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Populations of invasive wild mammals have contributed significantly to the total unwanted impacts of biological invasions. They are known to impact forest ecosystems globally, but reviews summarizing this information are currently lacking. Here we (1) review the ecological characteristics of mammal invasions in forests; (2) characterize the range of ecological impacts on forest communities and the economic consequences of those impacts; (3) review what is known about interactions between the impacts of invasive mammals and other drivers of global change; and (4) consider the complex ecological and socio-economic challenges of simultaneously managing multiple invasive mammals and native biota affected by them. The unwanted impacts of invasive herbivores and predators are intensifying in many parts of the world and the need to manage their impacts to prevent further loss of indigenous biodiversity and damage to productive assets is greater than ever. However, management needs to be conducted within appropriate social, cultural, ethical, and animal welfare frameworks. Achieving effective management of populations of mammals invasive in forest ecosystems will require the filling of many knowledge gaps, including: better understanding their impacts; strategic options and tactical solutions for managing them; and achieving social licence to operate.  相似文献   

As climate rapidly warms at high-latitudes, the boreal forest faces the simultaneous threats of increasing invasive plant abundances and increasing area burned by wildfire. Highly flammable and widespread black spruce (Picea mariana) forest represents a boreal habitat that may be increasingly susceptible to non-native plant invasion. This study assess the role of burn severity, site moisture and time elapsed since burning in determining the invisibility of black spruce forests. We conducted field surveys for presence of non-native plants at 99 burned black spruce forest sites burned in 2004 in three regions of interior Alaska that spanned a gradient of burn severities and site moisture levels, and a chronosequence of sites in a single region that had burned in 1987, 1994, and 1999. We also conducted a greenhouse experiment where we grew invasive plants in vegetation and soil cores taken from a subset of these sites. In both our field survey and the greenhouse experiment, regional differences in soils and vegetation between burn complexes outweighed local burn severity or site moisture in determining the invasibility of burned black spruce sites. In the greenhouse experiments using cores from the 2004 burns, we found that the invasive focal species grew better in cores with soil and vegetation properties characteristic of low severity burns. Invasive plant growth in the greenhouse was greater in cores from the chronosequence burns with higher soil water holding capacity or lower native vascular biomass. We concluded that there are differences in susceptibility to non-native plant invasions between different regions of boreal Alaska based on native species regeneration. Re-establishment of native ground cover vegetation, including rapidly colonizing bryophytes, appear to offer burned areas a level of resistance to invasive plant establishment.  相似文献   

Although the Northwest currently has the least proportion of non-native invasive plant species relative to other regions of North America, invasions continue to increase into the mountainous areas of the region. Landscape structure, such as the variation found along the complex gradients of the Northwest mountain ecoregions, affects the expansion of invasive plant species and the invasibility of plant communities. Also, the history of land use and current use patterns affect the expansion of invasive plants, and many of the deteriorated environments in the region's mountains may invite and stabilize plant invasions. We examined the patterns of invasive plant diversity in Northwest mountain ecoregions, as derived from literature sources, to analyze which factors influence plant invasions. Our analysis found altered riparian systems and disturbed forests to be especially vulnerable to plant invasion. Conversely, alpine and wilderness areas are still relatively unaffected by invasive plants. Both riparian and alpine communities, while making up a relatively small area across Northwest mountain ecoregions, have significant ecological importance and deserve special protection from invasive plant introductions. Human settlement at low elevations and intense land use of upland forests will likely continue to enhance invasive plant introductions into Northwest mountain ecosystems. Knowledge of the relationships between biological and environmental factors, disturbance, and human land use will be critical for future management strategies that proactively locate, prevent, or contain plant invasions in the mountains of the Northwest.  相似文献   

Abstract La Réunion Island has the largest area of intact vegetation of the islands in the Mascarene archipelago. Biological invasions are the primary threat to biodiversity in the intact habitats of the island (those not already transformed by agriculture and urbanization). Our study aimed to identify areas to prioritize in managing invasive alien plants for biodiversity conservation. We used extensive surveys of 238 distinct untransformed areas on La Réunion to define the current distribution patterns of all invasive species. Using expert knowledge, we compiled maps of the current distribution of the 46 most widespread/important invasive plants at the habitat scale (identified according to vegetation structure). Data from 440 botanical relevés for the 20 most threatening invasive alien plant species across the island and climatic envelope models were used to derive climatic suitability surfaces; these were used to map potential distributions for these species. More than 10 species invade 16.7% of the remaining habitat. Five habitat types are invaded by 25 or more species, and eight have fewer than 10 invasive alien plant species. Cluster analysis based on presence/absence of species in the 18 habitat types produced eight groups of species that invade particular habitats. Potential distribution models show that some species have invaded large parts of their potential range (e.g. Fuchsia magellanica, Furcraea foetida, Hiptage benghalensis), whereas others have the potential to increase their range substantially (e.g. Clidemia hirta, Strobilanthes hamiltonianus, Ulex europaeus). Management implications are identified for both groups. Three broad groups of habitats were identified: (i) intact habitats with a low level of invasion (e.g. subalpine shrubland); (ii) moderately invaded habitats with varying levels of intactness (ranging from windward submountain rainforest to the Acacia heterophylla forest); and (iii) habitats with little remaining intact area and high levels of invasion (e.g. lowland rainforest). Different management interventions are appropriate for these three groups.  相似文献   

Fridley JD 《PloS one》2008,3(11):e3630


Biogeographic patterns of species invasions hold important clues to solving the recalcitrant ‘who’, ‘where’, and ‘why’ questions of invasion biology, but the few existing studies make no attempt to distinguish alien floras (all non-native occurrences) from invasive floras (rapidly spreading species of significant management concern), nor have invasion biologists asked whether particular habitats are consistently invaded by species from particular regions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here I describe the native floristic provenances of the 2629 alien plant taxa of the Eastern Deciduous Forest of the Eastern U.S. (EUS), and contrast these to the subset of 449 taxa that EUS management agencies have labeled ‘invasive’. Although EUS alien plants come from all global floristic regions, nearly half (45%) have native ranges that include central and northern Europe or the Mediterranean (39%). In contrast, EUS invasive species are most likely to come from East Asia (29%), a pattern that is magnified when the invasive pool is restricted to species that are native to a single floristic region (25% from East Asia, compared to only 11% from northern/central Europe and 2% from the Mediterranean). Moreover, East Asian invaders are mostly woody (56%, compared to just 23% of the total alien flora) and are significantly more likely to invade intact forests and riparian areas than European species, which dominate managed or disturbed ecosystems.


These patterns suggest that the often-invoked ‘imperialist dogma’ view of global invasions equating invasion events with the spread of European colonialism is at best a restricted framework for invasion in disturbed ecosystems. This view must be superseded by a biogeographic invasion theory that is explicitly habitat-specific and can explain why particular world biotas tend to dominate particular environments.  相似文献   

There is need for documenting the long-term effects of plant invasions at the landscape scale. We investigated the possible catalytic effect of invasive Acacia mearnsii De Wild. on the colonization of rural landscapes by native plant species on Réunion Island (Mascarene Archipelago, Indian Ocean). Data were recorded from 182 circular plots of 50 m2 within a set of 48 large invasion patches, aged from 1 to 48+ years. Only eighteen native plant species were present in the invaded patches and these in only 21 of the 48 patches. The Acacia invasion patches colonized by native flora were older and closer to the closest forest remnant. Most invasion patches colonized by native species were located <200 m from forest remnants. Results are consistent with studies on colonization rates of nonindigenous forest plantations, which increase with age and decrease with distance to seeds sources. Yet, the rate of Acacia invasion patches colonized by native flora remained very low compared to studies on the colonization of exotic plantations in other tropical countries. We conclude that invasion patches of Acacia mearnsii are poor colonizing sites for native plant species. Allelopathy is suspected as one of the strongest factors, which prevent this colonization.  相似文献   

The ophiuroid fauna of La Réunion, Indian Ocean, is still incompletely known. We report 13 different species from coral reefs, including five new records and a probably undescribed species of Amphioplus , which increases the number of ophiuroids known from La Réunion to 25. The most important find consists of three individuals of a previously unknown representative of the genus Ophiocanops . Originally placed in Ophiomyxidae, its systematic position has long been debated, with some authors advocating a placement with the otherwise extinct Palaeozoic Oegophiurida, based on the absence of several skeletal characters. The new species, O. multispina sp. nov. , shows intermediate characters between its previously only known congener, O. fugiens , and the ophiomyxid Renetheo felli . The three species appear to represent a line of taxa with progressively reduced skeleton instead of an ancient condition. We propose to transfer Ophiocanops back to the Ophiomyxidae, to synonymize Renetheo with Ophiocanops , and to invalidate the Ophiocanopidae, for which there is no autapomorphy-based support. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 545–560.  相似文献   

IPCC predictions indicate an increase in temperatures by 1.5–7°C in some Amazonian regions during the twenty-first century. These changes could disrupt the present distribution patterns of organisms, including wetland plant species. In this work, we determined in microcosms the effects of scenarios combining elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration on the germination and initial growth of the arborescent Amazonian aquatic macrophyte Montrichardia arborescens. Seeds were germinated, and seedlings produced were monitored over a 5-month period in four microcosms: Control: ambient temperature and CO2 level; Mild: Control + 1.5°C and + 200 ppm CO2; intermediate: control + 2.5°C and + 400 ppm CO2; Extreme: Control + 4.5°C and + 850 ppm of CO2. Rapid light response curves and Fv/Fm values taken in seedlings showed a decrease in electron transportation rate with CO2 and temperature elevation. Mild and Intermediate treatments stimulated biomass production; Extreme treatment and Control produced similar results. The severe climatic changes expected in the future may negatively influence carbon accumulation in M. arborescens. Since aquatic macrophytes in Amazonian wetlands and wetlands worldwide are key plant species, further studies are needed to predict their fate in a global change perspective.  相似文献   

Biodiversity patterns and their underlying mechanisms have long been focal topics of study for ecologists and biogeographers. However, compared with spatial variation in species richness (α‐ and γ‐diversity), β‐diversity, or the dissimilarity of species composition between two or more sites has until recently received limited attention. In this study, we explored the large‐scale patterns of altitudinal turnover (β‐diversity) of plants in montane forests of China, based on systematic inventories of 1153 plots from 46 mountains distributed over ?30 degrees of latitude (21.9–51.7°N) and ?4100 m of altitude (160–4250 m). The β‐diversity of trees and shrubs declined significantly with increasing latitude. Along the altitudinal gradient, β‐diversity of both trees and shrubs showed non‐significant trends in most mountains. Differences in climate explained ?30.0% of the variation in tree β‐diversity (27.7, 36.5, and 26.2% for the Jaccard's, βj, Sorenson's, βs, and Simpson's dissimilarity, βsim, respectively), with mean annual temperature being most important, and ≤ 10.0% of that in shrub β‐diversity (10.0, 8.2, and 7.0% for βj, βs, and βsim, respectively), with annual actual evapotranspiration and annual precipitation as the main predictors. However, climatic controls of β‐diversity varied dramatically in different biogeograpical regions. The β‐diversity of trees exhibited stronger, whereas that of shrubs showed weaker, climatic patterns in temperate and arid than subtropical regions. These results suggest that mechanisms causing patterns of β‐diversity may differ between latitudinal and altitudinal gradients, and among biogeographical regions; as a result, caution should be exercised in drawing close parallels between patterns and causes of β‐diversity along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients and among regions.  相似文献   

Islands are susceptible to exotic plant invasion, and Robinson Crusoe Island (RCI), Juan Fernandez Archipelago (33°S, 78°7′W, Chile) is no exception. Through a literature review, we assessed plant invasion and compared it to other oceanic islands worldwide. Here, we discuss measures to enhance forest recovery on RCI based on knowledge accumulated from studies on RCI and other islands. Although these findings are designed to halt the progress of invasion on RCI, they could also be applied to other insular ecosystems. We addressed the following questions: (1) What is the plant invasion status on RCI in relation to other islands worldwide? (2) How imminent is biodiversity loss by plant invasion on RCI? (3) How is woody plant invasion taking place on RCI? (4) What methods are effective in controlling invasive woody species on islands worldwide? (5) What is the ability of natural forests to recover after controlling invasive plants on RCI? We found that (1) RCI is globally the fourth most invaded island for woody species. (2) Invasive woody species expansion is estimated at 4.3 ha annually. (3) Some invasive species establish under forest canopy gaps, out-competing native species. (4) Control of invasive plant species should focus on small gaps, and restoration should promote plant cover and soil protection. Mechanical and chemical control of invasive species seemed to be insufficient to prevent biodiversity loss. Developing alternatives like biological control are indispensable on RCI. (5) Six years after invasive species control, floristic composition tended to recover.  相似文献   

正WANG F,JIANG M,ZHAN A. Biological Invasions and Its Management in China. VolumeⅠ,Springer Nature,Singapore,2017,366 pp.=C 72.79 ISBN 978-94-024-0946-8WANG F,JIANG M,ZHAN A. Biological Invasions and Its Management in China. VolumeⅡ,Springer Nature,Singapore,2017,252 pp.=C 72.79 ISBN 978-981-10-3426-8Decades after ecologist realized the negative effects of species alien to local floras and faunas,and started investigating the effects of them,particularly those that cause invasions,governments started accepting the importance of this issue and biological invasions became a well-known environmental problem. In  相似文献   

Non‐vascular plant distribution patterns were examined in three microhabitats along an altitudinal gradient on a recent lava flow of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion, Mascarene archipelago). The uniform nature of the lava flow provides an excellent system to study the relationship between altitude and species diversity and distribution, and at the same time avoiding confusing multiple effects of substrate and vegetation heterogeneity. Non‐vascular plants were surveyed with quadrats within an altitudinal range from 250 m to 850 m a.s.l. Fine‐scale variations in bryophyte communities between three ecological microhabitats (the ground and on the rachises of two fern species) were investigated. Three specific questions were addressed: (1) What is the species diversity of bryophyte communities on a 19‐year‐old lava flow? (2) How does altitude influence the diversity and distribution of bryophytes on a lava flow? (3) Does microhabitat variation control bryophyte diversity? In our study, bryophyte diversity increased with altitude. Unexpectedly, species richness was very high; 70 species of bryophytes were recorded including nine new records for the island. Diversity was also controlled by ecological microhabitats. Bryophyte species were structured into six categories according to altitude and microhabitat preferences. Results suggested that the high diversity of these cryptic organisms on this lava flow is fostered in part by their host substrate and their adaptative strategies on new substrates. On a broader scale, it was concluded that lava flows as primary mineral environments are important to conserve, as they support a high diversity of pioneer organisms that constitute the early stages of the development of La Réunion's remnant lowland rainforest.  相似文献   

目前集中在模式植物拟南芥、水稻的基因组研究进展迅速,基因组测序和物理作图极大地便利了基于分子标记图的基因克隆,并增加了对植物基因组的组织、结构和进化的认识。  相似文献   

Understanding the factors which affect the distribution of alien plants in arid islands is complicated by the complex and stochastic nature of the invasion process per se, the harsh environmental conditions, and the low number of researchers and sampling effort. We present the results of the most comprehensive inventory to date of alien vascular plant species occurring in Socotra Island, a global biodiversity hotspot just beginning to be developed. A floristic survey was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in 36 grid cells of 10?×?10?km. We integrated this data from this survey with those from scientific literature. We recorded 88 alien plant species. Tree and herbaceous species were the most common growth forms. Species from Asia and edible species were prevalent. We identified 80 species considered weeds worldwide with >50?% adapted to arid conditions. We used a two-part model to analyze the spatial distribution of naturalized and alien plant species in relation to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Altitude and human-related factors play a significant role in the distribution of both naturalized and invasive species. Notably, the latter can potentially spread mainly in the alluvial basal areas. This study underpins the knowledge about alien species and their spatial distribution in Socotra Island. It provides a baseline for plant invasion management and contributes data for the analyses of invasion processes on islands worldwide.  相似文献   

植物功能性状与森林生态系统服务的关系研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑华  潘权  文志  杨延征 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7901-7912
植物功能性状途径是揭示生物多样性与生态系统服务关系的重要视角,尽管植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系在单一地点的研究取得突出进展,但对于植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系仍缺乏整体认识。以森林生态系统为对象,通过系统文献检索及筛选,收集了216篇文献,应用整合分析和二分网络分析等方法,探讨了植物功能性状对森林生态系统服务及其权衡与协同关系的影响。结果表明:植物叶片功能性状关注最多,占研究性状数量的48%,生态系统服务中关注最多是生物量、土壤肥力、病虫害控制和固碳服务;81.1%的植物功能性状与生态系统服务关系组表现为稳定的正向或负向关系,而关联植物功能性状多的生态系统服务(生物量、固碳服务、土壤水分、土壤肥力和病虫害控制)往往与植物功能性状表现为不稳定关系;森林生态系统中存在6组"植物功能性状-生态系统服务簇(简称"性状-服务簇"):水循环相关的性状-服务簇、土壤保持相关的性状-服务簇、物质生产相关的性状-服务簇、灾害控制相关的性状-服务簇、养分循环相关的性状-服务簇和授粉相关的性状-服务簇,揭示了各性状-服务簇内生态系统服务的权衡或协同关系以及与各性状-服务簇关系密切的植物功能性状。该研究从总体上阐明了植物功能性状与森林生态系统服务关系的研究重点和进展、揭示了植物功能性状对森林生态系统服务影响效应的方向和强度,可为深化森林生态系统服务形成机制认识以及协调生态系统服务权衡关系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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