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We compared the (pre)steady-state and single turnover methylation kinetics of bacteriophage T4Dam (DNA-(adenine-N6)-methyltransferase)-mediated methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to oligodeoxynucleotide duplexes containing a single recognition site (palindrome 5'-GATC/5'-GATC) or some modified variant. T4Dam-AdoMet functions as a monomer under steady-state conditions (enzyme/DNA < 1), whereas under single turnover conditions (enzyme/DNA > 1), a catalytically active complex containing two Dam-AdoMet molecules is formed initially, and two methyl groups are transferred per duplex (to produce a methylated duplex and S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy)). We propose that the single turnover reaction proceeds in two stages. First, two preformed T4Dam-AdoMet complexes bind opposite strands of the unmodified target site, and one enzyme molecule catalyzes the rapid transfer of the AdoMet-methyl group (kmeth1 = 0.21 s-1); this is 2.5-fold slower than the rate observed with monomeric T4Dam-AdoMet bound under pre-steady-state conditions for burst determination. In the second stage, methyl transfer to adenine in GATC on the complementary strand occurs at a rate that is 1 order of magnitude slower (kmeth2 = 0.023 s-1). We suggest that under single turnover conditions, methylation of the second strand is rate-limited by Dam-AdoHcy dissociation or its clearance from the methylated complementary strand. The hemimethylated duplex 5'-GATC/5'-GMTC also interacts with T4Dam-AdoMet complexes in two stages under single turnover reaction conditions. The first stage (kmeth1) reflects methylation by dimeric T4Dam-AdoMet productively oriented to the strand with the adenine residue capable of methylation. The slower second stage (kmeth2) reflects methylation by enzyme molecules non-productively oriented to the GMTC chain, which then have to re-orient to the opposite productive chain. Substitutions of bases and deletions in the recognition site affect the kinetic parameters in different fashions. When the GAT portion of GATC was disrupted, the proportion of the initial productive enzyme-substrate complexes was sharply reduced.  相似文献   

We carried out steady state and pre-steady state (burst) kinetic analyses of the bacteriophage T4 Dam DNA-(N(6)-adenine)-methyltransferase (MTase)-mediated methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to Ade in oligonucleotide duplexes containing one or two specific GATC sites with different combinations of methylated and unmodified targets. We compared the results for ligated 40-mer duplexes with those of the mixtures of the two unligated duplexes used to generate the 40-mers. The salient results are as follows: (i) T4 Dam MTase modifies 40-mer duplexes in a processive fashion. (ii) During processive movement, T4 Dam rapidly exchanges product S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy) for substrate AdoMet without dissociating from the DNA duplex. (iii) T4 Dam processivity is consistent with an ordered bi-bi mechanism AdoMet downward arrow DNA downward arrow DNA(Me) upward arrow AdoHcy upward arrow. However, in contrast to the steady state, here DNA(Me) upward arrow signifies departure from a methylated site GMTC upward arrow without physically dissociating from the DNA. (iv) Following methyl transfer at one site and linear diffusion to a hemimethylated site, a reconstituted T4 Dam-AdoMet complex rapidly reorients itself to the (productive) unmethylated strand. T4 Dam-AdoHcy cannot reorient at an enzymatically created GMTC site. (v) The inhibition potential of fully methylated sites 5'-GMTC/5'-GMTC is much lower for a long DNA molecule compared with short single-site duplexes.  相似文献   

The structural and catalytic properties of the phage T4 DNA-(adenine-N6)-methyltransferase (EC were studied at different enzyme-substrate concentration ratios by chemical cross-linking of the protein subunits and by measuring the presteady state kinetics of the reactions. Various structural states of the methyltransferase were correlated with its catalytic activity, and it was shown that the oligomeric forms of the enzyme are catalytically active but are characterized by the reaction parameters different from those of the monomer.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence of 2-aminopurine-substituted oligonucleotide duplexes, "flipping" of the target base in the process of interaction of T4 DNA-(adenine-N6)-methyltransferase (EC with the substrate double-stranded DNA was revealed. It was shown that S-adenosyl-L-methionine, the methyl group donor, induces the reorientation of the enzyme relative to the asymmetrically modified recognition site.  相似文献   

The fluorescence of 2-aminopurine ((2)A)-substituted duplexes (contained in the GATC target site) was investigated by titration with T4 Dam DNA-(N6-adenine)-methyltransferase. With an unmethylated target ((2)A/A duplex) or its methylated derivative ((2)A/(m)A duplex), T4 Dam produced up to a 50-fold increase in fluorescence, consistent with (2)A being flipped out of the DNA helix. Though neither S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine nor sinefungin had any significant effect, addition of substrate S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) sharply reduced the Dam-induced fluorescence with these complexes. In contrast, AdoMet had no effect on the fluorescence increase produced with an (2)A/(2)A double-substituted duplex. Since the (2)A/(m)A duplex cannot be methylated, the AdoMet-induced decrease in fluorescence cannot be due to methylation per se. We propose that T4 Dam alone randomly binds to the asymmetric (2)A/A and (2)A/(m)A duplexes, and that AdoMet induces an allosteric T4 Dam conformational change that promotes reorientation of the enzyme to the strand containing the native base. Thus, AdoMet increases enzyme binding-specificity, in addition to serving as the methyl donor. The results of pre-steady-state methylation kinetics are consistent with this model.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence of 2-aminopurine-substituted oligonucleotide duplexes, “flipping” of the target base in the process of interaction of T4 DNA-(adenine-N 6)-methyltransferase (EC with the substrate double-stranded DNA was revealed. It was shown thatS-adenosyl-L-methionine, the methyl group donor, induces the reorientation of the enzyme relative to the unsymmetrically modified recognition site.  相似文献   

DNA methyltransferases of the Dam family (including bacteriophage T4-encoded Dam DNA (adenine-N(6))-methyltransferase (T4Dam)) catalyze methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet), producing S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) and methylated adenine residues in palindromic GATC sequences. In this study, we describe the application of direct (i.e. no exogenous cross-linking reagents) laser UV cross-linking as a universal non-perturbing approach for studying the characteristics of T4Dam binding with substrates in the equilibrium and transient modes of interaction. UV irradiation of the enzyme.substrate complexes using an Nd(3+):yttrium aluminum garnet laser at 266 nm resulted in up to 3 and >15% yields of direct T4Dam cross-linking to DNA and AdoMet, respectively. Consequently, we were able to measure equilibrium constants and dissociation rates for enzyme.substrate complexes. In particular, we demonstrate that both reaction substrates, specific DNA and AdoMet (or product AdoHcy), stabilized the ternary complex. The improved substrate affinity for the enzyme in the ternary complex significantly reduced dissociation rates (up to 2 orders of magnitude). Several of the parameters obtained (such as dissociation rate constants for the binary T4Dam.AdoMet complex and for enzyme complexes with a nonfluorescent hemimethylated DNA duplex) were previously inaccessible by other means. However, where possible, the results of laser UV cross-linking were compared with those of fluorescence analysis. Our study suggests that rapid laser UV cross-linking efficiently complements standard DNA methyltransferase-related tools and is a method of choice to probe enzyme-substrate interactions in cases in which data cannot be acquired by other means.  相似文献   

The DNA-[N 6-adenine]-methyltransferase (Dam MTase) of phage T4 catalyzes methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to the N6-position of adenine in the palindromic sequence, GATC. We have used a gel shift assay to monitor complex formation between T4 Dam and various synthetic duplex oligonucleotides, either native or modified/defective. The results are summarized as follows. (i) T4 Dam bound with approximately 100-fold higher affinity to a 20mer specific (GATC-containing) duplex containing the canonical palindromic methylation sequence, GATC, than to a non-specific duplex containing another palindrome, GTAC. (ii) Compared with the unmethylated duplex, the hemimethylated 20mer specific duplex had a slightly increased ( approximately 2-fold) ability to form complexes with T4 Dam. (iii) No stable complex was formed with a synthetic 12mer specific (GATC-containing) duplex, although T4 Dam can methylate it. This indicates that there is no relation between formation of a catalytically competent 12mer-Dam complex and one stable to gel electrophoresis. (iv) Formation of a stable complex did not require that both strands be contiguous or completely complementary. Absence of a single internucleotide phosphate strongly reduced complex formation only when missing between the T and C residues. This suggests that if T4 Dam makes critical contact(s) with a backbone phosphate(s), then the one between T and C is the only likely candidate. Having only one half of the recognition site intact on one strand was sufficient for stable complex formation provided that the 5'G.C base-pairs be present at both ends of the palindromic, GATC. Since absence of either a G or C abolished T4 Dam binding, we conclude that both strands are recognized by T4 Dam.  相似文献   

The DNA methyltransferase of bacteriophage T4 (T4 Dam MTase) recognizes the palindromic sequence GATC, and catalyzes transfer of the methyl group from S:-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to the N(6)-position of adenine [generating N(6)-methyladenine and S:-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy)]. Pre-steady state kinetic analysis revealed that the methylation rate constant k(meth) for unmethylated and hemimethylated substrates (0.56 and 0.47 s(-1), respectively) was at least 20-fold larger than the overall reaction rate constant k(cat) (0.023 s(-1)). This indicates that the release of products is the rate-limiting step in the reaction. Destabilization of the target-base pair did not alter the methylation rate, indicating that the rate of target nucleoside flipping does not limit k(meth). Preformed T4 Dam MTase-DNA complexes are less efficient than preformed T4 Dam MTase-AdoMet complexes in the first round of catalysis. Thus, this data is consistent with a preferred route of reaction for T4 Dam MTase in which AdoMet is bound first; this preferred reaction route is not observed with the DNA-[C5-cytosine]-MTases.  相似文献   

The interaction of the phage T4 Dam DNA-[N6-adenine] methyltransferase with 24mer synthetic oligonucleotide duplexes having different purine base substitutions in the palindromic recognition sequence, GATC, was investigated by means of gel shift and methyl transfer assays. The substitutions were introduced in either the upper or lower strand: guanine by 7-deazaguanine (G-->D) or 2-aminopurine (G-->N) and target adenine by purine (A-->P) or 2-aminopurine (A-->N). The effects of each base modification on binding/methylation were approximately equivalent for both strands. G-->D and G-->N substitutions resulted in a sharp decrease in binary complex formation. This suggests that T4 Dam makes hydrogen bonds with either the N7- or O6-keto groups (or both) in forming the complex. In contrast, A-->P and A-->N substitutions were much more tolerant for complex formation. This confirms our earlier observations that the presence of intact 5'-G:C base pairs at both ends of the methylation site is critical, but that base substitutions within the central A:T base pairs show less inhibition of complex formation. Addition of T4 Dam to a complete substrate mixture resulted in a burst of [3H]methylated product. In all cases the substrate dependencies of bursts and methylation rates were proportional to each other. For the perfect 24mer k cat = 0.014/s and K m = 7.7 nM was obtained. In contrast to binary complex formation the two guanine substitutions exerted relatively minor effects on catalytic turnover (the k cat was reduced at most 2. 5-fold), while the two adenine substitutions showed stronger effects (5- to 15-fold reduction in k cat). The effects of base analog substitutions on K m(DNA) were more variable: A-->P (decreased); A-->N and G-->D (unchanged); G-->N (increased).  相似文献   

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