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Airway collapse and reopening due to mechanical ventilation exerts mechanical stress on airway walls and injures surfactant-compromised lungs. The reopening of a collapsed airway was modeled experimentally and computationally by the progression of a semi-infinite bubble in a narrow fluid-occluded channel. The extent of injury caused by bubble progression to pulmonary epithelial cells lining the channel was evaluated. Counterintuitively, cell damage increased with decreasing opening velocity. The presence of pulmonary surfactant, Infasurf, completely abated the injury. These results support the hypotheses that mechanical stresses associated with airway reopening injure pulmonary epithelial cells and that pulmonary surfactant protects the epithelium from this injury. Computational simulations identified the magnitudes of components of the stress cycle associated with airway reopening (shear stress, pressure, shear stress gradient, or pressure gradient) that may be injurious to the epithelial cells. By comparing these magnitudes to the observed damage, we conclude that the steep pressure gradient near the bubble front was the most likely cause of the observed cellular damage.  相似文献   

We consider a simple physical model for the reopening of a collapsed lung airway involving the unsteady propagation of a long bubble of air, driven at a prescribed flow-rate, into a liquid-filled channel formed by two flexible membranes that are held under large longitudinal tension and are confined between two parallel rigid plates. This system is described theoretically using an asymptotic approximation, valid for uniformly small membrane slopes, which reduces to a fourth-order nonlinear evolution equation for the channel width ahead of the bubble tip, from which the time-evolution of the bubble pressure pb* and bubble speed may be determined. The model shows that there can be a substantial delay between the time at which the bubble starts to grow in volume and the time at which its tip starts to move. Under certain conditions, the start of the bubble's motion is accompanied by a transient overshoot in pb*, as seen previously in experiment; the model predicts that the overshoot is greatest in narrow channels when the bubble is driven with a large volume flux. It is also shown how the threshold pressure for steady bubble propagation in wide channels has distinct contributions from the capillary pressure drop across the bubble tip and viscous dissipation in the channel ahead of the bubble.  相似文献   

The reduction of tidal volume during mechanical ventilation has been shown to reduce mortality of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, but epithelial cell injury can still result from mechanical stresses imposed by the opening of occluded airways. To study these stresses, a fluid-filled parallel-plate flow chamber lined with epithelial cells was used as an idealized model of an occluded airway. Airway reopening was modeled by the progression of a semi-infinite bubble of air through the length of the channel, which cleared the fluid. In our laboratory's prior study, the magnitude of the pressure gradient near the bubble tip was directly correlated to the epithelial cell layer damage (Bilek AM, Dee KC, and Gaver DP III. J Appl Physiol 94: 770-783, 2003). However, in that study, it was not possible to discriminate the stress magnitude from the stimulus duration because the bubble propagation velocity varied between experiments. In the present study, the stress magnitude is modified by varying the viscosity of the occlusion fluid while fixing the reopening velocity across experiments. This approach causes the stimulus duration to be inversely related to the magnitude of the pressure gradient. Nevertheless, cell damage remains directly correlated with the pressure gradient, not the duration of stress exposure. The present study thus provides additional evidence that the magnitude of the pressure gradient induces cellular damage in this model of airway reopening. We explore the mechanism for acute damage and also demonstrate that repeated reopening and closure is shown to damage the epithelial cell layer, even under conditions that would not lead to extensive damage from a single reopening event.  相似文献   

We studied the action of sodium metabisulphite on mucociliary transport in a frog palate epithelial injury model, hypothesizing that it may be useful for the study of mechanisms of airway injury. Sodium metabisulphite (MB) releases SO2 on contact with water. SO2 is a pollutant in automobile fumes and may play a role in the exacerbation of airway disease symptoms. We first investigated its effect on mucociliary clearance. MB 10-1 M, increased mucociliary clearance time (MCT) by 254.5 ± 57.3% of control values, (p < 0.001, n = 7). MB 10-4 and 10-2 M did not interfere with mucus clearance time compared to control values. In MB-treated frog palates, MCT did not return to control values after one hour (control, 97.3 ± 6.3% vs. MB, 140.9 ± 46.3%, p < 0.001, n = 7). Scanning EM images of epithelial tissue were morphometrically analyzed and showed a 25 ± 12% loss of ciliated cells in MB palates compared to controls with an intact ciliary blanket. Intact cells or groups of ciliated cells were found in scanning EM micrographs of mucus from MB-treated palates. This was associated with increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9) activity in epithelial tissue and mucus. We suggest that the loss of ciliated cells as a result of MMP-9 activation prevented full recovery of MCT after MB 10-1 M. The mechanism of action may be on epithelial cell-cell or cell-matrix attachments leading to cell loss and a disruption of MCT. Further studies are warranted to determine whether this is an inflammatory mediated response or the result of a direct action on epithelial cells and what role this mechanism may play in the progression to chronic airway diseases with impaired mucociliary clearance.  相似文献   

Forced oscillations is a technique to determine respiratory input impedance from small amplitude sinusoidal pressure excursions introduced at the airway opening. Models used to predict respiratory input impedance typically ignore the direct effect of bifurcations on the flow, and treat airway branches as individual straight tubes placed appropriately in parallel and series. The flow within the individual tubes is assumed equivalent to that which would occur in infinitely long tubes. In this study we examined the influence of bifurcations on impedance for conditions of the forced oscillatory technique. We measured input impedance using forced oscillations in straight tubes and in an anatomically-relevant, four generation physical model of a human airway network. The input impedance measured experimentally compared well to that obtained theoretically using model predictions. The predictive scheme was based on appropriate parallel and series combinations of theoretically computed individual tube impedances, which were computed from solutions to oscillatory flow of a compressible gas in an infinitely long rigid tube. The agreement between experimental measurements and predictions indicates that bifurcations play a relatively minor direct role on the flow impedance for conditions of the forced oscillations technique. These results are explained in terms of the small tidal volumes used, whereby the axial distance traveled by a fluid particle during an oscillation cycle is appreciably smaller than branch segment lengths. Accordingly, only a small fraction of fluid particles travel through the bifurcation region, and the remainder experience an environment approaching flow in an infinite straight tube. The relevance of the study to the prediction of impedances in the human lung during forced oscillations is discussed.  相似文献   

In 11 isolated dog lung lobes, we studied the size distribution of recruited alveolar volumes that become available for gas exchange during inflation from the collapsed state. Three catheters were wedged into 2-mm-diameter airways at total lung capacity. Small-amplitude pseudorandom pressure oscillations between 1 and 47 Hz were led into the catheters, and the input impedances of the regions subtended by the catheters were continuously recorded using a wave tube technique during inflation from -5 cm H(2)O transpulmonary pressure to total lung capacity. The impedance data were fit with a model to obtain regional tissue elastance (Eti) as a function of inflation. First, Eti was high and decreased in discrete jumps as more groups of alveoli were recruited. By assuming that the number of opened alveoli is inversely proportional to Eti, we calculated from the jumps in Eti the distribution of the discrete increments in the number of opened alveoli. This distribution was in good agreement with model simulations in which airways open in cascade or avalanches. Implications for mechanical ventilation may be found in these results.  相似文献   

Effects of surface tension and viscosity on airway reopening   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We studied airway opening in a benchtop model intended to mimic bronchial walls held in apposition by airway lining fluid. We measured the relationship between the airway opening velocity (U) and the applied airway opening pressure in thin-walled polyethylene tubes of different radii (R) using lining fluids of different surface tensions (gamma) and viscosities (mu). Axial wall tension (T) was applied to modify the apparent wall compliance characteristics, and the lining film thickness (H) was varied. Increasing mu or gamma or decreasing R or T led to an increase in the airway opening pressures. The effect of H depended on T: when T was small, opening pressures increased slightly as H was decreased; when T was large, opening pressure was independent of H. Using dimensional analysis, we found that the relative importance of viscous and surface tension forces depends on the capillary number (Ca = microU/gamma). When Ca is small, the opening pressure is approximately 8 gamma/R and acts as an apparent "yield pressure" that must be exceeded before airway opening can begin. When Ca is large (Ca greater than 0.5), viscous forces add appreciably to the overall opening pressures. Based on these results, predictions of airway opening times suggest that airway closure can persist through a considerable portion of inspiration when lining fluid viscosity or surface tension are elevated.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent endothelial cell mitogen involved in normal and abnormal angiogenesis. VEGF mRNA and protein are abundant in distal epithelium of midtrimester human fetal lung. In the present study, we identified immunoreactivity for KDR, a major VEGF-specific receptor, in distal lung epithelial cells of human fetal lung tissue, suggesting a possible autocrine or paracrine regulatory role for VEGF in pulmonary epithelial cell growth and differentiation. Addition of exogenous VEGF to human fetal lung explants resulted in increased epithelium volume density and lumen volume density in the tissues, both morphometric parameters of tissue differentiation. Cellular proliferation demonstrated by bromodeoxyuridine uptake was prominent in distal airway epithelial cells and increased in the VEGF-treated explants. VEGF-treated explants also demonstrated increased surfactant protein (SP) A mRNA, SP-C mRNA, and SP-A protein levels compared with controls. However, SP-B mRNA levels were unaffected by VEGF treatment. [(3)H]choline incorporation into total phosphatidylcholine was increased by VEGF treatment, but incorporation into disaturated phosphatidylcholine was not affected by exogenous VEGF. Based on these observations, we conclude that VEGF may be an important autocrine growth factor for distal airway epithelial cells in the developing human lung.  相似文献   

The CFBE41o- cell line was generated by transformation of cystic fibrosis (CF) tracheo-bronchial cells with SV40 and has been reported to be homozygous for the DeltaF508 mutation. A systematic characterisation of these cells, which however, is a pre-requisite for their use as an in vitro model, has not been undertaken so far. Here, we report an assessment of optimal culture conditions, the expression pattern of drug-transport-related proteins and the stability/presence of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutation in the gene and gene product over multiple passages. The CFBE41o- cell line was also compared with a wild-type airway epithelial cell line, 16HBE14o-, which served as model for bronchial epithelial cells in situ. The CFBE41o- cell line retains at least some aspects of human CF bronchial epithelial cells, such as the ability to form electrically tight cell layers with functional cell-cell contacts, when grown under immersed (but not air-interfaced) culture conditions. The cell line is homozygous for DeltaF508-CFTR over multiple passages in culture and expresses a number of proteins relevant for pulmonary drug absorption (e.g. P-gp, LRP and caveolin-1). Hence, the CFBE41o- cell line should be useful for studies of CF gene transfer or alternative treatment with small drug molecules and for the gathering of further information about the disease at the cellular level, without the need for primary culture.  相似文献   

Inhomogeneously compliant lungs need special treatment during ventilation as they are often affected by respiratory insufficiency which is frequently caused by a regional collapse of the airways. To treat respiratory insufficiency atelectatic areas have to be recruited. Beside conventional mechanical ventilation, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) is an efficient method for airway reopening. Using a transparent in-vitro model of the human lung the influence of varying frequencies on the reopening behavior of atelectatic regions is investigated for volume controlled ventilation. The experiments show that higher ventilation frequencies at constant tidal volume enhance the probability of successful reopening of collapsed lung regions and thus, lead to a more homogeneous distribution of air within the lung. This effect can be attributed (i) to larger flow velocities and thus larger pressure losses in the free pathways as the ventilation frequency increases and (ii) to higher inertia effects. In consequence, the static pressure in the branches above the atelectatic regions increases until it reaches a level at which recruitment is achieved.  相似文献   

A new mathematical model of ion movements in airway epithelia is presented, which allows predictions of ion fluxes, membrane potentials and ion concentrations. The model includes sodium and chloride channels in the apical membrane, a Na/K pump and a cotransport system for Cl- with stoichiometry Na+:K+:2Cl- in the basolateral membrane. Potassium channels in the basolateral membrane are used to regulate cell volume. Membrane potentials, ion fluxes and intracellular ion concentration are calculated as functions of apical ion permeabilities, the maximum pump current and the cotransport parameters. The major predictions of the model are: (1) Cl- concentration in the cell is determined entirely by the intracellular concentration of negatively charged impermeable ions and the osmotic conditions; (2) changes in intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations are inversely related; (3) cotransport provides the major driving force for Cl- flux, increases intracellular Na+ concentration, decreases intracellular K+ concentration and hyperpolarizes the cell interior; (4) the maximum rate of the Na/K pump, by contrast, has little effect on Na+ or Cl- transepithelial fluxes and a much less pronounced effect on cell membrane polarization; (5) an increase in apical Na+ permeability causes an increase in intracellular Na+ concentration and a significant increase in Na+ flux; (6) an increase in apical Cl- permeability decreases intracellular Na+ concentration and Na+ flux; (7) assuming Na+ and Cl- permeabilities equal to those measured in human nasal epithelia, the model predicts that under short circuit conditions, Na+ absorption is much higher than Cl- secretion, in agreement with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

An epithelial cell is modeled as a single compartment, bounded by apical and basolateral cell membranes, and containing two nonelectrolyte solute species, nominally NaCl and KCl. Membrane transport of these species may be metabolically driven, or it may follow the transmembrane concentration gradients, either singly (a channel) or jointly (a cotransporter). To represent the effect of stretch-activated channels or shrinkage-activated cotransporters, the membrane permeabilities and cotransport coefficients are permitted to be functions of cell volume. When this epithelium is considered as a dynamical system, conditions are indicated which guarantee the uniqueness and stability of equilibria. Experimentally, many epithelial cells can regulate their volume, and such volume regulatory capability is defined for this model. It is clearly distinct from dynamical stability of the equilibrium and requires more stringent conditions on the volume-dependent permeabilities and cotransporters. For a previously developed model of the toad urinary bladder (Strieteret al., 1990,J. gen. Physiol. 96, 319–344) the uniqueness and stability of its equilibria are indicated. The analysis also demonstrates that under some conditions a second stable equilibrium may appear, along with a saddle-node bifurcation. This is illustrated numerically in a modified model of the epithelium of the thick ascending limb of Henle.  相似文献   

Agricultural work and other occupational exposures are responsible for approximately 15% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD involves airway remodeling in response to chronic lung inflammatory events and altered airway repair mechanisms. However, the effect of agricultural dust exposure on signaling pathways that regulate airway injury and repair has not been well characterized. A key step in this process is migration of airway cells to restore epithelial integrity. We have previously shown that agents that activate the critical regulatory enzyme protein kinase C (PKC) slow cell migration during wound repair. Based on this observation and direct kinase measurements that demonstrate that dust extract from hog confinement barns (HDE) specifically activates the PKC isoforms PKCalpha and PKCepsilon, we hypothesized that HDE would slow wound closure time in airway epithelial cells. We utilized the human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B and transfected BEAS-2B cell lines that express dominant negative (DN) forms of PKC isoforms to demonstrate that HDE slows wound closure in BEAS-2B and PKCepsilon DN cell lines. However, in PKCalpha DN cells, wound closure following HDE treatment is not significantly different than media-treated cells. These results suggest that the PKCalpha isoform is an important regulator of cell migration in response to agricultural dust exposure.  相似文献   

Damage to the airway epithelium is common in asthma. Corticosteroids induce apoptosis in and suppress proliferation of airway epithelial cells in culture. Whether apoptosis contributes to impaired epithelial cell repair after injury is not known. We examined whether corticosteroids would impair epithelial cell migration in an in vitro model of wound closure. Wounds (approximately 0.5-1.3 mm2) were created in cultured 1HAEo- human airway epithelial cell monolayers, after which cells were treated with up to 10 microM dexamethasone or budesonide for 24 h. Cultured cells were pretreated for 24 or 48 h with dexamethasone to observe the effect of long-term exposure on wound closure. After 12 h, the remaining wound area in monolayers pretreated for 48 h with 10 microM dexamethasone was 43+/-18% vs. 10+/-8% for untreated control monolayers. The addition of either corticosteroid immediately after injury did not slow closure significantly. After 12 h the remaining wound area in monolayers treated with 10 microM budesonide was 39+/-4% vs. 43+/-3% for untreated control monolayers. The proportion of apoptotic epithelial cells as measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP biotin nick end labeling both at and away from the wound edge was higher in monolayers treated with budesonide compared with controls. However, wound closure in the apoptosis-resistant 1HAEo-.Bcl-2+ cell line was not different after dexamethasone treatment. We demonstrate that corticosteroid treatment before mechanical wounding impairs airway epithelial cell migration. The addition of corticosteroids after injury does not slow migration, despite their ability to induce apoptosis in these cells.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between C-fiber-mediated, ozone-induced rapid shallow breathing and airway epithelial cell injury at different airway sites within the lower respiratory tract of conscious Wistar rats (n = 24). We combined an acute 8-h ozone inhalation with vagal perineural capsaicin treatment, a selective C-fiber conduction block, and 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling as an index of epithelial injury. Vehicle-treated rats that inhaled ozone developed a rapid shallow breathing pattern during ozone inhalation, whereas the capsaicin-treated rats that inhaled ozone showed no changes in respiratory frequency. In vehicle-treated, ozone-exposed rats that developed rapid shallow breathing, a progressive increase in BrdU-labeling density (no. of BrdU-labeled cells/mm(2) airway) was observed starting at the bifurcation of the left main stem bronchi (central airway) and going down either a short or long airway path. In vehicle-treated, ozone-exposed rats, terminal bronchioles supplied by short and long airway paths had a similar degree of BrdU-labeling density that was significantly (P < 0.05) greater than the BrdU-labeling density of the proximal airways that supply them. In contrast, the attenuation of rapid shallow breathing produced by capsaicin treatment resulted in a significantly reduced BrdU-labeling density in the terminal bronchioles supplied by short airway paths compared with the terminal bronchioles supplied by long airway paths. Our data indicate that ozone-induced rapid shallow breathing protects large conducting airways while producing a more even distribution of injury to terminal bronchioles.  相似文献   

We evaluated the mechanism of the anti-asthmatic effect of inhaled indomethacin (Indo) by using an animal model (guinea pigs) of airway inflammation. After being exposed to either ozone or room air at identical flow rates (5 l/min) for 2 h, guinea pigs were anesthetized, tracheostomized, and lung resistance (RL) was subsequently measured. Guinea pigs inhaled either saline or Indo (1.5 mg/ml) for 1 min before undergoing an ultrasonically nebulized distilled water (UNDW) inhalation test. RL increased significantly after 10 min of UNDW inhalation in the room air and ozone groups but more so in the ozone group. This increase in RL was significantly suppressed by pretreatment with Indo. In the morphometric assessment of airway mucosa, a significant swelling of the epithelial cells after UNDW inhalation was observed in both the room air and ozone groups but especially so in the ozone group. This increase was also suppressed with Indo pretreatment. These results suggest that the increase in RL and the swelling of airway epithelial cells induced by inhaled UNDW in ozone-exposed guinea pigs was suppressed by pretreatment of inhaled Indo and that this suppression may be one of the reasons for the anti-asthmatic effect of inhaled Indo.  相似文献   

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