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We have shown that D. busckiimales and females, unlike other drosophilids that have been analyzed in this regard, court and copulate as well in relatively dim red light as they do in bright white light. We have also shown that males and females of this species flutter their wings during courtship and that wing fluttering in both sexes is associated with acoustic stimuli. Wingless males perform vigorous courtship but are incapable of mating, suggesting that females must perceive male song to be receptive to copulation. When they are tested with normal males, wingless females stimulate vigorous courtship, but their copulation frequencies are significantly lower than winged females. This observation suggests that perception of the female's song by either or both sexes facilitates mating.  相似文献   

The attraction of male pollinating insects by sexual deception is known for several orchids from the Mediterranean, Australia, South Africa and South America. The sexual delusion may be so enticing in some species that it elicits males to attempt copulation with insect-like structures of the labellum. Pollination by such a pseudocopulation mechanism is reported here for the terrestrial orchid Geoblasta penicillata (Chloraeinae) from subtropical South America. Observations of the pollination process were carried out in two wild populations 560 km distant from each other. The only pollinators seen in both populations were male Campsomeris bistrimacula (Scoliidae) wasps. They attempted copulation with the insect-like labellum by directing the genitalia to its base whereby pollinia got attached to the dorsal surface of the metasoma. The present case of pseudocopulation, which is in South America the second known and the first recorded in wild populations, represents a striking parallel to the Australian Calochilus campestris also pollinated by male scoliid wasp of the genus Campsomeris.  相似文献   

We investigated the role that courtship and aggressive interactions may have for the maintenance of reproductive isolation betweenDrosophila silvestris andD. heteroneura. We examined the behavioral bases of reproductive isolation between the parental species and we examined the courtship success of each sex of both reciprocal F1 hybrids when paired with the parental species. We found reduced copulation success among heterotypic parental pairs compared to homotypic pairs, which was primarily due to the lack of courtship initiation betweenD. silvestris males andD. heteroneura females. When hybrid males from both reciprocal crosses were paired with parental females their copulation successes were not significantly different from that of parental males. In contrast, hybrid females from both crosses had reduced copulation success withD. silvestris males, which in turn was primarily due to a reduced success of reaching later stages of courtship. The time spent in copulation by hybrid males was intermediate between the two parental males. We studied aggression by observing the interactions of males of heterotypic pairs, both between the parental species and between the hybrids and parental males. A lack of aggressive interactions betweenD. silvestris males andD. heteroneura males in addition to the lack of courtship suggests thatD. silvestris males do not respond toD. heteroneura individuals of either sex. Hybrid males were equally successful in winning fights with bothD. silvestris andD. heteroneura males. These results indicate that the behavioral isolation betweenD. silvestris andD. heteroneura may be largely a consequence of the earliest stages of interactions. The two species may differ either in activity levels or in morphological or chemical traits that are important for species and mate recognition. The relatively high copulation and aggressive success of hybrids indicates that sexual selection against hybrids alone is unlikely to be a sufficient force to reduce gene flow and maintain species distinctions.  相似文献   

Male Pardosa milvina wolf spiders use their pedipalps both for copulation and courtship. Pedipalp loss is significantly more common among adult males compared to females. We measured the courtship and mating effects associated with the loss of one or both pedipalps among adult male P. milvina. Pedipalp loss significantly reduced courtship intensity, but had no influence on mounting success. Intact males were less likely to be cannibalized and suffered fewer predatory attacks by females than autotomized males. Loss of the left pedipalp resulted in significantly less intense courtship, higher female aggression levels, and delayed onset of courtship whereas loss of the right pedipalp minimally affected male and female behavior relative to intact males. Pedipalp displays may function in reducing female aggression rather than increasing female receptivity.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between males and females, as well as between males, is described and discussed for the cerambycid beetlePhytoecia rufiventris. The beetles' taxis toward plants taller than average height brings the sexes together from a distance. A male may mount another individual (male or female) and attempt copulation without sex discrimination. The male can discern the sex of another individual only when the terminal part of his abdomen touches the ventral surface of the fifth visible sternite of the latter. No evidence of a sex pheromone is found in this species. Within 1.5–5.5 cm the substrateborne vibrations produced by a moving individual may be the important factor which elicits males to approach a moving individual and attempt copulation. If a female is receptive when a male touches her, he can copulate with her without any courtship display. However, if the female runs away and appears unreceptive, the male will perform courtship displays. Copulation is usually terminated by males. Homosexual behavior between males is discussed.  相似文献   

The repertoire of courtship behaviors of male onion maggots,Delia antiqua (Meigen), in a laboratory bioassay chamber, was analyzed by direct observation and by video recordings, in conjunction with a multichannel event recorder. Seven courtship behaviors were categorized: inspection from the substrate, aerial inspection, contact from the substrate, contact from the air, genital alignment, copulation, and male-male interaction. The frequency distribution of copulation bouts was best described by a Poisson distribution; peak mating activity occurred about 1 h into the bioassay. The duration in copulo, however, was extremely variable. On average, males spent 30 sin copulo (n=183); <30% of bouts were >50 s. The ability of males to discriminate between sexes, sexually immature and mature females, and between females ofD. antiqua and the cabbage maggot,Delia radicum (L.), was most pronounced in the elements of genital alignment and attempted copulation. The courtship and mating behavior inD. antiqua is consistent with a sequence that relies initially primarily on indiscriminate visual recognition of a potential mate, followed by species-and sex-specific semiochemical recognition upon contact.  相似文献   

Limb loss is common in the wolf spider Pardosa milvina, appearing in nearly one third of adult males but occurring less frequently among adult females and juveniles. Since males wave their first pair of legs during courtship displays, the reproductive consequences of limb loss may be significant. We measured the courtship and mating effects of the loss of one, two, or four legs among adult male P. milvina. Missing one or two legs did not significantly reduce a male's ability to mate, but missing four legs was detrimental to mating success, reduced both courtship intensity and copulation duration, and increased cannibalism frequency. Results suggest behavioral flexibility in compensating for limited leg loss and a defensive function of the anteriormost legs to thwart female cannibalism attempts.  相似文献   

We describe six recessive autosomal male sterile mutations inDrosophila, generated by mobilization of single P-elements, exhibiting abnormal male courtship behavior. Detailed analysis of courtship behavior elicited by virgin wild type females indicated that five of the six mutants are affected in the early steps of courtship. The sixth mutant is blocked at the step of attempted copulation which occurs later in the courtship sequence. All of the mutants have normal olfactory responses and normal locomotor activity. No defect in the visual modality has been observed for the five mutants affected in the initiation of courtship. The mutant blocked at attempted copulation lacks the ‘on’ and ‘off’ transients, but this appears to be due to genetic background rather than the mutation itself. Abnormal spermatogenesis was observed in five of the mutants. Spermatogenic defects vary and include lesions in the proliferation of the germline, in meiosis, and in the differentiation and maturation of the spermatids into motile sperm.  相似文献   

Adults and larvae of Coproica lugubris and Chaetopodella scutellaris (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) occur in great numbers on cow droppings. Courtship behaviour and copulation were analyzed and compared. Striking differences were found in the complexity and number of courtship patterns. In contrast to C. lugubris, where males usually mount females without performing any displays, courtship of Ch. scutellaris is rather complex: a male approaches a female and positions himself facing her; he then starts to circle her in a fashion very similar to a male courtship pattern in Drosophila species. Females usually respond to circling with a typical behaviour pattern I called swaying. Its function is discussed. The complex courtship behaviour of Ch. scutellaris is interpreted as a mechanism for female choice. In Ch. scutellaris copulation takes about 60 min longer than in C. lugubris, but the mechanism based upon this obvious difference is not understood. Females of both species can effectively prevent males from copulating.  相似文献   

Unlike any other mosquito reported, Sabethes cyaneus(Fabricius) displays an elaborate courtship before and during copulation. A male approaches a female suspended from a horizontal stick, suspends himself in front of her as he grasps her folded wings, and proceeds with a series of discrete stereotyped behaviors that involve proboscis vibration and movement of iridescent blue paddles on his midlegs. The sequence of these behaviors is as follows: freeleg waving, swinging, copulation attempt, superficial coupling, waving, genital shift, waggling, and release. Insemination occurs after genital shift. The only overt reciprocation by the female is abdomen lowering during the male's swinging. Courtship is often unsuccessful, and males are usually rejected during freeleg waving. The relation between male performance and mating success remains obscure.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior of Drosophila sechelliais described. Male wing displays are mainly vibration and scissoring, with low levels of rowing. As courtship proceeds the proportion of courtship spent in male wing vibration and licking increases, whereas female movement decreases. The male courtship song of sechelliacontains pulse song but no sine song. This species also shows a distinctive copulation song associated with mounting and copulation. The main cuticular hydrocarbon in females is 7,11-heptacosadiene. The number of copulations increased when flies were placed in the presence of food. Visual and acoustic stimuli appear to be important for mating. A multidimensional comparison was used to compare members of the melanogaster species subgroup, based upon courtship behavior, song characteristics, and cuticular hydrocarbons. A multidimensional comparison of courtship sequences in sechellia, melanogaster, simulans,and mauritianashowed differences in variability between the two island species as compared to the two cosmopolitan species. The courtship song of D. orenais described: it shows both sine and pulse song; there is also a copulation song in this species.  相似文献   

Females of the tropical weevilCleogonus rubetra oviposit into fruits of the leguminous treeAndira inermis, and larvae develop in the pulp and seed of these fruits. We hypothesized three alternative tactics by which males might secure matings. By using focal observations of males and by evaluating predictions specific to each hypothesis, we demonstrate that males search within aggregations of conspecifics for receptive females, and upon finding a suitable partner, males mount and perform courtship behavior consisting of stroking the eyes and sides of the female's abdomen. Males also stridulate and emit a sequence of short buzzing sounds. While mounted, males actively prevent rival males from mating with their partner. Males defend their mates for a mean duration of 3.7 h (including copulation). As predicted, paired males were larger than solitary individuals, although the difference was marginally nonsignificant. The overabundance of fruits relative to males, the prolonged period during which females are active, and the probability of last male sperm precedence are factors that may have contributed to the evolution of this female-defense tactic by males. Paired females were significantly larger than solitary females. We observed no competition among females for mates, and the correlation between elytron length of paired males and females was not significant.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism may represent an extreme form of male monogamy. According to this view, males gain reproductive success by sacrificing themselves to females. We studied the occurrence and timing of sexual cannibalism in the brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus and compared male courtship and mating behavior with virgin and with previously mated females. We found that events of sexual cannibalism are frequent, that they occur during copulation and that males initiate cannibalism by placing the abdomen in front of the female’s mouth‐parts during copulation (somersault behavior). Both the somersaults and mating occurred more frequently with virgins than with previously mated females. Our results support the hypothesis that sexual cannibalism is a male strategy in this species. The somersault behavior was previously known only from the redback spider, Latrodectus hasselti. It is as yet unknown whether self‐sacrifice has evolved more than once in this genus.  相似文献   

Although generation of ultrasound during courtship has been reported for an increasing number of moth species, the effect of the ultrasound on mating remains uncertain in many cases because of a lack of proper verification. Here we report that males of the yellow peach moth Conogethes punctiferalis (Crambidae) sexually communicate with females by emitting loud ultrasound (103 dB peak equivalent sound pressure level at 1 cm; dominant frequency 82 kHz) before attempting copulation. The male ultrasound consists of consecutive clicks (pulses) in the early phase of the sound train and consecutive pulses (burst) in the late phase. When females were deafened by puncturing the abdominal tympanic membranes, copulation never occurred. We found that deafened females did not assume the wing-raising posture, which, for normal pairs, always precedes successful copulation. Our findings indicate that male courtship ultrasound evokes wing-raising as an acceptance behavior from females, which in turn evokes a copulation attempt by a male.  相似文献   

Courtship is an important character linked to fitness and can evolve in response to female mate choice, to ensure sex identity and quality of a potential mate. It can also be a major pre-mating isolating mechanism in butterflies and many other species. In this paper, aspects of the reproductive behaviour of Hipparchia statilinus are described. First, the ethogram and the sequential structure of courtship leading to copulation and female refusal behaviour are showed; second, the results are compared with the behaviour of the sympatric and syntopic species, H. semele. Sequential analysis of H. statilinus courtship showed that, once a male has started the sequence, the following steps most likely follow up to the end. Courtship seems to reflect female behaviour: the male can repeat the whole sequence or part of it more than once, waiting for female signals. The general pattern of sexual behaviour in H. semele and in H. statilinus is mainly identical: perching strategy, flight pursuit, courtship. In both species, courtship consists of a highly stereotypic sequence, and differences between sequences are primarily related to presence/absence, order and performance of steps. This study is the first step of an experimental design addressed to a better understanding of mating recognition signals in Hipparchia and provides more details to define the relative roles of phylogeny and environment in shaping boundaries among species.  相似文献   

Male courtship behavior is generally thought to function prior to copulation, as an inducement to the female to allow the male to copulate with her; this study indicates however, that male courtship during and following copulation (“copulatory courtship”) is common in insects and spiders (81% of 131 species in 102 genera and 49 families, mostly Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Araneioidea). Copulatory courtship is apparently evolutionarily labile, as expected if it is under sexual selection; intrageneric variation occurred in all 17 genera in which more than one species was observed. In 81% of 94 species with copulatory courtship, the male abandoned the female soon after copulation ended; thus, copulatory courtship appears not to function generally to induce acceptance of further copulatory attempts. The most likely explanation for copulatory courtship is that it represents attempts by males to influence cryptic female choice. This suggests that an aspect of sexual selection by female choice not considered by Darwin may be more important than previously appreciated and that the common practice in evolutionary studies of measuring male reproductive success by counting numbers of copulations may sometimes be misleading because of cryptic female choice during and after copulation.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the mating behavior of Dryas iulia and the acceptance and rejection mechanisms of females during courtship activity. An ethogram of mating behavior was organized on the basis of 100 h of observation in an insectarium. Several different behaviors were catalogued and separated into two behavioral repertoires (pre-coupling, post-coupling). The behavioral sequence of mating behavior was also analyzed using a total of 53 pairs of D. iulia. The courtship activities involved interactions between the sexes in three sequential phases—the aerial, air-ground, and ground phases. In 49% of observations the courtship activities led to copulation. The mean time to the occurrence of the first interaction between males and females did not differ between interactions with and without copulation. The behavior of females and males in the two groups were analyzed and differences were found between behavioral activities of both sexes. The results indicate that males’ insistence on courtship does not affect their copulatory success, and that females play a decisive role in copulation occurrence. Analysis of behavioral transitions showed there are many alternative behavioral routines in interactions with and without copulation. The number of behavioral transitions recorded was smaller in the group in which copulation occurred, indicating that males with copulatory success modified their behavior less frequently. Successful males recorded more transitions with a probability of occurrence greater than 0.4, and their behavioral activity was also less reticulated. Analysis using the stereotyping index showed that situations in which copulations occurred were more stereotyped than those in which it did not.  相似文献   

The parasitic waspNasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) is the subject of numerous genetic, evolutionary, ecological, and ethological studies, particularly relating to sex-ratio evolution, non-Mendelian inheritance, courtship behavior, and speciation. Here we describe the courtship behavior of two sibling species(N. longicornis andN. giraulti) and compare their courtship to that ofN. vitripennis. Courtship behavior ofNasonia males includes mounting of females, orientation to the female's head, and a repeated series of stereotypic movements, including head nods, mouthpart extrusions, antennal sweeps, and wing vibrations. Females signal receptivity by lowering their antennae in synchrony with opening their genital orifice. After copulation, males engage in brief postcopulatory displays. All three species have the basic components described above. However, although the three species are quite similar morphologically, there are distinct differences in courtship displays. Notable differences include the length of courtship cycles, the absence of a ritualized antennal sweep prior to the first cycle invitripennis, additional head nods and ritualized foreleg movements inlongicornis, and a dramatic increase in numbers of head nods ingiraulti. Results show that closely related species can often be distinguished based on courtship differences, although many of these differences may not contribute to a reproductive barrier.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae(L.), was studied in moving air conditions in a wind tunnel, using video techniques. Quantitative analyses were undertaken to determine the behavioral sequence occurring in the courtship. Comparison of successful and unsuccessful courtship suggested that courtship success was more dependent on the behavior of the female than that of the male. In an attempt to elucidate the function of the male hair-pencils (HPs), courtships involving males without HPs were also studied. HP removal did not affect the overall courtship success rate of males, but detailed analysis showed significant changes infernale behavior during such courtships. HP removal also affected female behavior following pair formation, with females struggling more when paired with males without HPs. Consequently, it is proposed that the HP volatiles act as an arrestant for the female, both during courtship and after pair formation, to increase female acceptance and to prevent premature termination of copulation. Experiments were also conducted to test previous hypotheses for HP function. However, no evidence was found to suggest that the HP volatiles in M. brassicaeact to attract females, affect female calling behavior, or affect the behavior of other males. A further possible function of HPs in defense is discussed.  相似文献   

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