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Valle LG  Santamaria S 《Mycologia》2004,96(3):682-701
A study of larval Diptera (Chironomidae, Culicidae and Simuliidae) from Spain has been carried out to fulfill a catalogue of species of the genus Smittium (Harpellales: Legeriomycetaceae) present within these hosts. Among the reported taxa, eight are new species: Smittium brevisporum, S. bulbosporo-phorus, S. gracilis, S. hecatei, S. heterosporum, S. inex-pectans, S. prostratum and S. pseudodimorphum. We also report six previously described species, which are new for the Iberian Peninsula: S. alpinum, S. dipterorum, S. megazygosporum, S. pusillum, S. typhellum and S. fecundum. Three other species (S. simulii, S. culicis and S. culisetae) previously were reported from Spain. In two of them (S. fecundum and S. culicis), we describe for the first time the presence of zygospores. Some of the included species have been artificially cultured as well as ultrastructurally studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with the purpose of observing the surface of both trichospores and the trichospore collar and the morphology of the trichospore appendage.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of the gastropod fauna inhabiting sandy sediments of the Ensenada de Baiona (Galicia, Spain) was studied at three subtidal sites from February 1996 to February 1997 by means of quantitative sampling. A total of 5,463 individuals representing 51 gastropod species and 22 families were found. The family Pyramidellidae was the most diverse in number of species (11 species), followed by Rissoidae and Trochidae (4 species each). The dogwhelk, Nassarius reticulatus, and the rissoid snail, Rissoa parva, were the numerically dominant species at the three studied sites; those and other abundant species showed their greatest densities by the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. In general, univariate measures of the assemblage (number of species, abundance, diversity and evenness) showed variations through time; greater values were recorded between summer and autumn depending on the site. Multivariate analyses done on abundance data showed certain seasonality in the evolution of the assemblage as expected for shallow subtidal sandy sediments at temperate latitudes; those seasonal changes were mostly related to variations in abundance of numerically dominant species. Although the measured sedimentary variables did not show significant correlations with faunal univariate parameters, sediment heterogeneity due to the presence of mats of Zostera marina L. and shells of dead bivalves might explain the differences in composition of the gastropod assemblage among sampling sites.  相似文献   

A new species of the section Spartopsis Dumort. of the genus Cytisus Desf. (Fabaceae) is described. The new species, Cytisus insularis , is restricted to the western islands of Galicia (north-west Iberian Peninsula), where it principally colonizes cliffs. A possible recent hybrid origin for these populations is considered but rejected in view of the results of experimental tests of pollen viability and seed germination. Characters permitting discrimination from the most similar taxa are detailed, and possible relationships with the other species of the section are discussed.  相似文献   

The two subspecies of Ulex europaeus L. (subsp. europaeus and subsp. latebracteatus) are easily differentiated by the shape and size of their bracteoles, and by their chromosome number. However, in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula, the areas of both subspecies are not clearly delimited, the shape of the bracteoles is intermediate and the width is close to the diagnostic limit. Thus, allocation of some specimens to either subspecies is diffcult. Recendy, a controversy has arisen concerning the intrapopulational uniformity of the chromosome number in U. europaeus from west France and north Spain, and the usefulness of ploidy level and chromosome number as clear-cut indicators of the two subspecies. Thus, the merits of recognizing the subspecies as independent are re-analysed here. Our results for north-west Spain show that the chromosome number is uniform and stable within populations and is clearly related to the morphological characters. Correlation and discriminant analyses show that bracteoles and stomata sizes are highly correlated and are good predictors of ploidy level. Furthermore, the results support the maintenance of two subspecies in U. europaeus , which can be delimited by a combination of morphological characters, chromosome number and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the freshwater mollusc fauna of the Iberian Peninsula it is reasonably well known, but, unlike other benthic macroinvertebrate, its distribution and ecology has been poorly studied. In this article, I study the relationships between environmental characteristics and distribution and community structure of freshwater molluscs along climatic, hydrological, physicochemical, and heterogeneity gradients in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Ninety-four sampling points were analysed, in which, in addition to habitat features, the presence/absence and abundance of species were evaluated. The environmental gradients were measured by use of principal-components analysis (PAC), which orders the variables along two gradients: headwaters-mouth gradient (PC1) and water availability (PC2). According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the main environmental factors related to species distribution and community structure were conductivity, permanency, channel width, turbidity, slope, and distance to the main river axis. The relationship between biodiversity (measured as species richness and the Shannon–Weiner diversity index), the ratio of the number of introduced species to the total number of species (zoogeographic integrity coefficient), and environmental variables was best explained by a regression model incorporating, basically, the permanence of water in streams as the variable that accounted for most of the variance. This study demonstrates that the distribution of freshwater molluscs along a Mediterranean gradient highly stressed by drought depends, mainly, on the hydrological stability and environmental conditions of the headwaters and estuarine sites.  相似文献   

A karyological study of 15 taxa ofScorzonera L. from the Iberian Peninsula has been made. The chromosome numbers found inS. hispanica var.pinnatifida, S. baetica, S. reverchonii, S. angustifolia, S. laciniata var.calcitrapifolia and var.subulata (2n = 14) are new. Diploid cytotypes with 2n = 14 and 2n = 12 prevail, andS. hispanica var.crispatula is the only taxon which exhibits autopolyploidy (2n = 14, 28). x = 7 is considered to be the base chromosome number within the genus, with x = 6 being derived from it by translocation. This and detailed karyotype analyses allow to group the Iberian Peninsula species ofScorzonera into three groups.  相似文献   

Abstract:A taxonomic revision of the lichenized species of the genus Omphalina in the Iberian Peninsula is presented, based upon fungal and lichen herbarium material, as well as on fresh collections. Relevant morphological and ecological features are discussed and a diagnostic key is provided. Four lichenized species, O. ericetorum, O. hudsoniana, O. meridionalis and O. velutina, are recognized. A squamulose vegetative thallus (Coriscium -type) is present only in O. hudsoniana, while the other three species form a thallus of hyphal globules (Botrydina -type). Anatomical features of the vegetative thallus cannot be used to distinguish between these last three species. Whilst O. hudsoniana is known only from the montane belt of the Eurosiberian Region and O. meridionalis seems to be restricted to the Mediterranean Region, living in more or less humid sites of the Supramediterranean belt, the other two species, O. ericetorum and O. velutina, are widespread.  相似文献   

The single extant species of the anuran genus Latonia lives in Israel, but in the fossil record the genus is known mainly from Europe, spanning from the Oligocene to the early Pleistocene. Here we describe new remains of Latonia from the early to late Miocene of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula), coming from the following localities: Sant Mamet (MN4), Sant Quirze and Trinxera del Ferrocarril (MN7+8), and Castell de Barberà, Can Poncic 1 and Can Llobateres 1 (MN9). Fossils from the late Aragonian and early Vallesian are attributed to Latonia gigantea mainly because of the morphology of the ornamentation that covers the maxillae. In turn, an ilium from Sant Mamet is not diagnostic at the specific level and is assigned only to the genus Latonia. The newly reported remains represent the first record of L. gigantea in the Iberian Peninsula, where Latonia was previously known by a single report of Latonia cf. ragei from Navarrete del Río (MN2) and remains from other localities unassigned to species. Moreover, the Vallès-Penedès remains represent one of the southernmost records of the species known thus far. The presence of Latonia in these localities confirms the humid and warm environment suggested by the recorded mammal fauna.  相似文献   

Aim The aims of this paper are to examine diversity–variability patterns for species of Aphodiinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae) on the Iberian Peninsula, and to determine the factors that influence their geographic distribution. Location Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). Methods Data from 30 studies and their bibliographies on species of Iberian Peninsula Aphodiinae were compiled. The reliability of the inventories was evaluated using parametric species richness estimators. In addition, a further 11 variables related to rarity, geographic distribution, or phylogenetic diversity were considered. Diversity variables were analysed using principal components analysis to reduce the number of dependent variables. Subsequently, the effect of differences in locality size among the 30 studies was eliminated by calculating and retaining the residuals of the curvilinear relationship of each diversity variable with the area. Generalized linear models were used to examine the relationships between diversity and 17 environmental variables. The diversity variables and their residuals were also subject to trend surface analysis in order to identify the relevance of spatially structured variables that had not been considered. The contribution of explanatory variables was determined through hierarchical variance analysis. Results Principal components analysis of biodiversity variables revealed that most of the variability could be explained using three biodiversity indexes: BI1, correlated positively with species richness, widely distributed species, frequent species, abundant species, species occurring in North Africa, Europe and the Iberian Peninsula, and phylogenetic diversity; BI2, correlated positively with numbers of infrequent and African–Iberian species; and, BI3, correlated positively with numbers of endemic, non‐abundant, European, and Iberian‐restricted species. A latitudinal disjunction emerged in BI1, with maximum scores at the north‐western and southern corners, while maximum BI2 scores were found throughout the south, and maximum BI3 scores in the north‐west. For BI1, it was climate that had the greatest influence, followed by lithology, and livestock presence. Geographic variables were the most significant for BI2, followed by climate and livestock presence. Finally, for BI3, climate variables were the most important, while geography, lithology and livestock presence had some relevance. Main conclusions The relevance of geographic variables indicates that other unaccounted‐for factors that are spatially structured could possibly explain additional variation in Aphodiinae diversity. These factors may be historic in nature, relating to the species groups, namely the Ibero‐European and the Mediterranean or Afro‐Iberian. The northern pattern could reflect the fact that the Iberian Peninsula acted as a colonization route and as a refuge during the glacial/interglacial cycles, while the southern pattern could be a consequence of the connection between the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa during the Messinian crisis, and/or a historic relationship in common, related to human activity.  相似文献   

Petrocoptis grandiflora Rothm. is a species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula with restricted distribution. We studied various aspects of its pollination ecology, nectar characteristics and standing crop, pollinators and nectar-robbers, and the effects of nectar robbing and supplementary pollination on fruit set. The nectar is moderately rich in saccharose (saccharose/hexose ratio 0.54), and is largely consumed by long-tongued bees (Anthophoridae). The incidence of nectar robbing by Xylocopa violncea differed between the four plant populations studied, and it had significant effects on fruit set when the population was simultaneously considered. Supplementary pollination did not improve fruit set significantly.  相似文献   

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