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Transglutaminase and ornithine decarboxylase activities have been assayed at intervals after partial hepatectomy in regenerating liver cells fractionated to obtain nuclear, cytoplasmic-particulate, and cytoplasmic-soluble fractions. Ornithine decarboxylase activity, localized entirely in the cytoplasmic fractions, undergoes a dramatic induction during the first 4 h after partial hepatectomy and remains elevated. This induction is very sensitive to inhibition by cycloheximide and actinomycin D, as previously reported. Transglutaminase activity is localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus with the highest specific activity in the nucleus. Nuclear transglutaminase activity approximately doubles in the first 2 h of liver regeneration, apparently as a result of a translocation of enzyme from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Inhibitor studies indicate that the translocation is not dependent upon protein or RNA synthesis. In the first 2 h, actinomycin D slightly activates transglutaminase activity in the cytoplasmic-particulate and nuclear fractions. Only at 4 h after the onset of regeneration do actinomycin D and cycloheximide show some inhibition of transglutaminase activity indicating de novo synthesis at this time. A broad increase of transglutaminase activity occurs from hours 12–16 to hour 32 after partial hepatectomy in the nuclear and cytoplasmic-particulate fraction. These data suggest the existence of a function for transglutaminase in the nucleus of rat liver cells.  相似文献   

Rat liver phospholipids were radioactively labeled in vivo before purification of UDP-glucuronyltransferase to homogeneity. The pure enzyme contained very little phospholipid (approx. 0.7 mol of phospholipid/mol of protein). The solubilization detergent Lubrol 12A9 appeared to act as a phospholipid substitute, capable of supporting UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity. Phospholipase C did not inhibit the pure enzyme activity and pure UDP-glucuronyltransferase was stimulated by 40--100% by the addition of phospholipid dispersions.  相似文献   

目的与方法 SD大鼠随机分成3组,即C组(切除2/3肝叶)、L组(切除2/3肝叶后注射LPS)和G组(GdCl3预处理后切除2/3肝叶),研究大鼠肝再生期间(0~144 h)再生肝重量比、AgNORs数量、乳酸脱氢酶的变化.结果 L组肝重量比在16~48 h低于C组(P<0.05),AgNORs的数量在48 h达到最大值(P<0.01,与正常对照组相比).G组再生肝重量比在16~36 h低于C组(P<0.05),AgNORs的数量在36 h即达到高峰,乳酸脱氢酶新增一条LDH4谱带,其平均密度在36 h达到最高值.结论 肝切除后注射LPS,抑制了早期的肝再生进程,注射GdCl3灭活枯否细胞后利于肝脏的早期再生.  相似文献   

Using GOMORI'S technique, the present authors investigated the dynamics of the alkaline phosphatase activity in the process of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. In all 80 rats of the Wistar strain were subjected to experiment, 60 to 75% of the liver parenchyma being removed from each of them. In the course of regeneration a gradual increase in the enzyme activity was observed within the first 48 hours following the operation. This was succeeded by a slow decline of the activity, and after the 25th day after the operation the reaction intensity resembled that recorded for the control animals. It was also ascertained that the fatty degeneration of the liver noted in the initial period of regeneration does not inhibit the activity of alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of human augmenter of liver regeneration (hALR) was reported by deduction from nucleotide sequence of its complementary DNA . The cDNA for hALR was isolated by screening a human fetal liver cDNA library and the sequencing of this insert revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein with 125aa and highly homologous (87% ) with rat ALR encoding sequence. The recombinant hALR expressed from its cDNA in transient expression experiments in cos-7 cells could stimulate DNA synthesis of HTC hepatoma cell in the dose-dependent and heat-resistant way. Northern blot analysis with rat ALR cDNA as probe confirmed that ALR mRNA was expressed in the normal rat liver at low level and that dramatically increased in the regenerating liver after partial hepatectomied rat. This size of hALR mRNA is 1.4 kb long and expressed in human fetal liver, kidney and testis. These findings indicated that liver itself may be the resource of ALR and suggested that ALR seems to be an im-portant parac  相似文献   

N-Pyrenemaleimide, a fluorescent probe that specifically labels histone H3 of rat liver chromatin in situ, was used to monitor the accessibility of histone H3 in chromatin isolated from rat liver at different times during degeneration. At times of maximum DNA synthesis (18--24 h after hepatectomy), the accessibility of the probe was found to be markedly (40--50%) increased. This increase is abolished, however, by treatment of the chromatin fibres with high salt (2 M-NaCl) or detergent. Tryptophan fluorescence was also enhanced at points of maximum DNA synthesis, suggesting that some non-histone tryptophan-containing protein was being synthesized. The polarization of the labelled histone H3 is not markedly altered, suggesting that fibre aggregation or dissociation does not occur. Mononucleosomes extracted from sham-operated and hepatectomized animals did not exhibit any difference in binding to the probe. Also, analysis of the chromatin protein by electrophoresis on detergent- and acid/urea/ Triton-X-100-containing polyacrylamide gels showed no detectable difference in histone H3 : 1, H3 : 2 or H3 : 3 subclasses.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation of nuclear proteins, catalysed by the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, is involved in the regulation of different cellular processes of DNA metabolism. To further clarify the role of the enzyme during proliferating activity of mammalian cells, we have studied the control of gene expression in regenerating rat liver. The changes in activity and mRNA levels were analysed during the early and late phases of the compensatory model. When enzyme activity was measured in isolated liver nuclei obtained at different times after hepatectomy, two different phases were observed: an early wave occurring before the onset of DNA synthesis, and a second one, starting several hours after the onset of DNA synthesis and returning to control values at later times. The evaluation of the enzymatic level in nuclear extracts and by activity gel analysis showed a more gradual increase starting 1 day after hepatectomy, in concomitance with the peak of DNA synthesis. By using a specific murine cDNA probe, a significant enhancement of mRNA levels for poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase was observed during liver regeneration, slightly preceding the onset of DNA synthesis. The results obtained show that changes in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity, during liver regeneration, are associated both to early events preceding the increase in DNA synthesis and to later phases of the cell proliferation process.  相似文献   

Partial hepatectomy (P.H.) induces a partially synchronized growth response of liver under normal regulation of growth. In this phase changes in cellular morphology, radial distribution pattern of cells and other biological as well as major biochemical changes are well documented [24]. Here, we have shown that the cellular content of UsnRNAs altered during this proliferative phase as well. The level of spliceosomal UsnRNAs (U1, U2, U4–U6) gradually decreased by 30–50% upto 48 hrs of P.H. followed by gradual increase to reach the normal level within one month of P.H. The U3 snRNA level on the other hand, was nearly equal to that in normal liver at 48 hrs of P.H. but in 24 and 72 hrs of P.H. its level was high (4 fold) in contrast to that in other UsnRNAs. Thus, it is clear from our data that the level of all the six UsnRNAs decreased during 48 hrs of P.H. compared to that after first 24 hrs. This has been correlated in the kinetics of UsnRNAs' synthesis (in terms of labelling) in isolated hepatocytes, where the rate of labelling of all the six UsnRNAs increased 20–30% in 24 hrs regenerating hepatocytes (R.H.) followed by sharp decrease by 30–50% within next 24 hrs, compared to that in the normal hepatocytes. But from 72 hrs onwards in R.H. the rate of labelling of all the six UsnRNAs again increased by 30–50% (compared to that in normal hepatocytes) followed by decrease of their labelling-rate to reach the normal level in R.H. within one month of P.H. Thus, it may be concluded that the changes in UsnRNAs' level during the proliferative phase of liver regeneration may be either due to the alteration in the rate of synthesis (in terms of labelling) or along with it differential turn over rate; this phenomenon may have some consequences with the regenerative process of liver.This paper was published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry131:67–73, 1994. Kluwer Academic Publishers regret the publication of the only partly corrected version.  相似文献   

Changes in polynucleotide ligase during rat liver regeneration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The specific activity of polynucleotide ligase in rat liver seems to begin to rise at 16 hours after partial hepatectomy (removal of 70% of the liver). The increases reach their maxima about 24 hours after operation, rising to at least 4 to 5 fold normal levels. Cycloheximide caused a decline in the increased activity of polynucleotide ligase. Since the specific activity of the ligase of normal rats is very little affected by cycloheximide, the possibility is considered that the newly formed enzyme is different from the one normally present in liver.  相似文献   

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