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An early event in the formation of the serotonergic synapse by the Retzius (R) onto the pressure-sensitive (P) neurons of the leech is the elimination of an extrasynaptic response to transmitter from sites of contact on the postsynaptic cell. This event during synapse formation is cell-specific in that it is elicited in vitro by contact with the presynaptic R cell but not with other neurons. In the study reported here, we investigated the nature of this interaction between R and P neurons. The loss of the extrasynaptic response of the P cell was elicited by contact with R cells fixed in a mild paraformaldehyde solution, but not by R cells treated with the proteolytic enzyme trypsin prior to fixation. As well, a variety of lectins were assayed for their ability to interfere with synapse formation. The transmitter responses of P cells plated on lectin-coated substrates were unaffected. However, exposure of the R cell to the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), but not to other lectins, prior to pairing prevented the loss of the extrasynaptic response in contacted P cells and blocked the formation of the R? P synapse in culture. We conclude that recognition by the P cell of the R cell during synapse formation may be mediated by an R cell-specific surface protein which binds wheat germ agglutinin. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyzed the contribution of calcium (Ca2+)‐induced Ca2+ release to somatic secretion in serotonergic Retzius neurons of the leech. Somatic secretion was studied by the incorporation of fluorescent dye FM1‐43 upon electrical stimulation with trains of 10 impulses and by electron microscopy. Quantification of secretion with FM1‐43 was made in cultured neurons to improve optical resolution. Stimulation in the presence of FM1‐43 produced a frequency‐dependent number of fluorescent spots. While a 1‐Hz train produced 19.5 ± 5.0 spots/soma, a 10‐Hz train produced 146.7 ± 20.2 spots/soma. Incubation with caffeine (10 mM) to induce Ca2+ release from intracellular stores without electrical stimulation and external Ca2+, produced 168 ± 21.7 spots/soma. This staining was reduced by 49% if neurons were preincubated with the Ca2+‐ ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (200 nM). Moreover, in neurons stimulated at 10 Hz in the presence of ryanodine (100 μM) to block Ca2+‐induced Ca2+ release, FM1‐43 staining was reduced by 42%. In electron micrographs of neurons at rest or stimulated at 1 Hz in the ganglion, endoplasmic reticulum lay between clusters of dense core vesicles and the plasma membrane. In contrast, in neurons stimulated at 20 Hz, the vesicle clusters were apposed to the plasma membrane and flanked by the endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that Ca2+‐induced Ca2+ release produces vesicle mobilization and fusion in the soma of Retzius neurons, and supports the idea that neuronal somatic secretion shares common mechanisms with secretion by excitable endocrine cells. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2004  相似文献   

The accessibility of embryonic and adult neurons within invertebrate nervous systems has made them excellent subjects for neurobiological study. The ability to readily identify individual neurons, together with their great capacity for regeneration, has been especially beneficial to investigations of synapse formation and the specificity of neuronal connectivity. Many invertebrate neurons survive for long periods following isolation into primary cell culture. In addition, they readily extend new neuritic arbors and form electrical and chemical connections at sites of contact. Thus, cell culture approaches have allowed neuroscientists greater access to, and resolution of, events underlying neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. Studies of identified neuromuscular synapses ofHelisoma have determined a number of signaling mechanisms involved in transsynaptic communication at sites of neuron-target contact. At these sites, both anterograde and retrograde signals regulate the transformation of growth cones into functional presynaptic terminals. We have found that specific muscle targets induce both global and local changes in neurotransmitter secretion and intracellular calcium handling. Here we review recent studies of culturedHelisoma synapses and discuss the mechanisms thought to govern chemical synapse formation in these identified neurons and those of other invertebrate species.  相似文献   

Responses to the ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist kainate were measured in Retzius cells (RCs) of intact segmental ganglia (in situ), acutely isolated RCs, and cultured RCs (in vitro) of the leech Hirudo medicinalis. RCs in intact ganglia responded to kainate (5–20 μM) with depolarizations up to 30 mV or with an inward current under voltage-clamp that reversed near -10 mV. The membrane conductance increased by a factor of 2.5 at a holding potential of -70 mV in the presence of 20 μM kainate. In RCs in situ the membrane responses to 5 μM kainate increased when applied repeatedly 3-5 times. After this potentiation, the amplitude and time course of the membrane responses to 5 μM kainate were similar to the membrane response to 20 μM kainate. In current-clamp experiments kainate evoked an increase in intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]¡) only when the membrane depolarized beyond -40 mV. In voltage-clamped RCs at a holding potential of -70 mV, kainate caused no significant rise in [Ca2+]¡, indicating that the Ca2+ permeability of these kainate-gated ion channels appears to be negligible. The potentiation of the kainate-induced responses in RCs in situ was also present in voltage-clamped cells, where no or only small changes in [Ca2+]¡ occurred, suggesting that the underlying mechanism seemed to be independent of intracellular Ca2+ changes. In addition, the potentiation of the kainate-induced membrane responses was unaffected by cyclothiazide (100 μM), concanavalin A (0.5 mg/mL), and in the presence of extracellular low-Ca2+ and high-Mg2+ concentrations to suppress synaptic transmission in the ganglion. During whole-cell patch-clamp recordings (up to 50 min) potentiation remained the same indicating that small intracellular messenger molecules, which would be expected to dissipate, were not likely to be involved in mediating this potentiation. In acutely isolated RCs kainate induced no or only very small voltage responses. A potentiation of the kainate response was never observed in acutely isolated RCs. In cultured RCs (2–7 days in vitro) kainate evoked membrane responses with no apparent potentiation. Cultured RCs also responded with Ca2+ transients only when depolarized beyond -40 mV. The results show that RCs respond differently to kainate when kept isolated in culture compared to RCs in intact ganglia. The mechanism underlying the potentiation of the kainate response of RCs in situ, however, could not yet be identified. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of animal behavior at the cellular level requires detailed information on the intrinsic biophysical properties of neurons, muscles, and the synaptic connections they make. In the past 10 to 15 years, electrophysiological studies of leech neurons have revealed a diverse array of voltage-gated ionic conductances distinguished by their pharmacological sensitivity to classic ion channel blockers. Voltage-clamp studies have provided new information about the kinetics and voltage-dependence of Na+ conductances, several K+ currents, including IA, IK and IK(Ca.)' and high- and low-voltage-gated Ca2+ conductances. These studies showed that the action potentials of most leech neurons result from the usual sequence of permeability changes to Na+, K+, and Ca2+ ions. They also added insight as to the role played by particular combinations of conductances in providing individual neurons with electrical properties appropriate for the particular information they encode. Evidence is accumulating on the modulatory actions of endogenous neurotransmitters such as FMRFamide, serotonin, and octopamine on motor behaviors in the animal. Parallel studies suggest that changes in behavior can be explained, at least in part, by the alteration of firing patterns of selected neurons and muscles resulting form modulation of multiple ion conductances. This makes the leech exceptionally attractive for neuroethological studies because it is one of the simplest organisms in which the methods of psychology and neurobiology can be combined. Information gathered from this animal will therefore increase our understanding regarding general principles underlying the cellular basis of behavior. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5‐HT, serotonin) in the control of leech behavior is well established and has been analyzed extensively on the cellular level; however, hitherto little is known about the effect of 5‐HT on the cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in leech neurons. As [Ca2+]i plays a pivotal role in numerous cellular processes, we investigated the effect of 5‐HT on [Ca2+]i (measured by Fura‐2) in identified leech neurons under different experimental conditions, such as changed extracellular ion composition and blockade of excitatory synaptic transmission. In pressure (P), lateral nociceptive (N1), and Leydig neurons, 5‐HT induced a [Ca2+]i increase which was predominantly due to Ca2+ influx since it was abolished in Ca2+‐free solution. The 5‐HT‐induced Ca2+ influx occurred only if the cells depolarized sufficiently, indicating that it was mediated by voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channels. In P and N1 neurons, the membrane depolarization was due to Na+ influx through cation channels coupled to 5‐HT receptors, whereby the dose‐dependency suggests an involvement in excitatory synaptic transmission. In Leydig neurons, 5‐HT receptor‐coupled cation channels seem to be absent. In these cells, the membrane depolarization activating the voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channels was evoked by 5‐HT‐triggered excitatory glutamatergic input. In Retzius, anterior pagoda (AP), annulus erector (AE), and median nociceptive (N2) neurons, 5‐HT had no effect on [Ca2+]i. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

Summary The rhythmic constriction of the heart tubes in the leech Hirudo medicinalis is controlled by an identified set of motor neurons (HE cells) and interneurons (HN cells) (reviewed by Calabrese and Peterson 1983). Electrophysiological recordings have indicated particular synaptic relationships among HE and HN cells. In the present study, the synaptic framework mediating the interactions among HE cells and HN cells was examined anatomically. Using light and electron microscopy of physiologically identified, HRP-injected cells, we have examined the zones of interaction and types of contacts between specific cells. HE cells, which have very fine, threadlike processes, interact with their contralateral homologues throughout most of the middle third of the ganglionic neuropil. When HE-cell neuntes come together, the apposed plasma membranes are rigidly parallel, separated by an intercellular gap of 6 nm, for up to 6 m. These specializations must form the structural basis for the strong electrical coupling observed (Peterson 1983) between HE-cell pairs. HE cells also emit from the main neurite a series of extremely fine processes that extend dorsally. These appear in the light microscope to contact processes of the ipsilateral HN cell of the same ganglion, and are also in a position to make contact with the axons of more anterior HN cells. The intraganglionic processes of HN cells, which are studded with large varicosities, ramify in part of the region of neuropil occupied by HE-cell processes, as well as more posteriorly. Contacts between HE and HN cells, which are known to be mostly inhibitory synaptic contacts, are seen in the electron microscope to be formed between medium-diameter HN processes, which are filled with clear round synaptic vesicles, and multiple fine tendrils of the HE cell that surround the HN process. Certain HN cells form reciprocal inhibitory synapses with their contralateral homologues. These contacts occur near the midline, sometimes in the major mass of neuropil and sometimes embedded in the extracellular material that ensheathes the neuropil. The contacts are between medium-and small-diameter profiles that are both filled with synaptic vesicles. Our findings indicate that various classes of physiological interactions among HE and HN cells are mediated by anatomically distinct types of contacts and, at least in some cases, are segregated from each other on the neuritic trees of the cells.  相似文献   

Besides the nerve endings, the soma of trigeminal neurons also respond to membrane depolarizations with the release of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the extracellular space within the ganglion, a process potentially important for the cross-communication between neighboring sensory neurons. In this study, we addressed the dependence of somatic release on Ca2+ influx in trigeminal neurons and the involvement of the different types of voltage-gated Ca2+ (Cav) channels in the process. Similar to the closely related dorsal root ganglion neurons, we found two kinetically distinct components of somatic release, a faster component stimulated by voltage but independent of the Ca2+ influx, and a slower component triggered by Ca2+ influx. The Ca2+-dependent component was inhibited 80% by ω-conotoxin-MVIIC, an inhibitor of both N- and P/Q-type Cav channels, and 55% by the P/Q-type selective inhibitor ω-agatoxin-IVA. The selective L-type Ca2+ channel inhibitor nimodipine was instead without effect. These results suggest a major involvement of N- and P/Q-, but not L-type Cav channels in the somatic release of trigeminal neurons. Thus antinociceptive Cav channel antagonists acting on the N- and P/Q-type channels may exert their function by also modulating the somatic release and cross-communication between sensory neurons.  相似文献   

We have cloned a novel voltage‐gated K channel, LKv1, in two species of leech. The properties of LKv1 expressed in transiently transfected HEK293 cells is that of a delayed rectifier current. LKv1 may be a major modulator of excitability in leech neurons, since antibody localization studies show that LKv1 is expressed in the soma and axons of all neurons in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Comparison of the biophysical and pharmacological properties of LKv1 with native voltage‐gated conductances in leech neurons suggests that LKv1 may correspond to the previously characterized delayed rectifier current, IK. Phylogenetic analysis of LKv1 shows that it is related to the Shaker subfamily of voltage‐gated K channels although it occupies a separate branch from that of the monophyletic Shaker clade composed of the flatworm, Aplysia, Drosophila, and mammalian Shaker homologs as well as from that of two recently identified Shaker‐related K channels in jellyfish. Thus, this analysis indicates that this group of voltage‐gated K channels contains several evolutionarily divergent lineages. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 38: 287–299, 1999  相似文献   

Lipids represent 20% of the total weight of the dried pool of medicinal leech salivary gland secretion (SGS) obtained from about 50 individual animals. SGS lacks phospholipids, but contains steroids. Immunochemiluminescent analysis of SGS revealed the presence of free steroid hormones: cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Micro-chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of SGS and its low molecular weight fraction (LMW) (molecular masses ranged from 220 to 850 Da) has shown the multicomponent nature of the LMW fraction. Using standard preparations as the reference steroid hormones (cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and testosterone) and histamine and serotonine have been identified in SGS.  相似文献   

We investigated the location, physiology, and modulation of an identified synapse from the central nervous system (CNS) of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis. Specifically, the excitatory synapse from interneuron right pedal dorsal one (RPeD1) to neurons visceral dorsal two and three (VD2/3) was examined. The gross and fine morphology of these neurons was determined by staining with Lucifer yellow or sulforhodamine. In preparations where RPeD1 was stained with Lucifer yellow and VD2/3 with sulfo-rhodamine, the axon collaterals occupied similar regions, suggesting that these neurons make physical contact in the CNS. Digital confocal microscopy of these preparations revealed that presynaptic varicosities made apparent contact (synapses) with smooth postsynaptic axon collaterals. The number of putative synapses per preparation was about five to 10. Regarding physiology, the synaptic latency was moderately rapid at 24.1 ± 5.2 ms. Previous work indicated that RPeD1 uses dopamine as a neurotransmitter. The RPeD1 → VD2/3 excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) and the VD2/3 bath-applied dopamine (100-μM) response displayed a similar decrease in input resistance and a similar predicted reversal potential (−31 vs. −26 mV), indicating that the synapse and exogenous dopamine activate the same conductance. Finally, bath-applied serotonin (10 μM) rapidly and reversibly depressed the RPeD1 → VD2/3 synapse but did not affect the VD2/3 bath-applied dopamine (100-μM) response, suggesting a presynaptic locus of action for serotonin. The effect of serotonin was not associated with any changes to the pre- or postsynaptic membrane potential and input resistance, or the presynaptic action potential half-width. The RPeD1 → b3 VD2/3 synapse provides an opportunity to examine the anatomy and physiology of transmission, and is amenable to the study of neuromodulation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 247–264, 1997  相似文献   

Experiments have been made to follow the development of chemical and electrical transmission between pairs of leech neurons in culture. 1. The cell bodies of identified neurons were isolated from the CNS by suction after mild enzyme treatment, together with a length of the initial segment (or 'stump'). The neurons tested were Retzius cells (R), annulus erector motoneurons (AE), Anterior pagoda cells (AP) and pressure sensory cells (P). Pairs of cells were placed together in various configurations, with different sites on their surfaces making contact. 2. When pairs of Retzius cells were apposed with their stumps touching, serotonergic, chemically mediated synaptic transmission became apparent before electrical transmission. By 2.5 h impulses in either of the two Retzius cells produced hyperpolarizing inhibitory potentials in the other. These potentials were reversed by raised intracellular Cl and showed clear facilitation. The strength of chemical transmission between Retzius cells increased over the next 72 h. 3. After chemical transmission had been established, weak non-rectifying electrical transmission became apparent between Retzius cells at about 24-72 h. By 4 days coupling became stronger and tended to obscure chemically evoked synaptic potentials. 4. When pairs of Retzius cells were aligned in culture with the tip of one cell stump touching the soma of the other, chemical transmission also developed rapidly. Transmission was, however, in one direction, from stump to soma. At later stages non-rectifying electrical coupling developed as with stump-stump configuration. With the cell bodies of two Retzius cells apposed, electrical coupling developed after several days, before chemical transmission could be observed. 5. When Retzius and P cells were cultured with their stumps in contact, inhibitory chemical synaptic transmission developed within 24 h. Transmission was always in one direction, from Retzius to P cell. Electrical coupling of Retzius and P cells never occurred whatever the spatial relations of the cells to one another. 6. Annulus erector motoneurons, which contain ACh and a peptide resembling FMRFamide, first developed electrical coupling when the two stumps were in contact and then, later, bi-directional chemical transmission. Anterior Pagoda pairs placed stump-to-stump showed electrical connections. 7. Electronmicrographs revealed the presence of synaptic structures within 24 h after Retzius-Retzius, Retzius-P or AE-AE stumps were apposed. 8. The specificity of connections between cultured cells was similar to that observed in earlier experiments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) analogue 1‐oleoyl‐2‐acetyl‐sn‐glycerol (OAG) was used to verify the existence of DAG‐sensitive channels in cortical neurons dissociated from E13 mouse embryos. Calcium imaging experiments showed that OAG increased the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in nearly 35% of the KCl‐responsive cells. These Ca2+ responses disappeared in a Ca2+‐free medium supplemented with EGTA. Mn2+ quench experiments showed that OAG activated Ca2+‐conducting channels that were also permeant to Ba2+. The OAG‐induced Ca2+ responses were unaffected by nifedipine or omega‐conotoxin GVIA (Sigma‐Aldrich, Saint‐Quentin Fallavier, France) but blocked by 1‐[β‐(3‐(4‐Methoxyphenyl)propoxy)‐4‐methoxyphenethyl]‐1H‐imidazole hydrochloride (SKF)‐96365 and Gd3+. Replacing Na+ ions with N‐methyl‐d ‐glucamine diminished the amplitude of the OAG‐induced Ca2+ responses showing that the Ca2+ entry was mediated via Na+‐dependent and Na+‐independent mechanisms. Experiments carried out with the fluorescent Na+ indicator CoroNa Green showed that OAG elevated [Na+]i. Like OAG, the DAG lipase inhibitor RHC80267 increased [Ca2+]i but not the protein kinase C activator phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate. Moreover, the OAG‐induced Ca2+ responses were not regulated by protein kinase C activation or inhibition but they were augmented by flufenamic acid which increases currents through C‐type transient receptor potential protein family (TRPC) 6 channels. In addition, application of hyperforin, a specific activator of TRPC6 channels, elevated [Ca2+]i. Whole‐cell patch‐clamp recordings showed that hyperforin activated non‐selective cation channels. They were blocked by SKF‐96365 but potentiated by flufenamic acid. Altogether, our data show the presence of hyperforin‐ and OAG‐sensitive Ca2+‐permeable channels displaying TRPC6‐like properties. This is the first report revealing the existence of second messenger‐operated channels in cortical neurons.  相似文献   

Using a patch-clamp technique, we studied the biophysical properties of large-conductance channels in the nuclear envelope of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Our experiments showed that channels with identical conductance, selectivity, and kinetics are expressed in the external and internal nuclear membranes of these cells. These channels connect the perinuclear space with the cyto-and nucleoplasm; they are not channels of the complex of the nuclear pores for passive diffusion of ions and small molecules, as was believed earlier [17]. We hypothesize that large-conductance cationic channels in the membranes of the nuclear envelope are identical to ion channels of the endoplasmic reticulum and are necessary for functioning of the intermembrane space of the envelope as a calcium store. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 113–118, March–April, 2007.  相似文献   

The skeletal and cardiac muscle dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs) differ with respect to their rates of channel activation and in the means by which they control Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Adams, B.A., and K.G. Beam. 1990. FASEB J. 4:2809-2816). We have examined the functional properties of skeletal (SkEIIIK) and cardiac (CEIIIK) DHPRs in which a highly conserved glutamate residue in the pore region of repeat III was mutated to a positively charged lysine residue. Using expression in dysgenic myotubes, we have characterized macroscopic ionic currents, intramembrane gating currents, and intracellular Ca2+ transients attributable to these two mutant DHPRs. CEIIIK supported very small inward Ca2+ currents at a few potentials (from -20 to +20 mV) and large outward cesium currents at potentials greater than +20 mV. SkEIIIK failed to support inward Ca2+ flux at any potential. However, large, slowly activating outward cesium currents were observed at all potentials greater than + 20 mV. The difference in skeletal and cardiac Ca2+ channel activation kinetics was conserved for outward currents through CEIIIK and SkEIIIK, even at very depolarized potentials (at +100 mV; SkEIIIK: tau(act) = 30.7 +/- 1.9 ms, n = 11; CEIIIK: tau(act) = 2.9 +/- 0.5 ms, n = 7). Expression of SkEIIIK in dysgenic myotubes restored both evoked contractions and depolarization-dependent intracellular Ca(2+) transients with parameters of voltage dependence (V(0.5) = 6.5 +/- 3.2 mV and k = 9.3 +/- 0.7 mV, n = 5) similar to those for the wild-type DHPR (Garcia, J., T. Tanabe, and K.G. Beam. 1994. J. Gen. Physiol. 103:125-147). However, CEIIIK-expressing myotubes never contracted and failed to exhibit depolarization-dependent intracellular Ca2+ transients at any potential. Thus, high Ca2+ permeation is required for cardiac-type excitation-contraction coupling reconstituted in dysgenic myotubes, but not skeletal-type. The strong rectification of the EIIIK channels made it possible to obtain measurements of gating currents upon repolarization to -50 mV (Qoff) following either brief (20 ms) or long (200 ms) depolarizing pulses to various test potentials. For SkEIIIK, and not CEIIK, Qoff was significantly (P < 0.001) larger after longer depolarizations to +60 mV (121.4 +/- 2.0%, n = 6). The increase in Qoff for long depolarizations exhibited a voltage dependence similar to that of channel activation. Thus, the increase in Q(off) may reflect a voltage sensor movement required for activation of L-type Ca2+ current and suggests that most DHPRs in skeletal muscle undergo this voltage-dependent transition.  相似文献   

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1. SJL/J mice were maintained on semipurified diets which differed in the ratio of polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid content (P/S). Exposure was from conception and was maintained for periods ranging from 6 to 34 weeks. 2. Neural cell cultures were prepared from dorsal root ganglia (DRG). After 6 and 20 days of culture, neuronal electric membrane properties were determined quantitatively by intracellular recording. 3. A number of significant differences were observed for the two dietary conditions. DRG from mice on the low-P/s diet had an increase in the rate of fall of both phases of repolarization which, in conjunction with the reduced action potential overshoot, led to a reduced action potential duration. This shift to shorter-duration action potentials was accompanied by a shift to more monophasic falling phases. The low-P/S neurons also exhibited a decreased afterhyperpolarization, decreased specific membrane resistance, and decreased membrane electrical time constant compared to high-P/S neurons. 4. It was concluded that the P/S ratio in the diet can have a significant effect on the electric properties of neurons. The high-P/S neurons tended to have action potentials with biphasic repolarizations and longer durations. In contrast, the low-P/S neurons tended to have action potentials with monophasic repolarizations and shorter durations. Moreover, the known ionic dependence of these two types of action potentials suggested that the low-P/S diet resulted in action potentials with a more exclusive Na dependence, while the high-P/S diet resulted in action potentials with both Na and Ca dependence.  相似文献   

In neurons of the rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG), using a patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration, we studied the characteristics of calcium channels activated by depletion of the ryanodine-sensitive calcium stores of the endoplasmic reticulum. Current-voltage (I-V) relationships of these store-operated calcium channels were obtained by subtraction of the integral I-V characteristics after application of caffeine from the integral I-V characteristics of calcium channels in the control. Currents through store-operated calcium channels could be induced by application of a series of hyperpolarization current pulses to the cell under conditions of replacement of a calcium-free solution containing caffeine by a caffeine-free solution containing 2 mM Ca2+. In this case, the following two main conditions were abserved: Voltage-operated calcium channels were inactivated, while a gradient of the electrochemical potential for calcium ions was increased, which made easier passing of these currents through store-operated calcium channels. Therefore, we found that in DRG neurons, despite the presence of great numbers of both voltage-operated and receptor-dependent calcium channels, one more mechanism underlying the entry of calcium through store-operated channels does exist. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 195–200, May–June, 2007.  相似文献   

Triethyl lead is the major metabolite of tetraethyl lead, which is used in industrial processes and as an antiknock additive to gasoline. We tested the hypothesis that low levels of triethyl lead (0.1 nmol/L to 5mol/L) interfere with the normal development of cultured E18 rat hippocampal neurons, possibly through increases in intracellular free calcium ion concentration, [Ca2+]in. The study assessed survival and differentiation using morphometric analysis of individual neurons. We also looked at short-term (up to 3.75-h) changes in intracellular calcium using the calcium-sensitive dye fura-2. Survival of neurons was significantly reduced at 5 mol/L, and overall production of neurites was reduced at 2 mol/L. The length of axons and the number of axons and dendrites were reduced at 1 mol/L. Neurite branching was inhibited at 10 nmol/L for dendrites and 100 nmol/L for axons. Increases in intracellular calcium were observed during a 3.75-h exposure of newly plated neurons to 5 mol/L triethyl lead. These increases were prevented by BAPTA-AM; which clamps [Ca2+]in at about 100 nmol/L. Culturing neurons with BAPTA-AM and 5 mol/L triethyl lead did not reverse the effects of triethyl lead, suggesting that elevation of [Ca2+]in is not responsible for decreases in survival and neurite production. Triethyl lead has been shown to disrupt cytoskeletal elements, particularly neurofilaments, at very low levels, suggesting a possible mechanism for its inhibition of neurite branching at nanomolar concentrations.Abbreviations BAPTA-AM 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester - [Ca2+]in intracellular free calcium ion concentration - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - E18 embryonic day 18 - FBS fetal bovine serum - fura-2AM fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester - HBSS Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution - MEM Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium  相似文献   

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