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Obert  Hans-Joachim 《Oecologia》1975,18(4):317-328
Oecologia - The general weather situation distinctly influences the calling behaviour of both Rana esculenta and Rana ridibunda. The weather of the previous day or two previous days decides whether...  相似文献   

The electron density of the lipid droplets and mitochondrial matrix of the interrenal cells of Rana perezi differs during the year. This makes it possible to characterize the different stages of interrenal cell activity. A droplet/mitochondria index, based on their relative size, may provide an indicator of cellular activity.  相似文献   

R. K. Rastogi    M. Di  Meglio  L. Di  Matteo  S. Minucci    L. Iela 《Journal of Zoology》1985,207(3):319-330
Two morphologically distinct primary spermatogonial cell types were observed in the frog testis and distinguished on the basis of nuclear characteristics. They have been designated the pale and dark types of primary spermatogonia. On the basis of a kinetic analysis, it is proposed that the pale spermatogonia possess the faculty of self-renewal as well as that of forming dark spermatogonia; they are thus bipotential stem cells comparable to the undifferentiated type of mammalian spermatogonia. The dark spermatogonia, in contrast, are committed to a single pathway, i.e. to form secondary sperrnatogonia, and can be defined as differentiated or committed elements of the primary spermatogonial population. The number of stem cell spermatogonia and differentiated spermatogonia vary according to the period of the year, as does the rate of turnover of stem cells, with nearly 60–90% of cells temporarily out of the cell cycle at any given time. It is indicated that the spermatogonial population represents a 'cell renewal system' in a steady state for appreciably long periods of time, however, changing with season in as far as the magnitude of yield of spermatogonial cells is concerned. This implies that an equality should exist between the rate at which stem cells enter cell-cycling and the rate at which daughter cells change their morphological identity.  相似文献   

Study of the esophageal microscopic morphology of adult Rana perezi by light and electron microscopy discloses some large folds throughout the esophagus that are in themselves ringed. Glandular ostia open in the furrows of the luminal surface. The esophageal wall is made up of a connective adventitia rich in melanocytes, a muscular tunica, a connective and glandular subepithelial layer, and a pseudostratified ciliated epithelium. This epithelium basically consists of ciliated, goblet, basal, microvillous-apex, and migratory cells. Two types of goblet cells are distinguished with regard to the granular ultrastructure. The microvillous-apex cell has not been found in other amphibians. It shows a very differentiated morphology with a high number of mitochondria. The basal cells give the epithelium a pseudostratified morphology, and they have a proliferative function. Glands are branched and drain through an excretory duct that has a monolayered mucosecreting epithelium. The glandular units are formed by two principal types of cells: mucosecretory and serous.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the patterns of DNase I/nick translation in the chromosomes of Rana perezi. The results show a nonuniform DNase sensitivity in different chromosome domains; the hypersensitivity appears to be concentrated at both the NOR and the distal regions. The resemblance to the situation in mammals, where active genes are DNase I hypersensitive, is discussed.  相似文献   

Postembryonic skeletal development of the pipid frog Xenopus laevis is described from cleared-and-stained whole-mount specimens and sectioned material representing Nieuwkoop and Faber developmental Stages 46-65, plus postmetamorphic individuals up to 6 months old. An assessment of variation of skeletogenesis within a single population of larvae and comparison with earlier studies revealed that the timing, but not the sequence, of skeletal development in X. laevis is more variable than previously reported and poorly correlated with the development of external morphology. Examination of chondrocranial development indicates that the rostral cartilages of X. laevis are homologous with the suprarostral cartilages of non-pipoid anurans, and suggests that the peculiar chondrocranium of this taxon is derived from a more generalized pattern typical of non-pipoid frogs. Derived features of skeletal development not previously reported for X. laevis include 1) bipartite formation of the palatoquadrate; 2) precocious formation of the adult mandible; 3) origin of the angulosplenial from two centers of ossification; 4) complete erosion of the orbital cartilage during the later stages of metamorphosis; 5) development of the sphenethmoid as a membrane, rather than an endochondral bone; and 6) a pattern of timing of ossification that more closely coincides with that of the pelobatid frog Spea than that recorded for neobatrachian species.  相似文献   

The population specific variability of diploid and triploid R. kl. esculenta individuals was investigated by means of morphometric methods (canonical discriminant analysis, UPGMA cluster analysis) and DNA fingerprinting. As a result of the morphometric investigations, as well as of the DNA investigations, a clear separation of single populations was possible. However, no correlations between the morphometry and different population systems could be recognized. Clear morphometric differences could be seen between diploid ♀♀ and ♂♂ and triploid ♀♀ on the one hand, and triploid ♂♂ on the other. While the diploid ♀♀ and ♂♂ and the triploid ♀♀ were located in the intermediate area between the parental species R. lessonae and R. ridibunda according to their morphometric parameters, the triploid ♂♂ showed a great overlap with R. lessonae. Up to now, this phenomenon has not been explained. The first results of the DNA investigations provided further hints at the high inter-individual and population-specific variability of R. kl. esculenta. R. kl. esculenta individuals of the R. lessonae/esculenta population Toter See could be distinguished from conspecific individuals of the R. ridibunda/esculenta-♀♀ population Alte Oder according to their fingerprint patterns. Moreover, in the R. lessonae / esculenta population, the fingerprints or the diploid R. kl. esculenta-♀♀ and the investigated R. lessonae-♀ were very similar. Furthermore, in this population, many R. kl. esculenta genotypes resemble R. lessonae in their morphometric features. This finding suggests the occurrence of recombination in R. kl. esculenta. In general, every population seems to have its own genetic background. A classification of water-frog populations according to population systems is only possible under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The energetics of endotrophic development, where the nutrition required to complete metamorphosis is provided solely by yolk, has seldom been quantified. The energy cost of development to metamorphosis of the endotrophic Australian frog Geocrinia vitellina was measured using bomb calorimetry and closed-system respirometry. Dry yolk had an energy density of 26.4 J x mg(-1), and an average 2.8-mm-diameter ovum contained 144 J. Incubation at 15 degrees C produced a froglet of 5.8 mm snout-vent length, containing 88 J in 87 d, with 11% of residual yolk in the gut, which is markedly less than the 50% recorded in another endotroph, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Geocrinia vitellina lost 56 J of metabolic energy during development to metamorphosis at 15 degrees C, and the total production efficiency was 61.0%. A review of published egg energy densities found a mean for amphibians of 25.1 kJ x g(-1), significantly lower than the mean of 27.1 kJ x g(-1) for reptiles. Moreover, available amphibian data suggest that endotrophic species have high yolk energy densities and low mass-specific rates of oxygen consumption relative to exotrophic species (with feeding larvae); consequently, large ovum size may not necessarily be prerequisite for endotrophic development.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of hemoglobins. chain of frog (Rana esculenta) hemoglobin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J P Chauvet  R Acher 《Biochemistry》1972,11(5):916-927

The presence of a glucocorticoid soluble receptor is demonstrated in frog liver cytosol. The kinetic characterization of frog liver cytosolic receptor for glucocorticoids is reported and its steroid specificity assessed. Results indicate a gross similarity between frog liver and mammalian glucocorticoid receptor, being a major difference the reduced binding capacity.  相似文献   

The recently discovered natural heptadecapeptide nociceptin (orphanin FQ) shares some homology with the opioid peptides but it binds to a distinct receptor type, termed nociceptin receptor. This study demonstrates the presence of specific nociceptin recognition sites in brain membrane fractions of an amphibian, Rana esculenta. Para-iodo-Phe(1)-nociceptin-amide was radiolabelled by catalytic dehalotritiation, resulting in p[(3)H]Phe(1)-nociceptin-amide of 25 Ci/mmol specific radioactivity. Specific binding of [(3)H]nociceptin-amide to frog brain membranes was found to be saturable and of high affinity with equilibrium K(d) values in the low nanomolar range. A single set of binding sites with about 180 fmol/mg protein maximal binding capacity was obtained in saturation and competition experiments. [(3)H]Nociceptin-amide binding could easily be inhibited by synthetic nociceptin compounds but not by opioid ligands. Both sodium ions and 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate decreased the binding of the radioligand by transferring the receptor to a lower affinity state. Nociceptin dose-dependently stimulated the binding of the nonhydrolysable, radiolabeled GTP-analogue guanosine-5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate ([(35)S]GTPgammaS) to G-proteins in frog brain membranes. Addition of 1 microM naloxone caused no significant change in the curves, indicating that nociceptin-mediated activation of G-proteins occurred through nonopioid mechanism.  相似文献   

When Mallory's trichrome stain is used, acinar nuclei of the Harderian gland of Rana esculenta display different affinities for the dye. Some of the orangiophilic nuclei show affinity for aniline blue (blue nuclei). In the Harderian gland of Rana esculenta their number and the intensity of staining with aniline blue may vary during the year. The affinity for aniline blue disappears following digestion of paraffin sections with RNAase, but not with DNAase or trypsin. Furthermore, in vitro incubation with [5, 6-3H]-Uridine shows a selective incorporation by the majority of blue nuclei. Therefore, the affinity for aniline blue is likely due to increased RNA synthesis. The increment of nuclear RNA shown by these methods is supported by the quantitative determination of total RNAs during the resumption (October) and enhancement (May) of secretory activity, when the percentage of blue nuclei of the acinar cells is at its highest levels of the year. The affinity of RNA-rich nuclei for aniline blue, while others are strictly orangiophil, is discussed on the basis of molecular structure of the dyes used in the staining mixture. Mallory's trichrome stain appears to be an useful tool for detecting changes in cell nuclear status.  相似文献   

Various enzymes are known to be involved in melanin biosynthesis, but the key role appertains to tyrosinase. In amphibians this enzyme displays peculiar characteristics: i) it requires an activation process; ii) its level of enzymatic activity in the animal skin changes depending on the season. In this work, by using chymotrypsin, subtilisin and SDS as putative activators, we studied the activation process of the skin pro-tyrosinase of Rana esculenta L. in different seasons over a period of two years. We found that chymotrypsin and subtilisin were able to yield an active enzyme, but not SDS. The maximum levels of tyrosinase activity were recorded in winter and the minimum in summer. We detected tyrosinase activity in the melanosomal fraction, where the enzyme form was least sensitive to proteolytic activation, probably corresponding to a "mature" tyrosinase. The enzyme forms found in the microsomal and soluble fractions were more sensitive to proteolytic activation, probably corresponding to "immature" tyrosinase. On SDS-PAGE, the tyrosinase activity assays showed a dopa-positive band at 200 kDa and a second aggregated band with a still higher molecular mass. The significance of these results in frog melanogenesis regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Frog skin transports ions and water under hormonal control. In spite of the fundamental role played by adrenergic stimulation in maintaining the water balance of the organism, the receptor subtype(s) present in the skin have not been identified yet. We measured the increase in short-circuit current (ISC, an estimate of ion transport) induced by cirazoline, clonidine, xamoterol, formoterol, or BRL 37344, in order to verify the presence of alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, or beta3 receptor subtypes, respectively. Only after treatment with formoterol, BRL 37344 and, to a lesser extent, cirazoline was measured a significant increase in ISC (57%, 33.2%, and 4.7%, respectively). The formoterol and BRL 37344 concentrations producing half-maximal effect (EC50) were 1.12 and 70.1 nM, respectively. Moreover, the formoterol effect was inhibited by treatment with ICI 118551 (antagonist of beta2 receptors) while SR 59230A (antagonist of beta3 receptors) had no effect; opposite findings were obtained when the BRL 37344 stimulation was investigated. Finally, by measuring the transepithelial fluxes of 22Na+ and 36Cl-, we demonstrated that Na+ absorption is increased by activation of beta2 and beta3 and is cAMP-sensitive, whereas the Cl- secretion is only increased by activation of beta2 receptors and is cAMP- and calmodulin-sensitive.  相似文献   

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