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The protein structures of six comparative modeling targets were predicted in a procedure that relied on improved energy minimization, without empirical rules, to position all new atoms. The structures of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase NM23-H2, HPr from Mycoplasma capricolum, 2Fe-2S ferredoxin from Haloarcula marismortui, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), mouse cellular retinoic acid protein I (CRABP1), and P450eryf were predicted with root mean square deviations on Cα atoms of 0.69, 0.73, 1.11, 1.48, 1.69, and 1.73 Å, respectively, compared to the target crystal structures. These differences increased as the sequence similarity between the target and parent proteins decreased from about 60 to 20% identity. More residues were predicted than form the common region shared by the two crystal structures. In most cases insertions or deletions between the target and the related protein of known structure were not correctly positioned. One two residue insertion in CRABP1 was predicted in the correct conformation, while a nine residue insertion in EDN was predicted in the correct spatial region, although not in the correct conformation. The positions of common cofactors and their binding sites were predicted correctly, even when overall sequence similarity was low. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe a database of protein structure alignments as well as methods and tools that use this database to improve comparative protein modeling. The current version of the database contains 105 alignments of similar proteins or protein segments. The database comprises 416 entries, 78,495 residues, 1,233 equivalent entry pairs, and 230,396 pairs of equivalent alignment positions. At present, the main application of the database is to improve comparative modeling by satisfaction of spatial restraints implemented in the program MODELLER (?ali A, Blundell TL, 1993, J Mol Biol 234:779–815). To illustrate the usefulness of the database, the restraints on the conformation of a disulfide bridge provided by an equivalent disulfide bridge in a related structure are derived from the alignments; the prediction success of the disulfide dihedral angle classes is increased to approximately 80%, compared to approximately 55% for modeling that relies on the stereochemistry of disulfide bridges alone. The second example of the use of the database is the derivation of the probability density function for comparative modeling of the cis/trans isomerism of the proline residues; the prediction success is increased from 0% to 82.9% for cis-proline and from 93.3% to 96.2% for trans-proline. The database is available via electronic mail.  相似文献   

We developed a method for structure characterization of assembly components by iterative comparative protein structure modeling and fitting into cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) density maps. Specifically, we calculate a comparative model of a given component by considering many alternative alignments between the target sequence and a related template structure while optimizing the fit of a model into the corresponding density map. The method relies on the previously developed Moulder protocol that iterates over alignment, model building, and model assessment. The protocol was benchmarked using 20 varied target-template pairs of known structures with less than 30% sequence identity and corresponding simulated density maps at resolutions from 5A to 25A. Relative to the models based on the best existing sequence profile alignment methods, the percentage of C(alpha) atoms that are within 5A of the corresponding C(alpha) atoms in the superposed native structure increases on average from 52% to 66%, which is half-way between the starting models and the models from the best possible alignments (82%). The test also reveals that despite the improvements in the accuracy of the fitness function, this function is still the bottleneck in reducing the remaining errors. To demonstrate the usefulness of the protocol, we applied it to the upper domain of the P8 capsid protein of rice dwarf virus that has been studied by cryoEM at 6.8A. The C(alpha) root-mean-square deviation of the model based on the remotely related template, bluetongue virus VP7, improved from 8.7A to 6.0A, while the best possible model has a C(alpha) RMSD value of 5.3A. Moreover, the resulting model fits better into the cryoEM density map than the initial template structure. The method is being implemented in our program MODELLER for protein structure modeling by satisfaction of spatial restraints and will be applicable to the rapidly increasing number of cryoEM density maps of macromolecular assemblies.  相似文献   

Pathogens have evolved numerous strategies to infect their hosts, while hosts have evolved immune responses and other defenses to these foreign challenges. The vast majority of host-pathogen interactions involve protein-protein recognition, yet our current understanding of these interactions is limited. Here, we present and apply a computational whole-genome protocol that generates testable predictions of host-pathogen protein interactions. The protocol first scans the host and pathogen genomes for proteins with similarity to known protein complexes, then assesses these putative interactions, using structure if available, and, finally, filters the remaining interactions using biological context, such as the stage-specific expression of pathogen proteins and tissue expression of host proteins. The technique was applied to 10 pathogens, including species of Mycobacterium, apicomplexa, and kinetoplastida, responsible for "neglected" human diseases. The method was assessed by (1) comparison to a set of known host-pathogen interactions, (2) comparison to gene expression and essentiality data describing host and pathogen genes involved in infection, and (3) analysis of the functional properties of the human proteins predicted to interact with pathogen proteins, demonstrating an enrichment for functionally relevant host-pathogen interactions. We present several specific predictions that warrant experimental follow-up, including interactions from previously characterized mechanisms, such as cytoadhesion and protease inhibition, as well as suspected interactions in hypothesized networks, such as apoptotic pathways. Our computational method provides a means to mine whole-genome data and is complementary to experimental efforts in elucidating networks of host-pathogen protein interactions.  相似文献   

DeWeese-Scott C  Moult J 《Proteins》2004,55(4):942-961
Experimental protein structures often provide extensive insight into the mode and specificity of small molecule binding, and this information is useful for understanding protein function and for the design of drugs. We have performed an analysis of the reliability with which ligand-binding information can be deduced from computer model structures, as opposed to experimentally derived ones. Models produced as part of the CASP experiments are used. The accuracy of contacts between protein model atoms and experimentally determined ligand atom positions is the main criterion. Only comparative models are included (i.e., models based on a sequence relationship between the protein of interest and a known structure). We find that, as expected, contact errors increase with decreasing sequence identity used as a basis for modeling. Analysis of the causes of errors shows that sequence alignment errors between model and experimental template have the most deleterious effect. In general, good, but not perfect, insight into ligand binding can be obtained from models based on a sequence relationship, providing there are no alignment errors in the model. The results support a structural genomics strategy based on experimental sampling of structure space so that all protein domains can be modeled on the basis of 30% or higher sequence identity.  相似文献   

An open question in protein homology modeling is, how well do current modeling packages satisfy the dual criteria of quality of results and practical ease of use? To address this question objectively, we examined homology‐built models of a variety of therapeutically relevant proteins. The sequence identities across these proteins range from 19% to 76%. A novel metric, the difference alignment index (DAI), is developed to aid in quantifying the quality of local sequence alignments. The DAI is also used to construct the relative sequence alignment (RSA), a new representation of global sequence alignment that facilitates comparison of sequence alignments from different methods. Comparisons of the sequence alignments in terms of the RSA and alignment methodologies are made to better understand the advantages and caveats of each method. All sequence alignments and corresponding 3D models are compared to their respective structure‐based alignments and crystal structures. A variety of protein modeling software was used. We find that at sequence identities >40%, all packages give similar (and satisfactory) results; at lower sequence identities (<25%), the sequence alignments generated by Profit and Prime, which incorporate structural information in their sequence alignment, stand out from the rest. Moreover, the model generated by Prime in this low sequence identity region is noted to be superior to the rest. Additionally, we note that DSModeler and MOE, which generate reasonable models for sequence identities >25%, are significantly more functional and easier to use when compared with the other structure‐building software.  相似文献   

An improved generalized comparative modeling method, GENECOMP, for the refinement of threading models is developed and validated on the Fischer database of 68 probe-template pairs, a standard benchmark used to evaluate threading approaches. The basic idea is to perform ab initio folding using a lattice protein model, SICHO, near the template provided by the new threading algorithm PROSPECTOR. PROSPECTOR also provides predicted contacts and secondary structure for the template-aligned regions, and possibly for the unaligned regions by garnering additional information from other top-scoring threaded structures. Since the lowest-energy structure generated by the simulations is not necessarily the best structure, we employed two structure-selection protocols: distance geometry and clustering. In general, clustering is found to generate somewhat better quality structures in 38 of 68 cases. When applied to the Fischer database, the protocol does no harm and in a significant number of cases improves upon the initial threading model, sometimes dramatically. The procedure is readily automated and can be implemented on a genomic scale.  相似文献   

Alignment of protein sequences by their profiles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The accuracy of an alignment between two protein sequences can be improved by including other detectably related sequences in the comparison. We optimize and benchmark such an approach that relies on aligning two multiple sequence alignments, each one including one of the two protein sequences. Thirteen different protocols for creating and comparing profiles corresponding to the multiple sequence alignments are implemented in the SALIGN command of MODELLER. A test set of 200 pairwise, structure-based alignments with sequence identities below 40% is used to benchmark the 13 protocols as well as a number of previously described sequence alignment methods, including heuristic pairwise sequence alignment by BLAST, pairwise sequence alignment by global dynamic programming with an affine gap penalty function by the ALIGN command of MODELLER, sequence-profile alignment by PSI-BLAST, Hidden Markov Model methods implemented in SAM and LOBSTER, pairwise sequence alignment relying on predicted local structure by SEA, and multiple sequence alignment by CLUSTALW and COMPASS. The alignment accuracies of the best new protocols were significantly better than those of the other tested methods. For example, the fraction of the correctly aligned residues relative to the structure-based alignment by the best protocol is 56%, which can be compared with the accuracies of 26%, 42%, 43%, 48%, 50%, 49%, 43%, and 43% for the other methods, respectively. The new method is currently applied to large-scale comparative protein structure modeling of all known sequences.  相似文献   

Cozzetto D  Tramontano A 《Proteins》2005,58(1):151-157
Comparative modeling is the method of choice, whenever applicable, for protein structure prediction, not only because of its higher accuracy compared to alternative methods, but also because it is possible to estimate a priori the quality of the models that it can produce, thereby allowing the usefulness of a model for a given application to be assessed beforehand. By and large, the quality of a comparative model depends on two factors: the extent of structural divergence between the target and the template and the quality of the sequence alignment between the two protein sequences. The latter is usually derived from a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of as many proteins of the family as possible, and its accuracy depends on the number and similarity distribution of the sequences of the protein family. Here we describe a method to evaluate the expected difficulty, and by extension accuracy, of a comparative model on the basis of the MSA used to build it. The parameter that we derive is used to compare the results obtained in the last two editions of the Critical Assessment of Methods for Structure Prediction (CASP) experiment as a function of the difficulty of the modeling exercise. Our analysis demonstrates that the improvement in the scope and quality of comparative models between the two experiments is largely due to the increased number of available protein sequences and to the consequent increased chance that a large and appropriately spaced set of protein sequences homologous to the proteins of interest is available.  相似文献   

Homology modeling methods have been used to construct models of two proteins—the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr) from Mycoplasma capricolum and human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN). Comparison of the models with the subsequently determined X-ray crystal structures indicates that the core regions of both proteins are reasonably well reproduced, although the template structures are closer to the X-ray structures in these regions—possible enhancements are discussed. The conformations of most of the side chains in the core of HPr are well reproduced in the modeled structure. As expected, the conformations of surface side chains in this protein differ significantly from the X-ray structure. The loop regions of EDN were incorrectly modeled—reasons for this and possible enhancements are discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that contribute to the formation of population genetic structure is a central goal of phylogeographic research, but achieving this goal can be complicated by the stochastic variance inherent to genetic processes. Statistical approaches to testing phylogeographic hypotheses accommodate this stochasticity by evaluating competing models of putative historical population structure, often by simulating null distributions of the expected variance. The effectiveness of these tests depends on the biological realism of the models. Information from the fossil record can aid in reconstructing the historical distributions of some taxa. However, for the majority of taxa, which lack sufficient fossils, paleodistributional modeling can provide valuable spatial-geographic data concerning ancestral distributions. Paleodistributional models are generated by projecting ecological niche models, which predict the current distribution of each species, onto a model of past climatic conditions. Here, we generate paleodistributional models describing the suitable habitat during the last glacial maximum for lineages from the mesic forests of the Pacific Northwest of North America, and use these models to generate alternative phylogeographic hypotheses. Coalescent simulations are then used to test these hypotheses to improve our understanding of the historical events that promoted the formation of population genetic structure in this ecosystem. Results from Pacific Northwest mesic forest organisms demonstrate the utility of these combined approaches. Paleodistribution models and population genetic structure are congruent across three amphibian lineages, suggesting that they have responded in a concerted manner to environmental change. Two other species, a willow and a water vole, despite being currently codistributed and having similar population genetic structure, were predicted by the paleodistributional model to have had markedly different distributions during the last glacial maximum. This suggests that congruent phylogeographic patterns can arise from incongruent ancestral distributions. Paleodistributional models introduce a much-needed spatial-geographic perspective to statistical phylogeography. In conjunction with coalescent models of population genetic structure, they have the potential to improve our understanding of the factors that promote population divergence and ultimately produce regional patterns of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Rai BK  Fiser A 《Proteins》2006,63(3):644-661
A major bottleneck in comparative protein structure modeling is the quality of input alignment between the target sequence and the template structure. A number of alignment methods are available, but none of these techniques produce consistently good solutions for all cases. Alignments produced by alternative methods may be superior in certain segments but inferior in others when compared to each other; therefore, an accurate solution often requires an optimal combination of them. To address this problem, we have developed a new approach, Multiple Mapping Method (MMM). The algorithm first identifies the alternatively aligned regions from a set of input alignments. These alternatively aligned segments are scored using a composite scoring function, which determines their fitness within the structural environment of the template. The best scoring regions from a set of alternative segments are combined with the core part of the alignments to produce the final MMM alignment. The algorithm was tested on a dataset of 1400 protein pairs using 11 combinations of two to four alignment methods. In all cases MMM showed statistically significant improvement by reducing alignment errors in the range of 3 to 17%. MMM also compared favorably over two alignment meta-servers. The algorithm is computationally efficient; therefore, it is a suitable tool for genome scale modeling studies.  相似文献   

Thompson J  Baker D 《Proteins》2011,79(8):2380-2388
Prediction of protein structures from sequences is a fundamental problem in computational biology. Algorithms that attempt to predict a structure from sequence primarily use two sources of information. The first source is physical in nature: proteins fold into their lowest energy state. Given an energy function that describes the interactions governing folding, a method for constructing models of protein structures, and the amino acid sequence of a protein of interest, the structure prediction problem becomes a search for the lowest energy structure. Evolution provides an orthogonal source of information: proteins of similar sequences have similar structure, and therefore proteins of known structure can guide modeling. The relatively successful Rosetta approach takes advantage of the first, but not the second source of information during model optimization. Following the classic work by Andrej Sali and colleagues, we develop a probabilistic approach to derive spatial restraints from proteins of known structure using advances in alignment technology and the growth in the number of structures in the Protein Data Bank. These restraints define a region of conformational space that is high-probability, given the template information, and we incorporate them into Rosetta's comparative modeling protocol. The combined approach performs considerably better on a benchmark based on previous CASP experiments. Incorporating evolutionary information into Rosetta is analogous to incorporating sparse experimental data: in both cases, the additional information eliminates large regions of conformational space and increases the probability that energy-based refinement will hone in on the deep energy minimum at the native state.  相似文献   

Modeling of loops in protein structures   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
Comparative protein structure prediction is limited mostly by the errors in alignment and loop modeling. We describe here a new automated modeling technique that significantly improves the accuracy of loop predictions in protein structures. The positions of all nonhydrogen atoms of the loop are optimized in a fixed environment with respect to a pseudo energy function. The energy is a sum of many spatial restraints that include the bond length, bond angle, and improper dihedral angle terms from the CHARMM-22 force field, statistical preferences for the main-chain and side-chain dihedral angles, and statistical preferences for nonbonded atomic contacts that depend on the two atom types, their distance through space, and separation in sequence. The energy function is optimized with the method of conjugate gradients combined with molecular dynamics and simulated annealing. Typically, the predicted loop conformation corresponds to the lowest energy conformation among 500 independent optimizations. Predictions were made for 40 loops of known structure at each length from 1 to 14 residues. The accuracy of loop predictions is evaluated as a function of thoroughness of conformational sampling, loop length, and structural properties of native loops. When accuracy is measured by local superposition of the model on the native loop, 100, 90, and 30% of 4-, 8-, and 12-residue loop predictions, respectively, had <2 A RMSD error for the mainchain N, C(alpha), C, and O atoms; the average accuracies were 0.59 +/- 0.05, 1.16 +/- 0.10, and 2.61 +/- 0.16 A, respectively. To simulate real comparative modeling problems, the method was also evaluated by predicting loops of known structure in only approximately correct environments with errors typical of comparative modeling without misalignment. When the RMSD distortion of the main-chain stem atoms is 2.5 A, the average loop prediction error increased by 180, 25, and 3% for 4-, 8-, and 12-residue loops, respectively. The accuracy of the lowest energy prediction for a given loop can be estimated from the structural variability among a number of low energy predictions. The relative value of the present method is gauged by (1) comparing it with one of the most successful previously described methods, and (2) describing its accuracy in recent blind predictions of protein structure. Finally, it is shown that the average accuracy of prediction is limited primarily by the accuracy of the energy function rather than by the extent of conformational sampling.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of rigorous optimization of the MODELLER energy function for possible improvement in protein all‐atom chain‐building. For this we applied the global optimization method called conformational space annealing (CSA) to the standard MODELLER procedure to achieve better energy optimization than what MODELLER provides. The method, which we call MODELLERCSA , is tested on two benchmark sets. The first is the 298 proteins taken from the HOMSTRAD multiple alignment set. By simply optimizing the MODELLER energy function, we observe significant improvement in side‐chain modeling, where MODELLERCSA provides about 10.7% (14.5%) improvement for χ11 + χ2) accuracy compared to the standard MODELLER modeling. The improvement of backbone accuracy by MODELLERCSA is shown to be less prominent, and a similar improvement can be achieved by simply generating many standard MODELLER models and selecting lowest energy models. However, the level of side‐chain modeling accuracy by MODELLERCSA could not be matched either by extensive MODELLER strategies, side‐chain remodeling by SCWRL3, or copying unmutated rotamers. The identical procedure was successfully applied to 100 CASP7 template base modeling domains during the prediction season in a blind fashion, and the results are included here for comparison. From this study, we observe a good correlation between the MODELLER energy and the side‐chain accuracy. Our findings indicate that, when a good alignment between a target protein and its templates is provided, thorough optimization of the MODELLER energy function leads to accurate all‐atom models. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new generalized mathematical model for recombinant bacteria which includes inducer effects on cell growth and foreign protein production is developed. The model equation set was applied to a host-vector system, Escherichi coli D1210 and plasmid pSD8. Batch experiments were designed and performed in shake flasks to verify the model. A parameter estimation method was developed and proven to be efficient. Although simple, the model can effectively describe the dynamics of the production of foreign protein in recombinant bacteria and can be used for optimization and control studies to maximize foreign protein production.  相似文献   

This paper provides an unbiased comparison of four commercially available programs for loop sampling, Prime, Modeler, ICM, and Sybyl, each of which uses a different modeling protocol. The study assesses the quality of results and examines the relative strengths and weaknesses of each method. The set of loops to be modeled varied in length from 4-12 amino acids. The approaches used for loop modeling can be classified into two methodologies: ab initio loop generation (Modeler and Prime) and database searches (Sybyl and ICM). Comparison of the modeled loops to the native structures was used to determine the accuracy of each method. All of the protocols returned similar results for short loop lengths (four to six residues), but as loop length increased, the quality of the results varied among the programs. Prime generated loops with RMSDs <2.5 A for loops up to 10 residues, while the other three methods met the 2.5 A criteria at seven-residue loops. Additionally, the ability of the software to utilize disulfide bonds and X-ray crystal packing influenced the quality of the results. In the final analysis, the top-ranking loop from each program was rarely the loop with the lowest RMSD with respect to the native template, revealing a weakness in all programs to correctly rank the modeled loops.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of protein‐protein interactions is important for understanding life processes. Because of the inherent limitations of experimental techniques, such characterization requires computational approaches. Along with the traditional protein‐protein docking (free search for a match between two proteins), comparative (template‐based) modeling of protein‐protein complexes has been gaining popularity. Its development puts an emphasis on full and partial structural similarity between the target protein monomers and the protein‐protein complexes previously determined by experimental techniques (templates). The template‐based docking relies on the quality and diversity of the template set. We present a carefully curated, nonredundant library of templates containing 4950 full structures of binary complexes and 5936 protein‐protein interfaces extracted from the full structures at 12 Å distance cut‐off. Redundancy in the libraries was removed by clustering the PDB structures based on structural similarity. The value of the clustering threshold was determined from the analysis of the clusters and the docking performance on a benchmark set. High structural quality of the interfaces in the template and validation sets was achieved by automated procedures and manual curation. The library is included in the Dockground resource for molecular recognition studies at http://dockground.bioinformatics.ku.edu . Proteins 2015; 83:1563–1570. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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