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The invasion behavior of two climax species,Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. andCastanopsis cuspidata (Thunb.) Schottky var.sieboldii (Makino) Nakai, was studied on the 1874 and 1962 lava flows on Miyakejima, Japan. On the 1962 lava, zoochorousM. thunbergii appeared almost only under crowns of pioneeringAlnus sieboldiana Matsum, while bolochorousC. cuspidata var.sieboldii occurred only along the borders of the lava. The three species,A. sieboldiana, M. thunbergii andC. cuspidata var.sieboldii, corresponded, in order, to the temporal sequence of invasion in the boundary forest and the spatial sequence from margin
to center on the 1962 lava. Seed or fruit dispersion is important in primary succession in the case of large disturbances. 相似文献
Seedling establishment ofCastanopsis cuspidata var.sieboldii Nakai andPersea thunbergii Kosterm. (Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc.) in early succession was studied on the lava and the scoria of the 1962 eruption on Miyake-jima Island of
the Izu Islands. While tall individuals (> 1 m) ofP. thunbergii were found on both the lava and the scoria, those ofC. cuspidata (> 1 m) were found only on the lava. The height growth rate ofC. cuspidata was very low on the scoria, and there was no individual ofC. cuspidata taller than 0.4 m on the scoria. The proportion of yellow leaved individuals was much higher (37.1%) inC. cuspidata than inP. thunbergii (4.0%) on the scoria, while it was similar between the two species on the lava.Persea thunbergii seemed to be able to establish on both the lava and the scoria, butC. cuspidata established only on the lava. The differences in growth rate and vigor between the two species on the lava and the scoria
in early succession may influence later stages of succession. 相似文献
The number of layers of epidermis in the leaves is used as a criterion to distinguish between Castanopsis sieboldii (two layers) and C. cuspidata (one layer). An intermediate type, which has one and two layers within a single leaf, is frequently seen in the field. The origin of the intermediate type has been supposed to be a hybrid between C. sieboldii and C. cuspidata. If the intermediate type is produced by hybridization, we expect that the F1 seedlings of the intermediate type should occur in the co-occurrence area of those two species. To clarify the geographic occurrence of the intermediate type, we collected nuts of 443 mother trees from throughout the distribution area of the genus Castanopsis in Japan. A total of 7,260 seedlings germinated from these nuts were examined as to their leaf structure. The seedlings of the intermediate type occurred not only in the area where C. sieboldii and C. cuspidata coexisted, but also in the area where only C. sieboldii grows. The leaf structure of intermediate seedlings was independent of the traits of mother trees. These findings suggest that the intermediate seedlings that occurred in the area where only C. sieboldii grows are not hybrid between C. sieboldii and C. cuspidata but are a morphological variation of C. sieboldii. The difference in the structure of leaf epidermis is not always appropriate for the identification of the hybrid. 相似文献
浙江庆元槠栲林的群落学特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用样方法对浙江省庆元县槠栲林的群落学特征进行了分析.该槠栲林主要分为甜槠[Castanopsis eyrei (Champ. ex Benth.) Tutch.]林[含甜槠-木荷(Schima superba Gardn. et Champ.)林]、栲(C. fargesii Franch.)林、米槠[C. carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata]林、罗浮栲(C. fabrii Hance)林、南岭栲(C. fordii Hance)林5个类型,并对各个群落类型的特征作了详细的描述.年龄结构分析表明:甜槠林和米槠林为金字塔形结构; 南岭栲林为纺锤形结构; 罗浮栲林和甜槠-木荷林部分年龄结构缺失; 栲林既有金字塔形,也有年龄结构缺失的类型.从幼苗和幼树数量分析,大多类型更新情况良好,罗浮栲林和南岭栲林更新情况较差. 相似文献
Morphological and molecular variations in Plantago asiatica L. var. densiuscula Pilg. were analyzed to evaluate the genetic basis for recognizing the dwarf variety P. asiatica var. yakusimensis (Masam.) Ohwi. Considerable variation in the leaf size of P. asiatica var. densiuscula was observed, and no morphological discontinuities were found between the dwarf types of P. asiatica var. densiuscula and P. asiatica var. yakusimensis. Morphological analysis of plants grown under standardized conditions revealed that both environmental plasticity and genetic differentiation contributed to the dwarfisms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the SUC1 locus encoding a sucrose transporter revealed that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis was genetically unique although the differentiation level was low. From the above results, we concluded that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis should be reduced to a form of P. asiatica var. densiuscula. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of the SUC1 genotype suggested multiple origins of dwarves, and possible hypotheses for the origins of dwarves are discussed. 相似文献
秦岭林区锐齿栎次生林种群空间分布格局 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
以秦岭林区阳坡、阴坡2个典型地段上的锐齿栎次生林为研究对象,运用点格局分析方法 O-ring函数分析了不同坡向、不同发育阶段种群空间分布格局及不同坡向锐齿栎种群的种内与种间空间关联性,探讨锐齿栎空间格局形成和种群维持机制。结果表明:阴坡锐齿栎种群聚集程度高于阳坡;两种坡向种群各发育阶段空间分布格局相似,从幼树到大树均呈现出聚集到随机甚至均匀分布的规律;不同坡向种群各发育阶段间关联性不同,阳坡各发育阶段间呈一定的正相关,而阴坡呈一定的负相关;阳坡中,山杨与锐齿栎种群分布呈一定正相关,灯台树、鹅耳枥与其呈一定负相关,在阴坡,山杨、漆树与锐齿栎呈一定正相关,灯台树、青榨槭、鹅耳枥与其呈一定负相关。结果表明:目前,阳坡锐齿栎种群结构较好,种内、种间竞争不激烈,而阴坡种群不仅受种间竞争的影响,同样受到种内竞争的制约,最终导致其林分结构较差,更新不良,从长远上看,适当疏伐可以增加林内透光性,有益于促进种群的更新与稳定。 相似文献
A set of microsatellites markers were developed for Livistona chinensis var. boninensis, an endemic palm tree of the Bonin Islands. We obtained 123 sequences containing unique microsatellites from an enriched
library. Twelve loci were screened for their feasibility using 32 trees. They showed polymorphisms with two to nine alleles
per locus. No significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed for 11 loci. No genotypic disequilibrium
was detected between any two of the loci. Total exclusionary powers for the first and the second parents were 0.978774 and
0.998987, respectively. These markers will allow us to investigate the gene flow within/among populations of the species. 相似文献
林芝云杉群落特征的研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
析了林芝云杉( Picea likiangensis var. linzhiensis )群落的种类组成、区系特征、群落外貌、垂直结构和水平结构等特性。结果表明:调查样地共有维管植物144种,隶属于53科116属,其中只含1种的属占81.03%。林芝云杉群落的区系组成、植物生活型谱、叶片性质等特征反映了群落的温带性质。群落垂直结构明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层及层间植物,乔木层郁闭度为0.4~0.8,林芝云杉大多为乔木层的单一优势种,有时与急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var. smithii)、华山松(Pinus armandii)等混生,而群落植物的水平分布不均匀。优势种种群的年龄结构分析表明,该种群处于稳定状态;群落的物种丰富度为32.6364,其Shannon-Wiener指数为3.0926,Simpson指数为0.9366,均匀度指数为0.8942,且均为草本层>灌木层>乔木层。 相似文献
樟子松人工林营建对土壤颗粒组成变化的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
植被恢复是退化生态系统的主要恢复措施,也是人类改善区域生态环境较为重要和直接的活动。目前,针对不同植被恢复方式对干旱半干旱地区土壤理化性质及生物特征开展了大量研究。然而,关于科尔沁沙地樟子松人工林营建对土壤颗粒组成变化的影响却鲜有报道。因此,以辽宁省章古台地区不同生长阶段(包括幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林和过熟林)的20块樟子松人工林样地为研究对象(以临近的7块天然草地为对照),研究了沙地樟子松人工林营建对0—100 cm土层土壤颗粒组成变化的影响。结果表明:沙质草地营建樟子松人工林后,不同土层土壤细颗粒(<0.05 mm)含量均呈增加趋势,并且在0—10 cm层增加趋势明显,随土层深度增加土壤细颗粒增加量逐渐降低(除幼龄林外),但樟子松林地土壤颗粒组成仍以砂粒为主,土壤粘粒和粉粒含量极低(仅占5%左右)。随着樟子松人工林林龄的增加,土壤细颗粒变化量在0—10 cm层逐渐升高,而在10—100 cm层并无显著变化趋势。土壤细颗粒含量的变化在10—100 cm层与土壤含水量呈显著正相关,在0—10、20—40 cm和80—100 cm层与土壤全钾极显著负相关,在20—60 cm层与土壤有... 相似文献
明晰江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内180年生的珍稀濒危植物南方铁杉(Tsuga chinensis var.tchekiangensis)的种群特征,并提出针对性的保护策略,对南方铁杉种群的就地保护具有现实意义。通过分析保护区内6.4 hm~2动态监测固定样地的南方铁杉种群数据,编制了静态生命表,绘制了存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线、生存函数曲线,采用了时间序列模型对种群数量特征进行未来预测;同时,运用点格局分析Ripley′s K函数中的成对相关函数g(r)判断不同生长阶段的南方铁杉种群在不同尺度下的空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)南方铁杉种群的年龄结构呈“金字塔”型,属于衰退型种群;各龄级间的数量变化动态关系显示该种群在当前阶段呈增长型,但是种群的天然更新能力较差;(2)南方铁杉种群的存活曲线表现为Deevey-I型,种群个体在进入生理死亡阶段后产生一定的波动;(3)南方铁杉种群的生存率随龄级增加而逐渐下降,累积死亡率逐渐递增;死亡密度整体偏低,在第1—2龄级较高,总体波动幅度较小;危险率曲线总体呈现上升的趋势;(4)在经过不同龄级的时间后,南方铁杉幼龄树数量降低,中龄树和老龄树数量持平... 相似文献
Changes in the population size and geographical distribution of the mesoparasitic copepod Pennella sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Pennellidae) on the saury, Cololabis saira, were studied for a period of six years (1981–86) in the western North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. The parasite was first recorded in the western North Pacific in 1981. Its population size increased rapidly in 1982–83 and declined slightly in 1984. During these years, infected fish were widely distributed in the western and central North Pacific and also found in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. However, the population declined dramatically in 1985 and its distributional range was reduced. The parasite disappeared in 1986. The observed frequency distributions of parasites on the host population were the Poisson in 1981 and 1985, but those during 1982–1984 were over-dispersed and fitted the negative binomial.Parasites of the saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort)-IV. 相似文献
运用扫描电子显微镜对多花刺槐不同发育时期的花粉与柱头形态进行观察分析;采用人工控制授粉方法,将多花刺槐花粉分别与异株多花刺槐和刺槐优良无性系(‘鲁刺152’)授粉,并用苯胺蓝试剂染色法观察多花刺槐花粉管的萌发过程,分析其授粉亲和性,以探究多花刺槐自然结实率低的原因,为多花刺槐杂交育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)多花刺槐花粉粒大小平均为32.08μm×19.55μm(极轴长×赤道轴长),形状为长椭球形、略方,具3个萌发沟,花粉粒大小在开花当时(花朵旗瓣微微张开,花药开始散粉)达到最大(33.71μm×20.11μm),且形状饱满,此时为采粉的最佳时间。(2)柱头表面具粘液和凸起,开花前12h可授性最好,开花后48h柱头开始分解,可授性已很差;柱头的可授期从开花前24h至开花后24h,约为3d。(3)多花刺槐花粉在异株多花刺槐和‘鲁刺152’为母本的植株上均可萌发,并伸长至子房,但在前者的柱头上萌发较晚,伸长速度较慢,说明它们之间均具有亲和性,但与异株多花刺槐的亲和性较差。 相似文献
U. Albino D. P. Saridakis M. C. Ferreira M. Hungria P. Vinuesa G. Andrade 《Plant and Soil》2006,287(1-2):199-207
Drosera villosa var. villosa A. St.-Hil is a carnivorous plant that grows in Brazilian flooded soils very poor on nutrients, including low levels of N. Under these conditions, the plant shows vigorous growth, low root number, low number of captured prey (less than 50%) and a great assemblage of bacteria associated with the roots and leaves that grow in N-free medium. These preliminary results have led us to investigate the number of colony forming units (log CFU) in the roots (rhizosphere and endorhizosphere) and leaves (phyllosphere and endophyllosphere) of D. villosa var. villosa by the tenfold serial dilution technique in two N-free culture media. The results showed that the phyllosphere had 6.65 log CFU g dry leaf−1 and the rhizosphere 6.47 log CFU g dry soil−1, with the lowest value detected in the endophyllosphere (4.39 log CFU g dry leaf−1). Sixty-three different bacteria morphotypes were isolated from the surface and interior of the roots and leaves and the amplification of the DNA with specific primers detected the nifH gene in 34 of those strains. The DNAs of the 34 strains were compared by the BOX-PCR technique and a great diversity was observed, with the bacteria clustering at a final level of similarity of only 12%. The strains were also submitted to the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and several genera of N2-fixing bacteria were detected, including Bacillus, Burkholderia, Methylobacterium, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas. 相似文献
马蔺(Iris lactea var. chinensis)是鸢尾属多年生草本盐生植物,具有很高的耐盐性和观赏价值。为研究马蔺耐盐的分子机制,通过cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE)从马蔺中克隆到一个WRKY转录因子基因IlWRKY28,获得了1 302 bp的全长cDNA序列,其包含一个108 bp 5′末端非翻译区(UTR),一个174 bp 3′末端UTR和一个1 020 bp开放阅读框。IlWRKY28编码339个氨基酸,预测的蛋白质分子量为37.22 kD,等电点为7.04。氨基酸序列分析显示,IlWRKY28包含一个保守的WRKY基序和一个C2H2型锌指结构域。系统发育分析表明,马蔺IlWRKY28与菠萝(Ananas comosus)AcWRKY28和藏北嵩草(Kobresia littledalei)ClWRKY28亲缘关系最近。荧光定量PCR分析显示,盐处理后,IlWRKY28基因在马蔺地上部显著上调表达。该研究结果为进一步研究IlWRKY28在马蔺适应高盐胁迫中的功能和作用机制奠定了重要的分子基础。 相似文献
蒙古黄芪营养器官结构与有效成分积累特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用植物解剖学、组织化学定位和紫外分光光度法,对蒙古黄芪各营养器官的结构特点及其皂苷、黄酮、多糖3种有效成分的积累特征和含量进行分析研究。结果表明:(1)蒙古黄芪的根由周皮和次生维管组织构成,其中次生韧皮部为根的主要部分,约占根横切面积70%,韧皮薄壁细胞为其主要组成部分;茎包括表皮、皮层和维管柱三部分,外韧维管束排列紧密,髓射线窄;叶为异面叶,包括表皮、叶肉和叶脉;营养器官具有抗旱特征。(2)组织化学显示,皂苷、黄酮、多糖3种有效成分主要贮藏在根的栓内层、次生韧皮部、维管射线、形成层细胞和茎的皮层、髓射线、韧皮薄壁细胞、形成层细胞以及叶的叶肉组织中。(3)紫外分光光度计定量分析结果显示:根、茎、叶中的皂苷含量分别为6.081、5.362、6.590mg/g,黄酮含量分别为1.981、2.662、1.359mg/g,多糖的含量分别为56.69、7.36、12.23mg/g。该研究植物化学分析结果与组织化学观察结果一致且相互印证,说明蒙古黄芪根、茎、叶中的有效成分含量均较高,其茎、叶也具有一定的药用价值,建议进行合理采收及开发利用。 相似文献
粗木质残体(Coarse woody debris,CWD)的空间格局反映了森林群落的死亡格局和干扰格局,在一定程度上体现了群落内林木的死亡过程。采用相邻网格法对色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.smithii)原始林1 hm2固定样地内CWD进行调查,从CWD类型、腐烂等级、径级3个方面对CWD空间分布格局进行分析。结果表明:样地内CWD总密度为582株/hm2,倒木占55.33%,是CWD的主要输入形式。CWD密度在腐烂等级上的分布可用多项式拟合(R2=0.9973),在径级上的分布可用指数衰减模型拟合(R2=0.9746),且在不同类型、腐烂等级及径级上的分布差异较大。在50 m尺度内,CWD整体表现为小尺度的集群分布和中、大尺度的随机分布。在3种CWD分类中,仅有大枯枝、Ⅰ级腐烂、径级ⅠCWD在小尺度或中尺度表现为较强的集群分布,其余则均以随机分布为主,只是在个别尺度达到或接近集群分布。不同类型CWD间整体关联不显著,只有枯立木与大枯枝在0-21 m尺度内达到显著负关联。CWD空间分布格局是急尖长苞冷杉原始林的重要结构特征,在很大程度上决定着林下植物群落及林型自然更新格局。 相似文献
Paula J. Fornwalt Merrill R. Kaufmann Laurie S. Huckaby Thomas J. Stohlgren 《Plant Ecology》2009,203(1):99-109
Throughout Pinus ponderosa–Pseudotsuga menziesii forests of the southern Colorado Front Range, USA, intense logging and domestic grazing began at the time of Euro-American settlement in the late 1800s and continued until the early 1900s. We investigated the long-term impacts of these settlement-era activities on understory plant communities by comparing understory composition at a historically logged and grazed site to that of an environmentally similar site which was protected from past use. We found that species richness and cover within functional groups rarely differed between sites in either upland or riparian areas. Multivariate analyses revealed little difference in species composition between sites on uplands, though compositional differences were apparent in riparian zones. Our findings suggest that settlement-era logging and grazing have had only minor long-term impacts on understories of upland Front Range P. ponderosa–P. menziesii forests, though they have had a greater long-term influence on riparian understories, where these activities were likely the most intense. This article was written and prepared by US Government employees on official time, and therefore it is in the public domain and not subject to copyright. 相似文献
单叶蔓荆(Vitex trifolia var.simplicifoli)是一种耐盐、耐旱固沙地被植物。依据海滨沙地自然沙埋特点对单叶蔓荆匍匐茎进行了不同厚度(半埋和全埋)和不同长度交叉沙埋处理,研究探讨了单叶蔓荆沙埋适应生长对策,为其开发利用、科学管理和海滨环境修复提供指导。结果表明,正常情况下,单叶蔓荆匍匐茎基部和中部生长缓慢,顶部生长快。轻度(沙埋匍匐茎基部)和中度(沙埋匍匐茎基部和中部)半埋和全埋使匍匐茎顶部生长加速,茎长增长量较对照高出1.5到3.1倍;但重度(沙埋整个匍匐茎)半埋和全埋使匍匐茎顶部净增长量减少12%和13%。在20d沙埋中,对照整个匍匐茎各段均无不定根长出,但不同程度半埋和全埋沙埋处理下沙下匍匐茎上均长出不定根,重度半埋使不定根生长受抑;同时匍匐茎上各段茎生物量上升,枝叶生物量下降,且随着沙埋程度的增加而增减幅度提高,在重度半埋和全埋达到最大。在轻度和中度半埋和全埋下,匍匐茎上未沙埋部位枝条生长加速。研究表明,在自然环境中,单叶蔓荆匍匐茎顶端是一个对环境变化反应敏感的部位,并与沙埋后单叶蔓荆茎延伸生长和植株能否生存密切相关。当匍匐茎顶部没被沙埋时,沙埋促进沙埋部位匍匐茎和枝叶中物质转移,加速匍匐茎顶部快速生长和物质积累以弥补沙埋带来的损伤维持物质和能量的代谢平衡。沙埋后,单叶蔓荆以茎顶端快速生长、形成不定根、枝条生长维持茎水分平衡和能量和物质代谢平衡,以快速生长摆脱沙埋影响的生长方式为其对沙埋环境的重要适应对策。因此,在海岸沙地单叶蔓荆种群管理和维护中,在强风移沙引起的重度沙埋后,及时剥离匍匐茎顶部沙子对维护单叶蔓荆种群的延续生存和扩散均有重要作用。 相似文献