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An X-ray structural analysis of bis-2,2′,N,N′-bipyridyl ketone cobalt(III) nitrate dihydrate, CoC22H20N4O4+· NO3·2H2O,Mr=559.38 g/mol, P , a=8.862(2), b=16.195(3), c=8.772(2) Å, α=103.54(2), β=95.74(3), γ=105.07°, V=1164.4(4) Å3, Z=2, Dx=1.595 g/cm3, Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.71073 Å), μ=7.8 cm−1 and R=0.079, revealed a Co(III) cation in a slightly distorted octahedral environment. The structure reveals that the ligand di-2-pyridyl ketone (dpk) has undergone a hydration reaction across the ketone double bond and one of the hydrate oxygen atoms coordinated to the metal forming a tridentate chelate. This new Co(dpk-hydrate)2+ complex displays the least distorted geometry yet reported for either 1:1 or 1:2 (metal:ligand) complexes. A geometry optimization using the INDO model Hamiltonian as implemented in the program ZINDO was performed on the title complex with the Co3+ modeled as a singlet. The result of the computation corroborates the geometry of the title complex as that expected for Co3+.  相似文献   

The new disymmetric ligand N,N,N′-tris(2-pyridylmethyl)-N′-(2-salicylideneethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine (LH) has been synthesized in the search of a novel type of manganese complex to mimic the active site of the water-oxidizing enzyme in photosystem II. The complex [Mn(II)L]ClO4 has been obtained and characterized by X-ray diffraction techniques. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group Pn with the following unit cell parameters: a=10.164(3), b=10.122(4), c=14.166(5) Å, β=93.48(2)° and Z=2. The manganese ion is heptacoordinated with the coordination being achieved by only one ligand; it is bonded to the oxygen atom of the phenolate group in an axial position, the imino and the three pyridine nitrogen atoms in an equatorial position and the two amine atoms in a pseudo-axial position. The coordination polyhedron is best described as a distorted monocapped trigonal prism. This structure was compared with the seven-coordinated Mn(II) complexes deposited in the Cambridge Structured Database (CSD). The redox potential of the Mn(III)/Mn(II) couple was determined by cyclic voltammetry.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of the title complexes [Fe(H2O)4][Fe(Hedta)(H2O)]2 · 4H2O (I) and [Fe(H[2edta)(H2O)] · 2H2O (II) have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analyses. The crystal data are as follows: I: monoclinic, P21/n, A = 11.794(2), B = 15.990(2), C = 9.206(2) Å, β = 90.33(1)°, V = 1736.1(5) Å3, Z = 2 and R = 0.030; II: monoclinic, C2/c, A = 11.074(2), B = 9.856(2), C = 14.399(2) Å, β = 95.86(1)°, V = 1563.3(4) Å3, Z = 4 and R = 0.025. I is found to be isomorphous with the MnII analog reported earlier and to contain a seven-coordinate and approximately pentagonal-bipyramidal (PB) [FeII(Hedta)(H2O] unit in which Hedta acts as a hexadentate ligand. The [FeII(H2edta)(H2O)] unit in II has also a seven-coordinate PB structure with the two protonated equatorial glycine arms both remaining coordinated, and thus bears a structural resemblance to the seven-coordinate [CoII(H2edta)(H2O)] reported previously.  相似文献   

The preparation and structural characterization of dirhodium(II) tetrakis[N,N-dimethyl-2-pyrrolidone-5(S)-carb- oxamide], Rh2(5S-DMAP)4, a new sterically-demanding catalyst for enantioselective metal carbene transformations, is described. The pyrrolidone ligands are arrayed around the dirhodium(II) core with two oxygen and two nitrogen donor atoms, each oriented cis, bound to each octahedral rhodium. The crystal structure of this compound has been determined to be that of Rh2(5S-DMAP)4(CH3CN)2·CH3CN·6H2O: space group P212121 with cell constants a= 12.685(4), b=15.050(3), c=24.035(4) Å; V=4588.5(1.9) Å3, Z=4, R=0.0316, Rh---Rh DISTANCE =2 4538(5) Å. Decreased activity for diazodecomposition catalyzed by Rh2(5S-DMAP)4 is observed, and enantiocontrol for cyclopropanation and carbon-hydrogen insertion is lower than expected by analogy to the corresponding di- rhodium(II) tetrakis[methyl 2-pyrrolidone-5(S)-carboxylate], Rh2(5S-MEPY)4 Electronic stabilization of the in- termediate metal carbene is absent in reactions catalyzed by Rh2(5S-DMAP)4.  相似文献   

Zinc hydride and zinc chloride react together in THF in the presence of TMEDA to form the title compound. The reactions of a range of zinc hydrides with a variety of organic substrates are described.  相似文献   

31P NMR has been employed to study the interaction between zinc(II) bis(O,O′-di-iso-butyldithiophosphate), Zn[S2P(OiBu)2]2, and four multidentate amines (diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, tetraethylenepentamine and pentaethylenehexamine) in chloroform at 294 K. The major interaction of Zn[S2P(OiBu)2]2 and these polyamines involves displacement of the {S2P(OiBu)2} ligands from the zinc giving [Zn(amine)]2+ and [S2P(OiBu)2] ions in solution. The magnitudes of the equilibrium constants, K1 (=[{Zn(amine)}2+][{DDP}]2/[Zn(DDP)2][amine]), have been evaluated in the cases of triethylenetetramine (20.0 l mol−1), tetraethylenepentamine (19.1 l mol−1) and pentaethylenehexamine (1.58 l mol−1). Crystalline 1:1 ionic complexes have also been isolated from these systems and characterised.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the butyrylcholinesterase interaction with N,N-dimethyl-2-phenylaziridinium ion, which probably alkylates the anionic site of the enzyme, was investigated at pH 7.5 and 25°C. It was found that the main product of the spontaneous hydrolysis of the aziridinium compound in water, N,N-dimethyl-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethylamine, binds effectively in the enzyme active center and protects it against alkylation. This binding equilibrium as well as the kinetics of the spontaneous decomposition of the aziridinium inhibitor were taken into consideration in calculating the rate and equilibrium constants for the enzyme alkylation reaction. The kinetics of the formation of the aziridinium compound and of the spontaneous hydrolysis reaction were investigated separately at pH 5.8–7.8, and the rate constants obtained from these experiments agree with the corresponding data calculated from the enzyme inhibition kinetics.  相似文献   

The chlorocadmate(II) systems of (H2me2pipz)[Cd2Cl6(H2O)2] (1) and (H2mepipz)2[Cd3Cl10(H2O)] (2) (L = me2pipz = N,N′-dimethylpiperazine; L′ = mepipz = N-methylpiperazine) were prepared and their structural and thermal properties investigated. Compound 1 is monoclinic, space group P21/c, A = 7.664(1), B = 7.472(4), C = 15.347(1) Å, β = 99.468(7)°, Z = 2, R = 0.024. The crystal structure consists of organic cations and infinite one-dimensional chains of [CdCl3(H2O)]n3− anions. Each Cd atom is octahedrally surrounded by bridged and terminal chlorine atoms and by a water molecule, which is in trans position with respect to the terminal chlorine atom. Inter- and intrachain hydrogen bond interactions between the terminal chlorine atoms and the water molecules contribute to the crystal packing. Compound 2 is orthorhombic, space group Cmc21, A = 15.286(3), B = 13.354(3), C = 13.154(3) Å, R = 0.023. The crystal structure consists of organic dications and infinite chains of [Cd2Cl6(CdCl4H2O]n4− units running along the [001] axis. Each unit is formed of regularly alternate six-coordinated Cd atoms, one of them linking one pentacoordinated Cd atom which completes its coordination througha water molecule. A strong hydrogen bond interaction involving the organic dication and the inorganic chain contributes to the crystal packing. Differential hydrogen bond interaction involving the organic dication and the inorganic chain contributes to the crystal packing. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements did not show the presence of any structural phase transitions. The structures are compared with those of (H2pipz)[Cd2Cl6(H2O)2] (3), (H2mepipz)[Cd2Cl6(H2O)2]·H2O (4) and (H2mepipz)[Cd2Cl6] (5) (L = pipz = piperazine, L′ = mepipz = N-ethylpiperazine).  相似文献   

[MnL](ClO4)2 (L = N,N′,N″-tris(2-hydroxypropyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane) has been tested for catalyzing sulfide oxidation. In the presence of this complex, ethyl phenyl sulfide, butyl sulfide and phenyl sulfide are completely oxidized to the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfones with H2O2 as the oxidant. 2-Chloroethyl phenyl sulfide oxidation yield 2-chloroethyl phenyl sulfone and phenyl vinyl sulfone. In ethyl phenyl sulfide oxidation, effects of complex and H2O2 concentration and temperature on the reaction rate have been discussed. Through controlling reaction conditions, ethyl phenyl sulfoxide and ethyl phenyl sulfone may be produced selectively. The UV–Vis and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on catalyst solution indicate that metal centre of the complex is transformed from Mn(II) to Mn(IV) after the addition of H2O2. At 25 °C, rate constant for ethyl phenyl sulfide oxidation is 4.38 × 10−3 min−1.  相似文献   

A platinum(II) complex containing the diamine ()sparteine has been synthesized for the first time and fully characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. ()Sparteine is an alkaloid containing four fused rings and four asymmetric centers of configurations 6R, 7S, 9S, and 11S at the four tertiary carbon atoms. In the cis conformation it can act as a chelating N-donor ligand toward a metal ion. The steric bulkiness of this ligand is such that the Pt-N bond lengths are greater than normal and the angle between the cis-chlorido ligands is well below the theoretical value of 90°. This sparteine complex of platinum appears to be an ideal substrate for investigating the stereochemistry of adducts with nucleotides and DNA. For instance the orientation of a coordinated nucleobase can be determined with precision by monitoring the strength of NOE cross peaks between the sparteine protons pointing toward the metal center and key protons of the coordinated nucleobase(s) (e.g. H8 protons of guanine or adenine).  相似文献   

N,N-Diethylaniline is a reagent used in organic synthesis and is an important intermediate in the manufacturing of dyes. To evaluate its genotoxicity, we examined whether it can induce sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in human lymphocytes. We found that N,N-diethylaniline significantly increased the frequency of SCEs both in the absence and presence of S-9 mix. The SCEs from cultures treated by N,N-diethylaniline in the presence of S-9 mix displayed a marked increase which was about 5-fold greater than the control. ANOVA analyses indicated that there is a dose–response relationship between doses of N,N-diethylaniline and the frequency of SCEs, especially in the presence of S-9 mix. The results suggested that N,N-diethylaniline has genotoxicity.  相似文献   

The electrochemical reduction of a series of copper(II) complexes with 1,10-o-phenanthrolines, namely the 1:1 and 1:2 metal:ligand complexes with 2,9-dimethylphenanthroline, 4,7-dimethylphenanthroline and unsubstituted phenanthroline, respectively, has been studied in N,N-dimethylformamide using platinum electrodes. As to the 1:2 complexes, the effect of the presence of substituents with different electronic and steric effects on the phenanthroline ligands has been studied with the aim of rationalizing the different values of the standard potentials which have been measured. Furthermore, the possibility of electrogenerating neutral species, with a formally zerovalent copper centre, exhibiting different stability depending on the nature of the ligands, has been ascertained. In out solvent medium, 1:1 complexes have been found to be in equilibrium with the corresponding 1:2 complexes. A scheme for the reduction of solutions of these compounds, including the different equilibria associated to the electrode charge transfers, has been outlined.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the effect of N,N′-bis-(2,3-methylenedioxyphenyl)urea (2,3-MDPU) and N,N′-bis-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)urea (3,4-MDPU), two symmetrically substituted diphenylurea derivatives with no auxin or cytokinin-like activity, on the rooting capacity of Pinus radiata stem cuttings. Results indicate that both diphenylurea derivatives enhance adventitious rooting in the presence of exogenous auxin (indole-3-butyric acid, IBA), even at low auxin concentration, in rooting-competent cuttings, but have no effect on the adventitious rooting of low or null competent-to-root cuttings. Histological analyses show that, in the simultaneous presence of MDPUs and low concentration of exogenous auxin, adventitious root formation is induced in the cell types that retain intrinsic competence to form adventitious roots in response to auxin. The time course of cellular events leading to root formation and the time of root emergence are closely similar to that observed in cuttings treated only with higher auxin concentration. In addition, the mRNA level of a P. radiata SCARECROW-LIKE gene, which is significantly induced in the presence of the optimal concentration (10 μM) of exogenous auxin needed for cuttings to root, is increased in the presence of MDPUs and low concentration of exogenous auxin (1 μM). The expression of a P. radiata SHORT-ROOT gene in rooting-competent cuttings during adventitious rooting is also affected by the presence of MDPUs when combined with auxin. As MDPUs do not affect the expression of either gene in the absence of exogenous auxin, but only in its presence, we suggest that MDPUs could interact, directly or indirectly, with the auxin-signalling pathways in rooting-competent cuttings during adventitious rooting.  相似文献   

The high-resolution crystal and molecular structure of a 3:2 complex of proflavine and cytidylyl-(3′,5′)-guanosine is described. The complex exhibits more than one mode of dye binding to the dinucleoside phosphate. One proflavine cation is symmetrically intercalated between the base pairs. The other proflavine cations and ones related by symmetry stack above and below the base pairs and also hydrogen bond externally to the duplex. The conformation of the CpG is most similar to A-RNA with all C(3′)-endo sugar puckering. To allow the base pairs to stretch from the normal 3.4-Å separation to a 6.8-Å separation, the torsion angles ? and χ of the guanosine are increased by about 60° from the values found in RNA. The crystal structure itself contains disordered sulfate anions and is highly solvated, with all but one water molecule involved in a continuous water–sulfate channel.  相似文献   

Single muscle fibers continue to twitch for up to 20 min when immersed in ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) solutions containing less than 10−8 M free calcium. Failure of the twitch results from reversible depolarization, which occurs after 15–20 min in EGTA. The results make it clear that external calcium or calcium in the transverse tubules play no essential part in action potential propagation or excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

The enzyme prostaglandin H → E-isomerase (EC, which is present in sheep vesicular gland and needs glutathione as cofactor, is inhibited by c−5, c−8, c−11-eicosatrienoic acid, the fatty acid accumulating during essential fatty acid deficiency. The EFA-deficiency syndrome can partly be explained from a prostaglandin deficiency caused by lack of precursors. The present finding indicates that 5,8,11-eicosatrienoic acid could well be an additional factor in modifying the symptoms of EFA-deficiency.  相似文献   

Adrien Binet  Pierre Volfin 《BBA》1977,461(2):182-187
The effects of platinum complexes, selected for their potent anti-tumor activities, have been studied on rat liver mitochondria. Among the mitochondrial properties which have been studied, the most marked effects of platinum complexes were obtained on functions linked to the inner membrane.cis-Pt(II)(3,4-diaminotoluene) dichloride is shown to stimulate state 4 respiration. It inhibits the phosphate transport into mitochondria, decreases the accumulation of Ca2+, and induces a more rapid release of the accumulated Ca2+. A release of Mg2+ from mitochondria incubated in the absence of added divalent cations, and an efflux of divalent cations from mitochondrial membranes are also observed.All these results indicate a profound modification of the permeability of mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

2,2′-Diaminobiphenyl-R,R-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexaneplatinum(II) Chloride Trihydrate, (R,R-chxn)(dabp)Pt]Cl2·3H2O, crystallizes in the space group p212121 (D24, No. 19) with a = 6.219(4) Å, b = 17.633(2) Å, c = 21.523(3) Å, V = 2,360.4(8) Å3, ?calcd = 1.739 g cm?3, ?measd = 1.74 g cm?3, and Z = 4. Diffraction data were collected with a Picker FACS-1 four-circle diffractometer. The structure was solved by the heavy atom method and refined by least-square calculations to residuals R = 0.0586 and weighted R = 0.0668. The 2,2′-diaminobiphenyl ligand exhibits complete stereospecificity in its coordination to platinum(II) ion with λ chiral conformation.  相似文献   

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