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Volume-sensitive taurine transport in fish erythrocytes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Taurine plays an important role in cell volume regulation in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Erythrocytes from two euryhaline fish species, the eel (Anguilla japonica) and the starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) were found to contain high intracellular concentrations of this amino acid ( 30 mmol per liter of cell water). Kinetic studies established that the cells possessed a saturable high-affinity Na+-dependent -amino-acid transport system which also required Cl for activity (apparentK m (taurine) 75 and 80 m;V max 0.85 and 0.29 mol/g Hb per hr for eel (20°C) and flounder cells (10°C), respectively. This -system operated with an apparent Na+/Cl/taurine coupling ratio of 211. A reduction in extracellular osmolarity, leading to an increase in cell volume, reversibly decreased the activity of the transporter. In contrast, low medium osmolarity stimulated the activity of a Na+-independent nonsaturable transport route selective for taurine, -amino-n-butyric acid and small neutral amino acids, producing a net efflux of taurine from the cells. Neither component of taurine transport was detected in human erythrocytes. It is suggested that these functionally distinct transport routes participate in the osmotic regulation of intracellular taurine levels and hence contribute to the homeostatic regulation of cell volume. Volume-induced increases in Na+-independent taurine transport activity were suppressed by noradrenaline and 8-bromoadenosine-3, 5-cyclic monophosphate, but unaffected by the anticalmodulin drug, pimozide.  相似文献   

Volume-sensitive K influx in human red cell ghosts   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
K influx into resealed human red cell ghosts increases when the ghosts are swollen. The influx demonstrates properties similar to volume-sensitive K fluxes present in other cells. The influx is, for the most part, insensitive to the nature of the major intracellular cation and therefore is not a K-K exchange. The influx is much greater when the major anion is Cl than when the major anion is NO3; Cl stimulates the flux and, at constant Cl, NO3 inhibits it. Increase in the influx rate is rapid when shrunken ghosts are swollen or when NO3 is replaced by Cl. The volume-sensitive K influx requires intracellular MgATP at low concentrations, and ATP cannot be replaced by nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues. The volume-sensitive influx is inhibited by Mg2+ and by high concentrations of vanadate, but is stimulated by low concentrations of vanadate. It is not modified by cAMP, the removal of Ca2+ by EGTA, substances that activate protein kinase C, or by inhibition of phosphatidylinositol kinase. The influx is inhibited by neomycin and by trifluoperazine.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that exercise-induced changes in plasma composition stimulate unidirectional K(+) transport (J(in)K) in human red blood cells (RBCs). Ten men performed two 30-s high-intensity leg-cycling tests separated by 4 min of rest. Antecubital venous blood was sampled before exercise and at the end of the second exercise bout. RBCs were separated from true exercise plasma, (42)K was added to plasma, and RBC K(+) transport was studied in vitro at 37 degrees C. In the second part of the study, blood from nine healthy men studied in vitro at 37 degrees C was used to test the hypothesis that exercise-simulated (ES) plasma stimulates net K(+) transport and J(in)K (measured using (86)Rb) in human RBCs. The J(in)K of resting RBCs added to true exercise plasma was 1,574 +/- 200 (SE) micromol. h(-1). l(-1) vs. 1,236 +/- 256 micromol. h(-1). l(-1) in true resting plasma at 2 min (controls). In true exercise and ES plasma, J(in)K was increased through activation of the ouabain-sensitive Na(+)-K(+) pump and the bumetanide-sensitive Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter. Increases in plasma osmolality and K(+), H(+), and epinephrine concentrations independently and in combination stimulated K(+) transport into human RBCs. In a third series of experiments, in which ES plasma K(+) concentration was continuously measured during the first 5 min of incubation of RBCs, a 1.6 +/- 0.3 mmol/l decrease in plasma K(+) concentration occurred during the first 2 min. It is concluded that RBCs transport K(+) at elevated rates in response to exercise-induced changes in plasma composition.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine transport in human erythrocytes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

39K nuclear magnetic resonance was used to measure the efflux of K+ from suspensions of human erythrocytes [red blood cells (RBCs)], that occurred in response to the calcium ionophore, A23187 and calcium ions; the latter activate the Gárdos channel. Signals from the intra- and extracellular populations of 39K+ were selected on the basis of their longitudinal relaxation times, T 1, by using an inversion- recovery pulse sequence with the mixing time, τ1, chosen to null one or other of the signals. Changes in RBC volume consequent upon efflux of the ions also changed the T 1 values so a new theory was implemented to obviate a potential artefact in the data analysis. The velocity of the K+ efflux mediated by the Gárdos channel was 1.19±0.40 mmol (L RBC)−1 min−1 at 37°C.  相似文献   

The effect of ACTH and adrenal steroids on K transport in human erythrocytes has been studied. A new method of calculation has revealed that in normal human erythrocytes the K transport is not independent of external K concentration as had previously been thought. The equation describing the relationship is, K influx (m.eq./liter cells hour) = [K]pi/(0.697 + 0.329 [K]pi) in which [K]pi refers to the plasma K concentration at the beginning of the experiment. At the physiological plasma K concentration of 4.65 m.eq./liter, K influx is 2.09 m.eq./liter cells hour; K efflux is 1.95 m.eq./liter cells hour and is independent of plasma K concentration. The effect of the infusion of ACTH and adrenal steroids on the K content of the erythrocytes was also studied. Infusions of ACTH or cortisone do not cause the expected loss in erythrocyte K content and may well cause a gain. Infusions of ACTH and cortisone decrease the rate of K influx and efflux slightly at all stages of the infusion, as measured in vitro in blood samples drawn at various times during and following the infusion. However, the erythrocytes incubated in vitro do not exhibit the same changes in K content as are found in vivo. Hydrocortisone added to normal cells in vitro also decreases both influx and efflux of K, without affecting the K content of the cells.  相似文献   

Outflow of 86Rb, a radioactive analogue of potassium, from human erythrocytes X-irradiated in vitro was studied with the following results. (1) The 86Rb level in the supernatants of irradiated and control cell suspensions reflected mainly 86Rb outflow and much less its active re-uptake. (2) The effect of irradiation on 86Rb outflow was more pronounced at a low temperature (4 degrees C) than at 37 degrees C; the lowest dose of X-radiation exhibiting a significant effect on 86Rb outflow at 4 degrees C was 2.5 Gy. (3) K/Rb exchange did not seem to play an appreciable role in radiation-induced 86Rb outflow. (4) Calcium and its accumulation in irradiated cells was not found to be the cause of the effect of radiation on 86Rb outflow. (5) The effect of radiation on 86Rb outflow was higher in low Na medium but it was not inhibited by bumetanide. Rb/Na counter- or co-transport do not therefore seem to be involved in radiation-induced Rb+ outflow.  相似文献   

Acyclovir transport into human erythrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mechanism of transport of the antiviral agent acyclovir (ACV) into human erythrocytes has been investigated. Initial velocities of ACV influx were determined with an "inhibitor-stop" assay that used papaverine to inhibit ACV influx rapidly and completely. ACV influx was nonconcentrative and appeared to be rate-saturable with a Km of 260 +/- 20 microM (n = 8). However, two lines of evidence indicate that ACV permeates the erythrocyte membrane by means other than the nucleoside transport system: 1) potent inhibitors (1.0 microM) of nucleoside transport (dipyridamole, 6-[(4-nitrobenzyl)thio]-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine, and dilazep) had little (less than 8% inhibition) or no effect upon the influx of 5.0 microM ACV; and 2) a 100-fold molar excess of several purine and pyrimidine nucleosides had no inhibitory effect upon the influx of 1.0 microM ACV. However, ACV transport was inhibited competitively by adenine (Ki = 9.5 microM), guanine (Ki = 25 microM), and hypoxanthine (Ki = 180 microM). Conversely, ACV was a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 240-280 microM) of the transport of adenine (Km = 13 microM), guanine (Km = 37 microM), and hypoxanthine (Km = 180 microM). Desciclovir and ganciclovir, two compounds related structurally to ACV, were also found to be competitive inhibitors of acyclovir influx (Ki = 1.7 and 1.5 mM, respectively). These results indicate that ACV enters human erythrocytes chiefly via the same nucleobase carrier that transports adenine, guanine, and hypoxanthine.  相似文献   

The kinetics of sodium-stimulated phosphate flux and phosphate-stimulated sodium flux in human red cells have been previously described (Shoemaker, D.G., C.A. Bender, and R.B. Gunn. 1988. J. Gen. Physiol. 92:449-474). However, despite the identification of multiple isoforms in three gene families (Timmer, R.T., and R.B. Gunn. 1998. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 274:C757-C769), the molecular basis for the sodium-phosphate cotransporter in erythrocytes is unknown. Most cells express multiple isoforms, thus disallowing explication of isoform-specific kinetics and function. We have found that erythrocyte membranes express one dominant isoform, hBNP-1, to which the kinetics can thus be ascribed. In addition, because the erythrocyte Na-PO(4) cotransporter can also mediate Li-PO(4) cotransport, it has been suggested that this transporter functions as the erythrocyte Na-Li exchanger whose activity is systematically altered in patients with bipolar disease and patients with essential hypertension. To determine the molecular basis for the sodium-phosphate cotransporter, we reasoned that if the kinetics of phosphate transport in a nucleated erythroid-like cell paralleled those of the Na-activated pathway in anucleated erythrocytes and yet were distinct from those known for other Na-PO(4) cotransporters, then the expressed genes may be the same in both cell types. In this study, we show that the kinetics of sodium phosphate cotransport were similar in anuclear human erythrocytes and K562 cells, a human erythroleukemic cell line. Although the erythrocyte fluxes were 750-fold smaller, the half-activation concentrations for phosphate and sodium and the relative cation specificities for activation of (32)PO(4) influx were similar. Na-activation curves for both cell types showed cooperativity consistent with the reported stoichiometry of more than one Na cotransported per PO(4). In K562 cells, external lithium activation of phosphate influx was also cooperative. Inhibition by arsenate, K(I) = 2.6-2.7 mM, and relative inhibition by amiloride, amiloride analogs, phosphonoformate, and phloretin were similar. These characteristics were different from those reported for hNaPi-3 and hPiT-1 in other systems. PCR analysis of sodium-phosphate cotransporter isoforms in K562 cells demonstrated the presence of mRNAs for hPiT-1, hPiT-2, and hBNP-1. The mRNAs for hNaPi-10 and hNaPi-3, the other two known isoforms, were absent. Western analysis of erythrocytes and K562 cells with isoform-specific antibodies detected the presence of only hBNP-1, an isoform expressed in brain neurons and glia. The similarities in the kinetics and the expression of only hBNP-1 protein in the two cell types is strong evidence that hBNP-1 is the erythrocyte and K562 cell sodium-phosphate cotransporter.  相似文献   

Equilibrative sugar uptake in human erythrocytes is characterized by a rapid phase, which equilibrates 66% of the cell water, and by a slow phase, which equilibrates 33% of the cell water. This behavior has been attributed to the preferential transport of beta-sugars by erythrocytes (Leitch JM, Carruthers A. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 292: C974-C986, 2007). The present study tests this hypothesis. The anomer theory requires that the relative compartment sizes of rapid and slow transport phases are determined by the proportions of beta- and alpha-sugar in aqueous solution. This is observed with D-glucose and 3-O-methylglucose but not with 2-deoxy-D-glucose and D-mannose. The anomer hypothesis predicts that the slow transport phase, which represents alpha-sugar transport, is eliminated when anomerization is accelerated to generate the more rapidly transported beta-sugar. Exogenous, intracellular mutarotase accelerates anomerization but has no effect on transport. The anomer hypothesis requires that transport inhibitors inhibit rapid and slow transport phases equally. This is observed with the endofacial site inhibitor cytochalasin B but not with the exofacial site inhibitors maltose or phloretin, which inhibit only the rapid phase. Direct measurement of alpha- and beta-sugar uptake demonstrates that erythrocytes transport alpha- and beta-sugars with equal avidity. These findings refute the hypothesis that erythrocytes preferentially transport beta-sugars. We demonstrate that biphasic 3-O-methylglucose equilibrium exchange kinetics refute the simple carrier hypothesis for protein-mediated sugar transport but are compatible with a fixed-site transport mechanism regulated by intracellular ATP and cell shape.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte glucose sugar transport was examined in resealed red cell ghosts under equilibrium exchange conditions ([sugar](intracellular) = [sugar](extracellular), where brackets indicate concentration). Exchange 3-O-methylglucose (3MG) import and export are monophasic in the absence of cytoplasmic ATP but are biphasic when ATP is present. Biphasic exchange is observed as the rapid filling of a large compartment (66% cell volume) followed by the slow filling of the remaining cytoplasmic space. Biphasic exchange at 20 mM 3MG eliminates the possibility that the rapid exchange phase represents ATP-dependent 3MG binding to the glucose transport protein (GLUT1; cellular [GLUT1] of 相似文献   

Summary In human red cells homozygous for hemoglobin C (CC), cell swelling and acid pH increase K efflux and net K loss in the presence of ouabain (0.1mm) and bumetanide. We report herein, that K influx is also dependent on cell volume in CC cells: cell swelling induces a marked increase in the maximal rate (from 6 to 18 mmol/liter cell × hr) and in the affinity for external K (from 77±16mm to 28±3mm) of K influx. When the external K concentration is varied from 0 to 140mm, K efflux from CC and normal control cells is unaffected. Thus, K/K exchange is not a major component of this K movement. K transport through the pathway of CC cells is dependent on the presence of chloride or bromide; substitution with nitrate, acetate or thiocyanate inhibits the volume- and pH-dependent K efflux. When CC cells are separated according to density, a sizable volume-dependent component of K efflux can be identified in all the fractions and is the most active in the least dense fraction. N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) markedly stimulates K efflux from CC cells in chloride but not in nitrate media, and this effect is present in all the fractions of CC cells separated according to density. The persistence of this transport system in denser CC cells suggests that not only cell age, but also the presence of the positively charged C hemoglobin is an important determinant of the activity of this system. These data also indicate that the K transport pathway of CC cells is not an electrodiffusional process and is coupled to chloride.  相似文献   

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