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Abstract— Cladistic analyses of data from allozyme polymorphisms in paper wasp social parasites and their hosts do not support the hypothesis that social parasites are most closely related to their hosts. Electrophoretic data are adduced for nine species of Polistes , including all three known species of social parasites ( Sulcopolistes ) and their hosts. Three different coding methods are investigated; in no case do the social parasites cluster most closely with their hosts. Rather, there is limited evidence that they form a monophyletic group. However, formal taxonomic recognition of Sulcopolistes is not justified, as it renders Polistes sensu stricto paraphyletic. Although the social parasites are not most closely related to their hosts, hosts and parasites belong in the same subgenus and share many characteristics that may have facilitated the exploitation and deception practised by the parasites on the hosts.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome b sequences of malaria parasites and their avian hosts to assess the coevolutionary relationships between host and parasite lineages. Many lineages of avian malaria parasites have broad host distributions, which tend to obscure cospeciation events. The hosts of a single parasite or of closely related parasites were nonetheless most frequently recovered from members of the same host taxonomic family, more so than expected by chance. However, global assessments of the relationship between parasite and host phylogenetic trees, using Component and ParaFit, failed to detect significant cospeciation. The event-based approach employed by TreeFitter revealed significant cospeciation and duplication with certain cost assignments for these events, but host switching was consistently more prominent in matching the parasite tree to the host tree. The absence of a global cospeciation signal despite conservative host distribution most likely reflects relatively frequent acquisition of new hosts by individual parasite lineages. Understanding these processes will require a more refined species concept for malaria parasites and more extensive sampling of parasite distributions across hosts. If parasites can disperse between allopatric host populations through alternative hosts, cospeciation may not have a strong influence on the architecture of host-parasite relationships. Rather, parasite speciation may happen more often in conjunction with the acquisition of new hosts followed by divergent selection between host lineages in sympatry. Detailed studies of the phylogeographic distributions of hosts and parasites are needed to characterize these events.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. In ant social parasitism, the process by which parasite–host systems evolved and the types of invasion mechanisms parasites use are being debated. Emery’s rule, for example, states that social parasites are the closest relatives to their hosts. The present study uses previously published data to test whether Emery’s rule applies equally to all parasitism types (i.e. xenobiosis, temporary, dulosis, and inquilinism). In addition, this study also investigates other links between parasite–host relatedness and host biology, which has implications for understanding the invasion mechanisms used by certain parasites. 2. We find that xenobiotic parasites typically use distantly‐related host species that are of at least medium colony size. Temporary parasites often have multiple host species that are very closely related to the parasite and hosts with medium‐size colonies. Dulotic parasites frequently have multiple host species that are slightly less related and of any size. Lastly, inquiline parasites tend to have a single, very closely related, host species with medium‐size colonies. 3. Parasites tend to be more closely related to host species if they have a single host species or when the host has a large colony size. In contrast, parasites with multiple host species or hosts of small colony size tend to be less related to their hosts. 4. This study is the first to examine trends in ant social parasitism across all known parasite species. Our meta‐analysis shows that Emery’s rule applies to inquilinism and temporary parasitism, but not to dulosis and xenobiosis. Our results also suggest that both parasitism type and parasite–host relatedness predict the number of hosts and host colony size. It may be that a chemical mimicry mechanism allows invasion of large host colonies, but requires close relatedness of parasite and host, and concentration on a single host species.  相似文献   

Surprisingly little is known about what determines a parasite's host range, which is essential in enabling us to predict the fate of novel infections. In this study, we evaluate the importance of both host and parasite phylogeny in determining the ability of parasites to infect novel host species. Using experimental lab assays, we infected 24 taxonomically diverse species of Drosophila flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) with five different nematode species (Tylenchida: Allantonematidae: Howardula, Parasitylenchus), and measured parasite infection success, growth, and effects on female host fecundity (i.e., virulence). These nematodes are obligate parasites of mushroom-feeding Drosophila, particularly quinaria and testacca group species, often with severe fitness consequences on their hosts. We show that the potential host ranges of the nematodes are much larger than their actual ranges, even for parasites with only one known host species in nature. Novel hosts that are distantly related from the native host are much less likely to be infected, but among more closely related hosts, there is much variation in susceptibility. Potential host ranges differ greatly between the related parasite species. All nematode species that successfully infected novel hosts produced infective juveniles in these hosts. Most novel infections did not result in significant reductions in the fecundity of female hosts, with one exception: the host specialist Parasitylenchus nearcticus sterilized all quinaria group hosts, only one of which is a host in nature. The large potential host ranges of these parasites, in combination with the high potential for host colonization due to shared mushroom breeding sites, explain the widespread host switching observed in comparisons of nematode and Drosophila phylogenies.  相似文献   

Hemiparasitic plants have green leaves, but extract water and solutes from neighbouring plants. It is still poorly understood how different host plants in communities contribute to parasite performance, as species that are good hosts in single‐host experiments may not necessarily be preferred hosts in mixtures. We grew the root hemiparasite Rhinanthus alectorolophus (Orobanchaceae) together with each of 13 host species (experiment 1) and with 15 different four‐species mixtures of these hosts (experiment 2) that differed in the number of legumes and of host functional groups. Parasites profited from mixtures including more legumes and from mixtures including different host functional groups. Some host species and mixtures were very tolerant of parasitism and supported large parasites without being strongly suppressed in their own growth, but the suppression of a species in the single‐host experiment did not explain the suppression of a species in a host mixture. We thus calculated for each host species an index of the difference in suppression between the two experiments which may be related to host use in a mixture. Host quality (mean parasite biomass with a host species) in the single‐host experiment could explain 64% of the variation in parasite biomass with a host mixture when it was weighted by the proportion of the host species in the mixture without the parasite and by the suppression difference index. Our results suggest that plant species which are the best hosts in single‐host experiments are not always those used most strongly by a parasite growing with a mixture. Together with the finding that hemiparasites benefit from a mixed diet based on hosts from different functional groups this suggests that parasites prefer certain host species to obtain a mixed diet.  相似文献   

Parasitic interactions are often part of complex networks of interspecific relationships that have evolved in biological communities. Despite many years of work on the evolution of parasitism, the likelihood that sister taxa of parasites can co-evolve with their hosts to specifically infect two related lineages, even when those hosts occur sympatrically, is still unclear. Furthermore, when these specific interactions occur, the molecular and physiological basis of this specificity is still largely unknown. The presence of these specific parasitic relationships can now be tested using molecular markers such as DNA sequence variation. Here we test for specific parasitic relationships in an emerging host-parasite model, the stickleback-Schistocephalus system. Threespine and ninespine stickleback fish are intermediate hosts for Schistocephalus cestode parasites that are phenotypically very similar and have nearly identical life cycles through plankton, stickleback, and avian hosts. We analyzed over 2000 base pairs of COX1 and NADH1 mitochondrial DNA sequences in 48 Schistocephalus individuals collected from threespine and ninespine stickleback hosts from disparate geographic regions distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. Our data strongly support the presence of two distinct clades of Schistocephalus, each of which exclusively infects either threespine or ninespine stickleback. These clades most likely represent different species that diverged soon after the speciation of their stickleback hosts. In addition, genetic structuring exists among Schistocephalus taken from threespine stickleback hosts from Alaska, Oregon and Wales, although it is much less than the divergence between hosts. Our findings emphasize that biological communities may be even more complex than they first appear, and beg the question of what are the ecological, physiological, and genetic factors that maintain the specificity of the Schistocephalus parasites and their stickleback hosts.  相似文献   

Exotic species typically lose most of their associated parasites during long-distance spread. However, the few parasites that are co-introduced may have considerable adverse impacts on their novel hosts, including mass mortalities. We present a comprehensive inventory of parasites known to infect 38 species of exotic invertebrates established in the Great Lakes, as well as 16 invertebrate species predicted to arrive in the near future, all of them crustaceans. Based on a literature analysis, we identified a total of 277 parasite taxa associated with the examined invertebrates in their native ranges and/or invaded areas. Of these parasites, 56 species have been documented to cause various pathologies in their intermediate or final hosts, with humans and fishes being the most frequently affected host categories. Potentially harmful parasites were identified in 61% of the invaders for which published information was retrieved (in their ranges outside of the Great Lakes), with molluscs and crustaceans hosting the highest numbers of such parasites. The results of our study provide a baseline for further assessment and management of the parasitological risks posed by exotic species to the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

W. Grant  Inglis 《Journal of Zoology》1968,156(4):405-413
The nematodes parasitic in frogs in southern Western Australia are closely related to those found in South Australian hosts, with two cosmocercoid species common to both regions and at least two of the three Western Australian species of Parathelandros forming pairs with species in South Australia.
The host distribution of the Western Australian species of Parathelandros suggests a host specificity, at generic level, with one species restricted to the genus Hyla, one largely restricted to the genus Helioporus and one, more widespread, in the genera Neobatrachus, Helioporus and Limnodynastes.
Studies of the hosts have demonstrated that the four species of Helioporus in which P. carinae is known to occur do not represent a local radiation but are the result of at least three host invasions from the eastern side of the Nullarbor Plain. Because of this it is argued that the speciation of the parasites was independent of that of the hosts, was allopatric and probably involved intra-host competition.
The importance of using the divisions of their environment recognized by the parasites, rather than those recognized by their hosts, in studies of host: parasite relationships is stressed. As a consequence it is argued that although the theoretical basis of using parasites as indicators of host relationships is weakened their practical value remains unimpaired. Attention is drawn to the danger of circularity in the use of parasites in establishing host relationships.  相似文献   

In several groups of parasites including insect, flowering plant, fungal, and red algal parasites, morphological similarities of the parasites and their specific hosts have led to hypotheses that these parasites evolved from their hosts. But these conclusions have been criticized because the morphological features shared by parasite and host may be the result of convergent evolution. In this study, we examine the hypothesis, originally put forth by Setchell, that adelphoparasitic red algae, that is, parasitic red algae that are morphologically very similar to their hosts, evolved from their specific red algal hosts. Rather than comparing morphological features of parasites and hosts, small-subunit 18S nuclear ribosomal DNA and the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITSs) of the nuclear ribosomal repeat are compared for five parasites, their hosts, and related nonhosts from four red algal orders. These comparisons reveal that each of these adelphoparasites has evolved either directly from the host on which it is currently found, or it evolved from some other taxon that is closely related to the modern host. The parasites Gardneriella tuberifera, Rhodymeniocolax botryoides, and probably Gracilariophila oryzoides evolved from their respective hosts Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii, Rhodymenia pacifica, and Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, respectively. The parasite Faucheocolax attenuata evolved from either Fauchea laciniata or Fauchea fryeana and subsequently radiated onto the other host species. Presently this parasite is found on both hosts. Lastly, some parasitic genera such as Plocamiocolax are polyphyletic in their origins. A species of Plocamiocolax from an Antarctic Plocamium cartilagineum appears to have evolved from its host whereas the common Plocamiocolax pulvinata that occurs along the west coast of North America likely evolved from Plocamium violaceum and radiated secondarily onto its present day host, Plocamium cartilagineum.  相似文献   

Many parasites are motile and exhibit behavioural preferences for certain host species. Because hosts can vary in their susceptibility to infections, parasites might benefit from preferentially detecting and infecting the most susceptible host, but this mechanistic hypothesis for host-choice has rarely been tested. We evaluated whether cercariae (larval trematode parasites) prefer the most susceptible host species by simultaneously presenting cercariae with four species of tadpole hosts. Cercariae consistently preferred hosts in the following order: Anaxyrus ( = Bufo) terrestris (southern toad), Hyla squirella (squirrel tree frog), Lithobates ( = Rana) sphenocephala (southern leopard frog), and Osteopilus septentrionalis (Cuban tree frog). These host species varied in susceptibility to cercariae in an order similar to their attractiveness with a correlation that approached significance. Host attractiveness to parasites also varied consistently and significantly among individuals within a host species. If heritable, this individual-level host variation would represent the raw material upon which selection could act, which could promote a Red Queen “arms race” between host cues and parasite detection of those cues. If, in general, motile parasites prefer to infect the most susceptible host species, this phenomenon could explain aggregated distributions of parasites among hosts and contribute to parasite transmission rates and the evolution of virulence. Parasite preferences for hosts belie the common assumption of disease models that parasites seek and infect hosts at random.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts often lead to the evolution of discrimination and rejection of parasite eggs or chicks by hosts based on visual cues, and the evolution of visual mimicry of host eggs or chicks by brood parasites. Hosts may also base rejection of brood parasite nestlings on vocal cues, which would in turn select for mimicry of host begging calls in brood parasite chicks. In cuckoos that exploit multiple hosts with different begging calls, call structure may be plastic, allowing nestlings to modify their calls to match those of their various hosts, or fixed, in which case we would predict either imperfect mimicry or divergence of the species into host-specific lineages. In our study of the little bronze-cuckoo (LBC) Chalcites minutillus and its primary host, the large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, we tested whether: (1) hosts use nestling vocalizations as a cue to discriminate cuckoo chicks; (2) cuckoo nestlings mimic the host begging calls throughout the nestling period; and (3) the cuckoo begging calls are plastic, thereby facilitating mimicry of the calls of different hosts. We found that the begging calls of LBCs are most similar to their gerygone hosts shortly after hatching (when rejection by hosts typically occurs) but become less similar as cuckoo chicks get older. Begging call structure may be used as a cue for rejection by hosts, and these results are consistent with gerygone defenses selecting for age-specific vocal mimicry in cuckoo chicks. We found no evidence that LBC begging calls were plastic.  相似文献   

Biochemical differentiation in bile duct cestodes and their marsupial hosts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Isozyme electrophoresis was used to assess possible cospeciation of parasites (cestodes of the Progamotaenia festiva complex) and their hosts (Australian diprotodont marsupials) and to compare the extent of interspecific genetic diversity of the parasites and their hosts. On the basis of morphology, there are three species in the complex, although electrophoresis revealed 14 distinct genetic types, most of which were host specific, although there were three cases of apparent host switching. The evolutionary relationships among the parasites were only partially concordant with those among the hosts. Moreover, the extent of electrophoretic diversity among the parasites was much higher than that among hosts.   相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the agent of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PcP), Pneumocystis carinii, is actually a complex of eukaryotic organisms, and cophylogeny could explain the distribution of the hosts and parasites. In the present work, we tested the hypothesis of cophylogeny between the primate-derived Pneumocystis group and their hosts. Specific strains isolated from 20 primate species, including humans, were used to produce a phylogeny of the parasites. Aligned sequences corresponding to DNA sequences of three genes (DHPS, mtSSU-rRNA, and mtLSU-rRNA) were separately analyzed and then combined in a single data set. The resulting parasite phylogeny was compared with different controversial phylogenies for the hosts. This comparison demonstrated that, depending upon which topology is accepted for the hosts, at least 61% and perhaps 77% of the homologous nodes of the respective cladograms of the hosts and parasites may be interpreted as resulting from codivergence events. This finding and the high specificity of these parasites suggests that cophylogeny may be considered the dominant pattern of evolution for Pneumocystis organisms, representing a new example of parallel evolution between primates and their specific parasites. Because the phylogeny of Pneumocystis followed very closely the differentiation of their hosts at the species level, the study of the parasites could provide valuable information on the phylogeny of their hosts. We used this information to explore controversial hypotheses of the phylogeny of the Platyrrhini by comparison with the phylogeny of their specific Pneumocystis parasites. If these organisms were closely associated as lung parasites with primates through the ages, the hypothesis of the Pneumocystis spp. being new pathogenic agents could be refuted. However, these organisms are opportunistic symbionts, becoming pathogenic whenever the immunological defences of their hosts decline. This study also provides support for the hypothesis that the different Pneumocystis species are genetically independent organisms, helping to clarify their taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Antagonistic interactions between host and parasites are often embedded in networks of interacting species, in which hosts may be attacked by competing parasites species, and parasites may infect more than one host species. To better understand the evolution of host defenses and parasite counterdefenses in the context of a multihost, multiparasite system, we studied two sympatric species, of congeneric fungus‐growing ants (Attini) species and their symbiotic fungal cultivars, which are attacked by multiple morphotypes of parasitic fungi in the genus, Escovopsis. To assess whether closely related ant species and their cultured fungi are evolving defenses against the same or different parasitic strains, we characterized Escovopsis that were isolated from colonies of sympatric Apterostigma dentigerum and A. pilosum. We assessed in vitro and in vivo interactions of these parasites with their hosts. While the ant cultivars are parasitized by similar Escovopsis spp., the frequency of infection by these pathogens differs between the two ant species. The ability of the host fungi to suppress Escovopsis growth, as well as ant defensive responses toward the parasites, differs depending on the parasite strain and on the host ant species.  相似文献   

Goff LJ  Coleman AW 《The Plant cell》1995,7(11):1899-1911
The transfer of a nucleus into a cytoplasm of a genetically foreign cell and its subsequent multiplication in the cytoplasm of this cell characterize most parasitic red algal species and their interactions with specific red algal hosts. Nuclei enter the host's cytoplasm upon cell fusion of parasite and host cell; here, they replicate, are spread to contiguous host cells, and ultimately are packaged into spores that reinfect other host thalli. In this study, we examined whether the proplastids and mitochondria that occur in these red algal adelphoparasites are acquired from their host or whether they are unique to the parasite and are brought into the host along with the parasite nucleus. To establish their origins and fates, plastid and mitochondrial restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of parasite cells were compared with those of their host plastid and mitochondrial DNA in three host and parasite pairs. For plastids, no RFLP differences were found between hosts and parasites, supporting an earlier conclusion, based on microscopic studies, that the proplastids of parasites are acquired from their hosts. For mitochondria, characteristic RFLP differences were detected between host and parasite for two of the pairs of species but not for the third. Evidence of the evolutionary difference between hosts and their parasites was shown by RFLP differences between nuclear ribosomal repeat regions.  相似文献   

Ecological fitting refers to interspecific associations characterized by ecologically specialized, yet phylogenetically conservative, resource utilization. During periods of biotic expansion, parasites and hosts may disperse from their areas of origin. In conjunction with ecological fitting, this sets the stage for host switching without evolving novel host utilization capabilities. This is the evolutionary basis of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). Phylogenetic analysis for comparing trees (PACT) is a method developed to delineate both general and unique historically reticulated and non‐reticulated relationships among species and geographical areas, or among parasites and their hosts. PACT is based on ‘Assumption 0’, which states that all species and all hosts in each input phylogeny must be analysed without modification, and the final analysis must be logically consistent with all input data. Assumption 0 will be violated whenever a host or area has a reticulated history with respect to its parasites or species. PACT includes a Duplication Rule, by which hosts or areas are listed for each co‐evolutionary or biogeographical event affecting them, which satisfies Assumption 0 even if there are reticulations. PACT maximizes the search for general patterns by using Ockam's Razor – duplicate only enough to satisfy Assumption 0. PACT applied to the host and geographical distributions of members of two groups of parasitic helminths infecting anthropoid primates indicates a long and continuous association with those hosts. Nonetheless, c. 30% of the host associations are due to host switching. Only one of those involves non‐primate hosts, suggesting that most were constrained by resource requirements that are phylogenetically conservative among primates (ecological fitting). In addition, most of the host switches were associated with episodes of biotic expansion, also as predicted by the ecological fitting view of EIDs.  相似文献   

Patterns of specialization asymmetry, where specialist species interact mainly with generalists while generalists interact with both generalists and specialists, are often observed in mutualistic and antagonistic bipartite ecological networks. These have been explained in terms of the relative abundance of species, using a null model that assigns links in proportion to abundance, but doubts have been raised as to whether this offers a complete explanation. In particular, host–parasite networks offer a variety of examples in which the reverse patterns are observed. We propose that the link between specificity and species richness may also be driven by the coevolution of hosts and parasites, as hosts allocate resources to optimize defense against parasites, and parasites to optimize attack on hosts. In this hypothesis, species interactions are a result of resource allocations. This novel concept, linking together many different arguments for network structures, is introduced through the adaptive dynamics of a simple ecological toy system of two hosts and two parasites. We analyze the toy model and its functionality, demonstrating that coevolution leads to specialization asymmetry in networks with closely related parasites or fast host mutation rates, but not in networks with more distantly related species. Having constructed the toy model and tested its applicability, our model can now be expanded to the full problem of a larger system.  相似文献   

Changes to host behaviour as a consequence of infection are common in many parasite-host associations, but their effects on the functional role hosts play within ecosystems are rarely quantified. This study reports that helminth parasites significantly decrease consumption of detritus by their isopod hosts in laboratory experiments. Natural host and parasite densities across eight contiguous seasons were used to estimate effects on the amount of stream detritus-energy processed. Extrapolations using mass-specific processing rates from laboratory results to field patterns suggest that the effects of the parasites occur year round but the greatest impact on the amount of detritus processed by isopods occurs in the autumn when the bulk of leaf detritus enters the stream, and when parasite prevalence in the isopod population is high. Parasites have a lesser impact on the amount of detritus processed in spring and summer when isopods are most abundant, when parasite prevalence is not high, and when fish predation on isopods is high. These results support the idea that parasites can affect the availability of resources critical to other species by altering behaviours related to the functional role hosts play in ecosystems, and suggest that seasonality may be an important factor to consider in the dynamics of these parasite-host interactions.  相似文献   

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