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Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT, E.C. catalyzes the synthesis of acetylcholine, and is considered to be a phenotypic marker specific for cholinergic neurons. In situ hybridization using a nonradioactive cRNA probe identified a large number of cell bodies expressing ChAT mRNA in the cortices of wild-type Drosophila melanogaster brain. Strong labeling is remarkable in the cortical regions associated with the lamina and antennal lobe, and also in the median neurosecretory (MNS) cells within pars intercerebralis, suggesting that some of the lamina monopolar neurons, antennal interneurons, and MNS cells are cholinergic. In two temperature-sensitive mutant alleles, Chats1 and Chats2, most hybridization signal disappears after exposure to a restrictive temperature (30°C). Loss of signal is especially evident in the optic lobes. Some centrally located neurons, however, continue to express ChAT mRNA and are thus likely to have expression controlled in a different way than the majority of cholinergic neurons. Immunocytochemistry, using a ChAT specific monoclonal antibody, identified two sets of paired neurons located in the posterior cortex of the brain. These neurons persist in ChAT immunoreactivity even in the Chats mutants exposed to restrictive temperature. ChAT mRNA is also detectable in the corresponding cell bodies when Chats mutants are held at restrictive temperature. Our findings demonstrate some specific cholinergic neurons in Drosophila brain, and indicate that ChAT expression is differentially regulated in particular sets of cholinergic neurons. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressive agents cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK‐506 have previously been shown to exhibit neurotrophic and neuroprotective properties in vivo. Given that significant clinical expertise exists for both drugs, they represent an attractive starting point for treatment of acute neural injuries. One putative mechanism for neuroprotection by these drugs relates to inhibition of calcineurin activity. However each drug–immunophilin complex can potentially influence additional signal transduction pathways. Furthermore, several non‐immunosuppressive immunophilin ligands have been described as possessing neuroprotective properties, suggesting that neuroprotection may be separable from calcineurin inhibition. In the present study, we examined the mechanism of this neuroprotection in facial motor neurons following axotomy‐induced injury. Similar to previous studies in rats, CsA and FK‐506 enhanced motor neuron survival in mice following acute injury. To examine the mechanism responsible for neuroprotection by these agents, pharmacologic inhibitors of several potential alternate signalling pathways (17‐(allylamino)‐17‐demethoxygeldanamycin, rapamycin, cypermethrin) were evaluated with respect to neuroprotection. Of these, only cypermethrin, a direct calcineurin inhibitor not previously associated with neuronal survival properties, was observed to significantly enhance motor neuron survival following injury. The results demonstrate for the first time that direct inhibition of calcineurin is neuroprotective in vivo. These data support a model in which calcineurin inhibition promotes neuronal survival, distinct from effects upon neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

The amount and some properties of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) were investigated in the frog vestibule. Enzyme activities were found to be of the same order of magnitude as in frog nervous tissue and various properties of vestibular ChAT (dependence on pH, chloride and Triton X-100 activation, phosphate sensitivity) and AchE (inhibition by eserine but not by Tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide) were also similar as those of the homologous central nervous system enzymes. Although the precise localization of ChAT and AchE is not yet certain the efferent neurotransmitter in the vertebrate vestibular sensory periphery is believed to be acetylcholine and thus the enzymes responsible for its synthesis and degradation may participate in regulating inner ear function.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the distribution of putative cholinergic neurons in whole-mount preparations of adult Drosophila melanogaster. Putative cholinergic neurons were visualized by X-gal staining of P-element transformed flies carrying a fusion gene consisting of 5′ flanking DNA from the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) gene and a lacZ reporter gene. We have previously demonstrated that cryostat sections of transgenic flies carrying 7.4 kb of ChAT 5′ flanking DNA show reporter gene expression in a pattern essentially similar to the known distribution of ChAT protein. Whole-mount staining of these same flies by X-gal should thus represent the overall distribution of ChAT-positive neurons. Extensive staining was observed in the cephalic, thoracic, and stomodeal ganglia, primary sensory neurons in antenna, maxillary palps, labial palps, leg, wing, and male genitalia. Primary sensory neurons associated with photoreceptors and tactile receptors were not stained. We also examined the effects of partial deletions of the 7.4 kb fragment on reporter gene expression. Deletion of the 7.4 kb fragment to 1.2 kb resulted in a dramatic reduction of X-gal staining in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). This indicates that important regulatory elements for ChAT expression in the PNS exist in the distal region of the 7.4 kb fragment. The distal parts of the 7.4 kb fragment, when fused to a basal heterologous promoter, can independently confer gene expression in subsets of putative cholinergic neurons. With these constructs, however, strong ectopic expression was also observed in several non-neuronal tissues. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

NGF can regulate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and nitric oxide (NO) can modulate NGF-mediated neurotrophic responses. To investigate the role of NO in NGF-activated expression of cholinergic phenotype, PC12 cells were treated with either the nonselective NOS inhibitor L-NAME (N (omega)-nitro-L-arginine methylester) or the inducible NOS selective inhibitor MIU (s-methylisothiourea), and the effect on NGF-stimulated ChAT mRNA levels and ChAT specific activity was determined. NGF increased steady-state levels of mRNA and protein for both inducible and constitutive isozymes of NOS in PC12 cells, and led to enhanced NOS activity and NO production. MIU and, to a lesser extent, L-NAME blocked neurite outgrowth in nerve growth factor (NGF)-treated PC12 cells. Both L-NAME and MIU attenuated NGF-mediated increases in choline transferase (ChAT)-specific activity and prevented the increase in expression of ChAT mRNA normally produced by NGF treatment of PC12 cells. The present study indicates that NO may be involved in the modulation of signal transduction pathways by which NGF leads to increased ChAT gene expression in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

There are significant differences in the rate of neuronal death after peripheral nerve injury between species. The rate of neuronal death of motor neurons after nerve injury in the adult rats is very low, whereas that in adult mice is relatively high. However, the understanding of the mechanism underlying axotomy-induced motor neuron death in adult mice is limited. Cathepsin B (CB), a typical cysteine lysosomal protease, has been implicated in three major morphologically distinct pathways of cell death; apoptosis, necrosis and autophagic cell death. The possible involvement of CB in the neuronal death of hypogrossal nucleus (HGN) neurons after nerve injury in adult mice was thus examined. Quantitative analyses showed the mean survival ratio of HGN neurons in CB-deficient (CB−/−) adult mice after nerve injury was significantly greater than that in the wild-type mice. At the same time, proliferation of microglia in the injured side of the HGN of CB−/− adult mice was markedly reduced compared with that in the wild-type mice. On the injured side of the HGN in the wild-type adult mice, both pro- and mature forms of CB markedly increased in accordance with the increase in the membrane-bound form of LC3 (LC3-II), a marker protein of autophagy. Furthermore, the increase in CB preceded an increase in the expression of Noxa, a major executor for axotomy-induced motor neuron death in the adult mouse. Conversely, expression of neither Noxa or LC3-II was observed in the HGN of adult CB−/− mice after nerve injury. These observations strongly suggest that CB plays a critical role in axotomy-induced mortor neuron death in adult mice.  相似文献   

An identified serotonergic neuron (C1) in the cerebral ganglion of Helisoma trivolvis sprouts following axotomy and rapidly (seven to eight days) regenerates to recover its regulation of feeding motor output from neurons of the buccal ganglia. The morphologies of normal and regenerated neurons C1 were compared. Intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow, into neuron C1 was compared with serotonin immunofluorescent staining of the cerebral and buccal ganglia. The two techniques revealed different and complimentary representations of the morphology of neuron C1. Lucifer Yellow provided optimal staining of the soma, major axon branches, and dendritic arborization. Immunocytochemical staining revealed terminal axon branches on distant targets and showed an extensive plexus of fine fibers in the sheaths of ganglia and nerve trunks. In addition to C1, serotonin-like immunoreactivity was localized in approximately 30 other neurons in each of the paired cerebral ganglia. Only cerebral neurons C1 had axons projecting to the buccal ganglia. No neuronal somata in the buccal ganglia displayed serotonin-like immunoreactivity. Observations of regenerating neurons C1 demonstrated: Actively growing neurites, both in situ and in cell culture, displayed serotonin-like immunoreactivity; severed distal axons of C1 retained serotonin-like immunoreactivity for up to 28 days; axotomized neurons C1 regenerated to restore functional control over the feeding motor program.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) synthesizes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) and is a phenotypic marker for cholinergic neurons. Cholinergic neurons in brain are involved in cognitive function, attentional processing and motor control, and decreased ChAT activity is found in several neurological disorders including Alzheimer's disease. Dysregulation of ChAT and cholinergic communication is also associated with some spontaneous point-mutations in ChAT that alter its substrate binding kinetics, or by disruption of signaling pathways that could regulate protein kinases for which ChAT is a substrate. It has been identified recently that the catalytic activity and subcellular distribution of ChAT, and its interaction with other cellular proteins, can be modified by phosphorylation of the enzyme by protein kinase-C and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; these kinases appear also to mediate some of the effects of beta-amyloid peptides on cholinergic neuron functions, including the effects on ChAT. This review outlines a new model for the regulation of cholinergic transmission at the level of the presynaptic terminal that is mediated by hierarchically-regulated, multi-site phosphorylation of ChAT.  相似文献   

The forewing stretch receptor (SR) neuron makes monosynaptic connections with wing depressor motoneruons; in this article the pharmacology of its output onto the first baslar motoneuron (BA1) has been investigated. The SR, like other insect afferents that have been studied so far, appears to be cholinergic; transmission was suppressed reversibly by the nicotinic antagonist gallamine (10?4M) and irreversibly by α-bungarotoxin (10?6 M). The choline reuptake blocker hemicholinium-3 (10?4 M) also caused a reversible reduction in the amplitude of SR excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded in BA1. The receptor subtype nonselective muscarinic antagonists atropine (10?4 M), scopolamine (10?4 M), and quinuclidinyl benzilate (10?5 M), unlike nicotinic antagonists, caused an augmentation in EPSP amplitude. This effect does not appear to be caused by an increase in sensitivity of the motoneuron to acetylcholine (ACh), since atropine produced a marked reduction rather than an increase in the amplitude of responses to ACh pressure applied to the soma of BA1. Scopolamine only caused a modest reduction in the amplitude of ACh somatic responses. The simplest explanation for these observations is that muscarinic antagonists bring about an increase in EPSP amplitude by blockade of presynaptic autoreceptors that normally down-regulate the release of ACh from SR terminals. The effects of muscarinic receptor subtype-selective antagonists indicate that presynaptic receptors in this preparation may have a pharmacological profile more similar to that of vertebrate M2 receptors than to that of M1 or M2 subtypes. The functional significance of autoreceptors in this preparation are discussed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We have devised a method for the parallel determination of choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and muscarinic cholinergic receptor (mCh-R) in the same brain tissue. The method for CAT activity determination is more rapid, simplified, stable, and economical than the usual Fonnum's method. With our method, age-associated changes in CAT activity and mCh-R levels were examined. Although CAT activity hardly changed with age except in a few areas, mCh-R binding of aged-rats was markedly reduced in all areas. These results suggest that the change in mCh-R represents an age-associated biochemical change in the brain and that determination of CAT activity is not sufficient for the study of age-associated changes in the brain cholinergic system.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated the mammary-specific expression of the entire rat beta-casein gene with 3.5 kilobases (kb) of 5' and 3.0 kb of 3' DNA in transgenic mice (Lee et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 16:1027-1041, 1988). In an attempt to localize sequences that dictate this specificity, lines of transgenic mice carrying two different rat beta-casein promoter-bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) fusion genes have been established. Twenty and eight lines of transgenic mice carrying two fusion genes containing either 2.3 or 0.5 kb, respectively, of 5'-flanking DNA of the rat beta-casein gene along with noncoding exon I and 0.5 kb of intron A were identified, most of which transmitted the transgenes to their offspring in a Mendelian pattern. CAT activity was detected predominantly in the lactating mammary gland of female transgenic mice but not in the male mammary fat pad. A several-hundred-fold variation in the level of cat expression was observed in the mammary gland of different lines of mice, presumably due to the site of integration of the transgenes. CAT activity was increased in the mammary gland during development from virgin to midpregnancy and lactation. Unexpectedly, the casein-cat transgenes were also expressed in the thymus of different lines of both male and female mice, in some cases at levels equivalent to those observed in the mammary gland, and in contrast to the mammary gland, CAT activity was decreased during pregnancy and lactation in the thymus. Thus, 0.5 kb of 5'-flanking DNA of the rat beta-casein gene along with noncoding exon I and 0.5 kb of intron A are sufficient to target bacterial cat gene expression to the mammary gland of lactating mice.  相似文献   

Yang P  Ying DJ  Song L  Sun JS 《生理学报》2003,55(4):428-434
采用大鼠坐骨神经切断损伤模型,行神经外膜端端对线缝合,术中依不同组别,动物于神经缝合处远端0.5cm处分别注射人的正义和反义bcl-2重组腺病毒(Ad/s-bcl-2、Ad/as-bcl-2),报道基因重组腺病毒(Ad/lacZ)和生理盐水。术后48h,7d,15d和30d常规灌注固定大鼠,取L4-L6脊髓节段,应用X-gal染色、bel-2原位杂交和免疫组化染色、TUNEL染色以及乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)组织化学染色方法,观察到外源基因能在脊髓中表达,同时外源性Ad/s-bcl-2能显著减少L4到L6节段脊髓前角运动神经元凋亡的数目,减少脊髓前角运动神经元中因坐骨神经切断导致的AChE活性的降低幅度,并加快其恢复。而Ad/as-bcl-2可显著增加坐骨神经切断诱导的脊髓前角运动神经元凋亡数目以及AChE活性降低幅度,并延缓其恢复。这些观察结果表明,外源性bcl-2能保护周围神经切断后引起的脊髓运动神经元损伤。  相似文献   

The topographic distribution of dopamine (DA) uptake, choline uptake, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and GABA uptake within the striata of weaver mutant mice and control mice was determined. Uptake of [3H]dopamine, [3H]choline and [14C]GABA, as well as ChAT activity were determined in samples prepared from the dorsolateral, dorsomedial, ventrolateral and ventromedial portions of the striatum. In 45–60 day old control mice, dopamine uptake was homogeneously distributed throughout the striatum. On the other hand, striata from weaver mice exhibited an uneven distribution with the ventral aspects having greater uptake activity than the dorsal regions. Thus, although the ventral portion of the striatum is less severely affected than the dorsal portion, all areas of the striatum exhibited significantly reduced uptake rates. In 9 and 12 month old mice, choline uptake was higher in lateral than medial zones of the striatum of both genotypes and no differences were observed between genotypes. GABA uptake was higher in the ventral striatum than in the dorsal striatum but again no differences were found between weaver and control mice. The results of this study indicate that the entire weaver striatum is severely deficient in its ability to recapture dopamine and thus is functionally compromised. The results also indicate that the striatal cholinergic and GABAergic interneurons are not directly or indirectly affected by the weaver gene.Special ïssue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison  相似文献   

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