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<正> 植物病原真菌在人工培养条件下传代,往往导致生孢能力的丧失,这给在实验室条件下对植物病原真菌进行研究造成许多困难,曾有人报道通过改变培养基成分、培养温度和光照处理条件可促进分生孢子的生成(Leach,1961;Deahl&Elliott,1967;Freeman&Luke,1969;Kumagai,1983;Shahin&Shepard,1979;Shankerlingam&Balasubramanian,1983)。本试验针对粟长蠕孢菌在人工培养条件下传代后生孢能力丧失的问题,对在实验室条件下诱导其分生孢子产生的条件进行了研究。  相似文献   

Hydrostatic pressure, when applied to segments of the small intestine of the salamander, causes a tremendous reduction in number of microvilli and a loss of the terminal web. The intestinal epithelium strips off from its deeper layers at the level of the basement membrane. When the pressure is released and this epithelial sheet is allowed to recover, the microvilli and its terminal web reappear. Stages in the reformation of microvilli are described. In the earliest stages, foci of dense material seem to associate with the cytoplasmic surface of the apical plasma membrane. From this material, filaments appear and their regrowth is correlated with the extension of the microvilli. We suggest that the dense material nucleates the assembly of the filaments which, in turn, appear instrumental in the redevelopment of microvilli. This concept is supported by the existing literature. Further, since neither the microvilli nor the terminal web reappear on any surface but the apical surface, even though the apical and basal surfaces are bathed with the same medium, we suggest that information in the membrane itself or directly associated with the membrane dictates the distribution of the dense material which leads to the formation of the microvilli and ultimately to the polarity of the cell.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of the factors controlling the uptakeof 2:4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2:4-D) and related compoundsby Lemna minor, grown under controlled conditions. All compoundswere labelled with 14C in the carboxyl group and the 14C inthe plants, after liquid combustion, assayed as barium carbonate. With 2:4-D the rate of entry from concentrations of 8 to 32mg./l. is maximal in the first 20 minutes, then falls progressivelyuntil the rate is zero between 1 and 2 hours and in the thirdphase (up to 24 hours) there is a net loss from the plants dueto an outward movement of the compound back into the externalsolution. When the chlorine substitutions are in the 2:6-positionthe course of uptake is similar, save that loss to the solutiontakes place later. For the 2-chloro-substitution, after theinitial phase of uptake there is some loss but this is followedby a period of recovery and uptake again proceeds, but slowly.In contrast, the course of uptake over 24 hours of phenoxyaceticacid is normal, i.e. there is a steady accumulation. When plants are pretreated with labelled 2:4-D for 30–60minutes and transferred to water or culture solution then over90 per cent. of the 14C is found in the external medium after4:5 hours and this release cannot be accounted for in termsof exchange processes since the addition of unlabelled compoundto the medium retards the rate of loss. This loss is slowedbut not stopped at 1.25°C. and up to 22.5°C. the rangeof the Q10 is 1.6–1.9. Uptake in the first 30 minutes is temperature sensitive between7.5 and 30°C. (Q10 2.3–2.6) and in general is positivelyand curvilinearly related to the external concentration. Pretreatmentwith unlabelled compound up to 2 hours progressively depressesthe subsequent initial uptake of labeled growth regulator. Itis concluded that initially the rate of entry greatly exceedsthe rate of loss but that with time the ratio steadily diminishesto less than unity. Initial uptake of 2:4-D is markedly dependent on the pH of thesolution and closely but not completely correlated with theexternal concentration of undissociated molecules. On the otherhand, the outward movement is relatively unaffected by the externalpH. Combinations of concentration and time of exposure which bringabout loss to the solution need not cause any permanent retardationof growth. In fact, exposure for 1 hour to 8 mg./l. significantlyaccelerated growth in the next 8 days. These results are discussed in relation to previous findingsand it is concluded that the pattern of uptake is determinedon the one hand by the chemical structure of the growth substanceand on the other by specific physiological differences at celllevel.  相似文献   

A technique, using leaf disks, has been developed to study thepenetration of isotopically labelled compounds into leaves underconditions where there is no appreciable change in the concentrationof the external solution and no subsequent translocation. Inthis preliminary survey, the leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris andColeus Blumei were employed to investigate the entry of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D), labelled in the carboxyl group with 14C. Over3 days there is no loss of 14C to the atmosphere from treatedleaves of Phaseolus. The rate of penetration is enhanced when(a) the leaves are young, (b) the water status is lowered, (c)the temperature is raised (Q10=2.3–2.8), and (d) a surface-activeagent is added to the external solution. Penetration is alsofavoured by a decrease in the pH, the relation indicating thatboth ions and molecules enter. Penetration is greater in thelight and prior illumination of the tissues positively affectsthe subsequent rate in the light, but not in the dark. In boththe light and the dark considerably more 2,4-D penetrates theabaxial surface of Phaseolus leaves. For Coleus an even greaterdifference between surfaces is found in the light but not inthe dark. For both species in the light the rates of entry intoboth surfaces are proportional to their respective stomataldensities. The simultaneous addition of indoleacetic acid tothe external solution caused more 2,4-D to enter Phaseolus leaves,but the addition of triiodobenzoic acid restricts entry. Therate of penetration remains constant over 24 hours and between0.1 and 200 mg./l. the rate is linearly related to concentration.Subsequent to entry, the 2,4-D is in a form which does not diffusefrom the tissue into buffer or exchange with unlabelled 2,4-D.Moreover, no outward movement takes place from treated tissuewhich has been frozen and thawed. These findings are discussedin relation to previous work on foliar penetration. It is concludedthat at least with Phaseolus penetration largely takes placethrough the guard cells and/or accessory cells.  相似文献   

Sporulation in a strain of the wild yeast, Hansenula saturnus,was investigated. The yeast was found to form spores even indistilled water. The sporulation rate (percentage of ascus-bearingindividuals) in this case was found to be markedly affectedby the cell concentration adopted in the test. The addition of inorganic nutrients to the sporulation mediumstimulates sporulation. The yeast requires either magnesiumor calcium for growth and sporulation. Higher concentrationsof these ions are required for sporulation than for growth.In both cases magnesium is effective at more dilute concentrationsthan calcium. Under the conditions of the experiments, in which the yeastforms a pellicle, the sporulation rate in the pellicle far exceedsthat in the sediment. The effects of environmental factors on the sporulation wasconsidered in relation to growth. It was found that, under theconditions of poor growth in the sporulation culture, no exogenousmagnesium and calcium are required for sporulation. In suchcases, the yeast cells are inferred to have an endogenous stockof magnesium and calcium enough for the sporulation. 1 Present address: Laboratory of Microbiology, Department ofAgriculture, Tôhoku University, Sendai. (Received May 4, 1961; )  相似文献   

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