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The 16S toxin was purified from a Clostridium botulinum type D strain 1873 (D-1873). Furthermore, the entire nucleotide sequences of the genes coding for the 16S toxin were determined. It became clear that the purified D-1873 16S toxin consists of neurotoxin, nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNH), and hemagglutinin (HA), and that HA consists of four subcomponents, HA1, HA2, HA3a, and HA3b, the same as type D strain CB16 (D-CB16) 16S toxin. The nucleotide sequences of the nontoxic components of these two strains were also found to be identical except for several bases. However, the culture supernatant and the purified 16S toxin of D-1873 showed little HA activity, unlike D-CB16, though the fractions successively eluted after the D-1873 16S toxin peak from an SP-Toyopearl 650S column showed a low level of HA activity. The main difference between D-1873 and D-CB16 HA molecules was the mobility of the HA1 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Therefore it was presumed that the loss of HA activity of D-1873 16S toxin might be caused by the differences of processing HA after the translation.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the nontoxic component of botulinum type E progenitor toxin is determined in recombinant plasmid pU9BUH containing about 6.0 kb HindIII fragment obtained from chromosomal DNA of Clostridium butyricum strain BL6340. The open reading frame (ORF) of this nontoxic component gene is composed of 3,486 nucleotide bases (1,162 amino acid residues). The molecular weight calculated from deduced amino acid residues is estimated 13,6810.1. The present study revealed that 33 nucleotide bases of 3,486 are different in the nontoxic component gene between C.butyricum strain BL6340 and C. botulinum type E strain Mashike. This corresponds to the difference of 17 amino acid residues in these nontoxic component.  相似文献   

A 9.8-kbp DNA fragment which contained a neurotoxin gene and its upstream region was cloned from Clostridium botulinum type D strain CB-16. Nucleotide sequencing of the fragment revealed that genes encoding for hemagglutinin (HA) subcomponents and one for a nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin (NTNH) component were located upstream of the neurotoxin gene. This strain produced two toxins of different molecular size (approximately 300 kDa and 500 kDa) which were designated as progenitor toxins (M and L toxins). The molecular size of the NTNH component of L toxin was approximately 130 kDa on SDS-PAGE and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was M-D-I-N-D-D-L-N-I-N-S-P-V-D-N-K-N-V-V-I which agreed with that deduced from the nucleotide sequence. In contrast, the M toxin had a 115-kDa NTNH component whose N-terminal sequence was S-T-I-P-F-P-F-G-G-Y-R-E-T-N-Y-I-E, corresponding to the sequence from Ser141 of the deduced sequence. A 15-kDa fragment, which was found to be associated with an M toxin preparation, possessed the same N-terminal amino acid sequence as that of the 130-kDa NTNH component. Furthermore, five major fragments generated by limited proteolysis with V8 protease were shown to have N-terminal amino acid sequences identical to those deduced from the nucleotide sequence of 130-kDa NTNH. These results indicate that the 130-kDa NTNH of the L toxin is cleaved at a unique site, between Thr and Ser, leading to the 115-kDa NTNH of the M toxin.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method was established to detect each type of neurotoxin genes of Clostridium botulinum types A to F by employing the oligonucleotide primer sets corresponding to special regions of the light chains of the neurotoxins. In this procedure, the PCR products were easily confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion profiles, and as little as 2.5 pg of template DNAs from toxigenic strains could be detected. The specific PCR products were obtained from toxigenic C. botulinum types A to F, a type E toxin-producing C. butyricum strain, and a type F toxin-producing C. baratii strain, but no PCR product was detected in nontoxigenic strains of C. botulinum and other clostridial species. The neurotoxin genes were also detected in food products of a seasoned dry salmon and a fermented fish (Izushi) which had caused type E outbreaks of botulism. Therefore, it is concluded that this PCR-based detection method can be used for the rapid diagnosis of botulism.  相似文献   

The neurotoxin associated with type A infant botulism in Japan shows different antigenic properties from those produced by authentic strains. The monoclonal antibodies recognizing the light chain reacted to both neurotoxins, whereas half the antibodies recognizing the heavy chain reacted specifically to the respective neurotoxin. Each neurotoxin showed its own manner of binding to brain synaptosomes. These results indicate that the distinguishable characteristics are ascribable to the heavy chain but not to the light chain. In both neurotoxins, an epitope recognized by the monoclonal antibody that reacts to the light chain and neutralizes the toxin was found to be very close to the amino-terminal half (H-1 fragment) of the heavy chain. This may support the hypothesis that the H-1 fragment functions in the transport of the light chain in the target cell.  相似文献   

Abstract The progenitor toxin of Clostridium botulinum type AB was purified; both large-sized (L) and medium-sized (M) toxins were found. The toxicity of M toxin increased by about 10-fold upon trypsinization; the increase was due mostly to type B toxin and a little to type A toxin. M toxin appeared to consist of one molecule each of toxic and nontoxic components. The activated toxic component was made up of four fragments, A-H- and L-chains and B-H- and L-chains. AB toxin may be a mixture of A and B toxins.  相似文献   

Recombinant whole heavy chains (H, 100 kDa) and their N-terminal (Hn, 50 kDa) and C-terminal (Hc, 50 kDa) half fragments of Clostridium botulinum type C and D neurotoxins were expressed as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. GST eliminated-preparations of H (10 microg), Hn (5 microg), Hc (5 microg), or a mixture of Hn (5 microg) and Hc (5 microg) of types C and D were mixed with an equal volume of adjuvant, and then were twice injected into mice subcutaneously. After immunization, the mice were challenged with up to 10(6) the minimum lethal doses (MLD)/0.5 ml of C or D toxin, the type of which was same as that of the immunogens. All of the mice immunized with antigens except for Hn survived against 10(5) to 10(6) MLD/0.5 ml of the toxins, but the mice immunized with Hn were killed by 100 MLD/0.5 ml. The mice immunized with a mixture of C-Hc and D-Hc, each 5 microg, also showed a high level of resistance against both C and D toxins. Antibody levels immunized with GST fused-or GST eliminatedpreparation were quite similar. These results indicate that recombinant GST-fused Hc can be used as a safe and effective vaccine for type C and D botulism in animals. It also became clear that one time inoculation with a large amount of C-Hc or D-Hc, 100 microg, is useful for vaccine trials in mice.  相似文献   

The TaqMan real-time PCR method for the quantitative detection of C. botulinum type A was developed based on sequence-specific hybridization probes. The validity of this assay was verified by using 10 genera of 20 strains, including reference strains of C. botulinum types A, B, C, D, E and F. The detection limit of this assay was evaluated on C. botulinum type A, using a 10-fold dilution series of DNA and spores . The DNA and spores were detected up to level of 0.1 ng/ml and 10(2)spores/ml, respectively. Spore spiked food sample preparation prior to the real-time PCR was performed by two methods, heat treatment and GuSCN. The detection limits after heat treatment showed 10(2) spores/ml for spiked sausage slurry, and 10(3) spores/ml for spiked canned corn slurry, while detection limits after GuSCN precipitation showed 10(2) spores/ml in both sausage and canned corn. Therefore the real-time PCR assay after GuSCN precipitation is useful for the quantification of C. botulinum type A because it showed identical CT values in both pure spore solutions and food slurries. We suggest that quantitative analysis of C. botulinum type A by TaqMan real-time PCR can be a rapid and accurate assessment method for botulinal risk in food samples.  相似文献   

The structural genes for strain C-Stockholm (c-st) phage particles, a representative type C toxin-converting phage of Clostridium botulinum, have been determined. First, by determining the N-terminal amino acid sequences of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) bands of c-st phage particles, it became clear that four proteins, 14, 25, 32 and 42 kDa, are the products of the ORFs, cst166, cst165, cst160 and cst164, respectively, of the c-st phage genome. The Western blot analyses reacting these phage bands with an antiphage serum prepared previously indicated that the products of cst165 and cst160 are the main proteins of the phage particles. Then, six candidates for the phage structural proteins, including cst165 and cst160 gene products, were prepared as recombinant proteins. Also, the protein corresponding to the cst164 gene product was excised from SDS-PAGE gels. The antibodies against these seven proteins were prepared in rabbits, and finally, the reaction of these antibodies to the c-st phage particles was analyzed by electron microscopy. It was concluded that a sheath protein and a head protein of the c-st phage are the products of genes cst160 and cst165, respectively, and that these two proteins are conserved in the other three converting phages, but not in the nonconverting phage.  相似文献   

Abstract Five monoclonal antibodies (MCA; E–8–2, 9–1, 11–2, 12–4, and 13–1) against Clostridium botulinum type E derivative toxin were prepared. Their ELISA titers were higher than or equivalent to that of conventional polyclonal antibody. Three of them (E-8–2, 12–4, and 13–1) possessed the neutralizing activity comparable to that of polyclonal antibody. The results of binding-competition experiments indicated that the monoclonal antibodies bound to different sites on the type E toxin molecule. Immunoblotting analyses demonstrated that E-8–2, 9–1, and 11–2 react to fragment I (heavy chain) of the toxin. By use of these monoclonal antibodies, it may be possible to scrutinize the structure-function relationship of botulinum toxins and cross reactions between type E and F toxins.  相似文献   

A large number of bacterial toxins consist of active and cell binding protomers linked by an interchain disulfide bridge. The largest family of such disulfide‐bridged exotoxins is that of the clostridial neurotoxins that consist of two chains and comprise the tetanus neurotoxins causing tetanus and the botulinum neurotoxins causing botulism. Reduction of the interchain disulfide abolishes toxicity, and we discuss the experiments that revealed the role of this structural element in neuronal intoxication. The redox couple thioredoxin reductase–thioredoxin (TrxR‐Trx) was identified as the responsible for reduction of this disulfide occurring on the cytosolic surface of synaptic vesicles. We then discuss the very relevant finding that drugs that inhibit TrxR‐Trx also prevent botulism. On this basis, we propose that ebselen and PX‐12, two TrxR‐Trx specific drugs previously used in clinical trials in humans, satisfy all the requirements for clinical tests aiming at evaluating their capacity to effectively counteract human and animal botulism arising from intestinal toxaemias such as infant botulism.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum type G progenitor toxin was chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex and Q-Sepharose equilibrated with 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0, containing 0.2 M urea. The toxin was eluted in a single protein peak from DEAE-Sephadex, but it was eluted in four protein peaks from Q-Sepharose; the third peak was toxic and the others were nontoxic. The third peak, appearing to be the toxic component, had a molecular mass of 150,000. In SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, purified type G progenitor toxin migrated in six bands, with molecular masses of 150,000, 140,000, 58,000, 10,800, 10,600, and 10,400. Type G progenitor toxin may be composed of a toxin component with a molecular mass of 150,000 and a nontoxic component in a manner similar to progenitor toxins of other types. Type G toxic component, whether it was reduced or not, migrated in a single band to the same relative positions in SDS-PAGE; type A toxic component reduced with 2-mercaptoethanol migrated in two bands.  相似文献   

A unique strain of Clostridium botulinum, serotype D 4947 (D-4947), produces a considerable amount of a 650 kDa toxin complex (L-TC) and a small amount of a 280 kDa M-TC, a 540 kDa TC, and a 610 kDa TC. The complexes are composed of only un-nicked components, including neurotoxin (NT), nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNHA) and hemagglutinin subcomponents (HA-70, HA-33 and HA-17). Unlike other NTs from all serotype strains, separation of D-4947 NT from L-TC, except for M-TC, during chromatography required highly alkaline conditions around pH 8.8. The separated NT and NTNHA/HAs complex can be reconstituted to L-TC that is indistinguishable from the parent L-TC with respect to toxicity, hemagglutination activity and gel filtration profile. The isoelectric points of NT and NTNHA/HAs were close together depending on the number of HA-33/17 molecules. We have established a new method to separate the unique D-4947 NT from the complex, which will yield valuable information on structure of botulinum toxin.  相似文献   

对首次自E型肉毒中毒食品中分离到的一株神经毒素原性酪酸梭菌(LCL155)所产生的神经毒素,同E型肉毒梭菌(E153)所产生的神经毒素进行了精制及特性比较,发现(1)两菌神经毒素的分子量,Native-PAGE测试均为320kDa;SDS-PAGE测试则均为147kDa,非毒性非血凝素部分均为128kDa;用胰蛋白酶激活神经毒素后发现两菌神经毒素均由分子量为103kDa的H链和48kDa的L链组成。(2)两菌神经毒素柱层析图像基本一致,但在菌体毒素提取效果及精制效果诸方面,分离的酪酸梭菌却都较差。(3)胰蛋白酶激活试验表明:两菌神经毒素达到最大毒力所需激活时间不等。在相同温度下,分离的酪酸梭菌毒素只需5min,而E型肉毒梭菌毒素却需30min,提示两菌神经毒素激活动力学上存在差异。(4)琼脂双扩散试验结果表明两菌神经毒素的抗原性是一致的,没有发现沉淀线呈交叉或部分交叉现象。  相似文献   

Abstract Clostridium botulinum type E derivative toxin directly bound to gangliosides GT1b, GD1a, and GQ1b but not to GM1 or GD1b at pH 5.0 or above, At the same pH values, it bound to negatively charged phospholipids but not to noncharged ones. At pH 4.0, it bound to any of gangliosides and phospholipids including GM1, GD1a, and non-charged phospholipids. It bound to ceramide, a hydrophobic component of ganglioside and also to sphingomyelin, a phospholipid containing a ceramide moiety, only at pH 4.0. It bound to ceramide and sphingomyelin less firmly than to other phospholipids at pH 4.0. We assume that botulinum toxin adheres to the neural cell surface mainly by sialic acid-specific and charge-dependent binding possibly aided by nonspecific hydrophobic(toxin)-hydrophobic(lipids, mainly phospholipids) interaction.  相似文献   

The cluster of genes encoding the botulinum progenitor toxin and the upstream region including p21 and p47 were divided into three different gene arrangements (class I–III). To determine the gene similarity of the type E neurotoxin (BoNT/E) complex to other types, the gene organization in the upstream region of the nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin gene (ntnh) was investigated in chromosomal DNA from Clostridium botulinum type E strain Iwanai and C. butyricum strain BL6340. The gene cluster of type E progenitor toxin (Iwanai and BL6340) was similar to those of type F and type A (from infant botulism in Japan), but not to those of types A, B, and C. Though genes for the hemagglutinin component and P21 were not discovered, genes encoding P47, NTNH, and BoNT were found in type E strain Iwanai and C. butyricum strain BL6340. However, the genes of ORF-X1 (435 bp) and ORF-X2 (partially sequenced) were present just upstream of that of P47. The orientation of these genes was in inverted direction to that of p47. The gene cluster of type E progenitor toxin (Iwanai and BL6340) is, therefore, a specific arrangement (class IV) among the genes encoding components of the BoNT complex.  相似文献   

Earlier studies used Rost and Sander's artificial neural network [(1993a), J. Mol. Biol. 232, 584–599] to predict the secondary structures [Lebeda and Olson (1994), Proteins 20, 293–300] and residue solvent accessibilities [Lebeda and Olson (1997), J. Protein Chem. 16, 607–618] of the clostridial neurotoxins. Because the X-ray crystal structure of the 50-kDa C-terminal half of the heavy chain of tetanus toxin was recently determined, this report evaluates the accuracy of these network-derived predictions. For this predominantly -strand-containing fragment, predictions, on a per-residue basis, for both secondary structure and solvent accessibility were about 70% accurate. A more flexible and realistic analysis based on overlapping segments yielded accuracies of over 80% for the three-state secondary structure and for the two-state accessibility predictions. Because the accuracies of these predictions are comparable to those made by Rost and Sander using a dataset of 126 nonhomologous globular proteins, our predictions provide a quantitative foundation for gauging the results when building by homology the structures of related proteins.  相似文献   

[目的]旨在对鸡源丁酸梭菌进行分离鉴定与安全性评估.[方法]利用厌氧培养方法对源自汶上芦花鸡与SPF鸡粪便样品进行丁酸梭菌的分离与纯化,挑选可疑菌落进行微生物质谱鉴定,进一步通过16S rRNA基因测序进行鉴定,16S rRNA测序结果与NCBI核苷酸数据库中丁酸梭菌的16S rRNA序列进行同源性分析;同时,进行所有...  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides patterned after the predicted transmembrane sequence of botulinum toxin A were used as tools to identify an ion channel-forming motif. A peptide denoted BoTxATM, with the sequence GAVILLEFIPEIAI PVLGTFALV, forms cation-selective channels when reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers. As predicted, the self-assembled conductive oligomers express heterogeneous single-channel conductances. The most frequent openings exhibit single-channel conductance of 12 and 7 pS in 0.5 M NaCl, and 29 and 9 pS in 0.5 M KCl. In contrast, ion channels are not formed by a peptide of the same amino acid composition as BoTxATM with a scrambled sequence. Conformational energy calculations show that a bundle of four amphipathic alpha-helices is a plausible structural motif underlying the measured pore properties. These studies suggest that the identified module may play a functional role in the ion channel-forming activity of intact botulinum toxin A.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum type E toxin was isolated in the form of a complex with RNA(s) from bacterial cells. Characterization of the complexed RNA remains to be elucidated. The RNA is identified here as ribosomal RNA (rRNA) having 23S and 16S components. The RNA-toxin complexes were found to be made up of three types with different molecular sizes. The three types of RNA-toxin complex are toxin bound to both the 23S and 16S rRNA, toxin bound to the 16S rRNA and a small amount of 23S rRNA, and toxin bound only to the 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

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