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Ditylenchus dipsaci was found to cause gall formation on the stems of Cirsium arvense. The galls were characterized by extensive hypertrophy and hyperplasia, differentiation of nutritive tissue, nuclear modification, and a central cavity containing nematodes. These findings emphasize the importance of host response in investigations of host-parasite interactions and suggest that D. dipsaci may be evolving a host race by reproductive isolation within the confines of a plant gall.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of a population of Ditylenchus dipsaci isolated from onion and maintained monoxenically on onion callus contained endo-polygalacturonase (endo-PG) and endo-pectinmethyltranseliminase (endo-PMTE). In viscometric tests pH 4.2 and 4.0 were optimal for degradation of sodium polypectate and pectin N.F., respectively, by endo-PG. Endo-PMTE reduced viscosity of pectin N.F. optimally at pH 8.5 or above. Activity was dependent on CaCl₂. Pectinmethylesterase activity was not detected in water, NaCl, or sucrose extracts of these nematodes. The extracts macerated potato tuber tissue, onion cotyledonary tissue, and strips of onion epidermis from the ventral surface of onion bulb scales at pH 4.2, 5.3, and 6.2. Pectin could not be localized with hydroxylamine-ferric chloride reagent in macerated tissues treated for 24 hr with active extract.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Ditylenchus dipsaci before, during and after feeding on leaf tissue of Vicia faba is described. Short-term reactions of the food cells and functions of different regions of the pharynx are described and discussed in relation to the changing pressure relationships between nematode and cell.  相似文献   

The alfalfa race of Ditylenchus dipsaci parasitized and caused characteristic symptoms on nonhost seedlings of sweet clover, onion, tomato, sugarbeet, and wheat in controlled growth-chamber studies. Although the nematode was unable to reproduce on any of the cultivars, it caused plant mortality ranging from 20% on sugarbeet and tomato to 100% on onion.  相似文献   

Extracts of nematodes of the Raleigh, North Carolina (RNC), Waynesville, N. C. (WNC), and onion populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci were examined for pectolytic activity. RNC nematodes contained a NaCl-stimulated endo-polymethylgalacturonase with optimal pH for activity of 6.0, whereas nematodes of the WNC and onion populations possessed a NaCl-stimulated endo-polygalacturonase with pH optimum of 4.0. Nematodes of each population also contained a CaCl₂-activated endo-pectin methyl-trans-eliminase with optimal pH of 9.0. Nematode extracts containing 0.5 M NaCl macerated potato discs. RNC and onion nematodes induced gall formation in Wando pea seedlings, but WNC nematodes induced a resistant, hypersensitive response. Thus pectolytic activity was not correlated with pathogenicity of D. dipsaci on Wando pea.  相似文献   

After 18 months of storage at -150 C, some larvae of Ditylenchus dipsaci, which had been treated in a 7.5% solution of dimethyl sulphoxide and cooled to -25 C before storage, were still viable on thawing. Some survivors penetrated and developed normally in stems of alfalfa seedlings. Tests showed that active larvae could be frozen directly, thus eliminating the need to use the quiescent stage of this nematode previously thought necessary for successful storage at cryogenic temperatures. The method described is suitable for long-term storage of D. dipsaci and may, with slight modifications, be used to preserve other plant-parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

The process of defaecation in the stem nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci , has been analysed using cinemicrography. During feeding regular shortenings of the hind end of the body are accompanied by groups of a few defaecation periods. Each period begins as the shortened hind body re-elongates, and consists of several defaecation cycles. In each cycle the posterior rectum becomes dorsally bowed and, as it straightens, the rectal valve, rectum and anus open. Faeces pass out irregularly while the rectum remains open and are forcibly expelled as it closes. Defaecation in D. dipsaci is intermediate between that of the high-pressure nematode Aphelenchoidzs blastophthorus and the low-pressure passive feeder Hexatylus viviparus. We suggest that the main function of defaecation in plant nematodes is to excrete excess water.  相似文献   

Stem nematode-susceptible ''Atlantic'' and resistant ''Lahontan'' alfalfa seedlings, grown in sand and watered with complete nutrient solutions containing 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, or 12.0 mM Ca⁺⁺/liter, were inoculated with Ditylenchus dipsaci (the stem nematode) 5-6 days after emergence. Approximately equal numbers of nematodes entered the tissues of each variety/Ca⁺⁺ concentration within 2 days. Penetration was reduced at 12 mM Ca⁺⁺/liter. Reproduction during 21 days following inoculation yielded 3-fold, or greater, nematode increases in ''Atlantic'' buds at all Ca⁺⁺ concentrations, in ''Atlantic'' cotyledons at the four lower concentrations, in ''Lahontan'' buds at the lowest concentration and in ''Lahontan'' cotyledons at the two lowest concentrations. Reproduction was lower at the higher Ca⁺⁺ concentrations.Increased nutrient Ca⁺⁺ concentrations resulted in increased Ca⁺⁺ content, decreased Na⁺ and K⁺ content, and unchanged Mg⁺⁺ content of buds and cotyledons. Accordingly, increased nutrient Ca⁺⁺ resulted in increased divalent/monovalent cation ratios (Ca⁺⁺ + Mg⁺⁺/Na⁺ + K⁺ ). Resistance to reproduction was correlated more closely with the divalent/monovalent cation ratio than with Ca⁺⁺ content of tissue, At the four higher nutrient Ca⁺⁺ concentrations, ''Lahontan'' buds had higher ratios than ''Atlantic,'' and infected buds had higher ratios than noninfected buds. Although cation balance modifies disease expression, the basic resistance mechanism remains unknown.  相似文献   

The genus Ditylenchus contains more than 80 recognized nematode species with a very wide host range. The most serious species are Ditylenchus dipsaci and Ditylenchus destructor. Populations of D. dipsaci species complex were collected from Allium cepa, Cichorium endivia and Phlox paniculata in Poland. The Ditylenchus gigas population was collected from Vicia faba minor, and populations of D. destructor, from Solanum tuberosum spp. tuberosum. Analyses of the rDNA sequences spanning both ITS1 and ITS2 fragment regions were carried out on the collected populations. The obtained DNA sequences were compared with those DNA sequences deposited in GenBank of populations isolated in other countries. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the data obtained from the DNA sequence comparisons. The results indicated that there is no clear distinction between European and non‐European populations within D. dipsaci. The results also showed no clear distinction between populations isolated from different host plant species, including populations found in Poland. The populations of D. destructor described here constitute a common group together with American and Chinese populations belonging to the haplotype C of the D. destructor species. On the other hand, the D. gigas population was localized separately from those populations that have been described up until now, from Europe and Africa. This is also the first report on the occurrence of D. gigas in Poland.  相似文献   

Simultaneous inoculations of alfalfa with Meloidogyne hapla larvae and Ditylenchus dipsaci at 16, 20, 24, and 28 C did not depress penetration of either nematode in ''Nev Syn XX'' -a selection resistant to M. hapla and D. dipsaci, ''Vernal 298'' -a selection resistant to M. hapla and susceptible to D. dipsaci, ''Lahontan'' -a cultivar resistant to D. dipsaci and susceptible to M. hapla, and ''Ranger'' -a cultivar susceptible to both M. hapla and D, dipsaci. Infection with D. dipsaci depressed growth of susceptible ''Vernal 298'' and ''Ranger'' at all soil temperatures, except for ''Vernal 298'' at 16 C. Infection with M. hapla alone did not depress growth of any of the alfalfas. A combination of M. hapla and D. dipsaci resulted in a synergistic weight depression on ''Ranger'' at all soil temperatures. Inoculation of the four alfalfas with D. dipsaci 2, 4, 6, and 8 wk before inoculation with M. hapla at 16, 20, 24, and 28 C did not influence the resistance or susceptibility of ''Nev Syn XX,'' ''Lahontan,'' or ''Ranger.'' However, galling of ''Vernal 298'' by M. hapla was affected by soil temperature, plant age, and inoculation with D. dipsaci.  相似文献   

Wharton DA  Lemmon J 《Tissue & cell》1998,30(3):312-323
Ultrastructural changes during desiccation of the anhydrobiotic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci were followed and quantified after preparation of material at different levels of hydration using freeze substitution techniques. Some shrinkage was caused by processing in the more hydrated specimens but the changes observed correspond to those observed in live nematodes by light microscopy, indicating that the technique is useful for following changes during desiccation. The overall pattern of changes was a rapid decrease in the magnitude of the measured parameter during the first 5 min of desiccation, followed by a slower rate of decrease upon further desiccation. This was observed in the cuticle, the lateral hypodermal cords and the muscle cells and is consistent with the pattern of water loss of the nematode. The contractile region of the muscle cells, however, proved an exception and the muscle fibres appear to resist shrinkage and packing until water loss becomes severe. The mitochondria swell and then shrink during desiccation, which may indicate disruption of the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane. A decrease in the thickness of the cortical zone was the most prominent change in the cuticle and this may be related to the permeability slump which occurs during the first 5 min of desiccation.  相似文献   

Three nematicides were evaluated as seed treatments to control the alfalfa stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) on seedling alfalfa. Alfalfa seeds were soaked for 10 hours in a 0.5% (formulated by weight) concentration of either carbofuran, phenamiphos or oxamyl in acetone with no adverse effect on seed germination. All three treatments decreased nematode damage and increased survival of ''Ranger'' (susceptible) and ''Lahontan'' (resistant) alfalfa plants, when seeds were planted in soil infested with D. dipsaci. Mean live plant counts after 6 weeks in the untreated control, acetone alone, carbofuran, phenamiphos, and oxamyl treatments, respectively, were 4.3, 6.3, 19.0, 19.8, and 19.0 for Lahontan and 4.5, 1.5, 18.5, 19.3, and 18.0 for Ranger from 20 seeds/pot. Nematicide seed treatments resulted in significantly healthier Ranger alfalfa plants 4 months after planting. The combination of seed treatment and host resistance may provide a means of establishing alfalfa in an alfalfa monocropped system where soil populations of D. dipsaci are high.  相似文献   

Ditylenchus dipsaci-infected and noninfected alfalfa plants in a naturally infested field were studied from July 1980 to September 1982. Forty-one percent of the plants died during the study. Ninety-seven percent of the plants that died were infected with D. dipsaci. Sixty-nine percent of the observed mortality occurred during winter. Forage yield of infected plants was significantly lower than yield of noninfected plants at each harvest. Stored carbohydrates in infected plants were significantly lower than in noninfected plants. In a controlled environment test, significantly greater mortality occurred in frozen severely infected plants than in frozen noninfected plants, while no mortality occurred in severely infected or noninfected plants that were not frozen. Both forage yield and stored carbohydrates were significantly lower in severely infected than noninfected, non-frozen plants. Mortality in greenhouse-grown plants that were transplanted to field plots was significantly greater in D. dipsaci-infected plants than in noninfected plants after one winter.  相似文献   

Methods are described for rearing large quantities of Ditylenchus dipsaci on alfalfa tissues. Nematodes and alfalfa seed were disinfected and nematodes were reared in quantities sufficient to provide a continuous supply of inoculum for our alfalfa-breeding program. Nematodes reproduced best in darkness at 20-25 C. Cultures reached maximum numbers in 3-6 wk.  相似文献   

Hot-water dips with and without the additives abamectin and sodium hypochlorite were evaluated for control of Ditylenchus dipsaci infection of garlic seed cloves. All treatments were compared to hot water-formalin clove dip disinfection and to nontreated infected controls for garlic emergence, midseason infection, bulb damage, and yield at harvest in field plots in 12 experiments. Hot-water treatments without additives only partially controlled D. dipsaci when a warming presoak dip (38 C) of 30, 45, or 60 minutes'' duration was followed by a hot-water dip (49 C) of 15-30 minutes'' duration. Exposure to 49 C for 30 minutes caused slight retardation of garlic emergence, although normal stand was established. Abamectin at 10-20 ppm as the 20-minute hot dip (49 C) or as a 20-minute cool dip (18 C) following a 20-minute hot-water dip and sodium hypochlorite at 1.052-1.313% aqueous solution as the 20-minute hot dip were highly effective in controlling D. dipsaci and were noninjurious to garlic seed cloves. None of these treatments was as effective as a hot water-formalin dip and were noneradicative, but showed high efficacy on heavily infected seed cloves relative to nontreated controls. Abamectin was most effective as a cool dip. These abamectin cool-dip (following hot-water dip) and sodium hypochlorite hot-dip treatments can be considered as effective alternatives to replace formalin as a dip additive for control of clove-borne D. dipsaci. Sodium hypochlorite was less effective as the cool dip, and at concentrations of 1.75-2.63% was phytotoxic to garlic.  相似文献   

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