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Advanced age is the main common risk factor for cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegeneration. Yet, more is known about the molecular basis of any of these groups of diseases than the changes that accompany ageing itself. Progress in molecular ageing research was slow because the tools predicting whether someone aged slowly or fast (biological age) were unreliable. To understand ageing as a risk factor for disease and to develop interventions, the molecular ageing field needed a quantitative measure; a clock for biological age. Over the past decade, a number of age predictors utilising DNA methylation have been developed, referred to as epigenetic clocks. While they appear to estimate biological age, it remains unclear whether the methylation changes used to train the clocks are a reflection of other underlying cellular or molecular processes, or whether methylation itself is involved in the ageing process. The precise aspects of ageing that the epigenetic clocks capture remain hidden and seem to vary between predictors. Nonetheless, the use of epigenetic clocks has opened the door towards studying biological ageing quantitatively, and new clocks and applications, such as forensics, appear frequently. In this review, we will discuss the range of epigenetic clocks available, their strengths and weaknesses, and their applicability to various scientific queries.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are biological systems behaving as oscillators even in constant dark conditions. We propose to use a new strategy based on computational design to provide evidence on the origin and evolution of molecular clocks. We design synthetic molecular clocks having a reduced number of genes and some of them showing architectures found in nature. We analyse the response of our models under diverse forcing light-dark (LD) cycles. Our methodology allows us to evolve networks in silico using various selective pressures, which we apply to the analysis of clocks evolved to be either autonomous or phase locked. Our designed networks either have an oscillatory response with the same period as the forcing LD cycle, or they maintain their free-running period. Our methodology will allow analysing the automatic creation of a free-running period under various LD forcing functions and learning new design principles for circadian clocks.  相似文献   

Understanding Neutral Genomic Molecular Clocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The molecular clock hypothesis is a central concept in molecular evolution and has inspired much research into why evolutionary rates vary between and within genomes. In the age of modern comparative genomics, understanding the neutral genomic molecular clock occupies a critical place. It has been demonstrated that molecular clocks run differently between closely related species, and generation time is an important determinant of lineage specific molecular clocks. Moreover, it has been repeatedly shown that regional molecular clocks vary even within a genome, which should be taken into account when measuring evolutionary constraint of specific genomic regions. With the availability of a large amount of genomic sequence data, new insights into the patterns and causes of variation in molecular clocks are emerging. In particular, factors such as nucleotide composition, molecular origins of mutations, weak selection and recombination rates are important determinants of neutral genomic molecular clocks.  相似文献   

Living organisms have developed a multitude of timing mechanisms— “biological clocks.” Their mechanisms are based on either oscillations (oscillatory clocks) or unidirectional processes (hourglass clocks). Oscillatory clocks comprise circatidal, circalunidian, circadian, circalunar, and circannual oscillations—which keep time with environmental periodicities—as well as ultradian oscillations, ovarian cycles, and oscillations in development and in the brain, which keep time with biological timescales. These clocks mainly determine time points at specific phases of their oscillations. Hourglass clocks are predominantly found in development and aging and also in the brain. They determine time intervals (duration). More complex timing systems combine oscillatory and hourglass mechanisms, such as the case for cell cycle, sleep initiation, or brain clocks, whereas others combine external and internal periodicities (photoperiodism, seasonal reproduction). A definition of a biological clock may be derived from its control of functions external to its own processes and its use in determining temporal order (sequences of events) or durations. Biological and chemical oscillators are characterized by positive and negative feedback (or feedforward) mechanisms. During evolution, living organisms made use of the many existing oscillations for signal transmission, movement, and pump mechanisms, as well as for clocks. Some clocks, such as the circadian clock, that time with environmental periodicities are usually compensated (stabilized) against temperature, whereas other clocks, such as the cell cycle, that keep time with an organismic timescale are not compensated. This difference may be related to the predominance of negative feedback in the first class of clocks and a predominance of positive feedback (autocatalytic amplification) in the second class. The present knowledge of a compensated clock (the circadian oscillator) and an uncompensated clock (the cell cycle), as well as relevant models, are briefly reviewed. Hourglass clocks are based on linear or exponential unidirectional processes that trigger events mainly in the course of development and aging. An important hourglass mechanism within the aging process is the limitation of cell division capacity by the length of telomeres. The mechanism of this clock is briefly reviewed. In all clock mechanisms, thresholds at which “dependent variables” are triggered play an important role. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 329–369, 2001)  相似文献   

Molecular paleobiology is a subfield of paleontology that uses molecular biological methods on extant organisms to address geoscientifically relevant questions. Progress in the field was last reviewed in 2007, and here we highlight some of the more recent developments, with a focus on ancient animal evolution, in areas such as the application of molecular clocks to estimate clade ages, the evolution of biomineralization, and the evolution of key traits. We argue that molecular paleobiology has much to offer and will be central to paleontological research and evolutionary biology in general, but we also discuss some remaining challenges and future directions of the discipline.  相似文献   

Epigenetic alterations are a hallmark of aging and age‐related diseases. Computational models using DNA methylation data can create “epigenetic clocks” which are proposed to reflect “biological” aging. Thus, it is important to understand the relationship between predictive clock sites and aging biology. To do this, we examined over 450,000 methylation sites from 9,699 samples. We found ~20% of the measured genomic cytosines can be used to make many different epigenetic clocks whose age prediction performance surpasses that of telomere length. Of these predictive sites, the average methylation change over a lifetime was small (~1.5%) and these sites were under‐represented in canonical regions of epigenetic regulation. There was only a weak association between “accelerated” epigenetic aging and disease. We also compare tissue‐specific and pan‐tissue clock performance. This is critical to applying clocks both to new sample sets in basic research, as well as understanding if clinically available tissues will be feasible samples to evaluate “epigenetic aging” in unavailable tissues (e.g., brain). Despite the reproducible and accurate age predictions from DNA methylation data, these findings suggest they may have limited utility as currently designed in understanding the molecular biology of aging and may not be suitable as surrogate endpoints in studies of anti‐aging interventions. Purpose‐built clocks for specific tissues age ranges or phenotypes may perform better for their specific purpose. However, if purpose‐built clocks are necessary for meaningful predictions, then the utility of clocks and their application in the field needs to be considered in that context.  相似文献   

The circadian clock is a highly conserved timing system, resonating physiological processes to 24-hour environmental cycles. Circadian misalignment is emerging as a risk factor of metabolic disease. The molecular clock resides in all metabolic tissues, the dysfunction of which is associated with perturbed energy metabolism. In this article, we will review current knowledge about molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock and the role of clocks in the physiology and pathophysiology of metabolic tissues.  相似文献   

Molecular dating analyses allow evolutionary timescales to be estimated from genetic data, offering an unprecedented capacity for investigating the evolutionary past of all species. These methods require us to make assumptions about the relationship between genetic change and evolutionary time, often referred to as a ‘molecular clock’. Although initially regarded with scepticism, molecular dating has now been adopted in many areas of biology. This broad uptake has been due partly to the development of Bayesian methods that allow complex aspects of molecular evolution, such as variation in rates of change across lineages, to be taken into account. But in order to do this, Bayesian dating methods rely on a range of assumptions about the evolutionary process, which vary in their degree of biological realism and empirical support. These assumptions can have substantial impacts on the estimates produced by molecular dating analyses. The aim of this review is to open the ‘black box’ of Bayesian molecular dating and have a look at the machinery inside. We explain the components of these dating methods, the important decisions that researchers must make in their analyses, and the factors that need to be considered when interpreting results. We illustrate the effects that the choices of different models and priors can have on the outcome of the analysis, and suggest ways to explore these impacts. We describe some major research directions that may improve the reliability of Bayesian dating. The goal of our review is to help researchers to make informed choices when using Bayesian phylogenetic methods to estimate evolutionary rates and timescales.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the mathematical details underlying both an approach to the flexibility of regulatory networks and an analytical characterization of evolutionary goals of circadian clock networks. A fundamental problem in cellular regulation is to understand the relation between the form of regulatory networks and their function. Circadian clocks present a particularly interesting instance of this. Recent work has shown that they have complex structures involving multiple interconnected feedback loops with both positive and negative feedback. We address the question of why they have such a complex structure and argue that it is to provide the flexibility necessary to simultaneously attain multiple key properties of circadian clocks such as robust entrainment and temperature compensation. To do this we address two fundamental problems: (A) to understand the relationships between the key evolutionary aims of the clock and (B) to ascertain how flexible the clock's structure is. To address the first problem we use infinitesimal response curves (IRCs), a tool that we believe will be of general utility in the analysis of regulatory networks. To understand the second problem we introduce the flexibility dimension d, show how to calculate it and then use it to analyse a range of models. We believe our results will generalize to a broad range of regulatory networks.  相似文献   

In mammals, the principal circadian clock within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) entrains the phase of clocks in numerous peripheral tissues and controls the rhythmicity in various body functions. During ontogenesis, the molecular mechanism responsible for generating circadian rhythmicity develops gradually from the prenatal to the postnatal period. In the beginning, the maternal signals set the phase of the newly developing fetal and early postnatal clocks, whereas the external light-dark cycle starts to entrain the clocks only later. This minireview discusses the complexity of signaling pathways from mothers and the outside world to the fetal and newborn animals' circadian clocks.  相似文献   

The molecular clock presents a means of estimating evolutionary rates and timescales using genetic data. These estimates can lead to important insights into evolutionary processes and mechanisms, as well as providing a framework for further biological analyses. To deal with rate variation among genes and among lineages, a diverse range of molecular‐clock methods have been developed. These methods have been implemented in various software packages and differ in their statistical properties, ability to handle different models of rate variation, capacity to incorporate various forms of calibrating information and tractability for analysing large data sets. Choosing a suitable molecular‐clock model can be a challenging exercise, but a number of model‐selection techniques are available. In this review, we describe the different forms of evolutionary rate heterogeneity and explain how they can be accommodated in molecular‐clock analyses. We provide an outline of the various clock methods and models that are available, including the strict clock, local clocks, discrete clocks and relaxed clocks. Techniques for calibration and clock‐model selection are also described, along with methods for handling multilocus data sets. We conclude our review with some comments about the future of molecular clocks.  相似文献   

Various tests of the hypothesis of selective neutrality based on gene frequency are now available. These tests take as null hypothesis the concept of “strict neutrality”: all new mutants are required to be selectively identical to each other. For evolutionary questions, however, (as opposed to those of genetic polymorphism), a wider null hypothesis might be of interest. Since deleterious alleles have essentially no evolutionary importance, one might wish to test the null hypothesis that only neutral or deleterious mutations occur. The principal alternative to this hypothesis is that there exists heterotic selection of some form for some alleles tending to maintain a level of genetic polymorphism higher than that under neutrality. In this paper an assessment is made of the usefulness of a test of strict neutrality first proposed by this author (Ewens, 1972) as a test of null hypothesis of “generalized neutrality,” i.e. that only neutral or deleterious alleles occur. At the same time some remarks will be made about estimation of the fundamental parameter θ defining these processes.  相似文献   

生物钟基因研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
昼夜节律是以大约24 h为周期波动的生物现象.这些节律包括血压、体温、激素水平、血中免疫细胞的数量、睡眠觉醒周期循环等.基因水平上的昼夜节律研究还只是刚起步,介绍不同物种控制昼夜行为的共同基因(如period 、timless 、clock基因等)的研究进展,特别是一些有关调控昼夜节律基因的转录因子的研究.同时讨论果蝇和人类生物钟调节的共同分子机制.  相似文献   

Betulaceae, with 120–150 species in six genera, are a family of Fagales that occurs mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Previous studies of the evolution of Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Corylus, Ostrya and Ostryopsis have relied on a relatively small number of sequence data and molecular clocks with fixed‐point calibrations. We exploited GenBank to construct Betulaceae matrices of up to 900 sequence accessions and 9300 nucleotides of nuclear and plastid DNA; we also computed species consensus sequences to build 46‐ and 29‐species matrices that strike a balance between species sampling and nucleotide sampling. Trees were rooted on Ticodendraceae and Casuarinaceae, and divergence times were inferred under relaxed and strict molecular clocks, using alternative fossil constraints. The data support the traditional two subfamilies, Betuloideae (Alnus, Betula) and Coryloideae, and show that Ostryopsis is sister to Ostrya/Carpinus. The fossil record and molecular clocks calibrated with alternating fossils indicate that the stem lineage of Betulaceae dates back to the Upper Cretaceous, the two subfamilies to the Palaeocene and the most recent common ancestors of each of the living genera to the mid‐ to late Miocene. A substitution rate shift in Coryloideae between 25 and 15 Mya preceded the mid‐Miocene climatic optimum and may be linked to temperate niches that became available following the mid‐Miocene. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 465–477.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the chronology of mammalian evolution is a debated issue between molecule- and fossil-based inferences. A methodological limitation of molecules is the evolutionary rate variation among lineages, precluding the application of the global molecular clock. We considered 2422 first and second codon positions of the combined ADRA2B, IRBP, and vWF nuclear genes for a well-documented set of placentals including an extensive sampling of rodents. Using seven independent calibration points and a maximum-likelihood framework, we evaluated whether molecular and paleontological estimates of mammalian divergence dates may be reconciled by the local molecular clocks approach, allowing local constancy of substitution rates with variations at larger phylogenetic scales. To handle the difficulty of choosing among all possible rate assignments for various lineages, local molecular clocks were based on the results of branch-length and two-cluster tests. Extensive lineage-specific variation of evolutionary rates was detected, even among rodents. Cross-calibrations indicated some incompatibilities between divergence dates based on different paleontological references. To decrease the impact of a single calibration point, estimates derived from independent calibrations displaying only slight reciprocal incompatibility were averaged. The divergence dates inferred for the split between mice and rats (approximately 13-19 Myr) was younger than previously published molecular estimates. The most recent common ancestors of rodents, primates and rodents, boreoeutherians, and placentals were estimated to be, respectively, approximately 60, 70, 75, and 78 Myr old. Global clocks, local clocks, and quartet dating analyses suggested a Late Cretaceous origin of the crown placental clades followed by a Tertiary radiation of some placental orders like rodents.  相似文献   

For more than a century, members of the traditional avian order Galliformes (i.e., pheasants, partridges, junglefowl, and relatives) have been among the most intensively studied birds, but still a comprehensive timeframe for their evolutionary history is lacking. Thanks to a number of recent cladistic interpretations for several galliform fossils, candidates now exist that can potentially be used as accurate internal calibrations for molecular clocks. Here, we describe a molecular timescale for Galliformes based on cytochrome b and ND2 using nine mostly internal fossil-based anchorpoints. Beyond application of calibrations spanning the entire evolutionary history of Galliformes, care was taken to investigate the effects of calibration choice, substitution saturation, and rate heterogeneity among lineages on divergence time estimation. Results show broad consistency in time estimation with five out of the nine total calibrations. Our divergence time estimates, based on these anchorpoints, indicate that the early history of Galliformes took place in the Cretaceous, including the origin of the basal-most megapode and perhaps cracid lineages, but that the remaining morphological diversification likely started in the earliest Tertiary. The multi-calibration/multi-genetic partition approach used here highlights the importance of understanding the genetic saturation, variation, and rate constancy spectra for the accurate calculation of divergence times by use of molecular clocks.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that epigenetic rejuvenation can be achieved using drugs that mimic calorie restriction and techniques such as reprogramming-induced rejuvenation. To effectively test rejuvenation in vivo, mouse models are the safest alternative. However, we have found that the recent epigenetic clocks developed for mouse reduced-representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) data have significantly poor performance when applied to external datasets. We show that the sites captured and the coverage of key CpGs required for age prediction vary greatly between datasets, which likely contributes to the lack of transferability in RRBS clocks. To mitigate these coverage issues in RRBS-based age prediction, we present two novel design strategies that use average methylation over large regions rather than individual CpGs, whereby regions are defined by sliding windows (e.g. 5 kb), or density-based clustering of CpGs. We observe improved correlation and error in our regional blood clocks (RegBCs) compared to published individual-CpG-based techniques when applied to external datasets. The RegBCs are also more robust when applied to low coverage data and detect a negative age acceleration in mice undergoing calorie restriction. Our RegBCs offer a proof of principle that age prediction of RRBS datasets can be improved by accounting for multiple CpGs over a region, which negates the lack of read depth currently hindering individual-CpG-based approaches.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are ubiquitous and are found in organisms ranging from bacteria to mammals. This ubiquity of occurrence implies adaptive significance, but to date there has been no rigorous empirical evidence to support this. It is believed that an organism possessing circadian clocks gains fitness advantage in two ways: (i) by synchronizing its behavioral and physiological processes to cyclic environmental factors (extrinsic adaptive value); (ii) by coordinating its internal metabolic processes (intrinsic adaptive value). There is preliminary circumstantial evidence to support both. Several studies using organisms living in constant environments have shown that these organisms possess functional circadian clocks, suggesting that circadian clocks may have some intrinsic adaptive value. Studies to assess the adaptive value of circadian clocks in periodic environments suggest that organisms may have a fitness advantage in those periodic environments, which closely match their own intrinsic periodicity. Furthermore, evidence from organisms living in the wild, selection studies, and studies on latitudinal clines suggest that circadian clocks may have an extrinsic adaptive value as well. In this paper, I have presented several hypotheses for the emergence of circadian clocks and have reviewed some major empirical studies suggesting adaptive significance of circadian clocks.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are ubiquitous and are found in organisms ranging from bacteria to mammals. This ubiquity of occurrence implies adaptive significance, but to date there has been no rigorous empirical evidence to support this. It is believed that an organism possessing circadian clocks gains fitness advantage in two ways: (i) by synchronizing its behavioral and physiological processes to cyclic environmental factors (extrinsic adaptive value); (ii) by coordinating its internal metabolic processes (intrinsic adaptive value). There is preliminary circumstantial evidence to support both. Several studies using organisms living in constant environments have shown that these organisms possess functional circadian clocks, suggesting that circadian clocks may have some intrinsic adaptive value. Studies to assess the adaptive value of circadian clocks in periodic environments suggest that organisms may have a fitness advantage in those periodic environments, which closely match their own intrinsic periodicity. Furthermore, evidence from organisms living in the wild, selection studies, and studies on latitudinal clines suggest that circadian clocks may have an extrinsic adaptive value as well. In this paper, I have presented several hypotheses for the emergence of circadian clocks and have reviewed some major empirical studies suggesting adaptive significance of circadian clocks.  相似文献   

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