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This study addresses the regional variation of zooplankton inthe Great South Channel area in the southern Gulf of Maine betweenCape Cod, Massachusetts and Georges Bank. This is a region ofparticular interest because of the intense concentrations ofthe copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the spring, along with theco-occurrence of right whales that feed upon these copepod aggregations.Zooplankton in the Great South Channel were sampled with theMOCNESS plankton sampler during spring 1988 and 1989 as partof the SCOPEX (South Channel Ocean Productivity Experiment)project. Zooplankton variation was addressed through comparisonsof taxonomic composition and water column abundances among towswithin and between years, and between locations with and withoutright whales. Results showed that zooplankton community compositionwas highly similar between tows within each year average percentsimilarity index (PSI) for pairwise comparisons of tows = 82.2and 88.8% in 1988 and 1989, respectively] as well as betweenyears (mean PSI = 84.4). The copepods C.finmarchicus and Pseudocalanusspp. dominated the zooplankton in terms of total water columnabundance (>94% of all zooplankton), with C.finmarchicuscomprising an average of 84% of the copepods. Highest abundancesof these copepods (particularly the younger life stages) coincidedwith a region of low-salinity transport from the north. In addition,these copepods had higher abundances in 1989, which may be relatedto the fact that low-salinity transport was approximately twiceas large in 1989 as in 1988. Given the physical dynamics ofthe region, it is possible that developing copepod populationswere adverted into the Great South Channel from the northwesternGulf of Maine via the low-salinity plume. Each year, whaleswere located in areas of both high and low copepod abundance,and tended to concentrate near the leading edge of the low-salinityplume. In 1988, there were no significant differences in zooplanktonabundance between right whale areas and non-whale areas forany taxon. In 1989, whale areas had a greater proportion ofC.finmarchicus relative to other zooplankton in 1989, whichsuggests that whales preferred regions enriched in C.finmarchicus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the grazing link betweenphytoplankton and zooplankton. Quantifying rates of phytoplanktonutilization by micro- and mesozooplankton is an attempt to understandthe control of phytoplankton populations in marine ecosystemsand the export flux of organic matter to the depths. Sampleswere taken in the plume of dilution of the Gironde estuary duringspring (May 1995). The mesozooplankton community was dominatedby the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans andby copepods. Our estimates showed that on average, 26% of thetotal primary production was grazed daily by mesozooplankton.However, the pressure exerted by microzooplankton on the primaryproduction was estimated to be approximately four times higher.As a consequence, during this spring situation in the plumeof dilution of the Gironde estuary when small cells dominated,microzooplankton represented the most important grazing communityand could potentially control the growth of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rates of faecal material, phytoplankton and microzooplanktonand production rates of faecal material from crustaceans andpelagic tunicates were estimated during the austral summer andwinter 1997, and summer 1998, in the northern Humboldt Current(23°S, off Antofagasta, Chile). Sampling periods coveredpre-El Niño (January 1997) and El Niño 1997–98(July 1997 and January 1998). Samples were collected using floatingsediment traps deployed at 65, 100, 200 and 300 m depth in oceanicand coastal areas. Sedimentation rates during January 1997 were,on average, 152 ± 23 and 85 ± 57 mg C m–2day–1 at 65 and 300 m depth, respectively. During July,these rates averaged 93 ± 56 mg C m–2 day–1at 65 m depth and 35 ± 12 mg C m–2 day–1at 300 m depth, while in January 1998 they were 98 and 109 ±37 mg C m–2 day–1 at 65 and 200 m depth, respectively.Recognizable faecal material made up the bulk of the sedimentingmatter, accounting for 8 ± 5% (n = 14), 31 ± 26%(n = 16) and 8 ± 5% (n = 5) of the average total organiccarbon recorded from all sediment trap samples collected duringJanuary and July 1997 and January 1998, respectively. However,at300 m depth, the contribution of recognizable faecal materialto total sedimented organic carbon increased to 43 ±33% (n = 4) during July 1997. The remaining sedimenting particlesconsisted mainly of tintinnids, crustacean exuviae, heterotrophicdinoflagellates (both thecated and athecated) and diatom cells.During this study, we estimated that only a minor fraction (average± SD = 5 ± 8%) of the copepod faecal materialproduced within the photic zone sedimented down to 300 m depth,suggesting an efficient recycling within the overlaying watercolumn. On the other hand, an important fraction (47 ±30%) of the euphausiid faecal strings was collected in the 300m depth trap, suggesting that this material would enhance thedownward flux of particulate organic matter (POC). POC fluxesto 65 and 300 m depth traps were in the range of 4–20%and 3–8% of the estimated primary production during thewhole study period. It is postulated that the overall verticalflux of particulates and, in particular, faecal pellets wasdetermined by a combination of three factors. The first wasthe composition of the zooplankton assemblages in the studyarea. When the dominant group was calanoid copepods, their faecesseemed to contribute poorly to the vertical flux of particulates.On the other hand, when the dominant group was euphausiids,a significant proportion of their faecal material was collectedin the sediment trap located at 300 m depth. The second wasthe relatively high abundance of cyclopoid copepods from thegenera Oncaea, Corycaeus and Oithona, which are reported tofeed on aggregates of phytodetritus and faecal pellets producedby calanoid copepods, suggesting that they may act as a naturalfilter to sedimenting particulates. The third was the compositionand size spectrum of the phyto- and microzooplankton assemblageswhich are potential food sources for the meso- and macrozooplankton.These factors were partially modulated by both the 1997–1998El Niño and seasonality.  相似文献   

Benthic communities represent a powerful tool for the detection of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, as well as for the assessment of marine ecosystem stability. This paper shows that bivalve assemblages could serve as excellent indicators of disturbance and ecosystem instability. The goal of this study was to compare two sets of data in order to determine the differences between two different periods belonging to bivalve assemblage in the muddy detritic bottom of the northern Adriatic Sea in the post-anoxic period during December 1989, 1990, 1991 and quite a while later, during 2003, 2004 and 2005. Abundances of some indicator species such as Corbula gibba, Modiolarca subpicta and Timoclea ovata were detected during the post-anoxic period. Recruitment in the quality of bivalve assemblages was proved by the ecologic and biotic indexes during 2003, 2004 and 2005, during a period of relatively stable ecological conditions. Fluctuation in bivalve diversity due to the ecological quality of the marine ecosystem in the eastern part of the northern Adriatic Sea is also discussed.  相似文献   

Grazing of dominant zooplankton copepods (Calanoides acutus, and Metridia gerlachei), salps (Salpa thompsoni) and microzooplankton was determined during the austral summer of 1998/1999 at the seasonal ice zone of the Prydz Bay region. The objective was to measure the ingestion rates of zooplankton at the seasonal ice zone, so as to evaluate the importance of different groups of zooplankton in their grazing impact on phytoplankton standing stock and primary production. Grazing by copepods was low, and accounted for <1% of phytoplankton standing stocks and 3.8-12.5% of primary production for both species during this study; even the ingestion rates of individuals were at a high level compared with previous reports. S. thompsoni exhibited a relatively high grazing impact on primary production (72%) in the north of our investigation area. The highest grazing impact on phytoplankton was exerted by microzooplankton during this investigation, and accounted for 10-65% of the standing stock of phytoplankton and 34-100% of potential daily primary production. We concluded that microzooplankton was the dominant phytoplankton consumer in this study area. Salps also played an important role in control of phytoplankton where swarming occurred. The grazing of copepods had a relatively small effect on phytoplankton biomass development.  相似文献   

To estimate the predation effect of the predominant ctenophorePleurobrachia bachei on the small-copepod community in the upwellingarea off Mejillones (23°S), northern Chile, a series ofoceanographic cruises and predation experiments were conductedin the austral springs 2000, 2001 and 2002. The daily consumptionrates and predatory effect of P. bachei on the small copepods(in terms of % of standing stock and biomass removed daily)were determined at three stations located in relation to theshelf-break (coastal, shelf-break and oceanic) reaching valuesup to 4.5% per day of the <1500 µm copepod standingstock. Our results indicate that the ctenophores were most abundantat the coastal station, that small copepods dominated the copepodcommunity (being more abundant nearshore), and that the relativefrequency of ctenophores with copepods in their guts was alsohigher near the coast. The predatory effect of P. bachei onthe small-copepod community was also higher in the coastal zone.However, the effect of this predation on the copepod biomassin terms of carbon did not decrease steadily seawards, whichmay be due to the larger sized copepods consumed at the offshorestations. Determinations of predatory effect on the secondaryproduction of the more abundant small-copepod populations (i.e26% daily in 2000) suggest that this single species of Pleurobrachiais modulating the population growth rate of the small copepods,the copepod community size structure, and maybe even the alternanceof key species in the Mejillones coastal upwelling zone.  相似文献   

Temperature and concentrations of oxygen, phytoplankton, zooplanktonand fish were measured simultaneously on the night of 28 February-1March 1991, in Lake Kinneret, Israel. High concentrations ofoxygen, up to 19.9 mg l–1 (207% saturation), were recorded.The phytoplankton was dominated by the dinoflagellate Peridiniwngatunense, which was horizontally and vertically unevenly distributed.We hypothesize that the oxygen supersaturation was the resultof a high standing stock of Peridinium, combined with high irradianceinput and mild wind-generated turbulence. The relationship betweenthe concentration of oxygen and Peridinium density was highlysignificant, both above the thermocline (negative correlation)and below the thermocline (positive correlation). Zooplanktonbiomass was dominated by cladocerans and cyclopoid copepods.The spatial distribution of these groups was not correlatedwith other measured parameters. Rotifers and calanoid copepodswere highly abundant in the northern part of the lake, and significantlyrelated to oxygen concentrations. It is suggested that the distributionsof rotifers and calanoid copepods are affected by the JordanRiver inflow. fish abundance was not correlated with limnologicalparameters or other biological components. We conclude thatthe distribution of the dominant fish species was governed byfactors other than those measured in this study.  相似文献   

Seasonal and vertical distribution of tintinnids, non-loricate ciliates and micrometazoa were studied in Kaštela Bay (central Adriatic Sea) throughout 1995. The species composition of tintinnids and copepods were studied as well. This is the first estimation of non-loricate ciliate biomass in the coastal area of the central Adriatic. Non-loricate ciliates were quantitatively the best represented ciliated protozoa, whereas nauplii were the most numerous micrometazoan organisms. Temperature affected the distribution of most micrometazoan components of the zooplankton and that of non-loricate ciliates. The temperature-dependent presence of individual size categories of non-loricate ciliates was also established. Apart from the interaction between microzooplankton groups, the influence of biotic factors, such as phytoplankton, bacteria, non-pigmented nanoflagellates (NNF) and mesozooplankton, was also discussed. The abundance of ciliates was controlled by both food supply (phytoplankton and NNF) and micrometazoan grazing. The results point to very complex trophic relationships within the planktonic community, suggesting that microzooplankton could be an important link between the microbial food web and higher trophic levels. Received in revised form: 8 November 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study examined the relative contributions of bacterialand phytoplankton production to the pelagic carbon flow of LakeOkeechobee, a large and shallow subtropical lake. Due to thepredominance of cyanobacteria in this lake, we hypothesizedthat bacterial carbon flow would be larger than phytoplanktoncarbon flow to grazers. Using epifluorescent and light microscopyand radiotracer techniques, we measured the carbon biomass ofplanktonic functional groups and carbon flow between these groups.The functional groups that we used in this study included: picophytoplankton,autotrophic nanoflagellates (ANAN), microphytoplankton, bacteria,heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN), ciliates, microzooplankton(rotifers and copepod nauplii) and macrozooplankton (cladocerans,copepodites and adult copepods). Microphytoplankton dominatedthe carbon biomass of all plankton, whereas the calanoid copepod,Diaptomus, dominated the carbon biomass of the grazers. Phytoplanktoncarbon flow often was higher than bacterial carbon flow to grazers;however, bacterial carbon constituted a large percentage ofthe total carbon flow to grazers (33.7 ± 22.4%). Bacterialcarbon provided roughly one quarter of the carbon flow to macrozooplankton(27.1 ± 25.4%), whereas it provided half of the carbonflow to microzooplankton (57.4 ± 20.3%) and to protozoans(47.2 ± 25.8%). These results suggest that microbialpathways play an important role in the energetics of subtropicallake plankton communities. Although microbial loop pathwaysare important in many systems, direct bacterial carbon flowto macrozooplankton also may be important in copepod- and cyanobacteria-dominatedlakes.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Haminaca has been found in samplesfrom the northern Adriatic Sea. The new species is very similarto H. orteai, but may be clearly distinguished by body size,the non-pigmented area around the eyes, number of leaves ofHancock's organ, number of ridges on the gizzard plates andby the morphology of male genital tract. A comparison and adiscussion of the values of the most significant characterswithin the genus Haminaca is provided herein. (Received 19 September 1991; accepted 28 February 1992)  相似文献   

Zooplankton composition and distribution off the coast of Galicia, Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During June and September 1984, zooplankton samples were collectedwith other hydrographic and biological data along the Galiciancoast (NW of Spain). In June copepods contributed {small tilde}60%to the total zooplankton community, with larvaceans, siphonophoresand cladocerans also abundant. In September >90% of the zooplanktonsampled were copepods. The dominant species of copepods in bothJune and September were Acartia clausi, Paracalanus parvus andTemora longicornis. The meroplankton was dominated by echinoderms,bryozoans, barnacle larvae and bivalve larvae. In June the averagezooplankton biomass was 31.08 mg C m–3; the Septemberaverage was 41.69 mg C m–3. The relationship between theslopes of the regression equations (biomass versus abundance)suggests that the zooplankton assemblage in June was composedby larger animals than in September. The major concentrationof zooplankton was between 0 and 50 m, with both June and Septemberdaytime surface samples having 6–7 times the amount oforganisms than the lower water column (50–100 m). Therewere no distinct differences in total zooplankton abundancesat the inshore and offshore stations; however, the inshore stationsoften had a higher percentage of meroplankton than the offshorestations. In June zooplankton abundance at the northern transectsand the western transects was similar. In September there weregreater concentrations of zooplankton in the western Galicianshelf as compared with the northern shelf. These differencesin the horizontal distribution of the zooplankton were relatedto upwelling events.  相似文献   

The distribution of planktonic copepods in the Adriatic Seahas been analyzed on the basis of 132 samples collected at 35fixed stations during 4 seasonal cruises. A total of 127 specieshave been determined and 3 characteristic copepod communitieshave been identified. The distribution of copepod species hasbeen found to reflect the dual physiognomy of the Adriatic.The shallow northern section is characterized by high densityvalues, low species diversity, and the dominance of speciesbelonging to the estuarine and coastal communities. The relativelydeep waters of the southern section are characterized by lowdensity values, high species diversity, and the presence ofmany species belonging to the upper, middle, and lower zonesof the oceanic community. Temporal variations in the horizontalspread of these 3 communities are discussed in relation to seasonalcycles in abundance, vertical migration patterns, and the currentregime in the Adriatic.  相似文献   

Plankton community structure was analysed during spring at four stations along a transect from the polar ice into open waters of the Barents Sea. The transect mimicks a time span of months in the biological succession during the Arctic summer. The significance of the microbial food web vs the more classical food web was evaluated using carbon budget models. The standing stocks of diatom-dominated phytoplankton and bacteria were generally high especially in connection to ice. The biomass of microzooplankton, dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates was significantly high, with specific growth rates following the in situ temperature. The mean ± SE specific growth rate was 0.40±0.12 d?1 for ciliates and 0.24 ± 0.05 d?1 for heterotrophic dinoflagellates, indicating no food limitation. The estimated total carbon requirement for microzooplankton was, at the ice-covered station, approximately 100% of the daily primary production, decreasing to 25% in the open water. Carbon-specific secondary production of the copepodsCalanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus),C. glacialis (Jaschnov),C. hyperboreus (Krøyer) andMetridia longa (Lubbock) were analysed by egg production.C. finmarchicus andM. longa were productive at all stations, including the ice-covered locations, with a maximum at 0.08 d?1 and 0.035 d?1, respectively. The other, more Arctic-related,Calanus spp. were virtually outspawned. The standing stock of copepods was only 10–20% of the total microbial grazer biomass. The community growth and grazing by copepods showed significantly less quantitative importance for the pelagic carbon flow than the microbial processes.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of chlorophyll a (Chla), paniculateorganic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), net zoopiankton ash-freedry weight (AFDW), dry weight (DW) and carbon and nitrogen content,in parallel with primary production, was studied during a jointYugoslav cruise in January 1980. The results were interpretedin relation to hydrographic properties, with special emphasison the relationship between pelagic parameters. Spatial distributionof POC, PON and net zoopiankton AFDW and C and N contents showedsimilarities over the major part of the Adriatic, while Chlaand POC showed dissimilarities since higher Chla values wererestricted to the northwestern part of the Adriatic, separatedfrom the rest of the Adriatic by a pronounced thermal frontextending south of the Istrian peninsula. High POC was foundin the centre of the south Adriatic gyre and in the Jabuka Pit,the latter filled with cold water originating from the arealocated south of the thermal front. The areas of high POC werecharacterized by a higher POC recycling time than in other Adriaticregions. High Chla, POC, PON and net zooplankton AFDW and Cand N contents in parallel with increased primary productionwere found in the southwestern part of the Adriatic off Puglia(Italy) affected by a continuous terrigenous supply of nutrients.The observed spatial distribution pattern of pelagic organicmatter suggests that this distribution is mostly influencedby hydrographic conditions and that the assumption of permanentproductivity zones in the Adriatic is not applicable to thewinter situation.  相似文献   

In August 2002 and March 2003 the trophic structure of the microbialassemblage from the San Pedro Channel, California was studiedfollowing the experimental alteration of the number of copepods.Changes in the abundance/biomass of microorganisms <80 µmduring 3-day incubations were monitored in (i) the absence ofmetazoa >80 µm, (ii) the presence of natural abundancesof metazoa and (iii) the presence of an elevated number of copepods.Prokaryotes and small-sized eukaryotes (<4 µm) dominatedplankton biomass during both experimental months. Diatoms numericallydominated the 10–80 µm plankton in August 2002,but ciliate and heterotrophic dinoflagellate biomass generallyexceeded diatom biomass on both dates. Ingestion of protozooplankton(predominantly ciliates) contributed substantially to copepoddaily carbon rations. The adult copepod assemblage removed 4.6and 36% per day of the microzooplankton standing stocks (10–80µm size fraction) in August and March, respectively. Elevatedcopepod grazing pressure on protozooplankton resulted in increasedbiomass of nanoplankton (<5 µm) presumably via a trophiccascade. Accordingly, the copepod–protozoan trophic linkappears to be a key factor structuring the planktonic microbialassemblage in the San Pedro Channel. This paper is one of six on the subject of the role of zooplanktonpredator–prey interactions in structuring plankton communities.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected in Mejillones Bay, northernChile (23°00'15'S, 70°26'43'W ). Sampling was conductedat 4 h intervals, for 24 h during three seasons, austral spring(October 2000), summer ( January 2001) and winter (August 2001)at three different strata (0–25, 25–50 and 50–100m). Five species of chaetognaths were collected. Sagitta enflatawas the most abundant species, representing up to 65% of allchaetognaths in total numbers, followed by Sagitta bierii, makingup 34% of the total abundance of chaetognaths. S. enflata wasdistributed mainly above the Oxygen Minimum Zone, while S. bieriiremained below this zone. Feeding rates were relatively constantwithin the upper layer (0–25 m depth), for each samplingdate, averaging 1.2 prey S. enflata day–1, and decreasingwith depth. Gut content analyses demonstrated that predationwas principally focused on small copepods (<1500 µm),with greatest feeding activity occurring at night. The dailypredation impact on the total standing stock of small copepodsvaried seasonally between 6% in spring and 0.4% in winter. Thispercentage may represent a negligible impact on the entire copepodcommunity, but it is relevant at the species or genus level,since S. enflata removed more than 20% of the standing stockof Centropages brachiatus and Corycaeus sp. Thus, during someperiods of the year, chaetognaths may strongly influence theabundance and size distribution of copepods in coastal upwellingecosystems.  相似文献   

Berg  S.  Jeppesen  E.  Søndergaard  M.  Mortensen  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):71-79
The impact of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) on the trophic structure of eutrophic lakes was studied in Lake Ring, a small eutrophic Danish lake (22.5 ha, mean depth 2.9 m) in which the natural fish fauna is dominated by pike (Esox lucius L.), perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), and eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)), roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and burbot (Lota lota (L.)) being the only other fish species present. A total of 10993 0+ whitefish were stocked in the lake from October 1989 to July 1990 and the structure of the fish, zooplankton and benthic invertebrate communities studied during the period 1989–1991. Stomach contents analysis revealed that the whitefish mainly ate Daphnia and copepods in 1990–1991, the proportion of copepods decreasing with increasing size of the fish and Daphnia being the overall most important food source. The density of Daphnia in the lake decreased from 72 ind. 1-1 in 1989 to 9 ind. 1-1 in 1991; concomitantly the large species Daphnia magna and D. pulex almost disappeared and the density of cyclopoid copepods increased from 72 to 101 ind. 1-1, presumably because of improved food conditions, while that of calanoid copepods remained virtually unchanged. As a result chl-a increased from 19 to 47 µg 1-1 and Secchi depth decreased from 2.4 m to 1.7 m, despite there being no change in total P and total N (0.6 mg P 1-1 and 1.3 mg N 1-1, respectively). Changes were also observed in the benthic invertebrates; Chaoborus, oligochaetes, and chironomids all decreased, whereas Pisidium increased. It is concluded that the stocking of whitefish in eutrophic lakes for commercial purposes may delay their recovery, or even lead to enhanced eutrophication.  相似文献   

The impact of grazing by natural assemblages of microzooplanktonwas estimated in an upwelling area (Concepción, Chile)during the non-upwelling season in 2003 and 2004. Seawater dilutionexperiments using chlorophyll a (Chl a) as a tracer were usedto estimate daily rates of phytoplankton growth and microzooplanktongrazing. Initial Chl a concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 1.4mg Chl a m–3 and phytoplankton prey biomass and abundancewere numerically dominated by components <20 µm. Phytoplanktongrowth and microzooplankton grazing rates were 0.19–0.25day–1 and 0.26–0.52 day –1, respectively.These results suggest that microzooplankton exert a significantremoval of primary production (>100%) during the non-upwellingperiod.  相似文献   

Four cruises were conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico overtwo spawning seasons of the sciaenid fish Leiostomus xanthurus.On only one occasion did unusually high densities of larvaeand their principal microzooplanktonic foods co-occur. Peakdensities of larvae and microzooplankton were observed in athin lens of cool surface water that characterized a hydrographicdiscontinuity, and all larvae contained high numbers of foodorganisms in their guts. Instantaneous exponential growth ratesestimated from measurements of otolith growth increments, indicatedaccelerated growth on the day that larvae were collected. Alaboratory experiment verified that larval L. xanthurus respondsto an increased ration with accelerated growth that is detectableon otoliths. Together these data suggest that the spatial distributionof L. xanthurus larvae and their microzooplanktonic food ispatchy and that interactions of larvae and microzooplanktonmay be episodic.  相似文献   

Williams  R.  Conway  D. V. P.  Hunt  H. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):521-530
The European shelf seas can be divided into regions which have tidally mixed waters and thermally stratified waters. The tidally mixed near shore environments support zooplankton communities dominated by smaller copepods and having large meroplankton contributions. These small copepods (Centropages spp., Temora spp., Acartia spp., Paral Pseudo/Microcalanus spp.) together with the microzooplankton component form a different and more complex food web than the larger copepod/diatom link associated with thermally stratified waters. The copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus account for over 90% of the copepod dry weight biomass in stratified waters. Although occurring in lower numbers in mixed waters they can still make significant contributions to the biomass. A 31 year time series from the European shelf shows the inter- and intea-annual variability of these species. The basic biology and food web that these two systems support, and the transfer of energy, can result in marked differences in quantity and quality of particulates available as food for fish larvae. Calanus dominated systems allow the primary production to be directed straight through the trophic food chain (diatoms/Calanus/fish larvae) while the near shore communities of smaller copepods limit the amount of energy being transferred to the higher trophic levels. Eighty-two Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder hauls were used as the data base for this study. In all cases the zooplankton was dominated by copepods both in numbers and biomass accounting for > 80% of total zooplankton dry weight in the Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, shelf edge of the Celtic Sea and the northern and southern North Sea in Spring.  相似文献   

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