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The taxonomic status of three forms of the harvestman Mitopus morio in Britain have been examined. These have been identified by previous workers as a small, upland M, morio cinerascens , a larger, lowland M. morio morio , and a northern M. morio borealis. In this paper, the delimitation of trinomials has been found to be inappropriate for M. morio. since all three forms have been shown to lie at different points on a continuum of phenotypic variation within the species M. morio. It is suggested that this phenotypic variation is mediated by the variation in temperature regimes between different localities.  相似文献   

Three species of phalangiid harvestmen (Mitopus morio, Homolophus arcticus, and Oligolophus tienmushanensis) were studied. These species overwinter at the egg stage and have embryonic diapause, suppressing hatching in autumn and preventing death from low temperatures. The eggs do not survive freezing, but can be supercool. The comparison of the growth rate under natural conditions and in containers with controlled temperature indicates that in the seasons with unfavorable climatic conditions, not all individuals have time to lay eggs before cold weather sets in; however, in favorable seasons, oviposition occurs approximately 30–45 days before the death of the adults. The high cold hardiness of M. morio and H. arcticus eggs suggests that the northward distribution of these species cannot be limited by low winter temperatures. The cold hardiness of O. tienmushanensis also does not appear to prevent their colonization of most biotopes of the region, except for those having a thin snow cover or no cover at all. However, this colonization does not happen. The northward distribution of O. tienmushanensis appears to be restricted by some other factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A comparative investigation was made of floral scent variation in the closely related, food-rewarding Anacamptis coriophora and the food-deceptive Anacamptis morio in order to identify patterns of variability of odour compounds in the two species and their role in pollinator attraction/avoidance learning. METHODS: Scent was collected from plants in natural populations and samples were analysed via quantitative gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Combined gas chromatography and electroantennographic detection was used to identify compounds that are detected by the pollinators. Experimental reduction of scent variability was performed in the field with plots of A. morio plants supplemented with a uniform amount of anisaldehyde. KEY RESULTS: Both orchid species emitted complex odour bouquets. In A. coriophora the two main benzenoid compounds, hydroquinone dimethyl ether (1,4-dimethoxybenzene) and anisaldehyde (methoxybenzaldehyde), triggered electrophysiological responses in olfactory neurons of honey-bee and bumble-bee workers. The scent of A. morio, however, was too weak to elicit any electrophysiological responses. The overall variation in scent was significantly lower in the rewarding A. coriophora than in the deceptive A. morio, suggesting pollinator avoidance-learning selecting for high variation in the deceptive species. A. morio flowers supplemented with non-variable scent in plot experiments, however, did not show significantly reduced pollination success. CONCLUSIONS: Whereas in the rewarding A. coriophora stabilizing selection imposed by floral constancy of the pollinators may reduce scent variability, in the deceptive A. morio the emitted scent seems to be too weak to be detected by pollinators and thus its high variability may result from relaxed selection on this floral trait.  相似文献   

Information taken from two long-term demographic studies on Orchis morio L. and Herminium monorchis (L.) R.Br, is used to explore some of the factors which influence flowering. The proportion of plants which flowered each year varied considerably between species, flowering in O. morio exceeding 40% in all years except one over an 18 year period; over a 30 year period (1966–95), the number of plants of Herminium in flower never exceeded 36% of the population and no inflorescences were produced in 1977 and 1991. The relationship between flowering in Herminium in a given year and the monthly rainfall and temperature for the current and 3 previous years was analysed using logistic regression. Best fits were obtained using data for the summer months in the previous year, with an increasing flowering rate with rainfall and a decline with temperature. It is hypothesized that drought and high temperatures in the summer reduce leaf area and cause premature senescence and the death of leaves, with the result that not enough carbohydrates are stored to enable plants to support or initiate inflorescences the following year. For species such as Orchis morio which produce leaves in the autumn and remain green, summer drought causes no problems as they have no above ground organs. Factors which influence flowering in this species are as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Bee-flies (Bombyliidae) have morphological adaptations of the mouthparts to particular floral traits. To investigate this the short, plesiomorphic proboscis of Hemipenthes morio was compared with the long, apomorphic proboscis of Bombylius major . A novel feeding position enables B. major to use flowers that open to the side as additional nectar sources. The new horizontal feeding position is enabled by the prolonged ventral base of the proboscis. Bombylius major exploits deep corolla tubes with an elongate proboscis, and an increased efficiency in both the suction pumps and the sealing mechanisms of the proboscis. The exploitation of narrow corolla tubes is made possible by the shift from a sponging feeding mode, exhibited by H. morio , to the exclusively sucking mode in B. major . Besides quantitative changes in the proportions of the different proboscis components, labellar movements as well as the structures of saliva distribution are changed along with this shift. The labial musculature of B. major does not significantly differ from the plesiomorphic state, since both examined species do not only feed on nectar, but also on pollen.  相似文献   

Five fish species used for preparation of a popular dish (cebiche) made with raw fish flesh in Mexico were obtained from five localities of the coast of Yucatan. Lutjanus synagris, Gerres cinereus, Sphyraena barracuda, Epinephelus morio and Haemulon plumieriwere examined for the presence of larvae of anisakid nematodes, causative agents of human anisakiasis. The nematode Pseudoterranova sp. was found in E. morio and S. barracuda with a total prevalence of 83% and 6.5 +/- 6.2 worms per fish for E. morio, and a prevalence of 33% and 10.2 +/- 30.0 worms per fish for S. barracuda. Contracaecumsp. was found to infect G. cinereus with a prevalence of 57% and 7.6 +/- 11.4 worms per fish. The relatively high prevalence of Pseudoterranova sp. indicates that this parasite is a potential causal agent of anisakiasis on the coast of Yucatan. Although all larvae were found only in the mesentery of the fish host, their importance as a potential source of human infection cannot be excluded as larval migration to the muscles in dead fish is possible.  相似文献   

Two geographically separated natural populations of Orchis xgennarii, a hybrid between Orchis morio and Orchis papilionacea, were examined to establish the parental lineages using nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA length polymorphisms. Results indicate that O. morio more frequently provides the maternal lineage in the population from the volcano Mount Vesuvius (central Campania, Italy) than in the one from Cilento (southern Campania, Italy); in the latter locality maternal genomes are preferentially provided by O. papilionacea. The possible causes of this difference in reproductive behavior are discussed in the light of the pollination biology of parental species and of environmental influences.  相似文献   

We report two species of Eucinetidae, Nycteus oviformis (LeConte) and Nycteus punctulatus (LeConte), new to New Brunswick, Canada and confirm the presence of Nycteus testaceus (LeConte). Nycteus oviformis is newly recorded from the Maritime provinces. Additional locality data are provided for Eucinetus haemorrhoidalis (Germar) and Eucinetus morio LeConte. Five species of Scirtidae, Cyphon ruficollis (Say),Prionocyphon discoideus (Say), Sacodes pulchella (Guérin-Méneville), Elodes maculicollis Horn, and Sarabandus robustus (LeConte) are added to the New Brunswick faunal list. Sarabandus robustus is newly recorded from Canada; Cyphon ruficollis, Prionocyphon discoideus and Sacodes pulchella are new for the Maritime provinces. Collection and habitat data, and distribution maps are presented for these species.  相似文献   

垫跗螋Chelisoches morio (Fabricius)是入侵害虫椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima (Gestro)的一种本地天敌.为了了解垫跗螋的生物学习性和控害潜能,本文对垫跗螋的形态特征、生长发育、重要生物学习性以及对椰心叶甲的捕食选择性和捕食量进行了观察研究.垫跗螋雌成虫将产的卵堆积在一起,抱孵在体下,且不时用口器翻动重排卵,受到惊扰时会吃掉卵,甚至初孵的若虫.在室温条件下(20±2)℃,以椰心叶甲2龄幼虫为食料,垫跗螋从卵至成虫的平均发育历期为(107.9±15.2)d;平均每头雌虫产卵量为(138.7±59.5)粒;垫跗螋成虫对椰心叶甲2龄幼虫的日平均捕食量为(6.7±1.1)头.寄主龄期选择性实验表明,垫跗螋成虫和4龄若虫喜欢取食椰心叶甲的2龄幼虫;3龄和2龄若虫喜欢取食椰心叶甲的1龄幼虫.  相似文献   

Mitopus morio is a widespread harvestman species occurring in most of Europe and in moderate and cold‐moderate zones of Asia and North America. The species is characterized by extreme variability in body size and leg length. As leg length is correlated with habitat temperature, M. morio has been considered as an example of Allen's rule. Recently, observations for a single location in Tyrol, Austria, indicated the absence of mating between short‐ and long‐legged individuals. This study examines for signs of putative cryptic species in M. morio using an integrative approach that combines mating trials, amplified fragment length polymorphism whole‐genome scans, mitochondrial sequences and morphometrics. The mating trials did not corroborate the initial hypothesis of a reproductive barrier associated with leg size. Both types of genetic data revealed the existence of three distinct groups, in line with the mating results but largely unrelated to leg morphology and geographical origin of specimens. Morphometric characters supporting the findings of the other disciplines were identified using a supervised approach. We infer from all data together the existence of strongly diverged cryptic lineages among the analysed individuals, cautiously interpret them as three sympatric species and conclude that in these harvestmen Allen's rule applies at different levels. Due to the unexpected amount of differentiation found within a geographical scale very small compared with the distribution of M. morio, we suggest a thorough revision of the genus prior to formal taxonomic changes. Our case study underlines the general applicability of the integrative taxonomic protocol used and highlights the relevance of several rationales implemented in the protocol.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is of fundamental importance for maintaining species boundaries in sympatry. In orchids, the wide variety of pollination systems and highly diverse floral traits have traditionally suggested a prominent role for pollinator isolation, and thus for prezygotic isolation, as an effective barrier to gene flow among species. Here, we examined the nature of reproductive isolation between Anacamptis morio and Anacamptis papilionacea, two sister species of Mediterranean food-deceptive orchids, in two natural hybrid zones. Comparative analyses of the two hybrid zones that are located on soils with volcanic origin and have different and well-dated ages consistently revealed that all hybrid individuals were morphologically and genetically intermediate between the parental species, but had strongly reduced fitness. Molecular analyses based on nuclear ITS1 and (amplified fragment length polymorphism) AFLP markers clearly showed that all examined hybrids were F1 hybrids, and that no introgression occurred between parental species. The maternally inherited plastid DNA markers indicated that hybridization between A. morio and A. papilionacea was bidirectional, as confirmed by the molecular analysis of seed families. The genetic architecture of the two hybrid zones suggests that the two parental species easily and frequently hybridize in sympatry as a consequence of partial pollinator overlap but that strong postzygotic barriers reduce hybrid fitness and prevent gene introgression. These results corroborate that chromosomal divergence is instrumental for reproductive isolation between these food-deceptive orchids and suggest that hybridization is of limited importance for their diversification.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the absence of floral rewards in many orchid species causes pollinators to probe fewer flowers on a plant, and thus reduces geitonogamy, i.e. self-pollination between flowers, which may result in inbreeding depression and reduced pollen export. We examined the effects of nectar addition on pollinator visitation and pollen transfer by tracking the fate of colour-labelled pollen in Anacamptis morio, a non-rewarding orchid species pollinated primarily by queen bumble-bees. Addition of nectar to spurs of A. morio significantly increased the number of flowers probed by bumble-bees, the time spent on an inflorescence, pollinarium removal and the proportion of removed pollen involved in self-pollination through geitonogamy, but did not affect pollen carryover (the fraction of a pollinarium carried over from one flower to the next). Only visits that exceeded 18 s resulted in geitonogamy, as this is the time taken for removed pollinaria to bend into a position to strike the stigma. A mutation for nectar production in A. morio would result in an initial 3.8-fold increase in pollinarium removal per visit, but also increase geitonogamous self-pollination from less than 10% of pollen depositions to ca. 40%. Greater efficiency of pollen export will favour deceptive plants when pollinators are relatively common and most pollinaria are removed from flowers or when inbreeding depression is severe. These findings provide empirical support both for Darwin's contention that pollinarium bending is an anti-selfing mechanism in orchids and for the idea that floral deception serves to maximize the efficiency of pollen export.  相似文献   

Pollination by male and female Euglossini bees, euglossophily, was suggested for a number of neotropical Gesneriaceae species. Information on bee species other than Euglossini as pollinators of neotropical members of this family is limited, and in the tribe Sinningieae data about bee pollination are still lacking. Here, we report on floral biology and bee pollination of four Sinningia species: S. schiffneri, S. eumorpha, S. villosa, and Sinningia "canastrensis". The flower features, such as corolla size, shape, and colour, are very different among the four species, but all conform to the melittophilous syndrome. The average nectar volume and sugar amount is low in S. schiffneri, S. eumorpha, and Sinningia "canastrensis", when compared to that of S. villosa, but low nectar amounts is a general feature of Sinningia species. The main pollinators of the four species are: small Tapinotaspidini (Trigonopedia ferruginea) of S. schiffneri, large Bombini (Bombus morio) and large Centridini (Epicharis morio) of S. eumorpha, large Euglossini (Eulaema cingulata and Eufriesea surinamensis) of S. villosa, and large Euglossini (Eufriesea violascens) and Megachilini (Megachile sp.) of Sinningia "canastrensis". Out of the four species, only S. villosa is exclusively Euglossini-pollinated. The marked differences in flower features and nectar production of these Sinningia species may reflect their pollination by distinct groups of bees. These results strengthen the idea of multiple origins for the pollination systems involving bees within this genus, which is highly supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

为了探寻大麦虫Zophobas morio变态发育过程中化学成分的变化, 本研究利用薄层色谱技术对大麦虫的3个虫态(幼虫、 蛹和成虫)甲醇粗提物中的化学成分进行分析和比较, 利用柱色谱技术、 核磁共振氢谱技术(1H MR)和气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对蛹甲醇粗提物进行重点分析。结果表明: 虫蛹甲醇粗提物中含有幼虫和成虫甲醇粗提物中不存在的化学成分。对虫蛹甲醇粗提物进行针对性的结构研究, 共鉴定出10个脂肪酸。其中, 存在于大麦虫虫蛹中的10-十六碳酮酸、 10-十八碳酮酸为首次从自然界昆虫中获得; (8E, 11E)-8, 11-十八碳烯酸、 (9Z, 12Z)-9, 12-十八碳烯酸、 (9Z, 12Z, 15Z)-9, 12, 15-十八碳烯酸、 8-(3-辛基-2-环氧乙烷基)辛酸和8-(2-辛基环丙烷基)辛酸为首次从大麦虫中发现。以上研究结果为针对大麦虫不同生物阶段的开发利用提供新的理论依据。  相似文献   

本文记录了我国蒙新区土蝽科1新种:新疆光土蝽Sehirus xinjiangensis sp.nov。及4个中国新纪录种:黄圆土蝽Bysinus penicillatus E.Wagner,小圆土蝽B.minor E.Wagner,光头伊土蝽Aethus laeviceps Kerzher及斜光土蝽S.parens Mulsant et Rey。  相似文献   

Orangutans are amongst the most craniometrically variable of the extant great apes, yet there has been no attempt to explicitly link this morphological variation with observed differences in behavioral ecology. This study explores the relationship between feeding behavior, diet, and mandibular morphology in orangutans. All orangutans prefer ripe, pulpy fruit when available. However, some populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio and P. p. wurmbii) rely more heavily on bark and relatively tough vegetation during periods of low fruit yield than do Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). I tested the hypothesis that Bornean orangutans exhibit structural features of the mandible that provide greater load resistance abilities to masticatory and incisal forces. Compared to P. abelii, P. p. morio exhibits greater load resistance abilities as reflected in a relatively deeper mandibular corpus, deeper and wider mandibular symphysis, and relatively greater condylar area. P. p. wurmbii exhibits most of these same morphologies, and in all comparisons is either comparable in jaw proportions to P. p. morio, or intermediate between P. p. morio and P. abelii. These data indicate that P. p. morio and P. p. wurmbii are better suited to resisting large and/or frequent jaw loads than P. abelii. Using these results, I evaluated mandibular morphology in P. p. pygmaeus, a Bornean orangutan population whose behavioral ecology is poorly known. Pongo p. pygmaeus generally exhibits relatively greater load resistance capabilities than P. abelii, but less than P. p. morio. These results suggest that P. p. pygmaeus may consume greater amounts of tougher and/or more obdurate foods than P. abelii, and that consumption of such foods may intensify amongst Bornean orangutan populations. Finally, data from this study are used to evaluate variation in craniomandibular morphology in Khoratpithecus piriyai, possibly the earliest relative of Pongo from the late Miocene of Thailand, and the late Pleistocene Hoa Binh subfossil orangutan recovered from Vietnam. With the exception of a relatively thicker M(3) mandibular corpus, K. piriyai has jaw proportions that would be expected for an extant orangutan of comparable jaw size. Likewise, the Hoa Binh subfossil does not differ in skull proportions from extant Pongo, independent of the effects of increase in jaw size. These results indicate that differences in skull and mandibular proportions between these fossil and subfossil orangutans and extant Pongo are allometric. Furthermore, the ability of K. piriyai to resist jaw loads appears to have been comparable to that of extant orangutans. However, the similarity in jaw proportions between P. abelii and K. piriyai suggest the latter may have been dietarily more similar to Sumatran orangutans.  相似文献   

Numerous hypotheses have been advanced to explain relative increases in brain size in primates and other mammals. However, notably less attention has been directed towards addressing the biological limits to increasing brain size. Here we explore variation in brain size in orangutans. We evaluated both raw and size-adjusted cranial capacity (CC) in adult Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus (n=147), P. p. wurmbii (n=24), P. p. morio (n=14), and P. abelii (n=36). Results demonstrate significant variation in CC among orangutan taxa. Population differences in raw CC are significant for females (p=0.014) but not males. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons among females further reveal that raw CC is significantly smaller in P. p. morio compared to both P. abelii and P. p. pygmaeus. When evaluated for proportionality, geometric equivalence in CC is not maintained in orangutans, as P. p. morio has a significantly smaller CC when compared to one or more other orangutan groups. Even after statistically partitioning size and size-correlated shape, P. p. morio has a significantly smaller CC compared to most other orangutan groups. These observed differences in relative brain size are consistent with known variation in resource quality and life history amongst orangutan populations. Specifically, P. p. morio is characterized by the least productive habitat, the lowest energy intake during extended lean periods, and the shortest interbirth intervals. Our results, therefore, provide conditional support for the hypothesis that decreased brain size is related to prolonged episodes of food scarcity, and suggest a correlation between brain size, diet quality, and life history at the lowest macroevolutionary level. The association of a relatively small brain and poor diet quality in Pongo further suggests that ecological factors may plausibly account for such a reduction in brain size as observed in the recently recovered Homo floresiensis from Indonesia.  相似文献   

The volatile secretion from ventral glands of the larvae of Cladius pectinicornis, Priophorus morio, P. pallipes and Trichiocampus grandis was found to be principally composed of long-chain acetogenins, in majority of the esters and hydrocarbons, with more than 15 carbon atoms. The scarcity of more volatile compounds may be considered as plesiomorphic for the tribe Cladiini to which the four species belong. Further chemotaxonomic significance and chemical ecological implications of the glandular secretions are discussed. Moreover, the function of the well-developed pubescence covering the body of Cladiini larvae is discussed as a part of their defensive mechanism.  相似文献   

This article documents the addition of 473 microsatellite marker loci and 71 pairs of single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Barteria fistulosa, Bombus morio, Galaxias platei, Hematodinium perezi, Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke (a.k.a. M. abdominalis Fab., M. grandii Goidanich or M. gifuensis Ashmead), Micropogonias furnieri, Nerita melanotragus, Nilaparvata lugens Stål, Sciaenops ocellatus, Scomber scombrus, Spodoptera frugiperda and Turdus lherminieri. These loci were cross‐tested on the following species: Barteria dewevrei, Barteria nigritana, Barteria solida, Cynoscion acoupa, Cynoscion jamaicensis, Cynoscion leiarchus, Cynoscion nebulosus, Cynoscion striatus, Cynoscion virescens, Macrodon ancylodon, Menticirrhus americanus, Nilaparvata muiri and Umbrina canosai. This article also documents the addition of 116 sequencing primer pairs for Dicentrarchus labrax.  相似文献   

The hemocytes of Leiobunum limbatum, Mitopus morio, and Opilio ravennae number from about 8,000 (juveniles) to 41,000 (pregnant females) per microliter of hemolymph. Five different types of hemocytes occur in all three species and both sexes. According to their ultrastructural appearance and their similarities to other arthropod hemocytes these five types are designated as prohemocyte, plasmatocyte, granulocyte, coagulocyte, and spherulocyte. From the ultrastructural point of view the prohemocytes are interpreted as stem cells for plasmatocytes which on their part differentiate into granulocytes. Transitional stages which would indicate the origin of coagulocytes and spherulocytes could not be found. Granulocytes and spherulocytes are interpreted as being storage cells; coagulocytes burst when hemolymph is transferred to a microscopic slide. Plasmatocytes are involved in the removal of dead cells or cell fragments. Plasmatocytes are demonstrated as being able to phagocytize and digest bacteria.  相似文献   

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