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Drosophila Dystrophin is required for integrity of the musculature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene and is characterized by progressive muscle wasting. The highly conserved dystrophin gene encodes a number of protein isoforms. The Dystrophin protein is part of a large protein assembly, the Dystrophin glycoprotein complex, which stabilizes the muscle membrane during contraction and acts as a scaffold for signaling molecules. How the absence of Dystrophin results in the onset of muscular dystrophy remains unclear. Here, we have used transgenic RNA interference to examine the roles of the Drosophila Dystrophin isoforms in muscle. We previously reported that one of the Drosophila Dystrophin orthologs, the DLP2 isoform, is not required to maintain muscle integrity, but plays a role in neuromuscular homeostasis by regulating neurotransmitter release. In this report, we show that reduction of all Dystrophin isoform expression levels in the musculature does not apparently affect myogenesis or muscle attachment, but results in progressive muscle degeneration in larvae and adult flies. We find that a recently identified Dystrophin isoform, Dp117, is expressed in the musculature and is required for muscle integrity. Muscle fibers with reduced levels of Dp117 display disorganized actin-myosin filaments and the cellular hallmarks of necrosis. Our results indicate the existence of at least two possibly separate roles of dystrophin in muscle, maintaining synaptic homeostasis and preserving the structural stability of the muscle.  相似文献   

The THO/TREX complex mediates transport of nascent mRNAs from the nucleus towards the cytoplasm in animals, and has a role in small interfering RNA‐dependent processes in plants. Here we describe five mutant alleles of Arabidopsis thaliana THO2, which encodes a core subunit of the plant THO/TREX complex. tho2 mutants present strong developmental defects resembling those in plants compromised in microRNA (miRNA) activity. In agreement, not only were the levels of siRNAs reduced in tho2 mutants, but also those of mature miRNAs. As a consequence, a feedback mechanism is triggered, increasing the amount of miRNA precursors, and finally causing accumulation of miRNA‐targeted mRNAs. Yeast two‐hybrid experiments and confocal microscopy showed that THO2 does not appear to interact with any of the known miRNA biogenesis components, but rather with the splicing machinery, implying an indirect role of THO2 in small RNA biogenesis. Using an RNA immunoprecipitation approach, we found that THO2 interacts with miRNA precursors, and that tho2 mutants fail to recruit such precursors into the miRNA‐processing complex, explaining the reduction in miRNA production in this mutant background. We also detected alterations in the splicing pattern of genes encoding serine/arginine‐rich proteins in tho2 mutants, supporting a previously unappreciated role of the THO/TREX complex in alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Gamma-tubulin, a protein critical for microtubule assembly, functions within multiprotein complexes. However, little is known about the respective role of gamma-tubulin partners in metazoans. For the first time in a multicellular organism, we have investigated the function of Dgrip84, the Drosophila orthologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gamma-tubulin-associated protein Spc97p. Mutant analysis shows that Dgrip84 is essential for viability. Its depletion promotes a moderate increase in the mitotic index, correlated with the appearance of monopolar or unpolarized spindles, impairment of centrosome maturation, and increase of polyploid nuclei. This in vivo study is strengthened by an RNA interference approach in cultured S2 cells. Electron microscopy analysis suggests that monopolar spindles might result from a failure of centrosome separation and an unusual microtubule assembly pathway via centriolar triplets. Moreover, we point to an involvement of Dgrip84 in the spindle checkpoint regulation and in the maintenance of interphase microtubule dynamics. Dgrip84 also seems essential for male meiosis, ensuring spindle bipolarity and correct completion of cytokinesis. These data sustain that Dgrip84 is required in some aspects of microtubule dynamics and organization both in interphase and mitosis. The nature of a minimal gamma-tubulin complex necessary for proper microtubule organization in the metazoans is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis, the final step of cell division, usually ends with the abscission of the two daughter cells. In some tissues, however, daughter cells never completely separate and remain interconnected by intercellular bridges or ring canals. In this paper, we report the identification and analysis of a novel ring canal component, Nessun Dorma (Nesd), isolated as an evolutionarily conserved partner of the centralspindlin complex, a key regulator of cytokinesis. Nesd contains a pectin lyase-like domain found in proteins that bind to polysaccharides, and we present evidence that it has high affinity for β-galactosides in vitro. Moreover, nesd is an essential gene in Drosophila melanogaster, in which it is required for completion of cytokinesis during male meiosis and possibly in female germline cells. Our findings indicate that Nesd is a novel carbohydrate-binding protein that functions together with centralspindlin in late cytokinesis, thus highlighting the importance of glycosylation in this process.  相似文献   

We report that the Drosophila mind bomb2 (mib2) gene is a novel regulator of muscle development. Unlike its paralogue, mib1, zygotic expression of mib2 is restricted to somatic and visceral muscle progenitors, and their respective differentiated musculatures. We demonstrate that in embryos that lack functional Mib2, muscle detachment is observed beginning in mid stage 15 and progresses rapidly, culminating in catastrophic degeneration and loss of most somatic muscles by stage 17. Notably, the degenerating muscles are positive for apoptosis markers, and inhibition of apoptosis in muscles prevents to a significant degree the muscle defects. Rescue experiments with Mib1 and Neuralized show further that these E3 ubiquitin ligases are not capable of ameliorating the muscle mutant phenotype of mib2. Our data suggest strongly that mib2 is involved in a novel Notch- and integrin-independent pathway that maintains the integrity of fully differentiated muscles and prevents their apoptotic degeneration.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved eukaryotic process of protein and organelle self-degradation within the vacuole/lysosome. Autophagy is characterized by the formation of an autophagosome, for which Vps34-dervied phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) is essential. In yeast, Vps34 forms two distinct protein complexes: complex I, which functions in autophagy, and complex II, which is involved in protein sorting to the vacuole. Here we identify and characterize Atg38 as a stably associated subunit of complex I. In atg38Δ cells, autophagic activity was significantly reduced and PI3-kinase complex I dissociated into the Vps15–Vps34 and Atg14–Vps30 subcomplexes. We find that Atg38 physically interacted with Atg14 and Vps34 via its N terminus. Further biochemical analyses revealed that Atg38 homodimerizes through its C terminus and that this homodimer formation is indispensable for the integrity of complex I. These data suggest that the homodimer of Atg38 functions as a physical linkage between the Vps15–Vps34 and Atg14–Vps30 subcomplexes to facilitate complex I formation.  相似文献   

The Sir2 protein mediates gene silencing and repression of recombination at the rDNA repeats in budding yeast. Here we show that Sir2 executes these functions as a component of a nucleolar complex designated RENT (regulator of nucleolar silencing and telophase exit). Net1, a core subunit of this complex, preferentially cross-links to the rDNA repeats, but not to silent DNA regions near telomeres or to active genes, and tethers the RENT complex to rDNA. Net1 is furthermore required for rDNA silencing and nucleolar integrity. During interphase, Net1 and Sir2 colocalize to a subdomain within the nucleous, but at the end of mitosis a fraction of Sir2 leaves the nucleolus and disperses as foci throughout the nucleus, suggesting that the structure of rDNA silent chromatin changes during the cell cycle. Our findings suggest that a protein complex shown to regulate exit from mitosis is also involved in gene silencing.  相似文献   

The role of calcium (Ca(2+)) in cytokinesis is controversial, and the precise pathways that lead to its release during cleavage are not well understood. Ca(2+) is released from intracellular stores by binding of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) to the IP3 receptor (IP3R), yet no clear role in cytokinesis has been established for the precursor of IP3, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Here, using transgenic flies expressing PLCdelta-PH-GFP, which specifically binds PIP2, we identify PIP2 in the plasma membrane and cleavage furrows of dividing Drosophila melanogaster spermatocytes, and we establish that this phospholipid is required for continued ingression but not for initiation of cytokinesis. In addition, by inhibiting phospholipase C, we show that PIP2 must be hydrolyzed to maintain cleavage furrow stability. Using an IP3R antagonist and a Ca(2+) chelator to examine the roles of IP3R and Ca(2+) in cytokinesis, we demonstrate that both of these factors are required for cleavage furrow stability, although Ca(2+) is dispensable for cleavage plane specification and initiation of furrowing. Strikingly, providing cells with Ca(2+) obviates the need to hydrolyze PIP2. Thus, PIP2, PIP2 hydrolysis, and Ca(2+) are required for the normal progression of cytokinesis in these cells.  相似文献   

The nucleolus dynamically alters its shape through the assembly and disassembly of a variety of nucleolar components in proliferating cells. While the nucleolus is known to function in vital cellular events, little is known about how its components are correctly assembled. Through the analysis of a Drosophila mutant that exhibits a reduced number of mushroom body (MB) neurons in the brain, we reveal that the slender lobes (sle) gene encodes a novel nuclear protein that affects nucleolar organization during development. In sle mutant neuroblasts, the nucleolus was packed more tightly, forming a dense sphere, and the nucleolar proteins fibrillarin and Nop60B were abnormally distributed in the interphase nucleolus. Moreover, another nucleolar marker, Aj1 antigen, was localized to the center of the nucleolus in a manner complementary to the Nop60B distribution, and also formed a large aggregate in the cytoplasm. While developmental defects were limited to a few tissues in sle mutants, including MBs and nurse cells, the altered organization of the nucleolar components were evident in most developing tissues. Therefore, we conclude that Sle is a general factor of nuclear architecture in Drosophila that is required for the correct organization of the nucleolus during development.  相似文献   

The microtubule cytoskeleton plays a pivotal role in cytoplasmic organization, cell division, and the correct transmission of genetic information. In a screen designed to identify fission yeast genes required for chromosome segregation, we identified a strain that carries a point mutation in the SpRan GTPase. Ran is an evolutionarily conserved eukaryotic GTPase that directly participates in nucleocytoplasmic transport and whose loss affects many biological processes. Recently a transport-independent effect of Ran on spindle formation in vitro was demonstrated, but the in vivo relevance of these findings was unclear. Here, we report the characterization of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe Ran GTPase partial loss of function mutant in which nucleocytoplasmic protein transport is normal, but the microtubule cytoskeleton is defective, resulting in chromosome missegregation and abnormal cell shape. These abnormalities are exacerbated by microtubule destabilizing drugs, by loss of the spindle checkpoint protein Mph1p, and by mutations in the spindle pole body component Cut11p, indicating that SpRan influences microtubule integrity. As the SpRan mutant phenotype can be partially suppressed by the presence of extra Mal3p, we suggest that SpRan plays a role in microtubule stability.  相似文献   

HOAP (HP1/ORC-associated protein) has recently been isolated from Drosophila melanogaster embryos as part of a cytoplasmic complex that contains heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and the origin recognition complex subunit 2 (ORC2). Here, we show that caravaggio, a mutation in the HOAP-encoding gene, causes extensive telomere-telomere fusions in larval brain cells, indicating that HOAP is required for telomere capping. Our analyses indicate that HOAP is specifically enriched at mitotic chromosome telomeres, and strongly suggest that HP1 and HOAP form a telomere-capping complex that does not contain ORC2.  相似文献   

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