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White, pink, pumpkin, and yellow strains ofUstilago violacea containing high and low levels of cytochrome c and various carotenes were subjected to high light intensities to characterize the kinetics of photoinactivation. Additionally, these strains were grown at two light intensities to characterize their long-term resistance to photoinactivation. The orange strain 2.D37291S and yellow strain 1.C2y had the highest carotene contents and were the most light resistant in the kinetics and growth experiments. The pink strains 2.C425, AB278a-1, and 1.C421 accumulated cytochrome c as well as carotenes. These strains were slightly more photosensitive than the yellow or orange strains in the kinetics experiment but were much more sensitive in the growth experiment. The phytoene-containing white strain 2.C419, which contains a small amount of cytochrome c, had a high level of resistance to light in the kinetics and growth experiments. The carotene-less strains were most sensitive in the kinetics experiment but not in the growth experiment. The overall photosensitivity ofU. violacea strains is related to the carotene and cytochrome c contents.  相似文献   

White, pink, orange, and yellow strains ofUstilago violacea containing high and low levels of cytochrome c and various carotenes were exposed to ultraviolet light. The survival curves for all strains were of exponential decay form, but the carotene-accumulating strains were generally more resistant to UV than those strains with no carotenes at all. The UV exposure time leading to 90% loss in viability, LD90, was quantitatively related to the carotene content in the form of a power function, where LD90 increased as the fifth root of the total carotene content per cell. We also determined that the ratio of total carotenes to total cytochrome c per cell was quantitatively related to the rate of viability loss during UV exposure.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1986,10(2):83-88
Haploid strains 15.10, 1.C429, and 1.C2y and diploid strain JK2 ofUstilago violacea were grown on one or more of the following carbon sources: glucose, sucrose, maltose, inulin, starch, inositol, glycerol, casein, and yeast extract. The media, both before and after fungal growth, and the fungal cells were analyzed for 13C/12C content (δ13C values) using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer after combustion to CO2. In all cases, the used and unused media had identical δ13C values. Strain 15.10 had significantly less13C than the media when grown on glucose, sucrose, maltose, and inositol; significantly more13C when grown on inulin, starch, and glycerol; and no significant difference in δ13C values when grown on casein and yeast extract media. Other haploid strains responded similarly to 15.10. Diploid strain JK2 was also depleted in13C when grown on glucose and enriched in13C when grown on glycerol; however, JK2 was slightly depleted in13C when grown on casein, whereas all the tested haploid strains were enriched in13C.  相似文献   

Ustilago scitaminea synthesizes specific carbohydrates, mainly erythritol and mannitol, plus smaller quantities of arabitol, inositol, and trehalose. Intensive secretion of erythritol is obtained when the fungus is grown in liquid culture. Glucose, fructose, or sucrose can be used interchangeably as carbon sources by the fungus, sucrose being quickly inverted.  相似文献   

Gupta  P. P. 《Plant cell reports》1983,2(5):255-256
Plant Cell Reports - Haploid, diploid and triploid plants in Petunia violacea have been produced by culturing anthers of early binucleate pollen on kinetin supplemented basal medium. Cytological...  相似文献   

White, pink, pumpkin, orange, and yellow strains ofUstilago violacea containing high and low levels of cytochrome c and various carotenes were subjected to high light intensities in the presence and absence of the endogenous photosensitizer toluidine blue (TB). The white strain 15.10 and the cytochrome-c-accumulating pink strain 1.C429 were completely lacking carotenes and were the most sensitive to visible light under all conditions. The phytoene-containing white strain 2.C419, the carotene-containing pink strains AB278a-1, 1.C421, and 2.C425, and pumpkin strain 2.C415 were more resistant to photodestruction in the presence and absence of TB than strains 15.10 and 1.C429. Consistently, the most light resistant strains were the high carotene, low cytochrome-c-accumulating orange, and yellow strains. The photosensitivity of strains ofU. violacea was related to the level of carotene, cytochrome c, the presence or absence of TB, and the age of the culture.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographic investigation of the cell cycle of 12 diploid and 12 abnormal human fibroblast strains was carried out. Two cell strains (trisomy 7 and monosomy 21) derived from spontaneous abortuses showed prolongation of the G2 period accompanied by the shortening of the S period. Other cytogenetically abnormal embryonic strains (trisomy 9, 14 and triploidy) did not deviate from the diploid pattern. Three cell strains (LHC-1-70, LHC-6-70, LHC-411) derived from the patients with karyotypes 47,XXX, 47,XY,+18 and 46,XX,5p—respectivly had embryonic types of proliferation with a short G2 period. In two other strains from the patients with Down's syndrom the G2 period was prolonged. There was no statistically significant difference in the parameters of the cell cycle between the control and the strains derived from a patient with Klinefelter syndrom and from a male patient with karyotype 46,XX. The modificatory effect of the chromosomal abnormalities on the parameters of cell cycle is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der Zellcyclus von 12 normal diploiden und 12 abnormen menschlichen Fibroblasten-Zellinien wurde untersucht. Zwei Zellinien (Trisomie 7 und Monosomie 21) zeigten eine Verlängerung der G2-Phase und eine Verkürzung der S-Phase. Zellinien (Trisomie 9, 14 und Triploidie) wichen nicht von der Norm ab. Drei Zellinien (47,XXX; 47,XY,+18; 46,XX,5p-) zeigten eine Verkürzung von G2. G2 war dagegen verlängert bei zwei Zellinien von Down-Syndrom. Keine Abweichung fand sich bei einem Klinefelter-Patienten und einem männlichen Probanden mit 46,XX.

Population models of host-parasite interactions predict that when different parasite genotypes compete within a host for limited resources, those that exploit the host faster will be selected, leading to an increase in parasite virulence. When parasites sharing a host are related, however, kin selection should lead to more cooperative host exploitation that may involve slower rates of parasite reproduction. Despite their potential importance, studies that assess the prevalence of multiple genotype infections in natural populations remain rare, and studies quantifying the relatedness of parasites occurring together as natural multiple infections are particularly scarce. We investigated multiple infections in natural populations of the systemic fungal plant parasite Microbotryum violaceum, the anther smut of Caryophyllaceae, on its host, Silene latifolia. We found that multiple infections can be extremely frequent, with different fungal genotypes found in different stems of single plants. Multiple infections involved parasite genotypes more closely related than would be expected based upon their genetic diversity or due to spatial substructuring within the parasite populations. Together with previous sequential inoculation experiments, our results suggest that M. violaceum actively excludes divergent competitors while tolerating closely related genotypes. Such an exclusion mechanism might explain why multiple infections were less frequent in populations with the highest genetic diversity, which is at odds with intuitive expectations. Thus, these results demonstrate that genetic diversity can influence the prevalence of multiple infections in nature, which will have important consequences for their optimal levels of virulence. Measuring the occurrence of multiple infections and the relatedness among parasites within hosts in natural populations may be important for understanding the evolutionary dynamics of disease, the consequences of vaccine use, and forces driving the population genetic structure of parasites.  相似文献   

Occurrence of diploid strains of Cryptococcus neoformans.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A mating between niacin and pantothenate auxotrophs of Cryptococcus neoformans gave a few prototrophic progeny that were self-fertile. These were uninuclear but contained twice as much DNA as the parental strains. Segregation of nutritional markers was observed upon sporulation. We conclude that these self-fertile strains are diploids.  相似文献   

B. Borkhardt  L. W. Olson 《Protoplasma》1979,100(3-4):323-343
Summary Three-dimensional serial section reconstructions of meiotic prophase nuclei ofAllomyces macrogynus (Chytridiomycetes, Blastocladiales) have been carried out. Serial section reconstructions of pachytene nuclei have revealed that the fungus when grown at 23 °C is an autotetraploid and is a diploid when grown at 35 °C for at least 6 months or on a substrate containing para-fluorophenylalanine for 1–2 weeks.Studies of the duplication and migration of the centrioles during the first stages of prophase revealed the existence of four centrioles in the 23 °C strain after centriole duplication and two centrioles in the 35 °C strain after duplication. It is observed that a bivalent attaches to the nuclear envelope at a site where a centriole is situated. It is proposed that the presence of the four centrioles in the 23 °C strain is due to the fact that each bivalent is represented twice in the strain.  相似文献   

Various auxotrophic mutants of diploid heterothallic Japanese sake strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were utilized for selecting mating-competent diploid isolates. The auxotrophic mutants were exposed to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and crossed with laboratory haploid tester strains carrying complementary auxotrophic markers. Zygotes were then selected on minimal medium. Sake strains exhibiting a MATa or MATα mating type were easily obtained at high frequency without prior sporulation, suggesting that the UV irradiation induced homozygosity at the MAT locus. Flow cytometric analysis of a hybrid showed a twofold higher DNA content than the sake diploid parent, consistent with tetraploidy. By crossing strains of opposite mating type in all possible combinations, a number of hybrids were constructed. Hybrids formed in crosses between traditional sake strains and between a natural nonhaploid isolate and traditional sake strains displayed equivalent fermentation ability without any apparent defects and produced comparable or improved sake. Isolation of mating-competent auxotrophic mutants directly from industrial yeast strains allows crossbreeding to construct polyploids suitable for industrial use without dependence on sporulation.  相似文献   

Triploid suspensions generally grew more vigorously in modified MS medium with 2,4-D than those of diploids. The embryogenic potential of 26-month-old auxin-dependent suspension cultures depended on the line. Neither triploid nor diploid BOR (Borszczagowski line) were able to produce somatic embryos. Similarly, 12–20-month-old cytokinin-dependent suspensions from the same triploid line were not capable of regeneration. Only aggregates from 26-month-old auxin-dependent suspension of triploid line 603 differentiated into somatic embryos. In contrast, 18-month-old diploid and triploid liquid cultures of meristematic clumps (LMC) of BOR retained their regeneration potential. The ploidy level of triploid and diploid auxin-dependent suspension cultures was stable during the first 8 months. However, the ploidy level of triploids remained stable over 26 months of culture, whereas 66.7% of diploid cultures underwent chromosome doubling. No ploidy changes were observed among plants regenerated from 18-month-old LMC. Our data suggest that loss of embryogenic potential in suspension culture was independent of ploidy level.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis was performed on 45 commercial yeasts which are used in winemaking because of their superior fermentation properties. Genome sizes were estimated by propidium iodide fluorescence and flow cytometry. Forty strains had genome sizes consistent with their being diploid, while five had a range of aneuploid genome sizes that ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 times larger. The diploid strains are all Saccharomyces cerevisiae, based on genetic analysis of microsatellite and minisatellite markers and on DNA sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA of four strains. Four of the five aneuploid strains appeared to be interspecific hybrids between Saccharomyces kudriavzevii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with the fifth a hybrid between two S. cerevisiae strains. An identification fingerprint was constructed for the commercial yeast strains using 17 molecular markers. These included six published trinucleotide microsatellites, seven new dinucleotide microsatellites, and four published minisatellite markers. The markers provided unambiguous identification of the majority of strains; however, several had identical or similar patterns, and likely represent the same strain or mutants derived from it. The combined use of all 17 polymorphic loci allowed us to identify a set of eleven commercial wine yeast strains that appear to be genetically homozygous. These strains are presumed to have undergone inbreeding to maintain their homozygosity, a process referred to previously as ‘genome renewal’.  相似文献   

Several barophilic Shewanella species have been isolated from deep-sea sediments at depths of 2,485– 6,499 m. From the results of taxonomic studies, all of these isolates have been identified as strains of Shewanella benthica except for strain DSS12. Strain DSS12 is a member of a novel, moderately barophilic Shewanella species isolated from the Ryukyu Trench at a depth of 5,110 m. On Marine Agar 2216 plates, this organism produced a violet pigment, whereas the colonies of other isolates (S. benthica) were rose-colored. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16 S ribosomal RNA gene sequences showed that strain DSS12 represents a separate lineage within the genus Shewanella that is closely related to S. benthica and particularly to the members of the Shewanella barophiles branch. The temperature range for growth and some of the biochemical characteristics indicate that strain DSS12 differs from other Shewanella species. Furthermore, strain DSS12 displayed a low level of DNA similarity to the Shewanella type strains. Based on these differences, it is proposed that strain DSS12 represents a new deep-sea Shewanella species. The name Shewanella violacea (JCM 10179) is proposed. Received: 15 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

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