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A barley leaf cDNA library has been screened with two oligonucleotide probes designed to hybridize to conserved sequences in glutamine synthetase (GS) genes from higher plants. Two GS cDNA clones were identified as hybridizing strongly to one or both probes. The larger clone (pcHvGS6) contained a 1.6 kb insert which was shown by primer extension analysis to be an almost full-length cDNA. Both clones were more closely related to cDNAs for the chloroplast form of GS (GS2) from pea and Phaseolus vulgaris than to cDNAs for the cytosolic form (GS1). A sequence identicalto an N-terminal sequence determined from a purified preparation of the mature GS2 polypeptide (NH2-XLGPETTGVIQRMQQ) was found in the pcHvGS6-encoded polypeptide at residues 46–61, indicating a pre-sequence of at least 45 amino acids. The pre-sequence has only limited sequence homology to the pre-sequences of pea and P. vulgaris GS2 subunits, but is similarly rich in basic residues and possesses some of the structural features common to the targeting sequences of other chloroplast proteins. The molecular lesions responsible for the GS2-deficient phenotypes of eight photorespiratory mutants of barley were investigated using a gene-specific probe from pcHvGS6 to assay for GS2 mRNA, and an anti-GS antiserum to assay for GS2 protein. Three classes of mutants were identified: class I, in which absence of cross-reacting material was correlated with low or undetectable levels of GS2 mRNA; class II, which had normal or increased levels of GS2 mRNA but very little GS2 protein; and class III, which had significant amounts of GS2 protein but little or no GS2 activity.  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines of soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cv. Clark carrying nuclear 'stay green' genes were examined to determine the effects of these genes on the breakdown of thylakoid membranes during senescence. In order to accelerate their senescence, mature leaves were excised and incubated in darkness for 7 days. The homozygous combination of the recessive alleles d1 and d2 (at two different nuclear loci), with or without G (a dominant allele in another locus that causes green seed coat) inhibited the loss of chlorophyll and thylakoid proteins during senescence. Electron micrographs of leaves of cv. Clark during the yellowing process showed chloroplasts in various stages of disintegration; their thylakoid network was disrupted and abundant osmiophilic globuli formed. These senescent leaves also showed evident signs of deterioration of the plasma membrane, including discontinuities, invaginations and membrane 'whorls'. In contrast, leaves carrying d1d1d2d2 and GGd1d1d2d2 did not show signs of plasma membrane degradation, and their chloroplasts appeared intact, with a continuous, unbroken thylakoid network and tightly stacked grana.
Exogenous applications of abscisic acid (1 and 10 μ M ), methyl jasmonate (10 μ M ) or ethylene (1 and 10 μl]−1) accelerated chlorophyll degradation in cv. Clark, but had no appreciable effect in d1d1d2d2 and GGd1d1d2d2 , which indicates that their pheno-types are not due to a deficiency in any of these hormones. The nuclear 'stay green' genotypes d1d1d2d2 and GGd1d1d2d2 exhibit a general incompetence for the degradation of chloroplast membranes and, thus, they may constitute useful tools in the study of the biochemistry and regulation of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

New roads towards chloroplast transformation in higher plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The attempts to manipulate organelle DNA of higher plants have not yet been succesfull. Although some Agrobacterium mediated and direct gene transfer experi-ments suggested that chloroplasts of Nicotiana tabacum could be transformed, these experiments could not be reproduced. New transformation techniques have emerged: laser-injection, microinjection and high velocity microprojectiles. The biolistic ex-periments with Chlamydomonas made it clear that organelle DNA can support introduced DNA fragments by homologous recombination. In view of these devel-opments, we describe the parameters and new possibilities for chloroplast trans-formation of higher plants.  相似文献   

A proteomic analysis of maize chloroplast biogenesis   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Proteomics studies to explore global patterns of protein expression in plant and green algal systems have proliferated within the past few years. Although most of these studies have involved mapping of the proteomes of various organs, tissues, cells, or organelles, comparative proteomics experiments have also led to the identification of proteins that change in abundance in various developmental or physiological contexts. Despite the growing use of proteomics in plant studies, questions of reproducibility have not generally been addressed, nor have quantitative methods been widely used, for example, to identify protein expression classes. In this report, we use the de-etiolation ("greening") of maize (Zea mays) chloroplasts as a model system to explore these questions, and we outline a reproducible protocol to identify changes in the plastid proteome that occur during the greening process using techniques of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. We also evaluate hierarchical and nonhierarchical statistical methods to analyze the patterns of expression of 526 "high-quality," unique spots on the two-dimensional gels. We conclude that Adaptive Resonance Theory 2-a nonhierarchical, neural clustering technique that has not been previously applied to gene expression data-is a powerful technique for discriminating protein expression classes during greening. Our experiments provide a foundation for the use of proteomics in the design of experiments to address fundamental questions in plant physiology and molecular biology.  相似文献   

Successful transformation of plant cells has been obtained utilizing vectors and DNA delivery methods derived from the plant pathogen, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This soil bacterium is capable of transferring a DNA segment (T‐DNA), located between specific nucleotide border sequences, from its large tumor inducing (Ti) plasmid into the nuclear DNA of infected plant cells. The exploitation of the Agrobacterium/Ti plasmid system for plant cell transformation has been facilitated by (1) the construction of modified Agrobacterium strains in which the genes responsible for pathogenicity have been deleted; (2) the design of intermediate vectors containing selectable drug markers for introducing foreign genes into the Ti plasmid and subsequently into plant cells; and (3) the development of efficient in vitro methods for transforming plant cells and tissues with engineered Agrobacterium strains. These modifications have led to the development of a simple, efficient, and reproducible transformation system from which morphologically normal transformed plants can be readily regenerated. The foreign genes are stably maintained and expressed in the resulting plants and are inherited by progeny as typical Mendelian traits. The availability of transformation systems has already facilitated numerous studies on gene expression and regulation in plants and should eventually allow for the modification of various crop species in an agronomically significant manner. The needs and possibilities for the development of alternate vectors and transformation procedures will be discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,基因工程技术发展迅速,许多重组蛋白得以表达。其中利用植物生物反应器表达特异药物蛋白为人类一些重要疾病的预防和治疗提供了新途径。植物叶绿体遗传转化和表达系统成为目前植物生物反应器的研究热点。因结构和遗传上的特殊性,高等植物叶绿体在重组蛋白表达方面具有独特优势,外源基因表达量高、定点整合,而且叶绿体母系遗传特性保证了生物安全性。很多重要药用蛋白质在植物叶绿体中表达成功。烟草作为高等植物叶绿体转化模式植物,在疫苗抗原、抗体等药物蛋白和其他重要重组蛋白表达方面取得显著进展。高等植物叶绿体遗传转化也为叶绿体基因的表达和调控机制的研究提供新的技术和方法。文中从叶绿体遗传转化原理、载体构建、重组蛋白和重要药物蛋白在叶绿体中的表达以及重组蛋白表达对植物代谢和性状影响等多个角度,对高等植物叶绿体遗传转化体系研究的新进展进行了综述,以期为叶绿体表达平台的开发和重要药用蛋白质的表达提供新思路。  相似文献   

Thylakoid biogenesis is a crucial step for plant development involving the combined action of many cellular actors. CPSAR1 is shown here to be required for the normal organization of mature thylakoid stacks, and ultimately for embryo development. CPSAR1 is a chloroplast protein that has a dual localization in the stroma and the inner envelope membrane, according to microscopy studies and subfractionation analysis. CPSAR1 is close to the Obg nucleotide binding protein subfamily and displays GTPase activity, as demonstrated by in vitro assays. Disruption of the CPSAR1 gene via T‐DNA insertion results in the arrest of embryo development. In addition, transmission electron microscopy analysis indicates that mutant embryos are unable to develop thylakoid membranes, and remain white. Unstacked membrane structures resembling single lamellae accumulate in the stroma, and do not assemble into mature thylakoid stacks. CPSAR1 RNA interference induces partially developed thylakoids leading to pale‐green embryos. Altogether, the presented data demonstrate that CPSAR1 is a protein essential for the formation of normal thylakoid membranes, and suggest a possible involvement in the initiation of vesicles from the inner envelope membrane for the transfer of lipids to the thylakoids.  相似文献   

Photosystem I (PSI), the plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase of the photosynthetic electron transport chain, is one of the largest bioenergetic complexes known. It is composed of subunits encoded in both the chloroplast genome and the nuclear genome and thus, its assembly requires an intricate coordination of gene expression and intensive communication between the two compartments. In this review, we first briefly describe PSI structure and then focus on recent findings on the role of the two small chloroplast genome-encoded subunits PsaI and PsaJ in the stability and function of PSI in higher plants. We then address the sequence of PSI biogenesis, discuss the role of auxiliary proteins involved in cofactor insertion into the PSI apoproteins and in the establishment of protein-protein interactions during subunit assembly. Finally, we consider potential limiting steps of PSI biogenesis, and how they may contribute to the control of PSI accumulation.  相似文献   

The saturation hybridization between spinach chloroplast (ct) DNA and spinach 125I-labelled chloroplast tRNA has shown that about 1.1% of the spinach ctDNA codes for tRNAs. The observed hybridization is a result of specific base-pairing as shown by competition hybridization experiments and thermal stability of the ctDNA-tRNA hybrids. The amount of hybridization shows that spinach ctDNA contains about 40 tRNA genes. Similar hybridization studies have shown that corn ctDNA contains about 28 tRNA genes. The cross-hybridizations between ctDNA and tRNAs of corn, spinach and pea have shown that tRNAs in chloroplasts of higher plants have undergone significant divergence. The pea and spinach tRNAs have been found to have 50% of the base sequences in common. The corn tRNAs have been found to have only about 30% of the base sequences in common with pea and spinach. These data have been confirmed by extensive heterologous competition experiments and thermal stability of the heterologous DNA-tRNA hybrids. The experiments have also shown that the base sequences of tRNAs common in all three plants are the same.  相似文献   

Recent research in proteomics of the higher plant chloroplast has achieved considerable progress and added to our knowledge of lumenal chloroplast proteins. This work shows that chloroplast lumen has its own specific proteome and may comprise as many as 80 proteins. Although the new map of the lumenal proteome provides a great deal of information, it also raises numerous questions because the physiological functions of most of the novel lumenal proteins are unknown. In this Minireview, we summarize the latest discoveries regarding lumenal proteins and present the currently known facts about the lumenal chloroplast proteome of higher plants.  相似文献   

Abstract The chloroplast ultrastructure, especially the thylakoid organization, the polypeptide composition of the thylakoid membranes and photosynthetic O2 evolution rate, chlorophyll (Chl) content and Chi a/b ratio were studied in leaves of nine plants growing in contrasting biotopes in the wild in South Finland. All the measurements were made at the beginning of the period of main growth on leaves approaching full expansion, when the CO2-saturated O2 evolution rate (measured at 20°C and 1500 μmol photons m?2s?1) was at a maximum, ranging from 19.2 to 6.9 μmol O2 cm?2 h?1. Among the species, the Chi a/b ratio varied between 3.75 and 2.71. In the mesophyll chloroplasts, the ratio of the total length of appressed to non-appressed thylakoid membranes varied between 1.07 and 1.79, the number of partitions per granum varied between 2.8 and 12.0 and the grana area between 21 and 42% of the chloroplast area. There was a significant relationship between the rate of O2 evolution of the leaf discs and the thylakoid organization in the mesophyll chloroplasts. The higher the O2 evolution rate, the lower was the ratio of the total length of appressed to non-appressed thylakoid membranes and also the lower the grana area. Although the relationship of the photosynthetic rate with the Chi content and the Chi a/b ratio of the leaves was not as clear, a significant negative correlation existed between the Chi a/b ratio and the ratio of appressed to non-appressed thylakoid membranes, indicating lateral heterogeneity in the distribution of different Chl- protein complexes.  相似文献   

It is currently thought that chloroplasts of higher plants were derived from endosymbiont oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria (primary endosymbiosis), while Euglena, a photosynthetic protista, gained chloroplasts by secondary endosymbiosis (i.e., incorporation of a photosynthetic eukaryote into heterotrophic eukaryotic host). To examine if the protein transport inside chloroplasts is similar between these organisms, we carried out heterologous protein import experiments with Euglena precursor proteins and spinach chloroplasts. The precursor of a 30-kDa subunit of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC30) from the thylakoid lumen of Euglena chloroplasts contained the N-terminal signal, stroma targeting, and thylakoid transfer domains. Truncated preOEC30s lacking the N-terminal domain were post-translationally imported into spinach chloroplasts, transported into the thylakoid lumen, and processed to a mature protein. These results showed that protein translocations within chloroplasts in Euglena and higher plants are similar and supported the hypothesis that Euglena chloroplasts are derived from the ancestral Chlorophyta.  相似文献   

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