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The genetic cause for approximately 80% of familial breast cancer patients is unknown. Here, by sequencing the entire exomes of nine early-onset familial breast cancer patients without BRCA1/2 mutations (diagnosed with breast cancer at or before the age of 35) we found that two index cases carried a potentially deleterious mutation in the RECQL gene (RecQ helicase-like; chr12p12). Recent studies suggested that RECQL is involved in DNA double-strand break repair and it plays an important role in the maintenance of genomic stability. Therefore, we further screened the RECQL gene in an additional 439 unrelated familial breast cancer patients. In total, we found three nonsense mutations leading to a truncated protein of RECQL (p.L128X, p.W172X, and p.Q266X), one mutation affecting mRNA splicing (c.395-2A>G), and five missense mutations disrupting the helicase activity of RECQL (p.A195S, p.R215Q, p.R455C, p.M458K, and p.T562I), as evaluated through an in vitro helicase assay. Taken together, 9 out of 448 BRCA-negative familial breast cancer patients carried a pathogenic mutation of the RECQL gene compared with one of the 1,588 controls (P = 9.14×10-6). Our findings suggest that RECQL is a potential breast cancer susceptibility gene and that mutations in this gene contribute to familial breast cancer development.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) (OMIM #182940) including anencephaly, spina bifida and craniorachischisis, are severe congenital malformations that affect 0.5–1 in 1,000 live births in the United States, with varying prevalence around the world. Mutations in planar cell polarity (PCP) genes are believed to cause a variety of NTDs in both mice and humans. SCRIB is a PCP-associated gene. Mice that are homozygous for the Scrib p.I285K and circletail (Crc) mutations, present with the most severe form of NTDs, namely craniorachischisis. A recent study reported that mutations in SCRIB were associated with craniorachischisis in humans, but whether SCRIB mutations contribute to increased spina bifida risk is still unknown. We sequenced the SCRIB gene in 192 infants with spina bifida and 190 healthy controls. Among the spina bifida patients, we identified five novel missense mutations that were predicted-to-be-deleterious by the PolyPhen software. Of these five mutations, three of them (p.P1043L, p.P1332L, p.L1520R) significantly affected the subcellular localization of SCRIB. In addition, we demonstrated that the craniorachischisis mouse line-90 mutation I285K, also affected SCRIB subcellular localization. In contrast, only one novel missense mutation (p.A1257T) was detected in control samples, and it was predicted to be benign. This study demonstrated that rare deleterious mutations of SCRIB may contribute to the multifactorial risk for human spina bifida.  相似文献   



Primary hyperuricemia, an excess of uric acid in the blood, is a major public health problem. In addition to the morbidity that is attributable to gout, hyperuricemia is also associated with metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. This study aims to assess the genetic associations between Apolipoprotein E (APOE) polymorphisms and hyperuricemia in a Chinese population.


A total of 770 subjects (356 hyperuricemic cases and 414 normouricemic controls) were recruited from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. A physical examination was performed and fasting blood was collected for biochemical tests, including determination of the levels of serum lipid, creatinine, and uric acid. Multi-ARMS PCR was applied to determine the APOE genotypes, followed by an investigation of the distribution of APOE genotypes and alleles frequencies in the controls and cases.


The frequencies of the APOE-ε2ε3 genotype (17.70% vs. 10.39%, P = 0.003) and the APOE-ε2 allele (10.53% vs. 5.80%, P = 0.001) were significantly higher in the hyperuricemic group than in the normouricemic group. Furthermore, male cases were more likely to have the APOE-ε2ε3 genotype and APOE-ε2 allele, compared with male controls. In both Han and Hui subjects, cases were more likely to have the APOE-ε2ε3 genotype and the APOE-ε2 allele compared with controls. Furthermore, multivariate logistic regression showed that carriers of the APOE-ε2ε3 genotype (P = 0.001, OR = 2.194) and the ε2 allele (P = 0.001, OR = 2.099) were significantly more likely to experience hyperuricemia than carriers of the ε3/ε3 genotype and the ε3 allele after adjustment for sex, body mass index (BMI), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), creatinine (Cr) and fasting blood glucose(FBG).


The APOE-ε2ε3 genotype and the APOE-ε2 allele are associated with serum uric acid levels in Chinese subjects, indicating that individuals carrying the APOE-ε2 allele have a higher risk of hyperuricemia than non-carriers.  相似文献   

Mucin MUC4, which is encoded by the MUC4 gene, plays an important role in epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. Aberrant MUC4 overexpression is associated with invasive tumor proliferation and poor outcome in epithelial cancers. Collectively, the existing evidence suggests that MUC4 has tumor-promoter functions. In this study, we performed a case-control study of 1,048 incident lung cancer cases and 1,048 age- and sex frequency-matched cancer-free controls in a Chinese population to investigate the role of MUC4 gene polymorphism in lung cancer etiology. We identified nine SNPs that were significantly associated with increased lung cancer risk (P = 0.0425 for rs863582, 0.0333 for rs842226, 0.0294 for rs842225, 0.0010 for rs2550236, 0.0149 for rs2688515, 0.0191 for rs 2641773, 0.0058 for rs3096337, 0.0077 for rs859769, and 0.0059 for rs842461 in an additive model). Consistent with these single-locus analysis results, the haplotype analyses revealed an adverse effect of the haplotype “GGC” of rs3096337, rs859769, and rs842461 on lung cancer. Both the haplotype and diplotype “CTGAGC” of rs863582, rs842226, rs2550236, rs842225, and rs2688515 had an adverse effect on lung cancer, which is also consistent with the single-locus analysis. Moreover, we observed statistically significant interactions for rs863582 and rs842461 in heavy smokers. Our results suggest that MUC4 gene polymorphisms and their interaction with smoking may contribute to lung cancer etiology.  相似文献   

肥厚型和扩张型心肌病中,基因缺陷分别占发病的50%和35%,其病理生理机制,主要包括肌小节蛋白基因突变引起的收缩力产生缺陷,细胞骨架蛋白基因突变引起的收缩力传递缺陷等。心肌肌钙蛋白T将肌钙蛋白C和肌钙蛋白I连接到肌动蛋白和原肌球蛋白上,在心肌细胞收缩和舒张过程中发挥重要作用。在肥厚型和扩张型心肌病中发现了多种心肌肌钙蛋白T的基因突变,围绕心肌肌钙蛋白T的研究有助于阐明心肌病的发病机制。本文总结了心肌肌钙蛋白T基因突变在心肌病发病机制中的研究情况。  相似文献   



Sex plays an important role in the clinical expression and prognosis of various cardiovascular diseases. This study was designed to observe the effects of sex on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Methods and Results

A total of 621 unrelated patients with HCM without heart failure (460 males) were enrolled from 1999 to 2011. Compared to male patients, at baseline female patients were older at diagnosis (49.6±17.2 years vs. 46.7±14.4 years, P = 0.033), and had greater frequency of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (72/161, 44.7% vs. 149/460, 32.4%, P = 0.005). During the average four year follow-up period (range 2–7 years), survival analysis showed that the incidences of mortality from all causes, cardiovascular death and progression to chronic heart failure were greater in women than in men (P = 0.031, 0.040 and 0.012, respectively). After adjustment for multiple factors that may confound survival and cardiac function, female sex remained an independent risk factor for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death, and chronic heart failure [hazard ratio (HR) 2.19, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.21–3.95, P = 0.010; HR 2.19, 95% CI 1.17–4.09, P = 0.014; HR 1.73, 95% CI 1.12–2.69, P = 0.014, respectively] in HCM patients. Subgroup analysis revealed that female sex as a risk factor was identified only in patients younger than 50 years old (P = 0.011, 0.011 and 0.009, respectively), but not for those 50 years or older.


Our results suggest that female sex is associated with worse survival and heart failure in HCM patients. Further studies are required to determine whether female hormones modify the clinical expression and prognosis of HCM.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in genes coding for proteins involved in sarcomere function. The disease is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Evolutionarily developed variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), defining mtDNA haplogroups and haplogroup clusters, is associated with functional differences in mitochondrial function and susceptibility to various diseases, including ischemic cardiomyopathy. We hypothesized that mtDNA haplogroups, in particular H, J and K, might modify disease susceptibility to HCM. Mitochondrial DNA, isolated from blood, was sequenced and haplogroups identified in 91 probands with HCM. The association with HCM was ascertained using two Danish control populations. Haplogroup H was more prevalent in HCM patients, 60% versus 46% (p = 0.006) and 41% (p = 0.003), in the two control populations. Haplogroup J was less prevalent, 3% vs. 12.4% (p = 0.017) and 9.1%, (p = 0.06). Likewise, the UK haplogroup cluster was less prevalent in HCM, 11% vs. 22.1% (p = 0.02) and 22.8% (p = 0.04). These results indicate that haplogroup H constitutes a susceptibility factor and that haplogroup J and haplogroup cluster UK are protective factors in the development of HCM. Thus, constitutive differences in mitochondrial function may influence the occurrence and clinical presentation of HCM. This could explain some of the phenotypic variability in HCM. The fact that haplogroup H and J are also modifying factors in ischemic cardiomyopathy suggests that mtDNA haplotypes may be of significance in determining whether a physiological hypertrophy develops into myopathy. mtDNA haplotypes may have the potential of becoming significant biomarkers in cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking is a personality trait that has been associated with disinhibited behaviours including substance use and gambling, but also with high-risk sport practices including skydiving, paragliding, and downhill skiing. Twin studies have shown that sensation seeking is moderately heritable, and candidate genes encoding components involved in dopaminergic transmission have been investigated as contributing to this type of behaviour. To determine whether variants in the regulatory regions of the dopamine-4-receptor gene (DRD4) influenced sport-specific sensation seeking, we analyzed five polymorphisms (−1106T/C, −906T/C, −809G/A, −291C/T, 120-bp duplication) in the promoter region of the gene in a cohort of skiers and snowboarders (n = 599) that represented a broad range of sensation seeking behaviours. We grouped subjects by genotype at each of the five loci and compared impulsive sensation seeking and domain-specific (skiing) sensation seeking between groups. There were no significant associations between genotype(s) and general or domain-specific sensation seeking in the skiers and snowboarders, suggesting that while DRD4 has previously been implicated in sensation seeking, the promoter variants investigated in this study do not contribute to sensation seeking in this athlete population.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of pertussis, a highly contagious disease of the human respiratory tract. Despite high vaccination coverage, pertussis has resurged and has become one of the most prevalent vaccine-preventable diseases in developed countries. We have proposed that both waning immunity and pathogen adaptation have contributed to the persistence and resurgence of pertussis. Allelic variation has been found in virulence-associated genes coding for the pertussis toxin A subunit (ptxA), pertactin (prn), serotype 2 fimbriae (fim2), serotype 3 fimbriae (fim3) and the promoter for pertussis toxin (ptxP). In this study, we investigated how more than 60 years of vaccination has affected the Dutch B. pertussis population by combining data from phylogeny, genomics and temporal trends in strain frequencies. Our main focus was on the ptxA, prn, fim3 and ptxP genes. However, we also compared the genomes of 11 Dutch strains belonging to successful lineages. Our results showed that, between 1949 and 2010, the Dutch B. pertussis population has undergone as least four selective sweeps that were associated with small mutations in ptxA, prn, fim3 and ptxP. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a stepwise adaptation in which mutations accumulated clonally. Genomic analysis revealed a number of additional mutations which may have a contributed to the selective sweeps. Five large deletions were identified which were fixed in the pathogen population. However, only one was linked to a selective sweep. No evidence was found for a role of gene acquisition in pathogen adaptation. Our results suggest that the B. pertussis gene repertoire is already well adapted to its current niche and required only fine tuning to persist in the face of vaccination. Further, this work shows that small mutations, even single SNPs, can drive large changes in the populations of bacterial pathogens within a time span of six to 19 years.  相似文献   



Studies of the functional consequences of DCM-causing mutations have been limited to a few cases where patients with known mutations had heart transplants. To increase the number of potential tissue samples for direct investigation we performed whole exon sequencing of explanted heart muscle samples from 30 patients that had a diagnosis of familial dilated cardiomyopathy and screened for potentially disease-causing mutations in 58 HCM or DCM-related genes.


We identified 5 potentially disease-causing OBSCN mutations in 4 samples; one sample had two OBSCN mutations and one mutation was judged to be not disease-related. Also identified were 6 truncating mutations in TTN, 3 mutations in MYH7, 2 in DSP and one each in TNNC1, TNNI3, MYOM1, VCL, GLA, PLB, TCAP, PKP2 and LAMA4. The mean level of obscurin mRNA was significantly greater and more variable in healthy donor samples than the DCM samples but did not correlate with OBSCN mutations. A single obscurin protein band was observed in human heart myofibrils with apparent mass 960 ± 60 kDa. The three samples with OBSCN mutations had significantly lower levels of obscurin immunoreactive material than DCM samples without OBSCN mutations (45±7, 48±3, and 72±6% of control level).Obscurin levels in DCM controls, donor heart and myectomy samples were the same.


OBSCN mutations may result in the development of a DCM phenotype via haploinsufficiency. Mutations in the obscurin gene should be considered as a significant causal factor of DCM, alone or in concert with other mutations.  相似文献   

Myopia is an extremely common eye disorder but the pathogenesis of its isolated form, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of cases, remains poorly understood. There is strong evidence for genetic predisposition to myopia, but determining myopia genetic risk factors has been difficult to achieve. We have identified Mendelian forms of myopia in four consanguineous families and implemented exome/autozygome analysis to identify homozygous truncating variants in LRPAP1 and CTSH as the likely causal mutations. LRPAP1 encodes a chaperone of LRP1, which is known to influence TGF-β activity. Interestingly, we observed marked deficiency of LRP1 and upregulation of TGF-β in cells from affected individuals, the latter being consistent with available data on the role of TGF-β in the remodeling of the sclera in myopia and the high frequency of myopia in individuals with Marfan syndrome who characteristically have upregulation of TGF-β signaling. CTSH, on the other hand, encodes a protease and we show that deficiency of the murine ortholog results in markedly abnormal globes consistent with the observed human phenotype. Our data highlight a role for LRPAP1 and CTSH in myopia genetics and demonstrate the power of Mendelian forms in illuminating new molecular mechanisms that may be relevant to common phenotypes.  相似文献   

Leptin is a hormone synthesized and secreted primarily in adipose cells that help to regulate energy balance. This study examined the associations of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the rabbit leptin gene with growth traits, slaughter traits and physicochemical parameters of New Zealand White (NZW) and Belgian Giant Grey (BGG) crossbreed rabbits. In total, 320 crossbreed animals were genotyped for polymorphisms within exon 2—g.16081633T>C, intron 1_2—g.16081420C>T, and within UTR—g.16079636C>G for association analysis. Identified polymorphisms within rabbits leptin gene showed significant differences for dissectible fat percentage in carcass and dissectible fat weight in intermediate part (g.16081633T>C). Moreover, meat traits like protein content (g.16081633T>C; g.16079636C>G), intramuscular fat content (g.16081633T>C; g.16079636C>G, g.16081420C>T), dry matter (g.16081420C>T), ash (g.16081420C>T), water (g.16081420C>T), and cohesiveness (g.16081420C>T, g.16079636C>G) were affected by polymorphisms in leptin gene. We conclude that polymorphism in the rabbit leptin gene influences important carcass and meat traits of NZW?×?BGG crossbreeds. Therefore, polymorphisms identified in this study may be used in selection as a meat trait markers.  相似文献   

Objective : To investigate the effect of the K121Q plasma cell membrane glycoprotein (PC‐1) polymorphism on the components of the insulin resistance syndrome in a population‐based nationwide multicenter study in Spain. Research Methods and Procedures : The subjects of the study were 293 nonrelated adults (44.7% men and 55.3% women) ages 35 to 64 years randomly chosen from a nationwide population‐based survey on obesity and related conditions, including insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors. Obesity‐related anthropometric measurements included blood pressure, oral glucose tolerance test, lipid profile (total cholesterol, high‐density lipoprotein‐ and low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, and triglycerides), plasma leptin, insulin levels by radioimmunoassay, and insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment). K121Q PC‐1 genotypes were determined by restriction fragment‐length polymorphism‐polymerase chain reaction. Results : Overall Q allele frequency was 0.14, with no differences between obese and nonobese individuals (0.15 vs. 0.13). After adjustment for sex, age, BMI, and degree of glucose tolerance, the Q allele was associated with high plasma leptin and triglyceride levels, but not with insulin resistance. Discussion : The results showed that the K121Q PC‐1 polymorphism in the Spanish population has no significant impact on insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

Phospholamban (PLB) is a pentameric protein that plays an important role in regulating cardiac contractility via a reversible inhibitory association with the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ATPase (SERCA), the enzyme responsible for maintaining correct calcium homeostasis. Here we study the functional and biophysical characteristics of a PLB mutant associated with human dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), with a deletion of arginine at position 14 (PLBR14Δ). In agreement with recent findings, we find that PLBR14Δ has a reduced inhibitory effect on SERCA compared to wild type PLB (PLBWT) when reconstituted into lipid membranes. The mutation also leads to a large reduction in the protein kinase A-catalysed phosphorylation of Ser-16 in the cytoplasmic domain of PLBR14Δ. Measurements on SERCA co-reconstituted with an equimolar mixture of PLBWT and PLBR14Δ (representing the lethal heterozygous state associated with DCM) indicates that the loss-of-function mutation has a dominant effect on PLBWT functionality and phosphorylation capacity, suggesting that mixed PLBWT/PLBR14Δ pentamers are formed that have characteristics typical of the mutant protein. Structural and biophysical analysis of PLBR14Δ indicates that the mutation perturbs slightly the helical structure of the PLB cytoplasmic domain and reduces its affinity for the phospholipid bilayer surface, thereby altering the orientation of the cytoplasmic domain relative to the wild-type protein. These results indicate that the structure and function consequences of the R14 deletion have profound effects on the regulation of SERCA which may contribute to the aetiology of DCM.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an autosomal dominant disorder of the myocardium which is hypertrophied resulting in arrhythmias and heart failure leading to sudden cardiac death (SCD). Several sarcomeric proteins and modifier genes have been implicated in this disease. Troponin I, being a part of the Troponin complex (troponin I, troponin C, troponin T), is an important gene for sarcomeric function. Four mutations (1 novel) were identified in Indian HCM cases, namely, Pro82Ser, Arg98Gln, Arg141Gln and Arg162Gln in Troponin I protein, which are in functionally significant domains. In order to analyse the effect of the mutations on protein stability and protein-protein interactions within the Troponin complex, an in silico study was carried out. The freely available X-ray crystal structure (PDB ID: 1JIE) was used as the template to model the protein followed by loop generation and development of troponin complex for both the troponin I wild type and four mutants (NCBI ID: PRJNA194382). The structural study was carried out to determine the effect of mutation on the structural stability and protein-protein interactions between three subunits in the complex. These mutations, especially the arginine to glutamine substitutions were found to result in local perturbations within the troponin complex by creating/removing inter/intra molecular hydrogen bonds with troponin T and troponin C. This has led to a decrease in the protein stability and loss of important interactions between the three subunits. It could have a significant impact on the disease progression when coupled with allelic heterogeneity which was observed in the cases carrying these mutations. However, this can be further confirmed by functional studies on protein levels in the identified cases.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the hypothesis that low adiponectin is associated with low fat oxidation in humans. Research Methods and Procedures: We measured plasma adiponectin concentrations in 75 healthy, nondiabetic Pima Indians (age, 28 ± 7 years; 55 men and 20 women; body fat, 29.7 ± 7.5%) and 18 whites [(age, 33 ± 8 years; 14 men and 4 women; body fat, 28.2 ± 10.8% (means ± SD)] whose body composition was measured by DXA and 24-hour energy expenditure (24-hour EE) by a respiratory chamber. Respiratory quotient (an estimate of whole-body carbohydrate/lipid oxidation rate) was calculated over 24 hours (24-hour RQ). Results: Before correlational analyses, waist-to-thigh ratio (WTR) and percentage of body fat (PFAT) were adjusted for age, sex, and race; 24-hour EE was adjusted for fat mass and fat-free mass, and 24-hour RQ were adjusted for energy balance. Plasma adiponectin concentrations were negatively correlated with WTR (r = −0.42, p < 0.0001) and PFAT (r = −0.46, p < 0.0001). There was no correlation between plasma adiponectin concentrations and 24-hour RQ, (r = 0.09, p = 0.36) before or after adjustment for PFAT (r = 0.001, p = 0.99, respectively, partial correlation), and no correlation was found between plasma adiponectin concentrations and 24-hour EE (r = −0.12, p = 0.27). Discussion: Our cross-sectional data do not suggest physiological concentrations of fasting plasma adiponectin play a role in the regulation of whole-body fat oxidation or energy expenditure in resting conditions. Whether administration of adiponectin to individuals with low levels of this hormone will increase their fat oxidation rates/energy expenditure remains to be established.  相似文献   

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