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Objectives were to determine factors associated with conception rate (CR) and pregnancy loss (PL) in high producing lactating Holstein cows. In Study 1, CR was evaluated in 7633 artificial inseminations (AI) of 3161 dairy cows in two dairy farms. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by palpation per rectum 39+/-3 days after AI. Environmental temperature was recorded at different intervals prior to and after AI. In Study 2, 1465 pregnancies from 1393 cows diagnosed at 31+/-3 days after AI by ultrasonography on three dairy farms were re-examined 14 days later to determine PL. Temperature > or =29 degrees C was considered to be heat stress (HS). Exposure to HS was defined as following: NH, no heat stress; HS1, exposure to at least 1 day of maximum temperature > or =29 degrees C and average daily maximum temperature (ADMT) <29 degrees C; and HS2, exposure to ADMT > or =29 degrees C. In Study 1, exposure of cows to HS1 and HS2 from 50 to 20 prior to AI was associated with reduced CR compared to cows not exposed to HS (28.8, 23.0, and 31.3%, respectively). Post-AI HS was not associated with CR. Cows inseminated following estrus detection or timed AI had similar CR. As the number of AI increased, CR decreased. Multiparous cows had lower CR than primiparous cows, and occurrence of milk fever and retained placenta was associated with decreased CR. In Study 2, PL was not associated with exposure to HS either prior to or after AI. Cows diagnosed with clinical mastitis experienced increased PL, but parity, number of AI, AI protocol, milk production, and days postpartum at AI were not associated with PL. In conclusion, CR was affected by HS prior to AI, parity, number of AI, and postparturient diseases, whereas PL was affected by clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to characterize luteal blood flow in pregnant and non-pregnant cows and to determine its value for early pregnancy diagnosis. Lactating dairy cows (n = 54), 5.2 ± 0.2 y old (mean ± SEM), average parity 2.4 ± 0.2, and ≥ 6 wk postpartum at the start of the study, were used. The corpus luteum (CL) was examined with transrectal color Doppler ultrasonography (10.0-MHz linear-array transducer) on Days 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, and 21 of the estrus cycle (estrus = Day 0). Artificially inseminated cows (n = 40) were retrospectively classified as pregnant (embryonic heartbeat on Day 25; n = 18), nonpregnant (interestrus interval 15 to 21 d, n = 18), or having an apparent early embryonic loss (interestrus interval >25 d, n = 4). There was a group by time interaction (P < 0.001) for luteal blood flow from Days 3 to 18; it was approximately 1.10 ± 0.08 cm2 (mean ± SEM) on Day 3, and increased to approximately 2.00 ± 0.08 cm2 on Day 13 (similar among groups). Thereafter, luteal blood flow was numerically (albeit not significantly) greater in pregnant cows, remained constant in those with apparent embryonic loss, and declined (not significantly) between Days 15 and 18 in nonpregnant cows. Luteal blood flow was greater in pregnant than in nonpregnant (P < 0.05) and nonbred cows (P < 0.05, n = 14) on Day 15 (2.50 ± 0.16, 2.01 ± 0.16, and 2.00 ± 0.18 cm2, respectively) and on Day 18 (2.40 ± 0.19, 1.45 ± 0.19, and 0.95 ± 0.21 cm2). In cows with apparent early embryonic loss, luteal blood flow was 2.00 ± 0.34 and 2.05 ± 0.39 cm2 on Days 15 and 18, which was less (not significantly) than in pregnant cows, but greater (P < 0.05) than in nonbred cows on Day 18. Although mean luteal blood flow was significantly greater in pregnant than nonpregnant (and nonbred) cows on Days 15 and 18, due to substantial variation among cows, it was not an appropriate diagnostic tool for pregnancy status.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of a GnRH agonist containing either 450 or 750 microg of deslorelin in an implant form or a gonadorelin injection (control) to induce ovulation in the Ovsynch protocol on pregnancy rates (PR), embryonic loss, and ovarian function in 593 lactating Holstein cows. Cows were given two injections of PGF2alpha 14 days apart, followed 14 days later by the Ovsynch protocol, and were timed artificially inseminated (TAI) at 68 +/- 3 days postpartum. Blood samples for determination of plasma progesterone concentrations were collected at 24 and 10 days prior to and 11 days after TAI. Pregnancy was diagnosed on Day 27 and reconfirmed on Day 41 after TAI. Non-pregnant, not re-inseminated cows at Day 27 had their ovaries examined by ultrasonography, and the number and size of follicles and presence of luteal tissue were determined. Simultaneously, these cows were re-synchronized with the Ovsynch protocol. Pregnancy during the re-synchronization period was determined between 35 and 41 days after insemination. On Day 27, PR were higher for control (39.0%) and deslorelin 450 microg (DESLORELIN 450) implant (41.3%) than for those receiving the deslorelin 750 microg (DESLORELIN 750) implant (27.5%; P<0.05). Pregnancy losses tended to decrease for DESLORELIN 450 compared with control (5.0% versus 12.7%; P<0.13). Plasma progesterone concentrations did not differ significantly among treatments. Deslorelin suppressed ovarian activity and decreased PR during the re-synchronization period compared with control. The percentage of non-pregnant animals that were re-inseminated by Day 27 was less for deslorelin compared with control. In conclusion, incorporation of an implant of the GnRH agonist deslorelin to induce ovulation in the Ovsynch protocol has the potential to reduce pregnancy losses, but the response was dependent upon implant concentration. Evaluation of lower doses to minimize the negative effects on subsequent fertility is warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of treating anovulatory anestrous (AA) dairy cows with 1500 IU of hCG IM, 5 d after insemination, on their first service conception rate. A clinical trial was conducted during the 2003/2004 breeding season involving 442 AA dairy cows in six herds. On Day -8, all cows were treated with a progesterone-containing intravaginal device (Cue-Mate). The devices were removed on Day -2, and on Day -1 all cows received an IM injection of 1mg of estradiol benzoate. Cows in the control group (n=220) received no further treatments. Cows in the treatment group (n=222) which had been inseminated on Days 0 or 1 were treated with 1500 IU of hCG IM 5 d after insemination. Blood was collected from 30 cows (15 in each group) on Days 5 and 12 after AI for analysis of plasma P4 concentration. There was no difference in first service conception rates between the control and treatment groups (46.3% versus 43.6%, respectively; P=0.68), despite the fact that plasma P4 concentrations were higher in the treatment group on Day 12 (4.9+/-1.3 ng/mL versus 6.2+/-2.7 ng/mL for control and treatment groups, respectively; P<0.01). In conclusion, 1500 IU of hCG 5 d after insemination did not improve first service conception rate in AA dairy cows.  相似文献   

Conception rates (CR) are low in dairy cows and previous research suggests that this could be due to impaired early embryonic development. Therefore, we hypothesized that CR could be improved by embryo transfer (ET) compared with AI. During 365 days, 550 potential breedings were used from 243 lactating Holstein cows (average milk production, 35 kg/day). Cows had their ovulation synchronized (GnRH-7d-PGF(2alpha)-3d-GnRH) and they were randomly assigned for AI immediately after the second GnRH injection (Day 0) or for transfer of one embryo 7 days later. Circulating progesterone concentrations and follicular and luteal size were determined on Days 0 and 7. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed on Days 25 or 32 and pregnant cows were reevaluated on Days 60-66. Single-ovulating cows with synchronized ovarian status had similar CR on Days 25-32 with ET (n = 176; 40.3%) and AI (n = 160; 35.6%). Pregnancy loss between Days 25-32 and 60-66 also did not differ (P = 0.38) between ET (26.2%) and AI (18.6%). When single (n = 334) and multiple (n = 57) ovulators were compared, independent of treatment, multiple ovulators had greater (P < 0.001) circulating progesterone concentrations on Day 7 (2.7 ng/ml versus 1.9 ng/ml) and there was a tendency (P = 0.10) for a greater CR in multiple ovulators (50.9% versus 38.1%). However, there was no difference in CR between AI and ET cows with multiple ovulations (50.0% versus 51.7%). In single-ovulating cows, CR tended to be lower for AI than ET in cows ovulating smaller follicles (diameter < or = 15 mm; 23.7% versus 42.3%; P = 0.06) but not average-diameter follicles (16-19 mm; 41.2% versus 37.3%; P = 0.81) or larger (> or =20 mm; 34.3 versus 51.0%; P = 0.36) follicles. Thus, although ET did not improve overall CR in lactating cows, follicle diameter and number of ovulating follicles may determine success with these procedures.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare conception rates to embryo transfer relative to AI, during summer heat stress, in lactating dairy cows. Holstein cows (n = 180; 50 to 120 d postpartum) were allocated randomly to 1 of 3 groups: artificial insemination (AI, n = 84), embryo transfer using either embryos collected from superovulated donors (ET-DON, n = 48), or embryos produced in vitro (ET-IVF, n = 48). Embryos from superovulated donors were frozen in 10% glycerol and were rehydrated in a 3-step procedure, in decreasing concentrations of glycerol in a sucrose medium before transfer. Embryos produced in vitro were frozen in 1.5 M ethylene glycol, thawed and transferred without rehydration. Blood samples were collected from AI and ET recipients on Days 0, 7 and 22 for measurement of progesterone in plasma. Conception rate was estimated for the three groups at Day 22 (progesterone > 1 ng/mL) and confirmed at Day 42 by palpation per rectum. Conception rate estimates at Day 22 did not differ among groups (AI, 60.7%; ET-DON, 60.4%; ET-IVF, 54.2%), but conception rates at Day 42 differed (AI, 21.4%; ET-DON, 35.4%; ET-IVF, 18.8%; AI versus ET: P > 0.10 and ET-DON versus ET-IVF: P < 0.05). In cows considered pregnant at 22 d but diagnosed open at 42 d, the interestrous intervals were 28.8 +/- 2.2, 35.2 +/- 3.5 and 31.6 +/- 2.9 d, respectively, for AI, ET-DON and ET-IVF groups. Transfer of embryos collected from nonheat-stressed superovulated donors significantly increased conception rates in heat stressed dairy cattle. However, transfer of IVF-derived embryos had no advantage over AI. Where appropriate mechanisms are in place to attenuate the effects of heat stress, embryo transfer using frozen-thawed donor embryos increases conception rates.  相似文献   

The corpus luteum (CL) is a transient endocrine organ composed of a heterogeneous mixture of cells. Functional interactions exist between peripheral T cells and luteal cells in vitro; however, the precise role of resident T cells (RTC) remains unknown. The goals of the present study were to isolate RTC from within the CL and determine if alteration of luteal function resulted in changes in RTC phenotypes. Functional lymphocyte phenotypes identified in the bovine CL by using quantitative flow cytometric analysis were clearly different from those in the peripheral circulation. The proportion of CD8(+) RTC was greater than CD4(+) RTC. These proportions were opposite in peripheral blood. The proportion of γδ(+) lymphocytes was not different in the CL compared to that in peripheral blood nor was it altered during luteal regression. There was a significant increase in CD8αα(+) and γδ(+)CD8αα(+) RTC during luteal regression. The proportion of FOXP3(+) lymphocytes in the CL was greater than that isolated from peripheral blood, and this proportion of lymphocytes was dramatically reduced by induction of luteolysis. Within the CL of early pregnancy, there was an increase in the CD8αβ(+) and γδ(+)CD8αβ(+) populations compared to those in the CL of nonpregnant animals. Based on these data, we concluded that the functional state of the CL creates a microenvironment that regulates the recruitment of or differentiation into specific lymphocyte types. Understanding the interactions between steroidogenic cells and ovarian lymphocytes within CL will not only enhance understanding of reproductive function but may provide vital clues to lymphocyte regulation within tissues.  相似文献   

After 80 years of the commercial application of artificial insemination (AI) in the cow, the method still has numerous benefits over natural insemination including worldwide gene improvement. The efficiency of insemination depends, among many other factors, on the delivery of an appropriate number of normal spermatozoa to the appropriate reproductive tract site at the appropriate time of estrus. The metabolic clearance of steroid hormones and pregnancy associated glycoproteins and the negative effects of different types of stress related to high milk production makes the high-producing dairy cow a good animal model for addressing factors affecting fertility. Nevertheless, extensive studies have shown a positive link between high milk production in an individual cow and high fertility. When a cow becomes pregnant, the effect of pregnancy loss on its reproductive cycle is also a topic of interest. This paper reviews the factors of a noninfectious nature that affect the fertility of lactating dairy cows following AI. Special attention is paid to factors related to the cow and its environment and to estrus confirmation at insemination. Pregnancy maintenance during the late embryonic/early fetal period is discussed as a critical step. Finally, the use of Doppler ultrasonography is described as an available research tool for improving our current understanding of the health of the genital structures and conceptus.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether intrauterine infusion of recombinant bovine interferon-alpha I1 (rboIFN-alpha I1), which has 70% sequence identity to bovine trophoblast protein-1, will prevent regression of corpora lutea anticipated to have a short lifespan. Twenty-six beef cows in good body condition were allotted to four treatment groups at parturition in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Treatments were: group 1, saline; group 2, rboIFN-alpha I1; group 3, norgestomet-saline; and group 4, norgestomet-rboIFN-alpha I1. Norgestomet implants were inserted on days 21-24 postpartum and removed 9 days later (before injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)). Ovulation was induced 30 to 33 days postpartum with 5000 or 10,000 iu hCG. Groups 1 (n = 7) and 3 (n = 5) were given intrauterine infusions (rectocervical approach) twice daily with saline on days 1-12 or 13-24 after hCG injection, respectively. Cows allotted to groups 2 (n = 8) and 4 (n = 6) were given intrauterine infusions (rectocervical approach) of 2 mg rboIFN-alpha I1 twice daily on days 1-12 or 13-24 after hCG injection, respectively. Treatment with both norgestomet and rboIFN-alpha I1 delayed (P less than 0.01) luteolysis. Lengths of luteal phases (days; mean +/- SEM) were 8.4 +/- 0.7 (group 1, saline), 14.1 +/- 1.0 (group 2, rboIFN-alpha I1), 18.6 +/- 1.3 (group 3, norgestomet-saline) and 20.8 +/- 1.2 (group 4, norgestomet-rboIFN-alpha I1). Concentration of progesterone in serum was similar among all groups the first 6 days following hCG-induced ovulation, but differed (P less than 0.01) thereafter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Luteal function was studied in the absence of non-ovulatory ovarian follicles to determine if these follicles are involved in luteal regression in cattle. After at least one estrous cycle, cows were assigned randomly to treatment (n=5) or control (n=5). All cows were laparotomized on day 10 postestrus (Estrus = day 0). During laparotomy of treated cows, all visible follicles on both ovaries were destroyed by electrocautery, and follicular growth was prevented by ovarian x-irradiation. In controls, laparotomy and ovarian manipulation were as in treated cows but follicles were not destroyed and ovaries were not irradiated. On day 22 postestrus, ovaries of 4 treated cows contained no visible follicles and concentrations of estradiol-17beta in jugular plasma (0.4 +/- 0.1 pg/ml) were less (P<0.05) than in controls (3.2 +/- 0.4 pg/ml). Daily mean concentrations of LH from surgery to day 22 postestrus in treated cows did not differ from controls. On day 22 postestrus, progesterone in jugular plasma and weights of corpora lutea in treated cows were greater (P<0.05) than in controls. Between days 12 and 18 postestrus, concentrations of estradiol-17beta and PGF(2)alpha in utero-ovarian venous plasma of controls increased prior to detectable declines in concentrations of progesterone. Therefore, non-ovulatory ovarian follicles present during mid to late diestrus are necessary for luteal regression in non-pregnant cattle.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) at the time of estrus on progesterone concentrations and conception rates of repeat-breeding Holstein cows. We used repeat-breeding cows of varied parity (n = 510). All the animals were clinically healthy and had had at least three unsuccessful services before entering the study. After detection of estrus, the cows were randomly assigned to either a treated (n = 201) or a control (n = 309) group. The animals in the treated group were given rbST (500 mg s.c.) at the time of estrus and again 10 d later. Artificial insemination was performed 12 h after the first detection of estrus. In order to evaluate the effect of rbST on luteal function, blood samples were taken from 10 cows in each group every 3 d for 18 d, starting on the day of insemination (Day 0) to determine progesterone concentrations. Conception rates were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the cows treated with rbST (29.3%) than in the control cows (16.9%). The effects of rbST were maximal in cows with 8 or more previous unsuccessful services and in cows with 2 to 4 calvings. Progesterone concentrations tended to be higher in nonpregnant cows that were treated with rbST than in those that were not treated. The difference between groups was significant (p < 0.05) on Day 18 after insemination. In pregnant cows there were no significant differences in progesterone concentrations between treated and nontreated animals at any time. Treatment with rbST at estrus improved the conception rate of repeat-breeding Holstein cows. This effect was associated with an increase in circulating progesterone concentrations on Day 18.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of subclinical endometritis 4 h after AI and its effect on first service conception rate (FSCR) in dairy cows.A total of 201 Holstein-Friesian cows with no signs of clinical endometritis were examined 4 h after first AI for signs of subclinical endometritis. Endometrial samples were collected from the uterus using the cytobrush technique. The proportion of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) in the cytological sample was used to characterize an inflammation of the endometrium. Cows were categorized into three groups according to the proportion of PMN in the sample. Cows with 0% PMN (n = 115) were assigned to group Zero, cows with >0-15% PMN (n = 59) to group Medium, and cows with >15% PMN (n = 27) to group High. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed between days 38-44 after AI by palpation of the uterus and its contents per rectum.The FSCR was significantly higher in group Medium than in groups Zero and High (57.6% vs. 39.1% and 29.6%). Statistical analysis revealed an interaction between parity and PMN group. Primiparous cows were at higher risk of being classified into group Medium than multiparous cows (OR = 2.27, P = 0.01). Primiparous cows in group Zero had lower odds of pregnancy after first AI than primiparous cows in group Medium (OR = 0.3, P = 0.02). A comparison with cows that were not examined for subclinical endometritis showed that the collection of endometrial samples itself had no effect on FSCR.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine cow factors that influence conception rates after timed artificial insemination (TAI) on a commercial dairy farm. In Trial 1, 197 cows were synchronized by an administration of 25 mg of dinoprost between Days 48 and 54 post partum and again 14 days later. Cows were inseminated 66 and 90 hours after the second treatment. In Trial 2, 186 cows were treated with an Ovsynch protocol consisting of an administration of 0.02 mg of buserelin between Days 62 and 68 post partum, a treatment with 0.75 mg of tiaprost 7 days later and a second treatment with buserelin 48 h later. Cows were bred 16 to 20 hours after the last treatment. Cows with abnormal vaginal discharge at the time of insemination were excluded from AI. Lactation number, milk yield, fat and protein content of milk, signs of endometritis at an examination 14 to 20 days post partum and month of breeding were included as potential factors influencing conception on TAI. Conception rates after timed breeding were 32.0% and 30.6% in Trials 1 and 2, respectively. Logistic regression revealed that neither milk production parameters nor endometritis at post partum examination influenced conception rates in either of the two timed breeding protocols. Only parity showed an effect (P=0.012) in Trial 2. Primiparous cows were more likely to conceive after timed breeding than older cows (43.5 vs. 23.1%). An effect of parity, however, was not observed in Trial 1. It can be concluded that neither milk production nor endometritis at an examination 14 to 20 days post partum influence conception rates after TAI if cows with abnormal vulval discharge at the designated time of AI are excluded from breeding.  相似文献   

Kim UH  Suh GH  Nam HW  Kang HG  Kim IH 《Theriogenology》2005,63(1):260-268
This study evaluated the effect of GnRH or estradiol benzoate (EB) on follicular wave emergence and progesterone concentrations, and following a second injection of GnRH, synchrony of ovulation, and pregnancy rates in a controlled internal drug release (CIDR)-based timed AI (TAI) protocol in lactating Holstein cows. Cows received a CIDR device without hormone (controls), with an injection of 100 microg GnRH or with an injection of 4 mg EB. Thereafter, all received PGF(2 alpha) at the time of CIDR removal on Day 7, GnRH on Day 9, and TAI 16 h later. Follicular wave emergence occurred within 7 days in 19/20 GnRH-treated, 14/20 EB-treated and 5/20 control cows (P < 0.05). The interval to wave emergence was the shorter and less variable (P < 0.01) in the GnRH group (2.9 +/- 0.2 days) than in the EB (4.7 +/- 0.5 days) or control (4.8 +/- 1.0 days) groups. Serum progesterone concentrations from Days 4 to 7 were higher (P < 0.01) in the GnRH-treated cows that ovulated than in those that did not ovulate, or in control and EB-treated cows. The diameters of dominant follicle on Day 7 differed among groups (P < 0.01), and the diameters of the preovulatory follicle on Day 9 were larger (P < 0.01) in the control and GnRH groups than in the EB group. The proportion of cows with synchronized ovulations did not differ among groups, but pregnancy rate to TAI was higher (P < 0.05) in the GnRH group (65%; 13/20) than in the control (30%; 6/20) or EB (35%; 7/20) groups. Results suggest that GnRH treatment of CIDR-treated lactating Holstein cows will result in synchronous follicular wave emergence, large preovulatory follicles and synchronous ovulation, resulting in an acceptable pregnancy rates to TAI.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to determine the effects of resynchronization with GnRH on Day 21 after artificial insemination (AI) on pregnancy rate and losses of pregnancy in lactating dairy cows. Holstein cows (n=585) on two dairy farms were assigned to one of two treatments in a randomized complete block design. On Day 21 after a pre-enrollment AI, animals assigned to the resynchronization (RES) group received 100 microg of GnRH i.m., whereas animals in the control (CON) group received no treatment. All animals were examined ultrasonographically on Days 21 and 28 after AI, and blood samples were taken for progesterone measurement on Day 21. Pregnancy was diagnosed on Day 28 and reconfirmed 14 days later. Nonpregnant cows on Day 28 were inseminated using timed AI after the completion of the Ovsynch protocol 10 and 17 days after enrollment in the study for RES and CON groups, respectively. Progesterone concentration > or =2.35 ng/ml was used as an indicator of pregnancy on Day 21. For RES and CON cows, pregnancy rate at Days 21 (70.9% versus 73.0%, P<0.56), 28 (33.1% versus 33.6%; P<0.80) and 42 (27.0% versus 26.8%; P<0.98) after the pre-enrollment AI did not differ. Administration of GnRH on Day 21 after AI had no effect on pregnancy loss in RES and CON groups from days 21 to 28 (53.2% versus 53.5%; P<0.94) and days 28 to 42 (17.9%; P<0.74) after AI. Pregnancy rate after the resynchronization period was similar for both treatment groups. Resynchronization with GnRH given on Day 21 after AI for initiation of a timed AI protocol prior to pregnancy diagnosis does not affect pregnancy rate and pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Ovulatory response to the first GnRH of Ovsynch is a very important factor for determining the outcome of a successful synchronization. The aim of the present study was to develop a protocol to increase the percentage of cows that ovulated in response to the first administration of Ovsynch. This study was designed to compare ovulation rates in response to GnRH or hCG at the beginning of Ovsynch and to evaluate the effects of this manipulation on pregnancy. Cows (n = 371) with corpus luteum (CL) and at least one follicle greater than 10 mm diameter size on either ovary were included in the study. Cows were divided into two groups. The Ovsynch protocol began with GnRH (10 μg) in the GPG group (n = 161; GnRH-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-AI), whereas in the HPG group, the first GnRH of the Ovsynch was replaced with 1500 IU hCG (n = 210; hCG-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-AI). Ovarian ultrasonography was performed at the times of GnRH or hCG and of PGF2α administration, at the time of artificial insemination (AI) and seven days after AI, to determine ovulation. Maximal follicle size at the beginning of the Ovsynch did not affect on response to the first GnRH/hCG treatment. Conception rate (31 d) was 0.6 times more likely to be higher (P < 0.001) in cows that responded to the first hormonal administration of Ovsynch than in those that did not respond (95% CI = 0.29-0.71). Conception rate was found to be different between the HPG (37.6%, 79/210) and the GPG groups (48.4%, 78/161). Thus, beginning of the Ovsynch protocol with hCG did not increase ovulation and conception rate in lactating dairy cows, suggesting that hCG is not a suitable replacement of the first GnRH of Ovsynch. However, our results do show that increasing the ovulation rate in response to the first hormonal administration of Ovsynch can have a significant effect on conception rate.  相似文献   

A controlled trial investigating the effect on conception of administration of 250 μg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) at artificial insemination (AI) in dairy cows in seasonal or split calving herds was conducted. Time of detection of estrus, body condition, extent of estrous expression, treatment, breed, age and milk production from the most recent herd test of the current lactation was recorded. Cows were tested for pregnancy with fetal aging between 35 and 135 days after AI. Sixteen herds provided 2344 spring-calved cows and 3007 inseminations. Logistic regression adjusting for clustering at herd level was used to examine the effect of treatment for first (2344) and second (579) inseminations separately. For first AI, treatment significantly improved conception rate in cows with milk protein concentrations of 3.75% or greater and for cows with milk protein concentrations between 3.00% and 3.50% and less than 40 days calved; increased conception rate from 41.2% to 53.4%. Treatment reduced conception rates in cows with milk protein concentrations of 2.75% or less. Treating only cows identified as responding positively to treatment (11% of all study cows) was estimated to increase first service conception rate in herds from 48.1% to 49.4%. There was no significant effect of treatment on conception to second AI, nor any significant interactions. These findings indicate that GnRH at AI should be limited to the sub-group cows most likely to respond. The positive effect of GnRH at AI may be mediated through improved oocyte maturation and/or improved luteal function, rather than by reducing AI-to-ovulation intervals.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare two timed insemination protocols, in which progesterone, GnRH and PGF2alpha were combined, with the Ovsynch protocol in presynchronized, early postpartum dairy cows. Reproductive performance was also evaluated according to whether cows showed high or low plasma progesterone concentration, at the onset of treatment. One hundred and six early postpartum dairy cows were presynchronized with two cloprostenol treatments given 14 days apart, and then assigned to one of the three treatment groups. Treatments for the synchronization of estrus in all three groups started 7 days after the second cloprostenol injection, which was considered Day 0 of the actual treatment regime. Cows in the control group (Ovsynch, n=30) were treated with GnRH on Day 0, PGF2alpha on Day 7, and were given a second dose of GnRH 32 h later. Cows in group PRID (n=45) were fitted with a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) for 9 days, and were given GnRH at the time of PRID insertion and PGF2alpha on Day 7. In group PRID/GnRH (n=31), cows received the same treatment as in the PRID group, but were given an additional GnRH injection 36 h after PRID removal. Cows were inseminated 16-20 h after the administration of the second GnRH dose in the Ovsynch group, and 56 h after PRID removal in the PRID and PRID/GnRH groups. Ovulation rate was determined on Day 11 postinsemination by detecting the presence of a corpus luteum in the ovaries. Lactation number, milk production, body condition at the onset of treatment and treatment regime were included as potential factors influencing ovulation and pregnancy after synchronization. Logistic regression analysis for cows with high and low progesterone concentration on treatment Day 0 revealed that none of the factors included in the models, except the interaction between progesterone and treatment regime, influenced the risk of ovulation and pregnancy significantly. In cows with high progesterone concentration at treatment onset, Ovsynch treatment resulted in a significantly improved pregnancy rate over values obtained following PRID or PRID/GnRH treatment. In cows with low progesterone concentration, PRID or PRID/GnRH treatment led to markedly increased ovulation and pregnancy rates with respect to Ovsynch treatment. These findings suggest the importance of establishing ovarian status in early postpartum dairy cows before starting a timed AI protocol, in terms of luteal activity assessed by blood progesterone.  相似文献   

Differences in conception rate to first service between artificial inseminations (AI) carried out by commercial AI operators (CAI) or do-it-yourself operators (DIY), between natural service (NAT) and AI, between different AI sires, and between fresh and frozen-thawed semen, on Irish commercial dairy farms, were studied using logistic regression. The study comprised 12,933 potential first inseminations from 77 spring-calving dairy herds. The data were recorded during 1999 and 2000. Amongst the total, 4,394 cows had repeated records across the two years. Adjustment variables included: herd, year, parity, calving period, calving to service interval, herd size, proportion of North American Holstein-Friesian genes, peak milk yield, semen fresh or frozen-thawed status, AI sire and a cow history variable to account for the correlation structure that may exist between performance records of cows present in both years of the study. Interactions of interest were tested but were non-significant. No significant association was observed between the category of AI operator and the likelihood of conception rate to first service (PREG1). The variation in PREG1 observed within the category of operator (CAI and DIY) was investigated using the Levene test for homogeneity of variance. There was no difference between the level of variation observed within CAI and DIY operators. There were significant differences in the likelihood of PREG1 between different AI sires. Amongst the 40 most commonly used AI sires, 3 sires had a lower likelihood of PREG1 (P < 0.05) when compared to the reference AI sire (sire with PREG1 similar to the mean of the group). There was a tendency for a reduced likelihood of PREG1 with the use of fresh semen compared to frozen-thawed semen (OR = 0.80, P = 0.067). Amongst the adjustment variables in the model, those significantly associated with the likelihood of PREG1 included the herd, calving period, calving to first service interval and peak milk yield. No significant difference in the likelihood of PREG1 was observed between AI and NAT.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly identify temporal deviations of an animal from its norm will be important in the management of individual cows in large herds. Furthermore, predictors of genetic merit for especially health traits are useful to augment the accuracy of selection, and thus genetic gain, in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to estimate the repeatability of milking order and to quantify the contribution of differences in additive genetic variation to phenotypic differences (i.e., heritability). The data used in this study included 9813 herd milk recording test-day records with time of milking from 85,532 cows in 1143 herds across an 8-year period. Milking order was available for both morning and evening milking for each cow with, on average, 3.33 milk test-day records (i.e., 6.66 milking events) per lactation, and on average 1.62 lactations per cow. Variance components for milking order were estimated using animal linear mixed models; covariance components between milking order and milk yield, milk composition and somatic cell score (i.e., logarithm10 somatic cell count) were estimated also using animal linear mixed models. The heritability of milking order was 0.20 indicating partial genetic control of milking order. The repeatability of milking order within test-day, within lactation, and across lactations was 0.63, 0.51, and 0.47, respectively. Milking order was positively (P < 0.001), but weakly, phenotypically correlated with milk yield (r = 0.04), and milk fat concentration (r = 0.01) and negatively (P < 0.001), but weakly, correlated with milk protein concentration (r = −0.02) and somatic cell score (r = −0.05). Milking order was positively (P < 0.05), although weakly, genetically correlated with milk yield (r = 0.07) and negatively (P < 0.05), but also weakly, genetically correlated with somatic cell score (r = −0.08). This study is the first to show a contribution of additive genetics to milking order in dairy cattle but the genetic correlation between milking order and somatic cell score was weak.  相似文献   

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