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In order to understand how a cancer cell is functionally different from a normal cell it is necessary to assess the complex network of pathways involving gene regulation, signaling, and cell metabolism, and the alterations in its dynamics caused by the several different types of mutations leading to malignancy. Since the network is typically complex, with multiple connections between pathways and important feedback loops, it is crucial to represent it in the form of a computational model that can be used for a rigorous analysis. This is the approach of systems biology, made possible by new -omics data generation technologies. The goal of this review is to illustrate this approach and its utility for our understanding of cancer. After a discussion of recent progress using a network-centric approach, three case studies related to diagnostics, therapy, and drug development are presented in detail. They focus on breast cancer, B-cell lymphomas, and colorectal cancer. The discussion is centered on key mathematical and computational tools common to a systems biology approach.  相似文献   

Bernhard Palsson 《FEBS letters》2009,583(24):3900-3904
The first full genome sequences were established in the mid-1990s. Shortly thereafter, genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions appeared. Since that time, we have witnessed an exponential growth in their number and uses. Here I discuss, from a personal point of view, four topics: (1) the placement of metabolic systems biology in the context of broader scientific developments, (2) its foundational concepts, (3) some of its current uses, and (4) some of the expected future developments in the field.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods are valuable, inter alia, whenever there is a need to extract information from data that are uncertain or subject to any kind of error or noise (including measurement error and experimental error, as well as noise or random variation intrinsic to the process of interest). Bayesian methods offer a number of advantages over more conventional statistical techniques that make them particularly appropriate for complex data. It is therefore no surprise that Bayesian methods are becoming more widely used in the fields of genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and computational systems biology, where making sense of complex noisy data is the norm. This review provides an introduction to the growing literature in this area, with particular emphasis on recent developments in Bayesian bioinformatics relevant to computational systems biology.  相似文献   

The requirement of systems biology for connecting different levels of biological research leads directly to a need for integrating vast amounts of diverse information in general and of omics data in particular. The nutritional phenotype database addresses this challenge for nutrigenomics. A particularly urgent objective in coping with the data avalanche is making biologically meaningful information accessible to the researcher. This contribution describes how we intend to meet this objective with the nutritional phenotype database. We outline relevant parts of the system architecture, describe the kinds of data managed by it, and show how the system can support retrieval of biologically meaningful information by means of ontologies, full-text queries, and structured queries. Our contribution points out critical points, describes several technical hurdles. It demonstrates how pathway analysis can improve queries and comparisons for nutrition studies. Finally, three directions for future research are given.  相似文献   

Quantitative microscopy and systems biology: seeing the whole picture   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Understanding cellular function requires studying the spatially resolved dynamics of protein networks. From the isolated proteins we can only learn about their individual properties, but by investigating their behavior in their natural environment, the cell, we obtain information about the overall response properties of the network module in which they operate. Fluorescence microscopy methods provide currently the only tools to study the dynamics of molecular processes in living cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. Combined with computational approaches they allow us to obtain insights in the reaction-diffusion processes that determine biological function on the scale of cells.  相似文献   

Revealing mechanisms underlying complex diseases poses great challenges to biologists. The traditional linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis that have been successful in the identification of genes responsible for Mendelian traits, however, have not led to similar success in discovering genes influencing the development of complex diseases. Emerging functional genomic and proteomic ('omic') resources and technologies provide great opportunities to develop new methods for systematic identification of genes underlying complex diseases. In this report, we propose a systems biology approach, which integrates omic data, to find genes responsible for complex diseases. This approach consists of five steps: (1) generate a set of candidate genes using gene-gene interaction data sets; (2) reconstruct a genetic network with the set of candidate genes from gene expression data; (3) identify differentially regulated genes between normal and abnormal samples in the network; (4) validate regulatory relationship between the genes in the network by perturbing the network using RNAi and monitoring the response using RT-PCR; and (5) genotype the differentially regulated genes and test their association with the diseases by direct association studies. To prove the concept in principle, the proposed approach is applied to genetic studies of the autoimmune disease scleroderma or systemic sclerosis.  相似文献   

The adoption of agent technologies and multi-agent systems constitutes an emerging area in bioinformatics. In this article, we report on the activity of the Working Group on Agents in Bioinformatics (BIOAGENTS) founded during the first AgentLink III Technical Forum meeting on the 2nd of July, 2004, in Rome. The meeting provided an opportunity for seeding collaborations between the agent and bioinformatics communities to develop a different (agent-based) approach of computational frameworks both for data analysis and management in bioinformatics and for systems modelling and simulation in computational and systems biology. The collaborations gave rise to applications and integrated tools that we summarize and discuss in context of the state of the art in this area. We investigate on future challenges and argue that the field should still be explored from many perspectives ranging from bio-conceptual languages for agent-based simulation, to the definition of bio-ontology-based declarative languages to be used by information agents, and to the adoption of agents for computational grids.  相似文献   

罗若愚  李亦学 《生命科学》2007,19(3):301-305
系统生物学倡导利用系统论的思想和方法,从整体的高度分析、研究生命的复杂特性。这一点与实验生物学仅关注某一个或者某一些生物大分子是迥然不同的。系统生物学既要同时考虑多个层次、多种类型的生物信息,还要考虑时间因素。由于系统特性是由于不同组成部分、不同层次间相互作用而“涌现”出的新性质,因此,如果只是针对组成部分或单一层次的分析并不能真正准确地预测整体或高层次的行为。如何通过研究和整合去发现和理解“涌现”出的新的系统性质,是系统生物学面临的一个根本性的挑战。为了应对这一挑战,系统生物学,特别是计算系统生物学必须建立有效的方法,通过整合系统各个层次的信息,建立可反映该系统目前已知或已可测量的性质的物理、数学模型,并通过这样的模型来研究或预测目前还未知晓的系统性状。可以说:建模是系统生物学的最重要的研究手段之一。目前,生命科学的研究正逐步由对单一现象、单一过程的机械论式的描述型研究转向运用高通量实验技术获取海量生物信息,并在这些生物信息基础上建立物理、数学模型,最终通过建模与实验相接合的研究手段来定量阐述生命现象的本质规律。由于建模方法在系统生物学研究中的重要性,本文将对一些主要的建模类型,如定性建模方法;基于约束的建模方法;基于常微分/偏微分方程的定量建模和基于随机微分方程的定量建模方法等等分别予以简要介绍。  相似文献   

Human physiology is an ensemble of various biological processes spanning from intracellular molecular interactions to the whole body phenotypic response. Systems biology endures to decipher these multi-scale biological networks and bridge the link between genotype to phenotype. The structure and dynamic properties of these networks are responsible for controlling and deciding the phenotypic state of a cell. Several cells and various tissues coordinate together to generate an organ level response which further regulates the ultimate physiological state. The overall network embeds a hierarchical regulatory structure, which when unusually perturbed can lead to undesirable physiological state termed as disease. Here, we treat a disease diagnosis problem analogous to a fault diagnosis problem in engineering systems. Accordingly we review the application of engineering methodologies to address human diseases from systems biological perspective. The review highlights potential networks and modeling approaches used for analyzing human diseases. The application of such analysis is illustrated in the case of cancer and diabetes. We put forth a concept of cell-to-human framework comprising of five modules (data mining, networking, modeling, experimental and validation) for addressing human physiology and diseases based on a paradigm of system level analysis. The review overtly emphasizes on the importance of multi-scale biological networks and subsequent modeling and analysis for drug target identification and designing efficient therapies.  相似文献   

The widespread use of the term Systems Biology (SB) signals a welcome recognition that organisms must be understood as integrated systems. Although just what this is taken to mean varies from one group to another, it generally implies a focus on biological functions and processes rather than on biological parts and a reliance on mathematical modeling to arrive at an understanding of these biological processes based on biological observations or measurements. SB, thus, falls directly in the line of reflection carried out by Robert Rosen throughout his work. In the present article, we briefly introduce the various currents of SB and then point out several ways Rosen's work can be used to avoid certain pitfalls associated with the use of dynamical systems models for the study of complex systems, as well as to inspire a productive path forward based on loosely organized cooperation among dispersed laboratories.  相似文献   

Biological systems are inherently noisy. Predicting the outcome of a perturbation is extremely challenging. Traditional reductionist approach of describing properties of parts, vis-a-vis higher level behaviour has led to enormous understanding of fundamental molecular level biology. This approach typically consists of converting genes into junk (knock-down) and garbage (knock-out) and observe how a system responds. To enable broader understanding of biological dynamics, an integrated computational and experimental strategy was formally proposed in mid 1990s leading to the re-emergence of Systems Biology. However, soon it became clear that natural systems were far more complex than expected. A new strategy to address biological complexity was proposed at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in June 2004, when the first meeting of synthetic biology was held. Though the term ‘synthetic biology’ was proposed during 1970s (Szybalski in Control of gene expression, Plenum Press, New York, 1974), the usage of the original concept found an experimental proof in 2000 with the demonstration of a three-gene circuit called repressilator (Elowitz and Leibler in Nature, 403:335–338, 2000). This encouraged people to think of forward engineering biology from a set of well described parts.  相似文献   

Computer science and biology have enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship for decades. Biologists rely on computational methods to analyze and integrate large data sets, while several computational methods were inspired by the high‐level design principles of biological systems. Recently, these two directions have been converging. In this review, we argue that thinking computationally about biological processes may lead to more accurate models, which in turn can be used to improve the design of algorithms. We discuss the similar mechanisms and requirements shared by computational and biological processes and then present several recent studies that apply this joint analysis strategy to problems related to coordination, network analysis, and tracking and vision. We also discuss additional biological processes that can be studied in a similar manner and link them to potential computational problems. With the rapid accumulation of data detailing the inner workings of biological systems, we expect this direction of coupling biological and computational studies to greatly expand in the future.  相似文献   

Modelling and simulation techniques are valuable tools for the understanding of complex biological systems. The design of a computer model necessarily has many diverse inputs, such as information on the model topology, reaction kinetics and experimental data, derived either from the literature, databases or direct experimental investigation. In this review, we describe different data resources, standards and modelling and simulation tools that are relevant to integrative systems biology.  相似文献   

We briefly review the use of metaphors in science and progressively focus on fields from biology and molecular biology to genomics and bioinformatics. We discuss how metaphors are both a tool for scientific exploration and a medium for public communication of complex subjects, by various short examples. Finally, we propose a metaphor for systems biology that provides an illuminating perspective for the ambitious goals of this field and delimits its current agenda.  相似文献   

系统生物学对医学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统生物学是21世纪最前沿的科学之一,它是随着生命科学飞速发展而产生的一门新兴生物学分支[1],它综合数学、信息科学和生物学的各种工具来阐明和理解大量的数据所包含的生物医学意义,从而使人们能够从整体上理解生物医学系统并精确、量化地预测生物医学系统的行为。随着系统生物学的发展及其理论的突破,将在疾病诊治、新药开发、预防医学方面发挥重要的作用,有助于弥补传统医学缺陷并促进其发展。  相似文献   

In this work, we search for coordination as an organizing principle in a complex signaling system using a multilevel hierarchical paradigm. The objective is to explain the underlying mechanism of Interferon (IFNγ) induced JAK-STAT (specifically JAK1/JAK2-STAT1) pathway behavior. Starting with a mathematical model of the pathway from the literature, we modularize the system using biological knowledge via principles of biochemical cohesion, biological significance, and functionality. The modularized system is then used as a basis for in silico inhibition, knockdown/deletion and perturbation experiments to discover a coordination mechanism. Our analysis shows that a module representing the SOCS1 complex can be identified as the coordinator. Analysis of the coordinator can then be used for the selection of biological experiments for the discovery of ‘soft’ molecular drug targets, that could lead to the development of improved therapeutics. The coordinator identified is also being investigated to determine its relationship to pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Systems biology is a rapidly expanding field of research and is applied in a number of biological disciplines. In animal sciences, omics approaches are increasingly used, yielding vast amounts of data, but systems biology approaches to extract understanding from these data of biological processes and animal traits are not yet frequently used. This paper aims to explain what systems biology is and which areas of animal sciences could benefit from systems biology approaches. Systems biology aims to understand whole biological systems working as a unit, rather than investigating their individual components. Therefore, systems biology can be considered a holistic approach, as opposed to reductionism. The recently developed 'omics' technologies enable biological sciences to characterize the molecular components of life with ever increasing speed, yielding vast amounts of data. However, biological functions do not follow from the simple addition of the properties of system components, but rather arise from the dynamic interactions of these components. Systems biology combines statistics, bioinformatics and mathematical modeling to integrate and analyze large amounts of data in order to extract a better understanding of the biology from these huge data sets and to predict the behavior of biological systems. A 'system' approach and mathematical modeling in biological sciences are not new in itself, as they were used in biochemistry, physiology and genetics long before the name systems biology was coined. However, the present combination of mass biological data and of computational and modeling tools is unprecedented and truly represents a major paradigm shift in biology. Significant advances have been made using systems biology approaches, especially in the field of bacterial and eukaryotic cells and in human medicine. Similarly, progress is being made with 'system approaches' in animal sciences, providing exciting opportunities to predict and modulate animal traits.  相似文献   

Transport and distribution of systemic aluminium are influenced by its interaction with blood. Current understanding is centred upon the role played by the iron transport protein transferrin which has been shown to bind up to 90% of serum total aluminium. We have coined what we have called the blood-aluminium problem which states that the proportion of serum aluminium which, at any one moment in time, is bound by transferrin is more heavily influenced by kinetic constraints than thermodynamic equilibria with the result that the role played by transferrin in the transport and distribution of aluminium is likely to have been over estimated. To begin to solve the blood-aluminium problem and therewith provide a numerical solution to the aforementioned kinetic constraints we have applied and tested a simple computational model of the time-dependency of a putative transferrin ligand (L) binding aluminium to form an Al-L complex with a probability of existence, K(E), between 0% (no complex) and 100% (complex will not dissociate). The model is based upon the principles of a lattice-gas automaton which when ran for K(E) in the range 0.1-98.0% demonstrated the emergence of complex behaviour which could be defined in the terms of a set of parameters (equilibrium value, E(V), equilibrium time, E(T), peak value, P(V), peak time, P(T), area under curve, AUC) the values of which varied in a predictable way with K(E). When K(E) was set to 98% the model predicted that ca. 90% of the total aluminium would be bound by transferrin within ca. 350 simulation timesteps. We have used a systems biology approach to develop a simple model of the time-dependency of the binding of aluminium by transferrin. To use this approach to begin to solve the blood-aluminium problem we shall need to increase the complexity of the model to better reflect the heterogeneity of a biological system such as the blood.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new methodology for the automated design of cell models for systems and synthetic biology. Our modelling framework is based on P systems, a discrete, stochastic and modular formal modelling language. The automated design of biological models comprising the optimization of the model structure and its stochastic kinetic constants is performed using an evolutionary algorithm. The evolutionary algorithm evolves model structures by combining different modules taken from a predefined module library and then it fine-tunes the associated stochastic kinetic constants. We investigate four alternative objective functions for the fitness calculation within the evolutionary algorithm: (1) equally weighted sum method, (2) normalization method, (3) randomly weighted sum method, and (4) equally weighted product method. The effectiveness of the methodology is tested on four case studies of increasing complexity including negative and positive autoregulation as well as two gene networks implementing a pulse generator and a bandwidth detector. We provide a systematic analysis of the evolutionary algorithm’s results as well as of the resulting evolved cell models.  相似文献   

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