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Dielectric behavior of DNA-proflavine complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D N Goswami  J Das  N N Das Gupta 《Biopolymers》1973,12(5):1047-1052
The dielectric relaxation of namtive DNA and DNA–proflavine complexes at different DNA phosphate (P) to dye (D) ratios, were investigated in the frequency range 100 c/sec to 100 Kc/sec. The proflavine molecules were found to have a profound effect on the static dielectric constant and the relaxation time of the polymers. The static dielectric constant was oberserved to decrese with increasing level of added proflavine. At P/D = 1, the variation of dielectric constant with frequency was small. Relaxation time (τ) was greater for the DNA–proflavine complexes compared to that for free DNA, Maximum value of the relaxation time was obtained at P/D = 10. The increase in the relaxation time and decrease in the static dielectric constant were attributed to the increase in length and meutralization of surface charges of the DNA molecules, respectively, as aresult of proflavine binding.  相似文献   

The dipolar correlation function for a system of coupterions diffusing on the surface of a polyelectrolyte cylinder is computed. The influence of screened coulombic repulsions on the dielectric increment is determined. Dissociation and reassociation of the counterions to the cylinder is treated microscopically and the coupled bulk diffusion is solved in the presence of the Poisson-Boltzmann potential. It is found that the correlation function contains a small, fast decaying, molecular weight independent part arising from diffusion around the cylinder and a large, slowly decaying, molecular weight dependent part arising from diffusion along the cylinder axis. The dissociation-reassociation kinetics can play a large, possible dominant, role in determining the relaxation rates.  相似文献   

Real and imaganiry parts of complex dielectric constant of dilute solutions of DNA in 10?3M NaCl with molecular weight ranging from 0.4 × 106 to 4 × 106 were measured at frequencies from 0.2 Hz to 30 kHz. Dielectric increments Δε were obtained from Cole-Cole plots and relaxation times τD from the loss maximum frequency. The τD of all samples agrees well with twice of the maximum viscoelastic relexation time in the Zimm theory, indicating that the low-frequency dielectric relaxiation should be ascribed to be the rotation of DNA. The rms dipole moment, which was obtained from Δε, agree well with that calculated from the counterion fluctuation theory. The dielectric increment was found to be greatly depressed in MgCl2, which is resonably interpreted in terms of a strong binding of Mg++ ions with DNA.  相似文献   

The transverse and longitudinal dielectric permittivities of isotropic quantum plasma are calculated in the quantum plasma models based on the Dirac and Pauli equations. The dispersion relations for transverse-longitudinal waves in quantum particle beams are derived. Relativistic longitudinal and transverse waves in cold isotropic quantum plasma in models based on the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, as well as spin waves in the model based on the Pauli equation, are considered. Conditions for wave-particle resonance interactions in relativistic quantum plasma are analyzed.  相似文献   

The dipolar correlation function for a system of counterions diffusing on the surface of a polyelectrolyte cylinder is computed. Repulsive coulombic interactions between the counterions are taken into account. Lateral dissociation and reassociation to the cylinder is treated microscopically. Numerical calculations needed to obtain quantitative results for the long time behavior are presented. The model dependence on its parameters is interpreted with special emphasis on parameter values typical of DNA.  相似文献   

The role of the Coulomb forces between the counterions on the surface of polyelectrolytes on the dielectric response is analyzed. An estimate of the maximum dielectric increment (as a function of the number of counterions) is found as a function of the molecular length. The minimum-energy configuration of the counterions on a cylinder is found to be a double helix, suggesting the fundamental importance of electrostatic interactions in determining structure. Solutions of the dynamical equations for a few counterions indicate that a single mode dominates the relaxation which is enhanced by the inter-ion repulsions. A lower bound is found for this mode based on analysis of the system response for short lengths. Sum rules for the rates and amplitudes of the dipolar correlation function are derived and lead to an upper bound for the rate of the dominant mode. These bounds approach one another for the parameters characteristic of restriction fragments of DNA. This permits a prediction of the magnitude and time scale of the dielectric response.  相似文献   

The relative permittivity and dielectric loss of aqueous solutions of plasmid (pUC8.c1 and pUC8.c2) DNA have been measured at 20 degrees C over the frequency range 100 MHz-10 GHz. The solutions had a concentration of 0.1% DNA, and were studied both in the relaxed and the supercoiled form. The dielectric measurements were made using a variety of techniques including frequency domain and time domain methods of operation. No evidence of any resonance absorption, nor of any other kind of enhanced absorption, was observed.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex behavior in asynaptic maize.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M P Maguire  R W Riess 《Génome》1991,34(1):163-168
Synatonemal complexes were studied in silver-stained spread preparations of microsporocyte complements of asynaptic maize. Complexes were found predominantly in terminal regions of chromosome pairs. These tend to be aggregated in a common portion of the nucleus and to have polar orientation. As many as 19 of the 20 ends were found to be involved in relatively short paired segments. Intercalary regions of cores were not strongly organized and aligned, but some contained completed synaptonemal complex segments. The defect in asynaptic appears to represent stalling of the synaptic process at an early stage of synaptic progression.  相似文献   

The equilibrium Kerr effect of a system of mobile charges constrained to the surface of biomacromolecules is calculated. Cylindrical and spherical geometries are considered. For the cylinder we determine the anisotropy of electric polarizability as a function of length, temperature, and number of charged species in the low-field regime, and the fraction of the maximum induced dipole in the field direction for higher electric fields. The results are compared to experimental data for DNA oligomers taken from the literature. With spherical geometry we calculate the fractional induced dipole moment as a function of electric field strength and from this deduce the orientation function. The field dependence of the orientation function is compared to experimental data in the literature for bovine disk membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

The time dependence of the orientation of a cylindrical biopolymer and the configuration of its counterion complement in the presence of an external electric field is found by solving a model forced diffusion equation. The solution is a high temperature expansion in the external field strength and is used to predict the nature of the dielectric relaxation and the dynamic Kerr effect for such systems. Specific application is made to the dynamic Kerr effect of a DNA oligomer for which experimental data appear in the literature. The analysis yields a value for the surface diffusion coefficient of a sodium ion on DNA at 20 degrees C of 3.8 x 10(-10) m2 s-1.  相似文献   

Oncley JL 《Biophysical chemistry》2003,100(1-3):151-158
After 1946, serum albumin was available for studies. Its residue sequence and internal disulfide bonding was developed by 1976. We began to make dielectric dispersion studies and apply Perrin's equations for rotational relaxation times around the two axes of revolution in 1938. These data indicated that albumin should have an elongated shape. In 1992 atomic structure data indicated the molecule was heart-shaped. A similar 1998 study of albumin complexed with fatty acid showed that the molecule was substantially rearranged. We found that the dielectric constant of albumin solutions was sensitive to fatty acid content, making this property an attractive probe in stop–flow kinetic studies. Such studies show that the fatty acid reaction is a two-step process. The fatty acid first binds to exterior sites in a diffusion-limited second order reaction complete in 1 ms. Then a first order rearrangement reaction with 400 ms half-life follows. Thus the highly specialized serum albumin sequence of amino acid residues determines not only the structure of the unligated molecule, but also the distinctive structures of the numerous multiligated molecules.  相似文献   

The steady state absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic properties of the xanthophylls, violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, and lutein, and the efficiencies of singlet energy transfer from the individual xanthophylls to chlorophyll have been investigated in recombinant CP26 protein overexpressed in Escherichia coli and then refolded in vitro with purified pigments. Also, the effect of the different xanthophylls on the extents of static and dynamic quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence has been investigated. Absorption, fluorescence, and fluorescence excitation demonstrate that the efficiency of light harvesting from the xanthophylls to chlorophyll a is relatively high and insensitive to the particular xanthophyll that is present. A small effect of the different xanthophylls is observed on the extent of quenching of Chl fluorescence. The data provide the precise wavelengths of the absorption and fluorescence features of the bound pigments in the highly congested spectral profiles from these light-harvesting complexes. This information is important in assessing the mechanisms by which higher plants dissipate excess energy in light-harvesting proteins.  相似文献   

P Schlecht 《Biopolymers》1969,8(6):757-765
This paper is concerned with the molecular origin of the dipole moment of sperm whale myoglobin as it can be calculated from the dielectric dispersion at 1 Mcps on the basis of a mechanism of orientational polarization. It was possible to compare the dielectric increment of native myoglobin and its change during the reaction with bromo acetate with dipole moments calculated according to the known coordinates of the charged groups of the molecule. The agreement between the two shows that in myoglobin only the permanent dipole moment due to these charged groups is important, and that contributions from other possible sources remain within the limits of experimental error.  相似文献   

The theory developed in previous papers and based on distribution curves of definite form is generalized to any form of unimodel distributions. The time course of the change from one behavior to another is discussed and a general theorem about the time course is established.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that bilirubin forms a complex with Cu(II). In this paper we show that the formation of the complex results in the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) and the redox cycling of the metal gives rise to the formation of reactive oxygen species, particularly hydroxyl radical. The bilirubin-Cu(II) complex causes strand breakage in calf thymus DNA and supercoiled plasmid DNA. Cu(I) was shown to be an essential intermediate in the DNA cleavage reaction by using the Cu(I) specific sequestering reagent neocuproine. Bilirubin-Cu(II) produced hydroxyl radical and the involvement of active oxygen species was established by the inhibition of DNA breakage by various oxygen radical quenchers.  相似文献   

Many factors trigger the degradation of proteins, including changes in environmental conditions, genetic mutations, and limitations in the availability of cofactors. Despite the importance for viability, still very little is known about protein degradation and its regulation. The degradation of the most abundant membrane protein on Earth, the light-harvesting complex of Photosystem II (LHC II), is highly regulated under different environmental conditions, e.g. light stress, to prevent photochemical damage of the reaction center. However, despite major effort to identify the protease/proteases involved in the degradation of the apoproteins of LHC II the molecular details of this important process remain obscure. LHC II belongs to the family of chlorophyll a/b binding proteins (CAB proteins) and is located in the thylakoid membrane of the plant chloroplast. The results of biochemical experiments to isolate and characterize the protease degrading LHC II are summarized here and compared to our own recent finding indicating that a metalloprotease of the FtsH family is involved in this process.  相似文献   

Quantitative predictions of steady-state muscle properties from the strain-dependent cross-bridge for muscle are presented. With a stiffness of 5.4 x 10(-4) N/m per head, a throw distance of 11 nm, and three allowed actin sites/head, isometric properties and their dependence on phosphate and nucleotide levels are well described if the tension-generating step occurs before phosphate release. At very low ATP levels, rigorlike states with negative strain are predicted. The rate-limiting step for cycling and ATP consumption is strain-blocked ADP release for isometric and slowly shortening muscle. Under rapid shortening, ATP hydrolysis on detached heads is the rate-limiting step, and the ratio of bound ATP to bound ADP.Pi increases by a factor of 7. At large positive strains, bound heads must be forcibly detached from actin to account for tension in rapid extension, but forced detachment in shortening has no effect without destroying isometric attached states. Strain-blocked phosphate release as proposed produces modest inhibition of the ATPase rate under rapid shortening, sufficient to give a maximum for one actin site per helix turn. Alternative cross-bridge models are discussed in the light of these predictions.  相似文献   

Complex and energetically expensive foraging tasks should beshaped by natural selection to be efficient. Many species ofbirds open hard-shelled prey by dropping the prey repeatedlyonto the ground from considerable heights. Urban-dwelling Americancrows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) forage in this way on two speciesof walnuts in central California, USA. As predicted from a theoreticalmodel, crows dropped nuts with harder shells from greater heightsand dropped them from greater heights when over softer substrates.The height selected for dropping nuts decreased in the presenceof numerous nearby conspecifics, indicating that crows weresensitive to the risk of kleptoparasitism when selecting dropheights. Drop height decreased with repeated drops of the samewalnut, suggesting that crows adjusted for the increasing likelihoodthat a repeatedly-dropped nut would break on subsequent drops.Crows did not alter height of drop in accordance with differencesin the mass of the prey. When faced with multiple prey typesand dropping substrates, and high rates of attempted kleptoparasitism,crows adjusted the height from which they dropped nuts in waysthat decreased the likelihood of kleptoparasitism and increasedthe energy obtained from each nut.  相似文献   

Dielectric constant and dielectric loss of heavy meromyosin (HMM) were measured with varying pH. HMM showed a broader dispersion pattern than that with a single relaxation time especially on the high-frequencey side. The dielectric increment increased sharply with pH, above pH 6, whereas the mean relaxation time and whole dispersion pattern were unchanged in the same region. The values of the increment and the mean relaxation time were much larger than those of usual globular proteins. The dispersion profile, pH dependence, and values of the increment are well explained by Oosawa's counterion fluctuation theory. Other mechanisms are more or less inadequate to our results. In the low pH region below the isoelectric precipitation region, both the increment and the mean relaxation time decreased; this is probably due to partial denaturation and suppression of the dissociation of carboxyl groups. An experiment on a urea-denatured sample supports this assumption. The biological significance of the pH dependence is discussed.  相似文献   

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