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R. Gülcan  J. Sybenga 《Genetica》1967,38(1):163-170
The relative rate of development of aneuploid and eudiploid microspores was studied in anthers of autotetraploidTradescantia virginiana (4x=24), Lycopersicum esculentum (4x=48) andSecale cereale (4x=28). Although the species showed slight differences, in all three the first pollen grain mitosis took place considerably later in aneuploid than in euploid cells. Although hypoploid cells were somewhat more retarded than hyperploid cells, the difference was not great, indicating a decidedly lower degree of developmental autonomy of microspores than of embryos, which only infrequently tolerate hypoploidy at the diploid level.  相似文献   

During the period January 1987-July 2003, 59 cases of perinatally detected holoprosencephaly (HPE) with cytogenetic results were identified among 97,306 deliveries at Mackay Memorial Hospital. Among these 59 cases with HPE, 25 had euploidy, 27 had numerical aneuploidy, and 7 had structural aneuploidy. In the euploid cases, the male:female sex ratio was 0.39:1, whereas in the aneuploid cases, the ratio was 1:1. The mean (+/-SD) maternal ages for numerical aneuploidy, structural aneuploidy, and euploidy were 33.0 +/- 5.1 years, 27.9 +/- 2.1 years, and 27.8 +/- 5.0 years, respectively. The frequencies of associated major structural anomalies other than craniofacial defects in the cases with numerical aneuploidy, structural aneuploidy, and euploidy were 85.7%, 0%, and 16%, respectively. The present study of HPE suggests that a female excess appears only in the euploid cases, and advanced maternal age and structural anomalies are more commonly associated with the numerically aneuploid cases than the structurally aneuploid and euploid cases.  相似文献   

Prototrophic aneuploid and euploid derivatives of wild type Candida albicans strain 207 were produced by fusing protoplasts of complementing auxotrophs obtained from strain 207. Comparisons of cell survivals and incidences of mitotic recombinants ocurring after ultraviolet irradiation (UV) of these strains indicate that (i) aneuploids are categorically less efficient than euploids for repair of pyrimidine dimers induced in DNA by UV and that (ii) such repair is enhanced by growing irradiated cells at 25° C, on minimal medium or in the presence of ergosterol rather than at 37° C, on amino acid enriched medium or medium unsupplemented with ergosterol. In addition, the comparisons establish than one cannot discriminate between strains of C. albicans which differ in cellular DNA contents or genomic constitutions on the basis of their UV survival curves.  相似文献   

F. Balitti  M. Rizzoni 《Genetica》1972,43(1):130-147
A microdensitometrical analysis of multipolar anatolophases of cuploid and aneuploid mammalian cells in vitro has been made in order to study the quantitative distribution of DNA to the poles.In the tripolar anatelophases of aneuploid Chinese hamster cells (obtained using colchicine) DNA is distributed to poles in an almost random way. In the spontaneous tripolar anatelophases of euploid cells of Rhesus, DNA is distributed to the poles in whole number multiples of 1c. The following distributions were observed in tetraploid cells: 14 cases of 3 : 3 : 2 and 3 cases of 4 : 2 : 2. In triploid cells, 6 cases of 2 : 2 : 2 and 1 case of 3 : 2 : 1.Thus we have deduced that each ploidy degree has a preferential distribution of sets and in contrast to the original hypothesis, random segregation of the sets is not the common occurrence. Hypotheses have been made to explain the origin of multipolar mitosis and the preferential distribution of chromatid sets to the poles. The results would confirm the existence of haploid sets of chromatids and would explain the appearance of triploid, pentaploid and hexaploid cells in tissues and cell cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographic investigation of the cell cycle of 12 diploid and 12 abnormal human fibroblast strains was carried out. Two cell strains (trisomy 7 and monosomy 21) derived from spontaneous abortuses showed prolongation of the G2 period accompanied by the shortening of the S period. Other cytogenetically abnormal embryonic strains (trisomy 9, 14 and triploidy) did not deviate from the diploid pattern. Three cell strains (LHC-1-70, LHC-6-70, LHC-411) derived from the patients with karyotypes 47,XXX, 47,XY,+18 and 46,XX,5p—respectivly had embryonic types of proliferation with a short G2 period. In two other strains from the patients with Down's syndrom the G2 period was prolonged. There was no statistically significant difference in the parameters of the cell cycle between the control and the strains derived from a patient with Klinefelter syndrom and from a male patient with karyotype 46,XX. The modificatory effect of the chromosomal abnormalities on the parameters of cell cycle is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der Zellcyclus von 12 normal diploiden und 12 abnormen menschlichen Fibroblasten-Zellinien wurde untersucht. Zwei Zellinien (Trisomie 7 und Monosomie 21) zeigten eine Verlängerung der G2-Phase und eine Verkürzung der S-Phase. Zellinien (Trisomie 9, 14 und Triploidie) wichen nicht von der Norm ab. Drei Zellinien (47,XXX; 47,XY,+18; 46,XX,5p-) zeigten eine Verkürzung von G2. G2 war dagegen verlängert bei zwei Zellinien von Down-Syndrom. Keine Abweichung fand sich bei einem Klinefelter-Patienten und einem männlichen Probanden mit 46,XX.

Human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (HiPSCs) offer an immense potential as a source of cells for regenerative medicine. However, the ability of undifferentiated HESCs to produce tumors in vivo presents a major obstacle for the translation of this potential into clinical reality. Therefore, characterizing the nature of HESC-derived tumors, especially their malignant potential, is extremely important in order to evaluate the risk involved in their clinical use. Here we review recent observations on the tumorigenicity of human pluripotent stem cells. We argue that diploid, early passage, HESCs produce benign teratomas without undergoing genetic modifications. Conversely, HESCs that acquired genetic or epigenetic changes upon adaptation to in vitro culture can produce malignant teratocarcinomas. We discuss the molecular mechanisms of HESC tumorigenicity and suggest approaches to prevent tumor formation from these cells. We also discuss the differences in the tumorigenicity between mouse embryonic stem cells (MESCs) and HESCs, and suggest methodologies that may help to identify cellular markers for culture adapted HESCs.  相似文献   

K E Stein  D M Marcus 《Biochemistry》1977,16(24):5285-5291
Biochemical analysis of the glycosphingolipids (GSLs) of human lymphocytes revealed qualitative and quantitative variations among purified lymphocytes from different tissues. The major neutral GSLs of tonsil lymphocytes are glucosyl ceramide (CMH), lactosyl ceramide (CDH), trihexosyl ceramide (CTH), and globoside. Thymocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) contain only traces of CTH and globoside, and PBL contain more CMH and CDH per cell than tonsil lymphocytes. Thymocytes and PBL contain relatively large amounts of more complex neutral GSLs that are present in only trace amounts in tonsil lymphocytes. Peripheral blood lymphocytes contained three and five times more lipid-bound sialic acid than thymocytes and toncil lymphocytes, respectively. Thymocytes and PBL contained mostly hematoside, whereas tonsil lymphocytes contained more complex gangliosides in addition to hematoside. The observed differences in GSL content among these cells may be related to their content of B cells, which comprise approximately 50% of tonsil lymphocytes, 10% of PBL and 0-2% of thymus cells, and/or the known differences in functional capacities of cells in different lymphoid organs. These findings suggest that cell surface GSLs may serve as markers for identification of functional subpopulations of human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A series of human neuroectodermal tumors, all containing more than the normal diploid DNA, and each with its own distinct chromosome mode, were studied using restriction enzyme cleavage and specific DNA sequence hybridization. Methods described were quite sensitive and quantitative and as few as 40 molecules with a given restriction site were reproducibly detected in total nuclear DNA. Analysis of several fluorescent gel bands associated with different chromosomal domains revealed no changes between any of the tumor and normal cells. Specific probe hybridization, using purified complex repeating sequences, indicated fidelity of base sequence, as well as preservation of the relative amounts of each of a number of minor related multimers in both the tumor and normal cells. Centromeric regions containing arrays of such sequences may be maintained in these tumor cells and furthermore it is possible that some of these cells are polyploid with respect to DNA sequences, rather than aneuploid as their chromosome profiles suggest.This paper is dedicated to the late H.S.N. Greene, our inspired teacher  相似文献   

In peripheral human blood lymphocytes the uptake and metabolism of adenine, guanine, and hypoxanthine was investigated. This was achieved by incubation of purified lymphocytes with 14C-purine bases, separation of cells from the incubation medium by a rapid filtration technique, and subsequent separation of the acid soluble material by thin-layer chromatography. No perferential uptake for one of the purine bases was observed. In all cases only traces of 14C-purine bases not added originally and labeled nucleosides could be demonstrated. Approximately 2/3 of adenine and 1/2 of guanine or hypoxanthine were converted to nucleotides. Separation of formed nucleotides showed that adenine and guanine were metabolized mainly to their corresponding nucleotides; hypoxanthine was converted to a considerable amount to adenine nucleotides and only to a small proportion into its own nucleotides. These results demonstrate the predomonance of adenine nucleotide formation in normal human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Pure populations of proliferating synkaryons were obtained from polyethylene glycol-mediated crosses between diploid human foreskin fibroblasts and epithelioid amniotic fluid cells. These hybrids proved to be chromosomally stable tetraploids. They continuously produced heteropolymeric G6PD and showed strictly additive patterns of silver staining of both parental sets of nucleolar organizing chromosomes. Collagenous proteins characteristic of the fibroblast parent were synthesized, while fibronectin production appeared to be directed by the epithelioid portion of the genome. Even though these heterotypic hybrids proliferated at a reduced rate and achieved fewer population doublings relative to homotypic (fibroblast X fibroblast) crosses, they survived passage by trypsinization better than pure populations of epithelioid cells. These observations suggest a concerted action of both parental genomes with respect to proteins responsible for "household" functions, but complementation and possibly modulation of gene action with respect to "luxury" protein synthesis and cell growth.  相似文献   

The time of average polypeptide chain synthesis (tc), distribution of synthesized polypeptides according to their molecular masses, the ratio of translating and nontranslating ribosomes and polyribosomes of different size have been analyzed for diploid and aneuploid strains of fibroblasts. The magnitude of tc as well as the size of polypeptide chains synthesized were found to be similar for both kinds of fibroblasts. The relative cellular content of the translating ribosomes has been shown to decrease during the transition of cells from both strains to the stationary growth phase. The relative content of heavy polyribosomes is lower in aneuploid cells as compared with that in diploid cells. The process of translation in aneuploid fibroblasts is concluded to have no essential deviations from normal.  相似文献   

Multiple staining protocols have been developed for the classification of subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Of the non-T (E?) cells, roughly half (10–20% PBL) have receptors for complement components as detected with complement-coated zymosan particles, but do not show Fc receptors as detected with Ripley IgG-coated human RBC. The other half are C?, Fc+, with a small percentage possessing both receptors. The C+, Fc? cells can be subdivided into cells which are IgM+ (75%) or IgM?. Cells with Fc receptors detected with aggregated IgG were IgM+.  相似文献   

Self-exchanges of Na and K in human lymphocytes were measured by isotopic efflux techniques. In washed cells, K exchanged in a single slow exponential fraction, but the Na exchange had a marked curvature. It was shown that the curvature was not caused by simple bulk-phase diffusion, and it was resolved into three major fractions: fast (F) (half-time, t1/2 = 2-4 min), intermediate (I) (t1/2 = 12 min), and slow (S) (t1/2 = 125 min). Each of these appeared to follow an exponential function. The I fraction contained approximately 10 mmol Na/kg cells (25-30% of normal cellular Na), was not affected by manipulations that cause lymphocytes to gain Na, and had little or no temperature dependence. The S fraction of Na in normal cells (S1) contained approximately 10 mmol Na/kg cells, had only a slight temperature dependence, and the amount and rate of S1 were independent of external K concentration (Kex). Another slow fraction (S2) appeared when the cells underwent a net gain of Na in exchange for K, and was characterized by a steep temperature dependence and a peak rate around the transition point (the point at which half of cellular K is replaced by Na) at 0.4 mM Kex. The results are discussed within context of a theory that assigns the exchange of the major part of K in its slow exponential fraction and the Na exchange in S2 to interactions of these ions with fixed anionic sites, on intracellular macromolecules, which have been shown previously to interact cooperatively in their association with K and Na.  相似文献   

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