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Condition‐dependent resource allocation to eggs can affect offspring growth and survival, with potentially different effects on male and female offspring, particularly in sexually dimorphic species. We investigated the influence of maternal body condition (i.e., mass‐tarsus residuals) and two measures of female resource allocation (i.e., egg mass, yolk carotenoid concentrations) on nestling mass and growth rates in the polygynous and highly size dimorphic yellow‐headed blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Egg characteristics and carotenoid concentrations were obtained from the third‐laid egg of each clutch and were correlated with the mass and growth rates of the first two asynchronously hatched nestlings. Maternal body condition was associated with the growth of first‐hatched, but not second‐hatched nestlings. Specifically, females in better body condition produced larger and faster growing first‐hatched nestlings than females in poorer body condition. As predicted for a polygynous, size‐dimorphic species, females that fledged first‐hatched sons were in better body condition than females that fledged first‐hatched daughters. Associations between egg mass, yolk carotenoid content, and nestling growth were also specific to hatching‐order. Egg mass was positively correlated with the mass and growth rates of second‐hatched nestlings, and yolk concentrations of β‐carotene were positively correlated with second‐hatched nestling mass. Surprisingly, the relationship between yolk lutein and hatchling growth differed between the sexes. Females with high concentrations of yolk lutein produced larger and faster growing first‐hatched sons, but smaller first‐hatched daughters than females with lower lutein concentrations. Mass and growth rates did not differ between first‐ and second‐hatched nestlings of the same sex, despite asynchronous hatching in the species. Results from this study suggest that maternal body condition and the allocation of resources to eggs have carotenoid‐, sex‐, and/or hatch‐order‐specific effects on yellow‐headed blackbird nestlings.  相似文献   

When resources are limited, parents should decide the optimal number, size, and sex of progeny, and offspring should decide the optimal allocation of resources to different costly functions, such as growth and immunity. We manipulated clutch sizes of Eurasian kestrels by one egg to estimate possible cumulative effects of incubation and chick rearing costs on parental body condition, feeding effort, and offspring viability. No obvious effects of clutch size manipulations on feeding effort were found while feeding effort was adjusted to the original clutch size. Enlarged and control nests suffered from higher nestling mortality than reduced nests, and chicks of the enlarged group were in poorer body condition than chicks of the reduced group. Controlling for body mass, male chicks exhibited lower cell-mediated immunity assessed by a cutaneous hypersensitivity response than females, but only in treatments suffering from food restrictions, as indicated by chick starvation. These novel results reveal inter-sexual differences in physiological strategies in early life, suggesting sex-related differences in susceptibility to disease and consequently in survival prospects of offspring.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of the starling (Sturnus vulgaris) population at Belmont, Lower Hutt, New Zealand, showed that nest productivity was low compared with other populations in New Zealand and elsewhere. Therefore, we investigated possible trade-offs between offspring number and quality (as measured by body mass and composition). We also compared these measures of offspring condition with pre- and post-fledging survival. Nestling mass did not significantly differ with clutch size or brood size at any age. In starlings about to leave the nest, lean (i.e., fat-free) dry mass and water mass increased with body mass, but lipid mass increased approximately twice as much. When the effects of the other variables were controlled in a partial correlation analysis, lean dry mass, water mass, lipid mass, and mass of stomach contents were positively correlated with mass at nest-leaving; brood size was not correlated with mass at nest-leaving. Nest success was independent of clutch size and brood size, but lighter broods were more likely to fail totally than were heavier broods early in the nestling period. Nestling survival early, but not late, in the nestling period was positively correlated with nestling mass. The likelihood that a nestling raised in 1973-1979 would be recruited as a breeder was independent of its mass at brood- day 12. Thus, unlike some other passerines, larger, heavier starling nestlings did not seem to survive better than average ones. Low productivity was not accompanied by a decrease in body condition of those nestlings that survived the nestling period. Therefore, starlings at Belmont reduced offspring number rather than offspring quality when they encountered unfavourable conditions.  相似文献   

The amount of food resources available to upper‐level consumers can show marked variations in time and space, potentially resulting in food limitation. The availability of food resources during reproduction is a key factor modulating variation in reproductive success and life‐history tradeoffs, including patterns of resource allocation to reproduction versus self‐maintenance, ultimately impacting on population dynamics. Food provisioning experiments constitute a popular approach to assess the importance of food limitation for vertebrate reproduction. In this study of a mesopredatory avian species, the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni, we provided extra food to breeding individuals from egg laying to early nestling rearing. Extra food did not significantly affect adult body condition or oxidative status. However, it increased the allocation of resources to flight feathers moult and induced females to lay heavier eggs. Concomitantly, it alleviated the costs of laying heavier eggs for females in poor body condition, and reduced their chances of nest desertion (implying complete reproductive failure). Extra food provisioning improved early nestling growth (body mass and feather development). Moreover, extra food significantly reduced the negative effects of ectoparasites on nestling body mass, while fostering forearm (a flight apparatus trait) growth among highly parasitized nestlings. Our results indicate that lesser kestrels invested the extra food mainly to improve current reproduction, suggesting that population growth in this species can be limited by food availability during the breeding season. In addition, extra food provisioning reduced the costs of the moult–breeding overlap and affected early growth tradeoffs by mitigating detrimental ectoparasite effects on growth and enhancing development of the flight apparatus with high levels of parasitism. Importantly, our findings suggest that maternal condition is a major trait modulating the benefits of extra food to reproduction, whereby such benefits mostly accrue to low‐quality females with poor body condition.  相似文献   

Individual variation in life-history trade-offs can be causedby differences in quality and age. We tested for individualvariation in parental investment in incubating tree swallows(Tacyhcineta bicolor) subjected to a feather-clipping manipulation.Individual quality influenced how females were affected by featherclipping; lower quality clipped females showed a greater reductionin incubation and a greater loss of body condition than higherquality clipped females compared with controls. Most importantly,responses during incubation influenced nestling traits; lowerquality clipped females, particularly those losing the mostbody mass, raised nestlings in the poorest condition. Therewas no difference in incubation patterns of control females,but older clipped females suffered self-maintenance costs andraised offspring in better condition. In contrast, younger clippedfemales passed costs on to offspring through lower egg temperaturesand reduced nestling condition while maintaining their own condition.Overall, we found a strong individual quality effect: at thepopulation level, there was a trade-off between investing inincubation and maintaining parental condition, but among individuals,there was a positive correlation between change in parentalcondition and offspring quality. Individual differences in parentalstrategy can be important causes of life-history variation,especially through subtle, but important, aspects of reproductionsuch as maintaining egg temperature during incubation.  相似文献   

Although the impact of nest-dwelling ectoparasites on nestlings in altricial birds is relatively well documented, little information is available on the fitness consequences of bird–ectoparasite systems with limited ectoparasite transmission between parents and their offspring. In this particular context we tested the hypothesis that parental infestation by a haematophageous field ectoparasite, the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus , in a hole-breeding passerine bird, the great tit Parus major , ultimately leads to the reduction of nestling quality. Observational data of a long-term study show that 15 days after hatching, nestlings' body condition (body mass corrected for body size) was negatively associated with the tick load of the mother, while no association was found with tick load of the father. A field experiment was conducted to test if adult infestation by ticks leads to a reduction in offspring quality. The field experiment consisted of a two by two factorial design: neither, one or both parents were infested with a high tick load (12 nymphs) when nestlings were eight days old. Four days after manipulation of the parents, the effect of the treatment on nestlings' health was assessed by measuring haematological and biochemical parameters. Body condition of nestlings was monitored from three days after hatching, until seven days after tick manipulation of the parents. Although parental tick manipulation resulted in successful tick feeding, nestlings' health parameters were not affected. We therefore suggest that the negative association between nestling condition and parental tick load does not reflect a causal effect of parasites, but either reflects a common environmental factor affecting parental infestation levels and offspring condition, or reflects parental quality. We propose different explanations why this association is expressed in female parents only.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the adaptiveness of hatching asynchrony for the parents, but delayed hatching is generally detrimental for the late hatched young. These offspring often experience competitive disadvantage and delayed development. If hatching asynchrony has a reason other than producing competitive differences among offspring, it would be advantageous, not only for the offspring but even for the parents, to compensate for its detrimental effects. In some species, increasing investment into later laid eggs has been reported and discussed as a compensation mechanism, but its effect on nestling growth and fledging size has not been examined in details. In this study we investigated nestling growth and size at fledging in terms of body mass and length of primaries in relation to the accurate laying and hatching order in collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis broods. We found that females laid larger eggs at the end of the laying sequence, and this helped to decrease the disadvantages for the last offspring. The last offspring had lower body mass growth rate and fledged with shorter feathers, but in both cases the larger the last egg was, the smaller the lag of the offspring was. We conclude, that even if females were not able to fully compensate for the detrimental effects of hatching asynchrony, larger eggs may improve the survival prospects of late hatched nestlings.  相似文献   

Females of many songbird species show a preference for mating with males that have larger song repertoires, but the advantages associated with this preference are uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that song complexity can serve as an indicator of male quality because the development of the brain regions underlying song learning and production occurs when young birds typically face nutritional and other stresses, so that song reflects how well a male fared during post-hatch development. A key prediction of this hypothesis is that variation in nestling condition should correspond to variation in the adult song repertoires of individuals. We used data from a long-term study of the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) to test this prediction, correlating two measures of nestling development with subsequent repertoire size of males. We found that the length of the innermost primary feather, a standard measure of development, significantly predicted first-year repertoire size. The relationship between repertoire size and body mass was nearly significant, in spite of the large variance inherent in this measure. These data support the idea that song may provide females with information about a male's response to developmental stress, which in turn is expected to correlate with indirect or direct benefits she might receive.  相似文献   

We studied the nest defense behavior of Eurasian kestrels (Falcotinnunculus) towards a stuffed pine marten (Martes martes) througha 3-year vole cycle (1990–92) in western Finland. Survivalprobability of offspring decreases with a later start of breeding,and, therefore, early breeders should protect their offspringmore than late ones. We found this true for males during theincubation period, but not for females. In addition, we expectedthe nest defense intensity to increase with offspring number.During the incubation period, this was true for females, butnot for males. During the nestling phase, parents did not adjusttheir defense effort to natural or manipulated (by one to twoyoung) brood size. Survival prospects of kestrel offspring werehighest in the increasing vole year 1991 and lowest in the decreasingvole year 1992, and, therefore, we expected the defense activityof kestrels to follow the same trend. However, the oppositeresult appeared true for females with a similar tendency formales. Most hypotheses predicting avian nest defense behaviorwere not supported by our data. Temporally heterogeneous environmentand low degree of nest-site tenacity of migratory kestrels maymake them unfamiliar with environmental variation and survivalprospects of their offspring. Therefore, fitness benefits ofparental care are not predictable, and kestrels may thus adjusttheir parental effort to their own future reproductive potential(i.e., number of future breeding attempts), rather than to somecurrent investment indicator, like offspring age and number.  相似文献   

1. Maternal carotenoids in the egg yolk have been hypothesized to promote maturation of the immune system and protect against free radical damages. Depending on availability, mothers may thus influence offspring quality by depositing variable amounts of carotenoids into the eggs. Sex allocation theory predicts that in good quality environments, females should invest into offspring of the sex that will provide larger fitness return, generally males. 2. In a field experiment we tested whether female great tits bias their investment towards males when carotenoid availability is increased, and whether male offspring of carotenoid-supplemented mothers show higher body condition. We partially cross-fostered hatchlings to disentangle maternal effects from post-hatching effects, and manipulated hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae infestation to investigate the relationship between carotenoid availability and resistance to ectoparasites. 3. As predicted, we found that carotenoid-supplemented mothers produced males that were heavier than their sisters at hatching, while the reverse was true for control mothers. This suggests that carotenoid availability during egg production affects male and female hatchlings differentially, possibly via a differential allocation to male and female eggs. 4. A main effect of maternal supplementation became visible 14 days after hatching when nestlings hatched from eggs laid by carotenoid-supplemented mothers had gained significantly more mass than control nestlings. Independently of the carotenoid treatment, fleas impaired mass gain of nestlings during the first 9 days in large broods only and reduced tarsus length of male nestlings at an age of 14 days, suggesting a cost to mount a defence against parasites. 5. Overall, our results suggest that pre-laying availability of carotenoids affects nestling condition in a sex-specific way with potentially longer-lasting effects on offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Adaptive within-clutch allocation of resources by laying females is an important focus of evolutionary studies. However, the critical assumption of these studies, namely that within-clutch egg-size deviations affect offspring performance, has been properly tested only rarely. In this study, we investigated effects of within-clutch deviations in egg size on nestling survival, weight, fledgling condition, structural size and offspring recruitment to the breeding population in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). Besides egg-size effects, we also followed effects of hatching asynchrony, laying sequence, offspring sex and paternity. There was no influence of egg size on nestling survival, tarsus length, condition or recruitment. Initially significant effect on nestling mass disappeared as nestlings approached fledging. Thus, there seems to be limited potential for a laying female to exploit within-clutch egg-size variation adaptively in the collared flycatcher, which agrees with the majority of earlier studies on other bird species. Instead, we suggest that within-clutch egg-size variation originates from the effects of proximate constraints on laying females. If true, adaptive explanations for within-clutch patterns in egg size should be invoked with caution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Reduced prey availability can affect the growth and survival of nestling seabirds. However, few studies have demonstrated similar effects on indices of adult body condition. We examined body condition and seasonal mass loss of breeding adult male and female Tufted Puffins ( Fratercula cirrhata ) at Chiniak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska, in 2004–2005. We determined sex using genetic analysis, developed a discriminant function to determine sex using morphometric measurements, and examined the body condition of adult males and females relative to the growth rates of their offspring. We found that morphological measurements were only moderately useful for sexing Tufted Puffins, with 74% of adults ( N = 176) correctly classified. We also found that the relationship between adult body mass and size differed between sexes and conclude that body condition indices must be calculated separately for each sex to avoid inter- and intrasexual bias. Body condition of male and female Tufted Puffins declined during the chick-rearing period. However, body condition of females did not differ between years, whereas male condition declined to a greater degree during 2004 when the mass of young at fledging was significantly lower. Although these results suggest that adult male Tufted Puffins sacrifice their own body condition in years of diminished nestling growth and females do not, reasons for this apparent intersexual difference in reproductive strategies remain unclear.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids (GCs) are often interpreted as indicators of disturbance, habitat quality, and fitness in wild populations. However, since most investigations have been unable to examine habitat variability, GC levels, and fitness simultaneously, such interpretations remain largely unvalidated. We combined a quantification of two habitat types, a manipulation of foraging ability (feather‐clipping just prior to nestling rearing), multiple baseline plasma GC measures, and multi‐year reproductive monitoring to experimentally examine the linkages between habitat quality, GCs, and fitness in female tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. Control females experiencing the higher early‐season food resources of inland–pasture habitat laid larger clutches, but fledged an equal number but lower mass offspring compared to those in riparian–cropland habitat. Despite these differences in reproductive success, females nesting in the two habitat types did not differ in baseline GC levels at the early‐ or late‐breeding stage. Feather‐clipping reduced provisioning rate in both habitat types. However, baseline GC levels were affected in a habitat‐specific way; only individuals in inland–pasture habitats showed an increase in GCs. Despite this difference in GC levels, the manipulation did not influence offspring mass, reproductive output, adult return rate (a proxy for survival) to the following year, or reproductive success in the subsequent year. Nonetheless, regardless of treatment, individuals with higher GC levels during the late breeding stage returned in the following year with higher GC levels at incubation, indicating a long‐term effect on future GC levels. Our results indicate that environmental changes (e.g. foraging conditions) can have consequences for body condition, behaviour, and current and future baseline GC levels without concomitant influences on fitness, and that differences in fitness components between habitats may not be reflected in baseline GC levels. These results illustrate that baseline GCs may not simultaneously reflect environmental quality and fitness, potentially limiting their application in ecological and conservation settings.  相似文献   

Growing evidence that female ornaments and armaments may be important for female reproductive success suggests that a reevaluation of the costs of these potentially sexually selected traits is also necessary. Here, I examine whether intrasexual aggression, a trait favored during direct female–female competition for nesting sites in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), is costly in terms of the quantity or quality of offspring. I compared measures of female aggressiveness to clutch size, and I also cross‐fostered offspring just after hatching to explore a possible causal link between female aggression and nestling mass, an established proxy for offspring quality. High levels of aggression in females were not associated with the quantity of offspring, but instead more aggressive females had offspring of lower quality. While several causal factors appear to influence offspring quality, the mechanism most consistent with this cost of aggression is a trade‐off between female aggression and aspects of maternal care. Site differences may create variation in how selection shapes female aggression, but the finding that more aggressive females had lower‐quality control offspring indicates that this cost may work counter to selection favoring aggressive behavior in the context of competition over nestboxes.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that parents face a trade-off between the number and viability of the progeny they produce. We found evidence for an apparent trade-off in a free-living population of American kestrels (Falco sparverius), as larger clutches produced more but lighter fledglings. However, while the body mass of fledglings has traditionally been used as a measure of survival prospect, offspring immunocompetence should also play an important role. We thus measured the T-cell-mediated immune response of fledgling kestrels in relation to brood traits and nest-rearing conditions through a cross-fostering experiment. The immune response was positively correlated with the body condition of fledglings, but was also higher in those hatched from five-egg than four-egg clutches. These results were not influenced by other brood traits, nor by current exposure to stressors and infectious agents, as measured by serological variables. Such ability to resist pathogens may account for why the probability of offspring returning to the study area in subsequent years, when controlling for brood size, was higher for five-egg than four-egg clutches. These results suggest an optimal clutch size through maternal effects on offspring immunocompetence rather than a trade-off between the number and quality of the offspring.  相似文献   

SERGIO HIDALGO-GARCIA 《Ibis》2006,148(4):727-734
The Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus is a passerine bird in which both sexes provide substantial care to the offspring and display conspicuous carotenoid-based plumage coloration. It has been shown that carotenoid-based coloration in birds reflects both individual quality and foraging ability. Because the body condition of nestlings usually depends on the capacity of their parents to feed them, I predicted that, independent of sex, those individuals with the most exaggerated carotenoid-based plumage coloration should raise offspring in better health. I found that although, in my study population, the smallest females were paired with the largest males, the brightest females were paired with the brightest and most intensely coloured males. I used body condition and T-cell-mediated immune response of nestlings as measures of their health status. Generalized mixed models showed that brighter and more-yellow adults reared offspring in better than average condition and immune response. Older males and smaller females were also able to raise offspring with better immune response. All these results suggest that the carotenoid-based plumage coloration of parents is somehow linked with individual quality, as it presents a significant and positive correlation with the health status of their growing chicks. Thus, the brightest and more intensely coloured individuals raised the healthiest offspring.  相似文献   

Visual signals of quality in offspring, such as plumage colour, should honestly advertise need and/or body condition, but links between nutritional status, physiological performance and the expression of colours are complex and poorly understood. We assess how food stress during rearing affected two physiological measures (T‐cell‐mediated immune function and corticosterone level in feathers: CORTf) and how these two variables were related to carotenoid and melanin coloration in Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus nestlings. We were also interested in how these two physiological measures were influenced by the sex of the nestling. We experimentally manipulated brood size to alter levels of food availability to nestlings during development. We measured carotenoid‐based colour (chroma and brightness) in wing feathers and the size of melanin spots on breast feathers. In agreement with our prediction, nestlings in the reduced brood treatment had better body condition and stronger immune responses than those in the control and brood enlargement treatments. This supports the hypothesis that immune responses are energetically costly. In contrast, CORTf was not related to nestling body condition or sex and was unaffected by brood size manipulation. Nestlings of both sexes with stronger T‐cell‐mediated immune responses had larger melanin spots but only males with higher immune responses also had brighter flight feathers. Feather brightness decreased with increasing CORTf levels. Our study is one of the few to examine the relationship between multiple physiological and plumage measures in nestlings and shows that plumage colour and immune function signalled body condition of nestlings, but that feather corticosterone levels did not.  相似文献   

The trade-off between animal’s parental reproductive effort and survival is still poorly understood. Parental allocation between the workload during breeding attempts and the parents’ own body conditions can be assessed through the offspring quality. Here, I questioned whether the immune responsiveness of female great tits may be considered as a mediator of this trade-off. Specifically, I tested whether (1) the parental reproductive effort decreases, (2) the food composition provided to chicks changes, and (3) whether the nestling immunocompetence and body mass decrease after experimental immunisation. Two populations of great tit Parus major occupying nest boxes were studied in Niepo?omice Forest and Krzyszkowice Forest (Southern Poland) in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Three days after hatching, half of the females were challenged with sheep red blood cells (SRBC), while other females were injected with phosphate-buffered saline PBS (control). Six days later, food provided by the parents was collected from nestlings. After another 2 days, the offspring’s body mass was measured and wing web swelling in response to an additional phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) injection. In both years, immunocompetence and in 2012 also body mass in the offspring of SRBC-immunised mothers were lower than in control nestlings, indicating a cost of mounting the immune response in the female. Six days after the start of the female treatment, the number of caterpillars and the volume of food items provided by parents to chicks were higher, whereas the number of spiders was lower in nests with SRBC treatment than in control ones. This might be explained by compensational parental feeding after recovery from the inflammation of a female. Thus, the trade-off between parental effort and survival of parents is mediated by the costs incurred for their immunity and can be assessed by the amount and quality of food provided to the nestlings and the offspring condition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Multiple factors potentially affect nestling survival and maternal reproductive success. However, little is known about the relative importance of different factors when operating simultaneously or whether the same factors are important for nestlings and their mothers. We determined the effect of hatching asynchrony, individual egg size, mean egg size, nestling sex, and clutch initiation date on the survival of individual nestlings and on maternal reproductive success in Common Grackles (Quiscalus quiscula) from 2004 to 2006 in central Illinois. Factors most important to maternal success differed from those important for individual nestling growth and survival. Hatching asynchrony had the greatest within‐nest influence on the fate of nestlings; the earlier a nestling hatched relative to siblings, the greater its mass and likelihood of fledging. Clutch size had the greatest influence on maternal reproductive success, with females with larger clutches fledging more young. Thus, both nestling survival and maternal success were largely determined by a single, albeit different, factor. A possible explanation for the apparent unimportance of most factors we measured in determining maternal success is that we did not consider variation among females. Individual variation in maternal attributes such as condition, size, age, experience, or mate quality may result in females tailoring clutch attributes (i.e., egg size, sex, and degree of hatching asynchrony) in ways that allow them to maximize their reproductive success. The discordance between factors that benefited mothers versus their offspring illustrates the importance of considering the maternal consequences of any factor that appears to affect offspring survival. Factors that increase the mass and survival of some offspring may not result in increased maternal reproductive success.  相似文献   

Currently, there is no agreement about the suitability of haematocrit (the proportion of blood volume occupied by packed red blood cells) as a predictor of condition in birds. In order to clarify this point, genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variation for a number of traits were estimated in nestling Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica by means of a partial cross-fostering experiment. The studied traits were haematocrit, two morphological traits used as estimates of condition in birds (body mass and body mass relative to body size) and a morphological trait that presumably is not associated with condition (tarsus length). First, we found that body mass relative to body size was related to haematocrit, supporting the suggestion that haematocrit reflects condition in this species. Secondly, we found that the coefficient of residual (i.e. environmental) variation of haematocrit was larger than that of tarsus length, but smaller than those of body mass or body mass relative to body size. Under the hypothesis that traits closely related to condition (and, ultimately, to fitness) are characterized by large residual variance, these results also suggest that haematocrit is related to condition, but that this relationship must be weak. Therefore, the use of haematocrit as an estimate of condition is not recommended. Finally, heritabilities of the studied traits were calculated, differing significantly from zero only for tarsus length, the trait with the smallest residual variation. However, a consistent pattern in the relationship between heritability and genetic variation was not found.  相似文献   

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