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The Glandulocaudinae is a subfamily of neotropical characid fishes from Central and South America. A unifying feature of the subfamily is the caudal gland, found almost exclusively in males. The gland consists of tissue on the base of the caudal fin covered in part by hypertrophied scales. Scale movement as the caudal fin is flexed appears to facilitate the release of chemical compounds from the glandular tissue. We describe here a different structure, found in the gill cavity of mature males in 12 of 17 glandulocaudine genera examined. Termed a gill gland, it develops as a male secondary sex character and appears morphologically suited to release chemical signals. The gland forms by the growth of tissue over and around 4-13 anterior gill filaments on the first gill arch, forming chambers with ventral openings. Within the gland chambers, gill secondary lamellae usually shorten and may disappear. When secondary lamellae persist, simple columnar epithelial cells develop between them. In the absence of secondary lamellae, the gland chambers are lined with a simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium. Gland size and the degree of gill modification vary among species. Gill glands appear absent in five glandulocaudine genera, suggesting character reversals based on current phylogenetic hypotheses and systematic classification. Gill gland morphology suggests that this structure releases chemical compounds into the gill current. The presence of gill glands only in mature males suggests a function in reproduction and/or male aggression. Together with studies of the caudal gland, this research suggests that chemical signals may play important roles in glandulocaudine reproduction.  相似文献   

This article presents the scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the spermatozoa and sperm packets of three inseminating species of the glandulocaudine tribe Xenurobryconini. All three species, Scopaeocharax rhinodus, Tyttocharax cochui, and T. tambopatensis produce unencapsulated sperm packets (= spermatozeugmata) of similar morphology. The external anterior surface of each spermatozeugma is comprised of elongate sperm heads arranged in parallel, and the posterior part is made up of tightly packed flagella. The interior of the anterior portion consists of alternating layers of sperm heads and flagella. The remarkable integrity of each packet appears to be maintained through an electron-dense secretion seen among all parts of the cells. Spermatozeugma formation takes place within the spermatocysts at the end of spermiogenesis and at spermiation fully formed packets are released. Morphology of the mature spermatozoa was similar in all three species. Each nucleus is elongate, flattened along most of its length, and tapers at either end. The two centrioles are nearly parallel to one another and are located just anterior to the nucleus. Elongate mitochondria are located along the nucleus. The single flagellum, which lacks axonemal fins, is initially contained within a short cytoplasmic collar. Accessory microtubules run parallel to the long axis of the nucleus just beneath the plasma membrane. During spermiogenesis, no nuclear rotation occurs and the cytoplasmic canal containing the flagellum elongates along with the nucleus. However, prior to spermiation all but the anterior portion of the collar degenerates. The sperm modifications observed in these species are discussed as adaptations to the unique reproductive habit of insemination.  相似文献   

Synopsis In fish, gamete release is commonly assumed to be synchronous in externally inseminating fishes. By collecting and counting the number of sperm and eggs released during separate matings in three demersal spawners, the mediterranean gobies, Zosterisessor ophiocephalus, Gobius niger, and Knipowitschia panizzae, we observed that gametes are released asynchronously. Males release sperm before females start laying their eggs. Sperm is released in the form of sperm trails laid on the nest surface; subsequently active spermatozoa leave the trails and move in the water for several minutes. Sperm trails consist of bands of viscous material in which sperm is embedded. In most cases eggs are not laid directly over the sperm trail, suggesting that sperm may contact the eggs after the latter are released in the water. Male sperm duct glands, seminal vesicles, known to secrete mucosubstances, are likely involved in the production of sperm trails. The possible influence of this mode of insemination on the mating style of marine gobies is discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers of samples of Mimagoniates microlepis were studied to test the hypothesis that a vicariant event occurred as the result of the orogeny of the coastal mountain range (Serra do Mar; southeastern and southern Brazil). Conventional karyotypes and nucleolar organizer region (Ag-NOR) phenotypes of two samples of M. microlepis from the headwaters of the Iguaçu River (southern Brazil) were compared both with each other and with other local populations of the species in the coastal drainage of southeastern Brazil. Additional molecular data (RAPD markers and genetic diversity) were obtained from specimens from coastal and continental regions of southern Brazil. The same diploid number (52 chromosomes), karyotypic formula and Ag-NOR phenotype were found for both analysed samples from the Iguaçu River. A genetic discontinuity was discovered in the comparison of the karyotypical formula of the Iguaçu samples with those from coastal drainages of the region. Polymerase chain reaction-RAPD markers revealed strikingly different molecular profiles between coastal and continental samples and indications of a high degree of genetic variation. Based on these results, we provide some comments on the biogeographical patterns and evolutionary trends for M. microlepis from coastal and continental regions of southeastern/southern Brazil.  相似文献   

Individuals of the same species may present different reproductive tactics depending on the environment in which they develop and mature. The present study aimed to define the gonadal development phases of males and females of Astyanax rivularis and to carry out a comparative analysis of the reproductive development of specimens captured in two isolated environments of the São Francisco River basin in Serra da Canastra, Brazil (Point 1: low vegetation and river showing calm and crystalline waters with small well formations; Point 2: current waters, and well-established areas of arboreal vegetation). Thus, the gonads of A. rivularis specimens were collected, fixed and processed with techniques for light microscopy. Five maturation phases of the females' reproductive cycle were established: immature, developing, spawning capable, regressing and regenerating. Three maturation phases of the males' reproductive cycle were observed: spawning capable, regressing, and regenerating. There are differences in the phases of gonadal development of A. rivularis between the two sampling points so that, possibly, animals upstream of the waterfall demonstrate a delay in the reproductive cycle in relation to animals downstream.  相似文献   

This is the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the Characidae to date and the first large-scale hypothesis of the family, combining myriad morphological data with molecular information. A total of 520 morphological characters were analysed herein, of which 98 are newly defined. Among the analysed taxa, 259 species were coded by examining specimens, three fossil species were coded from the literature, one species was coded almost completely from published figures, 122 were partially coded from the literature, and 88 were analysed exclusively from molecular data. The total number of species in the analysed dataset is 473. Analyses were made by parsimony under equal and extended implied weighting with a broad range of parameters. The final hypothesis was selected using a stability criterion that chooses among the most parsimonious trees of all searches. It was found by weighting molecular characters with the average homoplasy of entire partitions (markers). The resulting hypothesis is congruent with previous molecular-based phylogenies of the family. The Characidae are monophyletic, with four main clades: the Spintherobolinae new subfamily; an expanded Stethaprioninae including the Grundulini, Gymnocharacini, Rhoadsiini and Stethaprionini; the Stevardiinae; and a clade composed of the Aphyocharacinae, Characinae, Cheirodontinae, Exodontinae and Tetragonopterinae. Also, a stem Characidae was found, as formed by the Eocene–Oligocene genera †Bryconetes and †Paleotetra as successive sister groups of extant members of the family. A subfamilial classification is proposed, but deep changes in the systematics that are beyond the scope of this study are still needed to classify the Characidae into monophyletic genera.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the reproductive organs in 17 of the 30 species of the tribe Starksiini (Labrisomidae, Blenniiformes) and related labrisomids reveals the major traits of gamete form and production and likely reproductive modes. The testes are of the lobular type and have a testicular gland and sperm ducts. Isodiametric sperm (aquasperm) with a globular head or anisodiametric sperm (introsperm) with an elongate head, or both, were observed in the studied species. Both types have either one or two flagella in the sperm tail. Ovaries of the Starksiini are bilobed and exhibit synchronous or asynchronous egg production. Although viviparity or “ovoviviparity” reportedly characterizes the group, our study revealed evidence of both internal and external fertilization and three modes of reproduction. External fertilization or ovuliparity is suggested for the Starksia atlantica and S. lepicoelia species complexes by the presence in males of a short genital papilla that is not reinforced through adhesion with the first anal‐fin spine and by the absence of sperm within the ovaries. Internal fertilization and zygoparity is indicated for most species by the presence of an intromittent papilla in males that is adhered to the first anal‐fin spine, “nests” of sperm within the ovaries, absence of embryos within the ovarian lamellae and usually thick egg envelopes bearing dense covers of adhesive filaments. Internal fertilization and embryoparity is indicated for starksia fulva and Xenomedea rhodopyga by an intromittent papilla that is adhered to the first anal‐fin spine of males, anisodiametric sperm in males, delicate egg envelopes without adhesive filaments and developing embryos within follicular envelopes or within the follicle in females. Although many of these features are seen in the internally fertilizing clinid blennies, starksiins differ in retaining the testicular gland typical of labrisomids and in lacking sperm packaging typical of other internally fertilizing teleosts. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Characinae is a subunit of the Characidae of special significance in including Charax, the type genus of the family and the order Characiformes. Twelve genera and 79 species have been traditionally assigned to the Characinae, but the subfamily still lacks a phylogenetic diagnosis. Herein, a data matrix including 150 morphological characters and 64 taxa (35 species representing all genera of the Characinae and 29 included in other lineages within the Characiformes) was submitted to two cladistic analyses that differ in the inclusion/exclusion of Priocharax due to the difficulty of coding most of the character states in the miniature species of this genus. Both analyses resulted in a non‐monophyletic Characinae and this subfamily is herein restricted to only seven of the original 12 genera forming the clade (Phenacogaster((Charax Roeboides)(Acanthocharax(Cynopotamus(Acestrocephalus Galeocharax))))), which is supported by ten non‐ambiguous synapomorphies and is more closely related to other genera of the Characidae than those traditionally placed in the subfamily. A second clade includes the members of the tribe Heterocharacini (Lonchogenys(Heterocharax Hoplocharax)) as the sister‐group of Gnathocharax, supported by seven non‐ambiguous synapomorphies. This clade is more closely related to a taxon formed by Roestes and Gilbertolus based on seven non‐ambiguous synapomorphies. Results do not corroborate a close relationship between RoestesGilbertolus and the Cynodontinae. Inclusion of the genus Priocharax suggests that it is related more closely to the Heterocharacini, but the profound modifications in its anatomy possibly related to ontogenetic truncations obscure a better understanding of its relationships. A new classification of the Characinae and the Heterocharacinae is proposed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 809–915.  相似文献   

Metabolic changes during the transition from post-feeding to fasting were studied in Brycon cephalus, an omnivorous teleost from the Amazon Basin in Brazil. Body weight and somatic indices (liver and digestive tract), glycogen and glucose content in liver and muscle, as well as plasma glucose, free fatty acids (FFA), insulin and glucagon levels of B. cephalus, were measured at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120, 168 and 336 h after the last feeding. At time 0 h (the moment of food administration, 09.00 h) plasma levels of insulin and glucagon were already high, and relatively high values were maintained until 24 h post-feeding. Glycemia was 6.42+/-0.82 mM immediately after food ingestion and 7.53+/-1.12 mM at 12 h. Simultaneously, a postprandial replenishment of liver and muscle glycogen reserves was observed. Subsequently, a sharp decrease of plasma insulin occurred, from 7.19+/-0.83 ng/ml at 24 h of fasting to 5.27+/-0.58 ng/ml at 48 h. This decrease coincided with the drop in liver glucose and liver glycogen, which reached the lowest value at 72 h of fasting (328.56+/-192.13 and 70.33+/-14.13 micromol/g, respectively). Liver glucose increased after 120 h and reached a peak 168 h post-feeding, which suggests that hepatic gluconeogenesis is occurring. Plasma FFA levels were low after 120 and 168 h and increased again at 336 h of fasting. During the transition from post-feeding to fast condition in B. cephalus, the balance between circulating insulin and glucagon quickly adjust its metabolism to the ingestion or deprivation of food.  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of taste buds in the outer integument of the body and in the oral cavity of two forms (blind cave and sighted terrestrial ones) of the astyanax Astyanax fasciatus and in intact and blinded individuals of the Buenos Aires tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi have been studied using electronic scanning and light microscopy. In sighted individuals of both species, the morphometric parameters of the taste apparatus and the distribution of taste receptors are similar; the taste apparatus in the oral cavity is more developed than in the outer covers. Morphologically different taste zones were found in the oral cavity of characins. In blind fish, the taste apparatus of the maxillary zones is distinguished by smaller taste buds and a greater density of their distribution. The sensory field of taste buds in blind and sighted individuals of astyanax and tetra has a similar ultrastructure; it is formed by taste cells of three types. In blind astyanaxes and blinded individuals of tetra, numerous modified epidermal cells were found for the first time in the epithelium of the taste zones and in contact with taste buds, which are regarded as tactile receptors and a constituent element of polysensory taste-tactile complexes localized in blind fish in mainly ventral sensory zones.  相似文献   

Macropsobrycon uruguayanae is a small, inseminating characid (tetra) of the tribe Compsurini. Although spermatozoa can be found within the ovarian cavity close to oocytes, the exact moment of fertilization has not yet been determined. Spermatozoa have moderately elongate nuclei with electron-dense chromatin. During spermiogenesis, nuclear rotation takes place. Elongate mitochondria with lamellar cristae are found posterior to the nucleus. Centrioles are parallel to one another with the proximal centriole slightly anterior to the longer distal one. The anterior tip of the proximal centriole is located within a shallow nuclear fossa. Electron-dense spurs are associated within the anterior and posterior ends of the distal centriole. Striated centriolar rootlets radiate both anteriorly and posteriorly from the distal centriole. Nine longitudinal accessory microtubules surround the axoneme in the proximal flagellum. The flagellum has a typical 9 + 2 axoneme with no intratubular differentiation. Atypical spermatozoa are also found in the testicular lumen. These cells resemble spermatozoa in most aspects, except that their nuclei are variable in shape, with the granular chromatin less electron-dense than that seen in spermatozoa. The origin and function of these cells could not be determined. The specializations seen in the spermatozoa are discussed as possible adaptations related to the habit of insemination.  相似文献   

The family Characidae, including more than 1000 species, lacks a phylogenetic diagnosis, with many of its genera currently considered as incertae sedis . The aims of the present study are to propose a phylogenetic diagnosis and to assess higher-level relationships of and within Characidae. In this regard, 360 morphological characters are studied for 160 species of Characidae and related families. Phylogenetic analyses under implied weighting and self-weighted optimization are presented, exploring a broad range of parameters. The analysis under self-weighted optimization is innovative for this size of matrices. Familial status of Serrasalmidae is supported, and Acestrorhynchidae and Cynodontidae are included in a monophyletic Characidae. Engraulisoma taeniatum is transferred from Characidae to Gasteropelecidae. Thus constituted, the monophyly of Characidae is supported by seven synapomorphies. A new subfamily, Heterocharacinae, is proposed, and the subfamilies Aphyocharacinae, Aphyoditeinae, Characinae, Gymnocharacinae, and Stevardiinae are redefined. The Glandulocaudinae are included in Stevardiinae together with remaining members of "clade A" ( sensu Malabarba and Weitzman, 2003 . Comun. Mus. Ciênc. Tecnol. PUCRS, Sér. Zool. 16, 67–151.) and the genera Aulixidens and Nantis . Most incertae sedis genera are assigned, at least tentatively, to a phylogenetically diagnosed clade.  相似文献   

B chromosomes constitute a heterogeneous mixture of genomic parasites that are sometimes derived intraspecifically from the standard genome of the host species, but result from interspecific hybridization in other cases. The mode of origin determines the DNA content, with the B chromosomes showing high similarity with the A genome in the first case, but presenting higher similarity with a different species in the second. The characid fish Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae harbours highly invasive B chromosomes, which are present in all populations analyzed to date in the Parana and Tietê rivers. To investigate the origin of these B chromosomes, we analyzed two natural populations: one carrying B chromosomes and the other lacking them, using a combination of molecular cytogenetic techniques, nucleotide sequence analysis and high-throughput sequencing (Illumina HiSeq2000). Our results showed that i) B chromosomes have not yet reached the Paranapanema River basin; ii) B chromosomes are mitotically unstable; iii) there are two types of B chromosomes, the most frequent of which is lightly C-banded (similar to euchromatin in A chromosomes) (B1), while the other is darkly C-banded (heterochromatin-like) (B2); iv) the two B types contain the same tandem repeat DNA sequences (18S ribosomal DNA, H3 histone genes, MS3 and MS7 satellite DNA), with a higher content of 18S rDNA in the heterochromatic variant; v) all of these repetitive DNAs are present together only in the paracentromeric region of autosome pair no. 6, suggesting that the B chromosomes are derived from this A chromosome; vi) the two B chromosome variants show MS3 sequences that are highly divergent from each other and from the 0B genome, although the B2-derived sequences exhibit higher similarity with the 0B genome (this suggests an independent origin of the two B variants, with the less frequent, B2 type presumably being younger); and vii) the dN/dS ratio for the H3.2 histone gene is almost 4–6 times higher for B chromosomes than for A chromosome sequences, suggesting that purifying selection is relaxed for the DNA sequences located on the B chromosomes, presumably because they are mostly inactive.  相似文献   

Prior to this study, it was believed that epigean and hypogean Astyanax differ markedly in their display of agonistic behavior. Research suggested that surface-dwelling individuals were extremely aggressive whereas their blind, cave-dwelling counterparts tended to show little or no aggressive behavior. Aggression in Astyanax was thought to be triggered by visual stimuli because surface fish in a dark environment or surface fish blinded late in life did not show aggression. Here, we demonstrate that surface fish blinded early on in their embryonic development are highly aggressive as adults. We also report the first case of a population of blind cave-dwelling Astyanax that is highly aggressive. We conclude that reduced aggression is not the only evolutionary pathway for troglobitic Astyanax and that there is some degree of developmental plasticity in the releaser of aggression and in the selection of its triggering stimuli.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy were used to investigate the morphology of reproductive characters in a characid fish, Brittanichthys axelrodi. Spermatozoa were found in ovaries of females, thereby confirming insemination in this species. Bony hooks can be found on the fourth unbranched ray and branched rays 1-4 of the anal fin and the unique sigmoidally-curved ray of the caudal fin in mature males. Testes have three distinct regions: an anterior spermatogenic region, an aspermatogenic middle region lined with a simple squamous epithelium and used for storage of mature spermatozoa, and a posterior region of coiled chambers lined with a high simple cuboidal epithelium. The most posterior region appears to be instrumental in the formation and storage of spermatozeugmata, unencapsulated sperm packets. Thus far, this tripartite testis morphology is unique among characids. The mature spermatozoon has an elongate nucleus ( approximately 5 microm in length). A striated rootlet originates at the anterior end of the distal centriole and continues to the anterior tip of the cell. The striated rootlet wraps around the entire ventral area of the anterior part of the nucleus and appears to continue around the anterior tip of the nucleus and down the dorsal side as electron-dense material. Several large, spherical mitochondria ( approximately 0.6 microm in diameter) with lamellar cristae overlap the posterior end of the nucleus and continue beyond together with the cytoplasmic collar that contains the flagellum which lacks axonemal fins. Each spermatozeugma is lanceolate in shape when sectioned mid-sagitally, with the core staining positively for mucopolysaccharides. In both sexes, the gonopore opens posterior to the anus, with the urinary pore having a separate opening posterior to the gonopore. Bands of skeletal muscle were found in the area of the male gonopore. These morphological features are likely linked to the reproductive mode of insemination, a trait that is so far as known, relatively rare among teleost fishes, but is proving increasingly frequent among certain groups of characid fishes.  相似文献   

The presence of a gill‐derived gland is herein reported for the first time in males of species of Astyanax and related genera; they are described through histological cuts and SEM. The gill‐derived glands described for the Characidae, when fully developed, present a similar structure in different species. The main external feature of gill‐derived glands is the fusion of anteriormost gill filaments on the ventral branch of first gill arch. This fusion is caused by squamous stratified epithelial tissue that covers adjacent filaments, forming a series of chambers. In the region where the gill‐derived gland develops, the secondary lamellae of the gill filaments are much reduced or completely atrophied being characterized by the presence of glandular cells forming nests.  相似文献   

This work comprises the first comparative study of the morphology and cytology of the sperm transmission organs in males of 14 species of viviparous clinid fishes (Clinidae, Blennioidei, Teleostei). The form and dimensions of these organs differ among the various species studied. The organs are composed of intra-abdominal ampullae, into which the sperm ducts and urinary bladder anchor, and an external protruding intromittent papilla used for insemination. The form of the ampullae differs among the various species, from pear-shaped to horseshoe-shaped. It increases in dimensions with increasing length of the male. In all the species this organ is covered by a connective-tissue tunic that encompasses both circular and longitudinal striated muscle bundles. The lumina of the ampullae harbor the epididymis, a strongly convoluted and plicated duct, which becomes filled with spermatozeugmata during reproduction. From here, the epididymis continues into the protruding intromittent papillae, where its folds gradually straighten at the apical part of the intromittent organ. The form and dimensions of this copulatory organ also differ in the various species. Papillae bearing taste buds are found on the apical parts of the intromittent organ, and it is probable that these, together with the difference in forms of the organ, help to prevent interspecific copulation.  相似文献   

Juvenile piracanjuba, Brycon orbignyanus, in the wild consume protein from both plant and animal sources. Digestion of protein in piracanjuba begins in the stomach with pepsin, at low pH, and is followed by hydrolysis at alkaline pH in the lumen of the intestine. The digestive system in piracanjuba was evaluated to characterize the enzymes responsible for the digestion of feed protein and their composition. The gastric tissue synthesizes pepsin and the intestine tissues trypsin and chymotrypsin. Operational variables were evaluated and defined for future studies of the digestive system physiology. The enzymatic activity in the intestine and the relative concentration of enzymes were heavily influenced by the composition of the feed and the feeding regime, as detected by substrate-SDS-PAGE. Piracanjuba possess a mechanism of enzyme adaptation responding to food quality and regime, by varying the amount and composition of digestive proteases. This is a requisite study to determine the enzymes digesting protein in food and their characteristics and to gain some clues about the possible regulation mechanisms of enzyme synthesis in piracanjuba.  相似文献   

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