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An examination of 191 faecal samples from Papio cynocephalus ursinus from Mkuzi Game Reserve, Natal, South Africa, has revealed low prevalence rates for a high diversity of gastro-intestinal helminths. This high diversity, including the first evidence for an acanthocephalan infection in South African baboons, is compared to that from montane baboons studied previously.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the nature of somatomedin-C (SM-C) in baboon (Papio cynocephalus) blood and to compare various methods for estimating SM-C concentrations. Parallel dose-response curves were obtained with normal baboon serum, normal human serum, and purified SM-C. Recovery of purified SM-C added to baboon serum over a wide dosage range (n = 17) was 111 ± 12%, with slightly better recovery at higher potencies. Chromatography of normal baboon serum on Sephadex G-200 at neutral pH produced a profile similar to that observed in the human, as did samples chromatographed on Sephadex G-50 in acid. Although the SM-C content in acid chromatographed plasma was approximately 2.5 times higher than in native unprocessed plasma, there was excellent correlation between the values (r = 0.9143, p < 0.0001). The SM-C in baboon plasma which had been preincubated with glycine HCl was approximately twice that of unprocessed plasma, but the correlation between the two methods was excellent (r = 0.9593, p < 0.0001). The correlation between values obtained after simple acid-ethanol extraction and those observed in unextracted plasma were also significant (r = 0.7689, p < 0.0001). Following a series of four injections of human growth hormone (hGH) to a normal baboon, plasma SM-C rose approximately sevenfold above the initial concentration and returned to basal levels five days after the final injection. These studies show that although the radioimmunoassay (RIA) for SM-C in unprocessed baboon plasma does not measure all of the SM-C present, it provides a reliable index of the total SM-C concentration and reflects GH status in the baboon.  相似文献   

Captive adult male chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) housed with natural lighting exposure and blood sampled at 3-hr intervals showed significant diurnal variations in serum testosterone concentrations. Low mean concentrations were found at 0800 hr approximately 1 hr after sunrise and mean concentrations were their highest at 2000 hr approximately 1 ¼ hr after sunset.  相似文献   

We surgically implanted temperature sensitive telemeters intraperitonealy in free-ranging baboons. Thereafter, we recorded body temperature changes while the baboons were free-ranging and under visual observation. Two distinct patterns of daily body temperature fluctuations occurred; they were related to the availability of drinking water. Core body temperature fluctuated by as much as 5.3°C and regularly exceeded 41°C. Behavioral adaptations of the baboons, notably sandbathing, appeared to be associated with the regulation of body temperature.  相似文献   

The age-sex composition of a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus)population changed following a 5-month interval of extreme food and water shortages. Mortality was significantly greater among adult females, juveniles, and infants than among adult males. The probable basis of 19 of 22 deaths during the interval of food and water shortage was starvation caused by drought conditions which localized water sources, reducing access to food resources. This resulted in a long-term (> 6-year) shift in adult sex ratios within this three-troop population, from 1.04 to 1.42-1.58 adult and subadult males per adult female. Patterns of intertroop interaction were also influenced by food scarcity, which determined which troop was most seriously affected.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven troops were counted during a 1989 census of the mountain baboon population at Giants Castle Game Reserve. In contrast to earlier findings, and despite a similar population structure, we found no relationship between group size and altitude. We argue that this is a consequence of long-term population processes whereby groups split as they grow larger and, in some cases, as their home ranges expand upward. At these high altitudes, smaller groups are eventually subjected to environmental conditions that destroy them. We propose that the high-altitude slopes act as a demographic sink.  相似文献   

Post-mortem evaluation of a female sub-adult olive baboon (Papio cynocephalus anubis) revealed a case of ectopic spleen anomaly. Three spherical masses characterized the spleen anomaly. The splenic nodules were located on the left upper quadrant of the stomach, at the distal end of the pancreas. The anterior nodule measures 1.2 cm, the middle nodule 1.9 cm and the posterior nodule 1.3 cm in diameter. Normal spleen was not observed in this case. All the three ectopic splenic nodules showed normal histological architecture. A case of ectopic splenic nodules in baboon is important in that the spleen malformation can readily be mistaken for a pathological process.  相似文献   

At least three diurnal primate taxa are still present in Eritrea, NE Africa: hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), olive baboons (Papio h. anubis) and grivet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops aethiops). However, information on status and distribution of primates and their habitats in Eritrea is outdated and incomplete. We conducted a primate survey, focussing on hamadryas baboons, to obtain data which will be integrated in a national wildlife management and conservation plan in Eritrea. We obtained information about the geographical distribution and abundance of baboons, their altitudinal range, habitat quality of their home-ranges, aggregation sizes at sleeping cliffs and predator presence. We described habitat quality via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a vegetation classification of Landsat MSS satellite data. Hamadryas and olive baboons are still present in Eritrea in ample numbers. Their geographical distributions in 1997 and 1998 did not deviate significantly from their historical distributions. An estimated 15,000 Papio hamadryas hamadryas lived in the 25,000-km2 area of survey (0.58 baboons/km2). Population densities of hamadryas baboons in many parts of the survey area are higher than at Kummer's (1968) study site in Ethiopia. Hamadryas baboons live at all altitudes in four of five ecogeographical zones of Eritrea. Olive baboons replaced them in the western lowlands. Both baboon taxa tend to select better quality habitats, characterized by a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) than the average for the respective ecogeographical zones. Hamadryas baboons show a greater ecological plasticity than olive baboons, which are confined to riverbeds with extended gallery forest. By the end of 1999, a hybrid zone could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the spread of lymphoma through a baboon (Papio hamadryas) colony in the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy at Sukhumi, USSR. In the late 1960s, Soviet scientists inoculated 12 baboons with cells from hospitalized human leukemia patients, causing the death of a total of 135 animals between 1967 and 1978. The death rate from lymphoma averages almost 12 baboons per year in the Sukhumi colony. Genetic investigations of these baboons revealed the following: 1) Six blood protein markers out of 16 systems (38%) tested were polymorphic; 2) the average inbreeding coefficient for the entire colony (N = 1,226) was 0.027 (exclusion of baboons with F values equal to 0.0 raised the mean inbreeding coefficient to 0.096); 3) no relationship between inbreeding and risk of lymphoma was noted; and 4) there was an apparent association between both PGM loci and the incidence of lymphoma at the 0.005 levels of significance. This association was further supported by the significantly lower incidence of PGM2 (2-1) genotype in baboons with high anti-VCA-HVP titers.  相似文献   

Experimental and clinical parasitology need natural baselines or “controls”. We present normative data intestinal parasite loads in two genera of African primates. Wild Pan troglodytes and Papio spp. were studied at two sites: Gombe in Tanzania (P. anubis) and Mt. Assirik in Senegal (P. papio). Presence or absence of parasites, especially nematodes, was recorded from fecal specimens. Gombe's primates were more often infected than were Mt. Assirik's. At Gombe, but not at Mt. Assirik, chimpanzees seemed to have a higher incidence of infection than baboons. Comparison of three baboon troops yielded apparent differences in prevalence of infection. No differences in infection were found between the wet and dry seasons in Mt. Assirik's chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Modern humans exhibit increasing relative enamel thickness from M1 to M3. Some biomechanical (basic lever) models predict that the more distal molars in humans encounter higher occlusal forces, and it has been postulated that this provides a functional explanation for the observed gradient in relative enamel thickness. However, constrained three-dimensional models and experimental observations suggest that there is a reduction in bite force potential from M1 to M3, which would be consistent with the tendency for humans to reduce the size of the distal molars. In this regard, it has been postulated that the distal increase in enamel thickness is a consequence of crown size reduction; thus, it is unnecessary to invoke functional scenarios to explain this phenomenon. We assess these competing proposals by examining relative enamel thickness in a catarrhine primate (Papio ursinus) that exhibits crown size increase from M1 to M3. The molar row of P. ursinus is positioned relatively far forward of the temporomandibular joint, which results in the baboon being able to exert relatively greater muscle forces during posterior biting in comparison to modern humans. Thus, a significant distalward gradient of increasing enamel thickness would be expected in P. ursinus according to the hypothesis that posits it to be functionally related to bite force. The present study reveals no significant difference in relative enamel thickness along the molar row in P. ursinus. This finding lends support to the notion that the relatively thicker enamel of human distal molars is related primarily to their reduction in size. This carries potential implications for the interpretation of enamel thickness in phylogenetic reconstructions: the relatively thick molar enamel shared by modern humans and some of our fossil relatives may not be strictly homologous, in that it may result from different underlying developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

The hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) is found both in East Africa and western Arabia and is the only free-ranging nonhuman primate in Arabia. It has been hypothesized that hamadryas baboons colonized Arabia in the recent past and were possibly even transported there by humans. We investigated the phylogeography of hamadryas baboons by sequencing a portion of the control region of mtDNA in 107 baboons from four Saudi Arabian populations and combing these data with published data from Eritrean (African) P. h. hamadryas. Analysis grouped sequences into three distinct clades, with clade 1 found only in Arabia, clade 3 found only in Africa, but clade 2 found in both Arabian and African P. h. hamadryas and also in the olive baboon, P. h. anubis. Patterns of variation within Arabia are neither compatible with the recent colonization of Arabia, implying that baboons were not transported there by humans, nor with a northerly route of colonization of Arabia. We propose that hamadryas baboons reached Arabia via land bridges that have formed periodically during glacial maxima at the straits of Bab el Mandab in the southern Red Sea. We suggest that the genetic differentiation of Arabian from African populations suggests that Arabian populations have a higher conservation status than recognized previously.  相似文献   

Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) living in an arid environment in Namibia were heavily infested with ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus. A survey to assess tick numbers and identity was undertaken in the baboons' habitat. It appears that there is a strong correlation between the number of ticks and the amount of time the baboons spend in an area. It is speculated that tick infestations were responsible for more than half (n = 18) of recorded infant deaths amongst these baboons.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies were conducted in the Lake Langano area in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia to determine the occurrence of schistosomiasis and assess factors involved in its transmission. Microscopic examination of faecal specimens from free ranging Papio anubis (anubis baboon) troops from Bishan Gari and Burka Dita forest reserves revealed Schistosoma mansoni eggs with a prevalence of 12.1% (11/91) and 26.2%(34/130), respectively. The eggs were viable as confirmed by miracidial hatching and infectivity tests. Out of the total 12 communities (three schools, five villages and one herdsmen community) surveyed for schistosomiasis around Lake Langano, individuals excreting S. mansoni eggs were found in nine communities with prevalence of infection ranging from 1.4 to 43%. The intensity of infection ranged from 24 EPG (eggs per gram of faeces) to 243 EPG. Excretion of viable eggs by the baboons indicate that they play a role in maintenance of S. mansoni infection in the locality. The detection of S. mansoni eggs in young children, collection of cercarial-infected Biomphalaria pfeifferi in water bodies, and establishment of S. mansoni infection in lab-bred mice have confirmed establishment of transmission foci in Kime area, south-east of Lake Langano. However, the lake itself does not seem to support transmission of schistosomiasis since no snails were found along the shore of the Lake. Further investigations are indicated to fully elucidate the role baboons play in the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The risk of introduction of water-based development projects in these new endemic foci in relation to S. mansoni infection in the baboons is discussed.  相似文献   

The function of the periodic perineal swelling that females of some primate species show in relation to their menstrual cycle has long puzzled many scientists. A role in female attractiveness was suspected, but fluctuations in female behaviors concomitant to these changes in female appearance have always prevented its assessment. By attaching a plastic reproduction of a fully swollen perineum to ovariectomized female chacma baboons, it has finally been demonstrated that the sexual swelling hasan important function in the sexual communication of this species. It induces sexual arousal in male conspecifics. The way the perineal swelling acts and other characteristic aspects of this feature appear to qualify it as a releaser for sexual behavior.  相似文献   

We take advantage of an array of hybrid baboons (Papio anubis x Papio hamadryas) living in the same social group to explore the causes and consequences of different male mating strategies. Male hamadryas hold one-male units and exhibit a sustained, intense interest in adult females, regardless of the latter's reproductive state. Anubis baboons, by contrast, live in multi-male, multi-female groups where males compete for females only when the latter are estrous. These two taxa interbreed to form a hybrid zone in the Awash National Park, Ethiopia, where previous work has suggested that hybrid males have intermediate and ineffective behavior. Here, we first examine male mating strategies with respect to morphological and genetic measures of ancestry. We found significant relationships between behavioral measures and morphology; males with more hamadryas-like morphology had more hamadryas-like behavior. However, genetic ancestry was not related to behavior, and in both cases intermediates displayed a previously unreported level of behavioral variation. Furthermore, male behavior was unrelated to natal group. Second, we evaluated reproductive success by microsatellite-based paternity testing. The highest reproductive success was found for individuals exhibiting intermediate behaviors. Moreover, over nine years, some genetically and morphologically intermediate males had high reproductive success. We conclude that the behavior of hybrid males is therefore unlikely to be an absolute barrier to admixture in the region.  相似文献   

The distributions of alleles at the carbonic anhydrase I (CA I = CA B) and carbonic anhydrase II (CA II = CA C) loci in nine troops of Papio cynocephalus were determined. Two alleles were found at the CA I locus, and three at the CA II locus; the frequencies were: CA Ia = 0.856; CA Ib = 0.144; CA IIa = 0.784; CA IIb = 0.209; CA IIc = 0.007. Results of tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, homogeneity tests, and calculations of migration rates were used in support of the interpretation that migration and genetic drift may affect the distribution of alleles at the CA I locus and that selection is the process responsible for the distribution of alleles at the CA II locus.  相似文献   

Do free-ranging baboons avoid traveling towards the sun? Sun avoidance, in addition to resource and predator locations, may influence troop movement and non-random use of the home range. This paper investigates how sun avoidance, as measured by facial exposure to sunlight, influences directional choices. It hypothesizes that baboons should avoid the sun in the hot, dry season and show indifference to it in the cool, lush season. This paper also hypothesizes that baboons employ sun-avoidance behaviors more while they forage or travel to resting sites than when they travel to foraging sites or engage in active social behaviors; lastly this paper hypothesizes that sun altitude, temperature, humidity, and cloud cover influence sun-avoidance behavior. Using focal-animal techniques on 21 males from free-ranging baboon troops, I collected locational data, accurate to within 1.6 m, over 15 months. I calculated the difference between baboon bearings and the sun’s azimuth in angular degrees. Both linear and circular statistics indicate that baboons put significantly (P<0.01) more than 90° between their bearing and the sun’s azimuth under certain conditions. Contrary to hypotheses based on the detrimental effects of insolation, baboons in the cool, lush season avoid the sun, while baboons in the hot, dry season do not. In the lush season, the extent to which baboons avoid the sun does not depend on their other behaviors. Dry-season baboons demonstrate stronger sun avoidance while resting than when engaged in other behaviors. Finally, in the dry season, temperature drives sun avoidance; humidity drives it in the lush season.  相似文献   

The prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, cloprostenol, which is an effective luteolytic agent in the common marmoset, was administered intramuscularly to olive baboons to determine if it possessed luteolytic properties in this species. The results showed that functional luteolysis was not induced when cloprostenol was administered during the mid- to late luteal phase or during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

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