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A recent study with the predatory bat Trachops cirrhosus has shown the importance for this species of social learning about novel prey using auditory, rather than visual or olfactory, cues.  相似文献   

Behavior and conservation: a bridge too far?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Decision often implies a utilitarian choice based on personal gain, even at the expense of damaging others. Despite the social implications of utilitarian behavior, its neurophysiological bases remain largely unknown. To assess how the human brain controls utilitarian behavior, we delivered transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the ventral prefrontal cortex (VPC) and over the occipital cortex (OC) in 78 healthy subjects. Utilitarian judgment was assessed with the moral judgment task before and after tDCS. At baseline, females provided fewer utilitarian answers than males for personal moral dilemmas (p = .007). In males, VPC-tDCS failed to induce changes and in both genders OC-tDCS left utilitarian judgments unchanged. In females, cathodal VPC-tDCS tended to decrease whereas anodal VPC-tDCS significantly increased utilitarian responses (p = .005). In males and females, reaction times for utilitarian responses significantly decreased after cathodal (p<.001) but not after anodal (p = .735) VPC-tDCS. We conclude that ventral prefrontal tDCS interferes with utilitarian decisions, influencing the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each option in both sexes, but does so more strongly in females. Whereas cathodal tDCS alters the time for utilitarian reasoning in both sexes, anodal stimulation interferes more incisively in women, modifying utilitarian reasoning and the possible consequent actions. The gender-related tDCS-induced changes suggest that the VPC differentially controls utilitarian reasoning in females and in males. The gender-specific functional organization of the brain areas involved in utilitarian behavior could be a correlate of the moral and social behavioral differences between the two sexes.  相似文献   

正首先问大家一个问题,你们现在感觉如何,是高兴呢还是不高兴呢,或者十分平静呢?最近,科学家们发现了大脑调节这些基本感情的机制,相关结果发表在最近的《Nature Human Behavior》杂志上。这些发现或许能够揭示生理健康与心理健康之间的关系,其中包括鸦片上瘾症状背后的神经驱动。对这些机制的揭示能够提高我们针对性治疗的效果,同时能够改变我们对"作出决定"  相似文献   

Selective defecation and selective foraging are two potential antiparasite behaviors used by grazing ungulates to reduce infection by fecal–oral transmitted parasites. While there is some evidence that domestic species use these strategies, less is known about the occurrence and efficacy of these behaviors in wild ungulates. In this study, I examined whether wild antelope use selective defecation and selective foraging strategies to reduce exposure to gastrointestinal nematode parasites. By quantifying parasite levels in the environment in relation to the defecation patterns of three species, dik‐dik (Madoqua kirkii), Grant's gazelle (Gazella granti), and impala (Aepyceros melampus), I found that nematode larval concentrations in pasture were higher in the vicinity of clusters of feces (dung middens) compared to single fecal pellet groups or dung‐free areas. In addition, experimental feeding trials in free‐ranging dik‐dik showed that individuals selectively avoided feeding near concentrations of feces. Given that increased parasite contamination was found in the immediate vicinity of fecal clusters, fecal avoidance could help reduce host consumption of parasites and may therefore be an effective antiparasite behavior for certain species. On the other hand, while the concentration of parasite larvae in the vicinity of middens coupled with host avoidance of these areas during grazing could reduce host contact with parasites, results showing a positive correlation between the number of middens in a habitat and larval abundance at control sites suggest that dung middens might increase and not decrease overall host exposure to parasites. If this is the case, dung midden formation may not be a viable antiparasite strategy.  相似文献   

Young children spontaneously share resources with anonymous recipients, but little is known about the specific circumstances that promote or hinder these prosocial tendencies. Children (ages 3–11) received a small (12) or large (30) number of stickers, and were then given the opportunity to share their windfall with either one or multiple anonymous recipients (Dictator Game). Whether a child chose to share or not varied as a function of age, but was uninfluenced by numerical context. Moreover, children’s giving was consistent with a proportion-based account, such that children typically donated a similar proportion (but different absolute number) of the resources given to them, regardless of whether they originally received a small or large windfall. The proportion of resources donated, however, did vary based on the number of recipients with whom they were allowed to share, such that on average, children shared more when there were more recipients available, particularly when they had more resources, suggesting they take others into consideration when making prosocial decisions. Finally, results indicated that a child’s gender also predicted sharing behavior, with males generally sharing more resources than females. Together, findings suggest that the numerical contexts under which children are asked to share, as well as the quantity of resources that they have to share, may interact to promote (or hinder) altruistic behaviors throughout childhood.  相似文献   

Small‐scale population differentiation among coral reef fishes may be more common than previously thought. New molecular technologies have informed patterns of differentiation, while experimental approaches focusing on larval abilities to limit distribution have explored processes leading to diversification. Building upon a recently published paper by Wismer et al. that examined population level differences in learning and cooperative behaviors in cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus), we use a phylogenetic framework to explore how social behaviors are distributed among wrasses in the Labrichthyines clade. Establishing links between social behavior and speciation across the phylogeny allows us explore how social behaviors such as learning and cooperation may also act as possible mechanisms driving diversification at the microevolutionary scale.  相似文献   

In nature, essential resources for organisms, such as food for animals and light, water and nutrients for plants, are usually heterogeneously distributed, even at very small scale. As a result, all organisms, particularly plants mostly sessile, have a difficulty in acquiring essential resources from their environments. Animals express various types of foraging behavior to capture heterogeneously distributed essential foods. Clonal growth ( a vegetative reproductive process where by more than one individual of identical genetic composition is formed ) provides clonal plant not only with many "mouths" at different spatial positions, but also with a large spacial movability. As a clonal plant grows in environments characterized by a small-scale resource heterogeneity, its inter ramet connection permits a resource-sharing among the connected tamers. In addition, it may also allow certain ramets to respond locally and non-locally to resousce heterogeneity. This may lead to a division of labor among the connected ramets and a selective placement of ramets in favorable micro-habitats. Together these may enhance exploitation of resource heterogeneity by clonal plants, and in turn greatly contribute to maintenance or improvement of fitness. Such a behavior of clonal plants, expressed in heterogeneous environments, is to a large extent comparable to that of animals. Therefore, it has been considered as foraging behavior in clonal plants. More recently, it has been observed that phenotypic plasticity of clonal plants, which is relevant to foraging behavior, varies among species, types of genet architecture as well as among types of plants habitats. Foraging in clonal plants and its diversity have been receiving increasingly intensive investigations.  相似文献   

Animals, including insects, have the ability to self-select an optimal diet from a choice of two or more incomplete diets that lack an essential nutrient. This paper demonstrates that nymphs of the cockroach Rhyparobia madera also have this ability. The nymphs chose a protein:carbohydrate (P:C) ratio of approximately 25:75 when faced with a choice between one cube of protein (casein) and another of carbohydrate (sucrose). This self-selected ratio was shown to promote growth as well or better than other diets tested. When given a wide range of P:C choices, the R. madera nymphs consistently selected a P:C ratio of approximately 25:75, suggesting that they have the ability to diet-balance. Finally, injections of various serotonergic drugs into self-selecting nymphs influenced their choice of diets. Serotonin promoted a decrease in carbohydrate feeding, while injection of the antagonist -methyltryptophan caused the nymphs to overfeed on carbohydrate. The results suggest that serotonin may help alter the carbohydrate feeding response in cockroaches.  相似文献   

Risk-sensitive behavior is the phenomenon of animals exhibitingpreferences when offered choices whose outcomes differ in theirdegree of variance. It is now well demonstrated that many animalsare sensitive to differences in the magnitude of variance inrewards. A considerable body of literature on risk sensitivityhas been generated in recent years, encompassing theoreticaland empirical work, from both functional and mechanistic approaches.Nevertheless, it is less than clear how animal preferences forvariability are determined. It is therefore timely to look broadlyat what has been accomplished, and to identify the most promisingsynthetic approaches for future work.  相似文献   

The phase separation behavior of whey protein isolate (WPI) aggregates and κ-carrageenan (κ-car) mixtures was studied using the Vrij's theory and image analysis method. The intrinsic parameter (molecular mass and radius of gyration) for κ-car and the WPI aggregates was determined using intrinsic viscosity and reduced viscosity of each biopolymer. Confocal microscopy observations revealed the appearance of protein aggregate domains when phase separation occurred, with microgel droplets of WPI included in a continuous κ-car phase. The occurrence of aggregate droplet has not been reported before for the phase-separating WPI/κ-car mixtures. So far, network emulsion-like microstructures have been observed with WPI in a network structure. By using different WPI concentrations (4% or 6%), the microstructure of the systems changes while increasing the κ-car concentration. The size of the microgels (1–2.5 μm) depends on both κ-car and WPI concentration. Confocal microscopy combined with image analysis (method of the variance) was used effectively as objective means to determine the phase boundary of the phase-separating systems. Additional information on the depletion layer thickness, Δ, was obtained using self-consistent field theory. The results show that Δ has a constant value of 80.5 nm for ck - car \prec 2 g/l {{\hbox{c}}_{\kappa {\rm{ - car}}}} \prec {\hbox{2 g}}/{l} , in agreement with ∆ ≈ R g (radius of gyration). Above this concentration, Δ decreases as a function of κ-car concentration. The experimental phase boundary was well predicted using Vrij's theory. This work showed a new approach to generate phase diagrams (e.g., under shear) of phase-separating systems.  相似文献   

An obstacle in behavioral research is in obtaining unbiased measurements and presenting them in numerical terms, independent of human interpretation and observational endurance. Simple locomotory behavior can be relatively easily quantified with existing computerized vision systems, whereas it is much more difficult to obtain unbiased measurements of complex behavior patterns. We have developed a computerized vision system (DISPLAY), which identifies and quantifies complex behavior patterns and interactions in fish. In short, the fish scenery is viewed from above by a camera. At a frame-rate of 12 s? 1, the fish silhouettes are stored in a frame file. Subsequently, the position and orientation of each fish relative to the other(s), the distance between them, and their body curvature are determined in each frame. Further, frame-to-frame comparisons enable calculation of speed and direction of fish movements. With these measurements available, composite behavior patterns can now be entered graphically by the user as distinct classifiers. The system has been used for studying the effects of endocrine disruptors on the reproductive behavior of the male guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Both estrogenic and antiandrogenic substances significantly suppress the number and duration of posturing behavior and sigmoid displays, two distinct elements in the courtship behavior of the male guppy.  相似文献   

Differences were detected by ear in vocalizations made during artificial feeding of Japanese monkey troops at three locations. Tape recording and sound spectrographic analysis confirmed a distinctive vocal pattern specific to each site and used only in the provisioning situation. The 3 different acoustic morphologies are variations on a shared tonal theme. Vocal learning by Macaca fuscata may have occurred separately at each site regulated by species-wide constraints on vocal production.  相似文献   

When direct observations are used to study animal behavior the presence of the observer may alter the animal and hence influence the data being collected, yet few studies have quantified this effect. We conducted direct observation studies in the glasshouse to assess the relative influence of observer presence on the behavior of Pacific damsel bugs, Nabis kinbergii, a potentially important predator of crop pests. Comparisons of predator activity, predator distribution, prey (Helicoverpa armigera) mortality and prey distribution between frequently observed and minimally observed treatments, during diurnal and nocturnal observation sessions showed that the frequency of observer presence had no apparent impact on Pacific damsel bug behavior. This is the first documented test of the impact of observer presence in an insect system. To place our results in context, we reviewed 15 papers on the influence of observer presence in a range of animals. We established that just over half of these papers found evidence for an effect. Nevertheless, direct observations should be useful in further studies of Pacific damsel bug behavior, and researchers using direct observations to study the behavior of other animals should be cognizant of observer effects during design and interpretation of their study.  相似文献   

Wöhr M  Schwarting RK 《PloS one》2007,2(12):e1365
Rats emit distinct types of ultrasonic vocalizations, which differ depending on age, the subject's current state and environmental factors. Since it was shown that 50-kHz calls can serve as indices of the animal's positive subjective state, they have received increasing experimental attention, and have successfully been used to study neurobiological mechanisms of positive affect. However, it is likely that such calls do not only reflect a positive affective state, but that they also serve a communicative purpose. Actually, rats emit the highest rates of 50-kHz calls typically during social interactions, like reproductive behavior, juvenile play and tickling. Furthermore, it was recently shown that rats emit 50-kHz calls after separation from conspecifics. The aim of the present study was to test the communicative value of such 50-kHz calls. In a first experiment, conducted in juvenile rats situated singly on a radial maze apparatus, we showed that 50-kHz calls can induce behavioral activation and approach responses, which were selective to 50-kHz signals, since presentation of 22-kHz calls, considered to be aversive or threat signals, led to behavioral inhibition. In two other experiments, we used either natural 50-kHz calls, which had been previously recorded from other rats, or artificial sine wave stimuli, which were identical to these calls with respect to peak frequency, call length and temporal appearance. These signals were presented to either juvenile (Exp. 2) or adult (Exp. 3) male rats. Our data clearly show that 50-kHz signals can induce approach behavior, an effect, which was more pronounced in juvenile rats and which was not selective to natural calls, especially in adult rats. The recipient rats also emitted some 50-kHz calls in response to call presentation, but this effect was observed only in adult subjects. Together, our data show that 50-kHz calls can serve communicative purposes, namely as a social signal, which increases the likelihood of approach in the recipient conspecific.  相似文献   

We have studied the dependence of the phase and domain characteristics of sphingomyelin (SM)/cholesterol model membranes on sterol content and temperature using deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance. NMR spectra of N-palmitoyl(D31)-D-erythro-sphingosylphosphorylcholine (PSM-d31) were taken for temperatures from 25 to 70°C and cholesterol concentrations of 0–40%. Analogous experiments were performed using 1-palmitoyl,2-palmitoyl(D31)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC-d31)/cholesterol membranes to carefully compare the data obtained using palmitoyl chains that have similar “kinked” conformations. The constructed phase diagrams exhibit both solid-ordered (so) + liquid-ordered (lo) and liquid-disordered (ld) + lo phase-coexistence regions with a clear three-phase line. Macroscopic (micron-sized) coexistence of ld and lo phases was not observed; instead, line-broadening in the ld+lo region was characterized by intermediate exchange of lipids between the two types of domains. The length scales associated with the domains were estimated to be 75–150 nm for PSM-d31/cholesterol and DPPC-d31/cholesterol model membranes.  相似文献   

Fed-batch culture of Alcaligenes latus, ATCC 29713, was investigated for producing the intracellular bioplastic poly(β–hydroxybutyric acid), PHB. Constant rate feeding, exponentially increasing feeding rate, and pH-stat fed batch methods were evaluated. pH-stat fed batch culture reduced or delayed accumulation of the substrate in the broth and led to significantly enhanced PHB productivity relative to the other modes of feeding. Presence of excessive substrate appeared to inhibit PHB synthesis, but not the production of cells. In fed-batch culture, the maximum specific growth rate (0.265?h?1) greatly exceeded the value (0.075?h?1) previously observed in batch culture of the same strain. Similarly, the maximum PHB production rate (up to 1.15?g?·?l?1?·?h?1) was nearly 8-fold greater than values observed in batch operations. Fed-batch operation was clearly superior to batch fermentation for producing PHB. A low growth rate was not a prerequisite for PHB accumulation, but a reduced or delayed accumulation of substrate appeared to enhance PHB accumulation. Under the best conditions, PHB constituted up to 63% of dry cell mass after 12?h of culture. The average biomass yield coefficient on sucrose was about 0.35, or a little less than in batch fermentations. The highest PHB concentrations attained were about 18?g?·?l?1.  相似文献   

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