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Journal of Ichthyology - The direction of phylogenesis of beaked redfish Sebastes mentella is considered based on a comparative analysis of the parasite fauna and maturation rate of individuals in...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The ichthyological studies carried out at the shelf of North-Eastern Greenland in 2002–2017 new regions of dwelling of beaked redfish Sebastes mentella were...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The results of studying the composition and features of the ecology, zoogeography, and formation of the parasite fauna of beaked redfish Sebastes mentella in the waters of...  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The results of a study of the composition, ecology, and formation of parasite communities in the Acadian redfish Sebastes fasciatus Storer, 1856 are considered...  相似文献   

This study evaluated potential differences in morphology of unextruded larvae from Sebastes mentella and Sebastes norvegicus in Icelandic waters. Fifty‐four larvae of each species were measured, and 18 measurements were recorded for each specimen (morphometric, meristic and pigmentation patterns). Pre‐extrusion larvae of S. norvegicus were longer than those of S. mentella. Additionally, there were significant differences in morphometric, meristic and pigmentation characters between pre‐extrusion larvae of these species. Pigmentation of S. mentella differed from that of S. norvegicus in several aspects. Dorsal and ventral body pigmentation tended to begin more posteriorly in S. mentella, therefore, the overall length of these pigmented areas tended to be longer in S. norvegicus.  相似文献   

Redfish Sebastes mentella samples were collected in 2004 and 2005 during commercial cruises to the Irminger Sea on board the Polish vessel M/T ‘Wiesbaden’. Ichthyological studies included length and weight measurements, sex, gonad maturity stages and age determinations. Meristic and morphometric measurements were performed on digital images of the redfish. Comparison of the pelagic redfish from the northeastern (depths deeper than 500 m) and southwestern (depths shallower than 500 m) fishing grounds of the Irminger Sea indicates a number of differences including spatial and vertical distribution, ambient temperature, length and age composition. Moreover, 12 morphometric and 4 meristic characters differed significantly between fish samples from these two areas. Results of Cluster Analysis showed the clear grouping of samples into that of the ‘oceanic’ component (depth 300–450 m) and the ‘deep sea’ component (depth 550–800 m). These results were confirmed by Principal Component Analysis, which revealed the separation of samples into two catch depth groups. The share of fish allocated by Discriminant Analysis into the pelagic ‘deep sea’ component in the northeastern area was nearly 92%, while the ‘oceanic’ component was dominant in the southwestern area and comprised more than 88% of the fish. Cluster and Principal Component analyses suggest that the ‘oceanic’ component is a more homogeneous group than the ‘deep sea’ component. These results support the management units recently established by ICES.  相似文献   

Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) provides opportunities to generate high-resolution genetic maps at a low genotyping cost, but for highly heterozygous species, missing data and heterozygote undercalling complicate the creation of GBS genetic maps. To overcome these issues, we developed a publicly available, modular approach called HetMappS, which functions independently of parental genotypes and corrects for genotyping errors associated with heterozygosity. For linkage group formation, HetMappS includes both a reference-guided synteny pipeline and a reference-independent de novo pipeline. The de novo pipeline can be utilized for under-characterized or high diversity families that lack an appropriate reference. We applied both HetMappS pipelines in five half-sib F1 families involving genetically diverse Vitis spp. Starting with at least 116,466 putative SNPs per family, the HetMappS pipelines identified 10,440 to 17,267 phased pseudo-testcross (Pt) markers and generated high-confidence maps. Pt marker density exceeded crossover resolution in all cases; up to 5,560 non-redundant markers were used to generate parental maps ranging from 1,047 cM to 1,696 cM. The number of markers used was strongly correlated with family size in both de novo and synteny maps (r = 0.92 and 0.91, respectively). Comparisons between allele and tag frequencies suggested that many markers were in tandem repeats and mapped as single loci, while markers in regions of more than two repeats were removed during map curation. Both pipelines generated similar genetic maps, and genetic order was strongly correlated with the reference genome physical order in all cases. Independently created genetic maps from shared parents exhibited nearly identical results. Flower sex was mapped in three families and correctly localized to the known sex locus in all cases. The HetMappS pipeline could have wide application for genetic mapping in highly heterozygous species, and its modularity provides opportunities to adapt portions of the pipeline to other family types, genotyping technologies or applications.  相似文献   

Male orange-tufted sunbirds ( Nectarinia osea ) exhibit distinct song dialects throughout Israel. Recently, two distinct local dialects with a sharp boundary were discovered in a small (1.5 km2) urban neighborhood densely inhabited by 63 territorial sunbird pairs. We conducted playback experiments to determine song dialect discrimination capability by sunbird males in this neighborhood. Males of both dialects responded significantly more strongly to playback of their own dialect than to that of the adjacent dialect. In spite of the extreme proximity between the two dialect areas, we found no effect of distance to the neighboring dialect on the intensity of any the behavioral responses. We suggest that due to the complex acoustic properties of this urban neighborhood, sunbirds are extremely limited in the number of neighboring males they can assess to establish what the local song is. A stronger response to one's own dialect is therefore expected, and we discuss how local dialects could be maintained via this mechanism regardless of the very small distances between territories and dialect populations.  相似文献   

This is the first study of the parasite fauna of Eleginops maclovinus in the Falkland Islands. It was undertaken to catalogue the parasite fauna of E. maclovinus in order to provide a baseline for future studies and to determine whether parasites might be used as biological tags. Between 21 January and 17 March 2002 samples were taken from three stations, Teal Creek (30 fish), Port Louis (30 fish) and Camilla Creek (10 fish), all in East Falkland, and examined for protozoan and metazoan parasites. Twenty-four parasite taxa were recorded, of which three were possible new species, two new host records and five new geographical records. Because of the small number of fish in the Camilla Creek sample it was excluded from further analyses. E. maclovinus is a protandrous hermaphrodite and all fish greater than 53 cm total length were found to be female, so these too were excluded from further analyses. The parasite data from the remaining fish were analysed by an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis using an average linkage and a Jaccard measure of similarity, followed by a linear discriminant function analysis (LDA). Both analyses misclassified only one fish from Port Louis as being from Teal Creek, with the LDA giving an overall correct classification of 97.5% (39/40). The results support mechanical tagging data in suggesting that smaller male E. maclovinus are resident in the creeks in which they are caught, and that at this stage of their lives they tend not to migrate over long distances.  相似文献   

Isoptera are highly specialized cockroaches and are one of the few eusocial insect lineages. Cryptocercus cockroaches have appeared to many as ideal models for inference on the early evolution of termites, due to their possible phylogenetic relationship and several shared key attributes in life history. Recently, Pellens, Grandcolas, and colleagues have proposed the blaberid cockroach Parasphaeria boleiriana to be an alternative model for the early evolution in termites. We compare the usefulness of Cryptocercus and P. boleiriana as models for termite evolution. Cryptocercus and lower Isoptera (1) can both feed on comparatively recalcitrant wood, (2) have an obligate, rich and unique hypermastigid and oxymonadid fauna in the hindgut, (3) transfer these flagellates to the next generation by anal trophallaxis, (4) have social systems that involve long-lasting biparental care, and, finally, (5) are strongly suggested to be sister groups, so that the key attributes (1)-(4) appear to be homologous between the two taxa. On the other hand, P. boleiriana (1) feeds on soft, ephemeral wood sources, (2) shows no trace of the oxymonadid and hypermastigid hindgut fauna unique to Cryptocercus and lower Isoptera, nor does it have any other demonstrated obligate relationship with hindgut flagellates, (3) is likely to lack anal trophallaxis, (4) has only a short period of uniparental brood care, and (5) is phylogenetically remote from the Cryptocercus+Isoptera clade. These facts would argue against any reasonable usage of P. boleiriana as a model for the early evolution of Isoptera or even of the clade Cryptocercus+Isoptera. Cryptocercus thus remains an appropriate model-taxon-by-homology for early termite evolution. As compared to P. boleiriana, some other Blaberidae (such as the Panesthiinae Salganea) appear more useful as model-taxa-by-homoplasy for the early evolution of the Cryptocercus+Isoptera clade, as their brooding behavior is more elaborate than in P. boleiriana.  相似文献   

We used the four redfish taxa (genus Sebastes) from the North Atlantic to evaluate the potential of multilocus genotype information obtained from microsatellites in assigning individuals at two different levels of group divergence. We first tested the hypothesis that microsatellites can diagnostically discriminate individual redfish from different groups. Second, we compared two different methods to quantify the effect of number of loci and likelihood stringency levels on the power of microsatellites for redfish group membership. The potential of microsatellites to discriminate individuals from different taxa was illustrated by a shared allele distance tree in which four major clusters corresponding to each taxa were defined. Concomitant with this strong discrimination, microsatellites also proved to be powerful in reclassifying specimens to the taxon of origin, using either an empirical or simulated method of estimating assignment success. By testing for the effect of both the number of loci and the level of stringency on the assignment success, we found that 95% of all specimens were still correctly reclassified with only four loci at the most commonly used criterion of log0. In contrast, the results obtained at the population level within taxa highlighted several problems of assignment that may occur at low levels of divergence. Namely, a drastic decrease of success with increasing stringency illustrated the lack of power of our set of loci. Strong discrepancy was observed between results obtained from the empirical and simulated methods. Finally, the highest assignment success was obtained when reducing the number of loci used, an observation previously reported in studies of human populations.  相似文献   

Analysis of the genetic structure (11 loci) of helminth populations (Monogenea, Diclidophora ), parasites of two teleost species (Gadidae, Trisopterus luscus and T. minutus minulus ) which are sympatric in the Atlantic, revealed the existence of two species which were specific to each of the two hosts. A strong genetic similitude was found between one of these species ( Diclidophora luscae ), a parasite of T. luscus and a monogenean population parasitizing a third Gadidae ( Trisopterus minutus capelanus ) in the Mediterranean. These results led to a re-examinination of the evolutionary systematics of the three host taxa of the genus Trisopterus. Genetic analysis showed differences between the two subspecies T. minutus minutus (Atlantic) and T. minutus capelanus (Mediterranean) at eight of the 16 loci studied. However, there was no significant genetic divergence between T. luscus and T.m. capelanus. A new phyletic structure in the genus Trisopterus is proposed and the evolutionary trends within the Gadidae/Monogenea system are discussed.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was designed to evaluate the potential of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) as a locally available nutrient‐rich feedstuff for juvenile rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli). Experimental diets containing elevated levels of mealworm meal (WM) supplemented with synthetic methionine were formulated to be isonitrogenous, isolipidic and isoenergetic to a WM‐free fishmeal (FM) based control diet (designated as WM0, WM8, WM16, WM24 and WM32, respectively). To determine the necessity of dietary methionine supplementation at the highest inclusion of WM, a diet was prepared to contain 32% WM without methionine supplementation (WM32‐AA). Triplicate groups of rockfish juveniles (Mean ± S.E.; 3.11 ± 0.01 g) were fed one of the experimental diets to apparent satiation twice daily for 8 weeks. Fish growth performance in terms of weight gain and specific growth rate increased with increasing dietary inclusion of WM from 0 to 16% and then tended to decrease with further increase in dietary WM levels to 32%. Protein retention (PR) values followed the same trend as growth rates with the highest values found in fish offered WM16 diet. Although fish fed WM32‐AA diet showed significantly lower growth rate and PR values compared to those fed WM16 diet, their performance was still comparable to that of the WM‐free control group. Plasma triglyceride level was negatively affected by dietary WM inclusion and the lowest values were observed in the WM32‐AA group. Whole‐body and fillet proximate and essential amino acid compositions were not altered by dietary treatment and these values were comparable to those of the WM0 group. These findings suggested that WM might prove to be a promising alternative to FM in practical diets for juvenile rockfish and could be used at an inclusion level of up to 32% without having any adverse consequences for the health and performance of the fish. Although the diet containing 32% WM seemed to support a performance similar to that of the control diet, the recommended dietary inclusion level was no more than 16% of the diet dry matter.  相似文献   

In the light of growing interest in discovering new sources of natural antimicrobial agents, we extracted and tested the efficiency of julid defensive secretions in comparison with commercially used antibiotic and antimycotics. This work involved chemical characterization of the defensive secretions of Cylindroiulus boleti (C. L. Koch, 1847), Megaphyllum bosniense (Verhoeff, 1897) and M. unilineatum (C. L. Koch, 1838), as well as in vitro evaluation of their antimicrobial activity against 11 bacteria, one yeast and eight filamentous fungi. Compounds of the analysed defensive secretions included p‐benzoquinones, alkyl esters of fatty acids and ketones. Ketones were recorded for the first time in the order Julida, and they were detected in secretions of both Megaphyllum species. All three analysed defensive secretions showed antibacterial and antifungal potential against all of the tested pathogens. Staphylococcus aureus proved to be the most sensitive bacterial strain to all analysed secretions. Also, defensive secretion of M. unilineatum showed significant antibacterial potential against Bacillus subtilis. The most resistant bacterial strains in this study were Escherichia coli, Erwinia persicina and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Analysed defensive secretions achieved the strongest antifungal activity against Aspergillus parasiticus (secretions of all three millipede species), Penicillium griseofulvum (secretions of C. boleti and M. bosniense) and Cladosporium oxysporum (secretion of M. unilineatum). The most resistant mycromycetes were A. niger (to all tested defensive secretions), A. flavus (to secretion of M. unilineatum) and P. lanosum (to secretions of C. boleti and M. bosniense). Our results showed a generally lower level of activity compared to antibiotic and a significantly higher level compared to antimycotics. The results of this study elucidate and open opportunities for further research in the field of millipede chemical ecology.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial DNA sequence variation of Sebastes from the southeastern Pacific and three localities in the South Atlantic to address long-standing systematic and evolutionary issues regarding the number of species in the Southern Hemisphere. Sequences of the hypervariable mitochondrial control region were obtained from 10 specimens of S. capensis from South Africa (n = 5) and from Tristan da Cunha Island (n = 5) and 27 of S. oculatus from Valparaiso, Chile (n = 10), and the Falkland Islands (n = 17). Results of the study include (1) significant levels of genetic differentiation among the sampled populations (phi ST = 0.225, P < .000001), thus indicating limited gene flow; (2) corroboration of the existence of two different lineages of austral Sebastes corresponding to S. capensis and S. oculatus; (3) finding that S. capensis is not restricted to Tristan da Cunha and South Africa, but is widespread across the South Atlantic; (4) the position of S. capensis as the ancestral lineage of the austral Sebastes; (5) the existence of a third evolutionary lineage with high levels of genetic divergence, particularly abundant in the south-western Atlantic, which may be recognized as a third austral species of Sebastes.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》1999,2(2):85-92
To understand the evolutionary relationship among six Tetranychus species in Korea, 598 nucleotides of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) were sequenced and analyzed. The sequences were extremely rich in A+T (77% on average). The nucleotide differences in pairwise comparison among species ranged from 6.7% to 14.9%. Nucleotide substitutions based on all pairwise comparison showed 55% of transversions. The largest genetic distance was found between species T. viennensis and T. piercei. The inferred phylogenetic tree indicates that T. urticae, T. cinnabarinus and T. kanzawai are clustered together and showing sister-group relationship with T. truncatus at the highest bootstrap support. T. viennensis showed the largest genetic distance from all other species. T. piercei, a species recently found in Korea, was also distinct from the group composed of four species and also from T. viennensis. The restriction sites of Alu I, Dde I and Sau 3A were searched in the sequences of COI. The restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in COI genes and intraspecific variabilities of three restriction sites in diverse colonies of each species collected from different locations and various host plants were shown.  相似文献   

Milkfish fry with an average standard length and weight of 13.88 mm and 3.95 mg, respectively, were reared for 30 days using live and frozen Moina macrocopa and Brachionusplicatilis at feeding densities of 10–20 individuals per ml. Growth, survival and yield were used as indicators of the overall performances of the various treatment groups. Fry fed live M. macrocopa showed gains (both length and weight), growth and survival rates and yields significantly higher than fry fed with other treatment groups (P < 0.05). However, significant reductions in growth and survival rates resulted when fry were fed frozen M. macrocopa. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in growth and survival rates (P < 0.05) in fry fed live or frozen B. plicatilis. The results of the current study showed that although milkfish fry could be grown successfully using B. plicatilis, feeding with live Moina significantly improved growth, survival rate and yield (P lt; 0.05). Frozen Moina was found to be unsuitable as a feed for rearing milkfish fry because it reduced growth rates and increased mortality. Comparisons between live and frozen rotifers have proven the suitability of frozen rotifers as feed for rearing milkfish fry. By freezing surplus rotifers this would permit short term storage in anticipation of high hatchery demand and overcome any unpredictable failures with live cultures.  相似文献   

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