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Light-directed synthesis of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) chips   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report herein the light-directed synthesis of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) microarray using PNA monomers protected by photolabile protecting groups and a maskless technique that uses a digital micromirror array system to form virtual masks. An ultraviolet image from the virtual mask was cast onto the active surface of a glass substrate, which was mounted in a flow cell reaction chamber connected to a peptide synthesizer. Light exposure was followed by automatic chemical coupling cycles and these steps were repeated with different virtual masks to grow the desired PNA probes in a selected pattern. In a preliminary experiment, an array of PNA probes with dimensions of 4.11 mm × 4.11 mm was generated on each slide. Each synthesis region in the final array measured 210 μm × 210 μm for a total of 256 sites. The center-to-center space was 260 μm. It was observed from the hybridization pattern of the fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide targets that the fluorescence intensities of the matched, and mismatched sequences showed substantial difference, demonstrating specificity in the identification of complementary sequences. This opens the way to exploit processes from the microelectronics industry for the fabrication of PNA microarrays with high densities.  相似文献   

A new simple solid-phase method has been developed for synthesizing Boc-protected peptide nucleic acid (PNA) monomers. An immobilized backbone 3 was built on Expansin® resin using an ester disulphide handle: 2-hydroxypropyl-dithio-2′-isobutyric acid (HPDI). The base acetic acids of thymine 5 , Z-cytosine 9 , Z-adenine 12 , and 6-O-benzyl guanine 17 were prepared and coupled to the immoblized backbone. The HPDI handle was cleaved under mild conditions by cyanolysis or assisted hydrolysis with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) to give undamaged PNA monomers. These monomers were coupled to form oligomers by solid-phase method with another disulphide linkage: aminoethyldithio-2-isobutyric acid (AEDI) grafted on an amino-functionalized TentaGel® resin, using in situ neutralization and TBTU as activating reagent. Final cleavage of the AEDI linker gave PNA bearing a cysteamide residue that could be useful for optimizing PNA properties. Oligomers of up to 16 residues long were assembled. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) have stronger affinity and greater specificity than do oligonucleotides for binding to DNA and RNA and, as such, have potential utility as probes in molecular biology applications. In this study, a novel approach for labeling the PNA with radioiodine that avoided solubility issues and poor labeling encountered when trying to radioiodinate PNAs directly in solution was developed. For this approach, a purpose-designed prosthetic group that incorporated both a radioiodinatable tyrosine and a triphenylphosphonium (TPP) moiety was synthesized. The latter is an organic cation that combines the properties of good solubility in both aqueous and organic solvents with a strong retention by reverse phase HPLC. Following radioiodination of the TPP-based prosthetic group in phosphate buffer, the prosthetic group was purified and coupled to the terminal amine of 15-mer PNA on the solid phase resin. After cleavage and deprotection of the PNA from the resin, the presence of the TPP group resulted in a clean separation of radioiodinated PNA from unlabeled PNA, yielding a high-specific activity probe in a single HPLC run. As an example of a potential molecular biology application of the resultant (125)I-labeled PNA probe, it was used to detect mRNA for the Lcn2 gene in Northern blotting.  相似文献   

With the current interest in anti-sense and anti-gene technologies, an efficient, fast and less toxic synthesis protocol would be advantageous for the oligomerisation of Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA). Most of the methods currently in use for the t-Boc synthesis of PNA's use TFA/m-cresol, pyridine, piperidine and capping reagents. In this work, a rapid synthesis protocol has been adapted from an earlier published peptide synthesis method allowing a reduction in cycle time from around 30 min down to 16 min. By utilising quantitative deprotection with 100% TFA, a coupling time of 10 min and a four-fold excess of monomer, this synthesis protocol has been used to synthesise a number of PNA's incorporating all four nucleotides of varying sequence, up to 17 residues in length.  相似文献   

Summary With the current interest in anti-sense and anti-gene technologies, an efficient, fast and less toxic synthesis protocol would be advantageous for the oligomerisation of Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA). Most of the methods currently in use for thet-Boc synthesis of PNA's use TFA/m-cresol, pyridine, piperidine and capping reagents. In this work, a rapid synthesis protocol has been adapted from an earlier published peptide synthesis method allowing a reduction in cycle time from around 30 min down to 16 min. By utilising quantitative deprotection with 100% TFA, a coupling time of 10 min and a four-fold excess of monomer, this synthesis protocol has been used to synthesise a number of PNA's incorporating all four nucleotides of varying sequence, up to 17 residues in length.  相似文献   

Thiolated pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acids (HS-PNAs) bearing d-prolyl-2-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid (ACPC) backbones with different lengths and types of thiol modifiers were synthesized and then characterized by MALDI–TOF mass spectrometry. These HS-PNAs were immobilized on gold-coated glass by self-assembled monolayer (SAM) formation via S atom linkage for the detection of DNA hybridization using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The amount and the stability of the immobilized HS-PNAs, as well as the effects of spacer and blocking thiol on DNA hybridization efficiency, were determined. SPR results indicated that the hybridization efficiency was enhanced when the distance between the PNA portion and the thiol terminal was increased and/or when blocking thiol was used following the HS-PNA immobilization. The immobilized HS-PNA could discriminate between fully complementary DNA from one or two base mismatched DNA with a relatively high degree of mismatch discrimination (>45%) in PBS buffer at 25 °C. The lowest DNA concentration at which reliable discrimination between fully complementary and single mismatched DNA could still occur was at about 0.2 μM, which is equivalent to 10 pmol of DNA. This research demonstrates that using these novel thiolated PNAs in combination with the SPR technique offers a direct, rapid and non-label based method that could potentially be applied for the analysis of genomic or PCR-amplified DNA in the future.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and experimental measurements of the stability of a novel pyrrolidinyl PNA binding to DNA (PNA·DNA) in both parallel and antiparallel configurations were carried out. For comparison, simulations were also performed for the DNA·DNA duplex. The conformations of the three simulated systems were found to retain well-defined base pairing and base stacking as their starting B-like structure. A large gas-phase energy repulsion of the two negatively charged sugar-phosphate backbones of the DNA strands was found to reduce the stability of the DNA·DNA duplex significantly compared with that of the PNA·DNA complexes, especially in the antiparallel binding configuration. In addition, the antiparallel PNA·DNA was observed to be less solvated than that of the other two systems. The simulated binding free energies and the experimental melting temperatures for the three investigated systems are in good agreement, indicating that the antiparallel PNA·DNA is the most stable duplex.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) are DNA mimics with a neutral peptide backbone instead of the negatively charged sugar phosphates. PNAs exhibit several attractive features such as high chemical and thermal stability, resistance to enzymatic degradation, and stable binding to their RNA or DNA targets in a sequence‐specific manner. Therefore, they are widely used in molecular diagnosis of antisense‐targeted therapeutic drugs or probes and in pharmaceutical applications. However, the main hindrance to the effective use of PNAs is their poor uptake by cells as well as the difficult and laborious chemical synthesis. In order to achieve an efficient delivery of PNAs into cells, there are already many published reports of peptides being used for transport across the cell membrane. In this protocol, we describe the automated as well as cost‐effective semi‐automated synthesis of PNAs and PNA‐peptide constructs on an automated peptide synthesizer. The facile synthesis of PNAs will be helpful in generating PNA libraries usable, e.g. for high‐throughput screening in biomolecular studies. Efficient synthetic schemes, the automated procedure, the reduced consumption of costly reagents, and the high purity of the products are attractive features of the reported procedure. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The preparation of the thymine peptide nucleicacid (PNA) monomer carrying a 2-nitrophenyl group in position4 is described. This monomer is incorporated into PNAoligomers and reacted with amines to yield PNA oligomerscarrying 5-methylcytosine derivatives. During thedeprotection-modification step two side reactions weredetected: degradation of PNA oligomer from the N-terminal residue and modification of N 4-tert-butylbenzoyl cytosine residue. Protection of the N-terminal position and the use of N 4-acetyl group for the protection of cytosine eliminate these side reactions.  相似文献   

Summary The preparation of the thymine peptide nucleic acid (PNA) monomer carrying a 2-nitrophenyl group in position 4 is described. This monomer is incorporated into PNA oligomers and reacted with amines to yield PNA oligomers carrying 5-methylcytosine derivatives. During the deprotection-modification step two side reactions were detected: degradation of PNA oligomer from theN-terminal residue and modification ofN 4-tert-butylbenzoyl cytosine residue. Protection of theN-terminal position and the use ofN 4-acetyl group for the protection of cytosine eliminate these side reactions.  相似文献   

The preparation of peptide nucleic acids (PNA)carrying a c-myc tag-peptide sequence isdescribed. These PNA-peptide chimeras have higheraffinity to complementary DNA than unmodifiedoligonucleotides. Moreover, they can be used asnonradioactive probes with sensitivity similar toother nonradioactive methods.  相似文献   

Summary The preparation of peptide nucleic acids (PNA) carrying a c-myc tag-peptide sequence is described. These PNA-peptide chimeras have higher affinity to complementary DNA than unmodified oligonucleotides. Moreover, they can be used as nonradioactive probes with sensitivity similar to other nonradioactive methods.  相似文献   

肽核酸是人工合成的寡核苷酸类似物,以N-(2-氨乙基)甘氨酸结构单元替代DNA分子中的戊糖-磷酸结构。与天然核酸相比,肽核酸可以更高效地与DNA或RNA特异性杂交,在分子生物学和基因药物领域具有良好的应用前景。但是,肽核酸骨架呈电中性,难以高效穿过细胞膜,这成为工程应用的最大障碍。为了改善肽核酸的细胞转运性能,对肽核酸进行化学修饰是近年来的研究热点。结合近十年来文献报道和本实验室的工作,对肽核酸的骨架修饰和配合物结合修饰两类增强细胞转运的修饰方法进行综述,并对修饰性肽核酸细胞转运研究中存在的问题以及未来的研究趋势及其应用提出了见解。  相似文献   

Lipid-mediated delivery of peptide nucleic acids to pulmonary endothelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) is a DNA/RNA mimic in which the phosphodiester (PO) linkage is replaced with a peptide bond. It has a number of unique properties compared to currently used oligonucleotides including higher affinity towards RNA or DNA target, resistance to nucleases or proteases, and minimal non-specific interactions with proteins. Clinical applications of PNA, however, are limited by its inefficient intracellular delivery. In this study, we have shown that delivery of PNA to pulmonary endothelium in intact mice can be greatly improved via hybridization with a short PO oligonucleotide that serves as a carrier to form complexes with cationic liposomes. We have also shown for the first time that unlike a CpG DNA oligo that is highly proinflammatory, a CG-containing PNA is inert in triggering TNF-alpha response in cultured macrophages and in mice. Thus delivery of PNA to pulmonary endothelium may prove to be a therapeutically useful for the treatment of pulmonary vascular diseases.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) are uncharged DNA analogs that hybridize to complementary sequences with high affinity and stability. We previously showed that PNAs, after intraperitoneal injection into rats, are effective antisense compounds in vivo. The present study was designed to test whether PNAs also have antigene effects in vivo. The renin-angiotensin system is critical in the control of blood pressure. We designed and synthesized sense (antigene) PNAs to angiotensinogen, which is the precursor protein that leads to angiotensin I and II. Spontaneously hypertensive rats received intraperitoneal injections of either 20 mg/kg sense-angiotensinogen-PNA, mismatch-angiotensinogen PNA, or saline. Only the sense-angiotensinogen PNA treatment resulted in a significant decrease in plasma angiotensin I, systolic blood pressure, and liver and brain angiotensinogen mRNA levels. Thus, these results demonstrate on the molecular, protein, and physiological levels that antigene PNAs are effective in vivo upon systemic administration.  相似文献   

The possibilities of pseudo-peptide-DNA mimics like PNA (peptide nucleic acid) having a role for the prebiotic origin of life prior to an RNA world is discussed on the basis of literature data showing that this type of molecules might have formed on the primitive earth (or other places in the universe), as well as data indicating the possibilities of template-directed PNA chemical replication and ligation. In particular, the merits of an achiral prebiotic genetic material is discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescent DNA and peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes were used for in situ hybridisations in colonies of Schizophyllum commune and Aspergillus niger. DNA probes for 18S rRNA did not diffuse through the cell wall after mild chemical fixation. After permeabilising the cell wall with lysing enzymes or slow freezing and embedding, hybridisation was still poor and not reproducible. In contrast, PNA probes did diffuse through the cell wall after mild chemical fixation and reproducible fluorescent signals were obtained. The rRNA signal was most intense in the apical compartment of hyphae of S. commune. Within this compartment, the signal was lower at the extreme apex. Apparently, ribosomes are unevenly distributed in hyphae. In S. commune, the mRNA of the SC3 gene was also detected with a PNA probe. The ratio between 18S rRNA and SC3 mRNA signals were variable between hyphae and their compartments. This is the first report of using PNA probes for in situ hybridisation of mRNA in fungi. The method provides a powerful tool to study gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary A convenient route for the preparation of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) monomers is described. Two different baselabile protecting groups (2-cyanoethyl and 4-nitrophenylethyl) are described for the protection of the carboxylic function of theN-(2-aminoethyl)glycine backbone during the assembly of the monomers. These groups are selectively removed yielding the desired PNA monomers in high yields, the 2-cyanoethyl group being faster and cleaner than the 4-nitrophenylethyl group. The use of PNA monomers for the preparation of DNA-PNA chimeric molecules is also discussed.  相似文献   

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