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Morphological variability of intertidal Chondrus crispus Stackh. fronds along a small open rocky coast was related to wave exposure and emersion. Cluster analysis revealed two well-defined morphologies: filiform and planiform, named the N morphotype and B morphotype, respectively. We propose a rapid method of classifying fronds based on the morphology of the cross section at half the height on the thallus. The N morphotype is characterized by fewer dichotomies per unit length, a circular cross section with a large inner cortex, and narrow fronds. It is abundant at low intertidal and exposed sites. The B morphotype is characterized by more dichotomies, smaller sizes, a subelliptical or flattened cross section, and broad fronds. It is abundant at high intertidal sites in sheltered areas. Regression analysis revealed a major effect of water movements on frond morphology with respect to tidal level, which was more evident at high intertidal levels. No relationships were observed between morphology and life history phases.  相似文献   

Chondrus crispus Stackhouse alternates between two isomorphic life history phases that differ in cell-wall phycocolloid composition. It has been long hypothesized that the gametophyte, with strong-gelling kappa-type carrageenans, is mechanically superior to the tetrasporophyte, with nongelling lambda-type carrageenans, which could contribute to the observed gametophytic dominance in many wave-swept environments. Standard mechanical tests were performed on distal tissues of C. crispus sampled from a range of environments in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, using a tensometer equipped with a video extensometer. Life history phase was by far the most important determinant of mechanical properties, whereas environmental factors had only modest influence (vertical distribution) or no effect (exposure); gametophytic distal tissues were 43% stronger, 21% more extensible, and 21% stiffer than tetrasporophytic distal tissues. However, the superior strength of gametophytic tissues was not evident at the stipe/holdfast junction (where breakage typically occurs), and the two phases were equally susceptible to dislodgment by a given force. The primary ecophysiological role of carrageenans in C. crispus may not be the provision of a structure to resist wave action.  相似文献   

Inferring how the Pleistocene climate oscillations have repopulated the extant population structure of Chondrus crispus Stackh. in the North Atlantic Ocean is important both for our understanding of the glacial episode promoting diversification and for the conservation and development of marine organisms. C. crispus is an ecologically and commercially important red seaweed with broad distributions in the North Atlantic. Here, we employed both partial mtDNA Cox1 and nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) sequences to explore the genetic structure of 17 C. crispus populations from this area. Twenty‐eight and 30 haplotypes were inferred from these two markers, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and of the population statistic ΦST not only revealed significant genetic structure within C. crispus populations but also detected significant levels of genetic subdivision among and within populations in the North Atlantic. On the basis of high haplotype diversity and the presence of endemic haplotypes, we postulate that C. crispus had survived in Pleistocene glacial refugia in the northeast Atlantic, such as the English Channel and the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. We also hypothesize that C. crispus from the English Channel refugium repopulated most of northeastern Europe and recolonized northeastern North America in the Late Pleistocene. The observed phylogeographic pattern of C. crispus populations is in agreement with a scenario in which severe Quaternary glaciations influenced the genetic structure of North Atlantic marine organisms with contiguous population expansion and locally restricted gene flow coupled with a transatlantic dispersal in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The N and P uptake responses were studied in a northern Spanish population of the edible red seaweed Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Kuntze. The fronds were incubated at different concentrations, and the nutrient depletion in the medium was measured at successive times to calculate uptake rates. Palmaria palmata uptake response was biphasic and nonsaturable for inorganic P. This would allow the species to exploit transient pulses of high P concentration in natural and fertilized conditions. Such a response is a common feature of algae avoiding nutrient deficiency. At average concentrations measured in the ocean, the response was nonsaturable for inorganic N sources, except for ammonium in autumn and winter when it is not the major N source. In contrast to the general rule of ammonium being taken at a higher rate than nitrate, we found similar affinity for both nutrients corresponding to the minor role of ammonium as N source for field populations over the year.  相似文献   

Diatoms of the family Epithemiaceae possess a unicellular nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial endosymbiont. We investigated the potential of extracellular nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations to affect the endosymbiont load of Rhopalodia gibba O. Müll, and Epithemia turgida Ehr. in field and culture populations. In a growth chamber experiment, monoclonal cultures of R. gibba were exposed to three levels of nitrate-nitrogen. Nutrient-diffusing substrates were used in a lake environment to create nine microhabitats of varying nitrogen and phosphorus ratios for natural populations of R. gibba and E. turgida. The number of endosymbionts per diatom increased as ambient nitrogen became limiting; mean endosymbiont volume increased as nitrogen increased. The mean endosymbiont surface area: volume ratio decreased with increasing nitrogen. Total endosymbiont volume per diatom (the product of the number of endosymbionts per diatom and their individual biovolumes) did not have a simple response to increasing nitrogen. Phosphorus limitation uncoupled the relationship between endosymbiont load and nitrogen. We suspect that flexibility of the endosymbiont load can reduce the metabolic cost to the diatom if the endosymbionts are dependent on the diatom for a resource.  相似文献   

The induction of UV-absorbing compounds known as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) by red, green, blue, and white light (43% ambient radiation greater than 390 nm) was examined in sublittoral Chondrus crispus Stackh. Fresh collections or long-term cultures of sublittoral thalli, collected from Helgoland, North Sea, Germany, and containing no measurable amounts of MAAs, were exposed to filtered natural radiation for up to 40 days. The MAA palythine (λmax 320 nm) was synthesized in thalli in blue light to the same extent observed in control samples in white light. In contrast, thalli in green or red light contained only trace amounts of MAAs. After the growth and synthesis period, the photosynthetic performance of thalli in each treatment, measured as pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorescence, was assessed after a defined UV dose in the laboratory. Thalli with MAAs were more resistant to UV than those without, and exposure to UV-A+B was more damaging than UV-A in that optimal (Fv/Fm) and effective (φII) quantum yields were lower and a greater proportion of the primary electron acceptor of PSII, Q, became reduced at saturating irradiance. However, blue light-grown thalli were generally more sensitive than white light control samples to UV-A despite having similar amounts of MAAs. The most sensitive thalli were those grown in red light, which had significantly greater reductions in Fv/Fm and φII and greater Q reduction. Growth under UV radiation alone had been shown previously to lead to the synthesis of the MAA shinorine (λmax 334 nm) rather than palythine. In further experiments, we found that preexposure to blue light followed by growth in natural UV-A led to a 7-fold increase in the synthesis of shinorine, compared with growth in UV-A or UV-A+B without blue light pretreatment. We hypothesize that there are two photoreceptors for MAA synthesis in C. crispus, one for blue light and one for UV-A, which can act synergistically. This system would predispose C. crispus to efficiently synthesize UV protective compounds when radiation levels are rising, for example, on a seasonal basis. However, because the UV-B increase associated with artificial ozone reduction will not be accompanied by an increase in blue light, this triggering mechanism will have little additional adaptive value in the face of global change unless a global UV-B increase positively affects water column clarity.  相似文献   

The nature of the relationship between Chondrus pinnulatus (Harvey) Okamura f. pinnulatus and C. pinnulatus f. armatus (Harvey) Yamada et Mikami (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) was investigated by comparative analysis of their biogeography, phenologies, life histories, gross and vegetative morphology, crossability, and upper thermal tolerance. The forma pinnulatus has a more northerly distribution in Japan and adjacent waters, exhibiting adaptation to the cooler regions, whereas the forma armatus has a more southerly range. The latter may be the result of a higher thermal tolerance. Both formae have a Polysiphonia-type life history and are similar in their internal vegetative morphology. They can, however, be distinguished by gross morphology: forma pinnulatus has wide, flattened axes, compressed to flattened ultimate segments and proliferations, while forma armatus has narrow, compressed to subterete axes and subterete to terete ultimate segments and proliferations. These differences persist in laboratory culture. All intraformae crosses were positive, with carpospores from the cross developing into fertile F1 tetrasporophytes releasing tetraspores that developed into dioecious F1 gametophytes, the female gametophytes of which formed normal cystocarps. This suggests that members of populations of each forma freely interbreed. Among interformae crosses, only some offspring derived from geographically distant strains bore normal cystocarps in the F1 female gametophytes. Other crosses showed that interbreeding between populations of these two formae was blocked by various isolating mechanisms: incompatibility, hybrid inviability, and hybrid sterility. Reproductive isolation between f. pinnulatus and f. armatus is virtually complete in wild populations, because hybrid populations have not been found in the wild. In addition, these two entities can be considered biological species that are also referred to the taxonomic species, C. armatus and C. pinnulatus, because they do not overlap with regard to the morphology of the ultimate segments and proliferations. Subtle (but significant) gross morphological differences, partial interfertility between the two species, and deleterious hybridization in the area in which they occur sympatrically suggest that their evolutionary divergence was relatively recent.  相似文献   

The induction and protective role of the UV-absorbing compounds known as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) were examined in sublittoral Chondrus crispus Stackh. transplanted for 2 weeks in the spring and summer to shallow water under three irradiance conditions: PAR (photosynthetically active radiation; 400–700 nm), PAR + UVA (PAR + 320– 400 nm), PAR + UVA + UVB (PAR + UVA + 280– 320 nm). Sublittoral thalli collected around Helgoland, North Sea, Germany, from 6 m below the mean low water of spring tides contained less than 0.1 mg·g−1 dry weight (DW) total MAAs, whereas eulittoral samples contained over 1 mg·g−1 DW. Transplantation to shallow water led to the immediate synthesis of three MAAs in the following temporal order: shinorine (λmax 334 nm), asterina (λmax 330 nm), and palythine (λmax 320 nm), with the shinorine content peaking and then declining after 2 days (exposure to 100 mol photons·m−2). Maximum total MAA content (2 mg·g−1 DW) also occurred after 2 days of induction, exceeding the content normally found in eulittoral samples. Furthermore, the relative proportion of the different MAAs at this time was different than that in eulittoral samples. After 2 days the total content declined to the eulittoral value, with palythine as the principal MAA. Similar data were obtained for all treatments, indicating that MAA synthesis in C. crispus was induced by PAR and not especially stimulated by UV radiation. The ability of photosystem II (PSII) to resist damage by UVB was tested periodically during the acclimation period by exposing samples to a defined UVB dose in the lab. Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm and effective quantum yield, φII) indicated that PSII function was inhibited during the initial stage of acclimation but gradually improved with time. No difference among screening treatments was detected except in spring for the samples acclimating to PAR + UVA + UVB. In this treatment Fv/Fm and φII were significantly lower than in the other treatments. During the first week of each experiment, growth rates were also significantly reduced by UVB. The reductions occurred despite maximum MAA content, indicating an incomplete protection of photosynthetic and growth-related processes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the dynamics and the ecological interactions among ramets (fronds) from populations of clonal red seaweeds. Small ramets are very difficult to tag, so their growth cannot be monitored directly. The temporal variation of the relationship between stand biomass and ramet density offers information on ramet performance. We calculated this relationship for an intertidal population of Pterocladiella capillacea (Gmelin) Santelices et Hommersand (Gelidiales) from Baja California, Mexico. Biomass and density were positively correlated on an annual basis, indicating that biomass accumulated without involving self-thinning among ramets. This contrasts with nonclonal seaweeds, for which self-thinning among individuals occurs during growth, but agrees with other clonal red seaweeds, such as Chondrus crispus Stackhouse and Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels et Ruprecht) Hommersand (both Gigartinales). The growth pattern for these members of the Gelidiales and of the Gigartinales holds despite differences in holdfast morphology and ramet branching degree and despite differences in the capacity of coalescence during early stages, known only for the Gigartinales. The positive slope for the dynamic biomass–density relationship, on a bilogarithmic scale, was statistically steeper for M. cornucopiae than for P. capillacea and for C. crispus. This suggests that the addition of new ramets during the growth season may be relatively more beneficial for biomass accumulation rates for M. cornucopiae. This would be expected for high-intertidal species subjected to strong abiotic stress, for which ramet crowding constitutes a key protection. Pterocladiella capillacea occurs at the mid-intertidal zone and C. crispus at the subtidal zone, so ramets would be relatively less important in that respect.  相似文献   

Short-term (5-h) phycobiliprotein photoacclimation was a NO3?, dependent process in the red alga Corallina elongata Ellis et Soland. At low irradianre levels, phycobiliprotein synthesis (both r-phycocyacin and r-phycocyanin) took place when N supply was sufficient but was restricted by N limitation. Exposure to saturating irradiance resulted in pigment degradation under N limitation; however, under N-sufficient conditions a partial r-phycoerythrin synthesis was observed, despite the repressing role of high photon flux densities on phycobiliprotein synthesis. Soluble protein was less affected than phycobiliprotein by N limitation at low photon flux densities indicating that N limitation stimulates the flow of internal N metabolites toward the synthesis of nonpigmented proteins rather than pigmented proteins. The addition of protein synthesis inhibitors revealed that new phycobiliprotein synthesis occurs in response to sufficient N conditions. When protein synthesis was blocked in the chloroplast and cytoplasm simultaneously (addition of chloramphemcol and cycloheximide), both pigmented and nonpigmented protein synthesis was inhibited. Howeever, when protein systhesis was blocked in the chloroplast, only phycobiliprotein synthesis was clearly inhibited, whereas nonpigmented protein was less affected, indicating that phycobiliprotein is the main fraction of protein synthesized in the chloroplast at low photon flux densities when external N is available. This inhibition of phycobiliprotein synthesis was consistent with a maximal increase in metabolites of protein synthesis (internal NH4+ and amino acids). Our results suggest that phycobiliproteins may be an important N reservoir to meet internal N demands during N limitations in C. elongata. Moreover, r-phycoerythrin, synthesized even at saturating irradiance levels, and the major constituent of the phycobiliprotein pigments, may be more sensitive to changes in N supply than r-phycocyanin. The influence of limited irradiance levels on N assimilation and the effects of repressing protein synthesis on internal N accumulation are also discussed.  相似文献   

氮磷水平对龙须菜生长和光合特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究不同营养盐条件对龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)的生理效应, 对深入了解龙须菜与近海环境的相互作用具有重要意义。在低氮低磷(LNLP)、低氮高磷(LNHP)、高氮低磷(HNLP)和高氮高磷(HNHP) 4种营养盐条件下培养龙须菜15 d, 以探讨不同氮、磷水平对龙须菜生长和光合特性的影响。结果表明: 1) LNHP、HNLP和HNHP处理促进了龙须菜的生长, 其中HNHP处理下龙须菜具有最大的相对生长速率和生物量; 2) LNHP、HNLP和HNHP处理提高了龙须菜的光合无机碳利用能力, 其中HNHP处理下龙须菜具有最大的无机碳饱和光合速率和表观半饱和常数, 比LNLP处理分别提高了118%倍和48.71%; 3) LNHP、HNLP和HNHP处理显著影响龙须菜的光化学效率, 与LNLP处理相比, LNHP处理提高了龙须菜的光化学效率, 而HNLP和HNHP处理降低了龙须菜的光化学效率。研究结果表明, HNHP处理条件下, 龙须菜的生长和光合无机碳利用能力最高, 光化学效率最低。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic pigments, C, N, and P tissue composition, and photosynthetic rate were measured from April to October in the brown alga Phyllariopsis purpurascens (C. Agardh) Henry et South (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) growing at a 30-m depth in the Strait of Gibraltar. Ir-radiance reaching the population ranged from 13.5 to 27.5 mol.m-2.mo-1. The available light for this species, expressed as a percentage of the irradiance above the water, was 1.8%. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen forms, NO3-and NH4+, were constant from April to October, whereas phosphate was depleted in August. Chlorophyll a decreased from 520.0 ± 165.0 to 199.6 ± 159.9 μg.g-1 dry weight; in contrast, chlorophyll c and carotenoids did not change until September but increased threefold in October. C:N and N:P ratios changed in the same way and in the same range. They were constant until July but increased from 15–17 up to 42 (C:N) and from 14 to 40 (N:P) in October, suggesting a severe P limitation of growth of this species. The dark respiration rate and the light compensation point were constant from April to October (0.5 ± 0.1 μmol O2. m-2.s-1 and 6.5 ± 0.2 μmol.m-2. s-1, respectively), whereas the maximum rate of apparent photosynthesis, light onset saturation parameter, and half saturation constant for light were maximum in April to May (3.7 μmol O2. m-2.s-1and 40 and 41.5 μmol.m-2. s-1, respectively) and October (3.6 μmol O2. m-2.s-1 and 50 and 53.7 μmol.m-2. s-1, respectively). They were minimum in August (1.2 μmol O2.m-2.s-1 and 11.3 and 12 μmol.m-2.s-1, respectively). These minimum figures yielded a negative carbon budget in August and 0 in September, whereas it was positive the rest of the year. Photosynthetic efficiency, estimated by the ratio between maximum apparent photosynthesis and light half saturation constant, showed a strong agreement with productivity measured by means of an independent method. These results indicate that lamina expansion in this species is controlled by photosynthetic efficiency.  相似文献   

The chlorophyte macroalgae Ulva fenestrata (Postels and Ruprecht) and Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Link. were grown under various nutrient regimes in indoor semi-continuous and batch cultures. Tissue nitrogen contents ranged from 1.3–5.4% N (dry wt), whereas tissue P ranged from 0.21–0.56% P (dry wt). Growth in low nitrogen medium resulted in N:P ratios of 5–8, whereas growth in high nitrogen medium resulted in N:P ratios of 21–44. For U. fenestrata, tissue N:P < 16 was indicative of N-limitation. Tissue N:P 16–24 was optimal for growth and tissue N:P > 24 was indicative of P-limitation. Growth of U. fenestrata was hyperbolically related to tissue N but linearly related to tissue P. Phosphorus-limited U. fenestrata maintained high levels of tissue N, but N-limited algae became depleted of P. For E. intestinalis, tissue N remained at maximum levels during P-limitation whereas tissue P decreased to about 85% of maximal levels during N-limitation. Growth rates for U. fenestrata decreased faster during P-limitation than during N-limitation. Simultaneously, tissue P was depleted faster than tissue N. Our results suggest that comparing tissue N and P of macroalage grown in batch cultures is useful for monitoring the nutritional status of macroalgae.  相似文献   

The occurrence of three endophytic green algae within Chondrus crispus Stackh. is reported. Two of them are new to science and are described as Acrochaete heteroclada Correa and Nielsen sp. nov. and A. operculata Correa and Nielsen sp. nov. The algae were studied in unialgal culture and in association with the host following infection of C. crispus under laboratory conditions. The experimental infection showed A. heteroclada to be initially epiphytic, with endophytic filaments growing into the cortex of the host during late infection. A. operculata is entirely endophytic when associated with the host. Phaeophila dendroides (Crouan frat.) Batters behaves as an epiphyte at 15 and 24°C but penetrates the host tissues at 20°C. For all three species, a close physical association with the host is established only when zoospores settle and germinate on the surface of C. crispus.  相似文献   

The effect of simultaneous nitrogen fixation and phosphorus limitation on the physiological adaptation and growth performance of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs PCC 7905 was studied in continuous culture. In the absence of ammonia, N2 fixation occurred and the maximum growth rate (as determined in diluted batch cultures) was lower. However, no distinction could be made between the steady-state N uptake rates (based on cellular N contents) of N2-fixing cells and cells grown with ammonia. At the higher dilution rates, the residual P concentration increased with increasing dilution rate, more so under N2-fixing conditions, compared to the cultures grown in the presence of ammonia. More generally, the yield of biomass per consumed P, as the biomass concentration itself, decreased with increasing dilution rate, and both were lower under N2-fixing conditions. The restricted biomass production under N2-fixing conditions suggests that reduction of N loading may benefit lake restoration projects. The influence of N2-fixation on the severity of P limitation is discussed in terms of metabolic control analysis. From the increase of the residual P concentration on switching from ammonium to N2-fixing conditions, it is deduced that under N2-fixing and P-limited conditions, control of growth is shared by N and P metabolism.  相似文献   

The rate of oxygen evolution of the tropical red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty was measured for 6 days in the laboratory using a computer-aided method for long-term recording. In cool white light, Kappaphycus exhibited a robust circadian rhythm of O2 evolution in the irradiance range of 100 to 1000 μmol photons·m 2·s 1. With increasing irradiance, the period of the free-running rhythm, τ, decreased in blue and increased in red light but did not change significantly in green light. The accelerating or slowing action of blue or red light, respectively, points to two photoreceptors used in the light transduction pathway of the circadian oscillator controlling oxygen evolution or the light reactions of photosynthesis in Kappaphycus. No significant changes of τ were observed with increasing irradiance in cool white light, possibly due to the additive opposing responses caused by blue and red light.  相似文献   

Internal nitrogen pools in thalli of Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan were examined in three experiments as a function of total nitrogen content of the thallus, nitrogen deprivation, and nitrogen resupply. Amino acids and proteins appeared to form the major nitrogen storage pools in G. tikvahiae, while DNA appeared to be relatively unimportant in this regard. Inorganic nitrogen in the forms of NH4+ and NO3? was found in the thalli; however, its contribution to the total nitrogen, pools was small. Within the protein pool, the phycoerythrin pigments appear important as a source of nitrogen when thalli are initially becoming nitrogen limited. In general, there was an inverse relationship between the levels of nitrogen and the carbohydrate content of the algal thalli.  相似文献   

The use of macroalgae as biological indicators of dissolved nutrient source and availability in the water column was investigated. Total tissue nitrogen (N) content, pigments, and amino acids of the red alga Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva were compared to N source and availability in laboratory and field incubations to identify responses that would serve as bioindicators of N. Field-collected algae were preincubated (6–8 wk) in low-nutrient seawater to deplete their luxury reserves ofN. Incubations were then conducted for periods of 3 d in laboratory aquaria (N-spiked seawater) and in the field using macroalgal incubation chambers. After incubation in different N sources (NH4+, NO3?, and urea) in laboratory aquaria, photosynthetic pigments (phycoerythrin and chlorophyll a) and total tissue N increased, in response to increasing [NH4+] but not to [NO3?] or [urea]. Incubation in two ranges of [NH4+], one from 0 to 80 μM and the other from 0 to 800 μM, in laboratory aquaria increased the total amino acid pool. Citrulline concentrations were the most responsive to [NH4+] (r2= 0. 84). NH4+ source treatments produced increases in citrulline, phenylalanine, serine, and free NH4+ and decreases in alanine; NO3? treatments produced increases in glutamic acid, citrulline, and alanine; and urea treatments produced increases in free NH4+ and decreases in phenylalanine and serine. The observed variations in amino acid content facilitated the development of an index for each N source based on relative concentrations of various amino acids (i. e. metabolic profiling). Gracilaria edulis was incubated along a field N gradient in the Brisbane River (three sites) and Moreton Bay (four sites), Queensland, Australia. Both phycoerythrin and tissue N appeared to respond equally to NH4+ and NO3? availability in the field. N source indices, based on amino acid concentration, were effective predictors of both [NH4+] and [NO3?] over a wide range of concentrations along the field gradient. Macroalgal physiological responses, particularly amino acid content, to changes in source and availability of N appear to be useful as sensitive bioindicators of N.  相似文献   

The main effects and interactions between light (Io, full incident sunlight to 0.07 Io) and NO3? loading (0.4 to 4.3 mmol · g dry weight?1· d?1) on growth rate, photosynthesis and biochemical constituents of Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan were studied using a factorial design experiment in outdoor, continuous-flow seawater cultures. Incipient nitrogen limitation in the low NO3? loading, Io and 0.57 Io treatments occurred after 2.5 weeks of growth under the experimental conditions and resulted in decreased tissue NO3? and R-phycoerythrin. Tissue NO3? and R-phycoerythrin accounted for up to ca. 15 and 20%, respectively, of the total N in G. tikvahiae suggesting a N reserve role for these N pools. Under light and NO3? limitation, growth rate was a parabolic function of the C:N ratio. As light limitation increased, growth rate and the C:N ratio decreased as levels of Chl-a, R-phycoerythrin, percent N and percent protein increased. As NO3? limitation increased, growth rate and levels of Chl-a, R-phycoerythrin, percent N and percent protein all decreased with parallel increases in the C:N ratio. In contrast to the inverse relationship between pigment content and light, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activity (on both a protein and dry weight basis) varied directly with light. This biochemical acclimation of G. tikvahiae to light and N availability appears to be a process directed towards maximizing photo synthetic capacity and growth.  相似文献   

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