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We measured the selection pressure on brood size in a recentlyestablished population of great tits (Parus major L.) in thenorthern Netherlands by manipulating brood size in three years(1995: n = 51, 1997: n = 66, 1998: n = 51), and we estimatedfitness consequences in terms of local survival of both offspringand parents. Enlarged broods had highest fitness; the offspringfitness component was positively affected by manipulation andthe parental fitness component was unaffected. Parental survivaland the probability that parents produced a second clutch werenot affected by the treatment. However, parents that had raisedenlarged broods produced their second clutch later in the season.Clutch size, brood size, and laying date of birds recapturedin the next breeding season were largely independent of thetreatment. We conclude that there is strong evidence for selectionfor larger brood size and reject the individual optimizationhypothesis for this population because the number of young inthe nest predicts fitness independently of the manipulationhistory.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory of parent-offspring conflict explains beggingdisplays of nestling birds as selfish attempts to influenceparental food allocation. Models predict that this conflictmay be resolved by honest signaling of offspring need to parents,or by competition among nestmates, leading to escalated beggingscrambles. Although the former type of models has been qualitativelysupported by experimental studies, the potential for a beggingcomponent driven by scramble competition cannot be excludedby the evidence. In a brood-size manipulation experiment withgreat tits, Parus major, we explored the scramble componentin the begging activity of great tit nestlings by investigatingthe mechanisms of sibling competition in relation to brood size.While under full parental compensation, the feeding rate pernestling will remain constant over all brood sizes for bothtypes of models; the scramble begging models alone predict anincrease in begging intensity with brood size, if begging costsdo not arise exclusively through predation. Great tit parentsadjusted feeding rates to brood size and fed nestlings at similarrates and with similar prey sizes in all three brood-size categories.Despite full parental compensation, the begging and food solicitationactivities increased with experimental brood size, whereas nestlingbody condition deteriorated. These findings support a scramblecomponent in begging and suggest that the competition-inducedcosts of food solicitation behavior play an important role inthe evolution of parent-offspring communication.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1791-1804
Taking as our starting point Trivers' (1974) account of parent-offspring conflict, we develop models of the influence of brood size on the optimal level of parental investment (PI) in the whole brood for parent and offspring, and on the magnitude of conflict between them. A modification of Trivers' model is proposed. In general, the benefit of an act of PI to an offspring in a brood of size N is (N+1)/N times the benefit to its parent. Therefore as brood size increases, offspring benefit approaches parental benefit, and this is because an increasing proportion of the offspring's benefit is being gained through siblings, to which offspring and parent are equally related. A distinction is drawn between ‘shared’ and ‘unshared’ types of PI. When PI is shared the total benefit accruing is not directly gained by all offspring but is shared amongst them (e.g. food brought to the young). In contrast, unshared PI can simultaneously benefit some or all of the brood (e.g. types of anti-predator defence). For shared investment, PI and conflict are predicted to increase with brood size. Two models of unshared anti-predator defence are described. If the predator characteristically takes the whole brood when it strikes (e.g. altricial nestlings) PI is predicted to increase and conflict decline with brood size, although this effect is inhibited or even reversed for high risk defence tactics because of the higher cost to larger broods if the parent dies. When the predator takes a single offspring (e.g. precocial birds) the parent's optimum PI is independent of brood size, the offspring's optimum PI declines in larger broods and conflict again declines with brood size. The parent is commonly expected to win the conflict over anti-predator care. Predictions concerning PI levels gain support from existing data, largely for birds, but evaluation of those for conflict must await the collection of new data. The distinction between shared and unshared investment is applicable to altruistic behaviour in general.  相似文献   

A brood manipulation experiment on great tits Parus major was performedto study the effects of nestling age and brood size on parentalcare and offspring survival. Daily energy expenditure (DEE)of females feeding nestlings of 6 and 12 days of age was measuredusing the doubly-labeled water technique. Females adjusted theirbrooding behavior to the age of the young. The data are consistentwith the idea that brooding behavior was determined primarilyby the thermoregulatory requirements of the brood. Female DEEdid not differ with nestling age; when differences in body masswere controlled for, it was lower during the brooding periodthan later. In enlarged broods, both parents showed significantlyhigher rates of food provisioning to the brood. Female DEE wasaffected by brood size manipulation, and it did not level offwith brood size. There was no significant effect of nestlingage on the relation between DEE and manipulation. Birds wereable to raise a larger brood than the natural brood size, althoughlarger broods suffered from increased nestling mortality ratesduring the peak demand period of the nestlings. Offspring conditionat fledging was negatively affected by brood size manipulation,but recruitment rate per brood was positively related to broodsize, suggesting that the optimal brood size exceeds the naturalbrood size in this population.  相似文献   

Is clutch size individually optimized?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Brood size manipulations were carried out to test whether clutchsize variation in individual great tits (Parus major) controlledfor laying date was tuned to their phenotypic quality and/orlocal food abundance (individual optimization hypothesis; IOH).Broods with different original clutch sizes, but equal hatchingdates, were manipulated to a common brood size. A third broodwas kept as a control. Under the IOH, we expected a positiveassociation between reproductive success and original clutchsize. Fledgling production varied in an inconclusive way aftermanipulation, with data from 1 out of 3 years favoring the IOH.The effect of manipulation on the probability of a second clutchwas consistent with the IOH in another 1 out of the 3 years.When fitness accrued to second broods was also taken into considerationin terms of annual fledgling production, results from 2 outof 3 years tended to support the IOH. There was no effect ofthe manipulation on fitness (estimated as the number of recruitsplus parents breeding in the next season). Both the clutch component(local recruitment) and the parental component (survival tillnext breeding season) varied inconclusively with respect tothe IOH. On the basis of fitness measurements, the IOH couldnot be confirmed as an explanation for clutch size variationin this population. In 2 out of 3 years one of the three fitnesscomponents measured varied in accordance with the IOH. Overallthe evidence for the IOH in this data set is therefore weak.  相似文献   

Brood parasites dramatically reduce the reproductive successof their hosts, which therefore have developed defenses againstbrood parasites. The first line of defense is protecting thenest against adult parasites. When the parasite has successfullyparasitized a host nest, some hosts are able to recognize andreject the eggs of the brood parasite, which constitutes the secondline of defense. Both defense tactics are costly and would be counteractedby brood parasites. While a failure in nest defense implies successfulparasitism and therefore great reduction of reproductive successof hosts, a host that recognizes parasitic eggs has the opportunityto reduce the effect of parasitism by removing the parasiticegg. We hypothesized that, when nest defense is counteractedby the brood parasite, hosts that recognize cuckoo eggs shoulddefend their nests at a lower level than nonrecognizers becausethe former also recognize adult cuckoos. Magpie (Pica pica) hoststhat rejected model eggs of the brood parasitic great spottedcuckoo (Clamator glandarius) showed lower levels of nest defensewhen exposed to a great spotted cuckoo than when exposed toa nest predator (a carrion crow Corvus corone). Moreover, magpiesrejecting cuckoo eggs showed lower levels of nest defense againstgreat spotted cuckoos than nonrecognizer magpies, whereas differencesin levels of defense disappeared when exposed to a carrion crow.These results suggest that hosts specialize in antiparasitedefense and that different kinds of defense are antagonistically expressed.We suggest that nest-defense mechanisms are ancestral, whereasegg recognition and rejection is a subsequent stage in the coevolutionaryprocess. However, host recognition ability will not be expressedwhen brood parasites break this second line of defense.  相似文献   

There is little experimental evidence testing whether currentbrood size and past brood mortality influence mate desertion.In the cichlid Aequidens coeruleopunctatus both parents initiallydefend offspring. In a field study, all experimental broods,irrespective of initial brood size (222.9 ± 60.4, mean± SD), were manipulated to a size of 100 fry. Neitherthe duration nor investment of females in parental care differed between control and brood reduced pairs, even though care seemedcostly. On average, females lost 5.1 ± 4.8% of initialweight while guarding a brood until independence. In contrast,males with experimentally reduced broods guarded fry for significantlyfewer days before deserting their mate than did males fromcontrol pairs with natural-sized broods (20.5 ± 7.5 vs. 14.2 ± 6.2 days). In at least 20% of cases (n = 9/45),the deserting male immediately mated with another female. Maleswith experimentally reduced broods also spent less time guardingfry before deserting and attacked fewer brood predators thandid males with control broods. For broods manipulated to have100 fry, there was a significant negative relationship betweenthe days until male desertion and the proportion of the initialbrood removed. This indicates that male assessment of the futuresuccess of the current brood (hence its reproductive value)is based on past mortality and/or that there is variation amongmales in the expected size of future broods. Both current broodsize and brood size relative to initial brood size are thereforepredictors of male, but not female, parental behavior and matedesertion. Female care may be unaffected by brood reductiondue to limited breeding opportunities and partial compensationfor reduced male care.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflicts of interest between family members areexpected to influence patterns of parental investment. In altricialbirds, despite providing the same kind of parental care, patternsof investment in different offspring can differ between parents,a situation termed parentally biased favoritism. Previous explanationsfor parentally biased favoritism have received mixed theoreticaland empirical support. Here, we test the prediction that inblue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, females bias their food allocationrules to favor the smallest offspring during the nestling stage.By doing so, females could increase the subsequent amount ofpaternal care supplied by their partner during the fledgingperiod, as a previous study showed that males feed the largestfledglings. When size differences within the brood are lesspronounced, all offspring will require similar amounts of postfledgingcare, and thus, the male parent will lose the advantage of caringfor the largest offspring that are closest to independence.In this study, we controlled the hunger of the smallest andlargest nestlings in the brood and compared the food allocationrules of the 2 parents. We found that the male parent had astronger preference than the female to feed the closest nestlingsand made no distinction between nestlings based on size, whereasthe female provisioned small hungry nestlings more when theywere at intermediate distances from her. These differences inparental food allocation rules are consistent with predictionsbased on sexual conflict over postfledging parental investment.  相似文献   

Nest predation is among the most important selective pressure shaping nest-site selection and nest defense behavior in many avian species. In this study, we tested whether the production of one such nest defense behavior—hissing calls—may improve survival of incubating female great tits (Parus major). We found that 72.5 % of incubating females gave hissing calls when they were exposed to a stuffed woodpecker in their nest boxes. The repeatability of the number of hissing calls given was high, as was the latency to give the call. Additionally, natural nest predators attacked hissing and nonhissing females equally often. However, hissing females survived better than silent females. We tested responses of feral cats to playbacks of hissing call during their attacks of nest boxes and found that hissing calls prevented the predator attacks. Taken together, our findings indicate that hissing calls can deter predator attacks and potentially increase survival rates of nesting great tits or their offspring, or both. The propensity to give hissing calls may be related to personality type of incubating female great tits, which needs to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites are a ubiquitous environmental component of breedingbirds, and it has repeatedly been shown that hematoph-agousectoparasites such as fleas and mites reduce the quality andnumber of offspring of bird hosts, thereby lowering the valueof a current brood. Selection acting on the hosts will favorphysiological and behavioral responses that will reduce theparasites' impact. However, the results of the few bird studiesthat addressed the question of whether parasitism leads to ahigher rate of food provisioning are equivocal, and the beggingresponse to infestation has rarely been quantified. A changein begging activity and parental rate of food provisioning couldbe predicted in either direction: parents could reduce theirinvestment in the brood in order to invest more in future broods,or they could increase their investment in order to compensatefor the parasites' effect on the current brood. Since the nestlingsare weakened by the ectoparasites they may beg less, but onthe other hand they may beg more in order to obtain more food.In this study we show experimentally that (1) hen fleas (Ceratophyllusgallinae) reduce the body mass and size of great tit (Parusmajor) nestlings, (2) nestlings of parasitized broods more thandouble their begging rate, (3) the male parents increase thefrequency of feeding trips by over 50%, (4) the females do notadjust feeding rate to the lowered nutritional state of nestlings,and (5) food competition among siblings of parasitized broodsis increased. Ultimately the difference in the parental feedingresponse may be understood as the result of a sex-related differencein the trade-off of i0vesting in current versus future broods.  相似文献   

We examine brood size effects on the behaviour of wintering parent and juvenile brent geese (Branta bernicla hrota) to test predictions of shared and unshared parental care models. The behaviour of both parents and offspring appear to be influenced by declining food availability over the winter. Parental vigilance increased with brood size and may be explained by vigilance having functions in addition to antipredator behaviour where the benefits are shared among the brood. There was no increase in parental aggression with brood size and this does not fit the prediction of shared care. Nevertheless, large families are able to monopolize better feeding areas compared with smaller families and large families static feed more but walk feed less than do small families, the former apparently being the preferred mode. The presence of additional young, rather than increasing the amount of parental aggression, seems to enhance the family's competitive ability. Because parents with large broods benefit from enhanced access to resources there is likely to be no additional significant cost in the parental care of larger broods (sensu Trivers 1972 ).  相似文献   

Capsule Females varied their provisioning patterns according to brood age and brood size, whereas males did not.

Aims To quantify how parents balance the needs of their offspring for food and protection.

Methods We studied 13 nests from hides and spent on average 101 hours per nest monitoring prey types, provisioning rate and the time spent at the nest by both sexes in relation to brood size and brood age.

Results Males always provided more food than females. Males brought similar amounts of prey items irrespective of brood size and nestling age, whereas females brought more prey and bigger items to larger and older broods. Females spent less time brooding larger broods, particularly early on.

Conclusions Hen Harrier parents share the provisioning burden, with each parent delivering prey as a function of brood care requirements, hunting capability and the behaviour of the other parent.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

To test whether nest abandonment is associated with parental health state, reproductive parameters and parental condition indices were examined in relation to brood desertion in great tits. Before desertion, pairs that abandoned their broods in the second half of the nestling period had significantly higher nestling mortality as well as lower average weight of nestlings and entire broods. Independently of brood size, female great tits that deserted their broods on average weighed 1 g (>5%) more than non-deserters. Comparison of metabolic profiles revealed that deserting females were in better nutritional condition (inclined to fat deposition) than non-deserters, which showed symptoms of postresorptive catabolic state, as indicated by a lower level of plasma triglycerides, very low density lipoproteins, and a higher level of free fatty acids and β-hydroxy-butyrate. These results suggest that desertion can be regarded as a reproductive restraint and that non-deserting females invested at least some of their maintenance resources on brood rearing. We found no evidence that desertion or non-desertion was associated with age- or disease-related differences in residual reproductive values. Male condition was not related to brood abandonment, suggesting that desertions were primarily initiated by females. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Obligate avian brood parasitism typically involves one of 2strategies: parasite chicks are either 1) virulent and evictall other eggs and nest mates to be raised alone or 2) moretolerant and share foster parental care with host chicks forsome or the entirety of the nestling period. We studied theconsequences of experimentally forced mixed broods of age-matchedone common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) and 2 great reed warbler(Acrocephalus arundinaceus) chicks. In these broods, both cuckooand host chicks grew slower than did either individual cuckoosor great reed warblers in broods of 1 parasite or 3 host chicks,respectively. Video records showed that in mixed broods, cuckoochicks received feedings less frequently than the 33% predictedby chance at 4 days of age but parental food allocations increasedto chance levels at 8 days of age. The consistent patterns oflower growth rates arose even though chicks in broods of 1 parasiteand 2 hosts received the largest prey items per feeding. Inaddition, several other measures of parental provisioning alsodid not predict species and brood-specific differences in nestlinggrowth rates across the different treatments. However, variationin begging displays and its specific costs on host and parasitechicks in the different nest treatments were not quantifiedin this study. We conclude that young of nest mate–evictorcommon cuckoos benefit from the sole occupancy of host nestsin part owing to an initial competitive disadvantage for parentalcare in broods with age-matched great reed warbler chicks.  相似文献   

Sarah E. Jamieson 《Ibis》2012,154(4):838-845
Breeding is energetically expensive and individuals face a trade‐off between current and future breeding investment. Due to their production of large eggs, female birds are thought to have substantially higher initial energetic investments than males, which decrease the female's offspring rearing capacity. The differential parental capacity hypothesis argues that this large initial investment limits the ability of female shorebirds to provide extended parental care, which can ultimately lead to offspring desertion. This hypothesis predicts that (1) during early incubation females will be in poorer condition than males, (2) both sexes will lose condition during incubation, but the decline in females will be slower than the decline in males and (3) there will be a positive relationship between female condition and the duration of maternal brood care. These predictions were tested using data on body mass adjusted for body size (as a proxy for condition) and parental care from Pacific Dunlins Calidris alpina pacifica nesting on the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. None of the predictions received support: females were heavier than males in early incubation, the overall pattern during incubation was that males gained mass while female mass remained relatively constant, and there was no relationship between female mass and maternal brood care duration. These results suggest that the factors influencing parental care decisions are more complex than a parent simply caring until it is physiologically unable to do so.  相似文献   

Hauber  Mark E. 《Behavioral ecology》2003,14(2):227-235
All parental hosts of heterospecific brood parasites must paythe cost of rearing non-kin. Previous research on nest parasitismby brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) concluded that competitivesuperiority of the typically more intensively begging and largercowbird chick leads to preferential feeding by foster parentsand causes a reduction in the hosts' own brood. The larger sizeof cowbird nestlings can be the result of at least two causes:(1) cowbirds preferentially parasitize species with smallernestlings and lower growth rates; and/or (2) cowbirds hatchearlier than hosts. I estimated the cost of cowbird parasitismfor each of 29 species by calculating the difference betweenhosts' published brood sizes in nonparasitized and parasitizednests and using clutch size to standardize values. In this analysis,greater incubation length and lower adult mass, surrogate measuresof the hatching asynchrony and size difference between parasiteand hosts, were both related to greater costs of cowbird parasitismwithout bias owing to phylogeny. To establish causality, I manipulatedclutch contents of eastern phoebes (Sayornis phoebe) and examinedwhether earlier hatching by a single cowbird or phoebe egg reducesthe size of the rest of the original host brood. As predicted,greater hatching asynchrony increased the proportion of theoriginal phoebe brood that was lost. This measure of the costof parasitism was partially owing to increased hatching failureof the original eggs in asynchronous broods but was not at allrelated to the size differences of older and younger conspecificnestmates. However, proportional brood loss owing to an earlierhatching conspecific was consistently smaller than brood lossowing to asynchronous cowbirds in both naturally and experimentallyparasitized phoebe nests. These results imply that althoughhatching asynchrony is an important cause of the reduction ofhost broods in parasitized clutches, competitive features ofcowbird nestlings remain necessary to explain the full extentof hosts' reproductive costs caused by interspecific brood parasitism.  相似文献   

We analyze territorial behavior in terms of decisions abouttime allocation.Such decisions must be made whenever time investedin territorial defense cannot be devoted to feeding, and viceversa. We describe the ecology and territorial behavior of thegreat tit (Parus major) to show that a tradeoff exists, andthen outline a series of laboratory and field experiments inwhich the value of feeding or defense was experimentally manipulated.Territorialmale great tits began to invest more heavily in territorialvigilance after encountering intruders, but the increase invigilance depended on the rate at which they could feed, aswell as their hunger level. We outline a dynamic analysis thattakes account of the fact that the optimal tradeoff will changeas hunger is reduced. The results of an experimental test ofthis dynamic model are also presented. We briefly review othertechniques whereby territorial tradeoffs have been investigated.  相似文献   

When facing a predator, animals need to perform an appropriate antipredator behavior such as escaping or mobbing to prevent predation. Many bird species exhibit distinct mobbing behaviors and vocalizations once a predator has been detected. In some species, mobbing calls transmit information about predator type, size, and threat, which can be assessed by conspecifics. We recently found that great tits (Parus major) produce longer D calls with more elements and longer intervals between elements when confronted with a sparrowhawk, a high‐threat predator, in comparison to calls produced in front of a less‐threatening tawny owl. In the present study, we conducted a playback experiment to investigate if these differences in mobbing calls elicit different behavioral responses in adult great tits. We found tits to have a longer latency time and to keep a greater distance to the speaker when sparrowhawk mobbing calls were broadcast. This suggests that tits are capable of decoding information about predator threat in conspecific mobbing calls. We further found a tendency for males to approach faster and closer than females, which indicates that males are willing to take higher risks in a mobbing context than females.  相似文献   

Parental investment with a superior alien in the brood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a parent's parentage differs across breeding attempts, established theory predicts that the parent should invest more in a brood when perceived parentage is high. We present a model of parental investment in which offspring unrelated to the parent have a competitive advantage over the parent's own offspring and take a larger share of investment. We show that this can weaken or, if the competitive advantage is great, reverse the predicted relationship between perceived parentage and parental investment. A moderate competitive advantage of extra-pair young over within-pair young could partly explain the lack of any clear relationship between paternal care and paternity in many studies, and could easily arise if females choose extra-pair partners for good genes. Our results are also relevant to interspecific avian brood parasitism. As parasites reared together with host offspring are often superior competitors, their hosts could benefit from increasing investment in response to suspected parasitism.  相似文献   

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