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Reproduction of polyploid Rubus species is described as facultatively apomictic. Pollination is needed for seed set, but most seedlings are produced asexually by pseudogamy. Although sexual processes may occur, clonal diversity can be extremely low. We performed a pollination experiment to investigate the breeding system and used allozyme and AFLP markers to analyze genetic variation among and within seed families in R. armeniacus and R. bifrons. Pollination either with self or outcross pollen was necessary to trigger seed set. Outbreeding marginally increased the number and quality of seeds compared with selfing. The enzyme PGI revealed some genetic variation within seed families. Seven other enzyme systems were monomorphic. The more detailed AFLP analyses with five primer pairs detected the same rate of genetic variation (14-17% of seedlings were genetically distinct) and confirmed the allozyme results for the same individuals. No genetic variation was found between the seed families from within a species collected in widely separated populations, but clear species-specific differences were observed. The results support the view that polyploid Rubus species are pseudogamous apomicts with low genetic diversity among and within seed families. However, sexual reproduction occasionally occurs and contributes to the maintenance of genetic variation within natural populations.  相似文献   

The rare endemic Cycladenia humilis var. jonesii (Jones cycladenia) has low levels of sexual reproduction. Enzyme electrophoresis was used to explore possible causes of low seed set and high fruit abortion by assessing the clonal structure and genetic diversity in populations. The seven populations studied were composed of multiple, highly interdigitated clones; thus low fruit set is not likely to be due to a scarcity of mates. Genotype frequencies did not differ significantly from Hardy-Weinberg proportions, suggesting that populations are not highly inbred. Jones cycladenia exhibited high levels of genetic diversity at both the population level (A = 1.7; P = 37; He = 0.14) and the taxon level (A = 2.7; P = 60) in comparison to other plants. These data suggest that genetic drift is unlikely to have left this taxon genetically depauperate. Furthermore, we detected little divergence among geographically disjunct populations of Jones cycladenia (FST = 0.10). In comparison, Jones cycladenia populations were highly differentiated from a population of the taxon's close relative, C. h. var. humilis (mean genetic identity = 0.76). Our study suggests that other reasons for low fruit set in Jones cycladenia, such as resource or pollinator limitation, or genetic load, should be explored in future research.  相似文献   

The isopod crustaceans are diverse both morphologically and in described species numbers. Nearly 950 described species (∼9% of all isopods) live in continental waters, and possibly 1,400 species remain undescribed. The high frequency of cryptic species suggests that these figures are underestimates. Several major freshwater taxa have ancient biogeographic patterns dating from the division of the continents into Laurasia (Asellidae, Stenasellidae) and Gondwana (Phreatoicidea, Protojaniridae and Heterias). The suborder Asellota has the most described freshwater species, mostly in the families Asellidae and Stenasellidae. The suborder Phreatoicidea has the largest number of endemic genera. Other primary freshwater taxa have small numbers of described species, although more species are being discovered, especially in the southern hemisphere. The Oniscidea, although primarily terrestrial, has a small number of freshwater species. A diverse group of more derived isopods, the ‘Flabellifera’ sensu lato has regionally important species richness, such as in the Amazon River. These taxa are transitional between marine and freshwater realms and represent multiple colonisations of continental habitats. Most species of freshwater isopods species and many genera are narrow range endemics. This endemism ensures that human demand for fresh water will place these isopods at an increasing risk of extinction, as has already happened in a few documented cases. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Vanoverbeke  J.  De Meester  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):135-142
Using allozyme data based on four polymorphic enzymeloci, we present an analysis of geneticdifferentiation among eight Daphnia magnapopulations, separated by less than 100 m to more than500 km from each other. In spite of the large range ofgeographic distances, there was only a slight tendencyfor an increase in genetic differentiation withincreasing geographic distance between populations,and the relation was not significant. This was mainlydue to the fact that neighbouring populations werealready highly genetically differentiated. Our resultssuggest that in populations in which only a fewabundant clones are present after a period of strongclonal selection, among-populational geneticdifferentiation as revealed by allozyme markers isinflated as a result of stochasticity involving chanceassociations of alleles with specific abundantgenotypes. Indices quantifying genetic differentiationwere much higher among populations with a low clonaldiversity than among populations with a high clonaldiversity.  相似文献   

Trichoniscus alexandrae Caruso is a blind troglobiont isopod; males possess secretory and sensory organs on the cephalon and 1st pereionite consisting of cuticular pits hosting a tuft of setae and gland openings. Such organs are absent in females. Three types of cuticular structures have been observed: (a) lamellar setae, which likely play a role in protecting the gland openings and favouring the evaporation of secretions; (b) contact chemoreceptors, each provided with six bipolar sensory cells, a scolopale cell and enveloping cells; (c) a secretory cell complex, consisting of a long cylindrical slender duct-forming cell, with the function of transporting to the cuticular surface a secretion produced by two deeper secretory cells. The duct-forming cell is characterized by the presence of numerous microtubules in its cytoplasm, and is provided with a flattened duct. It is suggested that the secretion produced by the secretory cells could serve for sex-recognition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mode of reproduction (sexual vs. asexual) is likely to have important effects on genetic variation and its spatial distribution within plant populations. An investigation was undertaken of fine-scale clonal structure and diversity within patches of Ilex leucoclada (a clone-forming dioecious shrub). METHODS: Six patches were selected in a 1-ha plot previously established in an old-growth beech forest. Two of the selected patches were composed predominantly of stems with male flowers (male patch), and two contained stems with predominantly female flowers (female patch). The remaining two patches contained stems with male flowers and stems with female flowers in more or less equal proportions (mixed patch). Different genets were distinguished using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. KEY RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-six genets with different RAPD phenotypes were identified among 1928 stems from the six patches. Among the six patches, the male patches had the lowest clonal diversity, and the mixed patches had the highest. Distribution maps of the genets showed that they extended downhill, reflecting natural layering that occurred when stems were pressed to the ground by heavy snow. In every patch, there were a few large genets with many stems and many small genets with a few stems. CONCLUSION: The differences in clonal diversity among patches may be due to differences in seedling recruitment frequencies. The skewed distribution of genet size (defined as the number of stems per genet) within patches may be due to differences in the timing of germination, or age (with early-establishing genets having clear advantages for acquiring resources) and/or intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Biological diversity analysis is among the most informative approaches to describe communities and regional species compositions. Soil ecosystems include large numbers of invertebrates, among which soil bugs (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) play significant ecological roles. The aim of this study was to provide advices to optimize the sampling effort, to efficiently monitor the diversity of this taxon, to analyze its seasonal patterns of species composition, and ultimately to understand better the coexistence of so many species over a relatively small area. Terrestrial isopods were collected at the Natural Reserve “Saline di Trapani e Paceco” (Italy), using pitfall traps monthly monitored over 2 years. We analyzed parameters of α‐ and β‐diversity and calculated a number of indexes and measures to disentangle diversity patterns. We also used various approaches to analyze changes in biodiversity over time, such as distributions of species abundances and accumulation and rarefaction curves. As concerns species richness and total abundance of individuals, spring resulted the best season to monitor Isopoda, to reduce sampling efforts, and to save resources without losing information, while in both years abundances were maximum between summer and autumn. This suggests that evaluations of β‐diversity are maximized if samples are first collected during the spring and then between summer and autumn. Sampling during these coupled seasons allows to collect a number of species close to the γ‐diversity (24 species) of the area. Finally, our results show that seasonal shifts in community composition (i.e., dynamic fluctuations in species abundances during the four seasons) may minimize competitive interactions, contribute to stabilize total abundances, and allow the coexistence of phylogenetically close species within the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region (CR) sequences were analysed to address three questions regarding the evolution of geographical variation in song sparrows. (i) Are mtDNA sequences more informative about phylogenetic relationships and population history than previously published restriction fragment (RFLP) data? (ii) Are song sparrow CR sequences evolving in a selectively neutral manner? (iii) What do the haplotype cladogram and geographical pattern of nucleotide diversity (π) suggest about the recent evolutionary history of song sparrow populations? Results from phylogenetic analyses of CR sequences corroborate RFLP results and reveal instances in which haplotypes do not group by locality. Neutrality tests ( 51 ) suggest that song sparrow mtDNA is evolving in a selectively neutral manner, although exceptions are noted. A novel geographical pattern of π suggests a model of song sparrow population history involving multiple Pleistocene refugia and colonization of some formerly glaciated regions from multiple sources. Moreover, application of coalescence theory to the haplotype cladogram suggests that two different haplotypes (48NF and 151HA) may have predominated in different parts of the song sparrow's range. This model provides insight into the current distribution of song sparrow mtDNA haplotypes and may explain the discordance between evolutionary history inferred from mtDNA and morphology in this species.  相似文献   

We studied the structure of genetic variation (at both ramet- and genet-level) and clonal diversity within and among populations in the four closely related arctic clonal sedges Carex bigelowii, C. ensifolia, C. lugens and C. stans by use of allozyme markers. Compared to other sedges and arctic plants, the studied taxa all had high levels of genetic variation, both within populations and taxa. These taxa contained most of the total gene diversity (H(T)) within populations and a small part of the diversity among populations (G(ST) ranged 0.05--0.43). Carex bigelowii had genetic variation (H(S) = 0.173, mean for populations) at a comparable level to other outbreeding arctic plants and to other widespread, rhizomatous and mainly outbreeding Carex species. In contrast, C. ensifolia (H(S) = 0.335), C. lugens (H(S) = 0.339) and C. stans (H(S) = 0.294) had within-population variations that were higher than in most other studied Carex species and for arctic plants in general. Genetic variation was not related to any tested environmental variable, but it was lower in areas deglaciated only 10,000 years BP compared to areas deglaciated 60,000 years BP or not glaciated at all during the Weichselian. All the populations were multiclonal, except for two populations of C. stans that were monoclonal. In contrast to genetic variation, clonal diversity decreased with latitude and did not differ between areas with different times of deglaciation. In accordance with previous studies, C. bigelowii and C. lugens were found to be outbreeding, while C. ensifolia and C. stans had mixed mating systems.  相似文献   

We compared genetic variability and clonal diversity in the closely related sedges Carex lasiocarpa and C. pellita using allozyme markers at 12 loci. Both species produce spreading rhizomes, occur in open habitats, and can form large clones; C. lasiocarpa primarily along lakeshores, or in bogs, fens, or marshes, and C. pellita more commonly along riverbanks and ditches or in wet meadows. Polymorphism was high in both species, similar to that of other rhizomatous Carex and to other species with comparable growth forms and life histories. Total gene diversity was higher for C. lasiocarpa (HT = 0.266) than for C. pellita (HT = 0.248), but the coefficient of differentiation among populations was lower. Rare alleles usually occurred as heterozygotes rather than homozygotes, and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found at few loci, suggesting that both species are predominantly outcrossing. Mean clone size, diversity, and evenness were not significantly different between the two species, although populations varied from monoclonal to those where nearly every sampled shoot belonged to a different clone. No significant differences in genetic variation or clone size of C. pellita were found when comparisons were made between groups based on climate (warmer vs. cooler) or successional stage (pioneer vs. established). However, within C. lasiocarpa, genetic variability decreased and clone size increased in cooler climates and at established sites.  相似文献   

Sources and implications of genetic diversity in agamic complexes are still under debate. Population studies (amplified fragment length polymorphisms, microsatellites) and karyological methods (Feulgen DNA image densitometry and flow cytometry) were employed for characterization of genetic diversity and ploidy levels of 10 populations of Ranunculus carpaticola in central Slovakia. Whereas two diploid populations showed high levels of genetic diversity, as expected for sexual reproduction, eight populations are hexaploid and harbour lower degrees of genotypic variation, but maintain high levels of heterozygosity at many loci, as is typical for apomicts. Polyploid populations consist either of a single AFLP genotype or of one dominant and a few deviating genotypes. genotype/genodive and character incompatibility analyses suggest that genotypic variation within apomictic populations is caused by mutations, but in one population probably also by recombination. This local facultative sexuality may have a great impact on regional genotypic diversity. Two microsatellite loci discriminated genotypes separated by the accumulation of few mutations ('clone mates') within each AFLP clone. Genetic diversity is partitioned mainly among apomictic populations and is not geographically structured, which may be due to facultative sexuality and/or multiple colonizations of sites by different clones. Habitat differentiation and a tendency to inhabit artificial meadows is more pronounced in apomictic than in sexual populations. We hypothesize that maintenance of genetic diversity and superior colonizing abilities of apomicts in temporally and spatially heterogeneous environments are important for their distributional success.  相似文献   

Pueraria lobata (kudzu), a clonal, leguminous vine, is invading the southeastern United States at a rate of 50 000 ha per year. Genetic variability and clonal diversity were measured in 20 southeastern U.S. populations using 14 allozyme loci. Within its U.S. range, 92.9% of the loci were polymorphic and overall genetic diversity was 0.290. Such high levels of genetic diversity are consistent with its history of multiple introductions over an extended period of time. The average proportions of polymorphic loci and genetic diversity within populations were 55.7% (range = 28.6–85.7%) and 0.213 (range = 0.114–0.317), respectively. The proportion of total genetic diversity found among populations was similar to species with equivalent life history characters (GST = 0.199). No regional patterns of variation were seen. The number of putative genotypes in each population ranged from 2 to 26. Mean genotypic diversity was 0.694, ranging from 0.223 to 0.955. Such high levels of genotypic diversity indicate that local sites are often colonized by several propagules (most likely seeds) and/or that sexual reproduction occurs within populations after establishment. An excess of heterozygosity was observed in populations with few unique genets, implying that selection for highly heterozygous individuals may occur in populations of P. lobata.  相似文献   

Despite the advantage of avoiding the costs of sexual reproduction, asexual vertebrates are very rare and often considered evolutionarily disadvantaged when compared to sexual species. Asexual species, however, may have advantages when colonizing (new) habitats or competing with sexual counterparts. They are also evolutionary older than expected, leaving the question whether asexual vertebrates are not only rare because of their 'inferior' mode of reproduction but also because of other reasons. A paradigmatic model system is the unisexual Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, that arose by hybridization of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana, as the maternal ancestor, and the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna, as the paternal ancestor. Our extensive crossing experiments failed to resynthesize asexually reproducing (gynogenetic) hybrids confirming results of previous studies. However, by producing diploid eggs, female F(1) -hybrids showed apparent preadaptation to gynogenesis. In a range-wide analysis of mitochondrial sequences, we examined the origin of P. formosa. Our analyses point to very few or even a single origin(s) of its lineage, which is estimated to be approximately 120,000 years old. A monophyletic origin was supported from nuclear microsatellite data. Furthermore, a considerable degree of genetic variation, apparent by high levels of clonal microsatellite diversity, was found. Our molecular phylogenetic evidence and the failure to resynthesize the gynogenetic P. formosa together with the old age of the species indicate that some unisexual vertebrates might be rare not because they suffer the long-term consequences of clonal reproduction but because they are only very rarely formed as a result of complex genetic preconditions necessary to produce viable and fertile clonal genomes and phenotypes ('rare formation hypothesis').  相似文献   

The morphology of the respiratory structures located in the pleopod exopodites of terrestrial Isopoda is described for representative species of different genera. Special emphasis is set on the evolution of these lungs in the context of phylogenetic relationships as revealed by other morphological characters. In the most primitive species of the Oniscidea, and still of subordinate taxa of the Crinocheta, respiration takes place in the thin ventral integument of the exopodites. The evolution of dorsal respiratory fields with a weakly wrinkled surface occurred at least six times within the Crinocheta. In five of these cases, a further development can be observed. The evolution of a partly covered respiratory field with strongly wrinkled surface may have taken place six times. It is assumed that completely internalized lungs with spiracles surrounded by a water‐repellent surface microsculpture, evolved at least six times independently within the Oniscidea: in the Tylidae, Actaecia, Aphiloscia, the Eubelidae, the Armadillidae and in a taxon probably comprising Porcellionidae plus Armadillidiidae.  相似文献   

The origins of the genomes of allotetraploid species Triticum biunciale, T. ovatum, T. neglectum, and T. columnare, and allohexaploid T. rectum were investigated by examining the presence of specific restriction fragments of repeated nucleotide sequences in DNAs of the polyploid species. The restriction fragments were detectable either in a single diploid Triticum species (unique characters) or a group of diploid species (unique shared characters). The analysis showed that Triticum biunciale and T. ovatum are closely related. In both species, one pair of genomes is closely related to the genome of T. umbellulatum and the other is a modified genome of T. comosum. The same genome formula, UUM°M°, is proposed for T. biunciale and T. ovatum. Potential reasons for the modification of the M° genome are discussed. Triticum neglectum and T. columnare are also closely related to each other and have the same genomes. They share the U genome with T. biunciale and T. ovatum, but their second pair of genomes is unrelated to the M° genome. No relationship was found of this genome to a genome of any extant diploid species of Triticum or any phylogenetic lineage leading to the extant diploid species. This unknown genome is designated X'.∗∗∗ The proposed genome formula for T. neglectum and T. columnare is UUX'X'∗∗∗. Hexaploid T. rectum originated from hybridization of one of the tetraploid species with the formula UUX'X', likely T. neglectum, with T. uniaristatum (genome N), and its genome formula is UUX'X'NN.  相似文献   

The cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabré)) exhibits several behavioral traits that are stable within, but vary among, strains. These traits are heritable and quantitative. We used cellulose acetate gel electrophoresis to quantify allozyme variation within and among laboratory cultures of four weevil strains and determine whether allozyme variation correlates with behavioral traits. Significant variation exists at 8 of 11 loci assayed and gene frequencies are significantly different among strains. The South Indian strain (SI) is most variable and measures of genetic distance set it apart from the other strains. It is also behaviorally unique. The Brazilian strain (BC) is most different from SI in allozyme diversity and behavioral phenotype, while two African strains (IITA, CAM) are intermediate in allozyme diversity and phenotype. These results are consistent with the known history of these strains and the differences in the allozymes parallel the differences in behavioral traits.  相似文献   

We determined the amount and temporal stability of genetic differentiation among brook cham sampled from five rivers on Cape Race, Newfoundland, with an electrophoretic analysis of 42 protein coding loci. Fish from four of these rivers were analysed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). A single mtDNA clone was observed in all rivers sampled, except one, where 47% offish were from a different and relatively divergent clone (0.31 % sequence divergence). In contrast, Cape Race brook charr show large amounts of genetic differentiation at six enzyme coding loci; Nei's genetic distance ranged between 0,020 and 0.048. This differentiation is relatively stable as no significant differences in allele frequencies were detected between fish sampled from two rivers over two consecutive years. The most divergent population based on protein polymorphism is not that with two mtDNA clonal lineages. In contrast to the commonly held view, mtDNA analyses do not necessarily provide greater resolution of population structure than allozyme analyses.  相似文献   

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