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Taxonomic analysis of a group of morphologically similar ponyfishes (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) establishes a complex comprising three valid species: Leiognathus aureus Abe and Haneda, 1972, widely distributed in the western Pacific Ocean (Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and northern Australia); L. hataii Abe and Haneda, 1972, currently known only from Ambon, Indonesia; and L. panayensis sp. nov. Kimura and Dunlap, currently known only from Panay Island, the Philippines. The L. aureus complex can be defined by the following combination of characters: mouth protruding forward, not downward; small but sharp conical teeth uniserially on jaws; a black line between lower margin of eye and lower jaw articulation; and lateral line incomplete, ending below posterior part of dorsal fin base or on anterior caudal peduncle. Leiognathus hataii differs from both L. aureus and L. panayensis in having a large dark blotch below the spinous dorsal fin base and fewer counts of scales (lateral line scales 50–58 vs. 64–85 in the latter two species; scales above lateral line 7–10 vs. 12–18; scales below lateral line 22–26 vs. 30–41). Leiognathus panayensis is distinguished from L. aureus in having a deeper body (41–51% SL vs. 35–45% SL in the latter), long posterior limb of maxilla (21–25% HL vs. 15–23% HL), wholly scaled belly (vs. naked along preanal median keel), and a dark blotch on nape (vs. absent).  相似文献   

The leiognathid genus Nuchequula can be defined by the following combination of characters: mouth protruding downward; a narrow band of small, slender, villiform teeth in both jaws; teeth on upper jaw strongly recurved; the lateral line almost complete; a dark blotch on the nape. Although the genus was first established as a subgenus of Eubleekeria, it is here raised to generic level on the basis of the aforementioned morphological characters and recent molecular biological evidence. The genus comprises six valid species: N. blochii (Valenciennes 1835), distributed in India and Thailand; N. flavaxilla sp. nov., occurring only at Panay I., Philippines; N. gerreoides (Bleeker 1851), widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, from the Persian Gulf to Cape York, Australia, and north to Taiwan; N. glenysae sp. nov., from northern Australia and Ambon, Indonesia; N. longicornis sp. nov., from the Gulf of Thailand and Indonesia; and N. nuchalis (Temminck and Schlegel 1845), occurring in southern China including Taiwan, and southern Japan. Diagnostic characters of the species belonging to the genus are as follows: N. blochii—breast scaled, cheek naked, and a conspicuous black blotch distally on spinous dorsal fin; N. flavaxilla sp. nov.—breast naked, dorsolateral body surface fully scaled, preorbital spine bicuspid and not expanded distally, and second dorsal and anal fin spines conspicuously elongated; N. gerreoides—breast naked, anterior part of dorsolateral surface of body almost completely scaled, and second dorsal and anal fin spines not conspicuously elongated; N. glenysae sp. nov.—breast completely scaled, cheek scaled, and unique complicated sensory canals present on the suborbital area, extending to the nape; N. longicornis sp. nov.—breast naked, dorsolateral body surface fully scaled, preorbital spine bicuspid or tricuspid and extended distally, and second dorsal fin spines only conspicuously elongated; N. nuchalis—breast naked, anterior part of dorsolateral surface of body widely naked, and a conspicuous dark blotch distally on spinous dorsal fin.  相似文献   

Gazza rhombea sp.nov. is described from 61 type and 81 non-type specimens, 19–176 mm in standard length, collected from the Indo-West Pacific. The species is similar to other congeners in general body appearance, differing from them in having the dorsolateral surface of the body scaled anterior to the dorsal fin origin, but not reaching to a vertical through the tip of the posterior branch of the supratemporal canal (vs. dorsolateral surface of body naked anterior to base of sixth or seventh dorsal fin spine base inG. achlamys; dorsolateral surface of body with scales extending anteriorly beyond tip of posterior branch of supratemporal canal inG. minuta), and having a long narrow anterodorsal extension from the subocular silvery region, in contact with the orbit only proximally (vs. broad anterodorsal extension, with proximal and distal contact with orbit inG. dentex).Gazza rhombea is also distinguishable fromG. achlamys andG. minuta by the morphology of the first dorsal fin pterygiophore, and the neural and hemal spines of the fifth preural centrum. The new species has usually been misidentified asG. achlamys, which is redescribed here, owing to its similarly deep-bodied appearance.  相似文献   

Two unusual species of Physalacria from New Zealand and Papua New Guinea are described and illustrated. Physalacria pseudotropica from South Island in New Zealand and P. tropica from Papua New Guinea are recorded for the first time.  相似文献   

A review of the species and subspecies of Ditrema from East Asia recognized the following taxa: D. jordani Franz, 1910, D. temminckii pacificum subsp. nov., D. t. temminckii Bleeker, 1853, and D. viride Oshima, 1940. Ditrema jordani is characterized by a coppery-red body when fresh, the posterior end of the dorsal-fin base anterior to that of the anal-fin base, a dark rounded marking on the anterior suborbital area margined with white lines or a broad dark inverse trapezoid marking on the anterior part of the suborbital region, the lower half of the spinous portion of the dorsal fin often with a longitudinal black stripe, and a faint longitudinal dark line along the anal-fin base. Ditrema temminckii is characterized by a silvery body, usually bluish dorsally when fresh, a black oblique band on the anterior suborbital area, the spinous portion of the dorsal fin with a black distal margin, and no dark line along the anal-fin base. Ditrema t. pacificum, mainly distributed along the Pacific Ocean coast, differs from D. t. temminckii, mainly distributed along the coast of Sea of Japan, in lacking a dark spot on the anterior portion of the preopercle (vs. dark spot present in the latter), but having a black line along the posterior margin of the pelvic-fin spine (vs. black spot anteriorly on base of pelvic fin), fewer dorsal-fin spines (usually 9 or 10 vs. 10 or 11), more dorsal-fin soft rays (mode 21 vs. mode 20), and longer pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins. The two nominal species (D. smitti and D. leave) are regarded as junior synonyms of D. t. temminckii. Ditrema viride is characterized by a silvery, dorsally yellowish-green body when fresh, 9–11 dorsal-fin spines (mode 10), a dark triangular marking on the anterior suborbital area, the spinous portion of the dorsal fin with a black distal margin, a longitudinal black line along the anal-fin base and the pelvic fin slightly darkish, and lacking a black spot anteriorly on the base. Neotypes are designated for D. jordani and D. viride. A key to the species and subspecies of Ditrema is provided.  相似文献   

The bembrid genusBembras Cuvier is reviewed. Five species,B. japonica Cuvier,B. adenensis Imamura & Knapp and three undescribed species, were assigned to the genus. Type species of the genus,Bembras japonica is redescribed on the basis of 36 specimens including the holotype, and three new species,B. macrolepis, B. longipinnis andB. megacephala, previously misidentified asB. japonicus, are also described on the basis of specimens collected from Australia and Indonesia.Bembras macrolepis differs from its congeners by having large body scales, a long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and a dark blotch on slightly upper portion to middle of margin, 14–15 anal-fin rays, small head and orbit, and caudal fin with a broad vertical dark band near posterior margin.Bembras longipinnis is distinguished from other members of the genus by having a slightly long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, caudal fin with a large dark spot most intense in lower lobe, 1–2 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 13–14 anal-fin rays, slightly elong ated head and small orbit.Bembras megacephala is characterized by the following combination of characters: caudal fin with several irregular narrow vertical dark bands, small orbit, pectoral fin with 19–20 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, head elongate, 2–4 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 15 anal-fin rays and small body scales. A key separating the five species ofBembras is given.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wuyanlingensis, was collected from Wuyanling National Natural Conservation Area, Taishun, Zhejiang Province, China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays modally I, 8; anal fin rays I, 8; pectoral fin rays modally 18; longitudinal scale series 30–32; predorsal scales 7–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; body always with six longitudinal pinkish orange to grayish brown lines from dorsal to ventral region in male; cheek spotless; branchiostegal membrane deep grayish with 6–7 long, transverse deep red stripes in male; chin always deep grayish; first dorsal fin with two long black blotches on membranes anterior to third spinous ray in male; second dorsal fin whitish with three to four horizontal rows of light spots in male; caudal fin base with a large blackish-brown spot; and pectoral fin with a horizontal, median blackish brown line. An artificial key to all five nominal species with a high vertebral count (27–29) from Zhejiang Province from China is also provided.  相似文献   

Priolepis akihitoi is described as new from Australia, New Caledonia and Japan. The species is distinctive in having a transverse papilla pattern, second dorsal rays usually I, 11, predorsal fully scaled and dark bars dorsally on the caudal fin. Priolepis cyanocephala is described as new from eastern Australia and Lord Howe Island. It differs from other species in having a reduced transverse papilla pattern, second dorsal rays I, 10, predorsal largely naked and head with vertical bands, but no bands on the body. Priolepis profunda is redescribed based on material from northwestern Australia and Thailand, and photos of specimens from Indonesia, New Guinea and the Philippines. Priolepis psygmophilia is redescribed based on recently obtained material from the Kermadec Islands and other material from Lord Howe Island, Easter Island and Rapa Island.  相似文献   

A new zoarcid fish, Lycodes nishimuari, is described on the basis of four specimens from the Yamato Bank, the Sea of Japan, at depths of 642–669 m. Although this species resembles Lycodes diapterus, L. hubbsi, L. pectoralis, L. macrochir, and L. nakamurae in having a deep notch in the pectoral fin and a single lateral line on the body, it is distinguished from them by the following combination of characters: no scales on pectoral fin base; scales on dorsum before dorsal fin origin; suborbital, preopercular, and last postorbital pores with risen rim; whitish lips; no whitish transverse bars on body; pectoral fin membrane and anterior part of dorsal fin membrane without black spots; basal color of vertical fins black. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at .  相似文献   

During a re-examination of museum specimens of Triplophysa species, some specimens that had been collected from the Jialonghe River in Yunnan Province, China, in April 1975, were identified as a new species. Triplophysa parvus n. sp. can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: dorsal fin rays 3, ; anal fin rays 3, ; pectoral fin rays 1, 11; scales absent; two saddle-like blotches with fuzzy borders cranial to the dorsal fin and four saddle-like blotches caudal to the dorsal fin; distal margin of the dorsal fin emarginate; pelvic fin reaching caudally almost to the anus; anus located immediately cranial to the origin of the anal fin; caudal fin forked; caudal chamber of air bladder reduced to a small free protuberance; head slightly laterally compressed, head deeper than wide at nape; length of caudal peduncle being 18.0–20.0% of standard length; depth of caudal peduncle being 7.8–8.4% of standard length; eye diameter 17.6–21.4% of head length; body depth being 60.7–70.2% of head length; caudal peduncle depth being 39.1–45.0% of caudal peduncle length; and body width at the base of caudal peduncle 59.0–68.0% of the body depth at the base of caudal peduncle. These characters allow a distinction from the similar species of T. nasobarbatula, T. nandanensis, and T. macromaculata.  相似文献   

Three pelagic larvae [5.1–5.9 mm in head length (80+ to 101+ mm in total length)] of a macrourid fish, Ventrifossa garmani, from Suruga Bay and offshore waters of central Japan are described. The specimens were characterized by a remarkably elongate caudal region (caudal region length >15.6 times head length), the longest known to date among macrourid larvae and juveniles. Other characteristics included a short snout, first dorsal and pelvic fin rays not elongated, external melanophores on most of the body and posteriorly on the anal fin membrane, and six or seven rectangular clusters of internal melanophores laterally on the anterior caudal region.  相似文献   

A new species of spinous loach, Cobitis shikokuensis, is described based on 297 specimens from Shikoku Island, Japan. The new species was formerly known as the Shikoku group of Cobitis takatsuensis. It can be distinguished from other species of Cobitis and closely related genera by a combination of the following characters: dorsal fin with 6 branched soft rays; anal fin with 5 branched soft rays; one brownish streak across eye from the tip of nose, no streak on cheek; a black spot smaller than eye diameter near the dorsal corner of the caudal fin base; 3–5 small brownish speckles on ventral side of caudal peduncle; high caudal peduncle with well-developed fleshy keels on dorsal and ventral side; a lamina circularis at base of dorsal part of pectoral fin absent; first branched soft ray of pectoral fin broad in males; pectoral soft rays widely branched from the approximate midpoint; last anal fin ray with 2 elements; interorbital width 11.2–17.1% of head length.  相似文献   

A new poecilopsettid flounder, Nematops nanosquama, is described from 10 specimens (4 males, 6 females) collected from deep waters (96–650 m) off Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands. This species is easily separated from the three recognized species of the genus Nematops by having large numbers of dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays, lateral line scales, and vertebrae, five dark transverse broad bands on the body, and a black blotch on the distal area of the pectoral fin. N.nanosquama shows the easternmost record of this genus from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A new shrimp-associated goby,Amblyeleotris melanocephala, is described on the basis of specimens from Okinoshima Island. Kochi Prefecture, and Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The species is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: head dark brown, a few yellow spots on pectoral fin base and opercular margin, 13 second dorsal and 13 anal fin soft rays, 20 pectoral fin rays, longitudinal scales 92–101, proportional length of interpelvic connecting membrane relative to longest pelvic fin ray (CM-value) 0.46–0.55, presence of a ventral frenum, midline of nape naked, sides scaled above midpoint between preopercle and opercle.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

庄剑云 《菌物学报》1991,10(Z1):87-90
本文描述了采自海南省琼中县牛紏吴茱萸Evodia trichotoma (Lour.) Pierre(芸香科)上的柄锈菌一新种——Puccinia evodiae-trichotomae J. -y. Zhuang。本种与巴布亚一新几内亚产的吴茱萸Evodia sp.上的另一种柄锈菌Puccinia evodiae Cumm.略近似,但冬孢子堆裸露呈垫状,而后者则深埋于病瘿中。冬孢子形状与大小和后者相仿,然而少数孢子可长达60μm,顶壁有时略增厚,颜色很浅或近几色。镜下可见一些孢子已萌发,推测可能属无眠冬孢型。芸香科植物上的柄锈菌目前仅知10种,本种特征与它们均不相同,故鉴定为新种。本新种模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis, a new cyprinid species from a subterranean river in Donglan County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, is described. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: a completely scaled body with well-developed eyes; a curved lateral line possessing 57–64 scales; pectoral fin not reaching pelvic fin origin and last unbranched ray of the dorsal fin clearly serrated along its posterior edge; 8–9 predorsal vertebrae; 8–9 gill rakers; joints of dentary-angulars not close to each other at the isthmus; and a slightly inferior mouth with the upper jaw (6.2–7.4% in standard length: SL) protruding slightly beyond the lower one (5.7–6.7% SL). Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis is sympatric with the peculiarly shaped, hunchbacked S. altishoulderus.  相似文献   

Halieutopsis bathyoreos Bradbury, 1988 (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae), previously described only on the basis of the holotype (62.6mm in standard length) from the central North Pacific, is redescribed on the basis of the holotype and six additional specimens (41.2–68.7mm in standard length) collected from the western South Pacific, off Papua New Guinea, and the western North Pacific, including the Japanese Archipelago. Halieutopsis bathyoreos is distinguished from its congeners by having a shelflike rostrum extending anteriorly well beyond the mouth, a dorsal escal lobe slightly bisected ventrally, an illicial cavity square in outline and completely visible in ventral view, and lacking tubercles on the ventral surface of the disk. The following characters are newly added to the diagnoses of this species: rostrum width 21–29% of head length, tubercles on the dorsal surface of the disk about half the diameter of those on the lateral margin, and 13–15 large lateral-line scales on the tail.  相似文献   

A new platycephalid, Rogadius mcgroutheri, is described on the basis of the specimens collected from eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Rogadius mcgroutheri is distinguished from other congeners by 11 second dorsal fin rays usually, 4 or 6–8 unbranched lower pectoral fin rays, larger orbital diameter, usually single preocular spine lacking the accessory spines on the anterior base, short antrorse preopercular spine, tooth band on palatine narrow, with 2 irregular tooth rows, body with indistinct or somewhat distinct brown blotches, and caudal fin with dark brown spots and bands.  相似文献   

Gazza dentex (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835), having been synonymized withG. minuta (Bloch, 1795), is redescribed as a valid species.Gazza dentex differs fromG. minuta in having deeper body (43.6–51.4% of standard length [SL] vs. 28.3–46.5% of SL), a broad anterodorsal extension of subocular silvery region, in contact with orbit proximally and distally (vs. a long narrow anterodorsal extension, proximal contact only with orbit), scaled area of anterior dorsolateral suface of body not beyond a vertical through posterior tip of sensory canal on temporal (vs. beyond), distance from posterior margin of temporal to anterior tip of dorsolateral scaled area equal to length of 3–5 anterior pored lateral line scales (vs. length of 1–2.5 anterior pored lateral line scales), some dark narrow wavy bands dorsolaterally on body (vs. some dark broad wavy bands above lateral line and a row of dark spots along lateral line), first interneural inserted deeply between first and second neural spines (vs. inserted shallowly), anterior expansion of first interneural narrow, its margin concave (vs. anterior expansion broad, its margin broadly convex), antrorse extension of first interhemal short, deep, acutely pointed (vs. long, moderately deep, pointed) first to fourth hypurals forming 2 plates (first+second and third-fourth hypurals) (vs. a single plate). The lectotype and three paralectotypes are designated forG. dentex, andG. minuta is redescribed.  相似文献   

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