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Cuticle collagen genes. Expression in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Collagen is a structural protein used in the generation of a wide variety of animal extracellular matrices. The exoskeleton of the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is a complex collagen matrix that is tractable to genetic research. Mutations in individual cuticle collagen genes can cause exoskeletal defects that alter the shape of the animal. The complete sequence of the C. elegans genome indicates upwards of 150 distinct collagen genes that probably contribute to this structure. During the synthesis of this matrix, individual collagen genes are expressed in distinct temporal periods, which might facilitate the formation of specific interactions between distinct collagens.  相似文献   

Number and organization of collagen genes in Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We analyzed the number and organization of collagen genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Genomic Southern blot hybridization experiments and recombinant phage library screenings indicated that C. elegans has between 40 and 150 distinct collagen genes. A large number of recombinant phages containing collagen genes were isolated from C. elegans DNA libraries. Physical mapping studies indicated that most phage contained a single small collagen gene less than 3 kilobases in size. A few phage contained multiple collagen hybridizing regions and may contain a larger collagen gene or several tightly linked small collagen genes. No overlaps were observed between phages containing different collagen genes, implying that the genes are dispersed in the C. elegans genome. Consistent with the small size of most collagen genes, we found that the predominant class of collagen mRNA in C. elegans is 1.2 to 1.4 kilobases in length. Genomic Southern blot experiments under stringent hybridization conditions revealed considerable sequence diversity among collagen genes. Our data suggest that most collagen genes are unique or are present in only a few copies.  相似文献   

Several collagen genes have been isolated from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The complete nucleotide sequences of two of these genes, col-1 and col-2, have been determined. These collagen genes differ from vertebrate collagen genes in that they contain only one or two introns, their triple-helical regions are interrupted by nonhelical amino acid sequences and they are smaller. A high degree of nucleotide and amino acid homology exists between col-1 and col-2. In particular, the regions around cysteines and lysines are most highly conserved. The C. elegans genome contains 50 or more collagen genes, the majority of which probably encode cuticle collagens; col-1 and col-2 apparently are members of this large family of cuticle collagen genes.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q, Q) is an essential lipid electron carrier in the mitochondria respiratory chain, and also functions as antioxidant and participates as a cofactor of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. Caernorhabditis elegans synthesize Q9, but both dietary Q8 intake and endogenous Q9 biosynthesis determine Q balance. Thus, it is of current interest to know the regulatory mechanisms of Q9 biosynthesis in this nematode. Here we review results that leaded to identification of genes involved in Q9 biosynthesis in this nematode using the RNA interference technology. C. elegans coq genes were silenced and depletion of Q content was observed, indicating that the genes related here participate in Q9 biosynthesis. Silenced populations showed an extension of adult life span, probably by the decrease of endogenous oxidative stress produced in mitochondria. We also report the heterologous complementation of C. elegans coq-5 and coq-7 genes in their homologue yeast coq null mutants, leading to restore its ability to growth in non-fermentable sugars. These complemented yeast strains accumulated Q6 but also the intermediate demethoxy-Q6. These findings support the conservative functional homology of these genes.  相似文献   

Seed-specific,developmentally regulated genes of peanut   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Four cDNAs of seed-specific and developmentally regulated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genes were identified by differential screening of a peanut-seed cDNA library using cDNA probes constructed from mRNAs isolated from immature and mature stages of the seed. Northern analysis, probed with the four cloned cDNAs, indicated that the genes represented by two cDNAs were expressed abundantly early in seed development, while another two were abundantly expressed later at the cell-expansion stages of seed development. These four genes did not show expression in roots, pegs or leaves. However, one of the early expressed genes was seed coat-specific. One of the clones, Psc11, had significant sequence similarity to subtilisin-like genes in Arabidopsis and soybean. Clones Psc32 and Psc33 had significant similarity to the peanut allergen genes Ara h II and Ara h 6, respectively. The sequence of clone Psc12 was unique and did not show significant similarity to any sequence in the databases. One of the four seed-specific clones showed restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) among peanut lines representing the four peanut botanical varieties. These findings indicate that polymorphism exists in peanut seed-storage genes. This contrasts with other genes previously used for genetic mapping of cultivated peanut. Received: 1 September 2000 / Accepted: 4 May 2001  相似文献   

Our recent investigation in the protist Trichomonas vaginalis suggested a DNA sequence periodicity with a unit length of 120.9 nt, which represents a sequence signature for nucleosome positioning. We now extended our observation in higher eukaryotes and identified a similar periodicity of 175 nt in length in Caenorhabditis elegans. In the process of defining the sequence compositional characteristics, we found that the 10.5-nt periodicity, the sequence signature of DNA double helix, may not be sufficient for cross-nucleosome positioning but provides essential guiding rails to facilitate positioning. We further dissected nucleosome-protected sequences and identified a strong positive purine (AG) gradient from the 5′-end to the 3′-end, and also learnt that the nucleosome-enriched regions are GC-rich as compared to the nucleosome-free sequences as purine content is positively correlated with GC content. Sequence characterization allowed us to develop a hidden Markov model (HMM) algorithm for decoding nucleosome positioning computationally, and based on a set of training data from the fifth chromosome of C. elegans, our algorithm predicted 60%-70% of the well-positioned nucleosomes, which is 15%-20% higher than random positioning. We concluded that nucleosomes are not randomly positioned on DNA sequences and yet bind to different genome regions with variable stability, well-positioned nucleosomes leave sequence signatures on DNA, and statistical positioning of nucleosomes across genome can be decoded computationally based on these sequence signatures.  相似文献   

Expression of chimeric genes in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have shown the expression of transformed genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans using a new gene fusion system. Vectors consisting of the flanking regions of a collagen gene (col-1) or a major sperm protein gene of C. elegans fused to the Escherichia coli uidA gene, encoding beta-glucuronidase, were microinjected into worms and found to be propagated as high-copy extrachromosomal tandem arrays. We have detected beta-glucuronidase activity in transformed lines, and have shown that the activity is dependent upon the correct reading frame of the construction and on the presence of the worm sequences. The enzyme activity was shown to be encoded by the chimeric beta-glucuronidase gene by co-segregation analysis and by inactivation with specific antisera. Expression is at a very low level, and seems to be constitutive. We have used histochemical techniques to visualize the enzyme activity in embryos.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum stress response, also known as the unfolded protein response (UPR), has been implicated in the normal physiology of immune defense and in several disorders, including diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease. Here, we show that the apoptotic receptor CED-1 and a network of PQN/ABU proteins involved in a noncanonical UPR response are required for proper defense to pathogen infection in Caenorhabditis elegans. A full-genome microarray analysis indicates that CED-1 functions to activate the expression of pqn/abu genes. We also show that ced-1 and pqn/abu genes are required for the survival of C. elegans exposed to live Salmonella enterica, and that overexpression of pqn/abu genes confers protection against pathogen-mediated killing. The results indicate that unfolded protein response genes, regulated in a CED-1-dependent manner, are involved in the C. elegans immune response to live bacteria.  相似文献   

The sulfation of tyrosine residues is an important post-translational modification involved in the regulation of protein function. We examined the activity of worm tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST-1) on a typical cuticle collagen, ROL-6, in C. elegans. We verified that TPST-1 sulfates three tyrosine residues of ROL-6 in vitro. We found that these tyrosine residues are important for the secretion of ROL-6::GFP. Mutant ROL-6::GFP proteins that contain more than two substitutions of the target tyrosine residues are severely deficient in cuticle localization. Consistently, knock down of tpst-1 blocked the cuticle localization of ROL-6::GFP. Therefore, the sulfation of ROL-6 by TPST-1 is critical for the proper localization of ROL-6. We also confirmed that worm TPST-1 is localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Our results indicate that TPST-1 regulates cuticle organization by promoting the transport of ROL-6 from the TGN to the cuticle.  相似文献   

We used a molecular approach to search for maternally expressed genes in Drosophila melanogaster. The relative merits of differential and competition screens were analyzed in a series of reconstruction experiments using either purified phage plaques or derivative DNA sequences. In the course of this study, we isolated 5 clones whose RNA level varies during early embryogenesis. Three gastrula differential clones, b4, b8 and d3, are present in numerous copies in the genome; clone b4 hybridizes with the copia-like B104 repetitive sequence described by Scherer et al. We also isolated 2 maternally-expressed genes, not previously identified in either classical genetic or similarly molecular-based screens. These clones, b11 and d6, map at cytogenetic positions 98F and 4F respectively, on the polytene chromosome map.  相似文献   

Wild-type and mutant actin genes in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have sequenced the four actin genes of Caenorhabditis elegans. These four genes encode typical invertebrate actins and are highly homologous, differing from each other by, at most, three amino acid residues. As a first step toward an understanding of the developmental regulation of this gene set we have also sequenced mutant actin genes. The mutant genes were cloned from two independent revertants of a single dominant actin mutant. For both revertants, reversion was accompanied by an actin gene rearrangement. The accumulation of actin mRNA during development in these two revertants is different from that of wild-type animals. We present here a correlation between actin gene structure and expression in wild-type and mutant animals. The results, suggest that co-ordinate regulation of actin genes is not essential for wild-type muscle function. In addition, it appears that changes in the 3' region of at least one of the actin mRNA may affect its steady-state regulation during development.  相似文献   

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