated post‐fledging survival to independence (i.e. survival upon leaving the nest until nutritional independence) in 74 species of passerine birds worldwide based on 100 population level estimates extracted from published literature. Our comparative analyses revealed that survival to independence increased with the length of nestling period and relative fledging mass (ratio of fledging mass to adult body mass). At the same time, species with higher nest predation rates had shorter nestling periods and lower relative fledging mass. Thus, we identify an important trade‐off in life history strategies: staying longer in the nest may improve post‐fledging survival due to enhanced flight ability and sensory functions, but at the cost of a longer exposure to nest predators and increased mortality due to nest predation. Additionally, post‐fledging survival to independence did not differ between species from the northern temperate zone vs species from the tropics and southern hemisphere. However, analyses of post‐fledging survival curves suggest that 1) daily survival rates are not constant and improve quickly upon leaving the nest, and 2) species in the tropics and southern hemisphere have higher daily post‐fledging survival rates than northern temperate species. Nevertheless, due to the accumulation of mortality risk during their much longer periods of post‐fledging care, overall survival until independence is comparable across latitudes. Obtaining high‐quality demographic data across latitudes to evaluate the generality of these findings and mechanisms underlying them should be a research priority.  相似文献   

How environmental conditions affect the timing and extent of parental care is a fundamental question in comparative studies of life histories. The post‐fledging period is deemed critical for offspring fitness, yet few studies have examined this period, particularly in tropical birds. Tropical birds are predicted to have extended parental care during the post‐fledging period and this period may be key to understanding geographic variation in avian reproductive strategies. We studied a neotropical passerine, the western slaty‐antshrike Thamnophilus atrinucha, and predicted greater care and higher survival during the post‐fledging period compared to earlier stages. Furthermore, we predicted that duration of post‐fledging parental care and survival would be at the upper end of the distribution for Northern Hemisphere passerines. Correspondingly, we observed that provisioning continued for 6–12 weeks after fledging. In addition, provisioning rate was greater after fledging and offspring survival from fledging to independence was 75%, greater than all estimates from north‐temperate passerines. Intervals between nesting attempts were longer when the first brood produced successful fledglings compared to nests where offspring died either in the nest or upon fledging. Parents delayed initiating second nests after the first successful brood until fledglings were near independence. Our results indicate that parents provide greater care after fledging and this extended care likely increased offspring survival. Moreover, our findings of extended post‐fledging parental care and higher post‐fledging survival compared to Northern Hemisphere species have implications for understanding latitudinal variation in reproductive effort and parental investment strategies.  相似文献   

Fledgling ecology remains understudied for many passerine species, yet information about the fledgling life stage is critical for understanding full-annual life cycles and population recruitment. We examined the survival, habitat selection, and movements of fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) in a longleaf pine-wiregrass (Pinus palustris-Aristida stricta) community managed with frequent prescribed fire. We captured and marked 36 fledglings on the day of fledging and used radio-telemetry to relocate them daily until independence during three breeding seasons (2014–2016). We visually confirmed the status of fledglings as live or dead during daily relocations and determined causes of mortality. We measured vegetation characteristics at fledgling locations and compared them to the characteristics of vegetation at the locations of adult males. We used a Known Fates analysis in Program MARK to estimate fledgling survival, and generalized linear mixed effect models to determine habitat selection. Estimated fledgling survival until independence was 0.31 (SE = 0.08), with most mortality during the first 4 d post-fledging. Fledglings with longer wing chords had higher rates of survival than those with shorter wing chords, possibly due to an increased ability to evade predators. Fledgling movements were restricted primarily to natal territories. Fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows were located in areas with greater woody plant, forb, and grass cover and less bare ground than available in natal territories. Similar to fledglings of other songbirds, understory woody and herbaceous plants appear to provide critical cover for fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows, and maintenance of such cover should receive consideration in management plans for longleaf pine communities.  相似文献   

In birds, energy supply during growth is a major predictor of the fledglings' physical condition and survival prospects. Differential quantity and quality of fledglings produced under varying nestling food supplies are likely to affect the number of offspring that recruit into the breeding population. However, the underlying mechanisms and associated consequences are still poorly known. Using a partial cross‐fostering and food supplementation experiment, we estimated the effect of variation in food supply during growth on nestling survival and fledgling phenotypic traits of Little Owls Athene noctua. Survival to fledging was much higher in food‐supplemented nestlings (98.6%) than in control nestlings (82.4%). Furthermore, supplemented nestlings were on average 8.9 g heavier and were more likely to develop subcutaneous fat deposits (99.4 vs. 73.7% of treatment and control nestlings, respectively). Supplemented nestlings also had on average longer wings than control nestlings, but tarsi and culmen did not differ significantly. Furthermore, experimentally supplemented fledglings struggled more when handled and emerged sooner from tonic immobility than control fledglings. The irises of supplemented fledglings were less intensely coloured. The experimentally induced changes in nestling development probably affect individual performance beyond fledging. Nestlings from orchard‐dominated habitats were larger than those from habitats dominated by arable land. As nestling food supply is largely determined by natural food availability, we conclude that habitat quality affects Little Owl productivity and offspring quality, and ultimately, population dynamics.  相似文献   

Oceanic conditions determine food availability to seabirds and affect seabird reproductive parameters, such as breeding success, chick growth, and survival rates. In seabirds, juvenile survival at sea is positively correlated with body condition at fledging. In addition, in several seabird species, especially petrels and shearwaters (Order Procellariiformes), fledglings are disoriented by artificial lights during their maiden flights from their nests to the sea, and many of them fall on the ground and are rescued by volunteers to mitigate light-induced mortality. We studied variations in body condition and body mass in Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) fledglings on Faial Island (Azores), using data from rescue campaigns conducted over 15 consecutive years. We checked if body condition was related to oceanic conditions. Late fledglings were in poorer body condition than early ones. Significant inter-annual variations in fledging body condition were observed. These were not related to North Atlantic Oscillation fluctuations. However, annual mean fledgling body condition was positively correlated with sea surface temperatures measured in the autumn of the previous year in a northern feeding area used by adults throughout the breeding season. This study broadens our knowledge of the factors affecting fledgling body condition in Procellariiformes and provides advice to better manage the rescue campaigns. Optimal management of rescue campaigns is essential given the limited economic or human resources allocated to such an aim.  相似文献   

When do altricial birds reach maximum of their brood defence intensity?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It has been suggested that the brood defence by parents of altricial birds should increase during the breeding attempt until the young depart from the nest. The two proximate hypotheses provide alternative predictions about the peak of brood defence intensity: (1) the vulnerability hypothesis predicts a rapid rise in brood defence after hatching of the chicks, with maximum defence intensity just before fledging and strong decline afterwards; (2) the feedback hypothesis predicts that brood defence intensity will, after a rapid rise, reach a plateau at the end of the nestling period and early after fledging and then slowly decline. I compared brood defence behaviour of altricial meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) breeding in the Czech Republic during the late nestling stage and during the fledging time. A stuffed stoat (Mustela erminea) was placed 5 m from a meadow pipit nest and the defence behaviour of parents was recorded for 10 min from a hide. Brood defence intensity was higher during the fledgling time than during the late nestling stage, and this trend was more evident in males than in females. Regardless of the proportion of already fledged chicks and those still present in the nest, brood defence did not significantly decrease during the fledgling time in males or females. The results do not agree with the predictions of the vulnerability hypothesis and support the predictions of the feedback hypothesis.  相似文献   

Penn Lloyd  Thomas E. Martin 《Ibis》2016,158(1):135-143
Slow life histories are characterized by high adult survival and few offspring, which are thought to allow increased investment per offspring to increase juvenile survival. Consistent with this pattern, south temperate zone birds are commonly longer‐lived and have fewer young than north temperate zone species. However, comparative analyses of juvenile survival, including during the first few weeks of the post‐fledging period when most juvenile mortality occurs, are largely lacking. We combined our measurements of fledgling survival for eight passerines in South Africa with estimates from published studies of 57 north and south temperate zone songbird species to test three predictions: (1) fledgling survival increases with length of development time in the nest; (2) fledgling survival increases with adult survival and reduced brood size controlled for development time; and (3) south temperate zone species, with their higher adult survival and smaller brood sizes, exhibit higher fledgling survival than north temperate zone species controlled for development time. We found that fledgling survival was higher among south temperate zone species and generally increased with development time and adult survival within and between latitudinal regions. Clutch size did not explain additional variation, but was confounded with adult survival. Given the importance of age‐specific mortality to life history evolution, understanding the causes of these geographical patterns of mortality is important.  相似文献   

If parental allocation to each offspring sex has the same cost/benefit ratio, Fisher's hypothesis predicts a sex ratio biased towards the cheaper sex. However, in dimorphic birds there is little evidence for this, especially at hatching. We investigated the pre‐fledgling 1) sex ratio, 2) body condition and 3) sex‐differential mortality in a population of the glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus, in southern Spain between 2001 and 2011. We defined two age groups for the period between hatching and fledging. We also compared pre‐fledgling with the autumn sex ratio. Metabolic rates were estimated by the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique to establish that sons (the bigger sex) were 18% more energy demanding than daughters, and to compute the predicted Fisher's sex ratio (0.465). As population size increased between years, body condition decreased in both sexes, and mortality increased more for daughters than sons prior to fledging. At the same time, the proportion of males among chicks close to fledging increased (average sex ratio: 0.606) while the proportion close to hatching decreased (average sex ratio: 0.434, in line with Fisher's prediction). Furthermore, the proportions of males at fledging and the following autumn were negatively correlated across years. We suggest that, as population density increased and conditions worsened the larger sex had relatively higher survival. These differences in survival produce a shift from a facultative female‐biased sex ratio at hatching into a non‐facultative male‐biased sex ratio of fledglings. Additionally, the excess of males at fledging was counterbalanced by sex‐related dispersal during the autumn. Overall, glossy ibis sex ratio is a product of a combination of facultative and non‐facultative adjustments triggered by environmental conditions, driven by rapid population growth, and mediated by highly interrelated life‐history traits such as body condition, mortality, and dispersal.  相似文献   

Pre-breeeding survival is one of the major sources of individual variation in lifetime reproductive success. However, very little is known about the reasons for differences in survival among individuals during this important phase of the life cycle. Some studies, using local return rates as indices of survival, have shown a relationship between post-fledging survival and fledging date and mass in birds, most of them suggesting directional selection towards heavy masses and early fledging dates. Recent development of capture-recapture models allows the separate estimate of survival and recapture probabilities, as well as the inclusion of individual covariates into the modelling process. We used here these models to explore the relative effects of fledging date and fledging mass on local recruitment of individual great tit Parus major fledglings. Individual capture-recapture histories of 2051 fledglings (cohorts 1992–1999), 184 of which were recaptured as breeding birds during 1993–2000, were used in the analyses. Hatching date, offspring mass at day 15, their squared terms, and interactions between mass and date, were included as covariates into the modelling process. Models with age (fledglings and adults) and time (year) dependence were used. The probability of local recruitment increased with fledging mass in each of the years studied. Fledging date also affected recruitment but, against what is commonly thought, fledgling early is not the best option every year. Either early, intermediate or late fledglings were favoured in different years. This between-year variation in the optimum fledging date offers an alternative explanation to the lack of evolution towards earlier breeding dates, in spite of the advantages of early breeding some years.  相似文献   

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