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The present notions on the pathways of phosphoinositide metabolism in a cell and on the functional significance of the given process are reported. The enzymic systems providing catabolism of phosphoinositides are analyzed. The data indicating the dose interrelation between the stimulation of the phosphatidyl inosite and polyphosphoinositides metabolism by hormones and the Ca2+ transport into a cell are generalized. Universality, biochemical mechanisms and functional significance of the "phosphatidyl inosite" response are discussed. The phosphoinositide metabolism is considered from the standpoint of its significance for other cell processes: synthesis of eicosanoids, provision of Ca2+-dependent processes in the synapse, cell proliferation, activation and the "anchoring" of enzymes on membranes.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the number of membrane transport proteins that have been shown to be sensitive to the abundance of phosphoinositides in the plasma membrane. These proteins include voltage-gated potassium and calcium channels, ion channels that mediate sensory and nociceptive responses, epithelial transport proteins and ionic exchangers. Each of the regulatory lipids is also under multifaceted regulatory control. Phosphoinositide modulation of membrane proteins in neurons often has a dramatic effect on neuronal excitability and synaptic transmitter release. The repertoire of lipid signalling mechanisms that regulate membrane proteins is intriguingly complex and provides a rich array of topics for neuroscience research.  相似文献   

The role of ARF and Rab GTPases in membrane transport.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Two key events of intracellular transport and membrane trafficking in eukaryotic cells, the formation of transport vesicles and their specific delivery to target membranes, are controlled by small GTPases of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) and Rab families, respectively. The past 18 months have seen the identification of proteins that regulate ARF and Rab GDP/GTP cycle, as well as the characterization of their effectors, shedding light on the molecular mechanisms of ARF and Rab function.  相似文献   

Taurine, a sulfated beta-amino acid, is conditionally essential during development. A maternal supply of taurine is necessary for normal fetal growth and neurologic development, suggesting the importance of efficient placental transfer. Uptake by the brush-border membrane (BBM) in several other tissues has been shown to be via a selective Na(+)-dependent carrier mechanism which also has a specific anion requirement. Using BBM vesicles purified from the human placenta, we have confirmed the presence of Na(+)-dependent, carrier-mediated taurine transport with an apparent Km of 4.00 +/- 0.22 microM and a Vmax of 11.72-0.36 pmol mg-1 protein 20 s-1. Anion dependence was examined under voltage-clamped conditions, in order to minimize the contribution of membrane potential to transport. Uptake was significantly reduced when anions such as thiocyanate, gluconate, or nitrate were substituted for Cl-. In addition, a Cl(-)-gradient alone (under Na(+)-equilibrated conditions) could energize uphill transport as evidenced by accelerated uptake (3.13 +/- 0.8 pmol mg-1 protein 20 s-1) and an overshoot compared to Na+, Cl- equilibrated conditions (0.60 +/- 0.06 pmol mg-1 protein 20 s-1). A Cl(-)-gradient (Na(+)-equilibrated) also stimulated uptake of [3H]taurine against its concentration gradient. Analysis of uptake in the presence of varying concentrations of external Cl- suggested that 1 Cl- ion is involved in Na+/taurine cotransport. We conclude that Na(+)-dependent taurine uptake in the placental BBM has a selective anion requirement for optimum transport. This process is electrogenic and involves a stoichiometry of 2:1:1 for Na+/Cl-/taurine symport.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the role of sorting nexin 12 (SNX12) in the endocytic pathway. SNX12 is a member of the PX domain-containing sorting nexin family and shares high homology with SNX3, which plays a central role in the formation of intralumenal vesicles within multivesicular endosomes. We found that SNX12 is expressed at very low levels compared to SNX3. SNX12 is primarily associated with early endosomes and this endosomal localization depends on the binding to 3-phosphoinositides. We find that overexpression of SNX12 prevents the detachment (or maturation) of multivesicular endosomes from early endosomes. This in turn inhibits the degradative pathway from early to late endosomes/lysosomes, much like SNX3 overexpression, without affecting endocytosis, recycling and retrograde transport. In addition, while previous studies showed that Hrs knockdown prevents EGF receptor sorting into multivesicular endosomes, we find that overexpression of SNX12 restores the sorting process in an Hrs knockdown background. Altogether, our data show that despite lower expression level, SNX12 shares redundant functions with SNX3 in the biogenesis of multivesicular endosomes.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells are organized into a complex system of subcompartments, each with its distinct protein and lipid composition. A continuous flux of membranes crosses these compartments, and in some cases direct connections exist between the different organelles. It is thus surprising that they can maintain their individual identities. Small GTPases and the phosphoinositides have emerged as the key regulators in the maintenance of the identity of the Golgi complex. This property is due to their ability to act either alone or, more often, in combination, as cues directing and controlling the recruitment of proteins that possess phosphoinositide-binding domains. Among these many proteins there are the lipid transfer proteins, which can transfer ceramide, oxysterol, cholesterol and possibly glucosylceramide. By regulating these lipid transfer proteins in this way, this binomial combination of the small GTPases and the phosphoinositides acquires a further important role: control of the synthesis and/or distribution of other important integral constituents of cell organelles, such as the sphingolipids and cholesterol. This role is particularly relevant at the level of the Golgi complex, a key organelle in the biosynthesis, transport and sorting of both lipids and proteins that is located at the intersection of the secretory and endocytic pathways.  相似文献   

The phosphorylated derivatives of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns), known as the polyphosphoinositides (PIs), represent key membrane-localized signals in the regulation of fundamental cell processes, such as membrane traffic and cytoskeleton remodelling. The reversible production of the PIs is catalyzed through the combined activities of a number of specific phosphoinositide phosphatases and kinases that can either act separately or in concert on all the possible combinations of the 3, 4, and 5 positions of the inositol ring. So far, seven distinct PI species have been identified in mammalian cells and named according to their site(s) of phosphorylation: PtdIns 3-phosphate (PI3P); PtdIns 4-phosphate (PI4P); PtdIns 5-phosphate (PI5P); PtdIns 3,4-bisphosphate (PI3,4P2); PtdIns 4,5-bisphosphate (PI4,5P2); PtdIns 3,5-bisphosphate (PI3,5P2); and PtdIns 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI3,4,5P3). Over the last decade, accumulating evidence has indicated that the different PIs serve not only as intermediates in the synthesis of the higher phosphorylated phosphoinositides, but also as regulators of different protein targets in their own right. These regulatory actions are mediated through the direct binding of their protein targets. In this way, the PIs can control the subcellular localization and activation of their various effectors, and thus execute a variety of cellular responses. To exert these functions, the metabolism of the PIs has to be finely regulated both in time and space, and this is achieved by controlling the subcellular distribution, regulation, and activation states of the enzymes involved in their synthesis and removal (kinases and phosphatases). These exist in many different isoforms, each of which appears to have a distinctive intracellular localization and regulation. As a consequence of this subcompartimentalized PI metabolism, a sort of "PI-fingerprint" of each cell membrane compartment is generated. When combined with the targeted recruitment of their protein effectors and the different intracellular distributions of other lipids and regulatory proteins (such as small GTPases), these factors can maintain and determine the identity of the cell organelles despite the extensive membrane flux []. Here, we provide an overview of the regulation and roles of different phosphoinositide kinases and phosphatases and their lipid products at the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

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Highlights► The plastidial pyruvate transporter in plants is driven by sodium symport. ► The mitochondrial pyruvate transporter MPC has been identified. ► All transporters needed for a synthetic PEP-CK/C4 photosynthetic cycle are now known. ► The SWEET proteins define a new class of sugar efflux carriers in plants.  相似文献   

As plant cells are highly compartmentalized, the entrance and exit points of metabolic pathways frequently involve membrane passages of solutes. Transport proteins are often located in strategic positions to control whole pathways and have to be considered in the development of metabolic engineering strategies. Here, we discuss examples of pathways (in carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid and secondary compound synthesis, and mineral metabolism) in which membrane transport steps are considered to exert major control and in which transport proteins have been employed to manipulate metabolic fluxes.  相似文献   

The distribution of phosphoinositides and phosphatidic acid (PA) between the outer and inner layers of the human erythrocyte membrane was investigated by using two complementary methodologies: hydrolysis by phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and immunofluorescence detection with monoclonal antibodies against polyphosphoinositides. The contents of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) and PA were decreased by 15-20% after 60 min incubation with PLA2, while that of phosphatidylinositol (PI) was increased. Studies with 32P-labelled cells revealed that PLA2 treatment led to indirect effects on the metabolism of these phospholipids. Therefore, the asymmetric distribution of phosphoinositides and PA was inferred from the data obtained in ATP-depleted erythrocytes. In these cells with arrested phosphoinositide metabolism, the asymmetric distribution of the major phospholipids was maintained: PLA2 hydrolyzed approx. 20% of PI, PIP2 and PA (but no PIP) indicating their localization in the outer layer of the membrane. This finding was confirmed by immunofluorescence studies with antibodies specific to each phosphoinositide. External addition of anti-PIP2 but not anti-PIP gave a positive reaction both in control and in ATP-depleted erythrocytes. A pretreatment of cells with PLA2 led to a decrease in the intensity of anti-PIP2 staining. These results demonstrate that significant fractions of PIP2, PI and PA are localized on the outer surface of the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Urate transport seems dependant of ATP. So, we studied urate behaviour in relation with the isolated membrane: we observed a linkage between urate and a membrane protein of which molecular weight was estimated to twenty thousand. The exact role of this protein remains to be clarify.  相似文献   

Porphyrin accumulation by proliferating cells, e.g., those associated with cancers or wounds, tends to correlate with increased transferrin receptor density. To determine whether transferrin might be implicated in porphyrin transport, fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy were used to study the interaction of porphyrins with transferrin. A single high-affinity binding site for heme and other porphyrins (Kd approximately 20-25 nM) was detected by fluorescence spectroscopy. Difference spectroscopy revealed three additional heme-binding sites. These sites were distinct from the iron-binding sites: 1) Apotransferrin and diferric transferrin bound porphyrins with equal affinity; 2) 59Fe was not displaced from transferrin by porphyrins. Murine erythroleukemia cells incubated with [59Fe]hemin-[125I]transferrin internalized both labels concomitantly. Accumulation of [59Fe]hemin could be blocked by a 100-fold excess of diferric transferrin but not by apotransferrin. These results indicate that cells can internalize exogenous heme, and possibly porphyrins, bound to transferrin via its receptor.  相似文献   

Cell migration plays a central role in many physiological and pathophysiological processes. On a cellular level it is based on a highly coordinated restructuring of the cytoskeleton, a continuous cycle of adhesion and de-adhesion as well as on the activity of ion channels and transporters. The cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) concentration is an important coordinator of these intracellular processes. Thus, [Ca2+]i must be tightly controlled in migrating cells. This is among other things achieved by the activity of Ca2+ permeable channels, the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) in the plasma membrane. Here, we wanted to determine the functional role of these transport proteins in cell migration. We therefore quantified the acute effect of inhibitors of these transport proteins (Gd3+, vanadate, KB-R7943) on migration, [Ca2+]i, and intracellular pH (pHi) of MDCK-F cells. Migration was monitored with computer-assisted time-lapse video microscopy. [Ca2+]i and pHi were measured with the fluorescent indicators fura-2 and BCECF. NCX expression in MDCK-F cells was verified with ion substitution experiments, and expression of PMCA was tested with RT-PCR. All blockers lead to a rapid impairment of cell migration. However, the most prominent effect is elicited by NCX-inhibition with KB-R7943. NCX-blockade leads to an almost complete inhibition of migration which is accompanied by a dose-dependent increase of [Ca2+]i and an intracellular alkalinisation. We show that inhibition of NCX and PMCA strongly affects lamellipodial dynamics of migrating MDCK-F cells. Taken together, our results show that PMCA and in particular NCX are of critical importance for cell migration.  相似文献   

The formation of inositol phosphates in response to agonists was studied in brain slices, parotid gland fragments and in the insect salivary gland. The tissues were first incubated with [3H]inositol, which was incorporated into the phosphoinositides. All the tissues were found to contain glycerophosphoinositol, inositol 1-phosphate, inositol 1,4-bisphosphate and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, which were identified by using anion-exchange and high-resolution anion-exchange chromatography, high-voltage paper ionophoresis and paper chromatography. There was no evidence for the existence of inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate. A simple anion-exchange chromatographic method was developed for separating these inositol phosphates for quantitative analysis. Stimulation caused no change in the levels of glycerophosphoinositol in any of the tissues. The most prominent change concerned inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, which increased enormously in the insect salivary gland and parotid gland after stimulation with 5-hydroxytryptamine and carbachol respectively. Carbachol also induced a large increase in the level of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in the parotid. Stimulation of brain slices with carbachol induced modest increase in the bis- and tris-phosphate. In all the tissues studied, there was a significant agonist-dependent increase in the level of inositol 1-phosphate. The latter may be derived from inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, because homogenates of the insect salivary gland contain a bisphosphatase in addition to a trisphosphatase. These results suggest that the earliest event in the stimulus-response pathway is the hydrolysis of polyphosphoinositides by a phosphodiesterase to yield inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, which are subsequently hydrolysed to inositol 1-phosphate and inositol. The absence of inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate could indicate that, at very short times after stimulation, phosphatidylinositol is not catabolized by its specific phosphodiesterase, or that any cyclic derivative liberated is rapidly hydrolysed by inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase.  相似文献   

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